m DUNN DiSPAKB ■ •'■** A* ekorefc wiki wm (nr of «s •r\‘Sr9£rr3 ■ ~yt —M^rftTo«*iwSr mzhts'Js&z SZZS&.'ZfSSZZ TJ«r.«4k*. wm a power tor pcacr in **» p«t war. Hr wkfta wot «t *n. Hr kriprd mack. Thr writ* Is *««ar for Us sMricr to Its |«ofl« CsAolic sad non-Cathrlie. W^VVVi-4 i '^TlVCv^V45' * •. _•■ ' Hr*. J. Lloyd Wide aad Mm Kami* rtcp are working Ugalhai to akg* r pageant to depict tha htetory ef Bar t-'Tt County and Mbs Camp wfll be -BTC before tha Woman’s dab of •>- it neat Friday afternoon oft the luhlett to oa effort to brtorart the tomb of Dana and thia aad of the oacty generally. This It a foe Idea. It dnmw tha rapport of every person la tW coas ts’. So atoay of at aro Igaeeaat of Hemottb tarty Mitary by raaana of toe fact that ere. althoogb loyal aad patriotic rmiilrnoa, aro act aotlrm. And the coaaty fa rich la hlittrtral irr.creet, far it eras here that tha early tn-.tbmenU ef Engtirh tpeaktng yam r'a scare made. That bistory bids fair to be lost oalcas the preeent geaera t on records ii Mrt. Wade ha* raggaatid that tha ****** bo bold oa tha Capo Fear i.noa whoec placid waters tha omty t- tiers OHM to bold tbeir homes to toe strata forest*. Nothing coaid bo Saar, ter hart would ha recorded create of history uyoa (ho wwt of (hair enactment. Of roane. tha idea b sow in It* embryonic stage. There Uoachworic to be done before too Idas (a cess ptete. Tha themo moot ho written. bmtefeis the | eg lent eaa ho ataw Mcanume. it srifl he helpful if the' doceadeate ef toe oilglaol aatXtere sell look through old fmafly record* and gteon from thorn tofaomatiu that will be holyful to tbo woman to bo chosen to write too team*. h too homoo of too teaaawmMo Mae’s, toe Smiths, (be Longs, tba Iteei. tha Hodges aad * there of too coaaty there ant* bo a great wealth of mm .erial from which on* eon write a *:ory aboandbig to toUmet, romans* aad drama. For moral watka Um DUprttR— ia mind to «y —iMmg good •'••oat WHI MtArtaa, Atiiff af Har Mt< County. It tot a mighty good < --.nrtmnity dip a Um a—fca ago ’tot hto rrport *how«d that ha had Q cytw* tomrttong man than 3*0 W*.t dMUIog oatdta. Tmrdia***, ' cwavor. give* at rraa a hotter op amity to gdhnomrtodga Um «Aci> osty aad diotrott— at thia raggad faH-jw to arSata hand* Uag Um —for rnrrmt ai bnr wHhla Um tomaty. TMa wot* a I ar rowed la LiHlagttm h ob wwiptln* Um Tha •P». aHhoagh aot I hy '•*** th* aiaa’t vtotha had Am aot Vehtonod hfaa away, waa tialltd to bb bam* hy Mood ha—da. Feolteg ntooady wao at for— pitch. Tha nu ■ !*»• of a aot waa aboady at haadL Oat adaatob dtUy probably would H«va moarrt dbgraao to th* toaaty r*A vtotoaa dooth to th* iipi aha. I>7 the way, may art ho gaitty la pH* af lho madag lafadlWUty of tha haaada of Mood. Htfaitt It fait—alt la havi— ae valmiM* a ihartfr — |* W«L Bad othar to—Mao a* wap* had each elhaaaa a* ha to, *ata woald ha few— Maah apato aa th* *—*b mooed oo a pigttrtar af *aao vtoa It taka* to protect aad to p—tdl r-aiwiai tho dbtrlff. Thfa hut—m tobidja af —y ortdo—. of Mb i far tka _ j kata and tka WO 1 hi Aagfcr. ■aaay man la tka Dues Dtotrict ikaald attahd tka Nntkaai Btoeuit Cathpa«y dnaaamraUon faam S40 a 440 Friday afternoon h tka W. ">• Holland atom. Fraa aaapiaa and waatai radwetioaa aa all National ftoewlt Company products. Baa kto ad. Oaaega X. Qraatkam la attt trying '* toga that a lammtttu to aatkit taada h Dam aa a oontribvtlon to 4a Woodrow Wilson FoandnUon. Ttoaa to yarning and Nr. Grantham to aaodoaa ta etaan ay tka town to part * aaaa as pnntoli. Ha aaka far aal niaar haipars. Tkis is aa ayyoitnn far all admirar. of tka graat >0m” U «**• tMr to on if ri Mi is with the Howhaiif Bndhm sad CmnU furniture fac tory these dsym. Within the last two are the the eoaapnny has ihlppeil di Mhd cm lead* «f eae design ef fur ittare to ree ceacern {a New Jersey tad It now has eiders suAdeat to tmp Its factory ranafag oa MI time for Mnnl weeks. Kn B. N. Bake, by the way, has ordered a large qaan •*ty ef the Newberry feral tare tot bar new hoses la Charlotte. XcD. Holliday to accepted the sbafrsaaaahip ef the Harnett ceeaty rnremttVs appointed to «aiM funds far the relief •f deditate Jewish people la Europe **d Asia. He erdl sere ceil upon tha people of Dana to help these un iertaaete membera of a race where Americaa brothers did re numb for Christian soldiers of America sad other allied aatioaa daring the (rest war. The Jew in modem times has rarer failed the Christian when he tolled far help, ft to now incumbent rpre the ChrtoUaa to show bis gret ttada. •nm UfirtattTt Mmm. U\>nrr ^ K*rth CaiaUma HIAowaI Com hu jut booed e rtry Ulefol . Uhl* booklet of U peg** entitled •d'ractcry of State and county oB tlalj of North Carolina*' which can Ain* a complete Uet of North Caro •°* Coofrommoo, State aftoan hood* it tha miiowa State departr^eeite. soarde and comm leal one. Bute Ineti latlone and pneddoat^ Judicial offl • are, member* of the Lagldatura and >r county official* with their poetof flea addraaooa. It giroi for oach coun ty tho bobo and addraa* of the elork o f tho court, rogiater of dooda, «h»r tfT, troaiurer, coroner, ourroyor, au ditor, fapariutoudcot of health, «up orintondont of echoola, lupcrlatcnd ent of public welfare, chairmen of tbo board of election*, county and highway commi*»lonera. Copier of Iho - ■ ■■SSBS-gS LccUiet may ba obtained upon appli cation U> H. U. London, Legislative Roforreec Librarian, Raleigh. FOR SALE. — SINGLE COMO r.bnc'e I Inml Rr.lt. Owen fan i jt.u' i. CeekrvcU SO each. Hatch ett f*jv- JS for 15. W. C. Kanoy, llji.n, Route 5. 1 aw tf Jan 90. i i—a—-»■ COME WHOLE THE COMING IS GOOD You’ve got $1.00—perhaps more. You may not always have it. But you have it now. While you have it bring it to the Commercial. Bank. It will open the savings account you haven’t got, or increase that you have. Come while you have the Money. Remember we are the only buxine** in the world that cornea to you and does not ask you to spend money. We ask you too keep it THE COMMERCIAL BANK Hours: 9 a. m. to S p. m. We pay 4 per cent interest in -our Savings Department — — — SEEDS AND DOLLARS Seed that is not planted does not grow. Dollars that are not banked do not increase. No farmer is so foolish as to think that a pa per bag of watermelon seeds, hanging from the rafters, will ever grow until he planted it Yet are you not expecting those dollars in that bureau drawer will grow without bank ing them? Dead seeds and dead dollars bring no returns. 11 ■r1 i i t \ The First National Bank Dunn, North Caroliua >--■ _, i YOU can maim ^SnEJBKXk I We solicit your repairs on Dodge and ! Studebaker cars and especially your battery ; and generator work. We have efficient and I competent mechanics, both for your repairs ; and service on batteries and generators. < < A full line of rental batteries on hand at < all times. Can furnish Exide batteries at j; $25.00 up and allow liberal discounts for old ! batteries, • < * « • • ► Yours for service* < ► < ► Smith & McKay jj Dunn, North Carolina < • « ► ^ ^ ^ ^ A<► Gift 3he» Syocialtie. , j Big Lmim Mm Uaala WItaly Soria* Ami Alriwilu Amu Africa mu* Pat Midart I 101 Fhmu Pmm Are aame of tiic saw book* to b* j found at the Gift Shop. The moat attractive and appro- ' priata Valentino* yo« ever av are (era. | y.... * Dfc. •. F. BUTUKR * * Ptv*UU* * * Cmwjwr N. c * * * i -« ! ♦♦ • , «"» . • * H t V • - • - 1 ► n DRAUGHON’S SALE! | j \ * >< ► Continued Through This Week I | • * H% ' ►< ► „; • „ , • »< ► ! ! * * > - - J: : 3: :: <!: : I Response to our advertisements telling of the real bar- ;; • “; gains offered in our mid-winter sale has been fine. Hun dreds of Customers have profited by the large reductions ; • made on all goods in the store. But we still find that we are largely stocked on staple goods that you need. To give you plenty of time to buy these goods, we " have continued the sale through this week. I' \ I N ► J ; < x ;! No such bargains as we are offering on standard ; J > > goods can be found elsewhere and we invite you to come 1' \ -; and compare our prices and quality with any you have ■ - • !; seen in recent months. ;; Be sure you get here before Saturday night. ! 55 II j • il f: J. W. DRAUGHON , < N a: Dunn, N. C. nuttmttntttttimutmitBmmmmmnmiiiuutttaatatttiM Will Open Within a Few Days. Nothing like it Ever Seen Before. FULL DETAILS FRIDAY —-- --- ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■—■— VB W——MWWWWWWBWIM—

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