**♦«*•* 4 * L O C A L * * * * * * »•** * - PROGRAM -— « ♦ .-—-- * Saturday—Eplaod* 16 and 17 “King of the Ciroua”. “Stealing Horn#." two >0*1 comedy. Monday—"Chickena" with Doug las McLoara. Five reek of fuo. Tueaday aad Wedneeday—“The Affair* of Anatol-—Cecil B. DeMU k»’ Super apacia) with Gloria Swan eon, Agnea Aytra, Theadcrr Roberta, Wanda Hawley, Beliu Daniel* and an ad aiar eaat Ellla Goldatein k In Avgueta, Ga., to viait hk mother. Mia* Mary Snriea apent Chriatmai with raktWea In Lladan. Mra Maggie Butler vlailed rala lives In Sampson county thk week. Mia* Dorothy Waddell, of Salma, is here to visit Mlm Margaret Wade. Miss Alle* Vaughn, of Stokeadale, ie a guest of Dr. and Mra. P. A. Stew art. L. P. Draper, of Boykin, V»., U here to visit hie brother, E. T. Dra per. Mr. end Mrs J. W. Pnrdle wore gueeta of relative* in Smithflrld Christmas. Mite Con Ballard, of Wileon, la her* to vlatt Mr. and Mrs L. W. Strickland. Rev. C. B. Strickland, haa gone to Royston, G*., oa bqoineie for the Falcon Orphanage. Mint Helen Ramh and Miu Ina David, of Fayetteville, are here to visit Mias Mamie Pearee. Charles Marshall Ford, of Windsor, is here to spend the holidays with her sister, Mrs. M. J. Pittman. Mias Margaret Cannon, of Cbar loti*, was hen this week to viait Dr. and Mrs. P. A. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. T. U Riddle and children spent this week with rele tivea in Sanford and Carthago. L. P. Jarcigan, Jr., of Wilmington, spent Christmas here with hla par ents Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Jemigan, Ir. Paul Olive, of Justice, and John Olive,of Fayetteville, spent Wednes day here with their brother, Graham Olive. Annar i-ee uaugnmoge and Bart Slltry, of Rocky Mount, were hen this week to visit Mr. and Mra E L. Cook. , J. W. Crawley and Misses Thelma and Lillian Crawley, of Littleton, are here as gueete of Mr. and Mra E. L. Cook. Mr. and Mra Van Bam Bodge* ■peat OuUbm here with Mra ■ ..Idgao paasate, Mai aal Mm J,-B, , Hodcea. ~...• •• Mr. and Mra W. H. Jackson and Mr. and Mrt. E. E. Polk apent Chriat tnaa with Mr. Jaokaon’a relatives In Wakeileld. Mra W. H. Stallinga and her lit tle ion era here from Fayette rifle to rlelt her parents, Mr. and Mra Henry Pope. Hire Agnea Jerotgan, of Patera burg, ii hart to riait her slater. Mist Maud* Jeralgan, and Mr. and Mta W. T. Honda Mia* Katharine Allan hat retain ed frooi North Emporia, Va., when the tpent Christmas with bar aether, Mra 8a* Allan. Mr. and Mra K. A. Stewart, *i Li] ling-ton, spent Christas* hare with Mr. and Mra J. E. Crockett and Mist Grace Crockett. Her. and Mra H. H. Goff left last week for Coanoant, Ohio, where Mr. Goff will ataist la the conduct of a •cries of revival aaetlnga T. B. Darden, hi* daughter, Hi* Elisabeth Darden, and his eon Dr, Thomas E. Darden, apent a part ol Uil* weak with relatlrae la Clinton. Jaaaa Daria, fcgana T. Lee, Cap lain Boland William* and Arthoi Pop* wer* in Fayetteville Tueadaj wight to sso Madge Kennedy in Men Mr. Mi Mn L. Bash** Pap*, Mn. W. H. tulllnfi ui Master Herbert Stalling* were in Fayetteville Turn day night U im "Cornered” at 1a Fayctte theatre. Jot Cook, now traveling for a hardware concern, arrived this week from kU headquarters in Washington He will leave January 1 to oovov ter ritory In North and South Cantina. Mr. and Mr*. W. Smith have moved fram Dean to tba eld Smith home an UllIngtOD Bond until recently eocu plod by Will lam Smith. Mr. and Mn. William Smith wtS move ta Damn. R. «. Pearce, who suffered n slight rtraka of paalyai* teat week, to rap idly recovering and la expected ta U nhte to attend ta hoateam within a few day*. Be 1* the father af Robert Fearer, proprietor af Pearce's bate ary. Rev. end Mia. Albert Harrell, af Potonbnrg, are bora ta vMt Mn HamR'e parents. Mr. and Mrs. Haary Pope. Mr. Barren will refer* ta Pe Uiateut Saferday memteg. Mra Harrell will remain barn far eovaral day* An awl, mi tearing ferae feat ba twaan wing Upa, was caaght te n etoal trap et the heme of Charles H. Ban daS In Patean loot night, aacordiag to A. *. Robinson wba war te taw* tode^TMa awilebalWvsd to be the t V. Dnwaen baa paribeiid an la *«'•* «* Tantaga Je»ae l*mher I Company and will on January 1 be com* its etc rotary and treasurer. W. D. Turnage, now its general manager will become president of the company and Paul Jonas will become vice president. Mr. Dewior. has baton con nacted with the arganlxatiae for eer ersl months. * Carey B. Taylor will leave tomor row fer Durham where be will be come managing editor of the Morning He.-eld. a position ba accepted some **“• Mr. Taylor’s last position was with the Fayetteville Observer which be served with much credit as managing editor. He resigned that po sition soon after John A. Parle, of Raleigh, sold It to its present owner*. Mr. Taylor la n eon of Mr. and Mrs. Jamas A. Taylor. Mias Elizabeth Kennedy of Raleigh *• the guest of Mias Grace Snipes. Misses Maude and Mabel Johnson •f Benson, art visiting Mrs. L. B. Pops. Misses Minnie sad Margaret Toy or ere spending the Christmas holl **y* w‘**' their parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. G. Taylor. George Moore Lee spent several leys during Christmas with his daughter at 8allshery. Mr. and Mm. Soger Brooks of *°*k H1B, 8. C., spent Christmas hers with relatives and friends. %Mr. and Mrs. A. V. West of Mount Airy, *put Chriatmaa here with rela 'ivaa, lfr. Weat ia a prominent bual naaa man of Mount Airy. Poatmaatar Weat hae rtquaeted m to (tab. for 4c benefit of the public tnet the Durham and Southern mail dosea at 7:00 o'clock a. m. Thu waa made neccMBiy by a change of aehe dule in the Dnrtiam ana Southern mall train. Godwin-Barefoot MIm Hattie Barefoot, daughter of Jamoa B. Barefoot, of Cooper, and Oliver Godwin, eon of X. J. Godwin, were married Sunday afternoon at Falcon. Her. B. B. Boroughe officiat ed. Mr. Godwin ii manager of a branch atore conducted by hii father at Cooper. Only a few intimnte fnenda w lint lead the wedding ceremony. JuUr B. Y. P. U. Pragma Subject—The Kin* who forgot Ood. 1. Soar-No. M, by Unloa. 1. Scripture Reading — Exodot 14 4140—Bffly Pugh. S. Talk on Scripture Reading— Layton Smith. ; N 4. Plano Solo—Elikabrth Draugh on. *• The King who forgot Joeepb— Ernoitlno Call am. • The King wro forgot hit own word—Charlotte Hatcher. , 7. The King forgot Ood—Robert Britt. a. Memory Verae—Margaret Lu caa What—Era ratine Cullom and Herman Hodgea 10. How Ood takee care af Hia people—Carrie Hodgea Odd Fellow* to w-«^gb A largo delegation of Dunn Odd Peilowa attended the Diitrlct Moot ing of their order held In Raleigh yeetarday. Among thoao who wont ire M. A. Loo, E. Lee, M. Hargrove, Rev. J. J. Langaton. Herman Parrtrh, Earene Cola. L. H Alnhin V n Mssesngill ud N. C. Bethea. Faqusy-Stswart ' Coats, Dec. 21—A gulst bat prst y marrisgs was aolamniaed ca Thursday, Decsmbor 22nd, at three o'clock when Miss Gladys Louise 'Jtewart, daagtrter of Mr. and Mrs. fbos. D. Stewart became the bride f Dr. Cecil Garner Fuquay. The horns was tastily adorned with Christmas decorations, potted pleats snd ferns, making a pretty setting for the ceremony, which was perfor raed by JUr. J. A. Campbell, pastor of tho bride. Before the ceremony Mr. A. B. Lynch mag “Because” accompanied by Mrs. Lynch. At tbs first strains of Moadei soobn’s wedding march. Little Gorat dln# Young, niece of tho groom, on terod boaring tho riag in a whits rose [ Following her cams tho daass of hon or, Mr*. T. H. Grimes, dressed in black satin with whits trimmings. carrying pink EUarndy roaaa, and maid of honor, Mat Mary* Stewart, aiator of tha bride, dressed in bine canton crape with white Manning* carrying Killamoy rosea. Tha groom wna attends by hi* hrathar, Hr. J. B. Puqnay as .bast man. Tha bride dreaded la a rich bloc tricotiaa with brawn aeoasaoriaa to •natch, dairying * bouquet of bride’* rosea waa ghraa in marriage by bar brothaHndaw, Mr. Q. I. Smith. Jr. Immediateiy after tha ceremony amid congratulations and ah eve re of rice, they motored to ffrHigh Frans BaMgfa they wont to Florida and other srothani points. __eh p --- ■ -- i,,i ■ tr~™.; * ML •. F. aunu * * Pkpoteiau * * Cooper N. C » * a *““i’tttifmiiiiitnni BUSINESS LOCAL * PLENTY OF FRUIT, COCO AM UTS, lUiain*, PI**, Data* Candy and Nuta at tke HAt price. Oat them bafora tke ruah. Praeataa’# Caah Grocery. 1* tfa. CEMENT. — FOR TIDEWATER Portland Cement aaa People* Sop Co , Dana. N. C. ^aaai'owi——. POUND—A YOUNG WHIT* AMD yellow (potted boll baa taken up at my born*. W.ieti aboat 40O4ba Owner can mUb by Maine me. C. C. Hall, take. No. I, ft >4. Mr*. John'Kerr, a»£Mr >0 «t pd. LOST.—A KEY AXNC WITH FOUE key* and bottle opener oa It. Loot c10 tt pd. JUIT ON* BA**KL OP THAT “extra Fancy Barba doe* Moiaaeae” at Fraamaa’* Cadh Grocery, lltfe. CEMENT. — FOR TIDEWATXJt Portland Content mo Peoplea Bap _ MB POE SALK.—THE BEAUTIFUL home and farm of the late Dr. i. H. Halford oa May tense. TWz •lace la located near Dakc, Balo'f Creek and Coate at Crooa Eoada. Daily mail. Hm raaidancc la an da Bant two-atary building la a I acre crore. Two good tenant hemaoa and [ota of cleared land troll fenced Make a date before coming to aoa JO*S* pi.0' L*rtOB’ DunB> c> TIME TO KILL HOGS. AS* US for oar price on aalL Freeman’* C»«fc Ore eery. IStfc CEMENT. — FOE TIDEWATER Portland Cament too People! Sap Oa., Dunn, N. C. FOB SALT—TWO FEESH JU mf imi far ruh ar oa Una. Al «• ftro food farm* an tuy tana*. J. 0. Layton, Dana, K. C. 20 Bt pd. HAVE YOU TRIED THAT MOL CEMENT- — PON TIDEWATER Portland Caveat mo Peoples Sop Co., Doan, X. C I I*. »old byW dMiM, to **r-i» R£. IRSflaggr*8^ jBQOTQfS IS iota. — V^V!9B99HBeM9fl9nHHavi EAGLE “MIKADO” EAGLE IMUDO EAGLE PEMCTL COIffANY, NEW YORK* I FERTILIZER ; ^ Mg^.v.HOMg MjlUWO MADE A SUCCESS : rS!rjz„ •%. r,^K,.««;l_^s*iLi-0M“'v~ i: , throe cogrcec, Sulphate of Ammonia, Tobacco atanu and cotton 1 coed meal. cowon AMMONIA.7At For Cml ^.-.-ASS Fan Coat :: ogw^ste.^^A'anawfjrs.'ss ; foSnrr 0*™AT® »>11 K**« two ton* a t fartiUaar Mutl/aia* aa na^WU AcU.AM Par CaM ! -*1'.-AM Par CaM - r**"k -.AM Par CaM FOK SALK OK EXCHANGE BY N. B. LEE, DUNN. R C ' -MADE ONLY DY LEE COUNTY COTTON OIL CO., t,.. KANPQBD, R C. - ==gaBgMM^ggg=gTS—==5■ PRICES ARE LOW _ AT THE " CENTRE GROCERY Read the following quotations and then figure how much you will save by giving us your next order. Kingan Box Bacon “Old Reliable Brand”_ ! Kingan Strip Bacon__ Kingan Beat Hams__ZZZZIZ Kingan Picnic Hams__ZZZZZ Kingan Pure Lard __ Sugar, Best Granulated_1111111” Maxwell House Coffee ___ I Monogram Coffee_ Imperial Coffee. First Class_’II Arbuckle Coffee _ _ _ Seeded Raisins "Sunmaid” _ V/urranu __ Cocoanut “Bakers”_17« Chocolate ''Bakers” __ " in-IVt> Tomato Ketchup “Heinz” __ _*% 41* Sauce “Lea and Perrin”_ 3te Prespared Mustard "Frenehs”_IBs Wesson Oil. .i Cream of Wheat.II “ jv Corn Flakes “Kelloggs”_ “ ja Rolled Oats “Monogram” ___ ””lSo Big Hominy “Monogram”_ “ ia_ Mince Meat “Keystone Brand”_yy. Sweet Mixed Pickle “Heins”_ Qt BBe Beat Full Cream Cheese_i_ Beet Creamery Butter _ ________ Flour “Occoneechee” none better'. _** ” Vino Pig Feet, Kingan Best_TT._ .-, I THE CENTRE GROCERY Shell Bld«. Henry O. Shell Prop. Phone 175 ^mam^m ■B X X^p^ HB ^ .......... I The State Bank & Trust Co. | its Directors, Officers and Employees Wish You a Happy and a Prosperous New Year i A Sound Investment TXTHERE can you spend $355 ^ ’ in motor transportation where your dollar win go as far as in tha purchase of a FonJ Touring car? The initial outlay and tha after sea* pense are to small that your Pond Touring car win pay far hstif many times over whether used as a famfly car for pleasure, for buainaaa pnrposes or both. I They Will Always Be Ready to Serve You anMRMMMMMMMnMMMMMMOdMMMMMMMMi J^B — - _ rh ttt nnnags and good will. Being a home enterprise would mean nothing to you did it not produce goods as good or better than those shipped to our town from other bakers. 8ince, however, Ha products are " PJJ1*; “ wholesome as good baking and pure materials can make them, the fact that its a part of your community does mean much. * • j “ “a" » oecorae one ox wo largest in NortlrTferolina. Already, with the three months it has been in operation, its growth has far exceeded the expectations of its founder. For this we wish to thank “”wU“ «>• *>»»»»“0 During 1922 we expect a Urge growth. To realise this expecta tion we must continue to ghre you good serrice and good products. We assure you that we will do thfc. Make 1922— A HEALTHFUL AND A HAPPY YEAR by sating products of— 3 ( PE ARC Telephone 88 i