__ THE DUNN VOLUME VUL ^ BEN TOWNSI_5 EXPERIENCE FITS HIM FOR POSITION Other Cotton Crowing Coun ties of District Ask Who Local Man Is HIS RECORD IS ONE OF LARGE ACHIEVEMENT Created Many of Dunn’s Lives' Enterprises And Has Been Successful in Large Fanning Operations — Has Interest Of Farmer at Heart^-Haa Been Successful In Business. (By Byron Ford) Who it Bon Townsend T That 1* « question cotton farmer! in Wake, Lee, Franklin, Grenville and Durham counties ere asking sines tha Denn assn was chosen one of the twe nominees from whom Is to be chosen a director for this dis trict in the Cooperative Cotton Mar keting Association. Harnett County knows Hr. Town send as one ef its most successful farmers and business men and ora of Be moat enterprising and public spir ited eitisons. It knows him for his great cotton yields on the 200 acres he plants annually and for tha suc cess that has come to him through 100 acres of truck patches whose di verse crape have proven him singu larly forssighted in planning things that bring m good price j it knows him for all of these and more. Beside* hie big farming enterpris es he has found time to create end direct to success some of the coun ty's leading business enterprises. The present Dunn Insurance and Easily Company owes its existence to Ben Townsend. He took charge of it when it was 'gasping for breath and made of it one of the mojt helpful institutions in town. Under his direc tion it not only curried on Ha pres ent activities hut also placed thou sands of dollars In loans with Carm an In this region Two ef Dunn's biggest churches seers built srlth mo usy loaned by insurance and trust compartee through Ban (Townsend rnrnmmmmmmm The State Bank and Trust Cam puny of Dunn and the Anglqr Bank and Treat Company was* created hy Boa Townsend and the Toamsend Haights extension to Dunn had Its be ginning in his mind. AU of those things Mr. Townsend did in tha first two or three years of his services. So, for two years he went to and fro in the State apprais ing lands and forming farm loan as sociations. The government thought so well of hie cervices in this respect that H never did consent to definitely accept his resignation. But his busi ness and. farming interests here de manded is much ef hie time that fi nally be was compelled to give up tha job. Four years ago be organised the General Utility Company 'to mann f nr tare lumber, deal In building sup plies end gin cotton. The company at present operates tha biggest gin ning plant In North Carolina along with Its other activities. When cotton took as big a drop In 1010 Mr. Town send caused the company to acquire aE available storage space in town and qualified under State end Fed eral lews ns a bofadad warehouseman to aid those farmers who could hold their product- The company Is now completing an additional warehouse at s seel of more then $70,000 which rtll bring tha total capacity for stor age ns to 12.000 bales. Mean time he ku organised the Dana Development Company and haa built morn than 91M,OOP worth of dwellings on a aaw aa tonal on known as Park View, and ho la now planning a potato storage warehouse to aecoaa modal# 80,000 bushels of sweat po tatoes. This warehouse will bo turn ed over to the potato growers whan they axprcaa a willingness to buy It When tbs cooperative marketing Idea was introduced to cotton farm tre In this section, Mr. Towneead be came ous of Its strontest advocate«. Jt waa largely through Ms influence and activity that the initial mooting hold hero waa attended by the large* number of farmers over gathered to gether In Duns. Since that time he . haa weihsd etaadUy for the move, amnt cad to show hie faith in the Idea haa put money la storage facil ities. paara ago Mr. Townaoad la trodurad long staple cotter late thli district, la sa abort a time as that bo haa caused the establishment of 1 tong staple market bars and bailor* that tMa year will tea at least T.S0I balsa af the variety brought to Uik market. Mr. Town sand is a sou af Jaekaot Townaoad, a Methodist circuit rider Ha la at Sretah-Iriah-tngflsh steel and was bora on a farm hi Sebeeet * * H * A PROCLAMATION ¥ ¥ - ¥ ¥ Whereas, there is great sal- ¥ ¥ feHng among the Jewish pro- ¥ ¥ pie of Europe, thousand* of ¥ ¥ whom are reported as being eu- ¥ ¥ tirely deatHate and in a dying * ¥ condition, duo to the lack of ¥ ¥ food and other necessities pi ml, K ¥ and. ¥ ¥ Whereas, our own land has ¥ ¥ boon blessed with a prosperity ¥ ¥ that not only guarantee* our if ¥ own safety, but which enables ¥ ¥ us, and should Impel us, to if * share our bounties with our lex* ¥ * fortunate fellow human being* ¥ ¥ in other lands: ¥ Now, Therefore, I. Cameron ¥ * Morrison Governor of North if ¥ Carolina, do hereby net ¥ ¥ apart by this Proclama- ¥ ¥ tion the week beginning ¥ * Monday. February «, and end- ¥ ¥ ing Sunday, February 18. n> ¥ ¥ Jewish Relief Week. 1 ark that ¥ ¥ all newspapers of the Slate ¥ ¥ give wide publicity Ui this ¥ ¥ week; devoted to such * ¥ ¥ worthy canso; and I especially ¥ ¥ oak that on Sunday, Frbrussry ¥ ¥ 8, notice be given in all the ¥ ¥ churches that the following ¥ ¥ week will be observed a* Jewish ¥ ¥ Relief Week, and that the mhi- ¥ ¥ liter*. Sunday School superin. ¥ ¥ Undents and teaehore, and oth- ¥ ¥ era, urg* their people to soise ¥ ¥ this opportunity of helping the * i suffering and contribute to the ¥ ¥ relief of these worthy distressed ¥ ¥ people, a* far as their mean* ¥ ¥ of relief will permit- g ¥ In witnea* whereof, I ha*« g ¥ hereunto set my hand and ¥ ¥ caused the Great Seal of ¥ ¥ the SUte to bo affixed. ¥ *• tocajj ¥ ¥ Don# at our City of Ru* ¥ ¥ Wyk, lhl» the (ixLovnth ¥ * day of January, la Ac ¥ ¥ year of our Lord one ¥ ¥ Ihouiand nino hundred ¥ and twenty-two, and hi ¥ ¥ the one hundred and ¥ ¥ forty-eixA year of our ¥ ¥ American Independence. ¥ ¥ CAMERON MORRISON, ¥ ¥ Governor. ¥ ¥ By the Governor: ¥ SNIPES HELD UP BY HIGHWAYMEN NEAR HOLT LAKE ■» Had $000 Diamond Ring Hid den In Toe Of Hk Shoe WALLET WITH M6NEY UNDER AN AUTO SEAT Waa Not Troubled When He Told Man Ha Had Only Watch And Seventy Centa in With a $500 diamond ring hidden n the toe of hia «hoc and wallet con taining nearly $100 eath under the ear aeat of hia automobile, Z. V. In'.pes, local automobile dealer and :»r»g« owner wu held up at tho mint of ceveral pittol* near Holt i bale* while bound from Raleigh t» >unn Wtdnaaday night. Fortunate!) JIt. Snipe* offered no resistance to he holder* of tho*e pistols; nor did >« mention that he had the vaiu lhiee hidden. The Smithiicld Obaerv •r curried the following account of ‘he Incident: Mew* reached thle eity early yoe • 'day morning that Mr. Z. V. Snlpoa, of Duan was held up at the Hrer bridge near Holt Lake Wednes day night while on hia way from this city to hi* home In Dunn. The man was questioned and then permitted ‘o drive en. The men were masked tnd no clue ha* been discovered th.it might lead to their capture It oeenae that Mr. Snipe* wai or hla tray from Raleigh rn route to Dana driving hla car with the cur taiaa up, aad a* ho approached tho rtVe* bridge, which span* Nru*e riv or, Juat tenth of thla eity three met -oar out of tho bathe* and ordered Him to stop. He btoaght hb cur to a ataad *411 and the men pulled tho curtains hack and Mr. Snipes aid “well gentlemen, IV# about ainetj teats and a watch. That b all I Have." Then the men stated that hi wa* not tho prrum they were leoklai 1 ad teld him to drtvo on. Conaty. His father died when he wa< twelve years old sod he became th« manager of the farm then. Later hi: i mother married again. Then Bet went to Wilmington, Delaware, U become credit manager Ter a big turn bar company of Wilmington art i Philadelphia, Ho divided hb time be i tween the two cities Ur three yarn COTTON FARMERS i OF COUNTY MEET i Choose Delegate* To State Gathering And Dmmm ; Now Merkottag Plan | Harnett County Naw*. h'.gnur* of the cooperative cotton mark#ting plan to tke norab«r of about 200 mvl Monday morning at 511 *'*l°ek In the courthoua* auditor* , iunf here in what proved to b* th* moat entbuaiaatic mooting of th* whole campaign for cooperation in the mU of th* at*pi*. Ropraaanta* ! tlvoa from practically avary .action 1 if Ihr county were hare to taka part in th# .(lection of delegate* to rap 1 resent Harnru in th* convention at lU egh Wadnaaday, the llth. CijgaaUation of the mooting waa perfected by «h* vloetioo of Mr. B. P. ICc.itry picridaat and Mr. Edw. Smith °f Dunn aecretary. A nominating . corum.ttra war named conaiatiog of | tlmora B. O. Townsend, Felix Mc I Kay. John Sorrell, D. C. Parker and { tv. H. Salmon. While the nominating i lummitte* wera selecting thoir ticket. [ representative* war* cnilad to the I Ilnur ami givon opportunity to oxpreo* j I* their opinion of tke plan and to atnto thoir basit for hop* of aueeaaa of co opvratlva marketing. Ticy war* giv |cn aU range, and oosna interoating ro 1 mark* war* givon by rororul. I oupu u. O. HcBtoob of LlJIIng tl»n Farm Life School impressed up on the mlnf cooperative . But. la d hr, after finding that Unci* ■ Sam mu behind cooperative market' ! inif. good eftd strong, be made up. h'a mind that th* only wash point wet whether the farmers would stick. If only they will coats and stay In, then CUCC4MV is secured. Prof. B..P. Gantry emphasised the 'inportent* of every farmer signing ,* contract. Ultimately, be believed,.; .the organisation would be 100 per . cnt. All would reap the benefit*, so why not make it right to start with? He aid be would gladly provide th* blank contracts for all who wanted to com* in. Mr. 0. 8. Young of Angiar pointed 'et the groat benefit to he derived when people whose interests are com 'ton one with another, get together •nd agree to a standard eat of rales for the corded of thefr basin res Other workers d* this, end profit gvstly. The farmer moat do th* rone or else be imposed upon. Mr. Chas Rosa sailed attention to the apleodid results gained by the 'm't growers of Moore county In vmb'ning to conserve their interests •t ms ket. Poaches, melons, berries * or before brought inch a pries, receive tecta con* -dc-at’.on under the IndMdct! pUn at madceting, everyone tor himaalf. At this Juncture Mr. B. O. Town teid of Duan (tated that Ue noal antlng committee was ready to re The aatnee placed More the or *t»n ration for delegate* to Raleigh »crc as follows: Meiart. Mania Wr.de, Euggne Smith, V. M. McKay, H T. Speer*, H. A. Turlington. W. H fltoph«na»B, W. H. Salmon. R. U Godwin. Dr. R. L Warren. B. P. Gen try. Wm. Martin Pattenon. Mr. Townsend (tated far the com m'tue that the delegatee bad been »*)e<-t#d from the wide eouaty if M Pear equal reyreaentation at the *K* orw were known to thaw -th~eo ca rnally Interested in faming and who had had bualneaa «xp*r>ooer rut Sc t'on of hia knowledge of bualnem baa 1 ought him a degree of rueeorn at> I ta’aed by few men Ho la now forty • t«ro yean old. and a atounch Metko . dirt. | raietn* Mr. W. W I Bhar, tha Depart ment'i tana Farmer* w) crop moat ditions, Mr. "The tlen on a I operation* market, IM per "Darin* oil/ ho«>, ju»t oi and my bean field*. i to H-T6 per hundred per hundred "Thu*, nr* tOO-pool l«*t 11 a 100 paand hoc U pot tt another way: he a* a 100 pound 9l« fee. than a Aefwt 1. "This am* 1140 in tha hog*, *r ty head. •ban th* hog., which ad be profitably product 95 or 95.76 par 109 “This year farrowed pjgi at aroand 1*0 shoot August 1. “Lot Jaly pigs aad thoir dams glean field*, tits* pounds; add com aad tab mil at around March l to litb. Twohr* eew pig* rear. rrowm by beating Mm Northern pre dueor to tha high market with a do eirahl# commodity, and property will rowaid yoor efforts. "Yoor coat of production U lower. Yoor market I* batter. Year otb—to enables you to profit by the attrao tive late summer market. "Year soft pork producing feed* make cheap gehie-but: don’t bo mliled by thorn; improve th* gaaUty of hags tha* grown while waiting Kerch market. Cora ber that it* fertiliser vain* i* around <0 rants per tnubd. "It i* oafhnstad that there has boon *■ increase of 1* per coat in tha somber of sow* bred ta th* corn boh this year over last Don’t Tf yon, but grow to boot ant Increased member of pig* to 1st* summer market. "Don’t overload with of course, hot don’t bo eat of carrying all that you oeo nomlcmUy, which moan*; All for which you have com to push to from 175 to 200 pound* by July 15 to Au gust 1. “Sta-vod along they will lose yoo annoy." tin WaddU. at CUlyW. SprVg. On TiMlty awning, Jwuij IT, J»r. nd Mm. Due Renry Sen tar en tertained tram srs*n thirty uatS It °'«*«ek at a Ua wadding la homer of tka tacih anniversary «f tUIr mar r-»*e QoHa a largo mbor' of frlonda called daring tha analog aad koeaT- *** •* *“■ 1 Now Bar* Chamber af "Dtariat Na. 4 ( Wayne, Leaeir, Crease).—This district pate forward Dan. W. Patrick, af Qreeai, oae af Tislsta Carotiaa's hast farm vrs, aad H. B. M aaa ley, of Lsaotr, who Is both femur aad hasteoaa aaa. "District No. S (Johnston, WUsea) —W. H. A satin, af Johaaton, who owns aad opataUa lto hone Cana, besides badag diractor la baaks fas SmithAaU. Derhasa, Raleigh, aad OttMMbkT*. and vice ye said ant Ivan baa Maaafaetariag Ca. Dr. S. H. Crocker, af WBsaa, aaa of tho larga aad coaspleiawrfy sacceaefnl facets re of Wltae. is the ether irtminst "District No. • (Lee. Harnett. Wake, PreaUia. Chatham, Daifcaa.) —This district aaasca B. O. Tewn v ... Nvm P«r PMag Cm FeycUeriEe. Jam tt—Xrnect Har riagtaa, aegra, n eenteoeed ta Ire raan an the county roada by Judge Gaoixc W. Censor in anptiW court liara ycrtrrday morning for coeret aaaaalt an Jabs 8. McPaydta aad wlfa on tba public h'gbway an tha '(ht af January 4. rkla Doraey YeKay, aaatbar oagra, reaairad a oiteaca af two yaan on tha resda far . tha nm trim a. Jaha Betfaane, calorad, a third defendant, waa ac quitted by tha jury. I Mr. McPayden’a car waa filed on >om amVuh whOa ha waa driving I '"am Raeford to thil city with Ua i wife. Ms McPaydan waa woandad I '■> the faca with hn Hr ah at. Tha throa | ■>c(~oao ware taken hy a paaaa tha I vkt after dm aborting. Harriagtea hnd cteapad from hit mother*! hooaa near the aeana af tha crime, fleeing ’* hta madaralathaa, when the boom »»• rarraundad hy the poem. Tha evideace agafnat Harrington and Mc Kay waa eireumataatlal, hat atraagly ncriadnatiag. DMm Street Xethadlet Chert V, Kinder efUraoew Janaary SB. till. Oreoe Saipee (ney leader Mo. I. Hont-vie Thy heart Hyht with Oed. 8oa«—Drift!** Dm. Prayer—Mr*. Barefoot Pay**—Bath'a Ufa after her Brat fwerrlece -UUfan BearU. needle*—Ma*dat*na Salth. Peper—Tteth’e life after her h*e i heed1* death. Haary WUthaad. Bar* — Trait aad Obey. | Paper—What Bath falaad by bar i «oea leeeloe Carrie Alphia, Preet ■ deat Him NaanW XeuI* mt CmmXm, wart tha weak aad with bar parent* Mr. tad Mr*, i. H. Xsaia. Mia* Btbei Graham, priaetpal mt BorraH irhani meet Mat waxh aad with bar tiatcr. Mr*. W. F. Taw at 11 nde* Mr. Carle* Baal* af Ballot rpaat . lew day* with Id* peiekt*. Mr. aad ■it*. WiDia Baal*. Mr. B. A. Tattfagtoa mantlS day MEaMIgh U*t Wadanday aa Mr. and Ur*. P. D. WkBtfaglan d family mt Caata West la*t Smt day with Mr. aad Mia. J. B. Baal* Several at the ytnag paapte mt tbk cemmanlty attaadad the baa mppar at Caata law Saturday algbl Mr. Z- A. Baal* metered ever te Durham laat Taaeday. The friend* af Mr. Q. V. WUHkp ten era glad ta knew that he la re covering from a arrara cum mt paaa amnia. Mr. Charlie Parker *f Bala* Oraak. waa soar ta am Mlm Gwrtt* Bight Met Thonday aftaraaaa. Mim In ax Sagg* mt Dana gat Mat weak aad writ Mlm naraata gaaia. Mr. aad Mr*. Millard Oghara ad Willow Spring* apant Mat w*ok «ad with Mra. Oghara'*. wwthar, Mat. Willie Enala Mr. aad Mm. K. f. WhMtS«Ma •peat laxt Soaday with their daagh flskiu B,ln' mmr *"** “Mat bar," mid HtM* Mahal, "da raiwIonarVee ga to boaeoaT” "Why. af *oanm, dear?" "Be «*anibal*r . "N*. I'm afraid lhay doatr "Bar, motfwr." the Vtti* gtrf ta ri*t*d "M a eanaJhol *au a mimtea ary h*H km k go. awl ho * Inc i bRi I mN I lAlilf W- JmM>t At Crttn. that . Kc t of A L. Vim to J. W. Tum*fft, bi to Dw, #1,7*0. W. ■. Pollard to C A Pollard, 33 wwo to Stocfc Mwr. #10 am# other tttof.l Tohaooo to W. B. tohaooo, M ootao to ItitoMM, #10 nd ether ooaMd cretin. ^YA/faai toIbn NfM< mm *• A. Mattfc.cw to A. F. Gfaaeo, bt fa Ooofa «LM4 aad other eon IB* V. W. m«too to Ire M. Kleholt, M acre* fa Mack tirer, #1,1##. W. I Jfaaaeo to Ethel Spence,46 aeon fa Oreoe, flM. 3. H. MoMoU to A T. McNeill, «# ocm to Upper Little Moor *450, ■ttMetkr Btobfc to h*7 A Chance, bt la Daaa, #S#0. Mb* ■. McLeod to W. 3. Wait. * toes to Otooo, #30. Ctoad McLeod at ol to A V. Me Lm4. * aoao to Qroro, #30. Actor C. Ucci ot at to W. H. Lu tos • aoroa la Aoeraehoro, #300. ®. 3. »om too to J. A Coppe, 34 JJJJ^jjJbois #10 aad other con Lao toaa Soto to A W. Lee, 31 ■eMo^ta^fcrtcadhoco. 10# aad other ^ L. LTM to A W. Loo, lot to W. A SalOato, Tnutoo, to f. M WMbns T loto to Mack Sirov, *1 - •n. A L BprA to A A Sjrrd, tl ocrci to Hoctore Creek, 31.0*0. Otokertae A Jokaaon to al to M. O. Mtooa, tl oarao la Johanseni*. #»1«. Mfakhata Lead am# Timber Oe. to *• Mtotk, Tratooo, to T. W. Me 8 tote to Aoaratotva, «T4>. C 3. Smith, Troctoa. to T. W. Me Kdp, 4 Mo la Arirttoiri, *M1. C- *- Ttotoaa. to P. W. Me lap. 8 bto fa Arecedhere. *717. C 3. Safth. Trotooa, fa ». W. Mo Sap, 4 lets (a Arc web m., #*##. C. A SMUt to P. W. MtBap. * lota to Arcroohore, #77#. 3. A Onto aad Lee to M. L Bot tor, Ito fa Dana, #1,400. * Lee Jesse SaeL OtaaSttotowr, to ■eat 8a*h Sato, 4 toaeto fa Arocee hoto, #!.—t CortT.f Thonhc Wo otoh to ntend oar heattfefc ■—to ear frtende far the rococt bcTooiMnot fa Sm death of ms oao. NUMCS aad FAMILY.