THED Volume VIII. Du^ North - t^sszsssssssssssu1.'- , gsaee—BMMBi NUAHW. COOPER TAKES RELIGION WTO CAMPAIGN Brotkar of Dunn Man Want* To Bo United State* CITES SOLOMONS FALL AS WARNING TO NATION Spending On* foliar For H*ae*n and Fovr Dollar* For H*U Moan* Quick Daatk If Not Stopped Now Ho Say* — Turning Away From God. That America U in gnat danger of falling as did Solomon L» the wrao iag of Noah W. Cooper, brother oi P■ 8. Cooper of Dorns and a candt 'data fa* fka aflla. TT.It.J at.*.. Senator from Toanosioo. Mr. Cooper is bringing religion in -* to bis fight for election, believing that it i* time th* nation turned it* attention to Godly thing*. In a alr c-alar just l*ao*d h* points out that th* Federal government I* spending M cent* of rvary dollar It coUoeta in taxes on war cost and war prep aration. and that at tha same time it ■ponds only on* cent out of cask dollar on fanning aad real nation . building* Hi* circular road*: America la In great danger of fall ing like Solomon. In full partnership with God. Solo mon In t6 years, built up the rich est, hast loved and moot peaceful of nation broke to pi**** in civil wnr and waa enslaved by Shilsak, king sf wa* born and bred in partnership with God; hot now she is turning away from God. She must torn hack ar go to ruin. Solomon’s nation svaa rained by nngodUnom at bomb, not by foreign foaa. America's foes are her own bad habits—not Japan nor Germany. What are those foooT 1. Neglecting regular prayer to God. 1. Neglecting regular Bible reading. 1. Nselecting to teach godliness to our children at hem*. In church and school. 4 Fol lowing militarism, idolizing war god*. I. Idolising gold as shown in stealing J. buying alectfcra* and “ _jsyrassates all. A* your Senator, I shall fight them unceasingly. MiUtartwn and Sabbath prostitu tion are omnlverous evils, brooding murder, stealing, lying, fraud, sdot * tory. certain destroyers of children, homes and nations. Centre** cannot club flaks into praying, Bible reading and godly habit*. Bat every Congressman ay tar* to fight our foe*. Congrem should fight the** foes and encourage by example and law the good habit* of prayar, Bible reeding, godly train ing, and Sabbath keeping. Congrem is now spending 93 cent* out of ovary dollar of Pedsral taxes on war cost aad wnr preparation, aad only on* cent on farming and real nation building. Wa bitterly con demned Germany for her submarines, air battladitps, death gases, and mili tarism; yet Congrem 1* now voting million*—taking our life blood for tboao same Botanic evil*. America grew groat on Sabbath ob servance and her other godly habits Now th* demon of Babbuth breaking has captured Washington City and our groat interstate commerce. Con gress ha* consented. Satan, licensed by Congrem, now rides astraddle our the work)), driving it to perdition end dragging ear whole notion and ^Aa God’a fury pnn«*hed Itrael and Continental Europe for wAHeriam and Sabbath breaking. ao America la hauTpunWrid. America, like Da vid. aauat turn back *•<»*• **I bava act b*fOT**J**J“* Ufa and good, and death and evtL (Deni 30:1».) Our nation U now apond tomorrow afternoon. Insnrgant lands from Borgoaland are reported M be marching to the support of Chart**. An Oadecburg dispatch to tha Tagblett givaa tho report of tho resignation of the Bothloa Cabinet, >ut this is without confirmation. rWO NEGROES BURNED XOj Ft*r Warn ptiaatad in I _ Orange, Va_, Oet Zl.—Two nag rasa, inspected of betag Implicated >a the murder Saturday of Sheriff «F. C. Bond and Town Sergoaat Jut *1 r' ^cyrri W*T* horned to doath »day when they wore surrounded by > poMta la a barn nttr tho oceno of the doublo mentor. Tho bam U supposed to hav. boon sot on flea bp discharge* from tho ihot gun* operated by tho bra neg ro**. The body of on* of them, Wol iar Wars, was found In tho rains sad that of tho otbar fugattvs la IpehI to br still beneath the debris. Savon m makers of the posse* wen dlghtly rounded in tho attack. GOVERNOR DAVIS MAI CONE TO TNE SCENE OF TROUBLE Richmond, Va., Oet. SI—Oocotwor Westmoreland Davis, accompanied by Col. J. Fulmar Bright, of tho And Virginia regiment, Virginia regiment, Virginia national guard, and Major Leroy Rodgaa, aid* to 'the governor, left bore at I o'clock tklo afternoon for Orange, when, peeler day after noon at 8 JO o’clock Sharif W. C. Bond and Town Policeman JtlUl Boyar ware shot and almaat instant ly blllod by Walter War* aogra, al lagad bootlegger, whan the latter re sisted arrest. SENATOR WALSH TO OPEN •K WILSON COUNTY FAIR ®*"**®r David L. Walsh of Sw mrheastta, tbs first DmaMdk |r •“ tha hails of Canaroa from <**U since tho ahru war will anonal address today at th* ODfn ft* af aL. Wit.- -a rn « *• » hour. Our people re* fortunate la nm '»« 8T!i.UVr*W*-®TU aoeJSud on# of the beat osators bt the (en try today. tamed Satarday from WuUuten, where be accepted a peeWeii wtth the Dcpertmentof /JETH. *5 take up nta duttaa there ane tine within the neat month or m. While he wu away he attended a aeetiae af the a»der «f Moon*, held ia «3P adelphia, which he enjoyed to the faftoet. . „ . When Hr. Bell taka* up hla dutiaa srsasoiissw; la Washington._ Mr. sSTmoT _«nd Captain I. Keiaad WUhanaa Uft *oa day to rlait Wwitafton ta tha hrter eat of a patent Mr. Ttadha k Mb jnpjor aa eUetriool eppKaixi ha baa Before rotamlng to Dun Mr. and Mre. Vaagha wflt spend seme am* arlth Mr. Vaughna sister in tirhniond. U. D. C. Dalegato. Delegate* to the agwuacWag ten rootle* af tha United D«whtara af the Ceaf i darner fraaa Hamett Coun ty am Mre. Bi. Townsend and Mr* Lee l Beat, af Dunn, aad Mm. John P. Johnson and Mre Hiram Beggetl, af UlHagta*. The csoToaUe* la la ha MU h Wlnston-Salesa, bagtnalag today. SOUTH CAN STAND WALKOUT BETTER Textile | Charlotte, Oct.__ lade (trial worker* la Ike Biath i_ coffer tern then la any ether aectiea ef toe country in toe event toet to* railroad etrflta materialise*, la the op Won of cotton Brill men ef thb mi lion. No maaafectaror hee andaatah ce to aey toet cottoe mflla aad atom lademrtol enterprise* weald aet ha hart, seriously hart, hat ae laaihd with other section* both toe WScaad th* operative* weald ha fortunately cirrorastsncsA Thee* era be* aotatandtog reason*, it ia pointed eat, why tha aeetoa wflU af thU section weald he la batter position than tooea af New Bngtoad aad tha Nerth gaacrally. Th* Brat la that th* mflla hare literally a dll to the cottoe Aald* end there U ae perntot ity ef their being compelled t* toot down for lack ef raw material. Th* aacead raaaon la that meet of the mflla of thla aactimt are aperatod hy electricity wMch la gageralad hy ap terpewer. When all toiaettlal plnate war* warhiag on ahact tow qartag th* war aa a matter af fael naaarv atian the mflla her* eeattooed to tf •rata wtthoat latorraptlax. Be ana, if a railroad atoik* cot* off seypUmi of coal, while Indoctry to ether ap taoo* will he flat to ae far aa power to concerned the alb hare may cap lino* to op* ret*. The big dflBcalty that will restate, poorer riving bo uiltty, will to that of gotting tho finished good* deliver ed. With tho mm* of other reetSon* closed down K ia probable that the Soathara mill* woold have aTillahla a larger share of tha export trade, and Ode trad# coaid to auppSod through Boo tha rn port* If tha demawd wore adkiwt to warn at tho direr «Joc of ahipa to tha aaaraot potto. While conatderahle aptflwa pre vail# among industrial laadari regard ing the favored poritioa of thja sec tion, they do not deny that, la mM* of local advantage*, there woold to abut-dawno If the atriko aheaid lari very long. "After the leog period of deptOO aioa through wUoh tho cotton mOi. industry along with haalaaea rawer ally, too peered moot of tho miDa are not ia poaltlea to operate and store their men* factored good* hldlalwr or fee a vary long period," declared owe wail informed manufacturer. “At praaoat pries* of cotton and labor mills o ahsrt ported with*at ialfooi tai weald caforco tha storing down of piaata." ‘The wont feature of an indefi nite ahat-down weald to tho toid ihipo that woold to retails* apoo the mill opaHrivoa. Ttore are more than 826.000 wertore la tha mUla of tho Sooth and tho greet trying aoriod of tho year ia hero. Tto monthly payroll moat to ia cacao* of fitC,000,040 end on* may readily re* that tha napping of the flow of this amoant would net only reoaK in mack dietraa* a**0Qg the aril] operativa# themsalvca tot woald caoao reriana lea* and dlwraaa among tho hand red# of a— all and large mcnrVaata who aarre the tndaa trial aottlamanta. n«n*tor j. t namus IS MUD AT ASMSVUXS Arhovfll#, Oct. II.—Tto funeral of I. T. Harrfa, who wna alcitmaatod at tha State paattenhary in ftalrigh yesterday far tto murder of F. W. Monnlah. wealthy. Alabaman, wore bold at Blrenid* Cemetery ton to day. Tha tody woe taken directly la the cemetery, where privet* earrieee won conducted. U after tka direction af Mia* Jctoay Ipoek, af tka Ugh aekoal fa am Iky, tka Jantor Ctnaa will peasant i nk •teal tew M MatorapoMtea Tkaatea Frttey Bight, begin stag at • *•. Fro coeds front tka akaw wfll ka Mini Into tka ataaa fand te |fwMa far tka Jaalarlew! or reception oaf far to aekaalTiYlHMaa*4 *" Mahearaala Amite* tka pad aerate! nd*hta tea tka naten. af tka aaat to be wall trained and eapaMe af pottle# aa a teat rate attraction. Ad. a late in frleae wfll kai for part people, » caota: far okUdroa, It easts. There win ka na war tax. Tka IHapateh temata that all of Ita laaal reader* wfll rttnt tka tkww Tkato praaanaa wfll kelp tka bays aad (trie eantedatakly. Itert* Tketft Prira Marina In* tkla weak tka CSantee*, rial Bank wfll ware a campaign te install tka Man of thrift late tka ■lade af tka people af Dm Dmnx Dte trict. Back weak the hank wOl dte play large placards la Ita atadawi and plana a/rertles manta la Tka Dte patch talks* why ana cfeemM care. Tka fall acrias af atetelliicwti and plcoarda has bees caaapOcd cate contain* waeh tkat la rary lata real rian QwaMee Aa IwasWCar af Fallen U. A Fagc rater* sSSPFZiSSSZ.'tXt ’^ItO^MO^aidjrlUjka dUtetertll **»■ the aSato af tka'astete wfl E&sijSrfsi: s T*wa W tfana wfli captoa at te r*r. that *f life, a ia ta ha until the Mtaobar mi arrive* when tfc| e^s& Prmatha two paper* and fna atben who have aeca Mr. Wfleoc the ? Sf* J£r *»-■ talSr ta ^T#.h!f:tl,v^S. £ «■» tha* tarn * U*J*? ■•*■*• HI* color ^. rroorted a* being goad.ta* apartta of kkoya* bright ae ho lieteme to a pod etary or toll* am, taawtag the Vecaeat intaraet ta tanka that ara jHaemaod. Hia app^ltabpaawaw^l t« be excellent and tha* be la putting on flaah, ta fact hia condition braS to ba each, tha* if bo aa dadroaha wUl *o to dhwet ta tha opf1* la ywdnatd advocate tha ratranc* of (ha United State* ta tha ««• ““ t# talk of rha League ha deeliaea to dUeuaa any MCtera aannaeted with tha cetntaa SgSgfBSflSg» Tha ptetaio taat la draws at tha f*tw**r rraaUtaadls that of a aaa oho I* keenly ahva to ta* affair* of tale country, deeply tataroated ta 9*fcU* M&a Wldta hekeap* ta doa* teach-with, >a taafar of many srcoiff.t&st-f Uaao* If MUtana^h?batata*!? ta* do*]?*"! wiattte affacttag ta* later •* Of tala canatry and Ha aaapU. Mr. Witaaa, MManaataTky Mr* Witaaa aad bar brother, John las dalph BaOngv-ctatended tha perform once at Keith*1 i.* V SOLDIERS GUARD EMBASSY W PARE t • ■ To. i i I .* . ftdj, Oct. *»—-Sotdleie tonight burnedly cmnWlcd the evecuatToa Jrf the populstloa in the riatrity »f tha lart at Aoborrillars. two biles MW* •* Fub whoa Art broke rat ••A eaaeed tho explodon of gat aad •hallo. Parig, Oct. >1—Ton tbaaaaad sel dtare aad policemen guarded the American Embassy and neighboring ■Meta today to jJMrent a threatened demon* ratios by French Ogm •imm ia prate* ante* the conrlctfea |f ■MdfO « ■leetbMitfa court f Nlaeob Sacco and Bartolomeo Venxetti, hat ao CoamaaabU appear ed there! Lang before the hour eat far the coacastration of the at Porte Maillot, three theneead troeas toere ea tho eeene while ethers ew nod machine gone ea top of the city ceoemaadlng a view of the aa. tlM eqaare. A few CooaeeMe am erged from the ebb-way Matiea at Parte Maillot bat they were ka*M Mtatde the etty walls befere they «•* organise aad start a pm reasier 'iSb'&S&Sx •* aightaaec*. Much larger crowds re *•" the Arc de Trhmphe to »at«h the prnreeeiua of wav retar deposit wreathe ea the tomb ef «h* unknown soldier. American military police, loaf ob *£•■ tortr, reappeared today. Twa of tbeea were on gaard near the Aaaeneaa Embassy aad ethers ware •Utloaed at the r-liltrt bareaa. Marcel Cach.n, l«J.r of uTcom ■““Mt Ptoty. wae roughly bandied by hie ewa sympathisers who met ST* "*»***,*■■ Porte Maillot. They reproached Mm fee hn4>. <^Ui I.__ 1- .. *»*• et the meeting ilut and An* him errerai time*. Police Anally —— to hi* raeeae and assorted Urn to a place of aafaty. Tha Italia* embassy aim ni heav ily warded during tha day. French caarto were kept In marten thro sat oat the day hot the judge* had Uttk to da, aa oaly rtz arreaU war* made. The poHce my they have tha rttaa tlon^nadec^ eeatroi^ fa ^ tar aa a New Yeik. C will ittenyt to heavyweight pionehtp from Jaeh Dropery at Jersey City nett July 1, Tan Richard, promoter, mid today. Rickard, returning from Chicago, •here ha conferred with Jack Kaama Dempsey's manager, mid he had ear 51 WESTS SVSfiB that he had eent Willard a eoatraet Aa loan aa Willard’* denature la re ceived Rickard expect* to ■<*» Demp-1 my up. Dcmptey, Rickard mid, ha* agreed to accept St per cent of the gross receipt* and WOlard SO per cent. SCHOOL CURL ADMITS SHE FABRICATED STORY Norfolk, Va., Oefc *1.—After pea rn* bad eearebod all afternoon and uart of the night In the a sa le at Ocean View, near hero, for a negro and after excitement had bean Mired by wild rumor* te each a pitch »k«t !t we* feared a lynching would occur If the negro were caught, Mery Ty ree. 11 year eld schoolgirl, *fniltl*il tonight that the negro had not at tempted to attack her, bat had frightened her by appearing sudden ly from behind a clump ef bnahea along the road on whelk Me woe rid ing to school on hag bicycle. The child fell from her bicycle and screa med whan the negro apg—Tod and tha asaa fled. Turlington Ceertee ea Week Former Sheriff William B. Tur lington wffl continue tha drive to get every cotton and tobacco farmer In Harnett county to Join tha co opera tlve marketing movement. All who daafro to iten tho contract art aa* rind to aitta Tho eamyaiy* la thia eonaty ud la tho atato aa a wholo haa yona con •tdorahly. error tho mark# aat. There for*. It la aortaia that the plan wfll bo oparntlr* next roar. Cotton aa* tobacco man are of the opinion that aa effort will bo made to yro*oco re cord crop* naxt year. If tkla effort i la aocceaafnl, the nee* far the to* I operative awrfcatlay ptaa wfll bo Creator than rrer. I .. ti-1 *—■o - » - TyrwwM W ■HtffHffwl A UtUa yht of Dunn haa a at other who la aaaaathlay of a diction and r who, althanyh lib orary ether aaao o croon In bar opinion of the potato* l btraaae of the rayatahlc, aomatlmra ■ aorraa apdnach for the allayed yoo* I that Haa la Na yroen karat. i The little flit dote not like epta i acb. Bar mother inaiatad that ab* aat r ft. “It haa rttaaatnoa la It, doar; to yon abeedd oat k,” the mcabar ox* I plained. i “1 cant mother; I taut ataad tho I way they bite," eraa the retort. ! Weak lrn.1 In More Trouble f On eoaapdalat of r*m.n„e offkon • WaA Bryant, Harnett Count? tar a nor. waa bound oror to Fadorn] Court oa a eharya of aaWay which*) whoa tried before United State* Goto m Manor BMredy* Ua laat Wodaoo r day. Hi* bond wma flood at tioo It whlob b* atood hlaaaatf. th* ana* wit ■ Connor mk a month at kaloiyb. Two man ar* aaid to her* bony* i sk Skfe-aivE IInaan aaid* ffw wrote. LOWER RANGED! COTTON TRADING Hi*W Prieto Dsrfeg WmI StiU IWwOtotWTk. New Orleu, La., Oct. 14.—A law kat at rta klghaat atfll bang 11 ta 44 H *“k«r tba do** of tko precod ■4 wort vkfla at Ms lowto it was •t Pl to IN mIb|1' Flaotaatiaao *»« toSts af ISO and 144 ft***- •• Ugk as }••» V l2r “J7:” SS| aloaod o* 11.44. la too spot lessitmwil prices *•*, ** pajftooa idddUag at Mil “**£, !Tt£rU, part o< tko wort waslDdoead krtoa threatened railroad strtko, aMkotok saaiisf agj*5jr=fea£^ sria.«sasjsiSKf£ tka sktaents tkat tkis rm-pot af oak selling. At toe ewd ad toe wart to* teat was slaadlar kaoawa af tka kigkljr favorable statistic* aa «ta tak ings and expert*. fcr*to*i liwl|i,!,»? kakwT gainst 144400 tola ssart toot roar and 444,0*0 two pears ago, bringing taking* fM tko saaaan tot# *!*»•? OOtSala* again* 1.77*440 Mg to# mm period last pear and 1,100,. •00 two pears ago. Export* for to* wort war* coon tod stMiJU tala ***** 104444 sad *5440, bringing tka movement for to* soaoto op to 1447.544 bale* against 744,411 ud 911,117. eoMto* «tok to* Mala ovoat will be tka Comm karoos report as unlas* railroad labor trouble. qBuoSrSw JteTd ratten tndm K is almost IrapraAbts far daar rat spin teas to ha farail for th* Cra*M Wtfl nrab glee tha te October ligand teO •*y Bird dagrra «u wdmtl h a dua of nearly Mg last night hy tha 8apron* Conaefl, tnTMdl Kite Ma sons, Southern frnifadlitltia. which ia In aaaalan hare. It waa voted te haM tho next au adng at Salt Laka Cite is Ararat. IMS. a ok art f. Croup. of Bkhaand, V*.. and*. of Aaho. viHo. N. C., won appointed Grand Inspector Gonoraia for thair state*. WILL NOT CHANOX ITS EOTIMATt OH COTON Washington, Oct. St.^-Th# Secre tary of Agriculture wrIU issue a state aaant naxt Tuesday at the rama ttrae the cotton ginaanf report ia raade pablie hy th. Conras Buraan in which Bauthara Benatoro predicted today th* aacretary wfl| ray that the de partment has a* Information tending te chsng* ita ■sttwitn ef a mm ol t A* 7, TOO haira far this year of Mb pounds gross. Tha daefciUa, It was said, fsjnowad.a ranforaoes today W LouMana, and Hank, Prep octet, Secretary Waltaes. Tha raade ea October tad. iditien ef Siptirahar U U expected to'sheer a of eotten ginned. wOl by rattan traded mo been ginned'which wtO ranks tha ran sus dgarae raere than pinpertlenateiy large. U. D. C. gleet. ON*ees I Mrs. MoO. Holliday waa reelected | proaidaat or UBIcora Oufter. United beagfctert of Dm Confederacy, la tea chapter'* mi Mian yoatarday. Mm k J. Beat wm elected till yidlait te mmi Mr*. M. A. Tiwnaaaft Via. t s^rva. mssra Mia. 1. ft. latter rapMrnr to ano oaed Mm O. M. jmjCii Mm ft M. J affray• araa laatelted aarMgim diag aocntery aad Mm V. ft. Ool trana araa ra atectad Material*. Mm M. A. Teanaaed aad Mm Holliday Wft tMa atoning to atomI , tea annual con-aaattea of tba Daagk 1 ten la Whtaton-Selam. Mm Laa 1. Baat, another dategaU, ana aaabla to go aaeanat «f {Qaeaa. iaba 4. t.aaatoa ftitmalm John I. Laagetoa, neater af tel Chiratten Churn, who ha* baan aa» ducting « ravinl la Cyudblaaa, Ky., wB ntorn bama tela aroak and Wfll All hi* ragalar aigilafto be** Advtooa^f roan ^Cynthlaa* atoto teal craafol aadBthnt*tea Dona*e!r*adhln baa 4 ana a goad ank la tba Mat Oraaa State. OateBaakg la HaTvnfc< mil C*l4tt«ta, ivwidfM ff OoUatorn Company of Dana, aad at tba Witeon Company af Aagter, u la Maw Talk tela waaft to nglmtol tea ateaka af tba tan Mg atataa. Tfcad hag baa bean aa hrkfe with tea tm teff^jraAsXs t'baan takaaalii ! s2g^«?.aw,.S BUILDING SITE IS NOT YET CHOSEN BYSCHOOLBOARD gS* * BONDS NOW m HANOI OP NSW YORK LAWYER Cttffwtf TUafa Hwr wat B* AiftfUfe b Tb T# Start Wort. Mr Mart Ymw ■ -• ■ *Wl wfl] tta MW Mtart MU. itVR b« loosUiT ^That U o qoostJjm in tbo -rind. SV-7*-'. . Ill ■1