_ THEDUNff VOLUME VIII. DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA*, FEBRUARY $27,066 IS DUE TOWN CN TAXES FOR LAST YEAR Paving Auumuat of Approxi mately $15,000 Also Must Be Paid Soon CHIEF OF POLICE WANTS ALL DELINQUENTS TO PAY Board Hesitates To Invoke Aid Of Law In Collecting But Will Bo Compelled To Do So Unless Taxes Are Paid Now—Page Collected $12, 000 For Last Year. Something near $27,000 is due the town of Dnnn by citizens of the town for 1621 taxes and approximately $15,000 is due it for attest paving AJMitmeat* do* $iruo lint yp#r. The $27,000 represent* the differ ence in the turn due when former Chief of Police Page began collecting last year*, taxes and the nearly $16. 000 collected by him and City Clerk H. A. Parker. Mr. Page collected ap BMiiingFalv 119 Oft ft -a __a. laxas. About 13,000 hat bean collect ed by Mr. H. A. Parker at such time* at he could find from his many other duties Meantime, the (own ia hard up for ready cash to meet floating Indebted ness and to pay intureit on Hi bonds. Town officials have waited aa long at they could to collect the remaining •nnu due. Now they are going after the delingucata in an effort to round up tho entire sum aa toon ac possible. They have, of course, the law on their aide. They ran get the money by process of law. But thay hesitate to Invoke the aid af the law If these who owe toem taxes will call at the office of the ehief of police and ar range to pay at uncr, much trouble will be saved. Practically no paving aasvaamanta have been collected for aevoral months This was because the toem commlaaioncr* found that thay could give the payers a little more time than eras strictly allowed by the law. Now the town seeds the money. It must be paid at once. save trouble for him and far your self. • , With the movie xtan, fortune is their misfortune. The early worm will soon get flab ad with. CUMBERLAND MEN SCOUT IN GEORGIA John A. Oatea And R. W. Chria tian Tell Of Renuha'uf Weevil Inquiry "Cotton Growing Under Boll Wee vil conditions" is the title of a 18 page leaflet gotten oat by the Na tional Bank of Fayetteville with the following introduction: “Feeling that the farmers of the Cape Fear section would be Inter ested in’ the *fact>’ aboat the boll weevil, we naked Mr R. W. Christina and Mr. John A. Oatea to make a trip te Georgia and gat same first hand Information. They kindly con sented to do so and we pass it on to you In their repert which is printed below." Messrs. Oatea and Christian pre sent the results of a careful and de talled inquiry. Their advice as to hew to oope with the wonvil Is virtual ly the same as thst of the Bute farm experts who hove boon writing la the News 4 Observer from time to time. "The boll weevil," Messrs. Oates and Christian declare, “is the most ■■ ■fusii i awt aaar knfim Id l)l4 FfittOIl Industry. The South to oar opinio* wilt continue to produce the groator port of the world’* cotton crop in •pit# of hall weevil, hot it will be ceaiSdeimblt greater eost, and It will be far nora difficult for Jth# aver age farmer to raecood ' under boll weevil conditions. Thin Indeet will fere* a iiduf lete revolution of agri cultural methods In th* South. The an an who will aucceed bent la th* man who adapt* himself mo it quickly to th* new condition*. “We do not ad vine anyone to gait cotton. Thin la nnn crop far which a market 1* always ensured. Plant only weh aereag* la cetton as you can manage under bail weevil con ditions and plant tha very beat wad yoa eon obtain. Put la variation wad adapted to your sectlen, variation that ar* pedigreed, need that came from • single aUk and Ha* keen carefully mlnrtid far a number of year*. It la )uat os Import*st for yoa to have pedigreed cotton seed a* It kaa to have padlgraad Hot#**, cattle, kept, chick, ana or dago. In addition to this grow all tha meat and aH tha food crap* pan a and far your farm." I 0 JUDGE LANDIS PLANS TO TOUR THE SOUTH 0let«>r ef Organised Baseball To Derate Mere Time Te Legiea | Ch cego, IIL, Fek. IB—Judge K. 1 M. Landis, who anaoancod hia reaig | nation from the Federal bench yee I tcrday today told of kl* plans to de> | vote mart lime to the American Lag ion besides his dnties the Supreme dictator ef organised baseball. I "The American Legion is the great est insurance policy this nation has.” J he eniti. "It is oar star ding guar anty of peacr end liberty. I am deep | ly devoted to the Logion end shall help in whatever way i can." Judge Landis mid that one of the first thingi ke will do when he leaves the bench will be to make a swing around the base ball training camps in the South. "I’m a rookie at this game myes 11," be mid. "I want to study tho training systems. There has been some complaint that promis ing rookies have not been given a fair show. 8ome ef them claim that they have ‘arrived’ bat are not given as opportunity to provo it. dome of them on the other hand, think, tkat they have ‘arrived’ when they are not rip*. I went to havo a look at this spring training system and study it." PRESENTS RESULTS OF QUESTIONNAIRE American Cotton Aaaociatioo Socuroa Data on Situation la Tho Bolt St. Matthew*, 8. C., Feb. It_The American Cotton Association racont 1)- mailed out a questionnaire to hun dred* of laading farmer*, banker* end allied buttacaa interest* throughout tho cotton bolt to secure data on the present economic situation and the financial ability of the farmer* to plant cotton, uao commercial ferti liser* end carry on their farming op eration*. Replies to these queetionaairee ar* coming |n from nil aectione of tho cotton belt reciting practically the same condition In each lection. The |iinm»n»l»Miiffli,FhiiitM»r— fOttawa ■ First. The cotton acreage for IMS will either be decreased, or in any event, not in oxcoao of the acreage planted in 1921, due principally to fear of the boll weerviL Second. General and prevailing aen timent U strong for diversification on a more extended scale than here tofore. Third. The farmers generally am unable to near* credits or supplies for planting an Increased acreage in cotton. Fourth. Financial r«sourest and condition of local banks and supply merchants have improved but tittle in the past tlx months, and all credits will be most conservative. Fifth. Tbe debt-paying and pur chasing power* of tbe faraser* are practically at sere. Sixth. Present conditions of farm ing operations are worse than in tbe tpmig of 1921. Seventh. Tbe purchase and nee of commercial fertilisers for cotton this season will either be dee rented or certainly not in excess of tbe amount spring of 1921. 110 BALES OF COTTON SOLD HEBE MONDAY lUee la Mm Attracts Quantity Frum Ccatliy—TtrJ Ainaw MM Itaita Activity—l*a With good cotton ranging np to 11 rant* It* bmtee of that Mo rad an tho surrounding forms found Ma way to maricst her* yesterday and this 'morn lag it appeared that today's record would come eleoo to seme of the beat days of midsanson. Most of tho cotton received yes terday came la tho afternoon and tho yard looked aa busy aa It did on nay Monday of October ar November. Much cotton arms told boro daring the last day* of last wee* whea the mar ket aaaamad a firmer tana, and tke Canaan’s sales warn brought np doao to liAO* bated, leaving. It la estima ted. more than 10,00* bates aUM In tho reentry and to warehouses. The effect of tho weevil is Geor gia may bo gathered from ores made pMbHc by the ~ bartend Investigators L 9. way, sf Dwigg* meaty told It hates to Urn ptenr urns Ms i In I MO and twu hates to It in lttl after the adroat at the wee vil. This latter tgure, however, was without oay special effert to centre! the ereeofl. S. 0. Totem ef Palmetto, Con* be* eeenty, reported that he wea themagt severe eonditteoa eader the mam aHmaris eoaditteos as Iheee el Osatsibad seuaty, Nerlh Caretina 9 WILD CAT STOCKS TARGET OF NEW I COLLEGE AGENCY Unirwtity Develops Corrwepam dence Courae To Protect Citixeoe Against Fraud CAROLINIANS LOST MILLIONS LAST YEAR Now Courae Include* Teaching Of Busisscm English Dwaign od To Bo Of Practical Help To Tboao Who Write Btsei a«a Latter* Only Small Fao Charged For Registra tion. With the recent statement of At tonwy Goaeral Daugherty that 1140, 000,000.00 has been fleeced from the pseknts etf t hough ties* Anericaat, added inter*.i j. attached to today'* announcement by the University of North Carolina Extension Division of a correspondence coarse designed to teach c iliac ns of tbo itate the priael pie* for sound investment. In a recent .pMCh before the Washington Xiwant* Club. Profamor Walter J. Motherly of the University Seb°°l of Commerce declared: "Last year North Carolinians were fleeced oat of millions of dollars through fake investments. In order to detect these swindlerx, something must be done to teach people when, where end haw to Invest their money aad U> spot fraudulent evearlttea. When I get beck to the University." said Professor Motherly. "1 am going to develop a cerTO*>onc# coon* on the subject of investments, which will ghre every North Carolinian the prist-1 lege ef studying the principles ef sound Investment." In this some held la n new cover In business English, offered by A. C. Howell of the University faoally This coarse la designed to be of prac tical help to any North Carolinian who would like to know bam to write better baste eat letters. In saeoeaclqg ibis conns Mr. HowaU aaM, *1 Nave a friend wha Is engaged In b atlases, being employed »P bat someheer, with dU bit knowl edge, he hat nover advanced above the position of n minor executive. He could novsr underxtaad the rea son for this until one day be hap pened to read through a file of the manager's correspondence. Hers he fauad the secret of hie failure, for the manager's bsisiaem letters were very different from bis own. My friend,'* Mr. Hosrell explained, "was in the habit of oaing la every oae of his tetters such pi rasas aa: ‘We are in nceig' of your favor/ o. 'I-i re gard to same, will state,' and Trust w o*™ hi <>ny impiy, n Mg w remain.’ Bat the manager's letter* verm norm than mere form; they con tained a' personal note. My friend took a university correspondence coots* In BnsiaoM English and learn ed to express his thoughts In deer, crisp English, sad to pot bis person ality and the persons] ton eh la to hit letters. He has last Wen notified that in Jane he -will receive a substantial advance both in position and salary. Thousands of business men,” eon tin ned Mr. Howell, “arc in exactly tha sans* position as my friend was a faw months ago. but they nead not remain there long If they taka advantage Of every opportunity." Concerning those announcements, Director Knoll at tW extension divis ion states that In hasping with tha ex tension policy of tha Unhrsraity, reg istration far tha above lianas has bean thrown open to all paapla liv ing la North Carol in* for a vary astli fee, aa compared with that charged by commercial oorrsspoadanea schools. Ha states that tha comae* la general economic*, tbs short story, Am ericas history, community organ isation, the psychology of advertising MU IHUUWI NM ■■mwiy PIC MIGMIUM Ihia ruling. The Chrictlan gadmrar loeMy had a nap enjoyable aortal mcctlag With Mr*. CD lean Oadard at tha haawa at Mr. ft. M. Paanaft Monday craning, Pchcwary LMh. Mr*. Japp Farthing and Ida LauHe Dandy had charge of the entertainment and had arranged earn* vary latorortlng (MB** and atueta. One ad lha mart attrac ts, of the atoato *M "Dt whet yen heart dtetotoa.” Pnp** haarto am* given to eaah yaiaan wHh thia atata m*nt an one ride and aem* atuat an th* ether rtde.wMcb had to h* per farmed hy the paraon holding that heart. It yawaad aary tatoraatlag whan ppa had to dtoptay tholr knew ledge of th* aartyturaa hy naming th* hooka of the Stole while other, had to cnhlblt dramatic aMtky by tmltot tag ma* ana pcaacpt. Several mnalc acliattona by Kn Oadard, Mr*. Farthing and Mht •f lM BUNNLEVZL NEWEST OF UABNETT COUNTY TOWNS L. A. W. A Hunnlur*! b th* incocpomUd | incorporation war* l tin* ago and tha I of co—laboam trajit* compiling a Ml of town ordinAcat nadar the dJreeUoa af Clifford And Tanratand of Doan,' I A L A. B*thune b jk* town'* ftn| mayor aad J. W. Bygd. B. F. TrDo lor* and A. McO. * m jwioncrp r •d Chair dutla* and' am* her* yt*c«rday printing ad tha warrant*, letter _ Bunnlaval bap too Hr*i utora*. It b XarfaOt Lillington and tha moat county’* _ important trading Tha town baa ap it Ua dtlaana are 4 ration of if Kb large r •*t* SALES TAX NOW GAMMi* FAVOR WaahintftM, Fd. bd.—Th. aol dW bun dSaetiAajud duuni down today paoa«P«Wlf ta»CW1»X the ftnt reaction frene Promt-* Hard. Inm «WB«atian that the adjaated cow penaatlaa ha lnwid by a aaba tax or that tha aattmaat af the Iwiala tion be peatpanid TWe «M hew*r er. no apparent dthaht ad the de termination at *~T~rifaai Sarnia lam dan to past tha meaaaee a* thia aae sioo. . . ‘ Majority uiah II > at tha Hoaea way* and meant cepttohpaa ware call ad ta meet Moadty% tackle tha ■hale ye ehlamruo—» -1itr-epmMh> parted ta «e*a apaa tha lagWatWa peewieiona af the mff~ — before go ing lata tho 4Haitian af way* tad mean* ef aalala* foods. Ta Plate M- Tea Prepoaaet at a ulse tax appeared to be confidant •hi’ tha Jt*puV‘c»» lonni^aaaaa wo-dd decide an th:e form af taxation aa a mease at nb in* the appruratal l* W-.OgoJMQ w Wfi r Me each »•»: menu a» I iw pree'dc'r for ill t>e w- tuure. It w»» certain, however, that the ealee tax woald not bo voted in withont a chary debt. h woe an id, that any ea>*< tax adopted would aot be a general oat. A manufacturer*’ tax Stellar to that propoard by Senator Smoot. Republi can. Utah, pod rejected by the Sen ate during poaeideioHon of the tm rorlalon bill wee pap of the fUggne tion* advanced. It tma claimed that thle tag at a rut* ef poo per cent would raieo the ouirpM of money re quired. Several other ferine of a eater tax are known to ba xader eeneideration and it Ip net expected that Store erfll ho a haety dotlalpa a* to any of them. It waa learned that treaavry experts recently bad prepared a fees of ealee tan which Itp fannete contend can ha oaoily administered and caa nof he ended. Dot lee Aaalyele Whether a bona WH with a mlaa tax attached could ba VM through the tioo, —me 1 codon detWrtag that the (Hoatlon In tkit i am—t woo eae de fying analyeU at tkh time. Meantime fa no ergnaJeatle— —httaaad tkoir attack on tkia tax, 0*ay Silver, W—h tngtom royraaaatattn of tka Ameri eaa Far* Sanaa Federation, addree dng a letter to aaah »oaahar of Can grooo, protoaUng apaUU it. “Tax— are aaar exceedingly high," the Utter mid, “axd a ealae tax w—M only mean farther hard— op— the artraga indlvidoal, —d when wa atop to eoaMdar that tka are—go in coma af aaah ana, maw mad child in tkia —try -ha- iaeoaaa ia be low the iaoama tax Ural U only IBM a year, the A—aria— Farm Sanaa Fed ant ion WWn. A wMi ha a leak InjoeUca to ml- fattkar nve n» far tka aaidUnh—af hy tUa me thod. It wowid taka *my f-m NATIONAL BANKS HAVE RESOURCES OF 19 BULK Show Am Imtwm Of $40C, 000,000 Of Pipuraa Far SaptmUr STATEMENT SHOWS SPLENDID CONDITION DkmooctraUa That Paak Of Liquidation Aad Eoaooquol Dapreuioa Was Paaaed Saaiawhara Batviaaa Sop tambrr • And Dacambar 31 AndThot Tandaocy U To Waablaytoa, PA. IT—Baaoureai of the Rational baaki of the roan try txchulve af rediaroant* treeaallnn to lit.480,000,000 at Ilia kit call oa Daraaibcr tl ahowed an lacreaic ®f 405,000,000 over the previooj cpll '■» BapUatber according to aa aaaly ha iaauad toalgtit by CeatptraUar of the Currency CriMtapar. The coaiti *f M>f national banka in Decaa bar ha described at “my natiafar tory" and tolled attention to the fact that nut!] Sfpteanbor their run lire t* hpa owra cv law plead tljr declined fra." thalr prat of P* 1,717.000,000 in Diwalir, 1010. Cotulltip"i af tkn naUaaal bank. WJ 0»r. i.nrsuigrr were •aid ia a formal State* ei'i lseurd by tha White House to show “the bm satUfaeMry turn la Urn flue aria I at tain af tha country that Hat Wan ngiataiad by a baak atatamaat slur* the conclusion ot 191»." “It demonstrates,’’ the itatemant continued, “that tha proeem at bqai •iatiea has been proceeding at aaeh an execQr at rate that it may fairly he raid that mg are wall on the read to getting tha “froa*n endht" them •H otrt. la thie regard indeed, it it by far the am* satisfactory showing that toe been ssadg tear* thr phmm “fre aea credits'* «m invented. “It bum: he tome la aUad." the statement said, “that the national bank* tepcceent considerably lets tbaa half the total I trm —ma« “Under the qaalyeta. the Inn* Indubitably demonstrate that the peak of liquidation and coaseqdeat depres sion was paaaad somewhere between September d, lea* and December tl bud, and that tendency has been stea dily toward iarproylng basiaem and leu reliance of trasjnsi* open the mppert bf ths ha»h*. “Of preclaoly like tenor an- rpeent adrices from the war finance carper •non, wrue& report* a programme, houidauon of It* lease sad • gonsral improvement of conditio as la the ag ricultural Industry. Recent stabilisa tion* of price* for agricuharal atopies hero brought tke fanner* to the point where they ore able to raalHto seen thing at laast approximating coots of preductlsa, and can look forward hopefally to still further Imp roe * meat* in as rary distant future.** Cotton spindles attire during Jan uary numbered lh.Mh.Tld compared wSISi 14.7th.lM in January last year. Soma people hare to brag about their ancestors because they hsve no descendants to speak of. DAWSON MAKES WAR ON STEED DEMONS Chief of Polio# Oo Warpath Poe Thooo Who tusk Aatamshlls Law* aa Daaa Stsoot* Look out, spoadersl Chief Dawson is camping aa your trail. Coa of your kind fall within hi* ton* Sunday and this weak bo la on tK* watch for mere of yea. War -ant* for firs of the ton at* already out and will b* screed in time to bring mew to eowrt Thursday man lag. Th* other five are net known, hot the chief has th»l» somber* and will got Utcm •• nm u th*ir »iww can ba gotten from the Sacrttery at Mate from wboaa ogtea tin Itaonae iMmbon war# inwad Pawl Jonaa, Hobart Rood a. Sola Hodgaa, Charter Hodgaa aad 8. M. Portico aia thoaa far whom warrant! hara boom iaaaad. Tboy arara, tha a Mad mid yoaterday, dated ad in «n caadiag the apaad limit Thay will hara an opportunity to yrwra Mm hi eortact whan thay go bwfore Jwdga Godwin Tbnraday. Tbta la not Iho and. Tha potlao da paiteMWt U datarmlaad ta pot a atop to apaadbg la team. Tha ehlaf «H play aa farwrltaa. ♦hawawr broalu tha tew will ba phiabad tt ha to nr nlaaat at the fraetwra. Rafora aaxt waab-and ba wywti to bar* a aua abla daebat far tha jwdga. Boater* my a Dataalt man wM Mwah mareary by mlatak* wtU W *ev. euMurr if. jornrioft V'nt Bap-** Peru* Whs la Co» iaetiBk Of Kr*ny«h»tic Bcrrl. XI litre. WCffi SIC WLY TO CC-FLETE PUNS ■•’ARKETIKC PLAN WILL B8 READY BY JULY 1 >reity Of Money Ofwed By Seureee Oat*Me Of Stale To Finenee Cotton Project, Bot Wnt Bo <Ur. • Fi4it>~ its way eaatiaaaly one tek Ht no Map■ ha.lily. Ital is th« way tfca North Carolina Conan Qrwwcrt eVoprratiT* Associative If wotaa m. seed With lti jrrrpgrat^M to market ail of the eot%ee placed in He «ft«r UA defy 1, according u Boa O. Tonmrond. secretary aad treceptor •rt tko eoeiotetloti, who wee km yw ***** «■ «h# odfeas of the Goaorel Utility Company trying to eeteh up aith hi* privet* bo/tooas after de ct'ig more titan a week tolely to ‘-Ho affairs of tko tTfytkotlnn .dea*ed wkk kis brother T~ir totd the director* «ml (eol* that ■irahrn of the moo*lotion will bo given too boot service this body of moa con give. -Wo ore plnnn'ng slowly • kc void, “end art taking every precau tion to guard again* miUekoo toot might prove harmful after tko orgoa aatioa begin* to. fonctioo. Mow we ivn merely putt'ng nor tmn ia etdar to prepare for to* actual * ii'iimo at .'■ring fvr the eottoe grower's totop seta” There Is so doubt that tko oaoiiolo tioa will find money to empty finance te operation*, Source* ootaide of too State have offered idfltclrnt money to provide far every aeod, bat too °®*!ot* flmt will give the bunking tn -v •»t' of Berth Catalina on oppor tonicy to knanec the pMject. Several Caroline beaker* have ntprameii a eiUingaaos te jo la with their brothers n tol* project, end It U probable that tome deciaioa oooa will be reached ia the matter. Meantime, aoKettotiea of now ■cachets U going steadily ahead. Sv . ry cotton grower ia the State is t& v’tcd to join. All wk* are interested mi get all of tha information d—lrnd from tha oJlcei of tha organisation .a JtaVigh. Already proweri af mart than Half tha cotton crop of North Carolina bare become membra- Ee ry other Mate vrgeaitatien to tha cotton bolt baa mdde just aa good a' ihowlng. Mora than half af the entire crop of tho United State* will b# «m irotled by Iho aflUtetad a mart attorn» Mr. Townmnd nraa earefol to em phasise the fart that tC* association • anxteas t* have cooperation of all bwstotta men in the cotton growing eaants*i and to atate that tha imn elation will bo gtod to cooporaU with tha banner man. Tima lasrchaata, *:a Mid. will da well to Wady the plane and method* af tha organisation. Then, be mated, they wit understand Jhst It la to their tatorart to aid tha organisation la every way posslbl*. La it Saturday evening at hot hot** Juit north of Dm Mtm Mary Par tor entertaiasd in bettor of her himi snovU. Mime* Dora Meada aad Bowie Weeks The evening wsa spent most pleaiaaUy with maWc sad old fas tened games Before the gaarta re taried to their rrapeoUvs heeaea, de llghtfal refmihmoat* were aervwd. Tboee wh* rajayed Mlm Parker's hos pitality were: Mimes toia Maada, Bvaeie Week*. Vvoile Lea, Peart Barefoot, Horn B Barvfirt, Willi* Tart, Kthcl Clifton, Maggie and Kthal Barter. Meears Motley Sedges Paul Barefoot, Rob ert Lee, Willie Tart, Kata* CUftom, Johnai* Jackaoa, Mali*tea Tart, Daw tel Stowwrt and Mutate Tern*. SPECIAL MEETING IN PROGRESS AT FIRST BAPTIST For. e. N. 'Jab.waaa iMmk **»«■* Gram -T'' ;* i ^ RT OHACg. HI «AYi • rt *S rll * Tii^hI f-***11* W %’ met ia< Mb a* (Mwr ^ " That is tha Sasaea b«Jaf psndrd |h<MB* to Dona folk this woak to War. Cfctrt N. Johasca, paMet of VM RapUk Church, tow last Sunday 1 rnomlBg started a saris* of mw | UsUe Mirisas fa Us thatch fa* ths 'Strwssl**— Ths tortoess will nations far ***. lrT*1 <to*- Than will h* two cash is tha iwfikw and tdt :» th* ovariag. Kreryhod/ 1* Incited to ^ tkn^ttoT*^ *° pttblic--‘~ ha< tha following u>n^y**t J"^**** ••fl- oo^J _- ^ HAKIUTT COUNTY SHOWS INCREASE Of <M 1M comma* ^ North Car •IHW only torcn (a tdtl had MM *aa«h)* property than they had la 1M0, accord tag ta dgarot jaat pp. U*hH. AH of thaoa oeeaa, Htrxtt orao oil, rhowaig aa lacraaao of yac UeaUy B per cent Done not that Aoo Harriott ta he la a pretpetoae rendition! Tam k doe* net! It !e Merely a condition growing oat of What the rartoao coma boa did »r did aat da ta the ItoraJaatlon Ant, altar dapreaaiaa hit the Hate. Far Instance: Johaotea n-r-ty hH n--1-W0T* 7*"^* "* la >H Saapeea had 714.BUaS?**" In mi JohDKaa had -f-r[| Talnation «BO,M«,dU- ta Bdf tTly itl. CWxrlaad I1.M4.1M ta W, tBOAod, and Biennia I114M.T4T > tnjndU. I I* tdur ward* tto Am —min elawrt akin to larMtt la (to eW artar of tkafc wealth tod (halt tat aMa wraith radaeod lUXMft for IMI taxation. Karaatt, toworti. tod lla vntaattao teatwaad from lUjmjM to fStr *•«£**—•# larraaai of 41,7a*to* That la what tl tea parats to tto eoaatp want to kaow. Itop tod paid er era daa to pap PPM to* to teaaa for lait paar. Kat aap part ad tola — la to (a fat State awrerawaat ispia wa, for laat poor tto Laphtohtfa rat ad that no paapaatp taa waa to ha ceUotted far State patpm* That amt that tha mhoala. road* and aoaatp pnoarawml ad Mu nett got tea ltos.za«. la At walk an Township laat pm Iwtart of pmportp far toaaHoa wara toM Ok t--r» woald ha a M par tadaattoi to salaatlon. If tkta was carriad :-wt, Rarnott to tor Moag tiia r- . 4 ta wealth. TSaro’i nath'af to toma hooks ate eapt a goad title. Th« worst thlap atoat pasdaa thaa to tka waa who mps< "My adfaplwh ad french totod pototoaa."

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