Bill by Mar. it Out All Who I ime. LEGAL ADVERTISING - •»**•» Load Cadar aad by vtrtaa af a Bgaotel *•»«* Uyehareh at sJa> Caart af ”*•*» tafty. *—a bateg We. UM •n the Special Frecaadlag. Docket of toU taut, aad tbe order attained »*. <* Uw lSFdap rf'ltwk Mta. at UM •'clock, aooa. oa Mm p*y»>» *■ Aagter. North Catalan 2?<2 Z&S.'tSSSiin nuad by aartgage er dead at treat aa tba land* hereinafter ^ . Uu following deaerteed tenets a* late •f bad ia to* town af Aagter, Norik Carolina: rUtSTTEACT: Id lb. I b Block “B" ia tbo tewa af Aagter. bwiaaiag at Chart* Adams' coiner af lat Me. 7 aa Dana Btraot aad tea* m bie lm. af lat Na. T 4L M 14 W. IN feat ta hit conwr oa the al ay; tbaa aa allay & B 14 W. M that to too ceraor af lat Na. Si tbaa a* KaeoftetNe.ta.S4 14 K.14C fjot to tb« corner aa Damn Street: then as at* street Norik • 14 B- SO feat to too begtaning, contain, -t T.1M equal a fttt SECOND TKACT: Let Na. S la Bterk “S“ la tbe Iowa of Aagter. Hogiaalag at a stake la allay aoath* wcat earner of let Na. • aad aaetb w«et earner af lat Me. IS la Black MC*' aad saas 8. St 14 B. 148 faat *>»•*•bo aa Daaa Meat, tbaa N. f 14 K. SS faat ta a stake on Daaa Streep eoathcaat comer of let Na * fa Black “B~; tbaa N. St 14 W. 14S feet ta a Make oa allay, toe toatbeeut earner of lot No. S; thee with aaH alloy s. I 14 W. fate to the beginning, eentateiag T4M faat. The above two late Jala and there ie located oa thaaa loti a good SaaB Mart lots ware said oa Fib. ikh. ins. aad thio sale ia mode ea fer order of rooate, too Md baaing bean raiaad S par eeat. Os Md new Wy S141S.SIT Tine, of sola—Soteuday. March IB. Ittt, at UM O'clock'll. Place af sate—Oa yrnalm, la An gler. N. C. Tcrme of cnee Moraadbar 1, II A. McLBOi), C alseloaer. signed traetee w&r>ett at’oablk one-l tlai ta the highest bidder at Mia1 Oart Haaa* dao- ia the tan af lJUingtoo aa March SStb. ISSt, at It o’clock BL, the faUswiag hast <d tract af bdi: waaaMiaMmMMaM Vtnt Tract: Mwlm at • Mnh *o the H. teak « Cap* tear llnr • term a It chain. la a staaa mhnt tteasa X. as da tmi W. about I chain* ta a stake end aotnten; tbsacs X. • larat C. tt cteiaa to a wtoa; tteasslT tt X Tt teals* aad N Maks to a pine etaaspi tteasa X. M W. abateIt steins to tte old raraer with Hickory aad pie* painter*, J. A. Vinson's eecwor: tisari with raid J. A. Vla sea's lira rwehi lb* read South It dogrooo V. steins to aa ssk on tte bank ef Caps Vera Rhrtr; tksec* deers tte add teak tt chains ta tte tegiosUag, aad is 1M sane, more or Soeoad Tract: legtes'sg at the Mouth el Bpriag Breach, running tteiM* aa Mill Crate T eel** to ■ staaa ea to* west bate of MOl Crate just Wiser tte Great Veils; ttence n. it dcgrase X lit pels* to e stoat aad painters ie & X Bradley's Jbts; tteaca X. « !•« W. It petes to a atoe* eetd Bradley's center; ttence X. tt W. tt 14 poles to a stone thence X. U digress W. 48 14 poles to a state endpo inter* said Bradley's comer in B. HI Lanier's Ilea; thence X 40 14 dsgreec W. « 14 poise to * stake eathe Milt Bond, asidla nloe’s comer in X M. BWhard’c Baa; tteasa a* X M. Blanchard's One cleng aeid Mill Bead lOt pole* t* a tolas pile nad pointen; ttence X 41 14 depose W. ZP poles to a rate; tteweeS. tt 14 dransoo W. ft poles to a staaa oa tte Bpriag ■mate; tkaaas doom the mrioua eoarsoa of tte aato* ta tte beginning, containing sixty two asms and 59 polos and includes tte Mill gin. ate. Ikk Vebnsary ttth. 19**. V. RANSOM SANDERS, Trustee Vab It Mar T 14 tl. NORTH CAROLINA la 1W lialw Carl Harnett Canty. R. t. LAWRBNCB nKYCOIMa AMP BttA^OOINB to Sj’otJstill inS MaaT*10* dir**t*d Coart id HareotTcoonty ia thsahwre «atitled action. I wOl ea Maaday the Ini day ef Ay HI IMS at IS o'clock X., at the coait koaee doer of Har ts ett Ceaoty, Lflliayten. N. O. sell Mb^Lurexerotioa’Ll ttorijh*tSu# sod latoroet which the sold Dor Goins aad Mo Coins hM ia the fooewtaR One let af land M feet by IS feat tktt^wjkS^R by^the hidirf b«iif mm tfiiiit BnRWUr to SToip adthe otaae ef DusaTN C. This the STtC day af rebrnry IMS. J. W. McARTAN. Sheriff. RebU Harsh T Id II. NORTH CAROLNA. So The Reporter Cowet. Harnett Coonty. 5^mmmmm———mmm STEP1TEN8 HOWASO CO., « H*U, Pal* Under taMtha G. W. TAXT. By tItUm mt as execution directed to me the undersigned troat tho Su itor Coart of Harnett county in Mm •etta“ 1 wiJ1 M M«« *»d May of April His at 11 »» tha court houaa door in Lillmgton, N. C., toll to the highest ^•rMfoc «»»h *> “thfy mid execs “t? A1*1* at* a»d Internet fold 0. W, Tart hat in the ■ oliowiny described lands to wit: i„ *•!<»»*■* »* ‘.Stake hi Sawyer* Ua* aad ran* da* Sonth 11 chains to a stake in Blaylock's Una; thence north 11 tea 18.80 to a d o. w^d treo; thence north 1 8-4 West 14.14 choias; thence north IT rast «ha>ns to the beginning containing *® l~f aero* non or leas. 11*1 * **** ^ February, , . __ {, W; JkABTAN. Sheriff, fob 28 March T 14 II. Netiee of Solo By virtu# of s Decree of sale issu ed by tho Superior Ceurl of Harnett on the 14th day of February, 1181. in the special proceedings an litlsd "Lixae Weed. Admrx. ofJ. F. eM— IT"' iVood, deceased. Iithit Leelic How ell Wood, and Min," tlw unde reign ed CanunxicMi appointed In aald Dwroo will on Monday, the 3rd day of April 1PX2, Nil at public taction Lo the bidder, for eaeh at the Courthoooe Door la LilHagton. North Carolina, tho following deecribed Unde, to-wit: Beginningon (ho aouth edge of tho road m the Madera right of way line of the A. C. L. railroad at Gainey*i or C-bbiJ ctowing, u being a comer •f a tract J. F. Wood told T- T.. Ger ald. and rune ae that Una and tho •old right of way Une 8. 38 3-4 W. 54-40 chain* to another roniar of ■aid tract In J. P. Wood', original lino: thence aa add original line S. 74 3-4 W. 1.37 chain* to the woatam right of way line of the A. C. L. rail road and a corner of tha tract J. F. Wood beaght of M. J. MoKay; thence aa that Una aa* eaid right of way lint 8. 88 3-4 W. peering the comer end with the Uae of the tract J. F. Wood bought ad Alonso Finish *«. 83 to a comer of the laid Alonso Par rich tract in eaid right of way lina; thonco a* another Uae of raid tract N. 84 3-4 W. 13.10 ehelne to another comer of eaid tract; thence as another lino of eaid tract N. 10 1-4 E. t8.t£ chain* t* another corner of raid tract; thonco aa on other toe of raid tract mmaasax 1 eg ——— 8. 84 1-8 K. 25.40 chain* to a (take and pointer*. formerly a poet oak, a corner of the 31. J. McKay tract aad the original Wood comar; thence ae the original Wood line N. 81 1-4 R. 84 chain* to a comer ef Ike J. W. Gregory timet; thence as the Une of that tract N. 75 W. 17 chains to an other corner «f raid tract on the run of Flack Hirer; thence op the run of Black Hirer u it meanJert paaaing Uia upper comer of the Gregory tract and upper comer of the W. B. Joae* tract to tho upper comer of th* Tan tract a total tiiitanca of about SO chain*; thence a* the line of the For ney Tart tract paaaing hi* comer with th* T. H. William* tract N. 88 S-4 K. S3.60 chain* to a fence poet, formerly a post oak, T. It. Wilfcam* and P. J. Jeffrey's line 8. 48 1-8 W. paaaing the T. H. William* corner at 28.40 chains, total distance 20.80 chain* to a comer of 8-4 of an aero T. 8. Jones sold J. F. Wood In the western right of way line of the A. C. I., railroad; thence as laid right of way line S. 83 8-4 W. 5.05 chains to another comer of said tract In the right of way line; thence S. 81 1-2 E crossing tho railroad and along a lino of 3-4 acre J. P. Wood told T. Pr Jones 8.48 chain* to another comer of said tract; tl'otue ns Wood and Jones Une 8. 17 1-2 E. 10.92 chains to tholr comer in tha public road; thence aa the road S. 4ft W. I* chain*. 8. *5 3-4 W. 13.07 chain* and N. 27 1-2 W. 11.28 chain* to tha beginning, containing 868 acre*, more or lea*. The rucccsafui bidder will be re quired ta deposit ten per cent of hi* bid oa»h, balance yf ihc amount to bo paid when rale L' confirmed by tl.a Coart. 'ibi« the 27th day of Feb.-uary, IMt. C. C. V/AltUKN, Commlirinnor. Fib 28 Marc It T 14 21. j| Filing Equipmentj Including Filing Cabinets of Wood and ; Steel — also Safes, , Shelving Efficiency j Desks, etc. We carry a complete line of of- j rice supplies, including Books fo rany book ! keeping System. Our representative will be in Dunn every ; v.eek—wait for him. v» O < •> _■ ; •4 2 | Fayetteville Office Supply Co. r. M. KWot, Manager • N. C. | Premiums with Horsfords SELF-RAISING BREAD PREPARATION Th* purest, most wholesome, economi cal sad satisfactory self raising flour Is reads by mising Horsford’s with year favorite floor. You also care maasy by exchanging the Red Label* e^eady^wchago for valuable FREE IPadhl LUtafrwturn«<H»— rT»»farlt«<l«Wl»f»— HwftmlH p»diMc»i I sg?8^ Prif Urt FREE ,, ,. I PROVEN Long Staple Seed PROVEN Plant Seed Only That can be Proven before I ■ Your Eyes • / i • • • • . The people of North Carolina were robbed of three h undred million dollars in 1920 through worthless buying on misrepresentation without facts of proof. Isn't it high time we learn to demand proof of value from the salesman who would take our money, and stop advertising ourselves as wishing to be humbugged? 400 bales of cotton—samples of which you are invited to inspect—ginned from the very seed I am offering for tale, is guaranteed to staple as follows: I . 2$ balm 1 3-8 inch staple 79 balm 1 5-16 inch staple 231 balm 1 1-4 inch staple 64 balm 13-16 inch staple 400 bales total- averaging better than I 1-4 inch staple through.. This 400 bales of cotton represents whole crops, including first and last pickings, and was grown in 1921, a year recognized by all cotton authorities as an off year in length of staple with all varieties. — The above record of stapling on my cotton was not made by me but by expert staplers employed by the larg est syndicate of staple cotton manufacturers in the South who are bidding to buy the cotton on this classification. Now again, whom do you think should be the better authority on seed for you planting, the man who has studied the propoaition, experimented and proved it, or the one who tells you something thethe cannot prove with visible facts and is in the business with no interest but that which he can personally get out of it? Answer this ques tion each person for himself alone and in this way only will you be wise. It is nearly planting time and I have only a limited q uantity of seed left. Every farmer should plant at least a part of his crop this year in long staple. MY SEED ARE PURE; Improved to a higher type than when 1 first be gan planting them; recleaned and acclimated to this section. They are the best you can get for your money: 1 say this with authority and without fear of successful contradiction. A SEED THAT GUARANTEES SUCCESS $2.00 per bu. - 50 bu. or more $1.75 per bu. • * • * • i r B. 0. Townsend Dunn, N. C.

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