HIE DUNN DISPATCH '"“rs.vsw'"-*’' -.r-* lA-MHc d ttifM #•*. * % * ■»' W. C. —tor ike Mt o i • t*m£z5B?--C ] BSjg The eagle eye to dimmed, tka mat* • rtie baser farrowed, tka rtreag face Laid, tk* yaworfaJ Aram* bant aad . tokened la tka mighty ttraggk f Jr human Sty*, sahratl— hat Wood to.* Wikon still dree aad grew* straagar, hoartsaing than who love him aad eayirt ta aaa tom tor* to me Ida valid** adopted by tk* world. Photograph* taken at Mr. Wilson upon tk* atamfan of Ms abdy-atath Wl.thday last wash toe a Woodrow WUaaa different to physio as from that majestic figaro which entered tht area* at world attain tea yaan Sg*. But, tk* fact that he has reached hr: stag* to hi* raaoeory wkar* b . '.j submit to tofag photographed 1. 4 <mm for olotioci thmikfii th« r«« dry. Be— to hk invalidism ha L a able flgnre—* maimed lion, pat »*■?+ bat still possessing all tk* sm jesty of the Ilea. * Vx "'»&&& i ‘iMmDm- I Sooth in fori I tot: VVrr-i ■oat M North 180 foot to Dooley too a^r ^Pooky^ S’-rost^Wact •jtsri^sv'i&r-TPtS plan Of the Tow* of Co*to. Hb tho ISth day of Doccarito: mi. L. L. LKV1NBON, Tfltad Doc. N-tt-J**. AID. - ■ -■ ■ r t — That aador the power of aolo coa Utaod la a certaia mortgage deed dat A April 14. 1981 ex*cited by learn* jfcKey «ad fkn McKay. hU wife to W. W. Allan and Soo recorded ! lameU County ta Book 121, page 97 iefaait hay.r>g keen made la Die pay aeat of bend aoearad thereby the on letsigned will expose to aale at pub c aoeUon to th* highest bddVr f* aih at the court house door la LU agtoa. Barnett Coualy at 1194 e* lack M^ on January 18. 1928 th> allowing doacrihed tract of land: A certaia piece or tract of tan ylng and being In Stcerart Croo’ -wr.thlp. Harnett Coanty. North On lino and doacrihod aad defined *. ■lows, to wtt: Adjoining the la - f D. \ Valinas ertate. (now M than) Goo. E. Byrd ood ollt* td lying oa thi water* of Dry Crre d bounded as follow*: Dsg’nnlng at a stake aad po ut.' ■Ulna earner (now McArthurs) o •a edge of the road near Dry Croc', id rant thanca with 1C* lint 8. 78 1 I chains and 80 linki to a strike r '.id line; thanes Ktill chain '] links to a stake aad pointers 1 ho old Sartos lino; then** with tbs In* N. 70 V. 84 chains 99 ««*. tt post oak aad pointers (now McA bur's) comer« thence with hts line f 0 W. 88 chains, SO links to tbs b* inning, containing 88 8 4 oar*« mo r lew TH* December 9, 1981 7. W. ALLEN * BOX, Mortgagee Harioia Bros. Assignee of Mortgs 2* 18 80 17 Jan A MeSUe Under Die power of aale container 'a a mortgage deed executed os Nor naber 80. 1917 by Archie Knigh ad wife. Mary Knight to W. V. A1 oa and Son recorded la Harriet w*y in Book 114. page 140. dc ndt haring been made in tbs pa* issrt ef the bond -*ci»*«d thsrcb ho undsrr gr c.' «*"B "4pO c to to t public anct.cn -■» to ’.ighost hi. . iar for cash at IN >•««•! house da: 1 LiUingto-i, Her 'y.t cou lv. at 1' 'clock M., Jannary 13. 1982 th* fol owing described land.*: A certain place or tract of lane' rina and be tog in Harriott Conn!) forth Carolina, to Upper Little Bi« ir Township, and daoeribod aad 4* 'wad as fallows, to wit «uk Aim; jiawming me uoai o L J. Holder, uj Mhtn: Beftinnini t n stake, Archie Knight's earner c !w LilUngton aad Johnstorrrille roe -ad nnj thence with said'road 1 kolasaad 50 daks to a sUkaiide*! - IT iiin ta AseUa Xateht* omsr; thence with Us list to tbs ta rfamlag esototatag IB 14 acres. dec sad Trast: Begin sins an tk JBia«taa road aad raas North it Vast Id ^alaa aod 90 links; the nr 'HtA ft Bast crossing Beady Brawl *1 chiles and 80 lfnhs; thence Soul' 9 Bata 11 ehaias aad SO links to tb> ^“••to*1 wml; the ace with the rea a the beginning, containing IS 1 Third Tract*: Beginning at McBa> ioldcr*s corner aad mi the nr Jooth E chates; thence Sooth 90 Ess \ chains: thence North 97 East t hates; theses North 10 West I bates; containing ft asms. The taere sac end tract Is snhjec • • «t twemtr acres sal JWth, laartng it 1-t asm ■bjart to thin mortgage aad flmt mi bird track This Dstsiokm 9, 1*91. 5U.AK*&i fetirtRB? Pne II »ft 97 Jap 9. Wastes ad Sale Th# andertagned Administrate wider authority of an order af th [Tapes tor Court of Harnett county if !!!• "2* •? ®«twrday, Itatary 91st l**t, offer for sale at pahlte anctlo* **•■ tee Uram baminaftor stated the entire stock of goods, wares. aw* rhudk. sodI ItetorSwtoagteg to ter rtaate af J. C. BeB. deceased, aod he SffifflggaSre T* C> NL T«r«t«| frH r»op«ty will hg aaU a tea following torsos: ]• par-, rent of the jmrehase price to ha paid bi aa the day of sola; M pas caotW W te.id ^u «sr «E par cant U poM 40 teys^to sty: to Sys after canfinautloo;^* to kg' mid *•*SQOfirmntlmvVsfan^l pit mestate hear interest at Ns par eea' SSL? ^■‘SSifSn&-■ Wfa of Bale: Thu store fanoarK J. ft M, aa tea Saute SnASe.1?*4 h *'*♦*' mm..-waa loo » It IT. oof* Ua*| thence at Ua lice natainc *' MW. thence a* Joe Wiboa' laa M. 47% V. 1* 48 chain* ta th> eoota joint 10 acre* ■*>< ( TWa December Ntk 1*21. netan at>4 Ntk other boainoae at “» CTrtr.e^ bofaro the mecv nr oto be held in the banking room* 1LX2»vi£&Fml^9 mQnln*' _*WU». Cwhier. Dmc*m%bwr 10th, I Ml. W«Hn «f Sale •! I --ri Under and by virtue of power of' >*e contained in a certain Deed of wrt executed by J. M. Stewart. J. • a.ter S.ewart and wife. Flersnec' toumrt, to the uaderalxnod Trustee. ■ bleh la recorded In Book 117, paxu ■•*. eflke ed Register of Deed* for) .arnett Oounty, North Cerol na, de mit having been wade In the pay ment of the notes secured by Void '•ed of Trust and the bolder of aakl eed of Trust and notes having re tested that ow'd land he sold. The •dersigasd trustee will offer for rale > ‘hr highest bidder for eash at the mrt House door at UlUngton, Her- > it County. North Carolina on llon V- January 2. 1922, at 12 o’clock1 , tbo following described tracts or eels of laad: itrglanlcg at a stake a corner of • Ider* anil B. B. Stewart old eor r and mu N 2 1-4 E. 7.20 chains • a stab* D. A. Stewart’s and M. J. 'okior'a corner; tboneo N. 79 W. rbn-’ns to a stake in the center of Ckutufc Road; thence with Church dead daa K. 89JO chains to a stake 1 the Wert edge of sold road. A. W. toere and Flora A Holder's corner; •cnee N- 71 1-4 W. 1179 feet to n nke on the oast edge of the Tar >r road la the line of tbo Ithra Hol »* estate; thoaev S. 47 W. 817 feoi ■ _ . u .< luy: t •7 *"» f O. o' W»s...; '.joist tt. 33 34 W. 3 ee* to a 0"»i*" ’« old ’*n« a. ode* row M. J. Butler and Baef . r , 7 E. 4 B ' - -In* !*i ‘.ho R. Tu ~ 1 * W. 1*R • tH» e* ter c '.-or.d ret Turner Eord; tbe.nee 3., ?e:t *' n rtske xi tV r* • h. *4. J. B 't'or an ' - :t —-He. •. corner; thene# fl o W. 11 r,« fart to 3L J. Butler »■' Rmi A. Hoolder*! comer; tbotto* 8 t tv sn «Nt to Elen A. UeldetV loner; thence L11-IB. 1823 fee* 0 Beider and 8yk*j comar; theuer X. 03 E. 982 foot to W. H. Byfce'i ertate comer; then** 8. 44 3-4 E 1 MO feet to a comer In a (trap hair uaony black rum petateti in Ston itro-eh Sykn's comer; thence X T1 1-4 E. 1000 feed to a (take Byke’t > .4 Xel»>T*a comer; tbance X. 4 1-2 12 75 feet tc a etaki, 34. J. Holder’' -o-ner; thence N. 8t L 1278 feet to the bestir niny. containing 388 acre: ran** or Icon. SECOND TRACT: Beginning at a '•take a few feet Baft of the Fayette- I viUo-I.'Ulngton Rood at Waddell cor ner and run* with WeddelTi line 8 ■ft E. 4* 80 chaina ta a (take In tke VcLron Hae; thence & M E. SAB chain* to a (take; thence 8. 4 W. it 80 chaina to a (take; tbenco 8. 87 E 20.88 chain* to o (take in tho' Raleigh and See th port railway; tvenec w!th mid railway N. S3 1-8 w.i 48.84 chain* to a (take; thence N. 70 I x’r ?f> chaina U Bethea** line;! thenceS. 88 W. 1048 chaina to the beginning, containing 127 acre* more or l*«e. recording to the lurrey of I D. P. McDonald. ! Place ef mle; court house door. Ifimngtea. S. C. Time of mle, Monday Jan. 8, 1822. Tcima of mle, cadi. Thia 28th day of Nov. 1821. _ CLARENCE J. SMITH. Trad**. Tht* talc continued to Jonoary 80, 1882 by roaecnt of all partic* con cerns. January 3 10 lit I GOOD GROCERIES AT - BETTER ■ PRICES • I * I SAVE ONE DOLLAR OUT OF EVERY FIVE You Can Do That By Buying Your Groceries from US \\J ri mr 1 CHEAPER We Serve You quicker I BETTER LET YOUR NEXT ORDER COME TO The Centre Grocery HENRY O. SHELL, Prop. Shell Building Phone 175 - — •- - - »____ - . *v‘. ‘ 1 fell • < - • k ;• ‘ * .. • j ■ < ■ "*, _ • r' - * I: ; ■ i, , • .it*-, ;v,^ * -v» < 22-Four-37 Five Passenger Sedan , . 1395 22-Six-49 ^ Seven Passenger Touring, 1585 22-Six-46 Three Passenger Coupe, 1885 22-Six-48 I Four Passenger Coupe . . 2075 g 22-Six-4 7 I Five Passenger Sedan . . 2165 B , 22-Six-SO 1 Seven Passenger Sedan, 2375 18 AM Mem r. a A FHm. SMafc. ll BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FLINT, MICHIGAN i| IlMMfMlSM af >»l»l la Mmd Malar Cam 1 Green’s Buck Service Station 1 • HbHHHBSHHUH vw^tuwviwv^vwb^bbhhm^b^v ■ -

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