THE BONN DISPATCH fUHJIMU IYUY TUSSOAT AMO lUMT. Sottrod m mmMm «Mr ftiH lak. 1(14, at tto part aOcr r. r-'-aa. N. c.. andrr tto oat t Irtl 1. if?*. u aunn wn. Mtdif man tto-... AS tot **atto- Jli ito T**r-_-JIM After furiy-ri* year* U a member of Co»|NN. Joaeph Q. Cannon, tep ru<*i!i« tto SlcfataanU Wiaota Dia. trkt, will retire from public oBn with tto aspbatioa of kta proacat terra. So It i* annamttd from Watk frptam, America has never known n marc pwtBrMque Igsro than tbit hard Sat *4 old atatmmon from tto Middle Waal. Sent la Norti. Caroiioa eighty «x jnn ago to kaa feaght ki» way to tto top of tto hoop away time*. Soya tto Vaakhma dirpatch an nouncing b'i determination to retire: Mr. Caaaoa la approaching Ida 84th mile atone. If Ui Ufa la epared naUl tto and of hb term on March 4, IMS, to will hare poaadtj oat 48 yoara aI 8Anr>A 118 tkm Hftnla Urn ImaVa Atom ward for actual aarriea am tlian • poor ip and since that time, as bo himaoH baa explained, ha "has been rnnalng along M rehret.” There ware trari in the apt of maajr at his colleagues whan formal aenotmc.ment of “Carta Joe’s” dm ; •■miration to ratira was made on the floor by Hapimantatlva Walab. Krpobllcan, Massachusetts, >1 escribed by the veteran legislator as “ana of nay buddies.” While Mr. Wahk was •peaklag. Pnele Joe, fitting apart from Ms friends, wad crouched hi a •eat. a big slouch bat and am over coat protecting him from the cold. Be basing always in b rarity, Xr. Canaan's rtatoasat that ha mi coon to conclude bis public sarvks was psebtd into oaa typawiitism lisa of e'tvcn wards. Two days ago whan askad if ha again would entar the primary, he declined to my, adding that bla decision would ba knows la tact ’Uncle Joe’s” family, it is uader sUad. has been urging him to quit Congrats aad retain to bis old beans of kin Ub in INN and quiet. To a >» Ion* act listened to battles In Congress, tbs former Speaker at fink "Wei White ha stOl appears aa viforow aa tm yaata ago. ho to mora feohb. Us ayaa bon dim end be eel -*— *-* oM, T**trg i inatant fjr on the cad of a cigar. to retire .your4 debts or for other faming psrpoass aad hm property with which to secure a toon chair Bp. Yon can get the money. Flirt, apply to your banker. If he torn yoo down, ask him "how tons." If ho persita to hto refusal, tafca your pea in hoad aad writs to A. Wilton McLean or Angus W McLean or Just plain A. W. McLean, of the War PV names Board. Washington, D. C., and •xplaki you* tromhlea. n« win asks »« effort to gat yoa the acoommodn ' ticn yaa erase. Listen to what Jeaephus Daaiala raid yesterday la aa interview given Bdward Blau Britton, Washington saerarpoadtut for tha Mows aad Ob Btwt: **Tbo War Finance Corporation la ready to famish the backs aU too moacy ncsesaary to prasido laoaa far agrbaltural parpoaaa ia North Caro 1010" aaid Mr. Daniels after dlscaaa lag tito sHutlei at too Traoeary De “Other agricultural states," bo conttoaed, “ova obtaining tola money tot ftva Bar FBIit. iBHfIlfMP If tm doom. » debt or aced money tc make fc ™9 aoxt yuan. It moat Ito soeurcd ! »fat* Jaljr Best and a« vim* should ' M teat.” Why W« »• Not Shtee U Sport. WWW Roniou and fteiithtU.-fc< 'and UUtegton and Fayetteville an«l the wet of the town* la this locality eve abooping thing* up Tor t'ioir respec tive high school basket hall quintets, Duaa folk in wondering why thoir keys nnd girts da not shine more bj-ightly in this particular. Thera is no mystery about the thing. It knl because Dunn hcj> anj tirls are not jc*t u good at the sport la are the other young folk. Tii.y ■>Hy a “wicked” gaase when they arc h form. Bat it is eetdoai that thry ww In form, and here is the reason: When a Dona team neej, ball, uniforms or other equipment for the fame, whore docs it get them? When it hat to make a trip to stker towns, who pays toe bill Every Item of expense incident to the game* must be paid from the pockets of the team merntn-re. Ycr renumber .don’t y*n, )nw scarce nickels were when you were a school kid. Other towns hnvo Indoor courts foT 'hair teams. Dunn has only the school vrounri court. Other town; support their teams by attendance ar.d with money. Dann’s total gate receipt* th’< year have not exceeded five dollait. These am tome of tha reason* why our youngsters *rv not TUC'eur.eti » raong the contender* for Stale churn ■liooahip honor* lhi« year. Income Tan Facts la making out his ini-ome tax re turn for 19(1. the average taxpayer ur’JI And a considerable saving in coat ’sriron with the amount of lax paid on the same income for 1920. The exemptions provided by the ■ •venue act of 1021 aro $tl*oo for •ingle person* (the term including widows. Widowers, divorces, anil per "»ns (operated from husband and wift by mutual agreement!. $2,500 fer married persons whore uel In romr was $5,000 or less, and 32,000 for married persons whose net in noma wa* $5,000 or mors. Under the wvcauc act of 1918 the persona! ex emption allowed a married parson was $2,000, regardli-.** ef the amount of net income. Toe personal exemption allowed n murrivd parson applies also to tha baud of a fa ulty, atan ur woman whp supports in ono .loiueuoia one or more relatives ty blood, marriage, or adoption. The exemption for dependent*— • perron who receive* hi, chief support frem the taxpayer and who is under It years of ago or incapable of self support because mentally or physical ly defective—la 1 serrated from $200 la $4% - , The act require* that a rotarn be $lad by every tingle pc non whose net income for 1021 was $1,000 or more, every married person where not in eoaM war $2,000 or more, and by ev ery person—eingle or married— whose gross income war 85,000 or more. The requirement to file a return a< grow income of $0,000 or mom regardless ef net income is a new pro vision. Net incoma is gross income lets certain specified deductions for business expenses, lower, bad debts, ete, which are fully explained un the farm* Returns must be filed by married coupler whoje combined net income for 1821. including that of depend ent minor children, equaled nr ex ceeded $2,000, or if the combined 5rose Income equalled or exceodod »l,00«. The period for riling return* ill from January 1 to Much IS, IMS. Heavy peaah'ot are provided for fall uie or “willful refusal" to die a re turn on time. Tonot 1040A for incomas of $5,* ■'PO and leu and 1040 for Income* la extern of f$dH>0 may ha obtained tVr> t the office* of cellector* of inter na! l-cvrnee and branch offices. Tbs tax zaay bo paid la full at the time of Wing the return, or In four equal in* »I ~ I'mbuts, due on or before March 10, June 12, September IS, and De cember IS. Are Tee fletHag Beady T Of coarse you fallows who are dl •<’.*>• dependent upon the farm know '>6ie about your businesa than does ■mjr mere pounder of typewriter keys, ' at we maat say to yon that wa were I'aiily disappointed by the failure of to many of you to attend Ute meeting I nr«* rriwiy uuaer uc Mupi ret of the Chamber of Commerce for | the bOutfit of those who arc endan ! seres! by the coming of the boll wee vil. There were hardly more than lifly ef you here—and there should have been live hundred. - However, we trust that you are malJag some move on your own hook '•« prepare for the wtevil’e advent in your fields. You can be certain that he is coming—ae sure as night follow* day he Is on hit way and will bo icre in full force within a very Vow month*. Ton cannot profitably *-»w eotloa under boll weevil eon ditioas it yeu are to continue your eniiro dependence upon cotton. That ha: been proved In every state te the 0‘1'h at ua Laat year the wealth iest rwrta of South Carolina were lit ■ 'rally ruincil by the weevil. People Aero who were accustomed te proe nority nod plenty now are In actual want. TWeir erudition will be your eoadi s 'on If yen do not heed the warning t'r^y have mot you. Like yourselves felt that there wu* plenty of ' uc to prepare—that the pest was not >3 serious a thing as people mid it m Rut they know better now. They have paid and still are te pay * bi£ price. Their experience should be valuable to you. Will you profit hy It, or will you wait for your own experience to teach you? Oi—1—0—1—0—: —0—I—I—>—10 0 0 0 LITTLE OLD DUNN 0 | IT within the next fortnight or to you should see parading through tho street*, a cavalcade of young gentle men who look to be Bmillion admir al*' or assistant* to tho Lafayetta Brevoort doorman, don't imp to tho eonclonon that the Tillage is being Invaded. They will be mamber* of tho Dunn Band in full regalia. The only thing missing will bo Herr D4 Schmidt and his place will be ' filled by Henry Oliver Shell in habQi racr.ts wlioee brilliance will eclipse jnytVng evor worn by the former cbcrlooL Yesterday twartty-eae noo "Ofi of the band—including the ham ; (’r-j.wmcT and the fellow* who come ; in on the oMD-paw-eom-psw**—had idem selves measured for the niftiest bench of uniforms seen in Dnnn vineo Professor Eph William.* Bab bit Foot's made the initial appear ance. find and gold, with lots of pretty Lrold and chevrons and epaulsts and frills and fancies and dewdads and > thing*- -all adorn these uniforms and tcal-e of them thing* beanttu* indeed. The entire outfit coats something like $1,009—which it MOO more than the rtPvl ?c a( iUii t'tw. Thi* f»l law, have gone La dot*. Car the bal »n«e, hoping th,it .-orur Jay tS- fall, i »h» pkd^vJ Snanrtcl kUpporl came lao.ttbi • ya wLU rod. < a* li e (wttdgoo In, Urn* to prevent tit • ,'hcrilf .akiny I' c clothe •. If they Cm • I, Dean may •omf.'ae trKne>> the rpocitele of ita baud thorn of it« gnrncni-. while on pralV—and that wouldn't do it all, *-ulL The follow* are exporting the unit* tu strive wlthtUn the next two weeks “d aa soon aa they get boro the combined force of the Oro, police and itreet cleaning department will not b« sufficient to keep ,thorn from parading and concerting at once. And when the weather become* warm and the tap commence* to riae, they'll bo giving four to five concert* every month. has* it upon no Itaa an auth ority than Henry Lae that the band ia here to rtay. There arc. says Henry twenty-one fellows in the organisa tion who arc going to utielc. There may be more later on bat there will he no less—and all of them are de termined to make the band live op to its fine clothe*. K<=*1 happiness comer from doing a job welt One index to a man’s character Is the condition of hi* automobile fen der* 1—i.. — .1 1 111.-' Wtau'i hHe.iee.ry Seetety Meet* , Benton, N. C, February »th.— The irgular meeting of the 1 Woman’e MJadoaary Society of the 1 Methodbt Spier opal church, tooth, | woi held with Mr*. D. W. Kan oy in U>a Dixie Apartmcnu on Hill Street 1 Monday evening at eight o’clock, Mr*. 1 A. 8. Oliver predding. The tcripiirre leaeon, a coahnoe tlon of the Ufa and mtoixtry of wait, w«m reed by' Min VaHle HUL Invo cation, the Lord’! Player. Jtoporta were called for by the dif I Boone, Superintendent of Publicity, | -end none interesting mltmnni j news from the different church pa pers. Mr*. Boone has organised and j is conducting a mission study clsai which meets each Thursday evening at 7-JO In the Methodist church. The | due ie studying "From Survey ta Service ” The coarse contain* seven lemons and there will be one lemon ' each week until the course Is com pleted. All members of the Methodist I church and all other denomination* of the city, who are interested In tkii phase of the work, are cordially in vited to attend these meetings. Those who have already joined aru delight ed with tho subject end the forceful mnnner In which It U presented. Mrs. D. W. Kanoy gerre a splendid report of the work done by the Bright 'Jewels. This will be found In another —■ii I ith'cle of this paper. _ | Tho eubject for tho evening- tv*., Imvuna, Cuba. A description uf ti e ■ Ity vu given by mctdacnt* VC. 5!.1 loyal. D. W. Kanoy, W. T. rinrtii,.; IT. X Smith, E. X. Hall, W. ,T. Bonr.e I md MU* Ruth Poindexter. Tlx- Pres-' dent, Mr*. A. 6. Oliver, Jctcrihed In- J lerentingly tho poopl-, their Uotntr: if* amuaemcr.u a.ul religion. Mr*. [ W. H. Roy*.), rev* -.ome vc-y inter-' lettng letter* Lora Min Uia Lee to ter mother, white she was vi-ibag in 1 Cuba. Min Lea gave a (.lowing or-; •our.t of tho MLaionary ork bei 1 loct* thorn. She »•< vi ry m ush p'e u sd arith the tehoola. At tho e'crc of the pro.-rrnm the Woman's hlircionr.ry 3cr!r\y i- ests'.:-' ed Mr*. W. D. Boon* with a band romc hymnal !n token of tls-ir ap preciation of har •erWcer to tar .-e tiety, ehe haring L-oen pin’d* \ i n. r III organisation which site por foctird about seventeen yexrr pjo.l itie piuronUtion wu tnnei; by Mrs. W. H. Royal. | The gaett of u< fa. i-*y ot thi' meeting was Mr*. Swan nit* Trrt of Sraithfield, a former member of the ■ocicty. g— s.;.. ■fgaaagBt T'' i next .itonling will be hold tho r!<' : Tvvif’-ij: fencing in VUrrh. Ciu-l.i:.: jt-.rivll v£ Liili.igton and •i ■! i-'c■? from Heaufert were ;»ftx£uli. li-.-it yben a train load of I'.U'd V.■.nl dean with tile treallr Ovfr v:ivh they »te;e <ir viun their by" train ul lav (dual of the Ji'artt and Gravel Co., about d o\’;cU thi:. mm ring. *••• •"» <*•.: »t. " vf nine can, •■•irh on i engine ;a from and Sor ' • «r, vo'aing aerie* N. in* Of. vbl *i va . about twenty w* L’.ex, '.voon t!iuocr.i supporting 1 *’i f* "fry i id let the on * ... y* its 'Ou beneath. “• ••’ *• v' f*-cs t -etlc Wft* borreti wiv bronpht to Cenlral '• ■ » • •••*a*****l *.. »n u"coneciou» . •mu-H lit; rcucrti frem ... ' Jo e-.y Umt he in reetlng well. '. Retford .id R.dd'v u.o In at 4 d -•••• V:\ .Vie w.-..' ,iot hurt ro *’ • a *v c x.v-'vel ir cal cuta a':pu*. the horn', but he wn able to * ds t • • ■ a *i ,1 t*-.-c bis round* d•. ■ «• ,* \*.\ r*„,R.)| euftamod a tc • v>i w email is hie forehead.—liar ".iv.t Col ity Ncai. ' *r eeew«q<r.--- *I.»W4V V»- —Ml !■ 1 — !■■■■■! ■ C ...... ■ • , Are You Keeping up Your Account? 0 Many people atari an occnunt and let it go at that. It'a a good thing to make that atari at tho Flrat Nation al Bank, bat unleu you keep it up it will make no mere 1 abiding impreeeion upon your aueeeu than a ahadow on a field of com. If you bunk money while you earn iU you will have money when you can’t -earn ft THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Dunn, North Carolina - - _* a If You Are a Povvr/iy - o^her This Will ' ■ YY-j :*•. .15:0 > rv- -amx ";T ! > l » j p la v Ik! ja !•» N ' . ■:-*{?.. •«• • .-•* -.:: * tuu This chart shows taw <<?ffcrc; ; ‘ * tU; 1 ' :* hen’s laying. Grains make many yr&t-o i o ', hv/ v/.S Purina Chicken Chow^cf i r vil-te. Ken Chow make practically ao e-pal warn ver o. erj y©*k3 when fed together t*3 d.’.ocled. The first two columns oisow wlirJ ’ opesva v/h-:i yra feed Purina Hen Chew alone-- '.co niivy y 7hc next two cohimra show what ht,f-c.-n< '•-.'her. y, y iVd Purina Chicken Chowder oly—Vt- v. hi^cc. The last two columns give >'o-i -a jdovre o. the egg ’! " ^9 hint cb 'J»» L’x.,1 Man E||i Cuaruatot-i i Phoas vs yt.i r'wJy. . ••. ( Sold in Dunn Exclusively by L. P. SURLES waaiMBflMr v 1 -■» The Farmers’ Friend Offers For This Week The Following Specials SEED IRISH POTATOES— Fancy Maine grown Irish Cobblers, I 0 peck sack . .. $6.00 Red Bliss, 10 peck sack---$6.50 Sugar, per pound..6£c Flour, per barrel_$7*75 Ship Stuff, per sack ..$1.75 No. f Timothy Hay- per ton_ .$30.00 Seed Oats per sack_$3.50 Pure Lard.. _14clb. Salt, per sack- $1.10 White Meat, per pound___12Jc Ground Coffee, per pound..17c

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