m ■■ 8 " -- s& §§pbfcRS3: t-f »*. to m Hid* In* ***** N N*N; A.-r?r S »-■< PHI It did alt that m Ktod af It ilitoMdUi 1 Imt tk« oloo «o«r mMtwf will bo Hold next ">t*- Wld T. L. Kirkpatrick, proddoot ot tho Oiiialn of Cow of CWdotto. win «aak at r VdMa bmw ia CoWaol Kidtpat w*a la Do as of Mm for thii poor. WVrt Mm tod CnlMt «**•• hwiiii tack yonder to ltl4? ADtln Am fccyan to taoct ml Ciato cottar*. Oa may fan* me emM aa* MOowtoy fold* wt wtaot. •A ry* and Aa Uta. Goacy* Papa wmt to v«A and tallt a toy rallor mat twr Aa grindiay ad wfeaat lato Way*, aad m mm mil oa Aa mad Ax BaMa of lftoaaoato aad lorn. Bak—1B1B and 1B1B aaw a lary*r Wnaed hr cotton. Tfca flaoey staff daaA far Ooaaxa aaldltm. Wa far not a> ataot Aa Mttla yralaa that ramlAU Aa otodf af life. They wow •Md tana* for th* Middle Waatora fanaara, hat far oa Ktoy Cotton wa* Aa and to ta woaAtopad. Aad m *rww cotton, toytoy off in Ao viator nnd today to mad A« mmey Ktay Oattmfc friand, Aa War Gad, Bony into «■ laya. MM the w*crir» dhutt next tprioo. i PUWe she old be plowad new. Ground I ■••H be brekea deep. Preparations ■°*w " *»*de (or otter ciopa Cot taa k this district rrOl fool tto prs> K tto daatreysi All year nnltss «e cot ta work saw. Pra^m fee B. T. P. U. *~d*T Niybt January ». lotted action—Loader. Prayei' Rot. I. N. Johnson. SfriptlPt Paa4)-. m- f Po»o. Era Lackey. Mr. O. T. Olhro. ■•to Mr. R. L. Denning. Peittlon of Christmas—Miaaaa Ler Woe Hcmdsa and Gertrud, price. Poet Mleeee Lacy Pope and Sell!* Key lor. *•«•—Mr. Sen Ferrell. P>*y«r—Mr. C. C. Warren. Tka Fewer ef Christmas—Mr. Lew is Strickland. The Practice of Christas**—Mioses Lok Strickland, Jeisamin* Starting Bad Ratheryne Allen. Sony—“Teke ay life and let U be" —B. T. P. T7. Conclusion—Mr. Perry Godwin. Lading Bible Class To Moat The refelar January betimes and <* tta Ladies' Bible Class of Divine Street Methodist cherch wUl he held at toe home of acre. Eugene Parker Monday rrentnr January 9, at 7 o'clock. A luH at tea dance i* dosirtd as apocial bnsi noaa and plant for tto new calendar yeor wfll to discussed. Panama Carnal T«Ua R—«* Wow High Mark Panama, Jan. 4—In spit* of tko worldwide buaineaa depression the returns of ah ip pi eg traffic through the Panama Canal in IPS1 set a new high record. Tho tolls for the colon, dar year wore »1M«,718, spproxi matahr *8»,00« more than the pravl oua year, according to the official re port. rMmwvKaari * - PROGRAM - « *n«i 11 in in - r » ytiiiiinrtii-i.iij^ * DR. ffi P. BUTLER a * Phyaiaiaa * * Caspar N. C * » » }* Cooarnmaa* Warms Farmer* Abort Disease «*--—I by Isll They carry Bubs a k plague, fatal W*Dlhrcorry foot and mouth disease, which is fatal u stock. They hill chickens, sat grain, cause SfSS^ira’En'aiZ te raU after killing them— laams no mndL Comoa In cakes, jaafy for uso. Thro* rises. 88c, «5c H^J^Boidaad^ guarantocijyhj^ Ilut Mrs. Usman Tolls How Rats Almsst •■■■ad Her Ham so Porno "For two months I noser went In our cellar, fradng a rut. On# night f. - I -“tKNT. — FOR TIDEWATEr Portland Comont (M People* Co ply Co., Dunn, Jf. C. NOTICE OF SALS BY .ADMIT* 13 trator.— Tbe tele of the pcrac.nn p»er»arty of N. F. Tow, deceased Trill take plant »t bio late resdcoec • ’ » rual townihip, Sarapinn coun ty- Thursday January Sfl, 1822 ,t 10 o'clock a. m. E. F. aad Jl. F. Tow, administrator*. s 4tc. t-OK SALS-YOUNG COW TO frvahea February 14. With (tnrt calf. C. U. Skinner. at pd STOLEN—TWO FOX TERRIERS on* mole, one female Both white wish black fan; male ha* black apot*. Both puppici. Howard fot r*U»rn to J. L, Hod*e*, Dunn, K p- D- 2tc. JUST ONE BARREL OF THAT "extra Fancy Barbados* Holaarct" at Freeman** Ca«h Grocery. 16tfe NOTICE OF SALE BY ADMINIS tralor—The aaln of the peranaa property of the late Va U. Jack •on will take place at hb late red debee In Minyo tovnahip, Samp non eourty, Wrdneaday. January l*th, 1M2 at 1* o'clock a. m- W Almon Jackaon, adnriniMralor « 4tc. CEMENT. _ FOR TIDEWATER Portland Cement <ee People* Sup ply Co., T>ann, N. C. FOR SALE-A FOUR GALLON Jersey cow. Apply at home No. SC —Duke, K. C. Jan. S 21 pd. TIME TO KILL HOGS. ASK US for our prieo on nit Freeman’) Ca*h Grocery. 16tfc PO« RENT—TWO STORY BRICK •tore In Anyrier, naxt to Overby Irw. Corner location. Rear oi buiHIny arith ride eatrance i, »utt ob:e lor hotel. Apply J. C. Layton, Route, 8, Dunn. 6tfc. CEMENT. — FOR TIDEWATER Portland Comoot aeo 1’ropla* Sup ply Co., Dunn, N. C. CEMENT. — FOR TIDEWATER Portland Cement *** People* Sou ply Co., Drum, N. C. FOR SALE-LOVELY COUNTRY botao at about half price. The at tractive hnme and firm of the late Dr- J. H. Crawford for sale at half price on ca«y termt. Thi* houae [■ a beautiful two-rtety building sur rounded with react and climbing ▼In#*. On the back pen ham barni, atahlei, wood born*, moat houae, orchard and grspe rtne*. The entire „ farm .of two large, EeU* and pea tare all fenced. WEa land to clear. Near good acbool and church. Loea tml at a CremeBoada near Duke, CeeU and Bale'* Creek. Hake ■ daU before coming to aeo mo. 3. G. Layton, Dunn. N. C. 8 St pd FOR RENT. —POUR FURNISHED room*. Will rent to light houae keeper* or aa aeparata room*. Call phone No. 275 for further Inform Gtfe. FOR SALE.—TWO FRESH JER. oey cows for cash or on time. Ab ac Eve good Duma on easy tmu 3. G. Layton, Dunn, N. C. SO 6t pd. — ■ * FOR SALE. — CHEAP FOR CASH or on thna 1 mate mala about 8 ytara old. I mare mfi'o about If year* old. 1 two-hmse Piednont tn.W .r -keift vajnm u-cd -no *ea een One l-h»r<e wagon, rne bug Kir. cotton anl com planter, turn plow*, culthratirr, fertilizer dia tr'tutore, ate. For a bargain ie# J<hn M. Jack'.I in the farm or ‘V. P. Dickey, Daon. N. C 3 *v. CEMENT. — FOR TIDEWATER Portland Cement eea People# Sup ply Co, Dunn, N. C. • If LEGAL ADVERTISING » ———a— IniuliM of Bidder* Juwry », IMS Scaled propoaaj* will ba received by the Board of Trnrtrea Dunn Grad ed School Dictriet, Dunn, N. C., in the oflee of ebainaan at I p. m. J*n W M. IMS, and there opened for tbo oraetioa and completion of a CranMaar 8cbool Building for tbc Cttjr of Dunn, N. C. Drawings and Spoetfieationr may be anon at lb* ofleaa of Chao C. Wfl ooa. Architect, 10* Darla Building, WUaon, K. C. <hSLW.:iF3™"* ,, Painactto Building, Calam bU, S. a And in the omen* of the Building Exchange* in Co Iambi*, 8. C., and AUaata, Ox, alaa la the office of the Cbnmbor of Coaamtrao of Cbariotu, N- C, and may ba obtained upon ap plication to U* Architect A04-7 Pal bm«« Building, CelamUa, 0. C., op en a licpoclt of |tl at a guarantor tkMt t£TwUI bcmturncd^oTuiS *Mjho apoalog of apoa application at a charge of fis. mib-ron tractori and malarial men aT&ySyXdraftMatlaa CehmlhU •Am at currant bloc print prieca. . The awnora imm right to let lb* i phjmbl*|, heating aad ctoctrioal work i j £2*23SKo?ME?* i ■Ejf Nam W. Mm bram**|t •a lb* Mth day of ¥** ., IMP. mJ i •■ovorti?d In tU ofitv nf rvfirtMr of ri; r-dtsi of Hm. imu Cotinty in Book **** 121. default hiWnc boon, 'do in the paycnont of the bonds! *** Wider of a.4 bonds having demanded of the 'a:d tiastoo that tbo said land da *rlbed la mM Hood of trust bo aold lo satisfy Mid toads, tbo undersigned -ruvbvv. will oa Us Oth day ofJan. IMt at IS o’clock noon, at tbo cearthouse door In LiUlngtoa, North Carolina, Mil at public auction for 1? **• Jaa8 **4 highest hid dor, tho following dwCribod bract or par ed of laadt Beginning at a stake on Johnson and Norm Alky, and run* 8. ST W. ZOO feet to a stake in Norris lino; thvncv with Mid line N. «T 8-4 W. 181 feet to a stake; thence N. ST £. 208 fact to a stake on said alley; thaoeo 8. 88 E. 181 feet to the be glnlng, containing three-fourths <%') of an aero, more or leas, samv being I noun as the home place of the said Katsse I). Hoyle. This land was told by the uoder trastee on December 12th, 1021, and this sale is made under or der of the Clerk of tho Superior Court for a resale, the hid made at the former sale having been raised 8 per cent Tho bid now (tends at f 85G.2r>. Place of sale—Courthouse door in Lillington, N. C. Time of sal*-—Monday, Jan. 9, 1022. at It o’clock M. Terms 0r sale—Cash. I This Dec. SI, 1821. ' JESSE F. WILSON, Trustee^ W ILSON A McLEOO, Attorney*. Dec. SS 30 Jan 8 la Superior Court North Carolina—Harnett County. Sadie Wells, Plaintiff TS. 3. D. Wells, Defendant. Net loo The dcfcmlnnt above named will take notice that an action entitled ae above hna been commenced in the su perior court of Harnett County, to dissolve (be bonds of matrimony nero bcforc existing, upon statutory grounds. And the said defendant will far ther take notice that be is required to appear ■( the next term of the aunnnor court of said county to be held on the 4th Monday before the let Monday in March, it being the 8th day of February 1922, at the court bouse of said county in Lil Hngton, N. C. and answer or demur o the complaint io said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the coart for the relief demanded in aaid com paint. a. a. McDonald, Clerk of Superior Court. This 21 day of December 1921. W. C. HELL. Attorney for Plaintiff. Dec 2* 30 J 6 1* 20 27. la Sapsoaer Court North Carolina—Harnett County . Millie Woodall. Plaintiff va Rhiley Woodall. Defendant. Notice The defendant above named will akc notice that aa action entitled aa above has been commented in the superior court of Harnett County, to dissolve the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing, upon statutory ground*. And the said defendant will fur uir uki mMm i^i, Jt muInA, to appear at the next term of tf?r eu perior court of said county to be held on the 4th Monday before tint Man day in March, it being (ho eth gay of February 1922 at the court house of mid county in Liilington, N. C:, and answer or demur to the complaint In said action, or the plaintiff will apply to tho court for the relief demanded In said complaint. a. a. McDonald, Clerk of Superior Court. This 21 day of December 1921. W. C. BELL, Attorney for Plaintiff. Dse 23 30 J « 13 20 27. NOTICE Notice if hereby given to the pub lic that the undersigned was appoint ed permanent receiver for the Pnr !\«h-r>liver Company of Dunn, North Carolina cm the 12th day of Decem ber 1021 and all of the creditors of laid PsrrUb-Driver Company .are here by requested to Tile their claims in writing with the undersigned, pro perly aworn to immedlatdy and no tice Is furthor given that add credi tor* dial! file and prove their claims within BO dsys from Doeemher It, 1921 and that all creditors failing to do so withia this time shall be barred from participating in the distribu tion of the assets of said company. At Dunn, N. C., this 16th day of December 1021. J. W. WHITEHEAD, Receiver for the Parrish-Driver Co. Dec. 16 26 80 Jan 6. #-— O Having qualified as administrator of J. C. Bell, deceased, late of Har nett County, North Carolina, thil D to notify all ptnooi having claims against the estate of J. c. Ml to exhibit them to the undersigned on or boforn the 15th day of December, 1622, or this notice will be ploaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to mid estate will please makn immediate payment. Thin the llth day of Doeemher, 1921. TftADDAKUS I.EE, Administrator. 1 Clifford A Toemsond, Attorney*. Doe 16 28 84 Jam 6 18 20. NorUe of Sale of Land Par Partition. < Under tad by rirtoe of a Special < Proceeding. in the Superior Court of I Harriett County, entitled lira. L. U < Woavar. and others, Expert*, the 1 1—1. Special Pro- 1 ceodinre Docket of eaid county, the < undendgned cenmladouor. In eoutpil- I anro with an order 'U/ the court marie I ■n th* eourso on Dae. 0. ltfI, wJl 1 offer for tele to the kighoet bidder I for caah, at the eourthouaa door in « Uttuiitoa. Harriott County. N. CL oo I Moaday January 8, 10*8, th* follow- i In* doarrtbed laud to-wtti t Beginning at a etabo in MeArtaae i llae. a earner of ClUott'e and ruue * at McArtane lino N. 07 1-0 W 10 e chain* and 80 Hah* to • rUko on th* t! North ride of Aadoraaaa Crank In the l mu; theaee N. 4 W. 04 ekoine and a 80 link* to * etakn udth oak pain tore t-s.’sxisirisr:*..;: trsr&zsrsnnufv: i Hake, Bttiotta N*rthwe*t a*ruori LScwm aa hle Hue B. 4 B. 10 chain* Md SO UaUj. the nee N. TO W. 4 . ihMa* end II Hake to a atafta and * irtMariiSi saass» £^.?TS2a.aia.fcd: rer by O. A. Norri# and wife, by • deed dated Nee. 28, 1917 and record ad In Book 187, rage 869, office of the Bcgiitcc of Deeds for Hsunett county. The above deaertbod land i» cold undar an order of oourt for the pur P*J* • dlrlaion. The terms of the Mia are cut, and the tlse of ulc <• Monday. January *. lHI at 18 *•• oloeU M, at the ooartfeotue door In UUlngoa, Harnett County, North ^ P*Mgia.9. 1981. ’ C. K. 1BOWN, Consnsiirioner. Dee. Id 88 80 Jan 0. _t touriac «*r. and atom than ninety day, Haring expired Macs mid ear rapalrad and the earner having failed to pay for the repain on raid car, the aald Smith A McKay, hy enas of authority contained In »oc tlon 8486 of the Conaoiidated Stat ■tae of North Carolina, will on fiat January 7, 1988, expoae to “!e for the highest bidder tor eaeh. to aatirfy the bill for repair*, unt P°B CmT' property °f JoM *!*•*• of “'•> f™»t °f Municipal BaiMIng, Dean, N. C. Tub* of sals, 1* o'clock M., Satur day, January T, 1*88. Tams of aale, cash. / 1BJ™ the S6th day of December Doc. 30 Jaw. 4. Notice ml Sale of Lead Under and by virtue of a certain mortgage deed executed on the 10th <*** of Aprt IMO. by Jerry Byrd, and wife Bstay Byrd, which mortgage *• ®f record in tho rtgistry of Wnnmtt ©aunty, ia book 188 at page 1, default having been made in the payment mt aald note thereby ssosr ed by aaid mortgage deed, and the Mid mortgage deed aa well ai the note, having bean transferred, to tho undersigned, the anderraigned Tmas farea. of the aaid mortgage, will cell to the highest bidder for cash, at the court bouse door ia tha town of Lil Ungton, N. C.. on Monday the 2Srd ?*r °f Janannr 1W8. at 13 M. Tbs following described tract or parcel of land, bounded aa follow*! Being lot N.o 89 in block “C** according to the map of J. A. Cook, and wife (Ued in tha office ef the register mt deeds of Harnett county, being a part of the l*»a >?ufht>7 J A. Cosk, and wife, Beulah Cook, and subdivid ed and la lota bounded on the North hy Cash street. SO feet on the Kast by 8outa Avenue 100 feat: on the South by lot No. SO, of said sabdirii ion 100 fsst, a lot 30 , 100. Timm of sals Monday tho 2lid day of January 193S. .,£*•** °f ml* court honae door in LilUngtou, N. C. Terms of sale “cash." This tha 28rd day of December, 1981. „ „ . MAT GUY, Mortgages. M-Q, LEE, Transferee of Mortgage. Wilson A MeLeod, Attorneys. Doe. SO Jan « IS 80. NOTICE OF SALE OF TOWN LOTS »■ Daea. N. C. (Mr Dead af Tart Under the power contained In a certain deed of truet executed by Mre. Hattie D. Wlleon on May llti Jill t* W.O. Mordeeal, trustee for MayevUJe BaalriBw A Trust Co., and recorded In the office ef the Barista? bran made in the payment ef the in debtedness aaenred by mid deed ef trutt, end dynd to foreelsMhar ln« been send* br the holder of mid At undom^Md will offer for *» public auction to the hfehmt bidder for cash, at the Courthouse dooT «f Harnett County. LiJUnften, N0*** .Carolina, on Monday, January “ 11 •'<*>* two loto oftond dtuatod In the Town of Dunn North Carolina and dteeribad ns fol lows in said dead of trust: .■jjf ^ 1b tfet town •t Dunn, Nortli Carolina, MoC 0n 5S£^eof Bn, St. end U™ SrS^11? “S ?*?* Sr*»u Betey »taNoa 1 and 4 in Block CY oc of’dmL*" PhU pl“ of «■** terra Bsu of onto: Courthouse Door LilUn*to», vTc. r’ mm** ln<1, Dec. Dec. 6 IS SO ST paid. This sale has boon continued by consent of parties untfl Mends, 6th da, of Fsbwuury 1PSS. U“d«r the power of aale contained “ * deed if Treat executed by Oi ?“ the 29th day of October 1911 to *f Tre* U dmly “•ft Of the bonde tecorad thereby w4 the earner of tbe aeid bonda hev that reld Deed of f"M* bo foreeloetd tbe naderrigned ■rfl*U •* public auction to the blgbeet bidder fer enik at tbe toort hooee door In Ulllngton. Har *•“ e*u*tT. Worth Caroline at llrOO *■»■"» 20th. ! !922 the toBewteg doonlbed land.: A certain treat of land lying and wing in Harnett county. North Car •d f^StoJT"p"tlcal*rl7 1 Bottoming at a pine (tump by an other P*»« atom with 1 pact eak, 1 , "“J 1 blehery and 1 dogwood winter*, reppoaod to bo Btcshea’a < TS* ?"* <**• Booth wSh the a*..*' *.u4 111 MM treat | * •* «hata» »o * itobo wNh 1 hick- 1 nr “*•"*>'** Uek potato™; , bonooBrekh Bt 1-1 EBAW ahahu i • a toake w.« 1 black jaek aad I t **• **- Andrewa: comer 1 otr a Bold; thence N. I M I. 42.M t balu't* • toake wtth 2 pine, 1 I lack Jadt and I poet oah painter*, , nethor of B. M. Xndrawo’.opraera; t ««»• W. BB B-4 W. Il.TI chatM to i toake wtth 2 auN peat wk, I n K2«jr*Satajs. toace S. 24 2-1 W. 14.10 ckaiac to I, M beginning coatotalng 104 1-1 I "rbie Deeewber MltolHl. B. U OODwiN, Tretoie f Pee. 22 »# Jag 4 It._ U •X5.T5i£=f££r~; Tho im femarty doing boctoaca * JfcfoTtZ.lSJg&St." «d all llabilitica of tha aaiii firm. Tbc told builaoal will be continued at the *^<1 »"<»•* tbo name of J. X. StikUand. All account! formerly due th« Mid,firm of Strickland A J.rnl *"• *?. te sf ii&L&z*''"* . B. B. JEMNIGAX. Doc. SO Jaa 0 13 10 pd. Me*«g«g* Sale Valuable Laad Under and by virtue of a mortgage deod executed to the undersigned bv J. A. Poole and arlfe Dole Poole, and recorded in Harnett Co. In book 108, P*ce *M, default having been made te the payment of the nolo secured thereby, I will offer for sale for eaeli 10 tho highest I 'diler at th# court bouaa door ia LUUngton, N. C. at 12 0 clock M. on Monday the Ctb day of February 1022, the following describ ed lands, lo-wil: L,t' K®4 Ho. 4 beginning at a rtako and pomterx in the McLamb bno, comer with Lot No. 8 and run. with the lire of Lot No. C 3. 7S W. 19 ehu-ju to a stake comer at tho Banron Rood in line «f Lot No. 8.; Ihcncc us the road 3. 10 E. 4 50 chain, to a .taka comer with lot No. *•! thence duo wcat 18.75 chaina to a stake correr in the held: thence with another line lot No. 8 8. 47 W. 11.73 chaina to a .take ia George Hodge* boo: then with HU line S. 8H ..15.10 ehaut. to a .take comer *;orn*ri thence N. 1 W. 1.50 I nk. to the Benson Road thoncc w th the said road toward* Mlnro to a .taka comVTwitt Me Lamb, bno juat in the north edge of the road: U.enca with a line of said • McLamb* N. 85 W. 4 ehaias, 85 links ‘® •. ditch; thence hi* lino 8 80 W. 7 chain* to hi* cor ner "take and pointer*; thence with another of hm line* N. li w. 4 50 chains to a "take the beginning e0r ner, and is 25 aero* more or I.*. Jeaa three acre* more or let here to-for* conveyed to J. N. Hodge. 2nd. Lot No. 5 beginning at a "take and pointers In a pond with Geo. l!odg«s corner running with his marked line S. BB 1-2 E. 41.80 chain* to a stake and curnor at th* run of Mingo ja*i below an old ford (called 11 n,T *ur<* ^ ^ old paper*) thence UP .H1* v*rlo“» eouraea of the ran of Mmgo to a gam on the wort edge of the run juat below ford near the edge of the road; thence with Mc Lambs lino 3. 07 1-2 W. 8.50 chain* b* a atako with small sweet gum c.r ner near the north edge of tn* road; thence as the fbad In a western di to a (take comer with lot No. 4 thence S. 1 iu chain 50 link* *° • tdwke and corner in a flald called a, dog-wood comer with Geo. Hodgoa) hence with hia liaa S. 1 E. 3 chain* to Uie beginning and is 28 acres more or lex*. J. M. McLAblB,Mortgagee. December 30th 1B21 Jan 6 18 20 27. Keeale of Valuable Farm Istailf Under and by virtue of the powers contained In a certain order or do **** made and inured in the Super * Uourt of Harnett County, Dee. iM. 1921, in tho MATTER of W. P. Reave* and others, ex-ParU; Pe lilion, to Mil certain rWad> belonging to the ertate of Jonas Reave*, deceas necessary by reason of the fnilnri of one G. T. Pleasant, origin al purchaser of the premises herein QMtribfd, to comply with the Ureas of said sale; tbs andareianad 8. .• ?*y. of F>bn“nr. 1822, at 12 o eloek, M. upon tho promises of tho Old Jonas Reaves, homestead, sell u the highest bidder for cask, or upon such Unu* as shall be announ tbe “w»l *»‘d sale, the fol lowing described premises, to-wit: £“ke' * comer of 4 n 9 T: Parent's own lmc and ram, g. 4 ln<j 45 thinrV^N-uV’s485 *° * ,t,0t'1 •»«! *0 minutes fc-tei foot to a stake by a black gum in a btunch; thence up said branch to a stako in G. T. Pleasant's own lino; thence N-84 degrees and 15 minutes W-684 feet U tho beginning containing twenty-five and 70-100 seres. Same being tract No. 5, accord ing to the plat of the subdivision of the lands belonging to tho estate of the said Jonas Reaves, deceased. This tale will be made subject to confirmation of tbo Clerk of the Su perior Court of Harnett county. This tho 4th day of January 192*. - JAXE8 RAYNOR, Commissioner. Jan e 13 20 27. No<it* of Sale af Jtaal Eetala Under Mortgage Unaar and by virtue of tho powers contained in an order or decree of (oreelogtre "“da and Intarad in tb« Court of Harnett Cou.ty, B?*-***. 1W1- '» U» MATTER OF "* Other*, u fm: pM! certain lands balang ng to the eetatn af Jonaa Reaves, de ?"'d' t” Partition, and the addi «* contained In a ofWtM* decd tatecutad to "“** *hy"«*. commiMionar. for tho Min at law of the estate of Jonaa leave*, deceased, by on* W. T. Bare, foot purrhaevr of u,. prnBl^ ho^ dtitrlbcd At the original com niaaioner’, ealo of tC Wa SolmT ng to the estate of the gaid Jwu faave*. deceased, and for which gaid nortmge deed was executed to *a of paiehaao prlea; tha ■ndenrigned, mortgagee, mill on ruraday, the 7th day af February IPM, at 18 o’elorlt, M; In front of ha court homo door in tha town of -MUngton, N- C.. aell to tho higbgat. ’rtdor for cart, tho following descTlb < prom I see, to-wit: # tn^a 1‘ *h« land* SSL-s and rune 8-4 degroar and 41 ilnutes W.8IM foot ta a atakei bmtee 8-84 degree* tad 18 mtnatee --•»« feel to a tube, a eoraar of ra*rt **«- *: thanao N-4 degraaa and * MinuUg R-f 109'feat ta a stake: corner of Frof. Lanier’s end W o’ Jtenon’*) thanca K-84 dggTCag and’ * mloutos W-880 foot tttha bag” l"f. containing II and 18-100 agree Trad No. 8. Or that tract known i tha Millar place, boaadad aa fel TO: Beginning gt a etahs in tha win toad a ad runs 8418 1-4-E go •at to * stake; thanca 8-4 1-4-C-ll •et ta a (taka; than** 8. 84 1-4-B-48 •at ta a staka: Prof. Lantor's toner: aaaa 8-4 W ill fert to a Mika lance N-4M 1-4-W-7M faat ta a aka in (ha Du»a Road; thaac* N T ♦-*-478 faat to tho bagianiag tor a, eantalaiag 8 18-100 *a~ Thb a*l* u%l ba made subject to ■flrusasiao af tha Clerk tf flw lo rfor Court af Harnett County. THW to. 4to Oeaeuslwlacar tod MnrtgagM • « IS 80 87. . PAY YOUR If " I have been as lenient as the jaw allows me to be in collecting State and County taxes. Now, 1 must insist that they be paid* Please do not forde me to take any action that would prove em harassing tfl you and unpleasar^ me. U Mb? irfii rV 4ff /** > ■»*> * * J- ■*' i ■' ? •/«’ s. Kf.’ , ■< S', ‘1

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