m DUNNDISPATCH': '.'7* V 'Hi oww OUFATCH. MAR. 81. 1MX K. KUe T. Tka Rt». Ku Klux Alimftl of Wh» Nrnlika, atatet that tb K« Dn Klan b pms»»*< *• • million dollars to ntn Matthto Bullock, roftorm nt*ra. from Canada to Nor tiaa, whar, ho b Mated for too erma of ladtiiv to riot and * tor reorder. Kao- Now too Un b to tomv Ha •upciloritjr to too StoU and mMm. Where too CamaaoaweeHh oS North Carolina and Undo flam heee boas onaMn to hitof am aOa«a« criminal to jurttco, the klan b to ha mo cam fai. U ton plan «om attampt to kltotg too furtlrc MSI*, to* contootioa of tho Coaodbn |ii*i*i*| wfll k* aohttantinted II waa btcsoaa ton CoMdbaa famed that to* a*cm wo*ld fall into too hoada of a*ah m thorn tom It rafaaad to hoMr toe -equate of th* Btota that ha ha re turned to North Carolina. If th« klu gem after too *o*r» we wfll ho coartmod tom tho'C*** dion Jadfe who riftoad kb ratal* wmo ■ wber mu that moat. Bom A»b* For Holp SCom »np eitixen of Duu wOl admit **bo*' da otrecta of Dona an tap) deader undor tbo rappritdoa of ML ft. Bam tbaa tboy arm warn bo at*. That -x admitted. Bat 8aperin i on* k* oan giro botur sorciee. Bat > dare bo can, b* am* ban tbo re operatic* a* tbo ms reboots. bourn bc-pers aad motor!**. Coder present plaaa It I* not poo • hi* for tbo otroet cleaning font to mob* more tbaa oaa trip a do through any put of toon. TUa, am smartly (a'lo early In tbo ■oralot • I • Mai parte at teora. Mr. Bam tdc that housekeeper* plac,.aJl at thrii close a rout or bane at tbo cad or am tbe alleys aa oariy aa pmMo ft j lk> eastern of tbe rtroo '•’eaaiag department to giro tbo raair tboiaaghfbrm a elrenxtag trtry Bat -1'day eight. Ibis cleansing mart bo eft oariy bocaam tSo aaon who Orbn tbo wagaos operate tbo brooms ate apply tbo tbonl* tout ban aam time for doop. If tboy begin at 1) o'clock they are not through not! •.boot * o'clock la tbo morning- A1 wayi they on dolayod tbroagh tte parted along tbo curb*. Hr. Bom ate* all onto bison ate j flragaoat tbo street* lata tt Bator day night* to pork ao cam so lrssr Street after IP o’clock aalom tte f-ortiooo aaxt to tbo caste ban boas ■ crept. If tbo cooler os! tbo ate**' ha* boon sorapt, tboy aw incited •> park ao tbo OWIpt area. By firing tte atwot aapattePond rjt a litU* help along »bl» Una, Dana teD be permitted te present smd morning** assn. U »rgu*t and whatever hnrftli au uaah wfll tuna aet ealy to toe Bute hat u yen aad yaw V-*-H JtajMtotoahto to expect year day* fhr a real Ctoaa-ny Week. Beaaaa hasn't healed 'active* ta tot at'aiaUrad by toe feltowtar tteaa from Ike I « m«ll»n of t league by the “Baseball It aa Ms way. Today tavaral youngsters ware seen an their iy basts front atoool s todmr at latr. Befora leap am aywt ta tea Ha-bar* Taylor aad tba'rest af the •fcaB amts snt at a*ui raotiay far toe bane turn ajtoonh ;tbara dossal seam to be say snob tkloy at yrasent. We sure wault ilka ta tec a real, hoaoat la gatdsaat aat •Uar league It mil tote year. Dunn, Ullinyton. Dukt. Bnantovel. Godwin ■ad Btanaa eeald pot up a pretty fair clast of toll... nd there Is no reaten why they should eat form a league.”—Dana toyU. "With which rimi -*r~ we ars aat in accord. Neither UBiagtoa, Duka, Bunalaval or Oedwia art la too team I elaat at Btwtia and if theea team* wan toetodtd la the laayue the ■amaa with Iota wouldn't area be ^aW like the Baaaaa. W* have aa objective to kata# (Deluded la the piupaaad ^ f*t the ronton that it always tivat the Besson aggregation mat athfictlM to yet It over toe Done •tots. Hart is aur dope for toe pre boaad league: Bento*, Dona. Bmlth «*U. ^syoUerille aad pertopt La Prabakly a mere evenly autekad of tmi wold bt: Bflmoi. Gtruer, Tlttrall, Plntltnl, Wilson*. | Milts aad perhaps Miera—Barnet Coeoty Maws. Mr*. C. F. Warns Dul It U with mack regret that wa mart rapart tha death af Mr*. G. F. War r*«. which occurred Tuesday after noon, at *aa o'clock. hn Warran war a daughter of the late OUaa BsyaO, of Haaayaott la wadi Ip. and a alstar af tha praaaat OUaa Rayall ad tha am township, tta waa taaanty-thrae year* af ag*. Mrs. Warran had haaa in bad haaUfc far some Una, having suffer-: ad three atrekaa af paiulyaU. tha iaat ah eat a waak ago. from which rath raaaltad after •savaral days af She married Mr. G. F. Warren whaa a aaara girl and hare Mat tan shildtaa. all at wheat, three sane aad area daughter*, are still living aa sept one daughter. Tha teas ara J. S, Q. B.. aad R. C. Warran, whila tta daaghtafs era Maadaacao L F. Ung, X. C. Wastfaroak, Andraarr rnd WQUacca af Racky Mount. Ka ran* Rayall, and Miss Rhode Way me. Another daughter was Mrs. W. I R. Honeycutt, who died several years ag*. The hartal waa at tha family bury ‘ag greaad la Nawtao Grew towa ihiy, Wednesday, the funeral being oraachad by Faster Kanis af St. Paul Free Win Baptist chorch.—Bunpeon T°t5cShP JUKT70PAY Hwrit Oh AwiHeoe C.MU la Cm* T* doaetro Mm York, March 10.—evidence Ahihit ia a recent “John Dm" in gjWjjchia *f the Aoerirw Cotteo ho»h«* Mm* wtU he yreeeoted to ■ iw> tn■errin’. Ptototet Attar «•> MMm tmneM today. AwIMoot DMM Attorney She MH who will yneiat die caee rkioJa QftV lidi^n M mbd ha Wd Were the mx lery otter they had keen leeetred in WOMANS CUJB NOTES, Ml* »H4b* w «ttk *• Oftmmt •* tk* Utmm’t Club a I Mm ok* kuWMbM Im» I b«U law Ik* «0I b* k*** agula|| r»i*f Mkarfffl b*~ w 4mm. I « kiWb| nuttmiM, m II u. «. a*t fl l*ruU« | plMlf Ml tiflM* Om xhe Mxh aad tfth a Hem Dr taAaHe* agent free* Raleigh mil Watt • tlam ea color* and dreaa dariga.ing a* t o'clock p. m. TVU claaa wth he open to aU number* ef the •Iah ef |W7 dagaitaiat. 1 Mia. B. Monaely and daughter, Mia* Aationatte Manaaly, ef Broob *ir», N Y„ are here u viait Mr. and Mr*, r O. Shkaa. They wlU tpead a Month hare before retaining to Brooklyn. t MAR. 96 WORLD SUNDAY WITH THE METHODISTS DoHouaont SuWorihoic Ta Centenary Movement Ta Be “ ' J J Of Ihntate — - i n. MaMnrUle, Tenn., March 20.—A aiaualtaneeue effort threaghout Sou thern Methediet territory, on March 2d. to he known a* “World Sunday," wIB, H to eald. call the attention of delinquent aftonBen to the Cente nary of Miaatone aeneonl of the Methodiot Xpleeopal Church, South, to a ahortage in colleetiona on behalf of that movement. ft to expected that on "World Son day" panto** of the Id,000 church congregation* la Southern Method inn will min the Centenary theme and portray the dUaatrou* raealta to the hig miaatenary program blanched three year* ayo .t the Jct.ert a dm made peed. Cash p.«>uieau en over due Centenary subscriptions wiU be setklted en "World Sunday" u.u! dnrlny the following week a church wide mw trill be made to e.-or the payment of arrnaitiy*-.. Tlie original drive for the Cente nary fund taken three yearn ayo war ‘or $36,000,009, toi be paid through 3 period of five Tear a It U announ ced that only forty per ceot of the *-9Jt due hat been pakl to date, whereat »xty par cent is bow due. ft ti to meet this abortsye that Meth odists throuybout tho 8o«th are seek I in* to arouse the mind of the church | Jon* Centenary line*. ; neat Year of Haediay Asbaiaiatratie. Mo Republican* la entirely (allo tted with reaultl so far secee^lkhed —Ceturreman Carl W. Riddick lRep., Moat.), Chairman Publicity Committee. Republican Conyreea ional Commit tea. At die end *f its first year the Hardlay Administration finds Itself ; politically bankrupt. AH Its campaign 1 notes have yone to protect. If *ov Isrumont wore subjected to the erdi ! nary vicissitudes of private buetneaa : the Republican party would now bo I in the bund* of u receiver and its leaders would bo trampIny the street* : in March of a Job.—New York World (Ind.). It* Hutmaolar Gaaaiol (Hay,) •'**» »«» kaati woith a fiva-ccnt pirca dnca ha ha* boon Fottoauar Qaa aral. Ha do«* aat know anythin* akaot tka Poat OSa* Dop*F*m,nt.— Cmgimmm Jama* R. Maan (Sap., H), forma* Rapablkaa floor laadar. Th« A mat-icon paopU ata bo*>n nih* to roaliaa that thay ha** batn docaivad Thro* yaan ad RapakHean control of Congrem and one year of th* Harding admiaictmtioa hove brought concrete example* of the dUaetrom oonM^ueurea of Rapablt ron rule —Senator Waiiam H. Xing (Hem., Utah). A lltll* mom treasury raiding*, a little morr bludgeon polltiee, and the ■natehleca ‘1.000,000 popular majority of the Republican party in tho lau * — ■■ 1 amreaea^. rarea presidential election will bury tbs Republican party In the next election —New York Herald (Rep.). Joe Lark bought a pair o' shoes 1‘day front war money bo bad left from ths WUson administration — Abe Martin. Everybody is giving this CaagraM hull.—Congressmen William R. Wood (Rep., ln THE FIRST N ATIONAL BANK j Dunn, North Carolina ————■————— * 1 > » .Ml.., |~WE HAVEl Si! nn - _ TXYT ------- 4 4 ,< . ttft < M M . - >+< >■ • |g The Newest, The Largest, The Best jjji .Stock of Goods We Have Ever Had. mj New Shoes, New Clothing (Men’s and ml Boys’ at Newest Prices) New Patterns I ill mj In Cloth—-All At Latest Prices is jji flU H • |||| |S5!: ml Because of our quick turnover, we are constant- \IH\ ly getting in new merchandise. New goods now i s ii i> i m mean lower prices ! •• \ | V4U — -- Ia. . ■' 1 1 — , .< ^. j j J * ■ . , i >i f H t You Can Buy i: \ \ | * * * > <,/•<> J [ ‘Better Goods for Less’ I 1 ii!| 1 at r i||ji | I Geo. E. Prince & Son’s I 1 GOLDSTEIN’S I OFFERS FOR EARLY SPRING WEAR— A magnificent stock of fine Shoes, Dresses, Coats, Coat Suits and other wearing ap Paral at prices that will please you. Advance styles in everything that men, women, and chil dren wear—See The DISPLAY S. , I The Godstein Co. DUNN’S BEST CASH STORE '”' ' ————— mmm