T NOVEMBER SALE I back from New York where he bought thousands and thousands of dollars worth of the newest style* in Coats, Coat Suite, Dresses Clothng, Shoes and Oxfords and thes s goods are now h*r» for your inspection. We inaugurate the greatest sale given to the people in Dunn, Duke and surrounding country, an opportunity to purchase merchandise at a price never before equalled. In addition to this we quote prices on cotton goods has ed on a 10-cent cotton basis and these price* will prevail during the month of November and your oonortunitv is here to nurchio ---STATEMENT OF ELLIS GOLDSTEIN. —-:___:_ ) I have just returned from the northern market* where I have purchased for our thousand* of customers from the biggest coat suit* and dress manufacturers their sample garment* at price* unheard and uneaualled. Some time ago when cotton was low I contracted for all my fall staple good* i i and * have made the mill* ship direct t o us and we are going to sell merchandise during this November sale at prices that will ba amazing to you when you consider the ternhc changes thathave taken place. The character of the merchandise that we are showing is superior to any that ia displayed in thi* section of the state. _ My advice to you is to take advantage of this opportunity, come let us show you and buy your goods early for you will make a oreat saving.. Always the beet goods for the least money. ELLIS GOLDSTEIN. * COATS, SUITS, COAT SUITS _""___ More than two hundred and fifty coat suits bought Hundred* from New York’s best manufacturers are going at and Child***'* Cost* a** **w M ^ l_y, far this great November sale. Every style is tne very tow i*«p*ctia* b«a(kt at half tha actual *ha latest and we can please you m any color imagin- . ^W*.' . able. Coat suits worth $20.00 for $7.95. Coat triiamad **d plain trinunad ia all tha saw *tyla*, suits worth $30.00 for $14.95. Coat suite worth «U* hl« Hha ef slmW ***1, *d i*a and fw rr *19’5 worth JM0 TO for XT .JX. T. S^^tCiTLS $24.95. Coat suits worth $50.00 for $29.95 and •* ddldra*'* c*at* ar* i* all tha latest stria* we are showing coat suits for $39.45 and $49.95 %££* 7** *■*—**“ »* U>wTt and each one worth twice what we ask for it. P«*~. Ca«*«, lat ** *h*w r**»»» all w* **h. DRESSES, DRESSES The most beautiful array of Serges, Silks, Trico tines, Poiret Twills and Velours that have ever been displayed in Dunn are now on Display. Each Mid every one has an individuality. We are showing thin«a in Jera«y in the BRUMLEY DRESSES and the three piece Coat Dresses. The prices cannot be equalled and we have marked them for quick selling from $4.95 to $39.95. Also big stock of childrens dresses and Middy Suita. ; ; DRESS GOODS On* big table full of Ging hams, Chambrsy, Percales, Dry Goods worth up to 20, No vember Sale price— 10 Cents One big table full of Ging hams, Percales and Gala teas, real value at 26e, November Gale price — 15 Cents * _ _ Hundreds of pieces of th* very beet outings, November Sale priee— 15 Cents Liaen finish suiting especial ly made for boys wash suits, shirts and school ■ drawee, No vember Sele pries— 25 Cents __—— Kiddy Cloth and Devonahir* in stripes and solid colors, No vember Sele price— 25 Cents The very best Homespun, real value 20c, November Sal* price— 12 1-2 lantt The very beet end heaviest Bed Ticking, November Sale price— 29 Cents Riverside Beat Homeepun, No i ! vember Sale price— 10 Cants The very best ehirting made, November Sale price— 15 Cants Hickory Shirting the boot, ! November Sale price— 15 Cants 26c Bleaching, November Sale Price— 17 1-2 Cants The heaviest beet cotton flan nel, November Sale price— 19 Cants Curtain Scrim, the beet as sortment ever shown is Dudn, November Sale price— 10,12 1-2,15c and up Come and bay now and save money. WOOLEN DRESS GOODS Here* where you will ht« money. Hundreds of pieces of Drees Goods in all the newest patterns and shades One lot of dress roods la Checks, Sheppard Plaids. A bargain never to be equalled, November Sale price— 39 Cents One lot of serges la blast and blue storm serge, just the serge for middy suite Cum grit sold for $2.00, November Saks jfrtce— 69 Canto Beautiful Serges end Wool en goods all qualities, Novem ber Sale price— 98c, $1.48 to $338 Y«l. SILKS This is the sQk store. Every quality of silk is here for ypur inspection and wants. Beauti ful array of Taffetax in all shades, November Sole price— Poplin Silks In all shades. quality that is beautiful, No vember Sale price— 95 Canto Taffeta SUka in every imag inable ahade, November Sale price i $1.23, $1.48, $1.69 amI $1.98 Georgettes in all shade# and fancy patterns, November Sals price— $1.00 Charm cute Satis ia all shades, November gala price— $1.48 Radium 811 ka in all shades— $1.89 Canton Crops Silk in hlask and blue, real value $5.00, No vember Sale price— $3.4* Special WORK Skirts We are going to sell during the November Sale $0 desea heavy work shirts, worth to day $1.25 at--Ms OVERCOATS Thia ia overcoat weather and we are showing the moat complete line of overcoats for boys and men ever brought to Dunn and the prices will be amazing to you. Come let uz ahow you and you will save money on your overcoats. FURS FURS Yea. wa are aelling mere fore than wa have ever soM before. This ia because wa have the right Una at the right price. We have a Una of Bcaraa, Choakers in. Mink, Fox. Wolf Pox, in fact every known ani mal that grows, so now you can buy your neck piece from $3.95 tip to $75.00 SKIRTS — SKIRTS The most beautiful line of skirts ever brought to Dunn is being displayed, at— $1.95 up to $9.96 It ia up to yon to come and let os show you what yon want In skirts. SWEATERS This has been the greatest sweater season ever known in the history of this country and oar Mr. Goldstein on hie recent trip brought the biggest line of sweaters that has ever bean brought to Dunn and we are offering these sweaters far mea, bo ye, ladles, misses from 91.95 Up including fancy sweaters, seat sweaters and collage sweaters. Come let as show yoa the sweaters and yoa will save mo ney. Overalls, Extra Special During the November Sale we are going to sell 25 doaen of the famous BluebacUe Ov eralls, worth today $2.00> a pair at— 91.23 UNDERWEAR Men's heavy fleeced lined ahirta, the kind yoa paid $1.50 for Mat year, November Sale prism 69 Canto Men’s heavy ribbed shirts, don't pay $1.50 lot them, ear November Sale price 75 Cents E. Z. UNION SUITS November Sale price— * 98 Cents Boy's and Girl’s Union Saita, November Sale price— 75 Cents Men’s ribbed Union Saits, the best grade, November sale prise— $1*48 A full and complete line of children’s, ladies’ and men’s wool underwear. Come 1st us save you money. HATS AND CAPS The beat line of Men’s hats is always carried by Goldstein and we are offering some rare bargains. . One lot of Men’s Hats in all colors and shapes, November Sale price— $1.95 Man’s Hata. all colors and shapes, November Sale price— $2.95 and $3.95 Men’s Velour Hata, Novem ber Sale Price— $4.95 Mea’s John B. Stetson Hata, November Sale Price— $5.95 CAPS We have the beat line ol cape made for men and bops. Real $1.00 caps for bops, No vember Sale price 50 Cents Men's caps, real 82.00 valaai in all the new shades and cot on, November Sale price— 98 Cents ■ ■ , . f ■" — — Men’s regular $8.00 cape November Sale price— $1.4$ Be sure and see us for pom caps sad save menep. SHOES—SHOES We arc showing the moit complete line of Men’s, Chil dren’s and Ladies’ shoes ever diown in Dunn at prices that ‘competition does not meet, our line of children’s shoes is the very beat that money can buy. Every shoe that we eell is sold on absolute guarantee. Satisfactory wear or a new pair of shoes. During this Novem ber tale we will offer bargains that wiB not be duplicated again. Hundreds of pain of Iadlee shoes, real value 99.00 at— $2.95 Hundreds of pain of ladles’ shoes in black and tan,, both high heels and low heel, value 97.00, November Sale price— $3.95 Ladies Common Sense Shoe, real value 93.90 at— $1.95 A Pair • Children’s Shoes from $1.4S up ims is snoe weacner ana now ia the time to buy daring this sale. Everything you want along the line of men’s work .shoes we have in brogans from $1.96 up to the beat army shoe at..$4.M a pair Ladiea Selby Shoes from $4.95 up to $8.99 each style the very latest. CLOTHING A recent purchase enables us to offer you prices that will never be equalled again In yean to come. Hundreds of yeung men's suite with long pants, real valua $16.0$, for $6.96 a suit. One hundred and fifty Men’s and yoang men’i suits in stripes, solid colon snd black, blue and brown stripes and checks, real value $26.00 and $80.00. These suits are di vided into two lot*— $14,95 and $19.95 Hundreds of Men's and Young Men's Saits, in air the English cut Unas and full llnai at. $MM „ < < Griffon A Kuppenhelmer cloth ing from_$24.58 to $35.98 See the line of clothing we ere showing and the styles and you will unhesitatingly buy. Do not buy your suit until you come to see us and take advan tage of this November aale. BOY’S SUITS School time is hers and the boys want new suits and we are showing them. * I Hundreds of boys •aits from— $1.95 to $14.85 Some of these have two pairs of pants. ! We7 want to please the boy ! snd we want to please you, so ; ; bring the boys along snd take advantage of this November Sale and aave money on your ! ! boys suits. _ < > Comfort* and Blankets Now is the time to lay in < your supply of blankets and comforts for the cool nights are coming and we are offering some unusual values In com- ! ! forts and blankets during our November Sale. Priced from— • $1.98 up to $3.98 Each and every one worth just twice what we aak. Household Furnishing* We hsve the most complete " line of counterpanes, sheets, pillow esses, towels, table lin en, draperies, scrims and cur tain goods ever offered to the public end some rare bargains await your coming. MILLINERY Our Mr. Goldstsin whan in Nsw York purchased over 600 ladies’, children's and mias^’ hats at one half the former value and during this grant No vember aele we are going te offer these beta to the pubUe I for leas then one half the reel ; value. This la an opportunity to buy New York's greatest stylss in millinery at a grant saving. I Every imaginable shape is hsra on display and vos are going to save you money on every hat that you buy. Big line of aallors just arrived. Como 1st as show you millinery is nil we ask and aava you money '.during thu !!! 1 November Sale. ;;; I This sale will be an opportunity for yon to sere money. Remember the sale begins on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, and continues through the of NOVEMBER and them prices will prevail. We Imow that we shall be busy and have extra help to wait on the trade. AH goods on display. Re . member, we are selling for cash only and we can save you money. Come let us show yeu. Goldstein’s - ■ ■ Dunn’s Best Store

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