******* 'LOCAL 4 * d«-. anyl Aits. t. L. RiddU an chid ten spent Saturday and Sunda in F iyottrv.lle with friends. A. R. Wilson, who is now Jn th drug business at Selma, way here U ■'.ay to visit relative*. Miss Blanche Cromartie, o CteenviUe. ia hrtc to visit Mr. nm Mrs. R. L. Cromartio. She is H slate o‘ Mr. Cromartie. Mm. C. B. Ptrriy, nf dslms, span i's. jrilay and Bo-td-ay tore *i a gate ,n tha hoatt «: Di and Mi*. Charle !l'it:hm»ith. J. F. Motley, tobacco warehouse man, was birr today nil route fron Benson, whore he conducted a wore I omc 1»K year until it was hornet '■i:iy in the snasvn. to his horns noai Kti<iun> Springs. An old time fiddler's conventioi will be held at Shady Grove school house Saturday night, March 18th This was scheduled to be held two weeks ago, but was postponed on ac count uf die rainy weather. A large crowd Is expected to bo present to morrow night. Members of Chleora Chapter, Uni ted Dauahlor* uf the Confederacy, Ird by Mm. McD. Holliday, president of the chapter, spent yesterday at Fayetteville with the gueete of thr Confederate Women'! Horae. The Dunn visitor* carried banket dinners, fruits and other refreshments. Hannibal L. Godwin, former con irrrvaaan, now one of Dunn'i leading lawyers, will teach the Divine Street Vtdrjr Bible Class next Sunday morning. Mr. Godwin has been a mrmbnr of the elaar alnte It* organi zation more than ^thirty year* ago and has never been ahaent from any of da eeseione except when he was away from Dunn. Noill Green, proprietor of Green'i Buick Service 'Station, Is suffaring from a fractured ar*. The injury was sustained revend days ago while Mr. U;«en wa* at work in his shops. Hr was working on a car when some one stopped on the started of another tar which was in gear. R« wrist wai caught between the two cam. The fracture ia knitting nicely now, however. Alex Wood, a paralytic who is fa miliar ttgurr on the street* of Dunn, Mige.-vd painful cate about the face Wedaeuday afternoon whan ha full to the pavement in Board Street while trying to walk to hia buggy from vuy’s ba.ber shop. He wa* uncon scious for aoveial minutes, but ap peared to bo but slightly injured af »*“"■***-data wounds were treated by Diu mmwat p.TB*«n, w i * i ■ you got it? IU all over the schools, they say About every fourth kM has contracted it and it is not Improbable that ill will get it before the term is out. If ynu* child develops symp tom*. keep him at home. The polite name for it U, according to latest pronunciation, "ex-om-a.'’ When wa were kids no polite folks hail it, but then 'twas known by a shorter anti uglier name. Joe B. Swa.n, who played so large e part in organising the North Cero 1 na Cotton drawers Cooperative Aa • ocigf'.on, will preach in the Chriatian Church next Sandsy morning. Mu. Swain was for sovaral yuan a min ister o' the Christian Church and waa pastor of a large church in IMUa tmrgn for nix years. Ho la a man of wonderful force and a preacher of unusual eloquence. A cordial invite ..on to hear him ia extended to the . public. ucnury iim .xuan, contractors who rrc to build (he trtmnir school build ing her*, »r« arranging to hare ma terial shipped to Dunn immediately and are hoping to begin actual con struction of the building within a fow joys. Tho structure is to' cost nearly $70,000 and le to be completed by the middle of port September under the terms of tbo contract. Qoatry and Nash bare the contract for all of the construction except the plumbing and steam fitting, which wM awarded to Bell and XiHor, a local plumbing con cern. r. K. Daeis, an engineer (it the employ of tbo Carolina Power and Light Company, has practical)* com plied purchases of right-of-way for tho company's lines between Dunn and Benson and expects actual con struction to bo elarted within the next fow days The company hopes to tabo over tho operation of- the local sys tem by tbo middle of April, iw con tract with U»e town coll* for ser-rire here within ninety days from tbo data of tho election through which tho contract wae ratified by tbe rot era. The town It fo receive $48,000 for tho electric system and electric cur rent umrn arn to be permitted a large saving In bills for current on ilor the contract. HBBa9BBr9BBHB«B *' *«»*•> tU» Any friend* of Mr. ani t Mr*. Floyd Barefoot, war# delightful r J> e«te>talned but Saturday nigt, W‘tb u fruit -upper at tha home ol Mr. u«j Mm. J. 1). Horton, a feu *: n:-eu rad of Dunn, .die* Susan Lai I *n* win dot of a box of ban boat bj .''■aricr tho prettiest basket of frail » nought to the * upper. *j Became of the inability of Fran) Steadman and J. R. Carpenter t< r t reach Dunn Monday night tha build II in* and loan project wa* not under' • ' taken by tha diroctoi* of the Cham ■ bar of Commerce la tha ragulai : I monthly mroOag held at that tig*. ; Ma.'.tr*. Steadman and Carpenter eXi i ! pact to come to Dunn seine time early i next weak, however, and then some real progress will be made on tha ; ;<Ira. Pcaice'* Bakery recently ha* pur I chaaed a Dodge auto truck through | Smith and McKay to deliver it* bread and other product* to merchant* in ; Bui*'* Creek, Llblagton, Coat*. An [ giar, Duke, Benson and other sur minding town* The Bakery ha* bull: l up a large palroaagu In near-by j town* whoa* people hare learned to I approrlate the purity of the product* . and th* cxceHenee of the bakery’* • -aivica. Jim Byrd, merchant, of Bonnier oi, 1 and chairman of the Coanty Board | >f CommiMionen, k in town today. | Many establishments ar* offernig >. inei for those who ar* to enter the j difle.-eat educational contest* to he held when the county ichool rally la ! -taged at LilHngton March 85. AH th* schools of tbe county ar* ta take tart in (hie rally. Pnofaaeor B. P. Gentry, county superintendent, was ■> yesterday making arrangements for the rally Mn. McD. Holliday, president of j he local chapter of th* United i Oaudjhter* of th* Confederacy, re 1 quests the Dispatch to state that the fuur State Scholarships gi*r~t by th* orgurfixation for next year are still | c;>*a. AH of thes, sre for the North I Carolina College for Women at '(tree .sboro except on*.'or young men it A anil K. Collage, Baleigh. Appli xtion bUcki will be mailed to any vung men and women who arc In '.—seed and wJI apply to Mn. Peter ; Gorreli, 409 Wcit Fifth 8lre*t, Win | >ton-8alem, N. C. Application* moat be in befor* April i. Tk. .IVe.tu Btkl. f'l_ _m g is I Ilngton. Benson and Selma are plan- I nlng to visit the Divine Street Claas , M early dates, or as soon as plane far I .heir entertainment can be arranged. | They art anxious to get some of that j .aspiration which has made of the I ocal class one ef the loaders in North ! Caroline, tinder the leadership of D. I H. Hoed, who hya bean iti teacher for more than I'j year*, the clam has State and many other teach one want to bring their rlasers hen to see how A is do.ie. The average attendance at the weekly sesronr of the clew now eve ages nearly 100. Tha triangular debates among the , '.ugh schools of the State will be bald 1 Friday evening, March It. The query ! for dieouesioo this year it: Resolved, : "That the United 8tate* Should Eater the League of Netlono." Tho Dunn High School is in a triangular with I Sanford and Smith field. Tha debaters for ths Durui High School sre: Affir mative, Bruce Cromartie and Luctte Ayeock; negative, Uascom Parker and Emil/ Newberry, All affirmative teams remain at bona. Bmlthfteld* negative team will coma to Dunn and Dunn's negative team will go to San ford. The public Is cordially invited to bear the debate here between • Dunn and Bmlthflcld. Mr. R. C King Telle . Woaderful Stevy A Wat Rate. Rend H ‘•For months my place was alive with rule. Losing chickens, sags, feed. Friead told me to try RAT-1 SNAP. I did. Somewhat diaappn'.ited at first not seeing many dead raw.! but in a few days didn't see a livo one. What ware not killed are no* | around my placo. RAT-SNAP sure, does the trick." Three sixes, *6c, OSe, fl tt- Sold and guaranteed by But ler Brothers, Hood und Grantham, Wlleoa sad Lee. I j man, of fine Ch rift mu character am »“ *»vod by a great host of friend* She woo a daughter of die late Samp Mfl M. Jaokaoa of Harnett county and w»« bom near Dvina in )Ut Sb. wm wrddod to Mr. Ilodyej In too* | 84o la ourvived by her biubaad two MGa and two daughter* Th< daughter* are Mi* Ida Godwin ant Riat An trie Hodge* The teat art Sampjon and Cart. Five deter* and three brother* at*o aurvlva bar. They are Mr*. Baphronia Barefoot. Bn Verne Lawler, af Pctrrabary; Rufat MUIatd and June Jaekaon, of Duma. NEGRO ACTOR RRFUSES TO RIOR IN "JIM CROW CAR AND GETS OFF THE TRAIN Wincheotcr. Pa., Ranh 16.—Rath* - r than ride io tlio "Jm Crow" com j partisan! af a Pcnnaytvanla railroad I train from th, ctato to thru city, : Chirk* 8. Gilpin, negro actor, and j hi* troupe quit th* train at Clears • brook, Va., and made the root af th* trip to WinchcMer by aotowwbtl*. ■ When th* conduator told Gilpin th* , Virglaia IUU requirement* in rw gard to negro paaiigin a heated armnaeat la aadd to have followed which retailed hi gome quotation! from Preoidrnt Harding’* e*prewed 1 I I , | eomp«M7 fJ-ORE8TOH I SHAMPOO | ♦ ♦ ♦ ' ♦ * 7 ♦ BUSINESS LOCAL ir IT’S TH* ITCH, WE HAV* TM* r—Wr H««l A YOU HAVE T1UED THI n«» I17 tk» k«t. Roo^ Tin* a«to«y. 1* _ » - WANTED TO TEAOE.—M ACHEJ r ot load, t iW far Midi* i IfHi oatMd* leva HmMj. Be. I. 0. Wfflaaa. Dana* N. C. 14 M* IF rr* THE ITCH. WE HAVE THI rwaad*. Haad A OrartMa. Me uwt POA THE BED MAN 0* Um curb. That U 4b* Haad Tin deal— tign. A la In treat at E. V Oalaajr'a IT tfe irm Ttfx itch, ws have t» I rowed*. Haad A Ofsatfcaw. It*. IQUEEN*! ALAND COFFEE—4Ss*». per posed Fraaaaaaa* Cadi Gro eanr. ItXe. KODAK FINISHING. — HIM Earth la saw In aortlaa ta ratals print* within *4 hear* altar file** art left at her Modi*. A lath ad be* will ha ftuad at tha dear at the Medio In which fthaa tear ha dropped. lead. IF rrs THE ITCH. WK HAVE THE rawed*. Head A Omotham. Me. NOTICE TO TAXFAYEKS—I VUl he In Dean aa lEatarda*. March IMh, tar Ih* parpen at reoohrin* M,. Job. w. oaad I Mrs. #•<>• Hodgoa, wife of Jaba W. Hadgas. diad Saturday morning I foHowtag an lUnraa of four wrote from typbted favor. Puitrral aarricaa woro hold laaday afternoon la Dl vina Strdst Motbodtag OHarch and wora cos darted by bar pastor, Bav. t. H. Baffatea. assisted by tar. i. U Davis, paster of tba flrw WIU Bap : tlst abareb. Intenment was atari# la J On an wood Camatary la tba praaaaaa I of a largo galbariog of sorrowing ' '/tends and raiaUvaa. , Mrs. Hodgrs was an aacoltent wo HOT WEATHER IS COMING - • FIDDLERS CONVENTION --AT Shady Grove Academy SATURDAY NIGHT, MAR. lgtf, SUPPLEMENTED BY ICE CREAM Old Time Fiddlers, Banjo Pickers And Clog Dancers are invited to enter the contest. CASH PRIZES WILL BE GIVEN $5 CASH PRIZE For VOCAL QUARTET " - Car Load— V * I Hen Feed and Little Chick Feed —and— - ] 7 Ideal Horse and Mule 7eed --JUST RECEIVED 0 “ - — / Offered at the following prices pier 100 pound bags: % ' •• DAR1Y FEED - 12.75 HEN FEED _~ 1 ITT? E CHICK FEED r.l$2J50 HQRSE AND MULE FEED.12.00 •» * Try Oi*r Farcy Porto Rico Molaaaaa 5 Gallon can .for.$3.75 Dunn Package House H.M-PITMAN, Muavr - _ Do You Drink Milk? Cur l ilk It m food iu the belt. If ■eSP"*%r * «nte—then you will become a - Oar dowm are rogietered Jenaya and ■ f!!Z! eaalUrty oarr. with nodern convenience*. ‘ ALL PHONE SI WREN YOU WANT The White Dairy Co. WORTH ftL POPE, Manager For Sale at Bargain Prices j Two. i Jorw i-U>. tuu to A-1 I iVuilama eon a».il, mr. Om KtCox.awk On# 10-rn. Uuetduag wtoe, -braird to* fcuafcel*. On Mont, ho Oco John Doen riding glow. Two i«- a at om farrow. Oaa MJt harrow IS latter, P. and a make, to ,ara plantar. Om Joke Deera^togk row rfdkn . aK)valor gtrctout. Oaa -*9 wachtoa. One bay rakt, atao two i >r differest Urtda of warden, ewttinUn, caitimten and upright ptowa. StaUa. i xtnanUy, will atU at bargaia prices. Haoa looted «y farm tr.ar.rtto teak of Me ewe and han't mm If Sajetet4cf Miy a.' tkm ikoft c+mr u m «w mmi Wt*» m If w* c»a 4u ¥.. .* * ml a rwrm 0 • C«ft> H. C. * 0 0 Toledo Scales For Grocery Stores, Market*. Liberal Term Payments # Wm. B. PARKER Goldsboro. N. C. - -x A. !. PENDERGRASS •uMfttvn, wcsna «•*»« ^ t. «. 1 alao h»w Aim milk tow < id Duse am mj 9%i tor iH Feldmans Department Store | ’•* > ‘‘ .H * % Cjr'?■ t « .. .tk-- - __ • • J..j .. •* - . - - $£&'jbF-v gK/ W^H ■ Ox Offer on 8atariajr, Mar. 18 th, Twenty - Fire loftar" Dresses In Canton Crepe, Mat Crepohr the Season’s Newest States end Styles, Worth i p to $35.00, in on States end No Two Ante. Special for Saturday Only of-. . $15.95 wawsnspBB***i • ' - • / * j ‘* 1 -’ -r1'*’ V'; 4!?^. 53 S Feldmans -Department Store Dunn, North Carolina irs by Using _K' |v—~1— — _

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