THE DUNN _ i VOLUME VIII. _ DUNN. NORTH CAROUNaJiE SCHOOL RALLY IS TO BE HELD THIS WEEK IN COUNTY Program Opens At Lillingtoa Saturday Morning At IOiSO O'clock MANY PRIZES ARE OFFERED STUDENTS MUs Bridge Pinna Dsmonstra tioa of Home Cooking As A Part Of Day's Activities— Si* Judges Are Named—All schools Are To Take A Part. There will bo a countywids school mooting In the Lillingtoa High Hchnol bolldln* on Saturday, Marcs 23th, baginning at 10:30 o'clock. Many features hav. been stressed hi ibo school* this year wh-cb *houid tend to unify the work, and in or der to tec just what has been accom plivhud the contests as listed below have boen planned 'or the meeting There rhould prove interesting to all flieniis in the county who feel that school sct.vitie* have a vital place in any community life. The prises for these contents have been solicited from certain people in the eounly who have shown their In terest in what tbs school* are dolus »’’«* • complete list of tbeie will be published in next week's paper. These prises will be on display and labeled with the information needstl, in the donor's place of business. Any child from tbs grades as out lined who has proven to bo best in the school which he attend*, Is eligi ble U) enter the final contest la Is lington. ‘The contests as planned with the Prl»** offered are as foHowe: Spelling contest—Bent speller from feurth, tttth or sixth grade—60 00 In gold; second best, S2.60 in gold. Spelling contest—Best speller from seventh through high—6.00 in gold; second best, $2.00 In gold. Reading contest—best reader from Reading content—•'Beat reader from fourth through seventh grade—16.00 in gold; second host, 62.60 in gold. Arithmetic contest—Chdd best hi arithmrt'.c Venn fourth through rev vnth gTade—66.00 in gold; seconii best, 62.60 In gold. In addition to the contests. Mis.' Br.dge, the county demonstration agent, has planned a demonstration in cooking which should interest the mothers especially. This U to be held in one of the rooms in the High ■School and will begin at 1040 also Mbs Bridge plans to make this of practical value to all who are inter ested In this art; but hopes to direct ly touch the housewives in the rum! communities- "Samples” of certain delicacies will be served, so be or. hand to “pmv, the pudding.” Thom features will taka place before din ner. While the afternoon win be giv en to the athletic content! as told ■bout in detail in Inst week's issue of th. News. The following judges have betn se lected to decide the winner* in the various athletic events in the after noon : Prof. K. H. Crain, Broadway, N. c. Professor Leslie H. Campbell. Buies Creek. Kim Elisabeth Bridge, Ltllington. Professor Thos. H. Sprinkle, Duke. Mr. H. T. Spears. Islington. Mis. H. Tililnghast, Duh., All KkMb arc rwiMtod to bring their on basket ball* and other equipment to bo uood in th* gam**. Th* winner* in each eonteat will wore five potato, the second three and th* third one. Tbo school total lag the highest namber of pointa will receive the pennant for field day events. The school aeoring tho second bigheat namber of pointa will a Rpaaiding basket ball. The third school a volley ball. 1 The following are th* event* for Fluid Day; 410 yard relay race, hoys over 14 year* at aga. *20 yard dash, boys ever id year* 100 yard dash, beys Iron IS to W Standing bread Jump, boys Iron any grade. Bandog broad jump, boy* free any grade. Hanning high Jump, boys over It ftidrel ball relay, girls ever 11 (team ef ten.) Hanning hud catching. 7th and Stl grade girl*. Bicycle fees, boy* andsr 1». CM* dodge ball. Mb and «t) grade* (teem ef id.) Potato race, with spooa, girls an der IS. Hag relay race, Had and *n grade* (testa ef It.) Hag rainy race, girl* ever 1: (Uam ef 4.) {MILLIONAIRE SPEEDER HAS MORE TROUBLES Ijoha Dedga Will Be AmloM T* ■sorrow For Being Drunk Detroit, March 10. — John Dnva Dodge. millionaire speeder, will lean the Detroit House of correction to tnoiruw morning to face a fresh ae ries of tribulations. Tuesday he will be arraigned 1* Kalamazoo on the charge of driving an autumUbWe while drank. He will later be arraigned on a charge ol illegally transporting liquor. -Mias Kmcline Kwaekcmcek, Grand Rapids Normal school student, whe was eeriously injured whoa she Jump ed from Dodge's automobile Hard 11, after being offered, she aleged, a drink of whiskey, wHl be sufficiently recoveied to oppear against Dodge Young Dodge waa tenUncsd here to serve 'doe days in prison, pay a Bne of 1100, and his driver's Herns, was revoked for one year after he pleaded guilty to speeding la recorder's coo:t last Thursday. He earned -the admiration of the other prisoners Saturday by the vigor with which he shoveled coal, his first prison task. He worked so hard he became ill and had to bo transferred to clerical work. Throughout his or deal Dodge waa cheerful, a to heartily of prison food and did not complain because ho was not pe—an} -gieetal privileges. ' When he leaves the prison he wT be master of a fortune of tt.OOO.OOC circuit court Saturday having admit tad to probate the amended will o! Ms father, the late John P, Dodge permitting ths son to share In the "lata. Under the original will, younr j Dodge was cut off with a monthly j allowance of $160. CHATHAM WANTS spears soucrroB YoM| Li 11 Ln* ton Attorney Re ceinai Overture* From Friend* la District Marshall T. Spear* of LUliajttea, asaddidBaa saa ■■ Heitor of this Judicial district com prising the counties of Chatham. Loo Harnett, Johnston and Wsyns. Mr. Spears has not at yet definitely de cided what course he will taka in tlx matter. Ho has under advisers cat the solicitation of many friends in Chat ham. Lee and Harriott. Hen. Waltor D. Siler none holds the job of solicitor. There has arisen, however a considerable revolt against what Is termed the “Siler machine" In Chatham, and numbers of citaaene over that way declare they ara de termined to oust Mr. Wler. Severe' causes am assigned for this stop on the part of opponents of the solicitor There is complaint that he ie not pro tocoling blockaded with the vim and vigor becoming a solicitor. But that is only oaa of the “kicks." ChatamiUs opposed te his renomination exprew their extreme wearineas of the "Siler dictatorship." Marshall T. Spears la oae of Ban nett county's busiest attorney*. Also, hs is one of the most popular lawyers of the local bar. After returning from service overseas, his health* was not of the very beet, but after a few months in Oteen Hospital hs rsaum •d his practice and has kept steadily at It over since. His numerous friends would be greatly pleased to sea him elevated from solicitor of the Be eordsr'e Court to that of the Super ior Court.—Harnett County New*. ONE CENT BATE FOB SOUTH’S VETEBAMS Memphis. Tenn., March 1»-—As noiMPMiit that the United Confed erate Veterans wHI still he allows* the old rate of a cant a mtta to and from the snnaal reunion In Bldt neond. Va., was made hy lafleond of ileUla hart. The Southeastern Pnaaea S» nas^atioa at p mooting hi *• AaiaPtoe last month anneonesd Hut the rate would be ene ticket for a round trip. This announcement raised « storm of protest Vom tbs votomno with the result that the roHreeds haier rraated the old rate. The cant a mils rata will apply only to veterans and dependant mem bers of their families traveling with them and members of other confid ents orpanlauttona. Others iltl-'* lag the taualam will pep half far*. Sack rasa, lat grad, hope i Doll carriage parade. 1st grade girls (prtes far prettiest carriage.) A banner will ha given to the lay > beaut troop «*»*»* the hoot ouhfldl of drill work- Aria to the Gift Scoot troop reeking the heot appearance on pnrado. > The Anal basket ball maw of flic season wHI bs tka last event an the > day's program. — Harnett Ciunt] News. *---■ _U_- .■ PALL OP DARKNESS IN CHICAGO ON MHM)Ar — i Chicago. PL, March 1#.—A pall of darkost night descended oa Chicago at noon today. A-utomobilisu turned •n their head lights. street signs in the downtown district were lighted and the telephone exchange and newspaper fftces were deluged with thousand of anxious querist-' The mystery was solved by the weather bureau which reported that a sudden shifting of tho winds had “piled up" til of the city's amoks in one monstrous cloud blanket through which not even a single eonfcraa could V>rco its way. N.C LEADS SOUTH IN TAX RETURNS Shrinkage In Tuh la North Carolina Smaller Than Any Other Southern State North Carolina la showing leu de cree** in income las return* ever leal year than aay Southern Stale seconding to advice* received from Washington by Gilliam Grietou, Col lector of Internal Revenue. Receipt* yesterday shrank aharply from the more than $3,000,044 bar nma dona by the office la the preced 'ng two days, and ymterday't cash ! fro* income returns amounted to! only 990,400, bringing the total for the month to approximately $4,004, 000. Thla amount, however, waa al moat entirely paM in by email tax payer* and the number of return* filed have now pasted the 42,400 mark as against approximately 40, 900 handled at the close of baaiaam Thar* day. The total aamber of rolami tied la 1911 was 54,000 axil it now ap oe*re that tha number this year artB fall abort by approximately 10,440, dma to bard time* and more liberal exemptions. For a number of reo *ons however. It U difficult te oom pare the rromiber of retains arlth those of taat year at this time. More exUnaioni havt been granted by• the Collector than ever before in the history of the office and, in addition, I where h nntattfi fetore la tied, and on returns of corporations and fidu ciaries, which ar« no* taxable but :ourt in the total of retnra*. “From tho telegrams that have peered Is her* it would teem that everybody in North Carolina is aide” tilled Collector Grluura yattsrday. ■One hash wind that it had closed because all o*. the employes srs ill,” be added. Congress In passing the present re venue act, calculated open a reduced incoost of one billion dollars, from the income taxes an account of the greater exemptions for corporations, married men and dependents and other naw features of ths law. North Carolina, of course, feels Its lhare of the decrease, both in tho ameant af tax collected and the returns filed, but apparently this State baa been affected much lea* than those farther South. Another year of high pricer to out State has served to moke tbs seeds of the orphanages greater, and the demand* open these institutions for admission of needy children Is In creasing. The Oxford Orphanage re ceives children without regard to de nomination or fraternal relationship *f parents, the seed of the child ba in* the first and chief consideration, ar t) Is atrMag to da Its part to meet ing the increasing demand*. Youi prosesce at the concert wlU aid to this work and wlB help to eeeesraga the children, and Srienda who an working In their behalf. Aa tsiapli af Taa Iwapllwi A probable roort fight among the bain af Jaaiea J. Bill and Mn. Hill baa Wan on of late la It Paul. The ■avr Wa Won over tW appointment of an ndminWrntor for Mr*. HiUl eatete of 12,00*,000. Bat that U only iaeldeatal bar*. The significant point of r»Ml« Interest t* that Look W Hill, former boat**** Writer for Mm BUI, testified Out beginning ia 1*11 tad eantiaalag until l*i», bo dkyoa Od of Warily taxed aocaritim held bj bM prlaetpai, anWtitwtiag therefterr tax free holding*, aad In thk'Way in errarad her annaal ineomo trvm 9*1.00* to 9T9*.*0* a yaari that U W doubled art return*. Horn la a concret, example of th< working of tho tax exempt Wad aril ean aadorrtand nt * glance In a tingle teftaaec, ia the earn af i peraoaal fortuna, which la «ur paste* by oorcrat in Michigan which hart Won Matter* Inrtsted a litUc shrowl rcadjoatewnt Wo withdrawn 9X6,*04 an neatly from the reach of the tai gatherer*. Bot the money than last to th* pwb ||lc troaaurlc* meet bo found aam* | arbor*, M <h* harden I* shifted U baMnoog eateiyrlde te people arte art obliged te work far thrir being' Tkt pio'.t in Balk A M |t*o« kksct Hclmmb It of -- low *P00»4*. It either baeaoae «> or it waa sot ia takes and so •omptata oatfit, captured and On Saturday, at rest fpbm mads a visit township sad 'orratioK late tbneUtod ol R. A. Jaclnoa ab-.. -- i negro, Lewis Barring, whew they ad been directed ta sa*. Her* they eicived the information that Lamir sid recently left gnd had gons to the Soar of a neighbor, lainh Earring Thry went I* that direction and (a be road in tha broad open day light they mat three negroes, Isiah Ber ing, George Bpebrman and tha de sired Lewis Honing. They met the negroes at a bridge erer a atraam much swollen by the Friday radae The bridge was afloat and the ne r«« stepped the officers t» tail them they coaid net crew tha bridge with the machine- K waa than that the negrosa find learned ta whew they war* tolkfcg and each having arhiaksy oa hit yotsoa waa saen ta threw hi* botth or jar lata a ditch Overby. The officers bald tha asaa un der arrest and W—iaini thaw across th, bridge. They *srt planed in the rare ef Mr. R. A. 'acksoa, while Aae mlt went ever * find that which was thrown Into *• dhch. Flank Pst 'i*k waa closaiy fording tha tar and all at *ae* Spearman broke aad ism. R. A. Jackson F»* him thaw and left Lewis and H**h to goord each other. The opportvntty was toa good sod Lewie decided to tract his heals aad he wont da another dhactian. Isiah an old aogre. f.Bowad salt, hat his long years, Ms tmltU stop and hia sovaral drisks chackad hi* spaad and ha waa see* ««nght- Ha was MR I. SL.__■_ tw-t wa - • • _J Ammic and AJd»"U» want ta find a MIL Th«y JwW a fre*My traveled path leading from l*toh'» be*** ta a weed and M« *»rd« bade af hi* houaa they found aa to gajloe copper Mil catnplcto, M*t had apparently bean recently ra* They later found • three gallon jag af tha aatoal rteff ■ad other erktea** whiab they bald tgainat biah. Wkh laiah ih» whMkay aad tha ftni the oMcerr*Uu to town and to tha widow wtth a rot tag* laatead if a palace. If tha caae af *ha aauta af Mr* Hm war* aa leototod ana tha matter •raold not ha w*Mt mentianlag. But ’ifa:<tan«taly It W typical af hun dred* af ether ton A gear) many WIItone of dollaie bra had up In toa oifuipt «a curl tie* in tht* eeeitry, Figure wry eeeeervatively an Uh baa!* a* what wa* dan* with (he e» tot* af Mia. HM W expert hand Hag. aad tha extra wutght af Uxatlua pin cad la rotoaguaaca aa tha Meulden it tbaaa wboaa pcopaitf aajaya ai exemption humbc* aypoltog. h rum Into tha hundred* af ixfQian*, pe-aib ly Into tha MViona aanaally. H ready make* the dlffareaoo batoaa* « t'tuoUau in which the natian romU 1 handle it* financial ptntilimi aoaity • a-d the proacut vary difficult **aoa . ml* condition.—Detroit Free Free* WANTS TBAIN NO. M TO CANNY MAIL CAN WtoMnfUn. p. c.t March 1»M— Th« ForattertU, Chnobbor of Ooeo marce.hac takaa ay adlh tho North Carolina aonatoro oad I'lninolblni the matter of wearing taJhrop otB atrvico oa Atlantic Coaat Mm train No. n. ton Rocky Mo—t, N. C.. to Chart, otoa. ■. C. If thte wrrice coaid bo aacarad It weald bo of gi—t ho no fit to a nowbor of citloo and | tow— la that oactioa, e—btiag thaw to got tfeoir wall earlier thaa at proa, •nt. Th# North Carolina delegation io wtdoorortag to hoY* tho deport ■oat take me action to brtag ohoot title IwppoTowcnt. MILLION READY TO SECURE NEGRO Hickory, Muck IT- BpiMring W far* • Miga audience in Hkkary Met night. Dr. Arthur Tnfaaadge Ak •rnethy. af Aehevllle, lecturer for ha Xu Kiux Blau, rcferied to a cam to which ha aM Cacaraar Morrtaoa wan rcfceed extradition af a agn by Canada and aMorted that ana mH haca beta pledged ta aaa that the lagro la returned to North Caroline for trial. “And ttoe will happen to he next nfiaty day*,“ ha added. While Dr. Abernathy did net neen tian the rawe af the nee he mid war owght by the aatheritiee ef thin atote iha aadieacu andniuteed hhn to wa fer ta Matthew BaOoek. wanted W North Carolina on a charge af at tempted warder growing ant af a ■nee riot at that place at eat a year age. Bulloch wai recently given kk IMarty by lodge Snyder at Hawiltoa. Ontario, when ho' lad. whoa ta Mod i to teettfy at Mo Dr. Abernathy had haaa diatatg the effort* ho vxM the Ka Dgg Xlaa «r« Making ta aMH the odfeen ia enfercing the law. Be referred ta a •f tha city by fh—in it m mv tha alaaa of his ad dress that tha spanker whirs* t# the Canadian caaa and declared that the man sought by tha authorities of this State from Canada amid be roturaad to North Carolina far trial and that a million Klanamao from Matas to Texas wera pledged to this on da staking. Dr. Ahemethy did not my steal m macros would ho tahaa by tha ilaasmsa fat tatting tha nogra brought back ta North Carolina. Hit rsmarhs wars UhaiwDy applauded by gars Uak a Mario* before Canmiis daaar N. BL Britt sta Ml kin under a UM baad for hit appear mm at tha May tarm of Baders) court. Oa dafauh of bond bo was lodged la Jafl until Monday mamiag whan baad was mada. Monday was ana that day of activi ties. Bhart* Williams. Agoata Jaek •on and Adams, B. A. Taataaa and W. i. Baals invaded tha tarrttary sroand Barrels Store Tboy want lata tha adgt af DnpHa about thraa arias north aatt of Harrala Start and found a ft gallon steal dram stfli. Tha ootflt mm la sated aav tha hanaa o* Oaoaefl Johnson, aolsrud, steam they had nms to baWaoa was Ora operator. Thay farad no whiteay at the rtfll end only about 1M galaoa af aota boor randy for us Tha •HD Mowed signs of rwoaut aoo and tha efkers went ta Jotmaa'a hawse *• Rue fTtiir rr^inrtliBi Na&. big waa fount 1. tko houaa hot on *e aotidda they aaw ono mjrtirliir w* m M« ono had pMk of ondor tko bouao. Examination wa* mada and a bottla-u0rm thaa a qnoot af wkUkoy waa found ax tfca banaa aQl. Jobnaon la ana ad ha aagraoa tkM tba flpaat ad whMmy waa found la or doti kh kaaao mini Mm a vMatar of tko yrahMtien Iwwa and •a atkar alternation wao toft bot to vrtrr Mm to CUatoa u taco trial bofaou **• *• W*. B* waa offend bond, W •" fnWara to »Wo A waa ion fined ta tka county Jan to await tka airWM *f tka marohan. On Tnoaday morning Koeara. Jack -on. Adana and Jartaan, want M tka ilraetton of E-abora and toppid 4 >o baaoo af EVsk IVreletfc. jaat tkta 4do Utt’o Cahart* A hwot way kook a* Ml beau fkay f„,4 a M gadao copper it»l and tko oparutom TV oparatoia fUd and tka adUaa !»»• fhaaa, bot ta no a ran. TV titt waa brought ta CEnton aad tV tiErif* warn oo yraad of tkakr asMk that they bad thair ytotaraa mada b poe lootioa af tka atOI. No amata Vaa yot Van mada Hi counoctioa wtlli tka Mill.—Clinton Xiwa ptapatib RECLAMATION URGED FOR PROVIDING WORK federate* af Lda Waahiaptea, tad It^d. a “"•“I 91 fvlifvlflg V>flQpl9Jf019lU tlM Mitrkia Ft4m4foa of Ubor mm w01 pot before Cwirta and up the exeetaoeat of bHU appropriate food* for no load rorlmoflow pro ject* ud for dooolopnoat of Ik Ml«dtappl river bool* by control of flood woior. Iiciooao of aavipaMUtr •ad dtp loop* *6 land* BToWod vu mode in the report ap •Mwad taco proven wj omdiim UMBptn, xtv« doat of the oisaniaotiaa, wbkh area prepared by a special committee of ■ w« sou tnac warn pnitni au toalba axiau throughoet tha wartd. with totdaatrp magnate and mb abjawat growing warn. H hah—at h to wadi ait a ttaatntaUia pc* PM." th« ropert said, “that will, la addlttoa to aitovtotim tea extol liah them waaka that wU aaar ra baani to tea dfeaKp aad program ai oar gaocmtaeat aad the wwlfan #1 Itoa ractoauttoa pifiiil, (ha ra part said, waaid taetode gaocrnaroi al rate team* to dtainagt wort, ate claariag at logged eft lax da, aa w«l *» irrigation of arid aaattoa*. Valat «f bad tnebiwad almg tea Miaato ippl woald pap aaaah af tea coat at tee wart it waa eattooatad “hated* making asaparto af mam af aur to bad tewna." GEN. CARR GOES TO SON’S BDR1A1 Laaraa Bad Ta Attomd Late Itthaa af Jalaa L Carr, Jr. Dartam. Hank. IP—Oaarral Ju Has 8. Chat, ift far tea pate ft* JuH«a 8. Ce.r, Jr. “the hoaiery king." •he died teat Friday morning hi Key Verb City. Following fee aarvkat Gunerai Cur, a hit place a»d alightly weak from hn long period of rmfln meant. coupled with the ehoth of Me eon\ death, iaaiated upon gala* to tha eometery tor the concluding portion of the aarrice. Ha wia allowed ti make the trip, riding ih a clomd car And deapite Me Ulaeee aad grief. the General hero up under the atrah splendidly. Aa the funeral preceiaien, aeon -haa a mile in length pa mad throudk tha (tenet* of toe city, kundrada of people an route te the cemetery mm General Carr, aad aadded their hand to him to aa effort to expraw that, rrmpethy during hi. ported of ear ram. The aerriem for tha *-—* hoo iery manufacturer ware proWhly tot mart imp remix, rrex held to Durham And the ieqgoet crowd oxer gatherhc within the knundailm of Tltiyli ind Cemetery aaw toe caaket eentaintog Ua remain* lowered Into Ra paw Eran a alight rainfall which atoated •w toe funeral proe onion left lorn ar ea*. the home of Omwral Carr, did net deter the crowd, made up to. t toqa extent of toe Widradi tf eto pleyot of toe Durham h artery gift WOULD ALLOCATE WAVS LENGTH TO AMATEUKj MR -mtottn thto • wn*atongth of from 1M to *T5 aitoi to allocated to amateur mtntm» toloptoa, opor atom, dtot »>»• told Ittonn tkn* lun'.tc to nhdWdad far variant ana tew dam aad that ttoir atetoa to tod to »■». waa aad, la , r^M mad* adlh tor* Vy tto aaatoar catotot -f tto On^m* ^ Ctdam Ito topait «u w||di ■tdto t. ttooo of ato, amaattteaa wHt* already har« ton pYnrtif Ito aaatour operator weald aaa tton to to under the jurisdiction ad tto^Ptecrtoccnt of Ooaaoraa. If Aa ^ *** *»*B«to of mtt S5 rate radio ‘--rtrtrn wwdd to otodT •d to coma andrr tto fadadl »*dto * y*** In etoiso of nth dldcto*. Th* depoty radio ItepMWr-* M. Q. Brown, cf gtrafton. Ala hatto. wac here tod weak to rlalt Mr. aad lira. B. g. him Mo waa an kla way fnn Wacktodton atom to had vtoltad kla aether, to kia tom NO FARM AGENT FOR DUNN UNTIL JULY THE FIRST O# UtkWi To mar hi would , h he wouldn't ; i

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