THE DUNN) Volume VIII. Dunn, North Carolina, f HARRISON FLAYS HARDING RECORD Mlwfan'ppi Senator Attack· PimMmI Fer Talrfaf So Mtar Vac*tie· Trip* WaAlngton, hpc tl. — Senator Harriooe, of Mtaimippl, on· ot the Democratic apokeaxnan In the S<ut« today attacked PruMat Herd In* for taldag · vacation trip laai week and charted tii· Republican administra tioa wtth tailor* to cany out Ha cam pain pledge U bring iricreaaed ρ roe parity to the cooatry. The Mlaelaeippi Senator ia hia apeech which enlivened tko recociTei» Ing of the Sonate declared that while Pmlilwt Harding and MTeral mem ken at hia cabinet were enjoying the ▼aeetloa trip "million» of Americana war* hearing their heed· in iheate" because mob who "haloed win the war" were on the auction Mock ht "The American people want more nk and lew play," aeid Senator Hamaon. looking acroaa to the Re publican tMe of the Seaatc chamber, more remit· and fewer recommenda tion»: more meel tloketa. and fewer breed line*; more prosperity end few Mr Mor - ι " «Sater Harriaon made th* letter roeewtly written by Prerident Hard lag to Bona tor McCormick, of Dlinoia, chairman of tha Repablican Senator ial campeign committee raeooatiag the achleremaeta of the Republican Ooorrem, tla best· of hi· eddrea· a> theagh ο ροκ Inquiry from Senator Pearoee. of PaanayWanle, a Republl cea leader, a· U hia "text," bo eaid he wee epeohtag on "the deecitaciea and deHaqwesciee of tha Republican "ft" Pi(aideat'· latter to Senator McComkk. Senator Harriaon eaid, "•hocked aad almeat pained eome De mocrat·" and we· writtaa la the in tonate of the candidacy of Senator teraam. Republic·· Candidate la yaMerdar'a Jeatlaa ia New Mexico. Senator leader in thU connection reed _ announcing tko «lection ef Senator Benin and explained •hat he waa not presenting it aa an . ^ aa iafonnatioa. DOCTORS TESTIFY IN ARBUOOE CASE • . * · Um eoart iwlnrtlcii of Rotcoe (Fatty) Arbockle which will dater ais· whither th« fllai eoMediaa ta W bt beand or«r to the Boporior t«ut for trial oa ■ ehn(i of eur dor of H La Virginia Bappe. began km Uday la a court room <Ul«d al· bM enhMtroiy with woman. Three «ttCMM who rnw Mm Kappa'» body after har death 8«p twnhir ·, which it U charted re volted fro οι injuriée Buffered at a driafcia* party fear day* before. in AÂïdiL i hotel sait· testified that the* ebeevred hmieai on hor liwiii MM body. Two of thaaa tha aurgoon who porfoiaiad tha port morUta ·χ aailnation and tha aatopay surgeon «id tha doath waa freca a ruptared kUfcr, ceased, ia their opinion by atéml fort·. The sWIopoy surgeon alao told of • Bsall puortor· ha laid ha found ia tha loft am-of tha body, which ha attributed to aa hypodenaic needle. At Hnima'a Motion it U expeot ed there will be iatrodaoed teetieon late regarding incidents at the party, where, according to witasasas at the coronrr'* ligtÉ Waa Btpfo was found ■■antat and screaming after hariag boo· alooo ia a roon with Arfcwkle. Bed latently to to day·» teetiMoay hie feee bearing ee riiM iXynalM. Mr*. MlaU Doit— Aihaeklo, hi* wife from wfcieh h« K*d bee· mmM for In >wi. tat «te mm here free Nrw York Mm4u. Mtet UiMivHkUiX ther, Mtm. Fiera Darfe·. Dr. Mj Strug·, who perform •4 the Mtopn an Mia Repp·, end Dr. WlUtaBÔyhtae, who made tke diet »—I ·»Χι exeninetion, w»r· tke principal witaeeee· Mn. Dr. Κμμ «M he foaad brakeee •a M lee right epp«r m, ej> by tafu aeiki, twa braleee oe Ue lower ebdoeeen end other» mi the thigh· end «Ida·, tike «mm ef wfcieh be ne anAle U lté te. Dr. Ophale end Μ lee Oteee • haqMel him who wee preoMi et the poet-Morteai. bolh cer rebotatod Dr. StrMf^e deeeriotlon •f the Win end coroner1· photo mke ef the body »»r» eflered eJ WWW—I A tear ie the Madder wall we» de· —i>»d by Dr. Strange who Mid the bladder cad ether erieae had been ifMomd ky Dr. OpbaU. H« eeld he heliered that dMtb mh free p«rt tenkia rew>li| free the iiipiMod bladder, aad that the rapture wei eaaeed by nbi .sternal foroe. Dr. OfhM Mid be wm called la fer a peat airtia aaaaiaatlea by Dr. M.T KaMweO, the pbyrlelaa He etlreiid Mb bne in mat el her laat ihneM Be foood «ha eh Ail ·· Va «••■Wll ■VTwIJ QIMIIUVUf ■· HIQ M a reeait of the raptare, and « ■«< -a ■ e · ΓΓ - a ef "Be bettered the bralaM »a MIm Repo· ' ArboekJe'i Un, aarf* tot the teettMoa; ACTION AGAINST Κ LU Χ U BEING CONSIDERED Altera·/ Cm. aed Chief Bai Ceafer Teday Ον., Ka Κ la· Kla. Washington, Sept. 20 The de partment of justice la considering whether federal action ihall be tak en in connection with the activities of the Ku Klux Klan", Attorney Cen tral Daugherty said today. Mr. Daugherty au id hs would con fer tomorrow with Director Roma of the bureau of investigation who ha* been directed to look into the ques tion, and if the facta warranted would aoek a grand Jury investigation of the Ku Klux Klan in some dlstrk-ta and urge Indictment against any members where Justified. The attorney general discussed the matter today with District Attorney Hayward of New York and several of the aaaiiUnt attorneys general but said that no conclusion a* to whether the federal government should lake part in the Ku Klux question had been reaehed. Any federal actio»* against the klan, lfr. Daugherty said, would pro bably be under some statute covering conspiracy bat the legal problem In volved, he added, waa somewhat com flex. On its fare, he explained, the Iterator* of the Ku Klux Klan was not in violation of the law. What waa to be determined, he ex plained, was what went on behind the scenes, "the wink and nod thai turns the trick." Ths government, Mr. Daugherty said, ia not to be run or intimidated by anjr man or organisation behind GRAND JURY AGAINST SALE OF GOODS ON THE SAIftATM Lillinfton, 8·ρί. 10.—The rrud jury at th« term of eoort jail cloaed look occasion to denounce th» ρrte hee ef mrchindltiat on th« StwiUi. Deprecating the widely prevalent ha bit of "throwing open drog itoraa, cafea, nrifei, etc. the grand jury say·: "We labor under th· impraaiiou that thai* ia a law upon th« itatata bonka againat wUmr good·, war·· and merchandise on the Sabbath. and we appeal to Diia court for a nor· dillg*nt diacharg · of I ha dotin of of ficara in Ui« connection." Tbere ara tboac who think there ia no harm Is dUpeoaing »6ft drinka on 8afcb*th, but they draw no "aoft impeachment from the grand j»ry QUARTER MILLION IN ., SCHOOL BONDS SOLD NOW FeyatUrflla. Sept. lO.-hlt af the 4160,000 iaane of Croaa Ctaak town ihii) school boodia voUd by the d€Q man John A. Galea, of άΐ( Board of School truateea. The truateea did not find it neceaaary vo go outside af Faycttavilla to find, a purehaaer, tha bon da being taken by the National Bank of FayetteTille at par with a commlaaion that will net the aebool board about 97.1 per cent. TbU excellent pricc, aaid Hr. Catea, *u obtained because of the fact that ^the truetaea have now a rufRcient rund to form a ainking fund for tha old bonda, thus making tha new i«ua practically firat mortgage bond*. Tha local bank aecured the aale o»er foar other bidden. The money «rill be a vailahlc for tha inauguration of work within two week·. WEALTHY MAN BURIED IN PLAIN PINE COFFIN WHmington, Sept. 20.—In aceord ance with hia wianea. Or. D >W. Al derman, of Aleolii, 8. C., reputed ta be one of the wealthioat men In that aectioa of the State, who died tart Friday, waa hurled at Wella Chapel, in Duplia county, Sunday afternoon, in a plain pina box, unpaintad and without omammrtation of any kind, according to a letter recehred from the dead ain't eon by S. F Highimith deputy collector of custom* in this city. The box w»i made from lumber •awed at the mill of the deceased and waa bulK by *a carpenter who had bean in the employment of Dr. Alder man for >0 ye ara. TWO WAYNE BOYS CLAIM COTTON PICKING TITLE Wilaon, tnt 81.—Two imfcutriou· WiyM county boy· kni «et · nm that the boy· of Wllaon and ,raln would do w*U to follow. Mr. A. L. Strickland, of Canlaten t«wn»hlp Marketed ht* tobacco here thla morn ing and »tated: "1 have two torn, 8u and WlUoughby, who·· KM arc IT and 1· yaera. 8am Up· thé acalM at 11· pevada, Willoavhby at M. Tm tcrday, from Β a. m. to t:*0 p. a., 9aot picked S40 pound· of ootUat WiDomghb* mi a do·· Mcond with MS pound·. Until thl« record I· brok en Mr Strickland will contend that hla boy· an th· champion cotton pick •n of th· eut·. to In. Th· d»f»nie did not cram •xamln* aay of the witneam·, and Judge Laura· pot the bearing <nr«r ontfl 2d.» tomorrow. Μη. B. it. Delmont, th· complai» tn({ wttnM, Blake and Mi Prrroet, win be aaonr th· wlta««aM tomor row th· dMrlet attorney announced. Mr». Dohs#nt accompanied Mix Happe and Al Bemanacher «n th· trip from Lo· Angclee to Selma, Praae, and Ban Franelaeo which ra ted in M If· Rap»·'· daath. Althoafh mpny woman, onabla ta Cat lata' th· eoerl room adhmtttod I fata and »tood patiently ·· th· (tain leading ta the court room, oth er· rtfai-^ ta ba MtiaJUd. and e«lUd on Chief af Polk· O'Brlan demand ing their right» a» "cltisena and thx fftn" to ba give* a Mat In Em Semanaahar. who «allad tba dla trlct attorn or by telephone yMterdap from Lo· Angola· to reqoMt thai , ivpania monay ba mt ta «om« ta Ban Pranclec·, to taetlfy, arrlrad· to day by a»tom»bll·. Ha wu takon tt , tha dlatrlct attorney"» (dfee lam* dlately and detained ther· during the hearing. LOANS AVAILABLE FOR MOVING CROPS S ta ta CouittM of War Fi nança Board Adapt· Plana For Laodia* Planj lor making North Carolina'a ahare of the War Fmaaee Board'· billion dollar agricultaral loaa fond available to the linun of the SUM wtrm formulated at ihm initial narioa of th· Boanl'i State committee la Raleigh TMtdaf and fanner· d wir ing ta borrow money caa do ao at their local bank·. Application blank· can ba accaned froai Chairman Jaa. R. Yoang, in Balelgh. Uea et tba money la mtrictad to the (rowing, harvesting, preparing (or market, and marketing of era··, or for raialng and marketing live ktocR. None of it may be aaad for any permanent improvement·, and inter·* will be charged at the rate of β per cent. The ueoal condition· upon which money ia borrowed from bank» govern loana made from thi* fund. Although no Itxod amount Has been tird to any Stave, North Carolina caa borrow up to MMIMH for culti vating and marketing ita crop·. Loana are uaually made for riz montha, bat may be exu-oded to one year. or tf circumstance· and colUteral Miattfr. carried for two year·. Loan· for thi* length of time ara looked apon with asm* diafavor. Under the plan of opération, aay farmer having crop· enhand and da airing to hold them, or In need of mo ney with which to Λη·ικ· the anlli vation of a crop, may make applica tion, through hie bank for credit. The application ia paaaed oa to th· State committee for approval, and thane· to the War Finance Board, for Anal approval. The money la then placed in the local bank to the credit of the •Dolicant. Janin R. Ymi«, former Stat· In surance CommUiloner, na gtati ehtlnun of tlu Suu conmittM n4 will be to direct chare* of Ha Oft»» (jon. Charioa E. Taylor, president of the Wilmington Sivlnn and Τ rat Co., B. fTiutti, of NaihviDe, Dr. B. W. Kilgore and J. Ehrood Co* are ■taban of the committee. Mr. Cox «■a ib«wt yesl«rd»y, ktviaf loft a weak aco to attend the AnkWI Rink ρ π convention in Lea Aiftlw. "H« «il! Learn Something."—Tip IWUowing recently appeared in · Chicago mwhhiH advartlaing cel "iV Wilbur Blank, who deeerted hit wife and DEMOCRATS OF NEW MEXICO CONCEDE THEY'RE DEFEATED Albuquerque, Ν. M., Sept. SI.— W. C. Oeatcrich. in charge of Demo cratic- <Uti headquarter· hare today conceded the «taction of Hah· O. Bunraa, Republican a* United 8tat ■enator over Richard H. Hanna, De mocrat. * I With reparu from erery county in the >Uta in a majority of which the vote virtually waa complete, W. U PhiHipa, Republican campaign manager claimed Bonum'a majority would exceed 7,0#0. PROGRAMME FOR -CONCERTIS READY! H«M Firat Ε N«at Wed Detalle of the ftret weekly con cert to be givan by tfc« Dunn Cos cart Band next Wednesday night on Lucknonr Square ware completed yesterday when the concert commit | tee announced the following pi ftret P*rt Ovirtm—AtlAXitU. Muck—*oyal Military Band. Welt»-—Alice Bha* Gown. March—Loyal Wetcoia _ l»nad Pari Overtere—WolUloeo Walta—Ptm O'Neill. March—Our Director March—gqccooa. Welt*—Good Ν «ht, Dreuu UcnUnenl Alfred 1. Bchmldt, ed itor ef the Beaaon Xevlerw, «he hei been lnitrncllng the band throagh ite period of Ininliw, will coadoct the latitat concert. There will he at lea* twentjr-flve moeJciana u parti cipate. ThU concert win taerk the open ing of a drive through which the Chamber of Commerce bepee to 00 yn a fend ample to purchaee act eaea aad provide fen»» for the bortdamea aad prerldo for incidental expense*. Practically •1.00* It seeded, ta retara for t*W •am the bandjmen hare agreed to r> weekly coaeerti for the bece of Da an folk. Irtrj man and woman ht Mara la a eked to ooetrtttota eemethlag ta the band. A boat next Thandev er Friday morning e committor will rail upon the cMiona ta eontrfbvto. *▼ •rjbed» la uked ta be ready wtth a email contribution. "Dad" Hancock, the genial man ager ef the Harnett County AgrV c alt oral Fair Aaaoclation recee «teao the fair waa ergon laed, arrived jree torday aad today >■ «eliciting ad vertieemonte far Ma race program. Mr. Haitcoek managee the raeee la cover el Carolina fair·, IncWdhng the Pair at JUMgfc. HU vieft· to the Don η Pair aad we traat he wfll conUnoe hi* It for maap roar· ta yiMMMi * THREE NEW. » ALL MINI! I* — * Wadcaboro, * thraa saaa app * «itioiu of ikipr. * Saporior Court j * tor an all ·· * aft il proriag * aaia lata rr' ml , * abla far badaaaal * foaadtd La fart. Jiiffl·»4 » la* rider, tha * Adaau; Jndga * a Baptift «1 * Broci, atill ... * tar Naih la U» ι * diet miniatar, It » -wall known in «' SONS 1 * r «1—Tka » [**!/·-* [and *1l5 » ♦ * mark· * b· «a- » ι of a * - --»ra*U- * Wbaahlay · Uaaonof · ι U». Mr. « I Soi lei- » Matho- « tDr. Mash, » Carolina. * • TOM WJ Tom BoM - Tfc. fWY IATE 'Of By W. Τ. BOBT la ; Raleigh, Bept. «I lumiMrtnx* U Chairman Th and U1-fated prêta» court 1 the •eovjrh today to ι wonder whether Hhn or ί Clorera or ground. TW di ll dice am bat they cast They can ' ~ Heckle " 0ΓΟ Na Ί1·*· and I that etate [foe th· Se > η» fer Jwt •toed kill Clarkaon'i leadera dona ta tha I potaoa laid ha \ alaa tta •r la and The ok U the ι been able ta mind aad aah a eeai*we to frail the (·« hi* friaad, down hie il can haapea Ir1 (omttST It of tba SSi *£St ■Vm the tat thing Ma th· third they have paUUI «kit dur· frirnda whether a1 tie· i* lawyer or i Another thine the. larae ii lb· liapll·#!. AfU md· iftliA llr. Wkw by Republican· «u ΜΚ|> to diamiae Mm fro·· the poaltlMi tor wbleh hi· fria»da.v«aa (tria* bias their endaaaora. Many Dnim thoe|kt_lt mid b· * μτοpat lebaki to th· lUpobHcaa· to fir* Mr. War ren tha vary htfbMk «|m mmIMo. one which ciTTwd t—imonhu to th· fcigbeat tbniUr. Iban ti bttla ·▼! deace that th· Bepflhliaaa fl*ht had •oy bear1nr at aï. bet there Ja m explanation of th· boa ad rohiake which etrrltd U» ' aaaaaha on Wan··. Then there la —>>»i btttotar fact atfli, if It la a fact, dad aa a fletio· it haa atrenfth. It is conMeotiy de clared that National CoMittoaaan A. W. McLean ©**ad no aid to Mr. Warren and that ganatoi lb· kept haada of. Ocnraot Hoir doea not heep tha mm hone of hot*. Craie and XnK »·— —' ■an ara ap. Tba neror had tha ph the letton of Hon. Bat Oo quit· a bit of — that 3enator Onnwa and man Po« Inderead Mr. Warn·.1 wae no dœlaratto· Oat Baaatol aaona did. Oenerally tha «apport af "The Senator" aroeM ba aeaaMared excellent propaganda; to thh lnataaa· •Kher it waa lacktof-a* alaa tha |w emor did not aaaha «M of H. ' For that Senator Vuou and Mr. Meleaa appear aot to hair· helped Mr. Warren, tbara ia m eld f«ud reaentment bar· whkh would aaaert Ktolf in Ha angar Bfainat Senator Simmon· and Mr. McLean: It aiadl aot ba wall far MeLaaa If ha bed to heat Mr. Warrea far t»»etaw. aea Inr that the atato «balnaaa ka«wa eoaaethlfm aboat oipMlaaU··· aad the paraooa to w5»ob» ha would writ·. Doubtieaa two and a half yean wtU coal of tha raardpa·*. TWy will aot be able to make a oaatpalgn M th· COTTON TO Bl flCABCL PREDICTS MU. GODWIN body in tho mmtUr at koldla* «Mm, fcut It lo*ka UMM ■f to bo a temret J*··»' toTWMIT _ *ftal U Godwin, of ; I* yaatardar "Tfc· Um wwtMi •Τ*· UM MMtH •4 th« conditio* μ ri»· » condJtian of bolUwa. My οΙμμτ ef th, wont κ>» Ui ÎS· I UOnt U·· mM pnrwnt "Mil will ikow rahrtantlally ■ war— condition than thé ta* «to did, a»d t««t *u bad irtui" Nr. Oodwin Mild fcnitt NMlr f»rm«n had nrror trittn kiadly ta tafcaMa. Savara] afforto had boaa ïTcina bîfûîty1 aÛ MWn' ι «Mfal aad thU yw m MM) , wauld ha cold tfcara. "Oar fork* an dtayoaad." ha *aid "^ mtty all - * *"®eit Votton famta* ta Imm FINES J. EDWIN FOR AUTO SMASH To bear Julia· Idwto Cele Η rnaae Keller t«U it, the thla* k? ««4 thie way; J alia* Edwia «m SrMaf · dtrnik MA Wnnlfi •Ion* th· naeoth >e*c»aat ·( Broad ! Street, bound bomoward free Dake «Mtkir ho bad carrlod Skeeter to oao bU lady lore. Arrived ah at Noill Ona'a ho·», a Ford a catapaKiag by at ballot vain foMowad fli»ly bjr a ML Ford', ipood ·» addled Jaiiua wia'· thoigtu tbat he did aet oaol the Boiek at Ml a<tal aatil hfc oar| ' tt vm locked la THctire nidrift Torn»/ kalrar^tt!· Htbl*. became ho «ai aloatarod w· ■rhira^isiSaa a» tbo jmpoit with mai __ Çrebotcii. Tbo Ford aad tbô •ttaiaed a voladtjr of a ta 1. Bdvta, had to not the way aad ftodolph WUaon H* tho tbia*. Tbo1 Mt aaM of Joue Fxaakiia WÏ»' Τ and J. Bdwia la pM. asyXt; a-î.'aa'i.-g "g lo'° Co α ri ymoidtf. oat ta ta· af tbo —, of tbo oaia la the read after the inrtdit which iijwWil la| a two fattbfai old boate. J. Sdvta a*or that Ma waald aot tarai ^ysgjgggud her* by^ho faltbfai Jo ~ that J. Bdwia wm . that he bad paitahaa (Mr ·* J IMt thia did I oread ta eo Hoatah aad J. Bdwia Syw« f-^d_U Jdl· 0*AwU μμ< hmm ,—ifi ntk. AfMc MH« Pro nator M. A. TmmJ «4 taMt r. Ymc «ttatuaj te Mr. 04·, had coapUtad their ··»■—«■ ha SciM lEtift Miwikiw SSâ 3· S3Bft 1 DAM V ILLS MAM MA* QUMCK or jam, «μι Μ·τμ» nm Dunrflto, ▼«., MepL ll^Mi Mb t1ui|«d with (Mr aaparata ·(···« m tfca pniMt iKkat of the Ml» ttlm comrt, vu te4t; irtiiiil to ate? awmy from Danrflla (η Μ jrwn by Mp D. P. Wttham Oh ni eonvletod »f n«<iill>| · 4ia*r drrly kHM, IWt»M< to Mr*· 1> jsobOm in Jail i*4 U pay a ioa ot 1400. Th· nut wiiwtil tk· M»> tear· pnridad ka wo«I4 fettD dm ^ru of tk· MfW ad* km k· Mat pay tk· Sm u4 Mala. Die it II ΤΜΓΙ aid. DISABLED SERVICE mw oven ttnitF DtaobM Iom nilln< kajorioa whO· la tka mntm of Um mUm ar* ηΙΜ aya« apjMwM- te to Um "tl«o«-op «Mi" ta October 11 m4 tt —i hi S4 and.SS. **J«r Boa ■. Hliufe. ·( OterMto, ^Ittat to fceytyr T.· 1» SKT3 • ■! ·* ί'ίΉ ·?*γ·· ■■■ m h "I W ι SK i"SArt îr.S"J SU4 af Ortoktr or ta OtlIÉm m Aa t4tka»4 l»tfc of tU Mt araetk. The fluwmt «81 kw» » Cl— Up Iqud of oxyorta (km a* thai to·· aa4 tako uo tba rtahaa that tfca man Mr Ut» Ter ninwMl» for 4SaaMUty or llnaaa bxairaJ ta ail-, itary aaailaa. Ite MB «1(1 km to p«r tMr orra m to Kalalfk or CaUikaca. bot «kla (My rooah tbor» tbo Ooiinam aï m altar (hoir Mola, oie., aviA elra tkw atJckot H noeoaaaiy tkoy «β ko liiillataly «S* to tka koaaftal. and at any raU an hero a sport attention u4 ko ■»· W a T«ry Mmrt tataf trim cattaa fanatag an the HUM» Dm βττηη production thrash Dm rat*» Wt ΛΙ» raar wUl Va aboat lit pan* 9** aera. la Haraatt w i araaaJ a Ma ta tha MM aa* b plaatr af Iaa4 wktah In M Π«« ·>Ν t·» fealaa t* taa ten." , Dana. mU Mr. Go*r1a, iwttin» •a WoU IU nftll.a a* a Uvatr ·Μ W kurira* take 4w« Tka Dmi faUr a art aiaatk h «a ÏF to Î5 "JRf4 ··«*·■" "» wfa MM. 1 tan wa ira |«ta« ta taaa mm aataWat taara te at srnr/sstttisiKi: gat Chnrareer fair la ta· Mata." ha 4aa£? tiîï Ua tryta* ta to alaa. Taa aaa Jut tail aR y»ai raa4 «■ that aw Mr «ttl to a*a af tte Mi fatea at taa Ml tMa ywr." NO IMPROVEMENT SHOWN] IN ItH COTTON caof I WaAtaftM. UpL 11.—Witk *il< (till act!*· u4 4ι·ΐ|Ηι| la ι aa4 dry waaAar »*w»ama#, | la gaaaral, *wi< la ■■!} Motion, of tka &2Ϊ&5 λ55"«Γ«3 ** W*rrll« w«r· iiintii la Noitk Caialiaa aa far aaraTèaT' Si^'SffS; aë la Oiwgla and toutttcrn AUtw «ί2ΓΛ2·ίί£££"ώ^Ϊ: 5^ϋ£·1'JULST* S^argS gùsffîa ttAjijsreicE'tiS |farta< lato «ai» ta ■ΜΜΜΜ·νν«« to tfca murmo BOY COMING TO Mil CUM AC M Gaahm, of Cm* Kaaéa, «01 aster tta Baptl* alBiftiy. H« ■ «all· ·* bj kit UM kMM OOL jMgfc A. GtMD picked him ■> in tta PiU Maoaaa · tab*, abaadoooà by £ f*ttax, » ratal chief. Ttat wai It j«n ago, at tta tiara of tta la thtafl- af a ata ttair m Tta tar tas ta Ita «rttb Caloaall â,· <** "l -gS iifTS· — - ·*·' folk, wbfla a «alar af livoataak a*» Ira will la tta fahn» b —Ma u4 atataa la Wratan ui a jinn ι fan nurira a o< riern baa pot op tta«M " rie» M*iait all ι «VirflatoftnM. B*aa WOoon _ la tta bakit of ffottoa la tta laaa< ta bar I, -I i , 1 n·»· ofciBto •"St-^itt£sS| DaHvarjr at iipim 1· * >wM· Ht imflM «k· attention of Dull Ëmrtl month· see fit raterjr BMdla of tte Ctembtr of if w· nairiii wntctly. tlwt lOflt ÎWfVlMl ||(|n wemid k* taken. Se ter, kmw, Iter· hi tent ao rIM |rwUd. All «te WMW |««4i by inrw kM ! ar· riM>«te«l^to^ealMor tt M»d pmy toe lu*· U tote. k mun to m «te* wéfc Qt» «tea^rrtBte « te*; SmJî"îm ι We WW k Mitat· to iM· HI ne tted of raprfeal. lMt It k poaifeU ttet tte eoiftR) «mU <MMd« » Udje tte «TMit an Mitteit· te pastteg^tte jnu^^tWudM. Tte litw Cotton Ooe^eey aad tte I···· Cotton Oimtir m te» m mwm oatoMÏhM te Dwraiteae 2ΓΓ» mm. «te teMnS ter· a· ι aotto· Vfjtr for tte laet tor· mM, or* tte rM»ntho «r aateera. M*. tea··· te tutelng kte «inttm to itevt ttople «Otto· et preeeat, tel tte M in. litem m· <oelte« itei te Imi «topte «Mtk te* ntton « ml (ootteld la tte DMrkt tu· jraar for tte anl tteo. tte Jote «M il·»m» tah «Ireetly wKfc tte taxmn. tefif all p»in ea4 Tarte· tte· sf MM from tte mm M Lot knew ten·. Mr. ·ι·ιιι tey* «If to" te éiiliw ter· Hrf |» «te ninmAh but)»· Ma. k Parmer IknW J. McKay Byri, «f Coete, mM» tova yeetortUy to m J. W. FITZGERALD Λ*. W. ,«*. ter 14

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