THE DUNN IDISP Volume VIII_ Dunn, North Carolina, September 20, 1921. FAIR TO BE BEST IN CAROLINA THIS YEAR, IT APPEARS Fgpbctwd RAILROADS TO OPERATE EXCURSION TRAINS C»«l> Um To Gin Reduced Rate* From Point* Between Mm* end Fayetteville— Durham and Southern To Run Specials From A pea and Durham. With *«chai by Governor Cam eron Mormon, Secretary Herbert Hoover and Mr*. George W. Vender hilt, a midway Ailed with afaew* that ara winning commendation through the eastern fair circuit, spectacular a reworks exhibit* at night, and a my raid ef other attentions, it appear* new a* If Dunn is going to stage the Migest fair in Carolina’* history next mouth. All of the foregoing features, ex cept the coming of Governor Mom nee, arc axes red. It is practically ear that he will come to speak at the fair’s opening an Tuesday, Octo ber 11, but no definite promise has been gotten from him yet A com mittee comprising Otis P. Shell, Geo. L. Canaadar, H. Alley Parker, T. L. Kiddle and L. Busbee Pope yesterday waited upon him In Raleigh to extend the invitation. Ha new has the mat ter aadar advisement. In addition to them favorable fea tures the Atlantic Coast Line Railway Company will sell reduced fare tick ets from all points between Svlma and Fayetteville to Dunn during the week, and the Durham and Southern Railroad Company will operate ex cunlea trains from Apex to Dunn on Wednesday and Thursday and an ether from Durham on Saturday when Mr. Hoover and Mrs. Vander bilt are ta apeak. WAKE FOREST HAS 480 REGISTRANTS •T P»tt*»»tloa Thli number rep^ MOta about aeventy-Bva atudonU lorn than tb* ragUtratieo at tka same tin* for tk* passion of Wak* Por oat and b only second la total enroll ment la laat roar la tko hbtory of tko college The next week or two wtl) witness tk* registration of nni twenty more students which will ap proximate a total of aboat Bre han dled students. Takiar into consideration tk* Bn ancbl depression of tk* South thU enrollment b regarded as moit en couraging and exceedi the expecta tion# at collar* authorise*. Little ar ao trouble woe experienced in eccom modetiny the lair* enrollment since tk* Wak* Poroot hotel end tko Wil kerson trnildlnr, lately equipped as a dormitory, ar* akl* to hous* aboat two hundred men. CoQe«e politics lost no tin* la or caablnr after tba opening of colter* and tka Senior Clam waa tka Bret t* complete Its .lection of o (Beers. Tk* weew ms of that class who were choe tn far Ike rradoatlar ytar arei EL S. Arorftt, of Clayton, president; O. H. Hauser, of Dandy, Nob., rtce-prosi dent; W. B. Boon*, of Dari* county, secretary; X. F. Holman, of Wilkes boro, historian; A. L. Goodrich, of Johnston coanty, prophet; J. F Hodge af Beckley, W. Va., UeUtor; R. B. Daw*#, of Elm City, orator; Nelson Hart*, of Oxford, treasurer; C. B. Howard, of Bansppm county, honor committeeman, sad J. H. Neleon, of Vance coanty, poet. Dr. C. K. Haddry. State secretary at tk* Baptist denomination, b eon* due tiny a aerlee of sermons bora la tka Hap Hat church of tka Coder* Dr. Haddry began this moraine and will datleer a sermon each night during tba sominr wash. HOWARD WTLKJJN3 MADE PRINCIPAL AT SNOW HILL Dan Calmed Bay Beaoaaoe Haad af Cel are! lehael* la Cream* Ceaaty Capital Howard Wilkie*. *oo of Herbert Wilkin*, of Dunn, ha* boon appointed principal ef tha colored graded aehooki of Bnow HUL Greene County, and will lea re within the next four day* to aaaome the dutiaa of hi* peti tion. Howard it a graduate ef Shaw uni eereity. he completed Me atudios In the Raleigh College laet apring Since that time ha baa been employed by tha Puibrute pompany. having aarred with tha Rgw York, New Harea and Hartfeed Railroad Company. He reitgned that PoeiUoa a few day* ago whaa favorable action woe taken an ew bit application at Saew Hill. Hb appointment will afford meeh plea*. «ra to bio aumoroaa white friend, who look opon him aa one of tko moot deeerriag of Dunn’* colored hope. ENDEMIC OF INFLUENZA RESORTED AT GOLDiBORO Ootdebar., Sept. It —It la believed hero tonight, according to rvporta af phydciaaa, that aa epidemic , flndu anaa la again prevaleat in Qo MChoro On# deeter It reported being la a cri tical condition and a large namher ai aaaaa have developed during the laal 14 hear*. So far only eae deith bar boon reported . and local ahycictan. are bopefal that the *pldomic wfll noi prove earioee. • henry monds suffers BROKEN HIP AT MILL Henry Mondi, colored, thirty-five yean old, suffered a broken hip and minor injuries at the Pope cotton gin yesterday when ho became entangled in a machinery belt and was thrown against a wall. He was immediately carried to a Faycctevillo hospital for treatment. It was at first feared that the man's injur/es would prove fatal. Subse quent examination by Dr*. H. C. Tur lington and W. E. Coltrane, however, disclosed no really serious injurias. Dr. Turlington stated last night that his patient .wonld soon be ready to return horns WARNS AGAINST MAKING “HOME BREW” LIQUORS Prohibition Cemmieeieoert gay Only Neo-leleaieetiog Pewit Juiee Permitted Washington. &»pt_ I*.—Warning that the making of intoxicating ‘home brow’ is illegal was issued tonight by Prohibition Commissioner Haynes. Numerous inquiries have been re ceived recently, he said, concerning the home manufacture of fruit jakea growing out of reports that a head of a household was entitled to make 200 gallons of wine a year under per mit The prohibition unlt’a attitude on the boose brew question was defined by Mr. Haynes as follow*: “Non-intoxicating fruit Juice can be made in the house. Intoxicating wins, home brew, and dMIIled spirits may not he made. Two hundred gal lons of aoa-mtexienting fruit Juice may be manufactured tax free by the head of a family registering with a collector of internal revenue "This tax exemption provision has been the source of confusion. The ef* feet of this U not to allow the maau* factors of 200 gallons of Intoxicat ing wine free from registration of the National prohibition act, hot merely to allow the manuacturo of 200 gal lons of non-intoxicsting fruit juices free of tax. BENSON IS CROWING AND IS LIVE BUSINESS CENTER In a spatial edition of the SontMId CBoorver, issued September IS, foW tesrtng are some at tha things said -uu*%uisr.^S5ffi^rs; part of Ra ei liases, Baaaan has grown Hare are tome of tha things Sea son has. One of the moat madam aad at tractive school buildings In the Mata, Complete water, light and sewer ■yitems. Five churches. Two tebaeeo warehouses. A Chamber of Commerce A SO- piece military band. As live a bunch of citiseno—men and women—ss will he found any where. A goad variety of iadaatrial aad commercial enterprises. The light, water and sewer systems are new improvements, having bean ; made under tha last administration | with C. C. Cannady aa mayor and W. ! D. Boom, J. C. Wilson. C. T. John son an commiarioners. The present administration Is composed at Mayer Cannady aqd Commissioners W. H. Royal, J. H. Godwin, L. Gilbert and Jake Greqnlhai. J. Willie Creech la chairman « the board of coonty com missioners . Benson is no slacker when it comes to education. Although it has on# of the best equipped schools in the state the town recently voted 160,000 bonds for further improvements to the school system, made nccossaiy because of congested conditions. Benson is moving forward as a to bacco market, and with good prices In prospect because of an unusually good crap, the coming season bids fair to be a prosperous one. Tha two tobacco wmrchoaoos will open tbs flrM part of Beptombcr. The Banner warehouse will bo operated by J. f. Motley aad tha farmers' warehouse by J. K. Harris, bath experienced warehousemen. That town doesn't believe in rest ing on its ears and aa long as “prog ram" Is in the dictionary Benson will continue to bo an example of R. WESLEY BIBLE CLASS HAS ANNUAL FISH FKY Mm than 1(0 C»nU fliltw At RMm’ Pond Far Eajoynhlo With heart-warming tnllu from Rot. John J. Langiton, Profeaeor W. B. Snipe a, Hannibal L. Qedwia, Jo liua Culbreth and Hoary Hood, aad flah enough for an army, meWhiri of Dhrtae 8tract Mwthodlat Weale* Bi ble Oaee and their frienda enjoyed the annual Aeh fry af the elaae held at Rhodea' Fend laet Friday after noon. | More than IM goo eta ware prte , rnt. Keen thla namhor could not con to me all of tho food preporod, aad nearly 1(0 pound* waa aant to the Hollneea Orphanage at Faleoa. Hannibal L. Godwin area the Ant teacher of tho elhaa. Ho reelgaed the poettlon twenty-mean year* ago to enter college. Mr. Hoed took op tho work then end haa boon teacher erar ainco. Warn praiee waa ghran Mr. Hood by all of tho epeaheri aad to ‘ him la doe meet of tho credit for tho ielaaa’e long life aad great growth. Koop PeWegead Part Open Maeeaw, Bept. IP. — The garera •"t aanaunced today that the port of Fetrefiod will ho kept opea thla wlartar. One lee breaker will be bohght from Sfbria for tho parpeee, fi»a Ragland and eereral from Finland,-ft waa aid. LUCKNOW SQUARE. CASE POSTPONED UNTIL NOVEMBER IlbMM of Railroad Lawyer Cwnpoli Com tin un nee At Lilliagtoa TOWN'S ATTORNEYS SAY THEY WILL WIN DyaitioM From Pianaar* Say CtNBpaay Dodicatod Propar ty To Public’* Uaa Wham Bu iImii Late Wan Sold—Soma Can toad THla Will Rarart to Railroad. Beeaure of the eariou* illneaa of a “•■tbar of tha cotuutl far tha At lantic Coaat Line Railway Company tke eaae in which Dann ie at riving to a * tab 1 rah title to property era brae ed within Lucknow Square waa con tinued at LUllngton laat week. It will be taken up during tba November term of Superior Court devoted to the trial of civil caeae. Robert L. Godwin, of the Arm of Godwin A William*, csunael for tha municipality, abated yeatorday lhat h* waa confidant Dunn weald win the earn. Sine* it waa firvt brought late «>ure lata laat year Mr. Godwin and I. Roland William*, faia ajaodate, bav* gotten many dapoaitloaa from pc none who contend that tha proper ty won proclaimed a public aquar* by .1 ^oa*P"y *ben to oflh ciala told land to auttlara in what la now the haart of tha buainaaa dk wlCt With theee dapoaitlana and tooth ’2?y.U,JZ„*,r*n *»>’ wttnaam. God wla A WiUiama are confident that wy ctn prtve to Mjr Jury thst the town ia clearly within Ha lagal righu when It band* tha preparty oyer t* tha Woman e Club with laatructlona lo convert It late a pork and public recreation place. * *? tho“> howrvar, who con tend that tha town baa as title to the preparty. It la true, many any, that th* aquar* waa dadlqatod to tfi* pub lic far ite uaa ao long oa It waa uaad ae a market place Whan it U divaried to ether parpoeaa, they contend,, then it revert* to ml (road awneriW The property U eaally worth (100, OOO. That ia • nka lltUa aum for I***, **• ««■**• of W jOZEUVnUfiKet^ FOR BUSINESS NOW Reports Washington, Sept- 18.' _ Signs of lainrovsd conditions la Europe art still few according to ths monthly maat^T of ths economic and ftnan eial situation there Issued tonight by ths CssuMict Department oa the bu rn of cabled report* from its foreign repfeaaotativas: “Them has been no eery definite general alterations in conditions,” the department said, “which would war rent the predictien of an immediate twrhrnl. The only genera) improve ment in the European commercial situation la be sad, to a erstain extent on artificial 'matter. British exports ®f raw materials have increased raain >F •• • result of the resumption of coal mining German and Amrtrlsn ex port* rose because of the drop la tea exchange of those respective coun tries on the world's market. Crop esti mates In general are more encourag ing than prevloat reports would In dicate." Taxation In Great Britain la the neatest impediment to a revival of business, according to Commercial Attache Denis at London. Today, ha mid, the interest on tee British Na tional debt far exceeds the total pre war revenue of the government and the par capita debt has risen from IS pounds sUiilngtax ia 1814 to 181 pounds in mi. Tbs revenue raised last year, ho added, was more than twice as much aa the "dssdwsight national debt” la 1*14. Industrial cauditions, however, are better, he declared, and unemployment contin ues te decrease. While tee recent peace legislation in tit# hnrted States hat had no a Spar est influence on German bumnsm conditions in gupseul according to H. W. Adams, representing the depart ment at Berlta, tee further deprecia tion ef tea mark has resulted in im proved-market values of cotton, pot ash, grain and metal products. Never thrives ha assarted t)»s market is weak •ad speculation is on tea Increase. MANY THOUSAND* VIEW REMAINS OF MISS RAFTS Lo* Aanki, CaL, Sept IS.—Af proxiiaatefy eight thaamnd peraon* today viewed the body ot Min Vir ainle Xeprpo, motion picture eetreeo, for whom alleged morder Roeroe (Fatty) Arbueklo ia bold In the San Francloeo prtaon. The racket waa banked with Sow era, including a Serai Maaket of oat thoaaand tiger lllloa aant by Mia* Saapo’o Sauce, Henry Lehman, now In New Talk. Ac row the kllea lay a white natin ribbon, bearing la g«M latter* "To my bravo awootheart, froan Henry." Th* fa acral will bo boM at IliH •’dock tomorrow at the aadortaklag parlor*. TH* Mrvlcaa will bo —** with the Ear. Frank loadebaj tor of St. Staphona Eptoeopaf < ZSZfSVSi fcgsa «m*. aambar af La* AagoUa paatan th»*y Ul> krfto in thoeoiaracoi dtantiaa to the A/buckle roaa. SNATCHES FROM DEA Engineer F roic GERTRUDE HOME Driver of M H*_ 1 PktlTCB UlR L from hi* cabin oe tWe, mm a mat a lung tbo track emergency bn' hatting th* t down a grid*, down to th* c •coop* ap the >u*i a acant f: •par*. Yesterday H not SO mils* fr mor* thrills than ever had th* _ it. Enginatr J. man; Gertrud* th* HtU* girl; *a» the road; tare mils* L. FaystteviU*, a th* time. And to practice the •f (tram Instead led-fae* UttU gUL Hat At boa» half adfwar tba thild'a mother bad net ariaaed bar. She bad wandered off toward the railroad, clambered dowa the deep eobank ment and onto the track. Taman Mapped the train' aad began inquiry aa to whom the child belonged. With modeety aa becoming of a brave man ne retreated before the demonatra tion ef parental jay. Then be went back te write the carnal, mattcr-of faet report! that mOreeda keep, and went on FayettcviOewardr. Furman la SO, married, Uvea la Boylan Heights, aad Norfolk goath rm official! aay the coeleft engineer in their employ. When younger bo went off te the navy and nerved oat an onliMment period. Then bo came home end went to work with the Nor folk Southern aa a fireman. Three years ef that aad be moved over to the other ride ef the cabin, aad has been an engineer atoce.—Newi aad Observer. SELL LONG STAPLE COTTON AT DUNN •» Dunn ia now a iMognlsed market for the aala or long rtaple cotton end tho few faimon laat spring fol lowed. Ban 0. Town Mod’* advice and pleated the "longhaired" fleece are today reaping tho reword of their Mgnctty. Nearly 100 balao of the va riety have found their way to mar ho* nor and brought aa avurugu price cIom to 10 cents a pound. Tha aUnla av.ruget about one and a quarter in Theta are cloee to l,ggg halo* at long atapl. on farm* in tho Dnrai dis trict, according to Mr. Townaond, who «e)d eeed for moot of it. la addition to thio there ora shoot 1*0 balot etor •£„*» the worohonMfl of tho Oonoral Utility Company. . Mr. Townaond btaaaef i* official loag rtaple buyer far mlUe that wUI uae it. He will doalvdlroctly wtth tha Mills according to 0 ■ latentent made by him today, eliminating tho coot of speculators' profits. In eeiohllohlng a long eta pie market bora whore the pvwth waa etartod only dm year ago ho haa done an uaf mood anted thing. Ueually four or fire poors am requlr od to get recognition from tho long rtoplo m tomato and grower* am mm pottad to await their pleasure before ■oiling. It Ia .xpoetad that next year will me an enormous quantity of long »t*ple grown on Dunn district forma. Tho tore see attendant upon thio yanx'i colture ie convincing many that thia cotton can ho grows as easily and aa cheaply aa any other. NEGRO HELD FOR DEATH OF | A BIX . TEAR OLD - ROY I Danville, Vfl, Bept It. — Frank *m»ack, a negro, la In HaiKsa jail caargod with Wiling U D. MIDe, Jr., ■ yean old, who Was ran aver by aa aotemohOa to front ai hit hyit I NEGRO LYNCHED BY j NOB AT PITTSBORO EARLY ON SUNDAY ■ BLOODHOUNDS TRAIL HIM JO HOME NEARBY Rapartad Ta~Havw Mad. Cm fmlflo To OBm Bafar* WH Lodged io Jofl{ Mob lUy. to JmU From Jailor Taylor and Haag No gro WUb Aato Tiro Ototo. Pttutoro, *apt. 1«—Craest Daai ite. mips yooth. who I* attend ta have beta f*ud la lha booM of Wal ter Stone ia Maw Hapa township yrt. tor night. waa removed irate tba Jajl thte morning toaat > amd hanged te a tree with an Ante’ tiro chain aa tho aid latetah raad. ftvr mites sate of thb place. trir'StKdjriiS*- * »srgr?sgagra ■wakenad Friday Bight she fond a ^5**° tor had. it ia etat ad, aad thtaktag at flrettket it ni tor teoteer. the called to kite. This frighten ad tha negro ewer. Mr. Stone was sway at the Lite* hunting and taetawneno ana ta the hoise exrrjrt hiejeifar little eon sad daaghter. Bloodhounds were eacarad from Kaeferd and late Saturday aftemoea ttoy teak op a trail which ted te the totee af Denials. The aagro yearth Is rapartad ta have caafaeaad te have entered tha hewee to the aOsare who teak bite tate castody. Ha waa tofbt ta PltteWro and lodged te Tha tail was surroundod thte mern ing at t o’clock and after two aacaa cesaful attempts, tha keys ware se cured from Jailer W. H. Taylor, who was overpowered by the crowd of Following toe hanging of the aa gre, tha non toed toots lata the body with shotguns and pistols. Coroner George H. Brooke called !? i*.1’***:, "ta* adjourned for far as^stag*“ Several crimes have beta iiitenll tiH In ibia rnnrfw —-s.a . ESBJJSSfemithtS’S finroN REfiinrc MRWGTSEim Liqoitiatioa Of Lmf lnlin.1 Ro«TK»ukU For Mo* Of Selling rmon New Orleans. La., Sept II —ThW lari weak was a waak of deeliata« Prtcea in tk* aattoa market, Jh* higb sri levels being reached ea the open ing session ana the lowest prices prac tically on tho cloea of tho closing Mo tion. Prom til* highest to tk* 1—met there was a fall of 19® to III aetata, October beta* the weakari month end losing almost 111 a bala in it* fall dared were •f the __t they t# Iff points mufti. Tho cloea ehewed net leaeee of lit palate, la the spot departmeat middling lari 1T5 potato la the aet results closing ■t 18. VO against 28.00 a yaar sgo. Liquidation of the ion* interact was responsible for most of Ike toll ing pressure of the week althoefS the sasrsrt had to stand considerable hedge selling-and, as the dariln* pro gramed, traders-on the sbert Ids grew holder and began to offer cot ton In larger amounts. By moot trad ers the decline was regarded as a natoral reaction fallowing a prolong cd adeancs. Here and there deriag the week hard speto am«ed Vat re cover** were net wide, especially after the middle of the week. On the opening cession tbs market mad* lie rirengeri beige, tiring Id s bole an the strongest months ea liligTcsm from Texas teihog of tho gnat dam age to the crop In tbeat tactless of tho state efiek felt the eaptecidsnC ed ra'ru of tho graced tug week. tm was nos wrefloat iu Ma ui news bat tbo mirVrt not littla no) rapport, even though crop aceeuats continued highly unfavorable sad tbo covonnaont and* tbs statement, in it* whUt review of Oeorgia picking actoally bad boon completed. Irani prhroto reports on tbo condition of the crap appearad. tb* highest of which wa* 44.T poo coot of aonaal sad which It was ctsland, Included tbs daaeegs dons Is tbs Texas crop bp the *toT*o ef the preceding week. Tb* lowest condition most wee M.t, in dicating s crop of * 400,000 bales, tb* loeroet condition Agars* rear ie toed ead tb* smallest crop la tb* ■mqmtt o4 Mod WuktiB. Mach of tbo selling oat on tbo loi^ eld* was don* because of oaeasbieae over the ootoome of Aret netie* dap for October and tM* Is expected to be a disturb lag Influence during tbs week to come. Ttret not'eo dec for October will bo Monday, Aaptswhee II, and tbore Is Block difference ef opiate* regarding tb* *fa* of tbo tendon It win bring. On tbo dose ef Ibis lest week Dec ear her was at * premises ef It paints seer October, Daseaftir eiestnr at lt.14. WAKBHOUSE AMD COTTON BUftNKD AT COLDlOOStO Oaldebere, Bept II.—Tire here this afternoon destroyed e large etecago bleep owned bv Bevel and Brads a. la which rarer*! hundred bale* ef cen tra were stored. The lee* Is art hooted et II 1,0*4, folly covered by I near ALFRED R. WILSON BUYS , DRUG STORE IN SELMA '■ZLXj.tZS? T* - J*,u '£***"s^TitorJ*fetarday ■r. Wilson s isnm*d chans of th* drag/tors saUhUshsd Cessna mass by tbs Richardson Dnw Gomn quit tba ml aatoto hauls sas bar* a K. sad ltrs. A. L. Nswbarry, af •a. He sraa rngaged la tha drag In Cshahis eaaaty far srr arml years bafora canting to Dona nearly tore years age. DUNN PREPARING FOR BIG PAIR THIS. YEAR "“TSxifEt *• Niglit shows af Are works and band concerts baa* ban added to tha arm ■ram far Dnaa'a fair, aad at which riarWrt Haovsr aad An Oa erg* W. faadorhiH arc to ha smsag tha satwk era. The fl reworks program is the mast elaborate sm attaasptod bare. Far nights af fair waeh th* Are works show win bo featured. All af Ibr ton tod shows aad sxUbit halls be open oaair sight Arrangements for the big snat are raNdly asariag aamplcdoa aad odt rlaU of toe aasaciaUaa ar« conAdant ty*»:«***ts «**• T*ar win ba tod fralt/ol. Concession sows la fto'dly being sold, aad U looks now u If Utile will bo loft for aBoUesints who defer inquiries beyond tots ■oath. Farmer Oagnsmw Hannibal L, Sodwia baa boon appaiatod chairman Df to* easaarftta* which win bar* to* tarn and assy other fasten* so* ba ing pUnnsd far tba entertainment af f* ^‘fi^Pjfhad visitor*. Captain L folaad Williams, bolder of aovarml decoration* won ia to* World War. tos booa appaiatod chief marshal far tks fair. BENSON SECTION FEELS A REVIVAL. OF BUSINESS fumn, With Cotton Aad ToUeoe Boa ion, ftopt 17^-The cotton ond tobooeo market* in tkia aoction am »ow in fall awing, aad bealnaao. a aw in* ont ef tko aluau wtrieh kaa oa i«M it far torero 1 montka peat, ia fallowing auR. Many tkoaaonde of doHaia in back dakta, cmatad for tka ■•oat part after loot fall'a diaaatar, am koto* rapidly taken ap ky tko ferm om. Profit oa tko near amp now keing marketed aad iacmaaad ooonoaay an tko form are reopendUe of tko gen oral dotarminatlon to MratahtaB ap. Tko time morekanta here Been eea alatantly coo Adorn to of tko ombnraao od formera. accoidlag to away of tka fanaorn They will cor tin oa ta aleak to tkmn uatil matt am kare panne ■ontlv improved, according to tko ■MMkaaia, Tkia confidence la tka kardkit farmer la unjeenal. Tka cKuatlen to generally agreed ta kora Impravad rapidly ae tko ro mH of a n amber of tklnga Tko fann ing nopmtodioa tkia year rodacod ita fertfllaer MHa, worknd longer knar* ta enrtaU Ra oapaadlturM far labor, aad grew mam corn and feedotafh, while It kaa given more ottonttaa thu ever ha faro to the bam# meat ■apply, ft baa cut Ita eapendtteree far 1 terraria* Beta cotton aad tokocoa am ‘ now kriaging gnod nradta. Many far. n I 1 Mil A || VB| iVlH A LjUflf f Vl% : j u|c -■ ■'. ■*...: am •S-V :%0 m. hm COTTON MCGOVEKI FROM DBCLINK OF LAST VUK **•» York, Sop*. !•—Tho ooMoa ■ |»h |Mo||Mr aoA A.Q. Q- -MM w. of OK* cotton 2*3?Soath*kd mw o toadouy to withdraw thotr offering) oa tho doattoo, aoaaodto rcWre ciflidMica la vaiaM mi A* b**k *f *moI1 crop hparaa. ^ Tho prico of Janaary raaUaoto |L voaeof 10 19.IO.or 97At par halo a hov» (ho c lodia* qootatloai of Safa fop and tho aw al aaarfcot tiaaad KSAsssr" ■" - “ s&Saaa.’sS «xs Ef fvidiialll. MAJOR FARJCRR VIMTt RELATORS IN HARNETT Major Joha A. SUlOp tray, and Mn r ad horo loot alpht turn to ridt tho aMjor'l ‘ ‘ Mr whoaoNf than dirtoaoo ftoaa „ kor will loovo today for oa a BiitoSoa fraoi tho Jttdn toaoial’a oita Major rartwd Mi roaidia* to Ok ggguSggS; M NtW« W t RXhMHw! . a’S'.KiSfiSSSfSt c£g55my5t riSaL'Jsrsstjyr^