BANK DEPOSITS RISE AS COTTON COMES TO DUNN N«t lucre*** of $109,000 Shown Here And At Duke Lest Week MORE THAN 1,000 BALES MARKETED IN PERIOD Buainaaa Pick. Up And Merck uU View Future With Op timistic Spirit—Dunn B«nh» G«t $85,000 Of Total la emu* In—. Much Cotton Still Out. Bank deposits ip the four bank, of Du Ira and Dunn »how*d a net gain of • 109,000 from Monday morning to Saturday afternoon of last weak. Moat of IhU, of courts, came from the eleven hundred hales of cotton sold in Dunn, Duke and Coats during the week, hut the rest of It cam* from other source!: that heretofore have not heen so fruit/a!. Of the tots] increase Dunn banka had 1*7,000. The ran went to the Bank of Harnett of Duka, which ha* a branch at Coats where about 100 carrels or cotton were w)iu last mL Duke and Dunn combined told appro ximately 1,004 bales of cotton dur ing the week at an average of about $8 a bale. Of this quantity Dunn sold 700 bales and Duke cold 800 bales. That a major portion uf the money paid for eottoa wrnt Inta banka ia considered by bntlnatt men to be one of the noil encouraging omens for tbe last several months. Hereto fore a large part of the money paid farmer* for their cotton hai been '‘spurious veraiakt.” Xobody knows ■where it has been sunk. It hasn't com* to tbe banks and merchants' book* do not show that It has been spent for supplies nor paid on account. Tbit meant much to the commun ity. H means that there will he a revi val of trad* which hat bean some what stagnant since the new year be gan. It shows, too, that tbe community is on a solid foundation and that basic*** mm can look forward to better bualnem. war oFSttonj in the surrounding country—consid erably more than a million dollars worth it is said. When all of this is marketed and a Urge part of the in debtedness of tho agricultural ele ment is retired, the district will got It correct bearing* and forge ahead at its aeeUftomed gall. ROY ALL SELLS OWNER SHIP IN GRAVEL PLANT Mu Who Mod* Cm) Success of the Venture Close* Owl To Aaeoslstos A chaags in ownsrshtp of Stand ard Sand and Grartl Company took place thia waoh when John A. Royal!, proaidant and majority itockholder, dtapoacd of hit intercut in the concern to hia associate*, Gilbert C. White, John F. Wiley, u( Durham, E. V. Wdbb, L. B. West, of Kinston. The aonr owners have made a slight change In title of the concern. It new being Standard Sand and Gravel Cor poration. Mr. Webb succeeds Mr. Royal] aa a president. Mr. Webb ie one of the moat prominent business men of Kinston, being head of tha E. ▼. Webb Tobacco Company, inde pendent. Mr. White ia the wall known consulting engineer. Mr. Wi ley la af the Fidelity Trust Company. Mr. West ia a contractor of state wide prominence. The Gravel Cor poration is capitalised at half a mil lion. One of Mr. Roynll’s last acta in farthering the business interests of th. Pnmirmnw and Ika uu. building of Ui» industry was tbs leaa Lng of rights to a company af Balti more manufacture is, ths 'Cora Joint Concrete Pipe Company, on a part of ths Oravel Company'! holdings. This company is to bt furnished material for tbs manufacture of cement pre dacts. Machinery for the operatise of this plant has been shipped. It is stated, and operation wilt begin in the immediate fntnra. The Ore Joint Conference Pipe Company la the lar gest manufacturer of cements prod ucts In the country. Concerning the Standard Bond and Gravel Corporation, it mil be imter eeting to note what estimate the Bn rean of Rondo. Washington, D O., pleeas epee the outfit. Oet of MO plants of similar nature throughout the eenatry inspected bp the Bureau, the LUHngtoa plant was stated to bo the third best in the lot This will Stow in tome measure the thorough ntm of Mr. RoyalVt bneinnae methods in estahtlohlng this mesa moth enter ft nrast bn mid la this eoeueetisa, the, that Dm NerfeRi Boo there Rail read hat bean handling the oner mow output of the Qrere) Company with entire sstisfasUen. “Ws souk 9 net uk for bettor service,” said Mr. Seyall; “and we coaid net have han dled the material with greater die patch even had we owned the raU road.” This splendid service of the Norfolk Sea thorn bee beta of won derful assistance In developing the gravel mining plant to Its present po sition of importance. Lett March the “*•» >■ a descriptive story ef tike operation ef Standard Sand and Gra vel Company's plant, pointed oat tho great demand for service that weald devolve open the Norfolk Bo others. A representative of the railroad la a conversation later wtyh a represen tative ef the paper stated that his road weald most certainly meet the emergency. Mr. Royal] testifies that it has dona no. In speaking to s representative ef The News, regarding hie severance of connection with tho Grovel Company, Mr. Royal] sold: "The company has been highly locceufol, and my rseeea for dis posing ef my interest to my aaea eisles is that my Interests elsewhere HblllBIIW PV HI«VH V* OIJ **wv W>a I* wa nmI attention. And in regard to my rtajr la thia community, allow ma to my that I have foaad it moat ptoae eat indeed. The Healthy eUmata the boaotifal rolling country, and oar •urroundtag la goaoral, have boon both genial and profitable to oar health and Happiaaaa. Wa regret to War* thia common My. Everyone haa boon cordial, and oar connection bore hue boon moat pWaeaat. Wo have Ho od ia California, la Malaa, and la other parte of tbp country, and no where have wa boom (amended by mare pleating ceaditione. “I meet not forgot to mention, else, that oar realdence la LilHagton hat bean marked by aa obaoaoa of moo qtdtoee and other Ineeete that lafaat many placaa la other eeetieni of the country. Oar haa 1th haa baco the beat of aw Uvea while ham." Praia) of the aeldbrtoae climate waa anetlat ad la Mr. MoyaUS farewell remarba Paapla kareabonta (A hoping thh epload Id family may deal da to leeati at tenet aaa of their homaa ham. Mr. and Men Mayan and tamlh ere prepeitng to Wave thia week. M win go to Chicago aa Watoeae In i few day*.—Harnett Ceanty Km Apportlmwaat ml (III Twm The committers of special tax school districts and the supervisors 'of roads In the various loom ships will nets that Lhs fallowing are the amounts credited to their district* on tax of 1821: Schael Angler No. 4, 88.817.S2. Dunn whit* and colored No. 1, $23,880.12. Anderson Crook No. 1, Nursery, 81.038.77; No. 2 Bethel $189.87; Ne. 4 Flat, Branch $104,90; No. 8 Cam bro $208.46. Avcraiboro No. 6. Tripp, $338.08; No. 7 Piney Grove $868.27; No. 8 Chicor* $470.78; No. 10 Long Branch 31.394.82. Barbecue No. 1 Air Oaatle $143.52. No. 2 Big Branch 8216.86; Na 8 Olivia 8430.18; Ho. 4 Plneview $669. *6; No. I Morris Chapel 886.41. Black River No. 2 BarcInyvQle 3859.88. Buckhom No. 2 Macedonia $310. 78. Grova No. 1 Ensie $181.48; N*. t Gregory $188.88; No. 8 Coata $8. wo. 4 Turlington 9&I7.M; No. 5 Parker* $4844*; Mo. I Bonell $200.17; No. 7 Penny $108.17. Hector* Creek No. 2 Chalybeate Spring* $891.85. Lillmgton No. 1 white $7,710.92; No. 1 colored $248.1$. Neill* Creek No. 4 Cape Pear 4372.20. Stewarto Creek Na. 1 Bunnirrel $1.01142. Upper Little River No. 1 Luart $422.60; No. 4 Pattaraon 1299.71; No. 8 Ml Piagah 4*2049; No. 4 Leaflet 427441; No. 4 Hamer* 4064.76; No. 10 Haven Rod* $495.64; No. II Spring Hill 4174.42; No. 4 colored 1167.2*. Barbecue No. 2 colored $44.10. Total tax for epeeia) achool* — 444444.18. And*r*on Creek, $2,04444. Averaaboro. $744446. Barbecue, $146841. Black River, 4444443. Buckhoru. $24*644. Duka, $444744. Hector* Creak. $$472.72. Grove, $7422.86. Lilli agton, 6*42444. Neill* Craek, $4444.45. Total tax for road*—$64444 40 Total apocial echool and road* tax ] —4110,140.74. Th* above are the groat amounts Insolvent*, release* and rowrmlwiime for collecting will be deducted from each amount. If tha tanpaysrs do net mttla more promptly than they have been doing, thorn Item* which will ho charged back to aach fund will amount to nearly 20 par coat at the amount*. PAYS TO DRIVE THE CORN TO MARKET Ym, Drive It Instead of Sand It; This Artida Tails How To Do It Te show that it pays to "drive the corn to market" oa tbc hoof rathnr than sell it by the bushel, the N. C. Experiment Station is conducting a feeding experiment on u large scale at Wenoaa. In ronneetj-ju with ihia experiment Sari Hostetler of Use of fice of Swine Investigation says: "With corn shelled and loadod on the ear nt Wei-ono, N. C., bringing only CO cents per bushel the author tlea in charge of tbc Black Land Branch Experiment Station at Weno no decided to try oat tome method of feeding the corn that was raised on Ihr farm and thereby obtain a better orlce for IE “After considerable Investigation •t was found that good feeder p:g* ■ould h* bought ia Southern (trorgia for b l-« to b 1-2 eanti f. o. *>.. shin ning point, and upon lorpecting about 200 pip* collected at Valdosta, Ga., 186 pig* • ecnuring a« pounds earh. no-re purchased for i 1-2 coats per sound and shipped to Wsnona. These pigs were Hupped from Valdosta on Monday, Janaary 23, 1922. and ar rived at Wcnona the following Bst nrday in good toape la spite of the fact that they were an route during a severe snow storm. j “Upon arrival at the Branch Sta tion the pigs arerc weighed and aver aged only SS pounds, which made »J shrinkage of 8 pounds per pig in transit However, on February 1 weights wars taken again and four pounds per pig were lost In transit had boon recovered. "On February 1, this group of pigs was divided Into taro equal lota and will be fad a* follows: Lot No. I, shelled corn sad fish meal in separata cfnupanmeot* of self feeder*; and lot No. 2. shelled core and tankage in separate compartment* of self feed ers, using three six-foot self-feeders la each lot. “We feel that this test should be of particular interest to farmer* to «** «r ^RSPlSMpCa^KsSd^eonri pletc report will be given, showing • be financial statement in audition to the comparative rciults of the dif ferent feeds. However, w» realise I that these feeders should have been purchased at least thirty days earlier ;n order to have them finiehed for the March 1 market which will undoubt edly be the peak far this spring." METHODISTS PLAN ' FOR WORLD SUNDAY T. M«k- EC—1 m Ku.-rb 2t> To Col lect Coot— nry Pledge* Another significant fVp in the pro frees of Southern Methodism is the appointment of a day to he known aa “World Sunday" throughout it* an tiny connection. This decision waa reached at the church wide confer ence on world program and mission ary advance recently held in Mem phis, Tenn., and cams as a climax to what Is said to be the moot notable meeting of Methodist* ever assembl ed. “World's Sunday," as adopted by the 400 and mors Methodist leaders in Memphis proposes to —curs for the church aa brilliant a record in the matter of payment of plrdgre ay It has already attained la ruberrib 'ng to the centenary movement which haa claimed for the attention of that denomination for the past three rears aad through which something lilta 9SO.OOO.OO* was subscribed fer mis*ion* and other causes of the Aurch. In a review of the work of the church throngh centenary channels It wne shown that 00 per cent ef the oaths amount pledgsd la now due, whereaa, only 40 per oent has boon paid, and that tank* church mens h#ra In lPrtiM ranoi un with MsaJ* payment* Mom tha mooting at the eesersl conference in May, tha ehatch will bo hindered In carrying an the enlarged program aa planned vndar the centenary mmiaigt In order that at Uaat $4,000,00* ad unpaid centenary pledgee ba aa '"■red within tba neat three month*, plana hare bean made to call berk lata action all of tha force* at Me eharefc In an effect to bring tha pajr fteat at pledgee op to date. Sanday, Match **, haa He an datlg naud aa "World Sanday." whan tram rrary ehoreh and charge In tha am •Wn connection, payment of oeerdoa centenary pledgaa will be the theme. Dvrlag the week that fallow*, local aa atari ary cemmtttece wffl ba nff. anitod and all aiAaeribort who ate In arrears will ba perse sally lot err lowed ood argrd to bring thalr payment) apt# data. Tba Idea of a "World Sanday" far Southern Mafhodteta. when through cnr Diranm n tut dCDommaOeti la linaWu start will ha wad* I far '••llactlaa ad •Hrtanary dess, art* glnatad with Dr. (htrlw C. Iilimw, paainr of tho fM Ksthodlat eherch, Dallat, Taxes. Dr. ftiltrwan baa el reed* demonstrated the practicability ard effielensy of Mi plan, using tas ter Sunday of hat jean u “World Bandar” far the aheruh ad which ba It Iba paster, wtt the raeaJt that the mlaalenarg offer** far that dtaaday awaaatad ta batweea W.000 and Hr OOP. ' "The real wtd Dr. ram tod in ~i hac Seward la taindeel ef tha and rasa# fai (with their the eherch far ad hr tha f H ' Chareh Society of Wfll give • Mink if at will W gfe*. I. M U • dramatic love entitled 'thor," end in -ylnjrtoy Underhill, a m* Warren, leader of the in act I—the D n Mother^ Ptwdignl eon. the. Case cn hoar one Mr*. Kill Of Fayatte *UW. (pint the hoM of Mr. and I Jahnsoa aaar Doka. Mr. an Dake. *1 aad Bonder hi* ad Mn. J. J. Muml wr Donald nriar Mr. Mr. Bortia Mr. aad af Dnka, •paat Bandar wtt*. Mr. and Mn. Ja 11 aa Johnson. Thera will be aa entertainment and pic sapper airbn at the Parker acheel Friday, March >ri at 8 p m. Pro recJs anil bo mod foe the benefits of tnc school. Ttap public ic cordially in. aitsd. fetaing FUee Cm. g.Wj., Mbh Perileps never baa the piano Indus try appeared in a batter light than la thu settlement of the affair* of tha Behning Piano Company, mad g—'—g! never ha* a graatar tribute bean paid to two piano aean than the one which it gave Henry and GetUv Behning. In du* settlement wan that true co operative spirit which cocveatlon or store plead far, but which Is rarely thown in actual practice. Recognising that the Behning plane la an aaeet to the entire Industry, that Ha name value U inextricably iaUawiaad with the men who created it, ttet through onfonenate circumstances beyond ttclr control they bad neat with finan cial dlAcnltlea, the creditor* woihad bard to dcvlaa a plan by which tha real assets — tha piano and men who make H—might he retained by ths industry, and with a thorough eventually worked out a plan. It it a striking recognition of the asity af the piano Industry, and floaty esse oho elded in tha end arrived at de serve* congratulations. Let na hop* that ie the Inters when stellar «H» ahons may arisa, that the sues spirit win be shown add tha sam* manna adopted ‘o bring about similar satw tlods.—(Musical Courier. The man with three urlvee had hat ter be glad they caught him before vacation time. SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS THE NEW WOMAN SUFFRAGE AMENDMENT UnmmimmmM DmWm Of HfcWt Cowt My JmMom ffraadaii Kmfa Oat Every Objection Aad Su teiM CoMtitationaJity Of Natiaaal Wwa Stiff race Washington, Feh. 27—The causU totloaality of the Women Suffrage *r NineteenIh amendment, was unani maody sustained today by the 8a preiou court in a decision seadorad by Nasties U.andoia. The challenge cams from tho fltate of Maryland, whs re Oscar Laser aad othors sought to prevent tho regio tration of two women as qualified vo tes* in Baltimore laser and Us an ise'.ate* contended that tha Consti tution of Maryland limited suffrage te mvn; fiat the legiiJatatrc ef Mary land had refased to ratify the Wem an Saffrtgs amen dm cat aad that the amsndasent had not become a part of tho Federal const!tattoo. The Maryland State courts sustained tho amendment. The contention that an amendment to the Federal ceostHatien relating to additions to the electorate cannot be mod* without the consent of the State, the coert disposed ef by ref erence to the fifteenth of equal auf-: frag* amendment, dcclariog that ‘one 1 cannot be valid and the other inval id.” It pointed out that tha validity ef the fifteenth aamadmeat had been recognised for half a centory. The suggestion that several of dm tW*ty-al* states which ratified dm nineteenth amendment had provMon* v .-I-T~-_—fcjgj—md——d^fi In tMr State ronaUtat.ooa which prohibited the lagldntuttc from rati fying. roe Id not be entertained, the court Mated. >U««I the Made Segia iaturaa derived their power la inch >r -!' T» tram Aa Federal conatlutiou wii«'i “tranaeeada any linttattoaa aought to bo impoaad by the people Of a State.'* The roipaiatag objection that At ratifying rateVotioai of Teeacaaae and Weal Virginia ware laoperattoe. becaau adopted la violation of berk ktfve procedure la tbeoo State* aay have bean rendered "immaterial” (bo Tou-t <!cctared, by the aubaapaont ndU float loi of the-1rrt by Coaaoetlrot and Veimoat The «oa tmtivn war diapoaed of. boo ever, oa a broader groped, the court atatad, adding that the Secretary of State having itrend a proclamation of the rut'ficatioe of tba amaaifmint by taa kfMatprca of tbirtFota Staten, the amaadmost to aB lateata and poipoo aa bad become a port of At Oeeati tution. Aa Taya I van and Waal Vto *<*■» had power U ratify, and bad officially notified (be Secretary of State that they had dona no, tbeir ac tion war binding upon tba aecrvtary and apoa being ceniftad by that of Br'a) had bean reaetodea open fha ML ROSS EXPLAINS THE NEW CLERK LAW wnatii ■ rw I Yoar article h) laat week's iarae entitled "Clerk* of Superior Coart Have Increased hapeitsate" has pro voked some disrasdsa, aad haa, I Bach aacalaa of tha L^Matora since 19IS haa paaaad aoata lav re lating t« this Mbj act, aatfl tha lav had gotten lata a state af eenfaaiee. The last aaadan af tha General Aa rerably tlaply coodeatad all these acta iata one. ami made seas few amendment* thereto. , Bine. 1*19 temmeaeei in Sopev lor Court have been returnable be fore the Clark, instead af to the neat term, aa formerly. The now act makes no change In this respect, bat does provide that the aSlecr serving tha saasmostv must ia all cases deliver a copy to tha defendant. Heretofore only corporations aad minors had to ha carved with copies. Oftentimes de fendants would forget the names and dates la a aammons rand to thorn, aad wvev enable to give this neces sary information to their attorneys, 'ow they will have a copy. . Heretofore, except la a few spec ial cases, the defendant had twenty days after the return day named ia the sammoaa to file answer. This ia itm the law. unlaa ha la served net only with copy af sammaaa bat aha! copy af eemplaiat; aad la that case ha has only twenty days tram data served Instead af from return day. Ia assn of this Had the Clark cannot extend time to fils answer. This pro- j vision limiting' Ste Clark's power to »Yt#nil Hwire (a lik -- la sms law. There are mt eat ia the act a ■ am ber of caeoe la which the Chile may »%" jadgmeata; hat three are al caaea ralaleg ae imaei ef fact to be submitted to a Jury—practically uncoo letted ettet, which have alwaye been (abject to judgment upon mo tion either before the Chk or the 'Judge—tome before one tad ttmi jbefora the other, lemt people teem 'to have gotten the taapeettioe thot I tho Clork wet given the power to !«igu judgment, gad deny a man a trial. Of count tbit it not and could tot ho tho law. The Legiilature dece ‘ not have the power to deprive a man ' ef a trial, provided he tote op in a j legal Wgy alleged facte which eoa 'ttituto a valid defense to the action. • The regular teedon of IMl gave the Cloth power to make ncnmoii Aaoanna t — a - — — a — —_ — . — r»f| jn lOrKMVVni where the ameuet ef the indetoednem ,»>*d the right ef retire tion wore an j contorted Thit prevhita It brought forward in the new tet, and Ihvmu > tho Clerk with prthaMy more ogui toMe jurisdiction than ever before. >11 acta of dm Clerk ta thh rvopeet are eehjeet to review, epee proper appeal, by the Judge. The act declarer It* per pill to be to rictplKy end expedite court pea redare ,aad 1 Ihtah B wBl do mad le eooempHeh thh much needed ie BIG AUDIENCES TO SEE PAVLOWA He prirdcge of attending a re haataal af too NHm BaDrt » to *«Wch a* Match 4. Ph»i» aid Near York,' ha fladi hh^ to to* alto af a raal Uam af ST Iha M . - •••*. whd »»d h*a*A with a Orcebo-Sotalaaa conductor wha tua tba manner af a Fnnchann and to* don Slier. cit**.. af to* world Into tic. "la tba eaatar af tha atanrt. the Hower-Kb* Pavtowa is ffetteriag throagh to* air, pattoaatoa to a wMte practise comma, paaatog aw aad •fata to aad approval to sou* parti calarip kngbt (to* af her gnat acbool •r t* call a aoft ward af correction or ropnaf, whieb Invariably bring* a rail* t* to* ayaa af to* devotee raw tbaa a frown. "The practy girl* who aorrotutd tha incomparable Pavlowa to theta- nr colored dreaao. an af all --.'-^1 lia-IMS, French, %—■»>A. lap Hah, Scotch, Onto, Italian, and, af caara*. Raaaton. Oa* wanton wbp Pari own eaBa bar organisation th Baltot Bun. She ton* nmDy call Paelewa krraeif u at ceurw Bm •ia*. am la Uunot XaeteaC, who wil %a baa partner tkia Hn It win be S •rattan when k*_„ ^ tneriema debat am Paelwaa’a ,n *»«• Plnnawnki. ▼aJtnAi. Kereraieff, ami Deabmwaki. nlaarte* in Paelewa’i denote) ■tent ere aUa ama.” tka adammaa aale at tUH* '*• So'rth Clear. Pah. . tea Croat with e whirlwind , Caeft Clear flee wrapt tka i taarn at their foot at Ctedw k »*>il t.tardey aftameon flteaaij at. aadwan by a ware of 47 ta *. P^Tbte far tenth ! *01 Wilteuaa I Cart Matthew. I Laatar Caartay LaaaW CoDlcr I Otddln leered M of ; palate. foOewtaa eiaae wttl II. • Bafareaa — Mr. Marten Oaddla ■aete Mew, aad Mr. Maateal Mam aaHamaj at Oodwta. 'JU rs ^ ■ ** N> «f ■t *• ' ■ K Bp ^MH n h* ;fc| &. laatkaap Htoeoto fir M ■*> tf m la** In thto MM the f*****® n F Mi C«U what ha aaa and : pap, h* !i Bm Dm, and tha Uttaa i »uff*T*nf from toa Mta. 11m c*rm •dy it Bm tom of Gad applied to the ‘'•art af tha I ~^Jfla*. , Bandar au Oodto put aptolt H -tha • ia a the V dead o«lr U Eta eternal, idT dtoemud toil (Tveaday) “A Vale* Pram ■•U. It ia pmhaMa that Ba win eontiBa* thaoaph tha nih Nt. OHM — * - '"»>• Fan of Mfcrton” k ft. mw 0. W. (MM tMt ktaj* Mac thk taa ft ft. fata m Dm Mfcnw t. m Mr. Mft af a Kaftm." a ft* WnM.** wfll —• am jmm , ' ftTtm hw*rrt ft! SSE Om *f ft* largMt an* m* mm

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