__THE DUNN j ___Dunn, North Carolina, CHAMBER MEETS MONDAY EVH7JC TO START WORK C smlHir Plans To Provide Against Coming of Boll Woovil EXPECTED TO ENDORSE SALE OF ELECTRIC PLANT Many Arguments For Disposal To Carolina Power and Light Company—Nana Against— Organisation Prepares To Renew Activities Interrupt ed By Fair. Directors of the Chamber of Coro asreo will moat Monday night to dis ease a project proposed by Secretary Riddle through which he hope* to in duce farmers of tho Dunn District to adopt a program to defeat the ex pected ravages of thr bull weevil is this section and to formulate a plan to terry thg forthcoming election called to ratify tho town commitaion cts plan to dispose of the municipal electric lighting nnd power plant to the Carolina Light sad Power Com pany for a sum sufficient to retire, the bonds voted for tho plant'* con stroction and provide for Incidental Ill tha matter of tho boll weevil Mr. Biddle haa formulated a working program through which he brllevei tho c immunity will profit. Ilo In ten da to call upon several prom inant agricultural workers for I perches dur ing tho winter and the State and Fed eral departments of agriculture for demoaatraton to conduct institutes throughout the district. These will toach cotton growers how best to ’ contend with the weevil and how to substitute profitabe crops for preca rious cotton. First of tha apeakara to be invited la Clarence Poe. editor of tha Pro fraaBive Paranar. who has the confl denoo of every fanner. Mr Riddle hopes to induce Mr. Po« to come hire about tha middle of Deer mbs r or oarly.ln January and to have his visit closely followed by the institute Fotaoaally Mr. Biddle favors the sab of the power plant—01 docs ov ary other eltlaen who has studied the - contract made with the poorer comp any and is familiar with the handi caps coffered by the municipally own ad plant. Tha chamber aa a body, howovtr, has taken no definite stand. Ho expects the directors to sanction the sale and ii preparing to aid in carrying tha election for tho sale. It will be necessary for advocsia* of tho sale to poll at least a majority «f tha qualified voters of tbs town This will he a harder job than it seems. So many voters are apathetic —little interested in matter* pertain ing to the community’s progress. All w£e remain away from the polls, ev en though they might favor the sale, will bo counted against it. Mr. Biddle wants to devise some method of get ting thee, to tho poll.. In tho chamber e effort, to carry the election the Woman's Club will he asked to aid. Arguments In favor of the sals arc: Continuous nod ample electric ser vice at all times. Cheaper and more abundant power for domestic and industrial puruotes. Relief for the town from tr.e bur den of providing for deficit** incident to municipal operation of the plant. Sufficient electric current to induce ■nail Industries to locate In Dunn. Retirement of bonds which are burdensome to the tax pagers of Dunn. extension of service to suburban born re which are denied electrical ser vice by reason of the limited capacity of the arseont plant. Avoiding of the necessity of re building the present plant at an enor mous cost to tho tow*. Arguments against sale: “there ain’t no sieh animal.” Monday night's mooting will mark tha resumption of activities by the chamber interrupted by preparations for tho fair. For the last four months Secretary Riddle and the rest of the chamber's personnel have been busy with preparations for the fair and with winding up It* affair;. From new until the next fair everybody connected with tho chamber will de ’ vote their entire attention to making Dunn move forward. Favaeabla Agricultural Outlook for IMS la a telegram to the editor of t western agricultural paper. Secre tary Henry C. Wallace made the fol lowing encouraging statement: "The agricultural outlook for 1*22 la favorable. W# should see marked improvement over conditions a# they hav* existed this year. Time will be required for full recovery, but we have reached the bottom and are on tha upgrade The most important things farmer# should work for are the perfection of thrir . o operattvs tailing organisation* with a risw to putting the marketing of farm pro duct* on a thoroughly sound business baste, and the careful study of neods of tha consumer and intelligent ad justment of production to these . __I. m POTATO ITORAC8 MOUSE PROVE* GREAT SUCCEtl Rocky Manat. Not. 4 —Onraniaad daring tka pa* «arna»or and enter!** upon ha flrat aanaon. tka Rocky ■amat aa upaiattan awaat potato »to rapa haaaa, tka anlp co-nporatlcp pro leak of Hi kind in tka atata. kai an Joyod tka gpaataat partlkU (ocean and nm than mrpam*4 Uta expecta tion* of Ha pratnaiata. BONOS MAKE BIG CAIN WITH LIBERTIES SOARING New York, Nov. 4. -- Trading lu bonds of all descriptions in th# open market and in* private negotiations today was the largest In scope and volume of almost any season this year, in marked contrast to stock •.e-dings, which were moderate and irregular. On thr slock exchange the turn over In bonds approximated slightly more than 322,000.000 and of this total almost 05 per cent represented purchases of liberty bonds and vk tory notes. Moat of the liberty iwvc* established new high price* for the year, activity again being moat mark ed in the 4 12 per cent series. Victory 3 3-4s also scored a maxi mum quotation for the year at 99.03 and %the 4 3-4# repealed yesterday's record price of par, including oho lot of f 1.000,000, which sold slight!? under the record pries. Huying of bonds was not confined to domestic issues, however, a nun - ber of th# foreign group making sub stantial gains. Foremost among that* were French government eights, and Relgian government 7 l-2s which made extreme advances of 1 3-4 and 3 points, respectively. Although thr demand for railroad stocks was desultory at best, many railroad bonds rose to highest prices of the current movement and in some instances to their best of the year. Among these were the underlying o convcttible Issues of roads traversing western and southwestern territory. Even industrial bonds threw off the apathy of heaviness shown by stock* uf that character, equipment, rubbo •, copper, oil noteworthy advances. Ac cumulation of high grade bonds ea compassed issues of South American countries, as evidenced by the buy ing ©f new Chilean government o.ghts. These sold at a alight premium over the price at which they were public sale by a banking syndicate yesterday. CONSIDER NOMINATION OF NEGRO FROM CEORGIA Washington. No*. Tha nomina tion of Henry Llnooln Johnson, nagro Republican National Committeaman for Gro'gta. to be Recorder of Deads here was considered yerterday by a D'rtriet of Columbia sub-committee fo"*****"* of Senators Jones, of Washington, and Capper, of Kansas, Republicans, and Shtppard, Demo crat, Texas- Tbo sab-committee wW report on the nomination,. probably next week, and although tha matter la confidential ia understood that the two Republicans will recommend Jehnaan’s confirmation, with Saun ter Sheppard In .-apposition. Dispo sition by Johnsoh « funds cecalES during the last Presidential primary is a Lector ia .the oaaoi - -e-. • _»- - s— —— > MORRISON SAYS THE STATE MUST MAKE MORE MONEY Fayetteville, Nov. 4—-Pleading for the construction of good roads and the opening of the waterways in North Carolina, Governor Mqrrison made a stirring address at a dinner given at tha La Fayette hotel here this evening by the Ktwanls rlub in honor of the teachers of the city schools and the faculty of the Fuy ctteville conservatory of music. Governor Morrison choose at his subject, "What Must North Carolina Lin To Progress?" He answered that question by declaring that the stats murt make more money. The governor pleaded for lerger expenditures for government and public institutions. Williems-CulbreOi A wedding of much Interest to the i Cape Fear District was that ccltbra-l ted Wednesday evening at the home: of Mr. and Mrs Robinson McLaurin and the late Julius Culbreth, became the bride of William Williams, ton of Mr. and Mr*. Nathan A. Williams, of Fleet Hill- Rev. Charles B. How ard, a cousin of the bridegroom, pas tor of the Baptist church of Salem burg, officiated. A large gathering of friends and relatives of the young couple were present to witness the ceremony when at 6 o'clock the bride entered the beautifully decorated parlor accom panied by her sister, Mrs. Gilbert Beard, followed by the bridegroom with his best man, Mr. Wilbert Board. Mist Borlino Bullock played the wed ding march from Lohengrin ss the party entered. At one corner of the parlor the party cams together ia front of the prodding minister who spoke the briar ceremony which made the nonular vosnr coople man and wife. After the ceremony the bridal pair forty of tbair friend* adjourned to the homo of the bridegroom'* pa tents where one of the tapper* for which that heme ha* been famous for moro than twenty-fir* year* waa ser ved. The following morning Ur. and Mrs. William* motored to Fayette ville where they boarded a north bound train to viaJt eitset whera thoy win spend a brief time enjoying tbair honeymoon. Mrs William* I* a member of that prominent family of Cnlbrotba which ho* given to the Sooth *ome of Ha leading min titer* and bait bnainoaa men ami it one of the moat charming and aecompliahed young woman of Cumberland County. Mr. WllllaaM ii * f>Tk ■** Fayatterin# noatofBfe nnd 1* a greet-grandaon of dae nf th# founder* of Salem burg Academy, on* of th* oldeat and nut infloen tlul schools of North Caraltna. Ho to •bn,; her of the late Mr*. Wi Ilian W. Week* of Donn and a ton of on* of the mod prominent farmer* of Cumberland county. JONEEFACE Mim l»ule* Pag* and Claronea Jonas ware quietly married la th# prtaene* of a few friend* and rela tive* Saturday evening nt • o'eleck at th# horn* of th* bride’* parents Mr. and Mm. Wnton Pag*. Eev. A. B. Yarborough ottelating. The bride to a very popular young women of the Chjeorm community. Mr. Jon** to the grandeoa of J. H. Jonos * ptaipenom farmer and mar chant of th* Godwin aertion, Mr. and Mrs Jon*# bav# * Wat of friend* who wi*h them meeb bappineas Democrat* Make Good Gain* In Four State* D* Batter la Koatoehy, Vlrgi.U. MaryUad aad New Yet* Elec. Hau New York, Nov, 9,—Final sum mar i ration tonight of re salts of yeeUP dey’e “off year" election, throughout the country Indicated substantial gains for the Democrats la four etatee —Maryland, Kentucky, Virginia and New York—while municipal ballots In many elUes resulted In changes of party control. The outstanding case ol state-wide Democratic victory waa In Kentucky, where that party regained control of the legislature, which haa been Re publican for two yean. In Maryland, where the entire lower house was elected, with 27 members of the tun- ' ute, Democratic control increased. In Virginia the Democratic gubstw istoria) candidate, State Senator K. Trinkle, led hi* Rtpublictn op- 1 ponent by a wide margin, which ex tended also to hia running gratae, la- i eluding J. Murray Hooker, the party's i candidate for representative In Con- i frtss In the New York aaermbly, the Pernor rate increased their reproacn- 1 Ution by 22 Mats, eltfcottfh the Re- i publicans, with a total of 96 aaeem- < >ty men, still retained a wide work- i inf m ary in. , Albany, long regarded aa the 1 (troaghold of Republic an Ism In tau . date will have a Democratic admin- i vetration for the first time in 22 rears. The Democrats elected their < neyonslty candidate, William 8. I Kackftt. and seised every other berth I m the city administration balloted on i including a large majority of the 19 « Detroit re-elected Mayor James Comen*, whose campaign was waged >n a platform catling for municipal ruction ownership, while Cleveland .w Fred Kohler a substantial plu rality over Mayor Witllam 8. rita gcrald. Republican, and voted to rhajigv to a city manager plan of rovernment in 1924. It was Kohler who, whan dismiss 'd ss chief of police by Newton D. Baker, then mayor, told his friends M would some day vindicate himself t>y being elected bead of the city rovernment. Ho conducted his cam paign without the backing cf an or ganization and without —«fci»»g a ipeech Cleveland ie mid to be the argeat city which has adopted a city nanager plan. Republican mayor* were elected In Indianapolis and Cincinnati. Tammany chiefs tonight wore coio In the greatest Republican rail rver experienced in a city election Pore Mayor Hylan was returned to office as was every one of his running mates on the Democratic ticket. He ted a plurality of 417.9S4 over his toaillionlu opponent, Henry H. Cur ran, garnered through a clean sweep rrls Hlllqult when he ran for may or four years ago. Jacob Panhen, the party’s candidate, received 83409 votes. One of the few exceptions to the general emocrmtic sweep was in the •eronri judicial district where District Attorney Harry E. Lewis, Republican was elected ** one of the candidates for the supreme court bench. AUTRYVILLE NEWS < (By D. W. HALL ) „ Autryville, RouU I. — You cm , now take your gun and go •qutrral ( hunting. Lott go aa tho law for aqulr- ■ ula wont out hero in Sampeon the ] ilrat of thin month. __ A picnic waa bold at Union Grove , church on lait Sunday November •. . The Duka choir cam# down and , participated in the ringing eaereieoa with the Union Grove Aolr. Th* Duka choir waa ably lad by Joo Cole, who ia a muak teaeher. and can certainly be complimented for excellent ainging. ... The Union Grove choir wax led by that veraatila leader, John Warren, who la among tho boat leader* in th* county. Th# Union Orova Junior choir la lod by Bobby Boyal. who la another pood loader. In the afternoon four mon of tho Union Grove choir mag a ouaztett and alto a quartette waa long by four ladle* of the Duke Cine*. Both wore very pretty, in tmet (he ringing throughout tho dey waa indeed very pood end would havo to oxeoll by any Utxtn invitation Jnm tho Dak* choir,. Um Union Grov# elaoo voted to «o to Dak# o« *«*t 8*nday Nov •nbir tho 1* to *h| there. Rev. Joel John ion, of Codor Rock, who wu recently called to tho porter at* of bong Blanch charchi la thl* port of Sarijkoa. will Brooch than ovary third fcaday at ll o’clock a. at., and at 1 JO o’clock Saturday hot foie. Bov. Mr. Johnson la a young preacher of excellent qualities and makes a very fi»o Improaoion on hl» audioneo. „ • A aleak will bo hold at Manalia eberrh la Cumberland on noat 8*tar day Uio 18. bong Branch chair Km an tgett» •ion to attend and ring, also Mom? .110 from Fayetteville and probably other*. Baptiat Chapel Chair hoi boon In vited. ala* Macnolia and Clement, hwl M 1* not know* for nut at tM» writing that tfc* Clement wift attend. FARMERS AW BYLAWJNG Wub|irgton, Not. ^Concerning the ruling recently ntaShr the Fed eral Board to the eff^Ehat grow *r*' draft* accepted byBo-operative marketing uaeoriation* Slid be claa icd. if the proceed, araflte uaed tor >t> agricultural parpajj^ft agricultu ral paper eligible forKUacount at Federal Reaerrt Henka^fccretery of Agriculture Henry C^Biace *aid: "It la a ruling of b^hance and ahould rnuU In tnakl^Hank credit more available for fapBlk" 1» the CAM which ’Am In th« ruling b«jnj made, n«Wi of « to bacco grower*' co-ope|Mw market ing aaaoclation drear dtK| upon the aarociation which waa ^Kg aa their agent only i nthe tale Kir tobac cu. The draft* ware na^Bod by the aaaoclation and the F^KI Reaerve Board waa than railed Bn to decide whether the draft* akoBN cleaned a* agricultural paper ,Bu for re dierount at Federal Kt, Banka with a maturity up toKaonth* or diould bo clamed aa eKjhtrctal pa per eligible for red acoJBenly when ita maturity data 1* Balk oneea* of The board ruled _ drafts compiled la otfcey the requirement» of — ' boanl'i regulations, should be classed as _ er and at such would' ,-uDgfble for rediscount by a bask ' a mem ber of the Federal .. System with a Federal Reserve far a 1 period not In excess of ths. if * the co-operative sseocl been ! the nurrhaaer of ths instead of tat agent of the ■ la the ml# of the tohaceo, th* mfttag would have been otherwias, aRR the drafts would have been clawed as commer- ! cial paper, and aa aucf would only have been eligible for relhrewut with ' a majority net tn oxceab •* *0 days. Department specialia&Jlu farm f nance brlievo that th ployed by the to hare aoelation would be fi other co-operative pecially when used la receipts for agricultu anad by warehouse^ the Federal Warah is a growing of banker* th ta rag ulna F, whan -- importance of a wartbauie receipt, 1 recently said: * . “My own theory is that wo osght to be free in extending loans to de serving formers and make thorn fool ] that wo are ready ta co-op*rata when the credit ie right Oar credit man, far instance, is having an interacting time educating farmer* to see the ' difference between loaning on pota toes in the former’) collar wbleh era ungraded, uninsured, subject to frost and ether hazard), and oq applet gra ded by a third party and stared in a warehouse with warehouse receipt Is sued to the bank. In other words, wo are showing to the farmers that if 1 they would handle their produce in the way the bast bnstses* nous** do. thalr loan* would be as welcome at i those of the basintm houses.” Henry 1. CMl.rUritr So Nnuftly and eloquently did Henry Cinelnelle, weiUer of the pick handle whieh almost ipoUed doom for Oliver Mr Pay dan, plead bU eaae bo fore Judge Robert L. Godwin in Re cords Pa Court yesterday morning that he area lot down with a rood sen tence of only ton moo the Henry woe full of re mo roe; he woe extremely sorry that he bad hit Oliver at all and especially sorry th«t he had kit so hard: but he was there with the old apple sauce. 'TaOM, jedge, hit ’Im; 1 aint denyln’ that, hut I waa sheared of 'im jedge *uh, and 1 didn't know no yutksr way to got 'hit hit; yeasuh, I did sneak up be Hindst him end hit ’Im »hh that pick handle, but. auh, I’m Mighty cony, •oh; and won’t you W**»* lot me go —I’m a poor cuuod KT> a long ways from homo—aad mbd** jedge, sun, I alnt never boon In *o trouble be fore and I’m a herd working boy; the Lord, auh. be dea* forgive nee, now won’t you do the same thing, sub.’ So be talked far half an hour. The Judge waa touched. “Ten ought to get dv* year*, I Mppoa*,” said the jodgo, “but IH J»»t give you a year and reduce that » ten months if you pay Dr. Hicks •*} balance due on Oliver** doctor's *01. Henry waa glad to do this. Oli»sr, still daaod from the blow Henry gave him two week* ago, waa theta to taotify a gainst Ms assailant, but he did not seem to know what S •** all about. With staring eyas h* shambled out as Henry was led I* Walter Tur oagoa Cadillac to start far the rood camp APPORTION FEDERAL FUNDS UNIFORSIAIXT North Carolina!* A»r» of • mll Uon and three guarUr dollar* ef the Federal Aid food for road holding will bo diatribe tod U»®ng tho nine roratrurtlon dlftrioU *" tho baria ef area, mileage and poMlatlog that determined the alleooUoa of State fond* among the oorotal dletrieu, according to a resolution adopted by the State Highway Ommlmlea lari night. Eaeh ronateaetioa diatrtet wfll Aero alike ia the dWrftmtlea Of tho road, and rondo U bo built erfth tho Podoral money wUI bo determined by tho Dietrtet Commiarioaer. the State Highway Commlaaloaar end the Chief of the Federal Safe* ef Peblle ***dt The (oenmiaaloe plan* to take •■mediate .tap. to ri*»e the fend* •reliable. and apply i«t» eenriroc t*en at the eatbU poathl* tint Six And Half Million Bales Now Ginned C-deS™ Shew. Lm, TW. MllUea Doceeaee From L.n Yeer'e Roeerd Washington, Nov. 8.—Cotton gin nod prior to Novambor lit amoanted to 6,640,184 running bald, lnclud in* 111,160 round halot; 11.776 balai of Aamricaa-Egyptian, and !,• 684 balvi of Sen Inland, the coaana bureau announced today. . !*“* rw to November lot there nad tmxn ginned 7,608,688 bale*, in elnding 168,066 round b.ee.28,828 bale, of American-Egyptian, and 640 bale* of Era Inland. Ginning by ataUe to Novombor 1 Urn yvar foUowi: Ariaoaa, Ur •40; AHtania* 024.448: California **4Tli dwp* 784, 800; Louldana 286,064: Xledndppi •JM.H i Mlmonrl 64^01; NorU Carolina 681 874; Oklahoma 480,012; Booth Carolina 622,070: Teuneeeee Jena. 1.827,780; Virginia 10,682. All other atateo 6,128. Tbc average grom weight of bale* tlua veer wee announced at 602.6 peunda^ compared wtth 611.2 peuada nar tuivawtihaia ma imm .. ■ ■ TUBCJtCUUMISASSOClATlON The Women* Club, Chamfers af Urmmerca, Sunday Schools. Lodges uid kindred organisations have vel» sntorod tMr services to the North ^sroilna Tafercnlaoia Asaoriation «»>«t year between Thanksgiving and Christmas to aid in tbTfeaail feel Isle of the Association. Never bo om In North Carolina has so asneb ntercet and enlbuefams been mani rcsled in th« fight against tufercolo and it is with a light haart ami iwuraace af success that the oflkers if tbs Association enter into the Beal lole this year. The amount ashed for this year is anal*, it Is IneuOeient to cany oat ill the work that should he done hut >rery year more and more Is given he Association aad ia this fact the hmociatioa takes heart aad knows it* eori is approved by the people. The program of the Association ■ »n be earned out this year if every aaa. woman and child ia North Caro 'arollne contributes three cants la he work. Of coarse every one ia the , >tate will not contribute'thrwe cents j ind it therefore devolves oa some to , isy the health protection for away. The Mvcnty-flve thousand dollars i ■ceded this year will ha raised If £.bo is given far every death that ►centred from tuberculosis last year. %Mt* seat te the State dweriitton m4 in used in elate arid# work for ae benefit of all North Carolinians. Wa know that health has a dollar ind cant value. Any investment in Christmas Seals will help prevent ■ore tuberculosis and repay to you ind tho Slate the original investment nany times THE DOCTRINE OF HOLINESS The doctrine of Holiness has been aurh discussed, its sdherents have ***** much abused; and according to he wards of tho groat Teacher it eill ever be thus. So long as tho real ;hr,etiaa religion ia taught aad prac ouoweri. Jtnu Uuiit wm—ii, t_Kw Ion of Cod. Recognising no God but Our Has*. ”uy Father who in the beginning ere* tted ell things; recognising no pew it. wisdom, Justice, mercy, goodness >r truth equal or superior to Hie; re :ognixing the Holy Scripture ns His ncdiura. through which He expremes *u will nnd commands ta man—and oho has the nerve to dispute it? Any man who admit* theta funda nental truths sad than daniea tha "c^ssity of s clean righteous, that is, iloly lifa ns means of entrance to Heaven is an ignoramus and a foal rrom choice. I say from choice ha caosa if he accepts the Bible ae tha ward of God and studies It to learn the will of Cod concerning Hls ehlh Iron ho will And first last and all tha Lime that a dean heart filled with Lhe spirit of God which, Indeed, can be nothing hut Holy, U the one thing needful. If an the other hand, ha claims ta believe in the fundamentals and de the doctrines ef sanctification and Holiness you may know srlthont question that ha dots not choose to know and accept the truth, tor is these enlightened days you may hy study or oven by inquiry learn what you want to know of any cDaemon j^b|eet, especially with regard to the "Acmewdrsr the eabbath, day to keep it Holy.'* eight words; reader what do they mean? Ws understand the meaning to be remember to entertain or heap the sabbath In a Holy, sacred manner net profaning It any way aot csa il acting any business far gala, eat pursaina any worldly plemenre. In short; bees# of trying to promote sour temporal welfare and open year heart for the reception of the bless ing* which Hs so abundantly gives fere Him. "And the Lord thy God will make thee plentoot la ovary work of thine hand, in the fraK af thy body end ta be fruit ef thy rattle, end in the fruit of thy land, for good: for the Lord wlU again rejoice ever thee for good# ae He reloiced over thy fath ere: If thoa diut keep Hie command raentt and Hie etatatee which art written I nth In book of the law, aad If thoa tarn unto the Lard thy Ood with all thiaa heart and with all tty ■oul." go now folki .take the word of God ee a whale end ftady It far your own benefit aad «toa endaagar Ing your touh by arguing aoaanW teen eth lag you art Igaorant of bo ceoaee your father and ee-worker and leader the Devil hae never al lowed you to experience It. Take any ■poken word af God In the OM Tec lament aad cempare with the weed* NINE DEAD. NINE WOUNDED IN KENTUCKY ELECTION NOWS LoukviT*. Xy„ No*. K—fam r*«ualtl*» In Kentucky*, election ta oiglii ttood at nia« dead aad nto* wounded. 8e*ea men were killed In Hum af fray* in Breathitt county; a man aad a woman were wounded la LouiaelUa and on* Aao waa killed aad two eth er* aarieiuly wounded la BatOl wa if. The firm of th* kUUnai oeearrod Monday night in BjwathiU county 2Xr*£Xn£mu*'Jr> The acond affray In Breathitt fort* to *crr* a* election dark in ^toTjfghaWBg: “J Alloa and John Bebmrto *nd George Melntoah w*r* killed and Sve other peraon* «m wrailif Four of the dead mea wore Pmi «n^ lour ef the woandad Be publlcac*. In Lonifville, Patrolman B*an*tt Gafdncr In a quarrel with Many Horn And ec*eral thou. One (track ■nd acWeiuly wounded Baaa aad an other (track Mn. Lillian Collin*, aged 84. The fourth affray wu* In MSI county where P. T. Wolfiakaraer, JU pubiicao candidate far Am to. wu* , ranoudy wounded by Lloyd Winkler. Winkler wa* (bet end killed by WeH nbargnrk new. Another death war added lata te tey when K. K. Spencer, a Democrat e election clerk, wai killed at Maa 25 Jfec!nct en Frown Creek to Breathitt county. Hli murderar bat tot been captured. SEE ip YOU HAVE “BUGS” One bright, mnUinnY monrng a lew year* age a young man wua ■itting on a cracker bon in front at ike only pharmacy In hi* town, 'chewing th* rag*’ with raveral of h* town* leading ciUtaui, when bn •■eked up a bulletin oa tabarewtoria nraed by the State Board of Health, ekich wa* capering arouad at bd* Wt in rueponae to the whim of the rind. Th* young man wa* ntt ill at , can m did net appttr u m. m ( ilight, occasional coogh ho hod al- | irmjr* attrlhutod to too MCA cigar- . rtt# nocking, aad tho lethaiwy vtkh , yomraaod him w». credit J to A* ■limate. Folk* colled him lasy aad >• had about aaedc ap hit mind that hey had dimtneecd hi. eenditiea c» rcctly. Turning A* page* of Ae ►alietin, he found this question alar- , nB him in tty* face: “Do pan tira aae- , t»r Yet, certainty he did} that *** Just hie trouble. He ired. net laay. ~ - Jrednrm, he i i disease, aad a eery f not cared. At he read on and taw mention >f “hoaraentaa' and “absence of a kern appetite" ha began to ba&eve they were writing about him and tattled down in real .aimalnam to ascertain if hit naate ware written iheca. Sore enough, thorn it waa as plate it day. Every time he tew -wnari nrat he became men tired. He jump 'd «u Ae scales and found be bad Ott aix pound* in the lari two —atha Ha dinner bed rang end he did net nake a mad dash for As table. When lie earn* to “blood spitting" aad "per .latent pain In the cheat" hie hop* revived somewhat for rarely he bad ««v.r spit any bleed or had any pahs In the cheat, or anywhere else for that matter. He was, hew ever, soA rlently interested to fellow A* meat 'shmble advice given ta Aa whole buHetin. which said: “If pou has* JWY Of Ae shew symptoms, do mat ***-*> but co+uftj . reliable phy >icier at one*, ft may mean savin* ?ou» life." He at the phywdan. laid him afl kit trouble*. Mala, bimpImM. Aa hiftory of his life asd his for three generation*, wee stripped to waist, pounded, thumped, mad* to Whisper, whistle and ting. At A* end of approximately two hour* of wch methods, the, "reliable phyalei en” pronounced sentence. Ha aaldi "My eea, yea have bags.” The young man not knowing whether he meant ander the hat or under Ae drift, at both, requested him ta ’pboae far Aa undertaker to come at oaea aad gat hi* measure, fer he had never known anyont to survive rack a far long. The doctor, bewuvar, would not litteu. Ho told wonderful tala* af a placa located ta the tandhaik of North Carolina, where A* wsary would ha mad* energetic, the weak made stiong and A* “bug*” pat to death. Thla waa a “rottahl* phyataiaa." What’* A* use *f having a rellaM* ;>hyaician antes. on* follow* hla ad vice So Ac young man Journeyed to Ac 8tate Sanatorium and there commenced hie ML Om would think fighting taborcu ImU in n sanitarium wu u WUMT, dreary ao»t of occupation: but it waa not. True, there were JMua days'* but they arc found in any tllmata un der the »un and the happy daya far outnumbered the hlae onaa. It waa aa quick job fighting booh to health. But though Sew Tt waa aura and today that young man to wall, bark to work and earning mate than ho rear did before ha had tu be rmjoal a. It ia uorlcao to die of liiirralidi —it to foollah. You hnoa no ihkt to do H. You owe it to jreoreolf aad family to Hr* and bo wall, and you can do IL Cheek a» oa your ouhdl lion at ragular Inter.ala and U you have any of the aymploma daaacftad in thia article, commit your reliable phyalcian ar unrlta the Bureau of Tu horculaol*. Sanatorium, M. C., for ait angagomant far eaaaahmtoou. ■»d the beat intaraata af your own of Jam* Christ In the aaw taatameud and if pan find that they dlmgni an «object of HeHncca ar right ttu l*p. P lease lot tua know aud 1 utB back port of what I have add •bout ten. I don't care who pan an. Wbm yau gat rid af *o abell ad •elf labneea and woHdty grand that blind* you to tha gcaduaaa ad Ood BODY OF UNKNOWN HERO IS L YWG IN STATE AT CAPITOL Plate Seldier Sapi WU Oaly Martyred Prwehteats Hava Slept NO HONOR TOO GREAT FOR HIM WHO DIED Heeded By Pregldiat. Highest Ottcess Of Tbs Csrat Pay Tribale T# Hte. Who Died Oa Sad Of Frwess Ta Ue la Stale (MB Tha Final Cereaaeaies. WhMgawh Ft. aisle Mh ms as yagfeag* as Alaariaea before ila bseaeee bt died far tbs flag la Ftesos, lay tsalgbt la a vises where jfiw?2rt*sra»**fc AMSUgNaMB r.epHol QnJy the seedeelwe figsies lead end one feeing inward at each MSMT of fas bisr leapt watch with «hs*e. towering from fas [*—*»>«» «* *• dows. fas breodiag •gars sd freedom watched, tee, as hsogh it «id “well dees" to the (errant, faithful sate death, unices there ia fas east dtai -wmtiT be Imp. Ma H—or Too Ohm . Amwi'i unknown dood it Moo ("■ Prone* tt last and tee nation Uu no honor tea front for Mo, it pope Me aartteiid h»Mi of prafco Md fiery m el Wane Mooping in the hr toll of Prance. H waa their h«ne fffcfWtfl their day af d^ata ho heart of t)u nation and they moat *t far tha heart hoot of * define tha Una of gMo, noon thlUing nh^lfnHS^£**& waotodjo nut tho ■mamdn^of thte »t *?• onkno^T^om. Dot no lot if tho fnD mod of honor oai de M th* dead on that aecottfct from the highaat etedate af tMe democrat iarrajtfiiss.^ts "y** *TV*fig*S Tag SI* »*♦•£* ^Titett. part b* pant. lUeerty the ihip "nmg in to her •och. Am her mOt atood her craw m long liana ad dark bhio, rigid at ■**«*»•» aad with a solemn eapree dw aaeaauaaa to tho yoaagfneee toaoath the Uaatr tailor heti. Al ter*. aadar the bog gray male ™ •.f*"_*h« once echoed ha way hirtorr mee» than 20 yean ago 2&rUgM2&a9 - ?t£e^£e^^£J& eon flag* to make a canopy far tho riitpif MIV. At ittfStfOB flvi milora aad marteei aa gnarda of hon or for tha dead at each earner and the head of hie bier. Cachet Caret ad Achceo Jart aa the ohip'i bell clanged aot •he m*k deahie rtrekas of "eight hotte. tho neflorn' form of foar o'. tho honr aot for arrival, Mo bagUa mag agate aad the crow jteed tee rafle far above the dank. deck at the gangway hand, dear Mdo bo ye took their ploto on each aide facing toward cock ether and tha hootowaln waiting behind than to Pteo a dead cam to da over tha alia •tth th* he*an accorded only to fall admiral* of tho float. C*n bnaijm Secretaries Wonka and Dee by, Aadatant turrtaij Wain right, General Pershing. Major Con. Harbord, Admiral Coonta and Major General LaToana, tee marina com mandant, aad that? aide* rolled >? I K. landni, a pSateiHU attl SSR^gfig Road ud will bot« to It taoaedirtSy and bagln Mm culture of poacha* and aad tha raids* at pure-brad poaltry, accsrdlag to T. E. Honeycutt, local real aetaic man who acted a* agent for Mr. iaandtra. Mr. Jaandate la fatbat-ln-law af W. C Eanoy, at tha firm of Eaaay and Lao, ptemUng contractors, ^e has aaamaf a man poaltry farm hot* fa* several year* It to hla In to ation U devote tVe aaraa of too farm to poultry. Ha will aot team rs.'SJUMs? —*« . It la aadanjlaid hare that tha aoaa «f Ml, imlm will me* too hoflnntof at a groat In flax of poal try mlarro aad fra* grower* who ham mnaatoal too woadorfal ad rantaaoo moved by too Daaa DMrtot rtod ttm ^rtWa'toa •ato. rou wOl ho able to aoo that too rmtta pepeiarity la aat the road to hoaoom M poo wort to ha papator. •a*m Hohaawi Myaa want to pleas* ’wSmt m. 1MB