DO YOU WANT BIG COTTON FACTORY BULTJN DUNN ? Mu la CowiMtcitU. With ASK CITIZENS TO TAKE BLOC PREFERRED STOCK Offer* 7 Par Curt Nat On $100, 000 3a—red By $200,000 Plant—Riddle And Other OK trial. Aak Par Hal* And Paint Ta Wacauity Far Aid In StMh Matter*. A cotton nQl to eoot $300.0*0 end ta napley ooverol hundred oporativo* h iau| tee pee*B—lap for Dunn tel. year, n—rffag to T. L. Biddle, ooerotary *f tee Chamber of Com merce, who along with Director* A. L. Newberry lad Robert L Godwin, i. la coo—ualeatlon with a roproeon tettr* of later mho that w—t to build te* factory. There to a (trtag tlod to the yro poeW. however. The reproeentativ* dotoree citiaoaj of Dean to take $1*0.000 worth of the oateipriaoa nreforrud nock which will ear T dot f«at. Bom m, local mas who ore lotereeted My. It look* to ho o good «gg»lta»llj for tho ooauaaatty. The prOforiod did, of coaroo, woold ho ootarod by tho plot, aad tho mill compaay weald agree to gay o8 taxm oa tho grWorrod Meek. A letter from the rag rw on tattoo "1 tin one of tho eery hoot cotton adll moa la North Coroltao who wig hafld a 1200,000 oottoa m« la year city If year google will lakarilho far flMAOO, T par coat ptnfanad eteck, oa wfclih tho mix weald koag the taaaa paid. Ia thio way yaar paogla woodd got a T gar oaat taeootmoat ■ot, aad gat la tho —Mg aa ta daotrial antarprim that will gHa Moody iMglijMMit to a goad many frmlliM. Tea coaid draw a proper charter aad we eoald gat together, • get a oalMMa liMdlio ed SO oeree aw the oMy MadM aad It weald do far Dama what the Erwin Cotton *• «MUa are dalag foe Dalai though not ' aa aa law a soldo. “Thio la a mighty goad ohanca for m-“ M«W. MVP tho chamber of 00m aune, Is a mighty good time to proro wa*th«r uju doc* or do** not want nuihctcriif Nlupriia. If it want* th—l, pet op the money for thie eaterpriM, if after careful In «eetig*tiun. It prorca to be aa good — it —uta — the enrfeee to be. Ia thi* aoaaeetioB, Secretary Riddle pelade eet the following for the eon cidocettoa of citlien* who aspect big “In Judging the woch and accent pOdtmonti of — oqganlzetJo* like th* Cti—*ir ef Coauaarc*. tt i* w*U t* keep in mind the— important facte: Th* organ!—U— ha* aa power b*yoad moral —art— j R ha* a* cap ital fM laoatom—t, nor be* it estk orttp to Hill otbom to land It* •rto powor for good. r*«t* la it* abH hy to *mo*«h tho wgp for ia——amt and do-topmost; 1 do tho thing* that th* ladMdoal h— a*Mt*r th* to ctJaatloo nor th* p—>*r to do," * ■4* _ 1 of r*«M Poaf rr*» father aaf tha *»• mom ware feta* to Wilaaa to •oil a loaf of ttoMea. They took too no atomy far proteeUom, towlay FARM BLOC WINS NOTABLE VICTORY ON SENATE FLOOR Homo Ca-Oporatire MarkatMg Bill r«iNt By A Vote of 88 to 1 EXEMPT ASSOCIATIONS FROM ANTI-TRUST ACT PrarUaa la Measure Makes It loapoaalkta For A Group Of IadMduaU To RtmoIfo Tbomaoloes late A Clos ed ^ Corporation { Substitute Washington, Feb. •.—The Hrau c'-opite of me, I do not know, bat I welcome them here.” The most important of the amend ments* accepted by tha Senate was one proving “that tha association* thall not deal in products of non members to an amount greeter ia raise than such a* art handled by K far ■ amber*.” Important Prtvittoa TMa, it waa axplained, makes it imposrfbie for co operative aaanria Hona to be "stolen” by a group of Individuals who merely by declining to admit saw member* rtoohr* them selves into a dosed oerp oration. Without tha amendment, the group would bo shin, according to Sena tor*, to engage in competitive trade, buying other farmer*' products to aa unlimited extent. Tha amendment Mm It* any nnaorlntloti In tha handling of the commodities of nen-enemhen so that what was described aa a throttle ef local business ceuld net he obtained. Other Important pruvtsiens of toe b® Prescribe that no member ad an association may have more then ana ▼vm in oirectlnp tta aeMvttleo npid lea of tbo amount of *tock ko koMa, nor can any nacaclaUan pay dividend# on cUck ar metoboruhlp capital to e«OM of elpfct per cant a yunr. raepact to tho authority pran tod tha doe rotary of AprieuKare to control attempt* to aoaopaliaa or ro otteto trudo, tho MB provide* that up tic* of ebaapo* ef allepod vtotottoue mat be aervod on tho offandtop nano elation and it aami bo dip* an op portunity to dnfond Itaotf. If foand puOty of tho chart*•, the aaeooUry of iptnlWi* n*oy ardor tho aaaoofe lion to "aonat and doototi* and ** ovont of ltt failure to do ao, tho oaoo than say bo roferrod to tho Tadorol Court* for enforcement of the ardor mad tho fttiap ad tiuh deer*aa aa tho SNELL OUTLINES EXTENSION WORK j OF UNIVERSITY WILL MAKE INSTITUTION USEFUL TO ALL CITIZENS Ouster D. Scan, director of the cnhranttp irtindw' dictate*, ot the Unieereity ot Narth Car* Line, «*nt • part ot last seek la rw— oomttf dnf with nhriiii of aartava orgailaa tiona and inf endec thacm ot da eca rtca offered tea paapU off tea Hate terw««h hi* dirtrtom. White hart Nr. 8n.ll Hated that ha waa deeply lae pmaad with tea peepr Mart* wap la which problem aff aoaanwadtp tetter -WhUa bat fair paapb from thta oomatunity aia kc ebb to attead tha Mr. 8n«ll, -eracyeee of tha nhrtaitrb ' iaatracttoa aad •xtaoatoa dteiatoai. Tha arjtoody kaa a H from It. tha to* aana of : tha apt boem fa aad acoi common ly threat be Ita « ad thro ▼araltjrV United State* ha* aa extaaatxi ary. • vntloiL Tt* a»t*aal»a dtr'^on ai oar aniiaiattji ia fnaafieala* *Hd etrthr ud ia Ua firameat irpiln. tioa ad it* Uad la fee nttk ft U constantly leaaeblac oat lata aev field*, aakinf to become a ***** vital factor la the yrecreae ad ear com mocwcalth. Hear Uae* ef Sarvla* The tbtrtoea dWaraet barvaos a* line* «f aarvlaa adTerad by th* naive r «tty *itaa*l»a diIW■ a are *atll**il la brief, aa liBwti 1. Corr*ta**den«a aad elaaa to* «trectioa: Staadard ITilrudly eeonaa by mail, atther (to credit a* S. i Uyea raqaaat i _ University far edoaatUaal *Tailya la stftotee aa road aagteaatbw. *«a*ti| Witt •crtcsltanU lutie Out List tt* Chcubcr of will U ImHWJn of ttc Dub District its slim, will** tto •ft •Ms a GRANVILLE M. TILGHMAN AUSTIN IS HEAD COTTON FARMERS AMrfatta*. Tto alMlM «f «*- | cnl mImt Ahum w»n found to I to iuMMty tocsaM of toad condi-• y. •MttotowJCfM IDAS y*UHkj mmntiug «&tfl l» fc tto tfUmoon, tto diroeton l<|MM«i. Tto uriiri ww Im mtoon tort nirffct. ^totodJUoM to W. B. A«*ai. proo- ' BRANWSflES GUN THENSHPSAWAYl wu aaaf far Price, a am wha had ham leadjay warrant* weMl ha had rmehad^tha pretriaecy ad a yaat that the dMml^Vnaa. Ihe eSeer aad tha ■« wha had —tha Iha UfleaUaa had atartad •« the jrto aaar toward Am wot hama aad all at oaaa It waa aay^aatod by tha attendant* tha* tha ear ha a*h a*, ear*. Pric* at aaca waatad la kaaw whart th« MtoaaWh waa mad Kwh* M ih* aay to tha car. Tb#y 4 fal lowed aad to *aad af