* t » 4 ♦ ♦ # * •LOCAL* «*- + *« Mr. and Mn. H. O. Pop*, of Clay Ion. agent Sunday her* with rela tives. Mr*. W. II. Stalling* and aao, of ‘ Fayetteville, visited relative* ban this week. Mias Alder Mae Not-rta of South River High ae'nooj, U the gueit of Mr*. B. Hager tblx week. Mr. and Mr*. Herbert McKay at tended th« attraction nt the Lafay ette theatre in Fayetteville laat night. Carolina Monumental Work* !■ the latest addition to tb* indoatrial Ilf* of Dunn. K. C. Kdgcrton, expert mar ble man, 1* the owner and will per sonally manage th* buxine**. Tbo T. E. L. Class of tha First Baptist Sunday school sniR hav* their regular monthly boadner* meeting with Mr*. J. L. Hatcher, Thuruday night March 18th nt 7:30 o’clock. Every member ia urged to be prex •at. Th* Dupatch is requested to an nounce that there will be a re-unloa of tha family of Lovett Warren, Sr., at bis home In Westbrooks township, Sampson county, Saturday. March 20th. AH relatives era Invited to at tend. Mrs. Fleming, who was gsriously ill at her home at Young’s Hotel for several wicks, is gradually improving In a Fayetteville Hospital, where aba was taken several days ago. At one time theie was slight hope entertain 'd for her recovery, but hit condition now justifies hop* for complete re covery. Mias Bridge, county demonstrator, will be at the Woman’s Club rooms in Dunn Wedaeaday for tha parpose of assist lag those members who wish Instractiun In making drees forma. She will arrive at 10 o'clock Wednes day morning and will remain during ti e dny. Sit# will have with her ma terial for the farme to more thorough ly demonstrate tho work. Those who sro interested in this work ara urged to be present. A special sale ef extra high quality s Kim mum war* will tales plec# at I. W. Draughon's store Tuesday, March 21st. Tho sale will last ana day only during which time hundred) of pieces ef alumieumwarr, ranging In price from 1 to 08 cents, will be eold. The sale will begin at nine o’clock Tuesday morning. Be there early and get your choice. Watch for descriptive ad in tha Friday edition ef The Die patch. A namber of Doha people viaitad 8u relay night. He reeldacted the mast remarkable evangelistic meeting, , perhaps, Rsleigh has ever witnessed, and was heard by approximately 50. 000 people. Ha ie probably the mo it Popular orator la the United State, and the Doan people who heard him were deeply Impressed with his preaching and hie personality. tha local merchant* have re ceived a large assortment of their spring and summer merchandise which are being displayed. A varied line ha. bean selected and local boy ax are finding what they want right here In l>unn. The prices are right and the style, the latest and oar nor* I chants ata entitled to year consider ation when you get ready to make year purctaa.cs. Buy ,n Dunn and help thorn who help yog and are your j friends All dimhled local ex-service men ace argeiAly requested to attend the let N. C. Annual State Convention of the disabled American veteran, of the world war, to be held In Charlotte March 24-26- The masting w,H be held for the purpose of perfecting the State organisation, electing dele gate. to attend tbo National Conven tion at San Fraacioeo, June 2«th to noth, and electing 8t»ta officer, for currant year. >U»Y prominent speak ers wm b« prate**- If f" t* attend sand yo«r »“« and addrem to Chainaaa Z. B- Thornburg, Char lotte, M. C. Maroli Monow. «“**" •* »•! Wblu Way Theatro. la making ar raagoaiOBta to entertain largo crowd* Monday and T\i«*d»y of ,qrt whan he will proaoOi 7*®* 1 (ora* man of th* ApeoalpF** *l *• local play bouso. Two b« glTon at 1:10 o’clock la th* alter noon, and tbor* win al*o b* two right proa*station* of thia mar»ol»»» P“‘ tor*. Thla aama pletora waa p«oo«b *d at FayctUriU* and Ralrigh • '•* month* ago, whan tb* adwlaaioa waa about doubt* what th* local m*nag»r will charge, and Dana people ar* for tanaU U ha** an opportunity ta **• ft at Mich a roaaonablo price. Th* Little Bhrer Amoelotional *- Y r. V. will moot at B-to** Creak *• th* afternoon of Sunday, March 11th promptly at 1*0 o’eteek. OOcert for the year win be e looted, the A meet*. t!#n diotrieted, and other Important mature will *o*n* before th* meeting. An tat*rooting program ho* bean er rangad and a large atUadaac* U c« poeUd. The aomoa of Sobort U Don ning. Caapor & Warren, Fmy Mar ian and Mite Sent* Naylor, all popa lar Dunn peoplo, appear ** tb* pro gram. The principal talk win be mad* by Dr. LirfageU* Jehaaon. Tb* aer ate* will be mod* a* brief a* p***%t* m that tho#* who coom from a nd Jeff, hav0 joined hands again la i new stage version of their lattst -xplolts. The now piece is called,: Mutt and Jeff in Chinatown,” and •rill be the attraction at La Fayette rhoatro, Fayetteville, Wednesday •Ight, March 16th Bud Fisher's fa l ’nous comics have entertained mil on*- They have become an American attitudes. Wo might say i n terns .lonal, for right non* they arc laugh ing over their numerous a.it’ct in he wilds of Borneo. At any rata ' England sj-d Franco have taken ths lojiuUr pair to their Ntarto. Ths ilay is in two acts and fix scents, ilia action Is rife and spirited from •tart lo finish and one ie air used md thrilled from curtain to curtain. )t courts. Mutt and Jaff quarrel, with off, naturally getting the wont of t. But Jeff comet out first beet In his instance. The company employed il a capable one. Good and catchy j nuuk alto prevails Jlaotion MM ■!ght be made anew the girl*. They are good looking, poomsa clam and de noi* than merely wear expensive and gorgeous gowns Mum Wad Jeff in Chinatown” The play hit of the ms eon and etyl -d a* on, of the beat ami fannieat ef :b« Mali aid Jeff eerie* i« underlined il the next attraction at the LaFay etu theatre, Fayetteville, Wedoeeday March lUh. Tbi* offering bean thr title of “Matt and Jeff in Chinatown” aad ie « two act* and tlx acenoe. Betide* . bevy of exceptionally pretty young roman, thc company contalna a aum '>«r of rapable cu mediant who know he valaa of getting the laughs arrow ‘•he footlights. Matt and Jeff, as we >li have their squabble*, quarrels aad pats, just how It all cornea out and tow th* famous comics patch up their -rlevanret must needs be withhold. iuHco to say, it Is all dose ia the plrlt of fua, aad thc world naturally "* all the happier for it. The play Is o two acts and sis aevnos. UDCE LANDIS STOPS FOB ASHEVILLE VISIT Aabevllloi March Id—Judge X. I. t.andie, Oaseball commissioner »r ived In Aihrvillc this morning and rill leave tomorrow for the first lap >t hit visit to spring training ramps tugusta, Ga., will be Utc first atop f th* commUaioasr of organised *—rngmam-j. .ls i nut 'ea buteball end Jacksonville. Tampa and Leesburg. Fla.’ w»] be visited epos the initial swing at Southern tea la ta* tenteia Judge Landis stated ta night be wilt return ta AabeVlile dur ing the latter part af April for a short vacation. The Ssate* CUn, H>r i “Tbe Senior Clan. Play” of the Dunu Ilig'u eclieel wiu be presented at the Metropolitan Opera Moose Pri de* evening March 17th. The play. “Valley Farm" in a rrwsdy la foar acts, aad it roquirsa about two boor* time to peasant a. The pries of nd MI Mien is H and 60 cents. Tha play U being directed by Prof, aad Mm. B. D. Bunn aad Miss Hen derson. The play is promote* ^ ^ elans is showing up fin* In roboar sais. Coaaa oat and enjoy your boys and girls ia o real wholesome nlae It is sne of Arthur Lewis fabb’s COW CHOW—THAT WONDER FUL DAIRY PSED For tee bensdlt of those who don’t lines what Cow Cfaone will do for ytar eow I will allow you taro dollars and ten cento per hundred fee your rotten seed meal when y>hanged tot Cow Chow. AU I aah of yon is jost in try owe bag and ba thoroughly onrinred there is nothing on ‘hr mr-.ihet today that will produce socb emits for the money Invested. Try s bag and be convinced. Sold in checkerboard bags only by I. 1*. 8UKLJC& - n i ^*~Ucw^iCT-as^ be* cumcdiM tad he fire* you the Ktaee of the farm and city life, with a centra* at each. Your boy* and !«IHa ace pnoeeciag the play. The j pioceeJc will be for Uw acfcoei. Left chow ear apyiwciatioa. The Macenic orcbeeCra will enter tain yon andl the play begiaa, alio botweaa acta. Tha hear U t o’clock. » ♦ ♦ * ♦ e ~ BUSINESS LOCAL * ► * * * * e w I : FOR RENT.—MX ROOM DWELL-1 WANTED TO TEADI-M ACRES of lead. • cleared, far bwOdiaej - I WANTED.—OLD U. 1. AMI CQCiJ LOOK rOft ADVERTISEMENT •“* w«ek telling p*o af lew ape prtrn n groceries. Bine it, redaction pet. Look! Dana FadVge Houae, H. M . Pitt—a. Manager. hatching ecoi non fmzz birds Anconai, White Leghorn aad Rhodr Island Rada 11.75 per Id «gga prepaid. >8.00 per baa* drad an*- Writ# me pear wants Mfaa Lucrrtla Parker, Dakc, N. C. 8 ttc. LOOK FOR ADVERTISEMENT *•** weak telling peu ef low ape elal prices aa groeeriee. Biggest redaction pat. Look I Dann Package Hanaa, H. M . Pittman, Manager. WANTED—SUN OK WOMEN TO Jake order* far geaoiae gnatnntaed keeierp.ffr man. woman and chil dran. felwiaatcs darning. #40.00 a weak Wlthae, #1.80 an hear •pare Urns. Experience nan area 'fOr-, International Stock lag Mills. Nam bio wi, Pa. MISS SMITH ts NOW IN POSITION ta mm prints within 86 bam after fllau are left at her stadia. A locked hex will be feand at the door af tka atadia la whfch fthne map be dropped. QUEEN’S BLEND COFFEE ■ -U .a pw panad. Freesana* Cash Qra wXmtesu—robwa man- “ -i 1 i i at anee. Golden Grata . N C. 18 # te. ..* * DR. B. r, BUTLER * * nrMu » * H. C. * * . •] Toledo Scales i c „ I For Grocery Stores. Markets.] Factories Liberal Term Payments' Wm. B PARKER Goldsboro, N. C. [ Real Merit Describes very accurately the new things we are daily receiving in men’s, women’s, hoys’, girls and children’s clothing, slippers, dry goods, millinery, etc., for Spring and Summer. Naturally, thoughtful people want the proper style with right service and full comfort, all of which ve offer for less mon ey. In this way we will gladly render valu able service to all who care to save money if •>'ou trffde in the Yellow Front Store. Our bargains are great and many, bfft will not last* and we warmly invite all whqfovant _ belter beroain* for less money to c*at TWBmwnBT re* yamermr ^ ' ^ —' Ycurs for big money saving, in the Vellow Front Store. ' l I — R. G. TAYLOR Co. Dunn, N. C., March 14, 1922. ___ . — . ---i IN SPRING PLANTING > You will need many new plows, harrows, planters, distributors and other implements. No where in the State will you find a better line than here. PRICES ARE RIGHT • , i * • - ■ ■ - / ' I The Barnes & Holliday co. • • • • • The Barnes and Holliday Company ^ UNDERTAKERS mad EMBALMERS I Day Phone 11 Night Phone 70 J S /* CONDENSED STATEMENT OF FIRST NATIONAL BANK, DC MM, Rf. Close of business March 10th. IMS RESOUBCBB Loans and Discount#--$600,106.12 federal Reserve Stock- 2.100.00 Bonds- 42.020.00 V‘2* Building and Furn Hurt_ 63.126.66 o per cent Rademptien Fand „_ 2,000.00 Carh on hand and due fron bunks_166.8SS.Tl $266,626.40 LIABILITIES Capital Stock* ——-2 20.660.00 Surplus and Undivided ProJta_ 24,124.06 Cireulajioe .. ..- 40,000.60 Deferred Credit Federal Reserve Banka.. 13,6*0.96 Rediscounts: Federal Reaer.e Banks-21t.lS6.Tl Advance War Finance Corporation_ 86,600.06 *>«*•*■. 429,725.62 » 3369,626.40 _ OFFICERS >. 8 COOPIB. Prwsi4a.it_1. V. DBAUGHON, "t 'Triflut H. ». TAYLOR. Cstor..t L. POT. isUnt DIRECTORS J. W. Drsautoa, Harris Wade. was. A. Hairy, J. Usyg Ws4a, XSU O.HstUa. Thao. K. Caspar. P. R Coapar SPRING! ***—————————————mgMM————p—gHligmMmHgggggdgiteg You need now Garden and Farm Implements to till iho oi!; Faint tad Varnish to brighten up the home; now Furniture for the Porch and Lawn; new Fence for the pas ture; new Records for the Phonograph and new Rolls for the player piano. You need these and lots of other things to become thoroughly in tune with the spirit of the seoson. * YOU CAN FIND ALL OF THEM AT ■