I ■ TUT ; 1 jnJLfl ‘ ■■ - DUMW.KO.ra ||g RADIO TELEPHONE IS DEMONSTRATED HERE LAST NIGHT Buiria* Ntiu SoftMtiv* Of Early Ediaoa Pbooograph m Initial Trial OPERATOR PROMISES BETTER SERVICE TONIGHT Baena of Trassbla At Broad, coating Station in Raleigh Local Instrument Unable To Pick Up Traott Sarmoo— Expact Perfect C—wtkx Tonight. Although uintahi of the early dayi of the Edison phonograph srfth it. attendant "buaainete" tha radio telephone, installed ia Mctropslrten Theatre yesterday attracted the gen uine interest of more than 800 per sons who visited the theatre last night to hear a sermon delivered by Dr Trust* in the Raleigh Auditorium, and little dlaratiafaction was occas ioned when the operator announced h's Inability to get la connection with thq Raleigh broadcasting station and announced that be would pick up a musical Concert being staged in Pittsburgh, Pa. It developed that the Instrument erne not attuned to the Pittsburgh rare, but the music vu eodible, nee ertheleea. However, the notea were extremely ecretehy end anditor* were compelled to etraln their ear* to catch them. No time hat beta given the oper ator te adjuet hie instrument before the time came for receiving the sor BM>n which the Raleigh elation wee , to have started tending through the air. Ha could not begin theve adjust mente until then and whom after forty-Hve mlnntea of eflhrt. ha waa unable to pick up any at the sermon, be caacladod that Radaigh wag aat •T)Mrih* concert wae die to MT •tttt of too overture of tbo eoaoert '«• hoard distinctly. bat the grating Mbt Imaifuiad to each a ■■*»* that • largo pan of the sadlenca toft for homo whan it M announced that • oil who hold ticket* woaM bo permit tod to omi tonight’, demonstration without charg*. Tonifbt it it ajrpaettd that tha la otrtimefit win be adjntsd properly and in tune with dhe Raleigh station. If ^ the station will receive the Tru •tt rermon, which will h^ia pmgit ly at 740 o'clock. Thaoo who bald tickets last night adn bo admitted free. Other, will be charged H coals. Doors win opan at T o'clock aad ev erybody *b* dottiee to hoar tha eer ie on is relocated to com* aad bo seated Wore 740. ' The wire leas telephone to Dm moot remarkable of all recent InvoaUeoe. Through it* agency the 1st man voice —or any «t%r mmni—do carried through mace for hnndmdi of mtlea snd hoard no dearly aa If the pormn ■peeking were in the voom trtth the bearer. DUKE DOCTOR HAS GONE TO CHICAGO Dr. Holt Doha. Much ^d_Dr. W. P. »>H left Saturday night far Chicago ta attend tha annual meeting af the . Redaration af National Boat* af Mad leal Examiners. Thta eongrma la hatd under tha aoapieat af tha Oan» e>* aa Medical Education Bad Bam pttala and tha Connell an Health and PnhUa Instruction af tha Amerkna Medical Aaaadatian of Madleal CM lag**- *• Fadmtioa of State MaA eal Boar* af the Waited Stadea and tM America* Caafhranea aa Hm pita) Baraka. . Dr. Balt attended tMa congram a mar ago B«^haa want ta tha Maya allnka at Barhamer. Mjaa. Ha «rfl prntoMy atuad *fc «9tml« again, ft jta inflated that h* win b« ysna abaci tan daya ar more. He was aoacaapan lad aa thla trip k Dr. W. I Baarhla af Ealaigli aad Dr. E. ». *. af Marahaad City Mia. UKU ftaaktai haa rnatgaai her paaltiaa aa *•*•* tha Oak Hoy BaafMaL Bha kft Wa**^ far har hama at Marlbel. Nlai rn. trim haa baan aoun'Mad wtth.tfc he**) far alaa —■** Aflat' ra making at haaaa fee a *nt whfl. .. Ml* wfU antar Bax B»D*I k Ba Mgh Aa kha ayalal «***“«• EUSTIS LIMEQUAT PROVES GOOD SUBSTITUTE FOE LIME With Iks uncertainty in ths pro duction of lime* in Florida, dm* to tko senoitivonem of tko plants U cold, a now citrus variety, known as Iks limequat, U cesLng Into pronrinenee, and is being listed by severs 1 nur srriM. The limequat was produced bp H» United States Department elf Agricoltara in the course of various experiments m hybrid citrus fruits. It was obtained by clearing the West India lime with the kumquat orange. The hybrids possess tha hardy char acteristic! of the kumqaat, end while not as reeietaBt to citrus eaaker as the still hardier konquet, it is eetio ,'actory In raoManso, and aaa be rec ommended, especially for bams gar dens. The trait Is very mock like the lime in quality and Saver, and can be used in “ade** drinks in the same -ray as lime. This quality Is especially desirable In Florida, as California caoni art not obtainable, owing to luarsntins restrictions against the disease “brown rot." Sicily lemons »re expensive and difficult to get, so .hat s good acid citrus la a scarcity *or ade making. Moreover, the rind of the liaequnt, like that of the kua I cat, is edible, se that the whole ,*ralt may be utilised. The color la '■gbt yqlW. rvtemMing that of the grapefruit. Budding experiments on different locks are in progress, mad the preo at Indications are that the limequat will strive on any of tha etocka com wealy used—except Ike soar orange, like Ike lime. If planted Imp and sounded with toil, tha limequat bad wfll strike its own roots, tttos siapb rpfog the stock question. ODD FELLOWS PUT ON DEGREE WORK Ninety Cteifchi hutted At CtltlnSw Hold la , I FayatteviOa ',wn^ddwkik»iteh «, — Bsben Odd-Follows with th* rank of past WCTWwMiiS<h» tnei at a dagraa demonstration hah Mr* today and tonight for tha asv mth district of this Stats. Two has hed and dgtSy-aU delegates hnd -arvdidatss attoadsd tho demonstra tion sad wars gaaoto of tho local Odd Fellows at a banquet held la tha FaysttsviBe Independent Light Infantry armory tonight. Tha Grand Lodge was prasldod ov sr by Graaduastar L. W. Haora, of Wilmington, who was aaalatod hi tha impressive work of that body by De puty Grand Maator, W. R. Copped**, of Roeklagham, Grand Soeratory J. D. Barry, of Raleigh, and Assistant Grand Bsc rat ary, 8. M. Crouch, of AahovIlW. Past Grand Master* of tho State Lodge who wore present ware; Dr. L. B. MaBraysr. of Sanitorhma. »md W. D. Caster, af this city. Those on whom tha Grand I»dga degree ware conferred at the after noon session ware H. A. Jones, of Clinton; W. 8. Doom, J. A. Lora and Boyle Defat*, af Rod Springs; C. B. Cast, J. B. Wilson, W. T. Havana, Jr-, L- J. Early, C. R Baa* W. H. Rns ktB and E. W. Pickett, of Fayette villa. -' mini WTO WH parformad Vy tha dayrae team of Croak Ladta. No. 4, Fayatto *nia, whila tha fint and aacood da W—* wara pat oa ky tha team od Entorpriaa Lad*a, No. 44, WlUon. and tha thin* dayraa axampHftod ky a Umm from Clinton Lodpa, No. 1*4. Tha dwnonatratian haid today la o*a of a aaataa kaia* kald to IMa BtoM. Aarirtaat Grand Eaeratory Cmaek hah treated practically an Wa tha a far tha foar .ortho to train, is* taama for thaaa dnrnmatmUona, sad hia work waa amply ropmJd by *ha aaoeaaa of todaya aaant. Tha Grand Lad*o officer ora planning « darraa daiaooatrtoloa at Hickory Hank Id 21. I, dadarln* that ho wanted to mo s Eahakah hod*a orpaalaad in Fmy attarlOa, Omnd Baorotary Barry at tha banqnat tonl*kt took-- to call nttotrtion W *a fart that ■ North Oarataa waaMn, HatUa Boad WhMakar. •» HandaraaaaOU. now boada tha Bahahak aaaamMioa of tha worW. | - raw emit votes fob te* »*™ r V | IBM amaaSmart M *• Vadanm .HltoMan ky a •* 11 *» 4. Thraa x d M 1 TOTAL TAXES IN COUNTY $290,235 AUDITOR SHOWS Bride* Expeaxe io 1920 Wh CIom to $24,000, Ho Stjrt NEARLY TWO-THIRDS FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS V—rof-School Tax U 91*7, 970 Am* Spmiol U 999,969 —Sheriff Charged With 949, 994 for 0—5 Co—ty cod 994.&S2 for Spociol Rood Tax. ■r D. f. HcO*uM, CoutT A»4hir. The county tax for 1811 X M f«l •vw# . For general county purpose*— On *11,7*7,6*8 property at lie, 4*04*144. far Bridgoa— Ob mmt property at 4e, *11478. 06. 'or Bond Fund— On tame property at Is, *4.761, it. Jar Pauper Fond— Oa 4666 poll* at SOe. 6S.1BB.S*. •• Making a total far county—*4*, 4*4.71. TUl fund la dldboruad by the County Comarimioaers and U the *tfy*fand they have control of. Al owing that four-4ftha af tki< will M collected, they will bare 'about <40,00* net to meet «U axpeaau of he county—bridgea alone coating ho county 616477.66 in 1*20. The :e*aty to regal red to keep up ell -ridge*, end the road dtotietj are mttlng the county to an eaoiaoai rxpanee in hoflding and repairing bridge*. Whatker thia expenee la naceaaary ar iai, I do not my, hot I know If each dlatrict had <« build ■ad repair iu awn bridges, the eort reold aot ba a*1 gnat TAa laM km net leant Mam af taxes • for schools, and i* m follows: Oa *11,6*6441 proparty at SOe, tiaa iai a<L On does. 11.94* 00 I Total for general Bounty sehook, 11*7470.0*. Ttoaa who will compote tha above fond* cm the amount of property at the gives ratae will find their cakn latlen* will maka a (man amount wore than the tax given The Sheriff ’a charged with the amount given me, which U obtained by adding the tax charged to each individual tax payer, and on nearly every one there U a fraction of a cent that la diaro garded, and the difference fat the tddition and eakulatiea choen the “»o«nt of the fractions loot. ■Charging *0 per cent against this fh»d far Ineolventa, etc., leave* ever *100,000 net. This echoed fund U entirely at the dbpeari of the Board of BdaeetSon ■ad the county saperin tarn dost, and '* now hept aeparate fresW the eanaty fend, la addition to tha above amount tht school fond reeetvee all flam and forfelturea whtta the county fvnds pay all court oeeto. 1«« .tato alee aap rlement this amount. The sheriff is changed with Ihe 10*1 tax, aa follows: Incomes for kale-* 140*40 General school tax.1*7470.0* General county tax. 40,004.71 Special school tax.. M.M0.10 Special read tax- *440*4* Making a total of-L4f*»4tt4* MAJUUACU Tfa foUowtar tMiriac* Ucaaaae W*» been bmJ by Uto Refactor of Deed*! Loon t. Huycr cad Ruth Mb. Oeo. B. Thereto* aad Lane' 8iH«. A. L. Jatm«Da and Cor* F. Adam*. * N McDonald cad Sarah M. H*u> Uto*. B B. Weed* cad Annie Taylor. 3. L McKay and Orcce Byrd. Rennie Stance** and Tola Mai* tb awe. \ A. W. Fnqnay and HMui Alice W. R. M. Mritli4i and feaOy a Wart. JM* Btewart aad Manaia Mata A*>art Oraman and BdMh Manta* , Charter Martin and Actnlc Otark. W. R lobnctm aad Leak Obrr. •farad Ocayball and Makn.lle 1*W» Rmcby feraaa and Stalk Beane*. 3. H. Balky aad Garre* L. Ocnpldl SUacy T. Maoary and Matter Bl* Hal*. Crrrrn Baartl and Mil Mooney cyenl Satarday aad Sunday k Bn* ’ **•<* .«• *r. Iowa aetertalMaont k tba aadNarkan fatarde,.*tt . > of elaborate te Raleigh wook. March *. g 4. the tell tale rvidaneo of pi ia galelgh and practicing ia caught the eye. Window snickered. Homebody had And while Balalgh print not even italic, the iokt W the Merchants Association.. , Bot this little policy. It is urged, should aat terrace te the ralwae whl ' of Ral eigh have advantage of fori ago. At Uaa *i »»<TJ ■teU fee* p«i4 Hm Cc—iil of • wiihU ■> pointed by auto, '•Maty or maalHpal ourt oro not twMo. Ha aaowalo 'on* of eo iro taxable by o Mato or | sot of tho mMo of tho lalatdao of Federal •mployeoa, ioddht thooa of I •Itorlao and tho Diotriet of ti* oAJnt to ton- ba lariat and fan mid by tho United Btato* to Ho am boaaadon, mtaioter* or ooawala aoaro dHod to foro%n eoeatprtaa or by i Qniwnnt to UnHtd State. ■pant by them far aMalihy la aot'dadwetlhla. Vaoo paid • jaior by Income, lifcawiw tha f«aa milwi by a referee, traatao or toaohror, oodar the National Baakroptcy Aat Tba («» racahrad by a Badary pablie eaao ■tcatcoad by tha Diotriet of Oalf bia ara taxable. * Inqoirfm mdwl 'odiaate tba fan peimfan In tba mfafa of many pon ton* that aU wheat taneban ara age ■opt from poymoat of tho la same tfx. Toaabam ara not mil booaaoa dtcagod la adawMaiial work. Aa a ralo tha aalerioa padd pobH* aehooi taaehora ara exempt, bat aalp for tho raama that fay fa waylay*** of a •lata or political nfadiviaiao Uni of. Tba apodal mawttiaa of |lfM allowed trader Mi roaenna aet af by tha nr«M a* af lttl. *»MWn »ad aaQara ar* allra.f only da «• tan«aM groat tnftrldaaU. ft, MO If da*a, ar *nM ad aal 'Way wMb baabaaf 04 wtfa, II^W If ■arrlal ul briny att wlfa m baabaai ad tea a* laaaaM far 1MI waa M.OM ar kaa, and |«.000 II marriad and brtdy wtte wlfa af ban band and tba a* laaaaM waa a*n Uaa M.OM Tha lad fay It ban laaaaa Ik baa fa af tea DaOaf ftetaTcabaata. of taOaraaf' Botomm la T.hafk Maadi I Mb. 10ft. Wby wad aatf *a la* MtarnM adt ha akbjact to pan aMy ar tafkfdM M ladMfaal aaryaMdaa ar yOttaaMUp who tell ta waka ao* (*an dal ba UabU a »d*a*ty af a* an. thaa 11,000. GENTRY AND NASH GET CONTRACT FOR SCHOOL BUILDING aad I Awarded TOTAL COST MORE THAN BOARD WANTED TO RAY I Wart opoa Dana* wr - whoa l bedding to bo tho MatwagOl Grove itte at the routkem «ad of Magnolia Avenao wfll ha Aorta* within Am aoat month. Gantry aa* Naab, of rmyotUvflla, hawa bow awarded the contract for all conjunction except tba lotto Ua t!oa of phwblag aad Ml aad MUor boro bom swarded tho contract for tho piamMag, which laetadoa Wo Total cart of tho rtrnctara wfll bo MT.TIT. Obotry aad Mart wfll gat MM*1 of tbit aad Ml aad MJDor t Mt it m kW m fa r mm fa* Timhn of Bwi bM. 1%« foOmrtas ml oatate tnitdra bra bom rifiHil by Pmllw «l Dttd< Faaeatte: B W. Lm to Jora%oa w4 Otoyr. lot la Dh*. MAM. Jotte B. Lm to B. W. Loo, lot ta Daaa, MAM. L. D. Clayton to O. J. Baton. M mtm la ■••ton Cart, f It aad oOtor W. A. WBHonwo to lapl WD> li^paMa, • oofm la Orra, fa Ira W. T Utter to Kbula L. Mnr, tot la Doan. MM. C. W. Joan to Mlaato L. Pwkor, B. X Donates to A. B. Godwin, tot la Don, MAM. e B. Mum to W. ■. Poltord, I mm la Mmk Bar, M U A. Tart to W. P. WQUtord, lot la Dona, |1AM aad Mfcor ooaddw a N. Warn to J. D. Byrd.'M mtm , to Jllhnteo fwoMly. I1JII. | Mmn, II am taOMMr ; ar. Irtl. I W. U PWfcftaa to Laaaaa Ua. 191 , am la Afawtow, 9149*. , n. Malay Bataan, aaai.I.K,,,, la J. J. Wtakarty. 19 1-9 am h Black Btoar, 9999. MMfcaa MaMhaaa to J. B. Mat tkma, 9 aaraa la Btaak Maw, 91490. | L. M. Mam to Mapta Byr4. 41 aaraa to UBtoftoa tomato* 9409. 1 J. (A 041Wt to Ba4a OOfcart, T 1-1 aaraa to Saatora Onto, 9919. W. R Ofapry to W. B. PaltorA. I ana to Btoto B> *ai, 999. ' X 0, Laytoa to M. 0. Btopfcaaa, 91 ■m la lily tomtal* 9194 > X A. 1 toallii a to Fmato M. Wyai 199 aaaaa to Btotk Btaar, 9H(. a TOP PRICES FOR TA1E tram U toto ba Ui:«a cotta taaa.” A littia light b thrown oh tha qoaatlaa that has aataettmes baah <*isad aa ta whathar this dUfaraaea mi raaBy dua ta lack af quality. or aa aaaaa wart bciinad to haBaaa, to aa aajwt aaaMaaal dbailariaaHaa Oa Janaary SN. HaHfas fbht, lac. Scotland Nack, walghad aat af toair paaaut Saida, ,4$ has* af papa brad Pasaa Jaraay kaga af Jaiy far row At that tbto they walghad MTt panda, aad, aa tho paba af a*y paa aat fad hoga was thaw C ami thaaa U band, which trmpb IM pawada, wara worth SMS4W. They wera pwt mi a (aad af earn »nd tan kaga and agab walghad faty •aa daya btor. Xabroary Xtrd. aba thajr walghad P.flX panada. an arat aga af tM pawada. On Taasday, Fahraaiy XPth. (hag wara ddppii toJHdwiaA Fa, ba ■MM* Wt Hm Una end Mr. B M. Lav*. •< the DlrMsa if Masks*. 0* March 1st the Manta* toto by the OSes sf r* Mhf at (SfcaW) -Law* * Taghla " New, as yet ws has* aet the net ktehssent weight W Uses begs, bht Fhnvt SI, the teat weight wa have st bead. mai their grrtoal . at Meh nend will take ears ef toriakage, aa4 farther, aeeenalag that they afl to eeaeMeri reb. ta. e.na ih*.»».M-4i.u» rah. as, M<« ks.«iiLn4Mtut In. a ,4Jtt lhe.#g I.ggj$ UIH Geln, *,1«; ahWII, *4.7*; to imu, IllUt; an imerceea to rales UnMieTMteraat oTZ **£*£ th* e«e* «f swine eateaelea to ee m mi 11111 nun.. niiininrirn iiirtiiiinrri'iii'ib'iii' * I * Am *“*SS r tfci SSli m a rffcto Hg||| ■ ** b/ j. j|p I ggf * mm k 7 *• fftri k"lSk»

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