THE Volum. VUI. _Dunn. North UNABLE TO AGREE, JURY IS DISMISSED INARBUCKLECASE Wouue Would Not Owp Vote Until "Holl Froio (W MEMBERS 10 To 12 FOR ACTOR'S ACQUITTAL | DaatV. 8en Francisco, Dec. 4.—After 41 houn of deliberation th* Jury com posed of seven nan and fire women, which tffil ftoecoe Arbuckle on n chary* of manslaughter In connection with the death of Virginia Rappe, dlecherged whan A was unable to agree upon a verdict, Th* Jury was brought into court at Ha own request «t noon, reported n disagreement and asked that A be discharged. August Fritae, foreman of the Ar bueklt Jury, tesned n signed rtnte meet tonight, saying that one ef the women jurors, who was in the minor ity, refused to consider the evidence from the beginning, and declared that "she would cast tor ballot end would not change it until hail fro sc over." 1 for conviction, according to Fritsa. Hi* statement follows: “I make this statement aa a doty to the public. “Thera was a tacit understanding that th* members of the Jory would not make individual statements. I heva learned since that a number of th* Jory have, however, done so. and I believe, as foreman, that H la well for those interested In tha admiale JaMiee that tha citiaene of 'Sal FmittisM ikonM Imm >v. e_■ - “Considering all the evldonoo. It so—id to us that tha prosecution's ease was an inaolt to tho Intelligence of the Jury. It asked us to substitute conjecture for facta without showing what bad been don* and asked to guess what might hava been dona and to goem only one way. “Human liberty and American rights dmutd depend not upon tho gnomes of anybody, hot upon evi dence.” In a statement following the jury's return ArbueUe declared one of the Av* women jerors had prevented hie acquittal “because aha refused to a^ low bar follow jurors to discuaa tha evidence or reason with her and would not gtva any reason for her attitude." Bo did not name tha juror. District Attoreoy Brady said that ArbueU* bad been given a “fair and beneet trial” and complimented tha jurors who held out for conviction as having "ooureg* sad determination.” Ha was not In court whom the Jury reported. “I had hoped tho jury would reach an agreement,” ha said. “I confident ly expected a verdict of guilty upoa tha evidence presented. In my opia cat* Roacot Arbuakle. A vindication would com* only after a quick unant- 1 man* verdict. It waa my <i«ty to pre sent tfce facta to a Jury. This I hay* don# though opposed by wealth, pow er and Influence.” Money Genes Re Rtdreet StWewhtu In this good old town there la grief la tha heart* ad urn •car# ar more of tipple* who arc a little to* eecrettve fan their tippHng. Had May not boon so eecreHre it t* Improbable that an urbane gentleman who vidted Dunn last weak would hay* reaped as bounteous a crop ef dollar* <Nm Mr, Bamnm's Justly celebrated garden. Armed with a lkt ef good eharch maa who never Imbibe ef tha ehe«P h»* fluid except when they fee) An ■ecamity for It* madkinal virtue*, a neat-appearing man called at the of Uca ad each. Stating Mat ha was back ing order* far gaad rye liquor. The pries waa III tha saaa, faith cellar of tha buyer ndi In advaaaa. Surprising as tt may aaam, the f*V L*wi --tt- -i ^ A *V m aaih snas — k- n— a »OW eOlWTlM HM CRH W CAICKI I AT tha each which ha tendered to hanks where they wore honored. Delivery waa t* ho mad* during tha sight f*|. lewiag the sale. Since getting the money. As ven dor hen net been teen ta Dunn. IMi may be an argument k favor JOHN (ON STANDS GOOD CHANCE FOR RECOVER) UUlngton, Doe. 4.—Inform*tier from control Harnett to the offer that Jim Johoaon, who ahot and in ■tantlyl killed Trank Stone last Sat “rday night, November 28, standi ex c client chance* of recovery. Johnaec received a ballet wo and that Chatter ed hi* big. The shooting took place at a point In the we item part of the eeenty It [■ stated that whiskey played iti part, both partite having been drink Ing. Johnson hni a wife and leveml children. Stone wai also married. An nun aa he is able to leave th« hospital Johnson wiH be transferred to the Jail to await trial. CLEAN UP FORCES BUSY THIS WEEK Went To Cmet Santo Clan* With Clean Town Christmas Greet Santa Clan* with a clean ■own! That is the plea heard from T. L. Middle, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, and N B. Bans, superia endent of the street eleaaiag depart went, who are managing the cam paign waged by tbs town ef Dean, he Dann Chamber of Commerce u»d the Woman's dob for the win vr cleansing drive. The campaign again* accumulated T*»h, fiHh and garbage is now on. It started yesterday morning. It will md whan the town carts complete the job of carting all the collected rubbish. The carts will begin the job n Ward 1 Friday morning. They sill finish with that ward before they touch Ward X After Ward 2 they ■tn go into Ward 2. end than into Ward 4. Under no circumstances will they return to a ward, though, after ■h«7 have made the first round*. Because the carte can be had for to be washed late atana sew era. AH leaves and pager should hi burned. Of ceurae yew wfB net he al lowed to burn leaves and pajpr os tbc asphalt, but you ean taka them Into the alleys or back yards. You are a*ed to help. Hop to H. Let Sente see how fine a tows Dunn is. Work Of Boll Weevil Monroe Journal. Mr. Fred Wolfe, of Manning, B C., is visiting his parents here. As^ed if there were aay boll weevils in hit county, Clarendon, he said than wai and by a disastrous majority. Last year they get only the top crop and the loss was estimated at 10JMH bales. But at that the counts y mad< about 84,000 balep last year. Tht veer the crop was so lined by th< weevil that It was cut <1 nun to G.OW balsa. A drop of 30 (ten bales in t>n< county hi one year ;t ' ad enough. MOTOR BOOZE TRAFFIC IS NOTHING UNUSUA1 LlDIngton, Dec. 4. — Capture o 500 quarts of fine .whiskey from i “tourist automobile hi Sanford tht week occasioned no great amount c many raw pwpra rw lating their kaowledg* of “dea< loMla*’ of brace being traniported a era** country In ear* from the cooe dutined to far Inland point*. Th* *>m* of tho (tuff Undo lodgment t tho town* along the way I* homo on by the feet that a finale of “bottle, ia bond” or Scotch la coMpanthit '»«> to obtain, t* pile* ranging frog *10 to 111 per quart. Poop la her who vlait the larger town and eitia *«*ott that th* finer grade* of whh *r* much eerier to get than th beam prodoct or moonahine vartet] Bot of aouia* no “grad apart" ia will lag to toll where he got* hlg Uqner. ,**• ICNTU || DEAD, AGED T Ur. Malcolm J. ScnUr died at th ,>*>»• *t bl. *oa, Mr. J. C. Bento. | Mar KIpHng, toot Wodnoaday nlgl at 0:10 o'clock la the Mth year « 'Ua ago. Ha waa atok for only ebev a weak and hi* de*#h cam* a. a grm ' nirprlao aad ahook to relative friend* and aeqoalataaaaa. Mr. Banter waa ora of th* b« I known aad meat highly eoUemed oH ">• Ho Vrmj bora I Hamott and lived horn all hfc Uf H# waa a Member of tho Method! churefc for omr M yearn Ho waa diroctor of th* Beak of UlUngten. Mr. Boatcr'c wife preeoded hhn < «h# grave over a year ago. Ho toav f*ar •**«. W. U, J. C., t. W. aad ! ° • “1 daaghtor, Mm Tray Me . Hamott Coaaty Meroa GRAVEL COAT FOE ROAD THROUGH HARNETT COUNTY Lilliugton, Dm. 4.—Under State . Maintenance, the highway between Lilliugton and Sanford ie thie wate being treated with a top surface ef gravel which will ■ place It la (ha class with the beet dirt roads ia the Stale highway cystem. Thie ia a link in the Boone Trail white eraatea (ha Btnte from the aieantaina to the atm, and e contract for Its construction m such is expected to ho given eat eerty in the new year. . Captain A. W. Latelcy, engtnem for this district, says that when the Harnett gravel la placed upon the Sanford-LtUington link the read will compare favorably with any dirt high way In ths State. MRS. SHELL DIES IN HER HOME HERE Mother Of Otis F. Sited Ami Miss Laura Shad Waa NobU Woman Mn. Nary C. Shall, mother of Otis P. and Mis* Laura Shall, of Duma, died at her home bore Saturday af ternoon after an illness chef had kept her abed for several weeks She waa cighty-one years old and the widow ef Captain Oliver P. Shell who eea ed the Warrenton stage Uae befeea the ccapletlen of the Warrantee railroad and was auperlteadaat of that road far the first thirty eyaoa of He operation. Funeral and burial services wore -- —- >• wivutvu, mm mm* former home, Monday A lingulerly moot it* 'reward when Tragedy entered often but never did it terra to *ool. Patient, culture of her harden* with that lion eo characteristic of. women of her generation* Foor nephew, Robert Tornball, waa antfl recent yeera on# ef the <coding Vir ginia representatives in fnngiiw Her brother. Captain John Tornball, waa a valiant Confederate leader and ore of the beet known man of Us tim*. Her father. Peter 8. Turnbull, was one of the loading naan of War ren County at a time when naan of Warren were leaden la tha nation. She wo* bom near tooiam aiflla. Va. Her parent* moved to Warrantee when die waa a young girt. Than aha waa wooed and won by ttm young Captain Oliver Perry Shell. Unauetf a native of Bruniwteh county, jut before tha War Between the Captain Shell went to war, hot re turned to Kve happily for many years. Ue died here in ItOS aoon altar ad i vanced age made it naeeeaary far him ta retire from active baetneee. Mr* Shell had been an' invalid for teverml years. In consequence aba ana knows to few people is Doan. To thorn whom iho did know, however, •he was aO that waa noble and awtet > and good. In her passing tha esaaaro nlty Is a loser. I _ UMJO CHH I Loft ileu for a h* mtaataa la I front of an'opon fireplace the three ■ month* old child of Mr. aad Mia. Boa I Denning fell from a chair t* the ■ hearth, n* knocked ancon Miens end found .eriounly kerned when Mr*. t William Sartos, a neighbor, walked l into the room.» t The child’, mother idft the tot I Mcared, she thooght, to the chair r while the went to a neighbor, to am i a telephone. She «u away several I minute*. Bad Mia. Soria* not called ■ to *ec her In the meaatinac the ehfld • undoubtedly weald hava baiaad to i death. Aa It to it la feared that he wCD . die. Another child of Mr. tad Mrs. Denning was Mrtoady Kaided* Mat year. » _ ■ Card of Tkuk* Oar good frioad* hare been aa Sa* 1 and nica to aa dariag A* Mat few f day. when oar bearta are nfwhf • gii.f for the doer mother who pawed t from a. Saturday—aad then are aa b many of you. Wa want *o moeh to thank eoeh of yoa petaeanOy aad wa d take thl. method ta do am Wa do I- thank you. PI mm remember that ear ■ ’ gratitude M ever years. Whoa nd k I grief com*, to yea wa traat that yea *(wt!l be among frieada who wfll be a m rood aa yam hava paaa A aa. Siaceraly yearn, • MIS* LA USA SHELL, w OTIS P. SHELL L, Skatlag is ataitiag M Aa Mldei ► mam. aad K la faaad pettlceat* art •«11 being was*. ■as, • )«fa< i. with Mr m IWtlH PtMT Oat-1 “Without that the tho tieotmont thoy could wart to obtain to tho ad Toot and Light •n rad oa Oat hotter and any aarrlet they and that nipted for it the aO ciala of all they could to at tho 1-r reMtt of oOatala, w* ware ma a rary rara oceurronca for tin ionl to ha off for nan than a lew ilnqtea at a ten “At Oxford tho oorrieeo fawor and ft* patron*. "While wo WON obtaining nfcaml lnfafaaatM wo, at tha same U»e. made comparison* luloewi the teat of current famished by the oom Pany In Hendaroaa and Oxford and Oat fumUhad by tha Dun MaaM pal plant. Caanpartian «f Caa* "We found that owing to the did h>g mala of ratoa that the lights fa, Henderson and Oxford coot tho een «*w nyprontmataly half at much aa current la near (eating tho paoplt af Dana. Aa an ItluotmOaa at thh •na drag Morn It Hnodamon wWeh aaad the mom number of kilowatts a* did ?eed aad Grantham la thatr «tara during tha maath af Oatoher, bad to pay $ti« aa eaaaparad with MMI paid by Hood aad Omatham. "Wo undamtalA that tha aehadala of rmtei ihaigM far ounrout by Ah* Carolina Power and u^fat Company l» regulated by too Worth Carolina Mam>t charge £ Cam of pun tha athtr towaa la wfcldk tToparatoa. ThU being tme/eaU tha fast that Urn down* na* baiagfcrrud by that com pany ora aa W«l plahaad wflh tha aarrlM they am potting, It la eai opinion that t)s aMaau af Dana would make aa ~ la vsttag to «*• W tha. CaraMaa Powar aad Ugi apaay aad In a* Mm ~ Mm. mi • « w«* MU Ml R Pittman, widow at j^npli fluidity pjt twmw iHm waa iJ Har ud owner ad tka Sma Guide until Me death few yaw age, and Edward Swindell, of Southern Place, warn married in the bride’* heme aariy Saturday mo ruing. Ban. Bbart N. Jekuaau, paetar of the Pint Bop tiet church, officiated. only a few cieee finraal frltuda of Mr: and Mia. Swindell, who depart ed by mater immediately after the ceremony for Southern Ptam, where they will make their heme. Mr. Swindell waa oace a reel dent of Doan where he waa aminlaHij la the plumbing bualneae wtth N. A. Boa MAN SHOT DEAD; SLAYER UNKNOWN Myriary Mrrouada the death ad Chariee hrey. negro employ ad lha Atlantic Cooat Line ftelhray, who erne found in a dying condition from t bullet wound through hie body, near the Newberry Brother and Cowell furniture plant late Friday night. Be lied, according to Chief of Police Page, a ffiort while after be waj ta ken to the Harnett Central Heeultal it UUtoigtea. Ivey waa dUce-rwred lying in tome ram*, mm- toe railroad track bm fialely after a raid upon aa allayed crap taaae ia th* “aacUoa Warn” which I* aaid to haw* Waa a reedea raua for tW crap qhmflay e on tiny ■nt of tha railway conatraction yaay htn far aoweral month*. Chief Pay* PoUcomaa W. T. Nipper and Deputy Bhorif R. F. Jenuyan tank aart ia tha raid. Neither at them, it i* con tended, ftt*d a Aot. A coroe.Pg jary, tittiay at the iw ™e*t kdd ever tb* body ^ the maa cem* U hi. dee weeadt inflicted by «ama pareen. Chief Paya etated that Aa aaaa claimed he waa Aot by enoAar I That he waa killed'by any Aw to denied by A* raidiay party. Ciriaf Phy*. wb* had quit* a OtraqyU wtA on* of A* negro*. ellwm ,w-‘ be waa acpa rated from the ether eOcar* and doe* net knew of hia ewe knwwi odye whether or not etthor of Aom Irod. H* i* po.itive however, that ha did not fir*. Bed Cram Reek O* Set* Bod Croat Seal*. Ae tittle ayaata •hieh A ao m«ch each year for ta 'Mrcaioeta auff.rert throoyboat Aa sation, will be placed an aale her* title weak. TW Woman’* dob Wa taken tha matter to heed a«d baa ap pointed lira. T. U Riddle chairman of the Red Crow Rani Caauaktaa "*kh will atHva to diapoaa af Dunn’i qaata. Stamp* are told far ana east each and A* aaoaay derived foam aalaa mad* throayb A* teeei amnmitto* will be devoted meetly to local work. Twenty-dve par coat ot K, however, wU yo to Aa Rtato Raattaitqm. D. H. HOOD, 0*0. L. CAMNADY, E. P. DAVIS, . J. T. OUT. Comaaittaa.” we TMH H «iy ei uoUAon it investigate the eerrte* rendered the clUaenebip bp the Carolina Pew er end Light Company. We ceBed oi the meyer. w—Intowi, prom inert merchant* and tha asanufnetartng h duatftaa aad mtpartDtendaat *f tfci water aad light dapartaaaut aad am ara gtod t* report that they ppofci ia tha highaat tanao of too eerrte. rendered and that thair rat*, upei heaatigattea, waa about ouo half « arhat the couteaaoM ia Dm pap They haro aeratei all too tlnm an< apak# in the highaat itvmt of tha aor ▼lea rondo rad thorn by too Caroltn. Power and Light Com pony aad toa It waa far wpariir to whoa eeadaat ad under their municipal ownottol| Wa da not haaitata to aap that jw here made a good trade with th Carolina Power aad Light Oempau and roeeanaoad uetere to ratify yea action voting for aala of ahr Ugh plant on too llth day ef imIh Toara truly, JAB. A. TATUM, MeD. HOLLIDAY, O. P. SHALL. O. K. QAANTHAH, "On December lot we want to Hi laigh aeoompaitlod by atm ef yao commission era, to trnallinla toa ao ▼tea rendered the elttaena ef Balolt by the OaraUaa Power aad Light C and alao to get aQ the tafermath that wa peaatoiy sen Id, either tore aUa ar aufnr*cable, to tola paw WiA «I|»I Uto Washington Bryant, Dun Distzto farmer who has had hie share of lags troubles ta the'last lav yenra, sa * mud guilty ad rialariena ad tka pm bibition lavs ia faar instaneae vkss ttiad haters Jadge Ceanor to Fad sml Court at Balalgh Into weak. tfc Jury, however, asked tka court to a* tend all mercy paaathla to Mr. Bry eat, who was rspisssalad by Eras* F. Yaany. Mr. Young plaadad that Ms «Hsa1 was hab« psisnaiil throagh, k maUco of his sons who left the tothaa aoveral weeks hat on Mr. Bryant k nBagsd ta made the violations. Jadgs Connor had sat passed Judgment yea tarday and Mr. Bryaat is aUU sadei bond. PLANE WRECKS ON FAIRGROUND FIELD Flyer Crsshas Ta Earth Im Ah tempting Psimd Uad. in* the first lap ad Ms flight Cram Qaaatieo to Miami, Captain Georgs Sheppard. Marina Corps flyer, crash ad to earth at Fairground Field hers yesterday afternoon when ntnMtlm to make a landing forced by a sput tering engine, and splattered his plane over a large section ad the held. Neither Oaptoto Sheppard Mr his machaaIrian. Sergeant Dm Hard 1 OTI «f tka uem. meery one gen Ml IB* t*rm» of Mi wrote# and by m p*r*li-r« figure, wo eoold mb that th connmn of th* city af Balaigh war getting thoir light* for. ayprogimat* i ly ipeekhg. abaot *m half « what wa an paring. Tboy aaearw > aa that thay had aad were living 01 i te thoir contract aad wore gliing th i very heat aervtea wgariilaaa af an ! pc aaa. At tha thaa whoa a mnabe . of town* ware eat of light* aa m I count of walar tha CaroHa* Pew* • and Light Company ware doing that > doty aad wara faiaMUag Ighta b t haaliag water ia teak aan ta at ■ them la famtMWig tha edy wM . light*. Th* «Hia«a» are agree iacoa i raalanoad aad ahmy* have light* aa » current. Par tha numhar af yaaaa th r Carolina Power aad Light Oampaa * have keen ia talalgh thay hare don 1 much ta hrtag iadaatrtea that*, m ■ open ting with tha chlamdilp aad a! way* being haaarabla ta thatr daal lag* wMh dm y eh lit aad wa da m heal tat* in Mating that w* ddnk th ettiaoe* will da th* right thing by it tiffing th* aah of dm yteart ah th It th af Ptrwthtr aad thtek It aa af th* MggaM aim far th* tee r af Dunn te gat *e th* Carotin* Pol » ar and Light Oampany*i line* s| Tmua tndy, h J. W. WHTTCRAD, b« A. J. PABKBB. a B. K. BBKWBB, N- B. J. HUDBOM. m M.O. TOWNBKMP. I . CLUB WOMEN TO AID CHARITABLE WORK THIS YEAR Ig&ga At £ imt OSZt *u i.r cw« vhlob RPWTnd mi Am* Utt*« Oar augr important mMaeta caaM tip t»r 41 send mi Md >Marir aU at which dealt wttb wki of charity durin, the ^rlltaw ace am. Than* waa aa report erren tna the Aaaaciatad Chariti* ^-»** b^tbW committee ia aa4ar tha able leederihip Of Kn. I It Eaomu and WC feel that the work i, Map wait Dwre are alwnya, and eapodaOy at tUa time, many paaaaaa lnrinp ia a«r town who ana naady bat cannot Mb far aid. A tew yean ape Ami wm an aaeeetatlea ia Daaa nailed the Aa »ci.ud Charm., the object of which waa Juet Mah cnaaa but m tha eipaa *“*>• "«• to bare died eat tbe Weaaa'a Club baa decided te taka ’ Ufy Mr*. Tint law, Cbalmma of tin ' DwmMmbL Tba wub to«lt»nt b a rarp tf** imhim *f ta< tHV bat ataba . to b* oarp tatoraaUaa. It a aadrr ' tba aflfctoat rlirliaiaaUb af Mr* I Harper HttOlfap, whaoa web ml tal> i aat wo al appraclata. Tba Brat work af to 4 ■ parka aat * will ba a ChriaUaaa Caati *uj|M af - tba WorU~ gtraa at tba Metbedlat r abarcb oa Taaator imto, Paeaaa Ow« *wH 1* U0K w BIMh* jwbit bbp . er wren la town aka Mage to aar [ dtaUp torttof to taka part aaf may r far praetiea bp eeBlag Kn.^oIlMay | at bar bama. , 1—nitiatolp after GhrUtmaa hoii | 4apa at* rw lto. HoOMap *01 *r> Tba maMi liiiitmial af toa atoh i rnaam ea tba ml Friday af aaab . art* at tbraa Tito at two a'clirb. TbaaWaa lip a itm rat ornate aa toa . ttbrrkfcap af tba mealb at IN t _ > TOM CLAYTON. AM BtCAMP CONVICT. II MCAPTUUD a ... i. • ftaMgk, Dec. 4. — PmpMa b* a threat aat to ba tabaa alive, Tam >• Oaytoa, aka aoaagef from toa atom prlaaa toa 4ey» ago aklle mratog a watotaf rltoiat prrtaat akaa ba waa bp a raUtog party baoto •4 by Baparlatoafaat Pm, af toa abtot* ato^ J^*T_TTilu ******

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