EXTRA! 15c Apron I Gingham Jut think of it! A atandard quality Ap ron Gingham, in fond, atapln pattanu at uarly half priea. Whara aka can yon gat < mch a bargain? Malta yam1 dollar do dou bla daty by laying in a' good aupply of this _ anoallant quality Gingham. r— USJANW n. 12 a d lasts ally the Biggest EXTRA! Men's Work Shirts I_ MEN’S 2.00 Dress Shirt* Very Jreee eWrt* they era tee. well *~$i.2;P This is Che biggest and best sale in the history of our store and your greatest opportunity! It will be a boon to hundreds of people, because they will save thousands of dollars just at a time when saving is an imperative duty. the last echo bora of aery. This sensational cut in prices is but an aftermath of the different types of sales that have been daily occurrences. It's a matter of history that the real, worthwhile sales are always at * Fleishman's, will .this prove true in this instance, as no store can give you values that will in any way compare with die offerings here during this tremendous clears way of stocks. It is not a question of cost. Men’s and Bay’s Clothing at the Lowest Prices You Heard of! The same old Reliable Clothing we hem always carried at Prices that will make you .75 Hurry and Buy! Up to $35.00 Men’s and Young Men’s Suits— Not in years has there been such an opportunity as this. Maybe never again will you ' have the chance to bny inch a suit at such a low priee. This is a big lot of Men’s and Young Men’s Suits, including fine, aH wool worsteds, cassiraeres, serges, unfinished worsteds, snd other high-grade, all wool fabrics, in browns, pin stripes, checks, etc., novelty and con servative models; all sixes, values to $86.00. This 8als— $19.75 I One lot of Men’s sad Young Man’s Suita,—all wool serges, fancy and plain; all sizes, val ues to $22.50. Sale Price— $13.95 One lot of Man’s and Young Men’s 8oits, including all wool Caseimeres and Jerseys, -as sorted patterns, values $17.60 to $20.00, Sale Priee— $11.95 One lot of Men’s and Young Men’s all wool Caadmere Suits, valuss to $26.00. Salo price— $16.95 _ One lot of Men’s fine aH wool suits, the famous Mtteatt wor steds; the most elegant Men’s Suite mads; equal to high class made to order suits, val ues $40. to Sale Price— Boy's One, all wool $12.50 to $15.00 Suita— . $7.95 Come and see this wonderful Boy's 8uit Bargains I This lot consists of Boy's all wool suits, in Cassimere and worsteds; newest stylos and patterns; sol id colors and stripes; all sixes, at only— $7.95 One lot of Boy's Cassimere Suits, in good patterns, sizes 10 to 17, values to $7.50, Sale Price— $4.45 i ... . - i i—. One lot of Boy's Suits, in a good assortment of styles and patterns, values to $5.60, Sale Price— $3,95 One lot of Boy's Suita, values to $4.60, Sale— $2.95 One lot of Men’s Dress Pants, values to $8.50, Sale— $1.96 One lot of Men’s Drees Pants, values to |5.00, Sale— $2.95 One lot of Men's Paata, val ues to $6.00, Sals_ $3.95 Men’s snd Young Men’s $25 to $30.00 Overcosta— $17.45 These are high class, up-to the- minute Overcoats, such as you would expect to pay up to $30 for. They come In a variety of styles snd colon; Young Men’s snd Conservative Mod els. For this sale, only— $17.45 One lot of Men's snd Young Men’s Overcoats, values to $25, Sale— $14.95 One big lot of Men’s and Young Men’s Overcoats. In as sorted styles, solid color and fancy patterns, chiefly small sizes. In this lot are also inclu ded boy’s coats from IS to 17, values to $16.00 at— $7.45 Buy All the Shoes You WiU Need for a Year for the Entire Family aft , These Phenomenally Low Prices'- ^ Don’t concern yourself about qualities we guaran tee that But consider these remarkably low prices! Up to $6.50 Men’s Dress Shoes— $3.95 Shoes taken right out of our own regular stock! The assortment includes English and Blucher; rubber heels, tan only; all sizes. One lot of Men’s Dress Shoes, tan ¥nd black, $8.50 valoes at— $2.45 Men’a $10.00 to $12.00 Shoes— $4.95 The reason we are putting such a ridiculously low price on these shoes is because we are going to discon tinue the lines. The lot includes Bostonian and Dia mond brands, tan English shoes, only— $4.95 AH other Men's Shoes Reduced. $5.00 to $6.50 Ladies’ Dress Shoes— $3.95 The newest styles, including black and tan; many styles,, and all sixes. One lot of Ladies' Dress Shoes, black and tan. Val ues up to $5.00, Sale— $2.95 One lot of Ladies' Dress Shoes, black only, values $8.50 to $4.00, Sale— $2.45 - One lot of Children's Dress and School Shoes, black and tan; sixes 12 to 2, values $3.00 and |3.$0, Sale— $1.95 -r~-~ BOY’S $1.00 Overalls TV* r«MW list fteekle bread la slses ft to 1ft. A reel Overall at a real bracala • priori 69c MEr $150 Di et Evarr ana a# tfca i!drl •Kirtj wall mada tf f« ■ and in a^ga pattern:; all ’95