_ THE VOLUME Vlll. DUNN, NORTH mmmmmmm———— — ~__ GOLDEN RULE IN BUSINESS URGE! Organization Started To Pn mot* Bettor Commer cial Relation* Kansas City, Mo., March 13. - With ti«r object u> practice “tha Go den Rule In *11 commercial relation between ourselves end all men,” th Biiaihos Men's Christian Unity j oiganiaing on a national scale, ao now Has brunches in nearly twant large ciiiea With no dues or a.rcessment*, an the bond ef me rfcerihip the eccepl ance of n business creed that "w are banded together lo help one ana titer in all ways, but especially t itiillt tliat God is the aource at al our piospcrity and that wc must, ii the end all demonstrate Hi* laws Si our affairs," the scop* of the also elation la declared to bc “the com mcrc'al relation* of the whole world.' “Loving reivicc mail be thr k*. note of our commercial ambition •athcr than pcrronal gain," says sh preamble o' the orgaaitation, whicl has as.-uciation* in New York, Cbica gu, Philadelphia, llalthnorc, Washing tne, Rt. Uiii, Spokanr, Lincoln, Nab Yulao and Pnwhnsks, Okla.; Omaha Sioux City. Seatrle, Lo* Angeles Oakland, Denver and Kansas City Others art forming Spreads t* Other Cities Conceived as an organisation a Christian binitials men in one city too idea sponsored by the origins naaiciation spread to other cities, an til now the movement baa bccomi naUun wide, and is being orgsniaei on an extunsive scale. Tile departments adopted by thi Kansas City aaaociatiaa, which an aimilar to those ured in other cities follow; "The object ef this association ahal be to practice th# Coidea Role ir business. Cod's fundamental laws a taught and demonstrated by Jean Christ shall be the foundation aai rule of action of this association. “TVs primal sled and object shat - be to search opt gad apply the lawi of God ia all 'commercial relation* be the coeasriexclal relations of Us whole world, to the end that unlfonr piospeilty, efficiency, equity, honesty justice, an I *n?j dealing shall be ex t.v,lished L-v;ryr.her« and in every •e'atlon uf life. ‘‘Laving re:vice shall lx the key not: of our com l.rclal intiHisn letaer than personal gal::, "W: are bs.-.dcd together to hell one another in all ways, but ejpc ■ liiiiy to realise that God is the corn of all ou.* prosperity anJ lh.r w< must in Che end. all de.r.ousl'ata hk laws In our aiTai rs. Follow Golden Rale “AH members agree to make thi Golden UuU: 'Do unto others a< yoi . would have them do unto you,' fan dsmer.lai in their icialioa with ua< nr.other, and Will all people. “The teaching of Jesus as give: in the New Testament, and as rweai ed by the Spliit of Truth pro.n sei by Jesus, ‘When he, the Spirit o Truth, Is come, he shall guide yoi Into all the truth.’ shall b* our guid ing light. “In all meetings of this asiociattoi a thalx shall be reserved Ur Jesu. Christ. The unseen guest, wham w< acknowledge to be the directive hex of our work “In all eases where the rul* of ac Uon la in doubt, tke aatte.- shal bo submitted In prayer to the Hoi] Sp’rit with the centre! though ‘What would Jesus del" News reports have previously ear ried aunocacemowt* that the A. Natl Manufacturing Company, of Cl.xln nati and the Ametlcan Cast Iron Pip Company, of Atlanta, had adsptw the Golden Rule and the teaching* o w Christ as the guiding rule it their bw*ine« dcal'nf, with othei commercial fcoti«e< and «dt!i tho'.r ora ployev and had «* gal ton* of lot* alia] beast arerj cs.i'ia ertod- The gp»:ato*r nutfti. TV c’t7 of fee V/n'e hoi ben 'atract* V*d at :b* "flub of Mr.hJ tlm" .n 3.tail. Arno g the iiar.d a» *e PC'* pleat* erected wltb Cob le very rrenny are the »♦» Centri on tbo mmm. land th* fit* yo»r (bo sood wore brought ttom llartavtllc, 8. C. Of th* 400 baits Mr. Townwwc perronully produced 176 baler on 16t Seta*. The balance was grown o: fa.mi under hli supervision. Recent ly this cotton eras yradod by licensee gicdors In. the em.ilo; of manufact awxs who have stale bids on the cot to.i. There were 3fi* bales grading -boro 1 1-4 Inches and only 64 bale, ^•xdlng below. According to tbe grad t-rs tae entire lot graclrd: 28 bale 1 3-8, 7® bales 1 6-16, 231 bales ! 1-4, and 64 bales 1 8-16. The late* bid gotten by Tewpsen< would have netted him about 76 pc cart above the short staple marks at that time. Mr. Townsend says that banofan ’ s'e.-w have told him that the staph cotton shipped from Dunn and tha . avppod from Hartwille, 8. C., is th. very bctl that comes from the Caro llnaa. CRADY ENTERS RACE IN SIXTH DISTRICT Kinston, Ma*ch 16.—Tit* nnnoun ecmert of H*nr7 A. Grady, protein ent Sampson county lawyer, for th sixth district judgeship was made her i today. Grady is one of rthn announc ■ cil and prospective candidates. Know ; to have announced formally arc Gee Ward, of WaHsea; Henry Faison, n Cl nton, and Grady, while Hear i Stephens, of Duplin county, sad 0* ■ O. Moore, of Klnvtoa, art regard* : *< la tbe race by thatr friends hurt ! Moor* wHl make known hi* intentlo f ( hu docldea U run within the nes i few days. Moor*, an ex-service man, la th • ; our rest of the candidates, wit TVSl>d aad A--1 a I S SI _ — ——— »<•«/ r*«0, end Stephens in the Sorly M's e ,*. *T* ue *t»‘s»0 M* eeil have bl| fol'ewen. Wert) end Faison hare u I rdventage ever the others la aa rarlj Herd, P. Jsfca.^ D«4 t Heidy P. John eon, |j years old, l . pt'toaa tenser and cotton gin op 1 ir***r IT, ^ • *•* nUoe east oi ■ P’*'’"' Wednesday atorntng • • s* ho",' *fl4r M llUesa of severe l sroafc* Panotal sarrtea, sear* eon l dented yesterday •fte.naMn twi rlB • U:-»eiit »m* made „ a^y Qrov k thank, Mr. Johns** was one 0; the moe ra^tfh> as.t sf his locality and aril hr aUsotl hy kls wktow and severs n child non. h- - *■ ~— i — i- lls.iry 0. 8h*B, director ot th h Daan Bead and proprietor of u, U Centre Orocery. who hae boss vor • s'.sk a» hie aportatent 1„ th* Shrl BolUIng is rapidly raroveitag an hopes to rotor* to bwdneas this wtol CONTRACTS PASS j| 30 MILLION MARK ; BM, RmM mi *7 MiW O, I Ro*d Yulirdajr Aggro- ' (•!• *1,12S,2M Highway construction to Nortl ! Carolina since road bail ding begat | :a oar nest under the Bickctt adatinio trallon throa year* ago poaood th« I 'hirty mil'ion dollar mark yesterday 1 when bide opened for ten yeojoeu, involving 87 mi lee ef road is ax oi : .he nine construction district,. One hundred ar.d tw> nty-oix bidJ I were submitted for the tea projects ; Prices ranged at about the tame lev ■ cJ* that bavo been maintained at pru ! viour lettmga this year, with slight 1 ruduct'.ena in some instance*. More , than two bondrrd eontrmctoia attend ed the letting. Low bid, on the ton project* ag gregated 91.126,266.43. ApproXima , *ly 390 mile* of now construction l have been let to contract since Janu 1 ary 18, when the Highway Cemalo we.it at Qarer.var Cameron Morrlaon. Dr. II. W. Chaw, praaldeot Unirar i -jty af North Carolina and otfeera. i- 1ko P»M>oee ef tha organiMUen f ;f 1H* *Ufto group, Mr. Riddle itatea t are “to hrlag about a great kaowV J *<*»-' u< »>*Har appreciation af our h State'* roaoorcaa, predaci. and op i- loilualilaai to lyrtimotoaDy adrur a t'K aar Btala, eomani'iitine, yreducta, roarer# and epportaaltlca to our it ten pew?’* nnd ta the world at larga I thieogh n »on*hi, magwalno. making tl i J lUTtlnylng mot on picture*, coa Ijfi’ng adroit Vo* trotand ether -effiatbl ti> aiteauragea North Carr a' wlana ta deaaand, pnicha*# and tit# a j ** irth Carolina 1‘redueU} U brb* I, nla the etate dcalrahl. peiwon« ta li erh* In anr atete development" d It la hoped by the namnbam ta por t irt thla argaalaaWon without delay. • INTEREST IN M.tWiaU ' do. I j Southern the connect.on taroet on nt which denomination tien to the movement will a payment on hit The “World which It DOW woa inaugurated. Method lata to fer overdue according to rpetial effort direction on “World ium, wbo.t iio.tr will ho •huieh LhodiaC During l) Sunday" a ho made to to nary U n lectio of k! daj N. R*> in Uu la noon blown off Mir r “LISTEN TO A HIT Thaatre-foar* *A* an* alert to ay yicciato merit i» • mimical mom mill quickly nett* *hy Le Comte eml Plotter'* nttr nliei to——. "L'rUn to Me," •—>>•)* to the U Payctt* Tbaotra, Fumtorina, Friday .'Ekt. March IT, **• ooeeamtai from *• #5mr*lto ladoptad ■T>t oj the fart •** “Liotoa to Mo” Carrie* an axcattlf company of ar tittlc cart aoppofUd by a youthful choroa tbnt eaa d—ca and ainc. — ouqulalt* dicytay df aaaaia rylondor marveiem imltt forgo* u» eoa lumaa, and an tt—rMof fantaaUe xa'fcy that Ik it*** of aeaolaal gam* it a thcnu of cffttnal adwlrall**. “LHtioo to ko’* boa bm leaded troadeaal by a*. H*m km adored U rptciKiilu o **«*•*. etherr hM •rtmrod tbo lavBb array at ncury tod eoatnme*. o*W* highly praising tbo east aad chon*. *hla May barn bt-4 thrown twee eoataay orer tbo !»-•: utifol faateftk W*»y, hot oil have wo r hipped the to" of othorlal mu *loil pools. 1 Those who exjdf uifctie grwdear ia lit Its raptors **n rktak to (Heir dll whoa ' UiUi to Mo" with ill Its Taigeaasneee aiV be pin seated n this -*y Former fwillid Woodrow WUooa ht« Joined feieos wbh Bo.voter T7Q>> •ai C Borah, Bapnblietn Tireeaa rttVe ” I* defeat ratffkatlaa of lb* i feaeiewt- Tarifi treaty dovired by t !h* tree it WaAWCtoa aran eatfer* i pare. Wllroa bat **fcttn lomter Bo rah. outlining hi* roam* for hollar ing tho treaty to bo “aa Wgakoai al - I ease of the ortog." • . - ‘ #v • I * . i «lsiw _ ifwm ' — SIMMONS TAKES _;t s By Thaodofo TiBer ia Daily Neva Wotaiagton, Hanoi 1«. ? .M. Steueoas ia propnrtac to tha floor ad the senate a f ar' “teen ia North Carolina over post offlca appeiatnanta. (t waa learaod today that flaantnr Stamons i> aow coflortiay dau an (bo variant ranliamaiaa and aeon intend* te brine ta tha attention at the corehiteiae body tha alleged tna salaritiaa ia ~fy"*-tosmta la tbU connection Mr. ffianama wdl not act aeldy alone pnrttaa Hnee. Certain of tha yl-wep «riB ba klota from Tar Hto Bepnblieaaa who foal that they htera boon djaariwiaeUd aeaiaal and ham appaaltd te a ~ winratli aao ater after —Uniting. no they data. Iha aourcaa of appad withla their •wa party. faadlne poatrtka noatretoisie* at Maadnwd dtp, Beta.rife. Ota. Hickory, Ban—ary and Wmdeaboro which taro hears diaenaaad ia p ceiooa f>patchaa to tha Daily Kawj tram ta Wadtiagton bnreea, art an the '•Ut which Senator Stamen* intend* ■o praaart ta tha aanate. Tha eaapiatet at the water North fatten aanator will not Ha prfanar Ty agdaat tha Cad that the BepdhH U the chart • tat a Jib. A hr Ser.ator Lm 8. Omni with crtain apeelflc remit* retard in* th« af Paal Scfcnaek aa taaMaat anwlwtaaaa af th* Gafldferd Battle Traaad amocIatW Senator Owaua recard* tha 80 lacemeat «2 Hr. Scheack aa a piece t “.mall poHtiee." He aa tafeawed he KCTtUfy ef war, John W. Weeks, *tei it wu find aagpaalid «ha« Mr. ' heact retire, baaaaee aa the war apartment larftrmcd Senator Over “»i the Republican nrfaliatlon la he Plate decked U pat la Mr. Mam tea hall aa a aaeeaaaar to Mr. Scheaek. Scatter Overman aajra that arMhla th. aear Mar* ha wH brine the Guilford hettleproand Matter ta tha ttteatlea af Me mate. Ho doe* act apect to overturn the appointment ** a aaeeaaaar to Mr. Sr brack, bat he eapeeu to aa, thfa a* IttoaUatWe ef tha aheohrte determination ef the Republican eeraaisatiaa ef th* atato to pall eat Democrat, t. favor of Ropahtkaaa, aa mattar what map ho jhe pecuniary Importance of th* job Involved. DEPUTY SHOT BY DRUMEN FARMER ' FtrctUrilk, "March 14.—Deputy ■hart* 3. T. XcOy wm that and painfully wended early tbit amhy by Jehu Babar, a farmer, at tba lab Wa borne eight mOee north of tkie - ty. where the ofleer had been railed by Baker'* family. A leleyheae mee received by Burtf N. B. Me 'teeehy about I o'clock la tba man ay declared that Babar «m drunk rad raleluy a dMuiWaee. Tab lay Deputy KaDy with him. the Atari# treat aut to Bober** burnt, between thin city aad Medea, whore they found that tba drunken emn, earned with a ibotyun, bad rw bt ale*er ate tbe left of a harm. Ae tbe lam > Alter* a;yroa«bed Babar ran hot 'umed a-d fired, wen din* Kelly fa* Ike knee Tbe «u» wne leaded with bird that and the weuad la wot ten dered danyerooa Babar ear eyed after the dieotln* but a larye pome baa baea marcMa* { ter b!m Anna early tide ataftay. The wounded deputy ww breuabt bark to th >e city aad canted to the Hlyhemlth beepltal, where H waa Mat ed that be waa ea#urta* roe Adorable fftfoo Baker baa tba tuyaUUaa af batay a paacaable alUaaa wbaa eeber bwt la a danyeruee am wbaa druak. M la ■Id, a preelWity Mat baa yottea kka late traabla beferu • ! COW YI1LOI PROFIT or «TM IN OMR YEAR Mattes article, in The N.w. « d Obiervcr (boat la* cow. » < eh-cheae, G. B. Powell, of i »1 Seath Penan (treat, re the paper of what tea haa | aceempUahad la ttete Mae- He haa ' a aaw that from Jaauary I, I *MU to Jtaw7 8, 1MB. saw 10.78* peso da of ml* aad ! Mf 1-1 poaada af bstorfat. The aaUk aaM Car 8*87.80. The coat of feed was 8188.8*. Jcwr in* a polt af 1758. Hr. Pwwel ; | taj* the «aw caall ha made to 1 , yield even a hotter letwm. Me I alto he* thirty heat that laid 448 ' doaoo eggs Ja aboot atom 1 CHICAGO SUFFERS $15,000000FRE 1 Cbe**», El.. March U—A *n Ibmdhr oariy woroiep Ere tadaydo rfcwyod a fall trim mi bedaaai 'julldlnpc Jut eetaida TTilaagn'r lacy •r dowiiUwa dirtrict, with a laaa a# tlaatad at 'na $10. OOP ,*00 ta $1$. •00,000. Tha Ere aUrtad la tha cut ter af tka Mack branded by Vaa Ba ra*. Canal aad CliMaa Street*, aad ••fete, bemad evcey eUeataic la that «•. Sarikeyten*iad|n who 'brnaycd the baroinp district stipMfc kwt by fa Whip bricks, bornta* t Im bare ay puis Tha fxt far a IW threat an ad tr ■wocae viitaaBy ••limited prspir t‘on». and awry piece of n» A*ht ta* apparatai within five witloa wmj eaBod oat la a attic# of tan a lari “The rapidiiy wHk which the Are spread area uUadltp,' ■ Hanbo! Buckley, assistant fire chi#', aatd “Tha dim aclaally aoaread ta rat That th# original blase from which tha conflagration gnaw poaaibly tret of ineoodiory adpin, area tha stata ■MM of Shiitay P. Sigh, city fin ah Ur-ey, who oaaty today n nnniii ‘he axTMt of ao laaoaread aaao aa inform adaa reppliod by H. T. Be hi* president of tha Caofaetfenaiy Spa tialty Company, at MI West Jock •on Boolorerd, where the fire start, ad. TmOAWT HVBBAMB GST* HI* OLD JOB BArCS DeiaAaU. CaL, March l»._TVay4 CIotaba«h. c ha of fra-, whoa Harm «* Martaaaaaaar, grand opaea riagsc, •wrriad haraaa* ha ana "100 par coot •aa." and chaa upataMaa trace Mm dHra bnaan Aa 4Ma* want hla ta #A ap far breahfaat, Mr* Ma oww aataaohlh ar a»j*y Jan aaala. he caaaa haawt ysstordsy, Mag Aa arhaal af liMMWi laat •nieyMg hlmaatf. Glatshacb’a dotlaa took hm aa far ■Mold that Ma first ■- r^ilji that hia wtf# dan lad hia rndw a' the aap •ration prahahlj w2l aona haa to d«r’» papers. hired Olif Aarh a tow dr Ira a Mghlaai tads fleet of aa1 aver, that Oletahaeh tha atary of Ma ulumotom Minima