THE DUNN VOLUME VIII. 1 = ■ 1 "“'-M DUNN, NORTH CAROLE PREACHERS FORM ORGANIZATION TO AID CHURCH WORK A. R- McQuaen President, L N, Johnson, Sacntury, J. J. Un|itno. Treasurer DESIRE CHARITABLE ACTIVITIES CORRELATED FmI Need Of Association Through Which Help Can Be Intel Iigend7 Given And Ask Institutions To Co-oper •t*—Went The Stores Te Close Earlier. Dunn'i newest organisation came into being on Friday morning, Jan. • . when a number «f the paatom of the various churches organized a Pastor's association. Thr meeting was hell In the pastor urn of the First Baptist Church. The following were present: Brea J. H. Buffalo*, of the Methodist church. A. B. McQueen of the Presbyterian church, J. L Davis, of the Free-will Baptist church, J. J. Langston of the Christian church, and E. N. Johnson of the Baptist church. Artcr a season of prayer and goad fellowship, those present decided to perfect a permanent organiaation. The fallowing officers were elected for tho terns: A. R McQueen, presi dent; X. N. Johnson, secretary; and J. J. Langston, treasurer. A commit tee composed of the president and aecretary was asked to draw up a constitution and by-laws and report at tho next regular meeting. After thorough discussion of tho lack of co-oporation among the va rious organisations that dispense charity in ear city, and of the need of some central organization that would Help to correlate and direct the charity efforts of the people, it was decided to appoint a committee in the Interest of organised charities. Tbs committee, composed of J. H. Buffa los. J. L. Davie, and J. J. Langston arma appointed to confar with the Woman's Club, the fraternal orders of tha town and to decide upon the feasibility of such a movement, and tn taka sock steps as they might deem VMMMftHP charity efforts of Dunn and recognise the need of organisation along this Kne arill has) this action on the part of the pastors arlth delight. In tha meeting of the ministers one question was raised that art!! not likely be downed uatil it Is set tled right — the matter of getting the Dunn people tn bed earlier on Saturday nights. This is a question that “concern* every shopper, every merchant, and every merchants wife la town wily should not the stores of Dunn clone earlier, so that the ■archants, the sales people might get to rest earlier on Saturday nights and be bettor prepared for the day af worship. Anyaray, tho paators decided to agitate earlier elozlng tn Saturday night, apd they have agreed to aak the people to “shop early” on Satur day sights, and the merchants to con sider doting earlier at the week end. Sunday morning at II o'clock, fol lowing the fourth Sunday of each month, it the time act for Urn regu lar nsec rings af Denn Paators' Asso ciation. Tnadm •{ Rad L H. Williard to M. O. Loo, SI acre* In Av*r**b«ro, (800. D. r. Laa to Della E. Lee. 10 acrei In Averaifcero, $M0. Overby end Hocked*? to R. W. Lee, 4 let* In Anyier, (do. H. A. Metthcvn to D. R. Ennt*. 1 1-t acre* in Grove, (800. 8. J. Wade te 8. A. Wade, 24 1.4 acreo in Avcraebera. ((.000. D. B Wade to B A. Wad*. (4 t-t acre* In Averaabora, 8.000. Aihlef Sander* tn (lorn Ivey, (9 •ere* In Averaavaro, 28. J. R. Vann to Plora Ivey, (9 acre* In Averaabero. (190. Alonao Parrldh te J. W. Moon, 198 aere* in Averaabero, (1,(00. D. P. McLeod to Relvia McLeod, ( acre* in Grave, ((00. P. P. Pep* te L. A. William*. 9 acre* la Black Rtvyr, MOO. Duncan Clark te Mery L. White, 18 acre* in Barbeca*. (10. A. . L. Ovetby te D. W. Denninc, let In Aajrfer, 810. ' Hiraa. Barnett U C. E, Sorrell, let ia LMlIngtoa. MO, 9. M. Grapery te A B Tmpinr. 109 acre* In Andrtaen Creek 89.400. H. C Spence te C. A. Gay. 1* I* teat* 8160. L T. Kennedy «e I. P M -l cod, 49 acrae In Grave, mm. I. t. McLeod tela (Oataoinaranma B. P. Yoon* receiver, to H. T. ^toar* and 1. 0. Leyton, let la LB Itnptoe, 91409. ■ 0. P. Matthew* to tL W. Lee, 104 •era* in Blnek River, (4,(00. CONFERENCE TO DISCUSS WEEVIL 4 - Important Moating of Cotton Producers and Others Horo January 24 A meeting of much importance to formers and othora of the State wlU bo held at th* State College In Btt eigh on Taeaday January 24, whan tho boll weevil conference of tho North Carolina Seed Improvement amoelatloa wilt bo convened. The *#* * the Enrly Maturity of Cot on, W. F. Pate. 10:16 a. m- Cultural Methods for 'ollon and the Place for Sopplcaca ary Crops Under Boll Weevil Cow i-ttoas, Doan C. B. Williams. 10:40 a. m. Variotlca of Cotton for loll Weevil Conditions, 1L Y. Win tern. 10 .-*0 h. m. Tho Plaoo for Lin toch Undor Boll Weevil CondHioas. UteB Dinner at ths collage dining mil. 1:00 p. no. The North Carolina lead Improvement Association, and u Purpose, Zeno Moore. 1 :*®- P- m. The PamlUlltioo of n 2:00 p m. My Experience In Fight. W the BoB Weevil, N. E. Winter*. 9:00 p. no. Economic Adjustments Jr.der Boll Weevil Conditions. M. 9. lroarn and Dr. C. C. Taylor. ANNOUNCES DATE FOR CONFERENCE Agricultural Conference To Bo Holdyit Washington Warhington, Jan. 4.—Ths agricultural conference suggested icveml day. ago by President Hard ng to caniidor maaaa of relieving tistraaa among the fanaora, waa cell 'd tonight by Secretary Wegece to acot la Washington January 21. The agriculture secretary aaid it ™ expected that Mr. Harding vevld open the conference. Invita .iims to peraem at (acted to comprise he peraenael of the gathering, K laid, are being sent oat daily tnd ennooneemcn'. of the lint ef deie ■alt • will be made ae aeon aa all the tceeptaaeos are received. Secretary Vallace See not fixed a limit to the •-•nror of deter tee, bat is con>?rrnv I ■•ktefly with making tare that the con ference will be thoroughly represen tative. The secretary, ft eras learned, is making op the personnel not oily rrom the agricultural interests, but alto from those lateraete which are intimately associated with agricul ture In the tranapartatloe marketing end distributing ef farm products. In addition to represent**Ursa rf those allied Interests it is expected that a small number ef men whs will been generally accepted aa reprseen '”C the public wig be Invited to the conferuaee. * ” ™ ox im conference con corn* th« business ef the eeuatry gonemUr as well aa the fanners. De partment ef Ayrhmltare ofteials am nhseiierl. In seeking rtoMdlal ailP ■rn> to relieve the present distress af the egrleultaral classes, they MH4, Die tonfemwee wonld try to imIiiii the buying power of the ayrlonKar tato which would make a general re vival ef bwdaear, ahould nnM) taeid their effort*. Laying down of n petiey to he fol lowed by the federal and atoto gov •mmenta and fareier* themselves In building a permanent self-oaetatiHnc VtHrolture la exported to bo af oven rreatar importance to the ooaforsiaso than toe king remedial in memo* for the prevent farm eitnntlon, ahhoogh tha latter will probably bn given firm ton aide ratten it wm mid. . SUPREME GLORY . Of MR. WILSON Aa Prwaidcat Ha Cit« Amarica Loadoruhip Which Carried It To Grootoal Haighta »P Hmut g. Cna»k|i ! (Member ol the National Committee ol the Woodrow Wileon Founda tion.) The men and woman who planned the Woodrow Wileon Foundation, I ■urtuleo. had In mind not only the 'immediate porpoeaa ol the Founda tion. hot alee the lneotimable aorvice which will be rendered to humanity by promotiag the principle far which Mr. Wtleoa throughout hie lilt hac i lead. I i »»« always barn Tory proad ! to bar# had an opportunity to rep port Mr. Wilson and ta support tho things for which ha ati^glad. > think that tha Inst dreads has dis closed a remarkable progress In MV or*] thought. 1 betters that the great revolution in political ideals which swspt over this reentry, beginning, 'et us any. ia 1»10 and which Mr. Wilson, who came upon the scene tboot that time, so thoroughly to personated, woe merely indicative of the tremendous forward sweep of the phalanx of humanity and civilisation. Mr. WUare*• domestic policies thoc *,u*hhr enlightened and carried for. *vurd to completion age I set greet op -o«*t:on stand ai o permanent record f liberal movement, if I may term it reck. During this period, pec -Vng international problems de veloped which served to introduce new themes into the drama of hautea program. Mr. Wilson dealt with three matters on a plane and la a manner of pride to thie country. c»*deu Years mi Statesmanship He gave to our country a leader ship which has carried America ta greeter heights of hosier aad glory *”4 power then Mm has ever known betare ta her satire history; end so these golden yean, as I may call them. o\ American statesmanship, are the things which establish sad xuarants# tha perpetuity of thlsi movement which affords an apporte-! nHy for service that no one should | forego. | piece la it. the dignity ef It, the* statesmanship touched with prophecy. ’ seemed to inform aad sanctify the Whole .purpose ef our country. I think umen history comes to record thee# events, it will kavs two placer in M; th# place ef boas* fur Wilson, and th* other placi for those who' take up to America a struggle for tho preservation of that which had boon j won at such incalculable coat. We all know he was a tired man then. 11 saw him when tot same beck. He had been through these seven yearn of' service in all tha fields of labor to which I have so inadequately referred end yet be had to taka up tha strug gle again hare ia America. I remember very well the day l' was asked ta go to the White House ' to look over the itinerary that had I been prepend for hie Western trip! I had beta over the ground myscM n Uule while before and I was some what familiar with it and I protested against the prograai. 1 mid, *|You *re going ta kill this man. Be canned endure it" I knew that the clreum •tances under which he would be eV Hged to travel would he a hundred fold more trytag than would be to an ordinary man, because the Prusi-1 dent ef the United States, la a trip of that kind, would fool, what I might cult, the incalculable, the uneeeape-l hie pressure of personalities wherever1 he went. There would he bo moment! of freedom, ef rust, ef relaxation. Hi.Cm HU Alt I Me* to think of tho heroic ttrog rb ho made, giving oil that he had ta give. I often think of that laet dap la Paebto, where Ue tour tanai |naUd. There wae aa aaonaoaa gath ; ering of people who had gone ant to groat him. Thtro wart flee or ton thonaand tittle children dieeaed in white, ringing, in their thrill, eMldiah voieoa, the thrffiiag anthem ef the republic. Mr. WOaoa made hie wap to the tpeaker'a aland. Aa he wae go ing thiaagh the crowd, a woman eame ep and took hit hand and Im planted a Urn apoa H. Mr. Wllaoig aahing ahoot thle woman, wae told that At had laet a hop ha Pea ace; and aa very rarely ha aver did. ho epohe af thle pereoaal incident daring hie mbeeqeeat epeeek. ■a epoke of thia woman. H« mid' oomothing Ilka thia, “Why did Aa pat a klaa apoa my haadl A$ Cam-1 mandtr-in-Chlaf of the amp and aa-1 rp. I gave the order that amt her bay abroad and ha never eama home. Whp ahooM aha ptoaa a klaa apoa tap kandT U waa haemua la her great, ••aaroaa heart Aa knew that I waa “*"f all the poorer that I had lay ‘ toahlng H enteoeetarp that anp other •MAar Aoatd eager aa (ha tod aaf r Pmt « thuf ►'em votbiff It WUM BI 'v«0 he rtoted ’o rotr far nun >u foi kn-monn In tta Chief Page ties ten 'on for the rasignattau the fact other lotir* claimed ao moeh of his atten tion that ha could net give paepas •Mention to those of hia offlee. It I* ■‘»tH on good authority, however, that the mayor and on* of the rom m'rslrrner* who hod boon hi* stauneb Pt yrnporter*. had earlier informed h‘m that • issfcutHim might atnr* h'm nat emhairomraent Even h'i bait friend* hare will heave a ugh af relief when Page surrenders bis o®e«. For thirty month* b* baa bald tha oBea aad there was not a moment of that time antfl a few aaeoth* ago that that* wernt threats of trouble with tha police depart*eat. The town hat not been able to bald an election wrthent having the Paga lean* overshadow all ala*. In the abetton of 1Mb tha aatl-Page faction wa* soundly booten, but last year it, H'od up a strength surprising to «w«" tbemsalvea. Com missioner OoM*«ta aad Leo war* •lor led solely b#**»*a they war* a vowel anti-Pago men. William H. Newberry, tha aMm member af the board In point of service, had tha rate af bia Ilf* because of hia fitond rblp for Pag*. hr. Paga win. ha mya, retire from police work whan ho leaves Dona and will devote all *f bia attention to hia farm In Itobom* County. Ha ha* baan in police m*ik far about eight years, earring fl«* at LaCranga, la tar at lfauut Oliva and finally bar*. H* baa killed four or five assn and ha* bean In partie* that killed others. I Hia moot notable Wiling was that of the Smith brothers in Bout olive. Hr era* triad for Wa Ufa la this tea*, but was exonerated, by *a Ironic turn af tbs whaol of fate be was with tha party of aoUiers who killed tha third Smith blether hare laat year after be had daatrted from Camp Bragg. ImA" Ail ha to Ik* child ran —d with an asKMfehra gaatare aaid: TVm ara my «B*nb. 1 apiaV for th# children and far lb* children nf fa tare graiaratfaW." It waa the Mot to*a*b that bo mb —with that waaderfal haman toneh and appeal—th* laat apaaeh that ha mad*. I Ilk* to tklfch of that upwt af Mr. WOaani a* Igirt that la par. hap* net folly wfantoid ar appro Ha tad. I think that ear peopla, haring paaaad through a. parted of teat aa tiaaa) mania, aat raaareHag thair normal iplrrt. 1 think thay tan k* re wan ta thair high purpoa*. Thair hreita are watto hat aat loageOad af the apirit af torela*. 1 hart great faith In aar paapt*i and I hare great faith in th* taut*. FARM LOANS FOR A SPECIFIC AH By Biw H. SotUr Tho War Finance Corporation, tlsrongfa tho North Carolina Agrfcal torsi Loan Agency of wfcieb Col. J. >• Toaag is dmlmaa, baa placed ia tbo State opwmrd of a million dol lars and la anticipating tbo loaa«to North Carolina banks for North Car olina farmers of probably dt or oo>m million by tbo ttano tho crap mid-summer. Col. Touag la math en c oaragerd with tho way tho bull an calling for taoaoy aad roUorlag tho financial Untdoa ia tho State, and faalo codfUoat that tho JMva mont VCD do maah for tho ogrtrsNa ral conditions aad also far tho'goaor •1 Aaaaetei sttaatioa ia all tho conn* tisa. tm law anaer MKt a# U aetiac U oaa U place at the -“-ftnl W baaka cerryin* fane operatise caper. Um War Of OB help F*r is tba aliaa, sly th »"bat U hae object of tkia plea make thair ud to help the of their '•ski other atate hare leaded •e they eaa carry aa • "d they are actaaUy ’or other hm. ■nonoy to leaa to they moat for | ■aeoey tho Ion ahoat depositor*, end moac extent th rytac hara •tack. Km *t Im the first place It is not a land ■naming scheme. The Federal land banka take ear* af that branch af fam financing Tha War *~«mr1i^ is purely on production and dtoribo tion of fam prodneta. The man who baa tome Uveatoek that ha ie trying to carry throagh to a marketing ■tare, or the man who wants to sake a cron and nsrde money, are the mas the new plaa !s designed to (Moor age. And It la wisely planned far toat purpose. The messy Is net ptoead at the dUpomi of n aana on the fats who rimply wants to barrow it and perhapi epead it right new whan be gels it say bo for an aatesehlle or a phonograph, or aese ether pur pose foreign to crop making. It mast be parcelled ant daring n isaiair period af crop making, and mead far that purpose. Otherwise, the War Fi nance Corporation docs net care to back the bask in the loan by ad vancing the money. But tt mast net be auppaaad that everybody who wants messy from the baulks under this nerw erheane can get It, for always to making a Iona a banker considers tare or three things besides the need of too bor rower. One of those ie whether the borrower is, really naediag a loan, or simply naediag money. A lean ie money given with the expectation that h will be repaid, gems men in tend to repay, but can give toe brok er ne logical reason to think they ear. The broker has always to think of too depositsr*» money, and to males son that when the depositor wants the money the bank can collect from it* borrowers to pay. Oh bnkw I talked with oa this (object laid It was mot wholly a one-sided affair, 'ar h# told tha bank we* te ana* ’n» responsibility of repaying tha l*aa te the (oeeminent wbaa th* gavers, mant claim la da*, aad th* bank mart be aura th* borrower' wHl pap aad that masse not only that tha borrow er la wtntnc to pay, bat that ha aaa pay. tfaay man wHl ask far Jam under th* now plan eta eaa gtr* little aaaaraac* that they will ha able to pay whoa tha debt (a da*. Men of tUa type ar* daaUaad t* dlsappoHit most. This la aaa phaaa of th* plaa that I* sat aslac to warfc aa aeaer ooily at away fslu tars Scared. Set another banker I talked with •ays ths plan is awe af tbs hast that has bean devised te relieve fhtac* aa th* farm. Where money Is tied ap h far leans tha beaks nan traasfac their securiti**. ar give ether sasurlty to the gassrnmaat aad gat aweay, which practically place* the farm debt la th* band* af tha government aad allows the be aka te am th* mosey ft REAL LIFE TRUE AS AESOP FABLE *°r* AlkfW T# Hm Stow Wk® The Pmlan (akbr'i itory «f dm ,n»k and the fanner. ShokeopooTo'i Ike* "Hew ihorpor than a •crpoat'i teeth," er rru that war-time deg garel a boat “Dent hite the hand that** feed lag fen" here ceaerete eeamplIflraHon ta a little itory \/rtt tea between the liaee of the entriet [•» the police Wetter lari night when twe beye were arreeled for aUaltag a Feed aatomebUe. The riory had he boglnningi ta the i6tate Employment oltfce here ***** ^*f* *S® when two boy* torn «d ep looking for a Job. They were cleanly looking ehn.pi, » tong way. from homo, hangry and tired and Jcepy and Johloaa The Rod Cron (*d them, the Salratioa Aimy gave thaw a place to deep, and the State rmpleymeat eerrlee pointed thorn a place where they might get wort lotto in Harnett county not far tho little vikaga of XipHug live# T. k Matthews, a pngtoroos and hig hearted farmer. Be bad aakad tke rmptejnai.ul service for hm fan* labor aad tbaar boy* were amt dawa there ta aae if b* coaid pat ham U work. The Bed Cram ptwrld-. t* them with ticket*, and they went :own Batarday mean lag. Ikt boy* didn’t It the rMyuiro riant* oa Mr. Matthew*’ pWa. The boy* teU him that they were brake tad h angry. Ha wa* oarry ha coaid >0t do anything far them ia (ha «ay of berk. bat ha weald got them ' aek to ksleigh. He cranked ap a brand aew Ford that bo had Jart bought for hi* own ben. aad brought tbtet to tho city, reaching hero about 1 o'clock la tke afternoon. Ha rmaemkerad that the bays war* kaorfr.nd ha gnat them money ttfiulMr something ta oat. Me hbnaotf want to th* Employment of. Boa to toO the lady that tho bay* cams fat with him bad «-t~- tbs "wkch oat of a Ford standing near by, aad driven his ear away- Ha tma oasd to the roots armnt when bo left the bey* to oat not a quarter ef an how before. They had not oaten tbsaa. He informed the police, and they instituted search for the bay* aad tba ear. lb* twa hays wars picked op at the Union 8tattea yesterday after noon about • o’clock, and lodged in tho city JaiL They gave their nonius so Horae* Lawton and Chariea Held w- They dented any knowledge of tha theft ef the car. They had slept «a th* BaKatlea Amy the night to ,#r*» men In bad until 11 o’clock Smiday morning. Mr. Matthew, i, maro concerned aboot getting hla Faed back tbaa ha U about proseeat ag tha bay*. They will ha gfvmi a bearing toil mem mg.—Mow* aad Ob-1 far further farm financing, ar for tfceao ether thing* that pertain to the financial goad of the community In •hJeh the bank ia attoated. Yet Co*:. Yonag and the banker* ware qaite onanlmou* ia oar thing, aad that wm* that an til farmer* and everybody die I* North Caro Ha* and the whole Chi tad Mate* aa well learn batter hew ta ahaaa eloeety an the keel* af rigid economy, aad ta eateh tip with their financial rating laatead of being a •*anr ar a month ar a few weak* be* kind no acbemo af banking ia going ta bring laivation and comfort*, for far toe many farmer* ace eating their eahe ahrey* before It i* paid for, and ‘>ay than have to work aO nmatr to ■my tn the fall for what they have eaten all the year One* North Cam. '•na can eateh ap with Itaaif, and ’'**• *ha money ia hand ta pay rat ‘.hie year** exponie* initead of hat rowiag and paying int*-c«t and tlmo nrtea* ia the fall when the erop la forrod ta a dtttrem rale to moat the dahU that have aarnmalatad. wo wfil ha heating the banka aad the debt* and all the ether ill* that taka* mo ney. >4fN*ry. Stewart Creek—X. * Byrd. ’>■ « Wodo Mprrkon. »—od Week Fob. IS-10 Andonon Creek—A. A. Wool, it. Areraihoro—O. W. Byrd, I- C. Woolord. Botkoroo—D. D. Hasrtogtoo. Oroeo J. At Wogbaoooo. 4. L. Redgoa, F. 1 TarfirgUa. Jahnaoaeffio—1. 0. Cmmm. U’Ungtoo—G. JL Wfabar. M.9* Crook X. L Banedoo. IHrpr LMtlo Blear—-O. C. Haidar, O. F. TMou, W. 4. Potto* aaa. Cali. MtPhaU.