******* 4 "LOCAL* **** » * * « Brainerd Starling, of Norfolk, i litre to visit relatives. I- ». Barnes left thi» weak to Florida, where h» will mend swim winks. Miu Jemo Thomas, of Dunkirk Indiana, la her* to riait har and*, S. G. Marks. 'Charlie Baiioy of Johnston coun ty. waa a bosinraa visitor in Dunn Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John W. U-odgaa hart n-.t ved to Dunn from their home nani Black river. Mr*. Elisa Pope, who haa baan aa tioualy ill for the past week, la slow ly improving. Mrs. R. O. Primrose went to Jack snn Springe last week where ehe will spend several weeks. U. A. Buchanan, of the Syndor Pump and Well Company, of Rich mond. is hare to repair the town wa ter pump*. J. A. Guy, of Fayetteville, haa mov ed to the home of hit brother, John R. Guy. and will engage In farming thera this year. Squire Eltlredgc Lee returned Fri day from Raleigh where he had at tended a banquet given insurance agent* representing hia company. A protracted meeting will begin at the First Uaptlst church Sunday, February l»th. Tbe preaching will bo done by the pastor. Rev. E. N. John son. The Cornelius Harnett Chapter of tbe Daughters of the American Revo lution, will meet with Mrs. Lloyd Wado Friday afternoon January fOtb el 3 o'clock. Miu Jessamine Starling is In a Fayetteville hospital suffering from Appendicitis. She underwent an op eration several days ago and ia well nil the road to complete recovery. The Dispatch* was la error last week when it stated that Junius Barefoot had accepted a position v-lth L. P. Surlea Jimmy Barefoot ia the- gentleman who accepted the job. Dr. C. H. Sexton is suffering from painful injuries sustained Sunday when he was seised by an attack of vertigo and fell from a chair In wkleb he was sitting. He is not considered dtieguroualy ill. C. C. Butler last week cut and ate a watermelon gathvrod from hli patch last fall. The melon had boon kept ia his store sines It was Harr sit ed and. according to Mi. Butler, tast ed just as a watermelon should taste. i. C. Byrd sod former 8hcriff W H. Turlington returned yesterday from Richmond whore they Had beau to visit Bin Byrd's brother, •Bam. who is In a hospital there. Mr. Sam Byrd was operated upon Sunday and Is recovering very nicely. The people of Dunn owe Captain B. B. Shaw of the Durham and Sou thern shops a debt of gratitude. Had he not volunteered to supply the boilers of tho plant with water from the railroad's well, the plant would have been compelled to shut dram last week. There is one hickory limb near Black Biver that is exceed ugly dan gerous ground for squirrel. C. P. Godwin has shot 214 of the furry little fellows from that limb in the lost twsnty yean, the 214th falling last Saturday. Mr. Godwin say* this particular limb seems to bo some sort of pathway for the squirrels along B’aeb River. In bis Ansi report given the Board of Commissioners TJ. S. Page, retir >og chief of police, shows that be has collected $126,944.*! in taxes end court eosts during the two and n half years bo served here. Of this sum $14,806.30 urns for court costs exclusive of fines and does not In clude more than $704 due tbs lawn for costs in actions for wkleb pris oners served on the roads la 1920 the potieeman turned $50,622.11 la te the city treasury, in 1941 $49, 618.04, and in January this yaar $20. 704.66. «• 0- Galley, deputy Stele tax commissioner, was here yaetarday to Arrange for the listing and collection of Slate Income taxes. He found few t**'r*y*»s ready ta receive him,'hut w**l return within a few da** and will apoad some time here la an ef fort to clean up the matter. Mr. Gul ley la a recent appointee to the com missioner's office Ho was until last year in the employ of the Federal Government and wee oae of the most valuable of Col. Alaton D. Walla* awn. Ha la now operating under Col. Witts' direction. Mystery rerroands the action of a man who drove a Ford coupe to a petal ou the SaVmhnrg rood near Jeff Crump]er» homo and left it. The •wan waa toon to hero the car. hut robody knows wl.eir ha went. The iar le In excellent r inning e'aditton and Is behoved to love beer stolen. "’Herr waa a quantity of »an-*v and the wing gum ta the car wh.m It waa found. It waa loft Sunday morning. Mr. Crumple? now hos <t ta hk pom melon and will ho glad to turn St ever to the owner upon Identifica tion George L. Cennady. J eases Beet and Fearty Wade, who vIsHnd Halem butg yesterday, saw (he ear. In a meeting of the cotton darn ers of Harnett who have become per ttao U the cooperative marketing plan held yesterday ta UlHagton Mm following dalogaUa to tho Start* moating to b* bold in Raleigh Wad ■"*»r war* oppolntod: T. R. Mo stly. W. Smith, H. T. Spears, a K Young, R. L. Godwin, R. L. Wnr 1 ton, B. P. Gentry, B. F. Porker, W. a Salmon aad B. O. Townaend. Tha •Ut# matting win bo hold for th* election of director, and officer* who are to manage the marketing of cot , I*" thla year. B. P. Gentry wm i chairman of tha mooting yotlorday aad Edward Smith wu pocretwry. Much latoraat wea shown la tha plan aad acme fin* ad dremm ware made by Charla* Boat, B. 0. Townaend, Marvin Wad* aad Superintendent McBroom. of th* Ltl Ungton Farm Ufa School John A. McKay, president of the John A. McKay Manufacturing Co., aad originator of tha McKay (talk cutter aad other farm implement*, Ha* Jast returnda from a trip through the bull weevil region* fef Sooth Carolina and la i(suing a .warning to all cotton farmers to prepare against the coming of the pest. He lays that farmers down them am mined aad that the entire eastern section of tha dote it bankrupt because of damage aonc by the weevil last year. He wee told to warn North Carolina farmers. The South Carolinians said they had been warned by Georgia, bat felt that they would have plenty of time to guard against the ravagwe of the ocet—but they waited too long. Mr McKay advises fanners to grow food crops and raise beef, hogs end poul try. “Raise food for youreslvei and roar stock," he aaya; “then yoa’U be In position to defeat the waevil. On you do, the weevil wall get yea within the next three years." Report of the CeadftJoa of THE state bank and trust COMPANY At Dmon, ia the State of North Caroline, at the close of businem. December 31st, 1*21. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts_*128,361.62 Overdrafts, secured, *1, 2(fl .76; ante eared, *1.*«. 1,203.06 nlted States Bonds and Liberty Bonds. 443.00 leaking Houses, *14, 126.47; Furniture A Futures, *4,600.6* II,717.16 lash in vault and net amounts due from Banks, Beakers, and Trust Companion . .. 21,730.60 Cash Items held over 24 hours - *34.80 Checks for clearing__ 313.87 Total.*171,368.01 LIABILITIES Capital Stack paid ln...| SS.OOO.SO Indiaid ad Profit*, less currant expenses and taxes paid ._ 1,824.62 ■Hla Payable. ItttiM Deposits subject te *«k. 26,424.22 That Certificate! of Do poait. Doe In Less Than 30 Day*- 1.500.00 Cashier's Check* out «*“<*■*. 912.74 Certified Checks . ..... 1S0.47 Time Certificates of Do P*dt, Dae on or After 30 Boy*. 24.239.76 Sarin** 0apoaita. 19,849.09 Total . . ..9171,968.01 8tate of North Carolina—Comity of Barnett. I. E. T. Draper, Cashier at tho ahore named Bank, da solemnly iweor that the shore statement is true to tho boot of my kaorrledga and belief. E. T. DRAPER, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me. this id day of Janeary, 1922. *• L. COOK, Notary Public. **y Commission expires Jan. 29, 1922. Correct—Attest: ■. B. JACKSON, E C. BUTLER, T. V. SMITH. Director*. By marking off a Pago, Dunn la In potation, lot as hops, to aUminat* wane of tha scratching upon Ita im "telpaj Itdyu. Uka a beautiful peaceful, restful lawn may yen sake '*• Chtof Pandergruml — Harnett Comfy News. L a. culbketh. Off falcon, •tetoe that for tha fliet fifteen d»»* *t ala month ha guthumd oo.i eggs from fifty ham*. Ha foods tk<*' hena an Chiekea Chow dor, I* checkerboard hag* by L. P. Sorts, Dunn, If. C. SaU •! Uiwtor and by rirtuo ef tha power of ml* eontainad la a certain mart W*1«ta eneeuted to tko nnder -toned by John Campbell and w.fn, whldt mortgage dead, la recorded In Nrt’••• record* of Harnett County, default haring bean •ado In tha payment of tha debt iherrby secured, the andcntgnsd wfll 2" 5 TTXh at the court houaa door In Ullinctea. C.. on Tuesday, February its, I**** 1 e’doek P. H., thofoilow l daooribed land, to-wit; Beginning at a (take and pointer*1 ■ the wort edge of Itewart* Creak j 3V* ItokaTCra the appar comer •f the McAllister place U tha min tjort line, and mi aa tha min tract 5' i*4 ,*■ 14 •holna and M linka to a ’uk* >» the edge of a daldj thenae *• * «*•*»• **d 00 Halm to a ^7 ■ P«*h t link* to tha left jf tha lino: theme* a low Hue I MR W. M chain* and 80 link* to a rtaV* aart pal a tort, too dlrttaon lln* of tha mill tract; time* a* Art Hu* M. 0* W. • cbetas and M link* to the ha 17 M. Mtt*. Yoanr and Bast. AttonSn"*""* AdmJeletraiar’e Natice , ^*T,n* eoallflad aa odailnlrtrato oi Mtm. Jennctt L Tart .fto °.t1H*ra,tt £«•■»», North Cato Un** J*,1* 10 BoUf7 «11 peraoni Hue ng claim, acainit the estate ef aah leceased to exhibit them to tho air leml*ncd at htt office, on or befow anaary 1*. 1**8, or this notice will ■a pleaded In bar of their recovery. VI persona Indebted to .aid estate 'ajicl-alyssas*"'”-1 Administrator of Mrs. Jenaett t ran. This January 10, IP**. ’an 10 IT 14 It feb 7 14. , ef Sale Uader lE^eatie. lortb Carolina. . U *** Superior Court lamatt County. B. C. Lucas and wife n »• »*• umi ana erria. Nutlet of Execution Sale BJ ▼>«#* of an oxocntton directed o tho undersigned from tha Superior onrt of Harnett county in the above ■ntltled action. I will, on Monday. ?y,,.d*y "f February, 1*2*. at z o clock M.f at the courthouse door f«lJ county, tall to the highest »ua«r for cash to utwfj aald caeca •OB, all the right, title and Intercat vhlch the said A. 1). Coats, the do eruiant, has tn the following desertb xl real aatatt, to-wit: A tract of land aidjoining the and* of Mack Stuart. Cahria Weaver md dotcrihod as follow*: He land herein described is a •art of tho Wa. Weaver estate, aad bat portion designated in the dtvis »n as the share of Isabella Norris, recorded -in Book No. t of DM*, •na in the offlet of Register of Deeds 'or Harnett county, and ia Included a the following bounds: Beginning at a stake in Wash '»*«' li»*. a comer af Lot No. d n said Was. Weaver division and tuts thenes North, M West, ll.H hairs to k tree mar had as a comer, car tha run of Heyhi creek and ia he llo* af tha Paris Weaver tract ow B. M. Btuarl'e thence a* that in* Santh d West, abont 10.60 chains o a large poplar, a comar af tha ▼ash Jamas tract aad *n tha East id* of Hughs crock; thence as tha Vsaver lias South. M East 16 chains > a etake hy a dogwood in Wash **»•»' Aald; thence North *5 East 0 Chains u tha beginning, contain f H *-t acres more or law. Socsnd tract. Nineteen scree ef tad in and contiguous to tho town f Coats, adjoining the homestead t of the paid A. D. Coata. tho aald notsen acres includes two while locks in ike said town of Coata, the fit of which lies directly South of ’»• D. Coat's residence and on which ■ situated a store bouse, said Mock •‘Of 30* feet by *00 feet, and a sec ■nd block lying acreae tho street and • the West ef tha said store bouao I***. the reins'- .1J- portion of he A D. Coats ht u tre*t. save ana •« • 11 thr homeri- t.H-.l-tS -j . D. Coats under this, exeinilio men mnnuu is as iouowi: One block la the team of Coat: ' X feat by MO feet, lying wran he street directly West of A. D ’oat’s residence, also th# house lot riileh begins ad the Southwest cor *r of tho block eu which It is sHua ed, and rune thence a* the line af ha strsst sn<| as the South aide *f he block. South 4U feet to a stake; heo at a right angle with the first ine. N. SOB feet to the street; *>en W as this street 432 feet to th* Jorth West earner of th* Mock, then ’>• MO fast to the beginning con fining five acres in both Mock' vMch is accepted as a homestead .roes the 14 aere tract as described hors. A plat shewing th* location of th* and lying la and near th* town of '•oats will be os Mb Hod st sale. This 7th, day of January 1*22. J. W. Me ART AN, Sheriff. Tan. 10 17 24 *1. Netiee Under th* power of eel* contained la a mortgage deed executed by Jo) dud son to C. M. Altman on the 1st lay of November 161* and recorded • Harnett County In Book 117, page 174, default having been made in he payment of the notes secured hereby the undersigned mortgagee rill SXPOSS t* sale at public auction ° .****. bidder far cash at 12 /clock M., on Monday. February 13, <622 st the court house door la iil infton, Harnett County the foDow ngdeeeribed tracts of tend: v”1 T,JSct: mid being la Andersen Creek Township, Harnett bounty. State of North Caraliaa, and ldjobiiag the tends of Duncan Shaw ind others sad hounded as foBews: Beginning at a comer aboat savauty card* Bast of Duncan Shaw's haaae tad runs thence as th* Urn* af th* original tract of fly* hundred and weenty (*70) acre*, deed Dram 3. M. Tamer t* D. W. Turner, B-TW-47 shalos to a gum on the North Mdc af Anderson's Creek a few yards shoe# •he fence across said creak; thence 1 20 E. 2 ckflint irram Hi* FfMik tA i dctd pine; thence the rariaaa eour et of the caid crank on it’a Waatom t fee to MeArtan'a line and Smith’, omer in aald line; thanee aa hie line hUtt! chain, ta Smith’# eomer by a road; thence hia Una M. M K 1 1-4 chain* Klllott'a eerer; thane* hi* I *« fl. 88 E. 14 chain* to BUatt’a corner; thence fl. 4 W. 10 chain* to earner in MeArtan'a Una: than** he MrArtan’i line fl 88 E. I I I -•haine to a comer nant tba head of a tMII pond; those* N. I 1. II 1-8 bam* to a comer |n a branch) *MM fl IB E 7 1-5 chain* to th* North I »ft* n Road; thener up the ra - "hma comnee of *#U road (direct onaa) 18 N. 85 W. SB chain, to trjmor by mid road near th* M Wt bourn; thane* M. 18 W, 8-10 chaina to Nardoa’a corner; those* ae U* Un* N. 71 Waot to h<* eomor by beroad loading from TnraarO to Norton**; thane* W. 9 tha n. t. * r,”*rJ:ort r**» of «h* road tod's* frem Tunaer’a to flhawa; taoi.j the rartoti* coo cam *f a*ld road to the befcinrlnf, conelifnf of th* fctlowma W. 4 44-100 chain*; *i -we* N. M S’. *• »• W. i i j 'ha nr N. •C V t chain.; M. in BP. c I d ‘ ,“*d thea W n chain* to the beginning. contain! »* four heudrrd (44*) aero, mer* or lam. flocosd Tract: Lying and b*tn« la Aadaraoa a c»»ek Townahln. Harnett iW* •< Korth Carol Ian. *d jotolnir lb* land* of Join McAitod Md other*, bo and ad aa fallowri Bo ■toninf it a daft with o.h pelatan an th* Ban aid* of th* road that and* to Taruar'. bona* W. f **5T to a itak* in tho Waal adg* of th road that go** from Shaw* to Tin oor'o bouse; thonco M. BO W. ft 40-100 chain* to a stake la the fork of th* rood Norton'* corners thenc ■oat with Norton'* Ha* to 76-lw chain* to a atak* with oak pointer in NeArtaa’a lino; tboom n# hi* lim ■ ■* 14 B. 11 chela* to a atako am pointer*, then to th* hertnaln*. eon L&lulnff fifteen (16) ■«]«, Third Tract: Adjoining the land: of Mr*. A. B. WMkerTAlM Norris and othen and bounded a* follow* Beginning at * atak* in Ik* lino of i thirty-Or* (86) aero tract con rayed by D. W. Tumor to W. M. Norton (now Mm A. B. Walker) mn* K. S3 W. • rhainj and font' link* to a (take (toeend comer o( tklrty-dve arm traces thence about N. 87 E. 8 80 100 Itak* to a (take and pointed the third comer of a on* orr* tract; thence with the line of the mid on* ocro tract to th* beginning, contain ing wren tenth* (7-10) acre mn or toil. Fourth Trod: Adjoining th* Uad* of John Mr Arlan. W. B. Gainey and other*, to ended a* follows: Begin clog ut p atak* East of Dnnean 1 ohawt; thcac* E. a 60-100 chain* to a itak* ou th* K*rth (id* of th* oad; thone* B. 70 E. g.M-100 chain* to a atak*; thcocc 8. SJ E. • 50-100 -kein* to a ftako; th.no* B- 76 B. g "0-100 chain* to a stake; thone* 8. 13 E. 2 chain* t* a fork In the rood; hence S. 84 K. 9 60-100 chain* to a taka; ther.ee 8. 64 E. t 90-100 chain* a McArtar’i line; then** N. 18 West vith Me Arlan 1* linn 13 86-100 chain* * a atak* at l>«' fork of the roads (MoArUa’t and Ttomar’a road): thenc* N. 77 W. 17 60-100 chains to a stomp and pin* point***; tb*n<« di ed to beginning, containing tfctrty flvr acre* more or lam. fifth Tract: Adjoining th* land* of Alex Norria, W. M. Norton and otheM, bounded a* fallow*: B*gin aiag at a atakc at th* North East comer of W. M. Nordoa'i yard tone*, about to* yard* from th* fane* and run* thane* N. 66 80-168 Wort with W. M. Norton’* line B 84-100 chain* to a otoke in hi* linn with phi* ami stump p*iat*r»; thane* N. S B. 1 18 100 chain* to a atako with black gum and Mack jack pointers; thone* 8- 68 19-100 K. 0 84-109 chains to n atak*. wtth damp pointer*; thane* LIL 1 66-100 chains to th* beginning, ontainsng on* (1) a*ta Thl* Janmnr h. 193*. C. M. ALTMAN, Mortgage Ian. 10 17 »4 8L . NMic ml Mmim at Load Under aad by virtu* of the autV • "tty voted ia ae by * certain daad *f trust axaeutad by A. T. Lee end wife to tha umd*ra|gn<aJ tni«i to ccur# tbo Hr««t af a note u the Virginia Tract Company af Rleh ond, Virginia. which said dacd of -net ia recorded la the Regirtry of ■»~ncU County ia Booh l> at page .7, tie and*'aimed. trustor will ell at pubi c auction to the highest o dder at tk* Coart Habra door in He town of Lillinwtoa oa Fehaary U, 1922. at IB o'clock M. the fol owing described tract of Uad: Plrrt Tract: Bewtartng at a birch 1 the N. bank of Oago Boar River -d rani S B1 degrees E la chains - t to3a corner; thauca N. 69 da ce? W. a>'oet 8 chains to a stake I ’-ointa-a; thenc# M. 6 dag'aa* E ■> chain* to B Pin*: thnnee N. ii I 2 chains aad 96 Doha to a p a* tamp; thane# M. 98 W. about IS halna to tho ctd-coagwr with Hickory tad Pino pointer*. J A. Vine**'* corner: thoaea with aaid I. A. Vla aa'a liue froaalag the read South IS degrees Wert M SO chains la aa tih aa tho bmnlc af Cap* Fear River; hence down tho aaM hank BS chains t* the beginning, aad i» 192 acres, more or lorn. Second Tract: Beginning »t the toath af Soring Branch, running Seace up Mill Crack 7 pole* to a tone on tha Wart bank of Mill Of ok just below the C-eat Falla; •hence N. 49 drgrvo* £ lid polo* to a atou* end pointer* in g. fl. Brad lay’* line; tbanee N. 4 1-2 W. 82 poles t* a atone aaid Bradley** comer; tbeucc K. 84 W. 89 l-B pelea to a •ton* thence K. 88 degree* W. 49 l-B poles to a atone W pointer* aaid Bradley** corner ia H. H. Lanier's liac; thence 8. 49 1-8 dagrac* W. 49 1-2 polrs to a Make on th* Mill Road, aaid Lanier** corner ia E. M. Blanchard'* Use; tbenee at K. M. Blanchard's lino along aaid Mill Road 161 pole* to a rton* pile sad point arm thence 3. 41 1-8 degree* W. 16 oolee to a rock; tkoace S. 96 1-t do •Trees W. 26 pole* to a stan* oa th* Spring Branca; thence down the va rious courses of tho same to th# ha ginning, containing sixty two acres and 16 pel** and *<W** Ik* mill, fin. etc. Thia January 8th 1912. W. RANSOM BANDERS, Trustee. Jan. 19 17 td 91 7 _ Matte, ef Safe •« Load Under and by ttote of power of mle contained In a certain Dead of Treat executed by Jweoh WlUtemeen aad wife, Nancy 3. Wtttmaaea, to CUrceao J. Smith, truelee, which ie recorded la Book US, Pact lCT.of See of Beyieter of Dnede for Har nett County, North Carotba, defaalt heviny been made la the payment ef tite itt'» recared by eeid Deed of Tenet end the bolder of eeid Dead •* Treat and aetae baxiny rnqaerted that eeid lead be eald lie undcr •braed traatee wHl offer far rate to the hlarhcet bidder far cam at the court hone dear at LUUayton, Bar nett County, North Caroline, on tract or parcel of teadi Beyinniny at a ftake on the waat ■fee of Stawmrt’e Cram aad nine M. I. « cbalne aad 70 Unka to a •taka; tbenca S. 71 E 41 rhetor and 10 liaka to a (taka la BorroIVi Mac; >eaceS. t« yt. 1 chaiae aad (7 Itaki te a (take, a corner; thence I M 1-4 W. IS ehiklaa to a (mall rad oak: 'hence N. 84 0-4 W. IS chalat and *0 Unka to a (taka; thence N. SI S-4 W. tS cHeine to the boytnriay, eon talnlny H aeree were or lea. Piece ef ealoi Caort Heaea door, t 11 ayton. M. C. Time el Sale ■ Thornday, Pekruary '• IMS. at It e'etoek ML Teimt of Bala; Caek. l£jjn the isth day af January , CKABBfC* 3. SMITH, TmeUn Jaa 17 S« SI Tab. T. Notice la keroby^yivea that undai •bo power of Bate contained 4a I daM af tram executed by WIlBi Pay aad wife, Motile Pope, UHL Godwin, Truelee, which daad o! ' ‘rate U recorded to adfea of the Bap btor af Deadt of Harsett Coonty It Book. 117 at pay. 4SS, defeat! Ur to* been made ia the payment of tfe banda oaourad thereby aad the aw m Up ,* w> w Vv ■ % . '&L {j Th» thousands of tutomm of this establishment know that 1mm nI thoy are always given the utmost fas Quantity, Quality and teslas for every dollar they spend. They know too, that the pros sues ofaay ar» tide o« our shelves b a recommendation of that article and that we stand squarely behind ft la every way. It is worth me eh to know that what you buy coassa from Johnson ros. *-DUNN’S MOST ATTRACTIVE STORE j! . . !! | N f . • » ' ' 1 ' • - > ; 51 _ . .. AH Shipped Direct From Kentucky And Are In Fine Shape Come And See What We Have Before You Buy Ben Johnson and C. A. Johnson STOCK ----WMK.N.C ■ "• ,'f —■

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