MRS. CODY BURIED IN I CRAVE WIT HUSBAND I - I Denver, Colo., Nov. 2.—Th* body < f Mi*. William Cody Hot today In ’ the grave with hor huaband, “Buffalo i Hill, famous scoot and Indian fight- 1 rr. at the toy of Lookout Mountain, rear Gulden Colorado. Mora than on* hundred pontons attended the brief I Episcopal coraanony at th* m on stain top ovorlooklog th* plains of Colo rado. ! In carrying out th* wiab of th* 1 widow to So buried wtth hor huaband It waa necessary to plot* her casket . directly over that of her huaband la a crypt blasted from th* solid moun tain rock. — I Mr. P. LoDuho, Farmer, Soya, "Yon Bet Rata Cao bits TWengh MatoL** “I had feed bins Hnad with sine art year, rata got through grotty toon. Was out $18. A |1.26 pkg. of TAT SNAP killed so many rats that >\e never been without It siaet. Our ■•ollie dog never touched RAT SNAP." You try it. Three liter, 86e, H6c, $1.26. Sold and guaranteed by Hood and Grantham, wUton A Lee ana muitr nro*. FINE FRUITS VEGETABLES AND CANDY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Any Thing In Our Lino That la Sanaomnbln Will Ba Hara US. DIBS PHONE Ne. •* Broad Struct — Dunn, N. C LEGAL ADVERTISING ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE Tha undersigned having qualified as Administrator of tha totals af Q. E. Byrd, docaasad, lata of Harriott county, this it to aotify all persons having claims against said tstate to present them to me duly verified on »r before the 6th day of October 1622 or this notice srili bo pleaded In bar of their recovery; all persons in debted to said estate will ns she im mediate payment. Thai fitb. day of October 1621. T. D. BYRD, Administrator. Baanlevol, H. C. Clarence J. Smith, Attorney. Oct 7 ft. NOTICE OP SALE OP VALUABLE PROPERTY Under and by virtue of authority contained in a certain Mortgage Deed executed by A. V. Norris, and wife. Ora Norris to B. A. Norris on August 27th, 161S and duly trans ferred to the undersigned Transfer rer, said Mortgage Deed being of Record Registry af Harnett County *1 — a Book No. Ill, Pan 411, delaalt laTlng bote mode 1c tho payment of ho note* secured by mid Mortgage >«»d the undersigned transform rin offer for sale to the highest bid ler, for cash, at public auction at he courthouse door In the city off Jlllngtoa at It o’clock M., ea tho ,1th day of November, 1M1 the fol owiug described real estate. Boginning at a stake la Jaaae lUavae line near a ditch aad rune (. 1*4 W. tl chains to Jaha Smith's nraer where one* stood a large fiaei heace as John Health's Una £ 99W. 14 1-t chains to a stake with polni » «^r.o sehoal bouse; thence 8. IX. with Larkin Norris's Use 88 M rtsalns to a stake in middle of public ■oad; thence N. ITU X. 14 <0.104 :balns to the beginning, snntalalag hlrty-thrs* (88) acres, mart *r lass, wing th* lend deeded by O. W. Oav inaugh to Chao Stewart, sad wife Ullis Stewart. This October 11th, 1881. W. R. Denning Transfarras. s*r» Parker, Attorney. >et 14 11 18 Nov 4. SALE OP VALUABLE LAND Under and by virtue of tho power ind authority contained ta a Dead rf Trust made and executed by X W. Me Lamb and wife to J. W. Buna, Trust**, of data February 10,1010. recorded In th* Register's 01W# *i Johnston County. In Book tl, Pag* II*. and recorded In Register'* Of Ice of Harnett County la Book 188, Page 409, end upon request ef ties holders of tho notao sscared by mid rtood cf Trust, and at the request >f the said 87W. McLamb, the mak w of mid paper, 1 will mil ta the highest bidder, or bidders, for sash st the Court House, Doer In BmHL Aeld, on Monday, Hn ranker 14. 1981 st twelve o'clock noon, the rollow ng tracts or parcels of lend: Firm Tract; Lying aad bring la mid Coanty fs Johnston, la Banner Township, and on both sides off the road known as the McLaaak rood, hat lsads from tho Raleigh and Wfl miogton road Into the KcLamb and Smith settlement, and balag about thma mil** Eaat af the town of Baa mo. aad adjoining the lands of t. J Smith. Ira Allan, 1. O. Alien aad 4th and dearrl bad by aetei and b««nda aa followt: Bogin* at a black rm on tho ran of Haanah’s Croak, 0. AJUo’a eornar; aad runs as his torn South 260 poles to a atako; •hapoo Waat 06 polo* to a stake, I. J. fhnlth'j Una: thane* his line North •SI poke to hla Uaa; thane* East as P*»a* to a stake; thane* North to Hannahs Creak run aad down mid nia of said Creak to tha baglsstng Coatalnlng 111 acraa, more or tea*. Thar* to axeepted from this sanrsy *“«• 4B aersa allotted to Arms then aod Leal* Allan, and SO ears* deeded to Jama* Ryala. Soeond Tract: This tract of toad, together with the three tract* that follow, nuking four toasts la all. are each adjacent to aad connected, mak ing aaa tract of •« acres, aad to la cated In Harnett County, Avorwbaro Town Alp, on tho Southweet aid* of tho read leading from Dana to the mala road connecting tha towns of Costs aad Bauson, aad being about two and a half miles west of Bcneon end deoeribed aa follows: Beginning «* a stake In Taanlo S a ward's lias, J. M. McLamb's corner; aad run* South <0 West SI chains 70 links to a stake in a Sold; thence North SS Watt IT chains SS links to a stake la Rcares* line; thence East IS chains to a stake at the edge of tha Eaat Prong of the Bold Broach, near a bunch of hollies; thane* up said broach about 1S chains to a stoke la said branch: thence South S3 East SS chains 60 Inks to the begin ning, containing 60 scree, mors or leu. Third Tract: Beginning at a stake, J. P Barefoot’* corner, and rune as hla Uaa South «0 West 21.76 chain* t o* stake, Barefoot'* earner | thence North SS Wot 10.SB chain* to a stake in a Astd, in Nsthm Me tmmb'a line, & W. McLamb’s cor asr; thence a* S. W. McLamb's Una wnflKai-K N»rtl> 60 East 21.71 chains to a •toko in Faany Stewart’s liaa; thonco ai her Una Booth 8a Boat 10-26 chains to tho beginning, con taining 28 acres.' Fourth Tract: Beginning at a stake la Nathan MtL_aa»br> line, 8. W. Mc Lamb's oiljtnal earner: and rune at h‘» lira N. «o E 21.76 chain.! to a •taka In Fanny BtawnrCs liaa; thence urltk her liaa South 83 East 4 66 chains to a etaka in her line; theses South 60 West 81.76 -chains to a stake in a mar* In Nathan Mc Lamb’s line; thaoce aa his line North 88 Wcit 4.66 chanls to the begin, nine, containing 10 acres. Filth Tract: BUftanlag at a stakh in 8. W. UcLaiab'c original Una. and I nine Noils 60 1-8 East 4.70 chains I to a stake: then* North 81 1-S West 83.80 chains to Mr*. O. T. Pleasant's line; thance aa ter U»o South 6* 1-8 West 4.70 ehaina to a stake in PWas ant's corner, in 8. W. McLamb’i line: thence as MeLamb’a Una South 81 1-2 East 23 J6 chains to tha be ginning. Contend** 11 acres. This October 10 1021 J. W. BONN, Trustee. Oct 14 21 28 NOV 4 ~ "notice Notice is hereby given that undur the power of sale contained in mort gage deed executed on January 10, 1011 by J. H. Trulova to Parker Brothsn and Jchoaea and recorded in Harnett County m Book 188, Pan 122 and the bond secured thereby and said mortgage deed having boon duly transferred ui assigned for value and before ssaturtiy to tha un dersigned. the undersigned will expose to sals at public auc tion to the blgh«it bidder for ea* at 1260 o'clock M., on Monday November 2j jgfi at hta court bouse door in Lillington Harnett County tha following described land: A certain piece er tract of laud lying and being In Averusboro Tosra abip, Harnett Csuaty, and Btata of North Carolina ana described and defined as follows, to-wit: Lying in Booth Dunn bounded oei tha fen* by tbs lands of D. H- Trulova on tbs South by the land of Baas Draughoa and being that 1st of land conveyed by Laura Trulova by deed to J. H. Trulova during the year 1818 and recorded is tha s8« of the Register of Deeds of Harnett Connty to which deed reference la hereby mads for a more definite doseription. This October 18, 1981. INTERNATIONAL aoricultual CORPORATION ASSIGNEE OT MORTGAGEE Oct 21 22 Nov 4 11 NOTICE OP RESALE of valu able PROPERTY Pursuant to an order made by Joseph B. ChnAko, Jr-, Raforao la Bankruptcy, the underuignod L R Williams, Trustee for D. A. McLeod, will re-sell lubjsct to eon8rmataon by the Boleses, at public auction to tbs highs* bidder lot half cash balance one and two yean- In front of the McLsed store building la tho Town of Angler, M- C-. at IS o'clock M., on tha 9th day of November 1921 •taka at tha intanectieo af Dua and LlUin^ton Street* and nu aear tv W*.» 160 teats than** South 100 fact to a ataka oa tha North Wart comer Lot No. IS kahlock “N” a* *hown by a tut aad (array at the Town of Aagiar; thaaaa a party Bart 180 feat to a rtaka ea Daaa Stint: thence aa Dunn Street North IN feet ta the haftanlng eaataJalac **<' M* HMN fart *t hud Ud aau wfatefa ii Mtaatad a taw Mary TCal ^sjtCOND TtAOT; Betiaain^ atj csts!^?Hsi'si,r; 2^LT*^,ri;0 aZZ'J,c?k Ltf M W jhgrLajrSt M Bread ttmt Seath^Tt'dHnwM fcjKk tor* *525* I*T fS. 1 Tanwi Om k*lf ndk, Wins on* nnd u*« rmn. Jt for D. A. Tfct. 0«U !Ni 1MI. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE! WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9th At 12:00 o’clock, Noon ANG1ER, NORTH CAROUNA % One Two-Story Brick Store Building on Lot containing 4,350 Square Feet of Land One Two-Story Dwelling on Lot containing 22, 500 Square Feet of Land ALL TO GO TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER AT AUCTION VERY EASY TERMS! For further information communicate with— L R. WILLIAMS, Dunn, N. C. Trustee for D. A. McLEOD, Bankrupt ■ • i *' • * / •) *■ - • * • . • * * ■ • .h£* - -.'- • Notice is hereby given that all paving nsornsmcnts due the town of Dunn are due and that unless they are paid due fall the town will be obliged to force collection. Payments should he made at the elerha offiee aft amm ill-1 H. A. Parker, Clerk • •* The Best Gasoline I Costs no More’ DUHING our Buy years' experience in producing gasoline we have dis covered that the proper blending of basic crudes is necessary for a tewU btdanced fuel. And our access to prac tically every developed oil field has in sured full utilisation of the various types and grades of erode fat exactly the pro portions needed. The improved “Standard” Motor Gwo Hoe b produced through the efforts of •or Development Department experts. These men have devoted their lives to the study of oil refining and the relation be tween the properties qf ofls and the twee to which they are adapted. “Standard” Motor Gasoline represents the fruit of their yean of painstaking experimenta tion. It Is uniform in quality, naifhji firing, clean-burning. It k the best gaso line obtainable, and costs no more dug any other. The consistent use of “Standard” Motor Gasoline will go far towards correcting many of the more common ties of motoring. If yonr —glim own beats or gives off vfle exhaust gases, H yonr cylinders miss or carbonise quickly. If the oil In yonr crankcase becomes diluted, It is probable that yon have been using the wrong gasoline. FID ap with the Improved “Standard**. On sals wtarsver yoa ms the fsndUar “Iftt STANDARD OIL COMPANY . (NEW JERSEY)