CK • • • « ;s Based on 10c Cotton Friday, January 6, 1922 And Continues Through Saturday, January 21,1922 ■h— - — The Yellow Front Store offer* to the public the largest, newest and best selected stock we have had at this period since we began Wnes*. Every item of Millinery, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Underwear, Overalls, Pants, Ladies and Girls Cloaks, Coat Suits, Drssses, Dry Goods, Etc., will be on sale AT THE LOW DOLLAR to our Friends. Our Buyer is just home from the North ern Markets and we find business confidence is returning. Cotton and most raw materials are advancing and our stock is worth mOC* ^UD w*>cn w bought it, as the prices of practically all our lines are advancing. Wall, you say, why this sale? Here it is: It has been our custom for years to have a great January Sale, our customers and friend s expect this of us and we are determined to make this the greatest in our history for real genuine BARGAINS and take it straight from us our stock is large. In laying before you array of choice bargains we shall take our losses which will be your gains, with satisfied because we shall realize how generous you have been to us in the past and as we are expecting much from the fu-ture we look with confidence for the large share of favors our friends are so prone to bestow upon us. Our House overflows with bargains. Come see and get our prices as lim ,ptee «• to mention a few items. .. ' * Just in 10 Dozen Young Mens $3.00 Hats.$1.49 Just In 5 Doven Young Men's $2.00 Hats___ __..... $1.00 Just in 50 Young Men's $30.00 Suits ____ ____ $14.85 ^ __ - Jtt*t in 65 Young Men’s $25.00 Suits____'__ $11.85 " Just in 100 Boy s all-wool $7.50 Suits.... _ __________ ~ $3.98 • — ■ ■ - — One lot Boys Wool $5.00 Suits and up._____ __ __ _______ __ ■ $2.98 About 100 Pairs Young Men’s $5.00 and $6.00 Pants _ ______$2.98 One big lot Men’s work pants, were $4 and $4.50 - __:_$1.69 Small and Medium Girls $5.00 Coats__ __ $1.98 ' Ladies and Misses $5.00 and $7.00 Short Coats ..... $1.98 Ladies $25.00 and $35.00 Coat Suits ...... _ _ __ $12 85 Ladies’ and Misses’ Fine Wool $ 15.00 Dresses, just arrived.___ $6.98 Ladies and Misses' Fine Wool $10.00 Dresses, just arrived_$4.95 Ladies’ and Misses' $4.50 and $5.00 Shoes___ ___$2.98 20 Dozen Men’s Genuine Railroad Overalls and Jumpers, worth $1.50 for. 90c About 25 Dozen Men and Boys’ $2.00 and $2.50 Sweaters___ 85c About 250 Ladies' $5.00 to $ 12.50 Skirts....$2.98 About 65 Ladies’ $2.50 Skirts__ 9^ 4,000 Yards Dress and Apron Ginghams.. _____ __ __ $1.00 Blue and Black Serge___ ___ Medium Weight, Brown Cotton_... __ 5e Ladies $ 10.00 and $ 15 Hats.' ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W 98 Children and Misses $3.00 to $5.00 Hats..-$1.00 to $1.50 Wo very cordially jarite all who actually want to «ave money. To coma and aee oar prieet aad the good* and you will do the rast, ao wo dull be iititfitft. Yours for a Rushing Big Business! [y*-. * • . a i