US BONN DESPATCH Coa*to“ fcUp*»«*Wtath nS^Batkch Aa atp* wanted ia Warns connty ■» taaad trial for inciting U riot nnd cttcmpting to mardoc mm dmmi of White folk hr Ihoagfct war* ia Mr *ay. Bat we da think that the Ba haa sat a re ry a fa Eg attba » the Ca Trm«. a may ha that all each will aet tad them ha aaacor accented the Warren fag-'thre. Bat 4a pieced eat it there with all ha preadas. aer erfhalaan Worth Carotin« u Bench more far toaate ia the ahaonee of Balteck than ft won Id ho artth hie prescaco. It ia ta ha hoped that the treatment ptvaa hhe by the Canadian gwroramcat will attract ta the Dominion all aock aa hn Be sad hih kind ara a menace to poser ht North Carolina and a danger to the rasa they disgrace. la the legal aapeeto of 4a (tea. hmatear^ara caa oad me any jotaifl • lock ia aa aBagad erimineL He ta wanted for an affkaM h4ph< hr hhamM and far which two men hams haaa lyailii nnd a dosaa othcra ara the ward of the-tit uliF of North Carolina has hamc raficleat to Bmmm *** r*tur" of M be. to doeire U pander ta the targe mm bar of aagie oatara In hie dtetriet. ngMCto far hte re tom ara not boa •dESS pram Aa* the State really choeM bo «baa ratal <p of thr nan. Tbe tteoo baa paaeed, thank geedcaoe. whan a BritiA eteeUl era try . cam for North Carotins caartei ’ , ’ *■* 'r | 'dS* ■ ■ ■ / i ■ Cr I rl\ IV & ft rt AM on a calendar year basis. Form* IMM far wtaraa af ioctai 0t IMM aad laae aad 1041 far re Miraa «f incaw. in oaa af 45,000 way ha ehtalaid.ot tka edkv af CaL Meter of lataraa] Baveaae Qilltew Ortwiw. Baleigh. W. C, aad the following branch oflee.: hshrrttta. Charlottr. Wisrtaa Mia. WBrning tea. aad Warhingtoa. X. c Ta fin tel Ptay MJm Ktlsabeth A. Lay, Plaid Agent, Bateau of CowwaaUy Drama, Ez teaoloa Dtehtea of tha University of North Carolina, Chapa) Hill, X. C. rate# to Daaa yesterday at <h* la ctation tf T. L Biddle, Mcretary, the chamber of raooirii, gad mot with representative* af tha school faculty, tha Wwna*a Oak ef Daaa, and tha ahatehar af .. for <ko parpoaa af telcdiag aaaaa of tha Carwliaa Pteymkcra' plays, which will ha prwdaccd fat Duan hy home talent during tha latter part af Kereh far tha benefit af tha local play fqaif fnt fss4. Tha plays, “la DUaa’t Kitchen." Hy WTihur Stoat, la collaboration with Kline Lay, aad “What Will Barbara Dot" hy NlnaJo Shepherd Sparrow, ware w laded. Miea Lay will retain ta Duaa as March ISth to begin rehearse la of tha above sawed ploys. Partiss at tbsir birth aad ia their, vigor (lad thoir whole nawn for a-1 Masco ia serving the cans* la which they toiler*, b ttotr old Sfa, parties ; go searching around for couses ori “iswics” popular enough to keep them | la offle. Power is the ambition that rulaa them then, aad net the pas sion to pomade am to a principle. i Wtou division cornea totwsoa party • and principle, party dwind lee to the "organisation’'; the secession of the people has already begun. Then eft rues aa interim wtou aid parties seek nmr issues, aad eld neglected later eats seek new parties. But new par-! tiso are net made, they are kero. The “thini party* ia tmgoos.Til.; the real "third party” will become the Pint Party bsrensr ef the rejection ef the ethers ae uafaithfol to their treat.— Hoary Ford. ______________________ tttVICU AT BAPTIST CHUBCH CLOSE SUNDAY , Sporiel evangelistic aerrteee now ’ hi program at the First Boptto chunk and being conducted by Ear. Elbert X. Johnson, poster, will dost with the evening service Sunday night, after having rwa for two weeks During this period thirty eevea mvr sad women have added their aomoo to the church roll aad a greater aad more eathe- ! elastic desire to serve has bean in sBOed’fn the tBtoeh wwwSbocStop gum. He series ef mss* legs ever told in Dnn have aroused mere interest than thee* through which the pastor sue eadaavered to leach the commu nity that mule are mved to Christ ••Jy through (ntc, In ovory aortic* | h» has emphasised this groat truth. Not one* ha* ha swerved f,*m biv j pal^i of plain-spoken truth to rasort ta mar* epee taco lar sad sensational, won!* aad actions. Aad hi* work ha* bbrnc fruit bona-' teouoly. Hu aad hU follow-.i-rlo.-s I of the church fee! that the mooting* hat* yielded a 1 siting goad to thei church aad to tha tows. Than will ha uo services Saturday. Sunday services will ha as Battal ia tha morning at Idt; In the avon ing at 7 JO. Tha public is cordially iavilad ta attand them. The Du an Dispatch repoHs that alavaa hundred bale* of cotton ware sold la Harnatt county markets last waak aad farmers arc incrsasiag their dapati^h la thp baaha Toe nose* than a year the farmare who have sold their crop* hava not deposited in banks. Thais present course la on* of the beat signs of the tunas.—Newt and Ohaervar. WiH TW* ha • Riuk Far Jury 8 hi ill Now 7 Catawba Vewa-En ta ip ri*a. Tb* Supreme Court of North Caro lina tbia weak decided that the juror* in a liquor cue had tb* right to •nail and taata the liquid in queetion before the court la order to decide whether It wai intoxicating or aat Now watch the ruah to th* court hooia* In North Can/lina by patriotic eltison* echo will bo willing to aarra their country alnce tbla new privilege la given to jarora n tb* liquor cut*. Tha 8aprume Court aaye: "It war for the jury to decide whether It wae intoxicating liquor anti It waa par mi** Ible for thorn to uae their aeru* of tavtc and caaell la pgaatng upon the quaatton. They warn not ruatzictcd to tha teatianony of the c IS can who acquired the information upon which they baaed the opinion by the acme "" "I - method." ^ Now aecoi din gto the Hup trine •■•••.■it ih* off--• i* will not bars ul: of :1m; tides th^.ua^U rig to do ‘.-I mi!- r u, 1*4 Cm :at*x:.«‘.i.v .-pta.i Cr **f the li-oo *. ufnc tjd other on. 2***|V • l:<»t JU»V to _tl.l Ob.-t x.. J, raislt got bill oar const*. hOKN SMUNT MU IS BURNED IN UTIGY ll'i-sta. o, March I - -John Spraa* Hill, Koatth DittricI Highway Com m:*Con*r. wmi hanged and burned la vOtgy at Hillsboro this afternoon by ■boat three hundred enraged real ileal* of Oraagc ’ oennty, who took that way of showing their dissatis faction over bit failure to follow their «r'»*ce In the routing of the central b'ghway thorngh Orange county, the "lynching*' look place wh*n tswint 17 tnd 22 pttecd at HBaboro and the rariooa pamengen (aw tha crowd taka the straw effigy, placard "John Bprunt Hill.'’ gtrlng It and apply tha lords. FALL OF BABYLON TO BE SHOWN AY WHITE WAY Pl»jr»*T» who hare boon privilcg al to mo D. W. Griffith’* great ipec lac'.ea, “Tho Birth of a Nation" and “Heart* of tho World," will be ia torated In tho nnaeaseoaont that hi* recent eoloiuJ production, "The Fill »f Babylon,” ha* jwt bean accural for a opeclal Wnwwnt at tbe Whit* Way. From all account* the magnitude of Ihi* *ppcr-«p*ctaclo U tho most stag string and startling achievement Hr. Griffith ha* thus far brought into being, with mors than 120,000 men and woman la oaa aeen* of aplendor that ahowa at) tho eolor, Ilf* and a> bondonment of hacehanalion tout. The east of playort, too, la typical of -■ m .jilIi -i-u i-..i O.-Xth company, inciting »ueh i.csMLihed Favorite* u* Constance .a madgv. Ceoige Fawcett. Mildred *a rl. Ihfri. Charles Chaplin). Tally a.thull, Pauline Stark, Siena Owen, Ale* Rntonu. KaW Bruce, Alfred |> And Klnto L ocoln. A Weed Fnn Dr. C. D. Watson The Dispatch ha* bean requoeted ‘.o publish the following notice, which appeared in a recent laaue of a reli gion* publication. Dr. Watson. the author of the statement u well known to Dunn people. He delivered a aerie* of lectures In the local Tree Will Bap tist church about a year ago and 1* remembered by many of our cities os who win ba Interested In the follow ing: In response to many tnaolries. I will say that I cam* home in Septem- ' ber after ecven moatha of avangolia tafr, all broken down with diabetes. 1 have not yet recovered and unless tkc Lord heals me, It looks as though my earthly work is about finished. I am now acvvnty-anven years old, and hava been preaching for fifty six years; having preached my first sermon lo a school hoove near Con cord, N. H.. In January, IMS, with the thermometer twenty degrees be low aero. I am looking forward to the glori ous coming of Jena, and the totting up of His kingdom on thla earth. The prospect is fall of light, and 1 spend my time in constant prayer for all Cod’* people through the world. I am at home and am able to go to church occasionally. Will all who read this pray for me that God's best may be accomplished In me and for me? Tear brother, G. D. WATSON, 1707 Third Ave., Loe Angeles, Cal. Cwto News - | Mr*. T. T. Lanier and Mrs. L. L. I-evirwon visited friend* at Henson ' hsat Friday. t Mi* Ruby Holland at Raleigh war here a ahort while Thurodoy. J. D. Pope of Dunn spent a few hours FrUlay. Mr. Ut)ly Green of near Lilting- ( ton »n. a business vtiltor here Fri day. V l. Jloe Hamilton of Dunn is visiting h»>- aistcr i.ere, Hra Alton | StewarL I, Mis* Bertha Langdcn of Four Oak* »p* 'l Monday with Mm. M. Keene. E. T>. Langdon and Wade Bo* a! of Bet.son were here Monday on bu<i nett. Mr. and Mr*, f- Lister McKay of j Duu-I spent Sunday with Mr*. Mc Kay’s parenU, Mr. and Mr*. J. M.1; Byt.i. Mies Ethel Morgan of Bor son n ', Vii’tiug 1 datives here th * w»ik. Mr. aoid llr*. T. H. Gdnti ipn: r■ day in Rait'ljt'i. MUl t'.raoe I, u * /nr?t Saturday at ‘ B. F. PaJrish, Mir. f„ R. 8/i| a-.(J *lr* "W. F. Stewart rpe-il Sun lay " with Mr*. B. F I'arfcl.. »n>. i* in Bex K-.rpital. Moran. Tabnudtv Luca* and Will em Woodall of Bcnnoii w.-« vi«i m hero Monday. T I* W littenton a buxmes* .dp to Hu an Tuesday. Mr. and Mn J. W. Bain left Tuea lay to vialt rr'stiver in Johnson •ounty. Mr. snd Mn. Carlos V. Stewsrt ird Yr and Mn. L. 1*. Levinson want :o Raleig-i Monday ni*ht to hear Soars’* Rand. Mr. and Mr* T. O. Rcarley rpent •lordly In Durr. Mrs ]j*ola For’c of near Uuicx " re«k *p«nt Ui* week-end with Mr*. Kelly. Mleae* Eileen Stewart and Mac lohnaon visited Mr*. Fertus Byrd at Level last w«ek. Exide Batteries STUDEBAKER AND DODGE REPAIRING One of BEST EQUIPPED PLANTS in the STATE—handled by BEST WORKMEN -we can get--: SERVICE ALWAYS. Smith & McKhy | f'ttftf tfsttta-*--* —__ _ i_ - | Truitt - Sermons | WIRELESS8 TELEPHONE -- IN --- I Metropolitan - Theatre SATURDAY, SUNDAY and MONDAY I By special arrangement with Radio Telephone pro- I inoters we are able to furnish this service in Dunn for the afternoon services Saturday, Sunday and Monday and the evening services Saturday and Monday afternoon ser mons begin at 3 o’clock; evening sermons at 7:30. Through this arrangement every one in the audience , I can hear the preat preacher just as clearly as if they were sitting near him in Raleigh, where he is preaching some of the most powerful sermons ever delivered. You can hear, too- the music led by Eugene Olive, for mer pastor of First Baptist church here. Admission to Each Service 25 cents I THAT SPRING SUIT IS I WAITING FOR YOU AT THE QUAUTY SHOP All other apparel to match is also here—neckwear, collars, shirts and shoes. Young Men’s Stetson Trousers Hats Just Received J. MILTON TART t Are You Keeping up Your Account? Many people start an account and let it go at that. It'a u good thing to make that start at the Pint Nation al Bank, but unless you keep It up it will make no more abiding impression upon your success than a shadow on a Held of corn. If you bank money while you earn it, you will have money when you can’t — earn it HIE FIRST NATIONAL BAM Dunn, North Carolina . w ■ ■1 ' ■ ■■ —_• I Fertilizers 1 <^V ] ;J; :- Made in Dunn - -: I i J J [ & 1 ■ .. 11 ■ TT J For Farms of this Section «i ► • < ► tt <«* < H ► < •« ► XX < «> EX < N ► XX 1 14 * YX ■< ► No better product than ours can be || found. This has been proved through two years of wonderfully successful use. Buy what you want—then come and see it made. . ! i . ;;! < i , t 4 _ ' 11 ~ ' "" The Seminole Phosphate i COMPANY Dunn. North Carolina , 4 * i • > r « ] -

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