I U1UUO rLMSUJ WITH SERVICE OF POWER COMPANY CommittMi From Dou Find Satiafiad Uaara la Othur Towaa NO COMPLAINTS HEARD IN FOUR CITIES VISITED Large Industries Find Current More Fromomital Than Steam — CwtooMrA Here Um f1.700 in Two MoatC Through Present System— Must Hare Majority Of Voters. If any voter In Dunn is left unin fonswl about the Carolina Power aad Ufbt Company's methods and •crwica it will not bo throoxh uit fault on the part of tbs town gov •*■*•“* the various committees appointed to investigate every phase ft the company's activities la tha towns screed by it. During tha last days committees have visited Headarson, Oxford, Goldsboro and nalalgh and next week will visit sev eral other to was served by the com pany. ■.▼err mem Mr oX tea ia vcwtirsti ng eommitUea appeals very well pleased reaull of tha investigation. Mo where has dissatisfaction with the company's service been found and everywhere tha rate chsrgod is con sidered very low. In Raleigh Super lntondont Kelly of one of tha largest cotton mills there stated that his com pany had scrapped its stem plant to usa Carolina power because of its economy. That scrapping waa done, too, ho said, whan steam coal could have been bought fir 91 a ton. Mr. Kelly ia a brother of Mr. Kelly of the Erwin Mills at Duka and was for sev ere! yearn associated with the same mill there. Mr. Do nelly, owner of oao of tha fergoat lea plants in the State, told the committee that ho had moved to Raleigh because of tha company's ability to famish Mm power. Ha cams from Fltagorald, Ga., where, ha mid. tha hast and most ably man aged municipal plant ha had ever aaan waa located. But, ha declared “power rates in FHagcrald wars so mac*^ higher than in Raleigh that he fond it advisable to mom. i aandttiaee wars found la -* leftheeam —J that Dana I considerably -sale of the elec iCgrOlinaCgnMnj. „ _— r. Otis P. Shall, G. K. Grantham, amaa A. Taylor—to Goldsboro Tuesday. _ E. P. Davia, D.S. Head.X T, Oay. G. L Oanaadr- do Handoraon and Oxford Wednesday. J. W. WhHahaad X W. Wilton, B. M. Brower, B. O. Townsend, P. A. Lao, E. X Hudson, Ralph Parker, By ron Ford—to Raleigh Thursday. Meantime EUls Goldstein, chair man of tha water aad light cemmle aion sf the board of town coausJa sioners, continues to receive letters of eommcndlnr service rivan bv ths company. Several of them are print ed on another page. One arriving this morning came from W. B. Drake, preddeat of tho Merchant* National Bank in Raleigh. It ia worth landing. Hen it ia: "Kaptying to your favor of the 19 uK. I log to advise that I have been in Raleigh you know for a good many years and oelieve tho service of the Carolina Power and Light Company to ho satisfactory both in 'daaliag wig} Individuals and tho public. I consider it has dona a gnat doal to help build up this community. ‘’1 would much prefer a large com pany of this kind to a local municipal ownership. "It keeps the linos up ia a satis factory shape and I bolisve the Caro lina Power h Light Company is about as popular with thoir customers as any public service corporation. "I fool that they are fair in thoir ratas and are pregraaalra. “I know preoonally the oSeers of ratau and ara progressive. "I believe year town will be hane flttad very much by aaUlng your to be Carolina Power * _ sonaliy tho atBeen of tho Carolina Power i Light Company and know them to bo men of foe highest character and fair to thoir dealing! with tits public." Mr. Goldstein has compiled tome Interacting figures about electric ser vice kora. Daring tho month of Oc tober consumers wen charged II, IMdl for service, and In September won charged yi.1M.dl. For the same service the Carolina company •■■U -.» OS 1SB SO Ik Its tok.r and 9971.1* in flapte^bar. Thia ikew* that tha consawtam of MTTfce hero would hare saved fir 71111 la two month* if they bad had Carolina sorrier, A detail ad statement of the fora «o*na aosawnda will b* printed in next Tuesday’* lean, of Tho Dispwtah. This itatsamcit win thaw Ik* cast U sack eanoumar ondtr municipal op eration, which win ha compared to what th* oompaar woald sharp*. Citiaan* ark* do not folly nnder staad the contract which U U h* offarod far ths apprwral in an aloe tlon on December >11 are asked to apply to Clifford aad Towaaoad ar to mu* OoUatoin for Information. Ts ratify tkl* contract H will h* aaaea *nry that o majority of tho qualified rotors of tho town rot* for it If on* fails to rota, that rot* wCB ha too*tod sfslnot ratification._ French Blocbaard who ■orderad sense tan ar twenty of hi* brides mafia* whoa ha i* santanaod I* ho bohaadod. Always know that • ftOow who ■arrisd *o often had tarn* aanr •B* sptsawhars ahowt him IWKTH CAROLINA LEADS THE ONION A. W. McU.. Uft Agricul tural Comditiotu Here Akif* Average Lumberton. Nar. 20_AgriraKur al condition* are batter la North Car olina than in any other Southern or any waetern elate, according to A- W. McLaan. a number of the War Fie nnes Board, wLo arrived Saturday from Washington. Mr. McLean left laot evening for Columbia, 8. C, where ha will attend a meetiag of the agricultural loan committee of kb* War Finance Board. Re will return to Washington Tuesday night. Speaking of business snd Itaancis) condition generally, Mr. Mcl^an mid ha had occasion recently to learn at first hand of agricultural conditions in practically every state la the union end that conditions In North Carolina ero hotter than In any other Southern ox any Western Stole. Conditions la the South as a whole are much bettor then in the West, ho earn. The great er number of loans mads by the War Finance corporation have been made to banks in Iowa and Minnasoto and other Western grain-growing and cattle-raising States Corn Is selling on the farms in the West at from 16 to 12 cents the bushel, oata at from 10 to IS cents the bushel, and there ie no market for cuttle and ■beep. Livestock are worth only about 26 per cent of what they sold for a Mir And a kwlf im How About Cot too A*ked about the prospect (or a rite In the price ol cotton, Mr. MeLean said he would not venture a predic tion, other than to tay this depend* largely upon general buaineJ* condi tion*. if busineat ahould Improve throughout the world, cotton would probably aell tor a higtlr price. Eu rope il unable to buy our cotton in normal quantities, thus largely re ducing tha number of our foreign buyers. Those who desire the cotton are tumble to pay for it “I aao no hep* of a general im provement in baetaeee here until eco nomic condition* in othor parti of tha world become stabilised, he contin ued Tbit cannot result unlam thg Jailed Statca assume* not only an ac tive, bat a landing part in the work if slabluation and restoration of aco ■omic processes. JWMreartrttw Korth Carolina for ftnanebig the ex portation of cotton and tobacco and jgM^j^SIieuKuTaJMModL^TOUgh Under tfc/law loan* can only bo node to banks that have made such dans*ta farmers Loans cannot be node upon lands, only upon crops or pbligatloaa representing those efri :uhnral commodities. Fight tka Boll Weevil Speaking of the arrival of the boQ weevil, Mr. McLean mention the Im portance of making every effort to rombat thorn. He thinks farmers would make a good Investment in taking a trip to the section* further tooth where the weevil has been put Ling ia his destructive work and there rtudy the problem as it is EOITOBS FRETA1UNC TO VISIT WINSTON-SALEM Wlnston-Sslem, Nor. 29 —One of the feature* planned for the winter emoting of the North Carolina Preae Association her* January 6 end 0 ta the preaentation of a Carolina folk play by tba “Caroline PUytnakera” at the • University. Ida Beatrice Cobb, tbv secretary of tbe Proas as sociation, is sanding out lnvttatiaai of the editors this week premising a pro* gram of more than ordinary Interest. The editor* will moot in the new Robert E. Lee hotel aad the local committee is planning a serial of so cial events that President J. B. Sbar 111 my* trill b* altogether worth at tending. NEGRO IS SENTENCED FOR ATTACKING GIRL A agnate. Oa, Deo. 1.—Henry La cey, 10-yearold negro, was convicted of a* crlmteaal attack si at I year old whit* girt by a Jury In Richmond county court today aad sentenced to haag December 81. The aegro con fessed oa tba aland. Tba negro was indicted, triad and sentenced within 34 bouts after Ms capture. Two negroes, Thomas I. Greene and Aanamiaa Grease, wore la tba hay boru^Both were eabssUd^by tba godb-g.bo.boae.p-—~ ■y COW ANY J Cwmii£m * i will prevail to •f Doan If tka to _Petr to ar A Light Cetapaap to ee * Nptoi to lie par k. vr. k. etth the to faDrwiag flaeeaata: to I-1T k. w. io par .at. flaat to ltotf k- w. M par at tet to »M k. er. II par at fltet to M-4t k. ar. 4to per at flaat to 41-41 k. w. 4# par at flaat to IM1 k. w. •« par at flaat to Allfiw IT III M par aaat to to tl-M. alketaf T k. w. par to wrath. AD aetata era far to atohad free. The aaaktog rmta to to 4a with • par taut 41a to aaaat Tka tank rata to to lla a kiL wtoh aa flat aaat to nia lata la gaetratl bp tka to OerparaMea Oaaflflat u4 to Mflaa u ail Imt la North to CMia aaktg aarvtaa far to aUked athar thaa bp aaalei* • palplaata. # MG QUANTITY OF UQUOR LOCATED . ***^'*»~Tho town of Sanford laid in ita Chridau aapiilj •f “Joy-Jalca" aarly this time. Mayor Fllu *»*» ia the town “larkay” al raaat 500 quarts af whiakay and gin ^raring almost every conceivable la bel. soma of H having boon made In Ireland, aona of it hi Mlchigaa. Non. of !t hoar, the mark of Loo ooanty branches or crealm the kind eeanaoa ly yet an tha arnraot. It ia -t 'iii to “y lbat a sufficient guard sh placed h ** ®l*kt to protact It against all comers aha might ha •vised with aa Inordinate ffiAt for the contents on Um iatidc *■ u To*B*r aad officer White having race load a tin that thorn 'inelds nfght bo f^*S a local garage made a raid aa that institution eaHy Tusad.y. They aeon discovered that their prise was aa p*t they weald need Chief XcKrrnon to hah them, aad ha waa called. The officers foand a largo quantity of whlihey in a roadatoiTS which than waa no License tag. aad the engine number ia not on record in thi. State. Not satloftod with this find the offieera continued their march until thay foand hTTWatr, ~curo»y locked, another quantity in a box aad trank. W. Gilliam Brown, the proprietor of tlia garage. was notified of what the officer* had found aad gava head tor $2,000 for hit appearance at court. Mr. Brown claims that ha know nothing of the existence of the con traband staff In his place, that ha went home aarly in tha evening and lk*< »ha contraband ear came to hit place about »:>« and desired ator sga for the night and to got soma re pair work done. Tha owner, of tha car hav. not yet pat ia a claim for iL In the meantime it la being hold by the town of 8anfond for safe keep ing. "ORK SOON BEGINS ON SAMPSON SOIL SURVEY VflHam D. Lm to Ba Baal to tha Caeaty far tha ffarpasa af **-*- I lag Sail Servey (Clinton New* Dispatch.) I Mr yoms tints efforts hare boon | *urr*7 ma4* H Sampson county'tad an ~ ~ that Ks wns~to be sent to <ounty for the nurpoaa of a»»bSag n toil survey. and asking Mr. Mefrtn to anrao quartan for him and his »>*•*" B«ht hotissirssping. This Is &e extant af the information- In hand is to toe approach of the party for the survey, but it seems to be a cer tainty that tha thing Is on. Tht letter from Mr. Lee was write ten from Asheville, N. C., tat was written on stationary from the Mich igan State Agricultural school. Ho, srfth Other*, will be sent to the coun ty by too state and nation si govern ments and the surrey will cover each Inch of too county soil. Information concerning the climate, adaptability of the noli and a general catalogue 9f local condition! will be publtabod in a book and with H a map of the county will be enclosed showing ev ery road, every stream sad ovary farm house location in tha county. The special object of too survey U to enable the people of the county to know their soil and to know how best to treat it so that the beat results might be obtained. This work has long since boon completed In all the adjoining counties and although lata we are nappy to know loot ■soft a work la to bo done In Boaapaoa. Sampsoniant have lone tmce known that the In waa the ben county la the state, and yet they are net oonecieaa of tko reel treasure that la theirs. Bat with the toll survey and with the data which will go to make ap that report the people ef the eeenty will have a atom of information that will »tar>d them a pood dead in the man ■foment of their farms and (a the Jen era) improvement of fa rial np eon itiona for years to come. LENOIR MOTHER TRIES TO KILL FOUR CHILDREN Kinston, Nov. M.—Lenoir comity health authoriticr today dphed with relief, certain that the llvea of four smell children were eecuro from aa insane mother heal upon extarmlM tlaf them. The authorities withhold Urn locality af die woman's heme "la a rural ae*tlon.” They characterised the earn as the mddest that had tc their attention. Aceordinp U oOctals, the Sagnaixwtt-R.. j^jss^rsyrj: Idod kavta^u’eoMUt'S! aoL^d Bryan hopeful r. FOR CONFERENCE HbiS'artwLfir' ; # T.RC.A . r*jr»ttWva«. No». SO.—WUllaa J. **■» today toU . FayottevOVa oudi kM0 that to had high topee that the MM conference at Washington «MU noaoaod to ridding tto world at JDovU'r yoka,” typified io hie mta* the harden of war anautii Speaking to no outdoor crowd at tto greusd-breaking axarcias* lit conase toa with tto beginning #1 work on * Y. h. €. A. building torn, Amor ■ grant apoatla at pnano reload with QMptoilo and ortdnat aotirfee U«^Ua approval of tor. Hagto'a pro 'YWi M- Hording apoka, to aaid. aaaviBffkSj’jg 2J5 tto confer tree rvriL.w Tha grwand breaking arcrclma oe- 1 urrad promptly at noon, John B. i Polar, president of tha hoard of dl- 1 wetor* of tho local Young Mou’i atriatlaa association, taming tha hr* < howal of oarth. Charlor G. So**, semi I a chare* of tha exercises which do* ! d with tha dating of tha long mo- , *• do no logy. Mr. Tolar mada a hriaf and appro- ' trials address ia which ha as noon o >d that tha building ta ho otwetod sou Id ho ad only a karoo for tho roang aaoa of Ti/ittliffls hat that a < tortiou of it would always b* isnrr- I d for tho aoldlors of Camp Bragg, | he Natioual Council of tha Y. M/C. K. haring made an appropriation al and itniag the load subscription lor that saps am purpeaa. ltnmcditUly foiloviof tkd gpitk ng, Mr. Bryan waa tha goad of tha lliwctora of tha Y. M. C. A. at a 1 un til eon at tha Myrtle Hill tan house. During tha afternoon ho uhritad hi* rid friond, Major B. J, Hale, to whom te ruferred with much aft action ia lie ad linn During tho mining hours te wo* tha goad of (tenoral A. J. Bowtey at Comp Bragg, diaphrrtac aaeh tatarod hi Gonoral PedwS piaa far tha derelepmaat of Om ■amp and for «a oparddoa hatwooa Mo dtp aad camp, whkh ho dortar id mb b* of groat boaodt te aaah •thor. Mr. Bryan found much ploaa M* ta ddtlagth* madd stock farm DEATH SENTENCE AMUSES LANDRUj Vernal Hw, Dee. l_Heorf Dceiraj Ludn, the ef Cnmbaia.’ sa.?ssl ray remain ef anirnnt created kUi fcce ee he Beteoed to the worie ef | £&5i»e far* tU moet[ hetaoae enatoa to the hiatery ef ntMtt Jariaprodenca. "Thank yea, "gentlemen," aU l*ndra, flooriahiag hie waether beet ea het Uo mocking bow to the Jaty, “d he toqimnt through the little ioer leading to the Veraelllee jafi. «Jfla the verdict wee awaited, the convicted (layer ef ten weoum and ittSKtfws.Taarw tired and wen eat altar hie atrena »aa of arte to aeve hia elieot from 1 JS*- "t eo the verge of eellnw. "Strong* H to that o man itnndtog ] n the ahodew of deoth rfmoM con- , ■elo hia defender” Ieaadrn routed * »*»• to them eitttog nearby. lemmata the eaateace to Dfe imsrie mmmrt, which woe rigoed among oth- . in, hy the Jageco *1 jofaoa te aek °r *«ey" bo told the letter. "A •“ Ifc! i**lee, °*t mercy, feo think 1 am guilty; then let me I it n McuMiy a vom to the opera- i le stage that Reinald Wurwatk, \ ha aaelant American barttoee, who ] ii»* ia Raleigh on December 1«. { w not derote Us career to H. Few 1 dago* ia the history of the Uotro •oiitan Opera House. How York, won < web tacceas as a debutant aad taaln aiaod tbit succoH hi all tho rtried 1 wist ho stag there. Hit was a very n tor toting etto. Ho did not sock ih* J ■nemgrment which oooghl his. He ' md aoror boon an the stag* la hi* 1 Uo aad had merer really considarod t. Whan Gotti Ctsaaas asked him to 1 aim the company, an extraordinary 1 •oaor. ho accepted it bee tat* ho bought It weald bo ia tor* sting for a ] ha# aad would help broaden nim as in arttw. He took a few months ' reaching with the roterai. Victor Kasrel sad made die debut as BUrlo < n "PagLitccL" Shortly after ho ap- 1 •eared in tho voey Important part of 1 Valentin hi ‘,F*«*t.M His success at 1 hti debut was aotabla but Us first * tppoarancs In ‘‘Faust’* caused a son- < ■aiion. W. i. Henderson la tbs New < York Sun said that few - bad seer 1 approached tho rich fluent quality of 1 Mr. Warrenroth's tinging, the fine 1 !olor of hi* tone, the cloilty of hi* diction, and Richard Aldrich in The rimes mid that hi* work wa* “the Inert example of pure tinging sine* ha days of tho do Retakes and tho Mam of anus.” Rut tho call of tho eoacart stag* wa* to* strong for tho young art* aad he dorados stoat of Us tima to •uoh work. Ho tads the otmospkerc •f the ton east hall much more eco lonial aad those Is am *v*r-*lfttng mrloty of aeon* aad audione* la con tort work which is rory fascinating. Morooror, whan on* ha* built up a public la all parts of tho country, a public that la loyal and npuroclatw*. ft it a groat pleasure to Mag to It. Hr. Wetronrutb made a very pro found impression before Raleigh mu sic loom ssrorul yosrt ago aad bis rotarn It anticipated with coasidor abt* Merest. His experience u opera his remarkable soeeom ia London oaauot help but to make bio art finer sad Mggoe thaa It bar suer boon in tho past The attendance of a repro wntattro audioaas from this rriolaity is aapaotod oa Piesmkm Id. ▲ A * CUea IV Week * * iv« rrikf * * - * • B*n+TT T. L *M4Ja. * • wklu ta fpmmtitm with * • N. B. Baaa wiB.TlBt.n4.at af * • tha itTMt afamtap dayarV * ¥ nt. nwik that aHhaan ♦ : gggjBgsj I Sl^'Ikil: : ^SaPszfSZ 5 • law* earta win ha amnted * V • " “r aa4 wtU ba ¥ • yrtata4 ta Tiakr’l aAtloa V • 5 thk payar. AH tHiaaaa an * : : $2,000,000 ROAD CONSTRUCTION LET BY COMMISSION Lorgmr Pari Go— To The Sixth Highway Die. trial CONTRACTS FOR SOS MILES HAVE BEEN LET THIS YEAE IUkMk No*. B(i—With th* awan' ng of two million dolkn worth ot oad contract* for cwutxarUea mad trldg* work in tho foarth. «fth aad txth dirtrieta, the Mate highway com nMaa ha* or*r twenty ariUIoa dal nn worth of rondo cohered, wider oiutruclion aad maim contract. The Injdndtoo mtkJSSSmSimd *w m oUm ef gravel or other than lardoerfaced rondo. The on usually heavy aw runt at iou of unt af thorn road* la the ivdmont (action of the state eaaaad r»,ss5:‘:‘tr.isrs£ af*5S£~a*-A •ate for which team contract* am . rt la toada paiaiht* through the as •acaaea of thn ooutiaa ttoimh ■hich the mate wOl ran. The can ka art making aaalkhk for uoa by Hi klfHwiy cobbWoq of jpbcIbI *•*&*,"« fnad*. of the •untie*. TV* maoaj k leaned with* rtftSESSSSSs iisss.'sjs.T.aawt • Bd to M.07S.1TEM. Of «Ui tamt I4SA7SM4 goae la flTteaatrae lan work in tba aixth dUiM during that Booth. in July —pPracU war* let far S4 mil** of roadf, la Augait 41 Ml)**, in laatialaM, la October 111, ia KawaW about 1*4, and plan* nra now under way wbUb will aanait tba letting of eontraata for about a hundred mflaa of now caoatncUon (a DocanWr. Tba prieee ai material and labor ara dawn lawar thaa they bare baaa for away yuan yaft, and tba aoat of labor 1* MM juft at the oral Ml thaa thaa It ba* baaa alaea «b» bagtoalag of tba war. Tba ability of tba atado. therefore, to tod coutraeU Juft at Ibto thaa naan* aa enormous aavbtg la the eon *truction of raada. TEN CHILDREN Dll IN High gabaal Baa_ ******* ^aMaeife** Rad Ba*. OaL, Moo. — ▼— b‘gb wVi'ool atadaut* wore ki day aeath of boro at tba am..* hist ~ -

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