• » * * « * * » » •LOCAL* • · · » > * * * nu : ; oplaode It. "Her Pint K1m" Sun thins Conilr Paramount cartoon. Friday—"lunilnf DmjrU«ht" Jack London «tory. Metro Production, all •tar tut headed by Mitchell Lnu. 8nub Pollard β«· reel comedy. Satarday—"The Myrtle Power"— episode 10 KlVt ef the Circua. Xaiid Class Male Universal Comedy. Latest Path· Naera. Beam to Mr. and Mr». UeA T. Noe! ea Monday of last week. a girl. Mr. and Mr». Q. u Tilfbman hare returned from a visit. to relative» In Norfolk. AD banks In the Dunn District will be tloeed Friday In obsrrrancc of Analrtlce Day. Mra. Jobs C. Phillip* returned Sat ™a» fronj Dillon. 8. C., where *he bad been vialtia* relative. Mr», E. W. Myera of Raleigh, spent ™ week end hem with her patenta, Mr. and Mra. Martin L. Wa4·. Mr. and Mra. Irvin Grantham of ot- Paul, (pent the week er.d here with Mr. and Mrv Gccrjr* K. Gran tham. They returned horn·» Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mra. Thomat Tyndall, of Sampson County, were here Sunday to visit Mr. and Mra. Id Tyndall. Mr. and Mrs Γ dix McKay, of Dnke, were in town Saturday. Mra. John C. Hodge· returned Sun day from Meant Olive where the had ■pent several day» with her husband. Mr. Hods*· accompanied her home, returning to Mount Olive Sunday night. New· from the bedalde of Thomae K. Darden Sr., who waa (tricken with appendieUia Friday li that he Is rap idly recovering. He h in a Fayette ville hospital where he wa· operated upon Saturday. Mr. and Mr*. K. U Howard. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Baldwin and K. *· Howard motored to Raleigh Bnnday to viait Mr. and Mra. Howard's daugh ter, Misa Led He Howard, who is a •Uider.t la Peace Institute. Tbraa sailors arrested hers last week for hoboing have bean discover ed to be deeerters fas m the U 8. 8 «ft a·. · • -W- aua wua «V · cvu ucu w atation by Chiif of Polie* PlCi ·■ seoo as their sentence· or· completed hern. Presiding Elder Bandy of the r»yrtt«Till· District, presetted at tha HtUwliat church hare Sunday morn· Inc. Mr. Bandy's tennon »u inter eerlsg and delivered in an attractive maimer. A large crowd *ai present hear Mai. Henry p. Johnson I· having e/ectad a fee and all storage etation at the ΛΑβ and Baathern traclte and will •oon haalii the distribution of oil by track*. Thar· fcm be three oil 41· trihnttag «oacarn· ta toera whoa I The Gift Shop ia Dnan*a na * niai· restore It la backed by SlSKfefHSH The akoe U located on the af the Tim National Marion C. (Jack) Lea left 8atar day night far Washington where he will isaums hia dell a a aa traveling π1»·«η for a reofiog concern. Mr. Loo wna wtt* the tame concern last I winter and wring and made a record af which hi· friends are proud. HU territory embraced Maryland, Dela ware and West Virginia. He «pent the earner here with hie parent·, Judge and Mr·. Bldredge Lee. W. H. Grainger, a young white man, was sentenced to aarva ήχ month· on the road· when tried yes terday in Bacordar'· Court on a charge of having paued'a worth la «a check for 1*0 at the Goldatetn «tor·. The check was Issued an the First Na tional where It araa said the man had Mverhadan account. He waa caught at Fayettèville and all of the goods and most of the money he had gotten from Goldstein· were recovered. Announcement was made yester day of the marriage on July 8 of Mm* Maaaye Wast, daughter of Mr. •ad Mrs. Andrew Wait of Saaipaon County, to Henry P. Johnson, of the City Garage. The annoancament came as a surprise to the many friands throaghout tha Dunn District. The brldt It a popular young woman wfto kaj been tsapioytd In the Fleishman ■tor·· for several months. Mr. John Ma ta on* of the mort successful au tomoMle men of the district. Begin ning naxt Monday Mr. and Mia. Joan· •oo will establish their home tat the wKwh of Mr·. John P. Johnson. Little foil In the primary depart ment of the graded schools hare been buy aborn the ftreeti thl* week ten iae tieketa to the entertainment to bo staged by them Wednesday—to morrow night ander Oie direction of Mia* Kennedy. They have «old many tttkato and will have a lain* crowd to »ee their fine little ahow la Me IrepoUtan Theatre. The proceed· frea this *«w art Jo he devoted to • tend being raited by Miae Kennedy to pay ter additions J chain and desks cswçî." for ehildrea and 16 cents for π ... ap«- The Dispatch hopes that all ef its lee ai readers will sea the show. They wOl miM aoaaethinc really good If «hay 4* not. Week on the new rorannncnt eat. toe Storage warehonM bain* ereetwl ea the Ornerai Utility Company's block ie gotig ahead rapid*.»" will he the layst heUdtag in town whan completed Mid wOl he able to l modate nearly 10,000 hale· of cotton whoa eotapletod. The building se tonds from Vaaee street 100 fort to ward Harnett, le 120 feet wide and two atari01 bijh. Mt tort win bo ap prtalasately #7·.β00. The company, Ueetiaed last year to cendact bonded wniaheaoM, wlU ha,, «ung· room wgfl ft ainady «eniM _ warehooae at the coryr of Railroad Awms and Earaett **+« aa •thae at the aartharn end of WOeea Jte»a than 100 «"fhe™, of the *·£·» Whle Oaaa «* W*»ae Street Methodirt oharek mart present lit to welcepe the K«ûy Westoy Khb Ota· wh*M members J^rrMsta of dw locai organlaatK (ran va* the rendition ·ίΤη>» Kn rer and the Song." wKh Mr». Alfred R. Wilton taking tit· r*adl»g_p«ït, Jtrm. T. L. Riddle and Μπ. wT·. Snip*» tinging U· duet tad Jfn John C. Hod··· playing the orgaa. Tli» ν laiton were deeply lnpttind br th* earnettneu of Teach·* Henry Hood !n expia In ins the letton ef the the day They were very w«U pleaaed with the church, the town and it* peo ple and have «gtanded an invitation to th* local olaaa to eiait than tone time. MICROBE OF LOVE That dangerou» and inftidie·· bag agalnit which the people 0f Dan η w*.< warned U»t week, is aald to be in our midat. and it ia reported that it will make iU appearance, at tagine all who are preaont, at the Metropoli tan Theatre, Friday night. No*. 11. The lad well a* catchy and appropriate mu·*, and It la t*f check your critical facultl*» At the box oflWe whan roB come in the door 10 yon may relax and fi" vour face a genuine troat in the way of a Rood laugh, for the Microbe " to have lu final matrimonial The dleoiAed bachelor· and wotnen hater* of Dunn may well have their la»t day party for Madam Hymen Cupid hat arrived and vow» aha wilt not leave a «ingle bachelor. 8ha la in the employment of the «plaeUr» to help them And a hutbaod, and the la not goins to dltappeiat them in rpttc of the fact that a bachelor'· club has been organized by the man ef the town to ayoid tho ladle» and evade matrimony. Thcr employ the ■ervicei of Jerimiah Heepaek, wha eive· thrm advice on th· mbject ef love and matrimony taken from hla own experience. The rtnlen party break/, up the bachelor» club and the rpinrter'· cluk for a «hot of love microbe* U effec tive in making the bachelor* fall In love w1». ^ B^EmPkTIWPB j SA—I CeUbrmle. Armlilka Day Armistice Day will be celebrated bv the graded achooU at tbo Opera Hobm next Friday morning at eUvan o'clock. An appropriate program conxttfin* of patriotic eong» and reading· will b« rendered. An «ililiaa· will be given by Captai· Roland Wil liam». Captais William» iaw «enrice in Franc r and Hi· ad dree· will ba both intere«ting and InrtrweUra. Th· people of Duna ara cordially tavitad to attaad the exercltea It 1· hoped that a large number of citiaeni will ipare one brief hour from work and help to célébrât· in a fitting way tbo third anniversary of the caaution of koatilitiee in the graataat war in hi*· lory. FLORE8TON SHAMPOO I Β Mp« cwntti wom.iB * BUSINESS LOCAL * MICK* Foî |ÂL(. - fuWMAci Jonee lanbtr Co. . II. BUBINB88 LOCALS «9 — PLAIN AND FANCY SEWING.—I am prepared to 4o all kindi it aewlny at my hoau, 116 Fayette vlUc Atbiw. Mn. D. IL Britt. lie. MAKE A SEDAN OF YOU* KUtCK —I hare a Sedan top I «ill aall cheap. Dr. W. T. Martin, Banaon. KTcT 4-lte HAVE TOU HAD YOUR GALLON of that "Fancy BaAadoei Mnl— aaa"? Η not why not? Freeeaa'· Caah Grocery. WAWTIP — MAW WITH CAE TO ■all tow prioad GBA8AM TUB. IISO.00 par ^afc and ι iildan àtLAjàjJt root OO Boatowd. t4M Benton Barbae, Mick. 1 tpd. MULI — IMOUOV FIN» JEd aaar Baiae Craektekeoi. Ko "Tlaer I n »/land. clay aabeeil to W 40,060 feet «f tuber, SX acrat cleared oa tha hiftwmy trwm Dunn to Dake and Bale'· Creek. Good little 4-reom kouaa aqd barna. Now do yea knew land naa^Buia'a Crack la hard to bayl Come plaat yemaelf kare and roe will aare am eye on yoor children aad aaa what they are doing. 1%ia plaee will be aold la 10 days. 10 other good lama for ale on eery oaay terms. J- G. Laytoa, Dmn, Ne. I. It pd. „ £tî£,.'aj«ZK ^SMW^rôrapSie UetWwlW Natif jr g. M. JrfTrmTÎSS. Λ0. • xtc. HOUSE ΤΟΛ EEWT—a." dinillu wttk pite, outbuilding*. flîu r building, known ι C.11 at _ Dunn, N. C, ftr tutktr ^βη· «Me. ATTENTION FAUIUi AMD HU cHmu.—Skip jrtur piodoe# to RkbrlMWna Co., >U |iVni St. Norfolk, m. No (bitti D. D. Jot Nov H tu. CUU AND boasted cottes et > kmh. Or. Jot ft miIi, • ï*i*î î* *i conta oMh. while tboy iMt fittau'i Coek Grocery. Hfc .χ*-* «5 M tke John Jeoe* y'— lT Λ CABBAGE PLANTS — WE HAVE Billion! of froot proof cobûgo planta for eolo. AU «-riho τηηο tie· at fl.10 pot rtooaoad Tf-rV priaea on 1*·*·. Y on Wreet. Lao'» *·™· Wriill T.aa, Manager, Benaen, N. C. 1 4ta. C ABB IDE rat SALE ANOTHER large ahlproant 1·Μ arrtrad. Oar price la rljgkt Coll now and rat yoora. Eanojr M Loo. 4 Sc. BRICK FOR SALE. — TUEMACB Jonoa Lumber O- tf. done* on Boat Dirint Street. Laiw* lot. deetfrable location, convenient ι S^J^-ÎSTVT *rTLî»,s&.%£.T.s Oct IS tie. 1 f •^fe5dMe^ ·* *■v*1 » , ν- ο. ι πα IDC. — IF TOU HMD CAS· kid· l«t m (apply ye·. A bos· Alpmnt fvat w*)m4»4. Cmw qatak. K**oy mo4 Lm. *VU. icu> m amd oat*, iiar· Staff, 11*y and MoUim Γμ4 aft thm light prh·. Fhwnt C**h Or WANTED.—TA Asfiy t· Μη. Sm WSSmhl il* I w5tPfcrto.ll. ftf.| ITARTAM OIUUKS, dtlry t—Λ iwr TW priM k right. Omwy. mavb τον nuao ■ku^ir^t· BIG LOT FLORIDA FRUITS And Vegetable» and fine candies just received to be sold retail or whole US. MBS PHOME If·, M Imasms — Do·, N. c area that h· knew anythlag a Wot and that he never heard of instances sf unjust treatment of American sol diers. "Ketcha-ICaV Um.l*u· u4 BrUlUnt Katcha Koo. an Oriental American muiical comedy, to be staged under the auapicca of the Chamber of Com merce at Metmpolltan Theatre Nov ember 22 and 23 (i Mid to ha the moat stupendous and brilliant ama teur affair evar presented in Da Ml This is thr opinion of those who basa witnessed the daily rehearsals which ere being held under the direction of Misa Dagmar Carlson. Katrha-Koo will surprise evtryooe by being Just about the nearaat ta a professional presentation aver giv en by local talent. The mystery af the Orient and the practical jsatriot Ism of modern tines are artfully com bined amid wiord and apeetaeolar scenic effects, shadowed lights. Ori ental tapestry· brilliant eastern·· aad the lilt of sweat melodies. There are scores of pretty giria In «vary seen·, while the closing (tableau entitled, "Liberty Aflame presanta the moat attractive group of younger and old er ladles that war· ever aaaeabled on a local *»«·· ... J Among the damcea which are all very different from one another are the Devil Dance. Polo Donee and the AuM U*f Syne Group. The latter will be greatly enhanced by the sl*f ing of "When I Wont To School With You". "Kateha-Koo" a Fakir, trame flxa· himself before the Maharajah's Temple for week· at a time without moving. Ho la alao said to control as amount of genuine "curiae" cufflcleat to bring fear to the hearts of the na tives. ———————ι Fruit Cake Perhaps you had rather make • it, but why not let us bake it? Baked in an oven just right by a baker who knows. ' f β Call 88 for information as to ♦ Baking Day, etc. I Pearce's Bakery m ι m m mu 111111 nu/iituutitritiiiiHMim Exceptional Value· in New Fall and Winter Goody We have our store full of the high quality merchan dise of STANDARD make—upon which our reputation is built. These goods were bought at the right priée·— before the recent advance and we are selling them cheap, accordingly. JI DRY SPLIT FINE CORD WOOD I have * Urge tot of food cord wood for ■*]« and turn bought sad m operating the beat wood Mwinf outfit in thla aoc tion. * Wood delivered cat &B7 length. A. C. BARNES PHONE 110-J In fact we are always a step ahead in quality and a step behind in price. ·· Be sure to visit our store before you buy. SE :·' Ε. L. Parker & ISons Dunn, , —■ NEW DR] AND COATS Hundred· of new garment· have just been unpacked in our women'· wear department. We aak that you in spect them, knowing that they are bound to gain your warmest approval and praiee. These garments were personally selected by Ellis Goldstein during his recent visit to designers in New York. Each is a beauty—you must see the one we have for you. GOLDSTEIN'S Dunn's Best Cash Store