_THE DUE VOLUME VIII. DUNN, NO] '■■■■■ — ■ ■ ■ — - - - ~ _ BORAH SENSATION FUCKERS OUT AS 1 DENIALS COME IN Suifubou Sucre t British Anarkaa UnknUadhi Quickly Denied CRAVATH SAYS HE WAS QUOTED INCORRECTLY Incideot Apparently End* A» Opponents of Tre.tr Pre paro To Ask For A Formal Investigation! Denials From! Whit. House And Secretary i Hughes. -— Washing ton March 21—The twen- j ty-four-hour sensation over ire ca tion. of a secret Britiah-Amerkan ce oporatlvu “understanding" suddenly flickered out today in the Senate. A aucceeeion of forma! denials, cmaaiating from source* that ranged from tht White House down, show ered in upon opponent* of the ‘oar power Pacific treaty as they were preparing to a*k for a formal inves tigation and apparently put en end to tht whole incident. Avalanche *f Denial. At the White Home officials said flatly that no secret agrseaoent of the character suggested existed. Sec retary Hughes, la a lattrr read ia the Senate, characterised the seg XTStion a* “absolutely false " Paul D. Cravath the New York at- I torn./ whose statement started thr ! roes, sent a telegram saying ha had been im errectly quoted and had no knowied.ee of any “aorret undsr standiae “ Senator Borah, Republican, Idaho ' eh# presented the Crarath statement j to the Senate yesterday, ceatewted MawU with saying that what be read waa a stenographic transcript at Cravaih’3 rrnirti, end that the ex planation near made would not be ac cepted in aay court. No Ui rose to defend the Now York attorney and the diacuaaion drifted to ether lines of the treaty light. ■ 'itwAulfsi ofT^TfiSPj coneilsbles to neelc, the incident the baeia for a fight to aend the treaty back to committee apparently had been abandoned tonight. Soma Sena tors, however. Indicated that they felt a motion to recommit should be made as a matter of fionn, and R was generally predicted such a step' wosld be taken before the ratifica tion vote is reached on Friday. Ad ministration leaders say they era cer tain to defeat the motion overwheba ingly. Mr. Hughes wasted no words in denying tbv existence of any “secret notes or understandings" with any foreign power, but he concluded his five sentence letter with a hope "that the American delegates will he saved further aspersions upon their veracity and honor.” In the debate which fol lowed there was net a single refer nee to the letter or to the Secre tary. General Diacaaslea Once the storm stalled by Sena tor Borah’s utterances of yesterday had blewn ewer, general discussion proceeded throughout the day with very little give and take arguments mixed with the aueeemion of long addresses. Senator Rdge, Republican, New Jersey, aad Senator Poindexter, Republican. Washington, spoke In favor of the treaty, and Senator Watson, Democrat, Georgia, assailed It Tomorrow addresaea are te be made ny ao«tm«r* Kepotr Hran, Wlecoasin and Wat*. Dam* erat, Mamaebmette. and prab*|y al as by Sana ton Shortrldf*. Repnbtt cao, California, Smith, Democrat, Soath Carolina, and McCormick, *e ptabHean, Ittaoia. By the term* of the agreement ret In* was in ardor today on peadinr amendments and raacreatlona, hot than was na attempt to pro* toward a roll-call. WAKE FOREST SELECTS SPEAKERS FOR FINALS Waka Parcel. March M—Scalar ,peakara wan chosen her* yesterday by the faenRy for aommaacemaat which Will be held May >S, 14 aad *». Three member* ef the aenter elaaa were choaea fro* each ef the two lit erary roeiatles af Wake Farm*. Prom the Eanllan Eeciaty Jam*. F. Her*. »• * Dm9at **d T. W. Al len were th# ehole* ef th* facoity, while from th# FhUownOioetaD So ciety A. L. Oaedrlah, B. K AmW and C. B. Howard war* eleend. Each «f the men aoleetod to repro * rent the elaaa ✓ IMS at the final. tc May are epoafcon of »bmt* and hart r ensUeroble mrarlan* ta aotlepa tht majority Karl nr boon tntercoDarlatt dehotcre on aoeeral occasion*. ' WILL RESUME WORK ON COLLEGE APRIL FIRST ^ FlautUl Agent Fa* Aydan lutlti. tin* Mach In ■ ■Wild Ayden, March 18—Work oa Urn Fra# Will Baptiat Collage which hac bean temporarily tuopended on ae count of th# bad woathar la axpaetad to b# returned about the tint of April according to lateat raporta from the I official* o' the InatHutton. Thor* hat boon laid already aom ovor two hundred thouaaad brick, I addition to tho building of the fou~ '(atlon which took conaidarahle the to eompitle, a* the baaement waa i Tight big job in Haolf. When woe, •* returned it la expected that a larj force will ba put an th* construe tie of »»rae and the ballding ruabed ! completion. Much Intaraat ia th* building o. tha Collag* ia being maaifeatad throughout the entire tncmbcrwhlp of ‘.ho denomination oa well aa In thii immediate vicinity. Raw. W. B. Bvar alt, financial agent, eta tea that where he hat traveled in th* intareat of raiaing fund* for the Collage, every ■ body ia intaraotad and a willing aph it to do all they eaa toward* Anna ing th* project la ia avldaaea. It wil require lota more money to complete th* buildiagt aa planned aad it b ax pacUd that tho loyal member* of th* denomination who raaliaat tS* need a* a collage will rally to the -auor DUNN TO OBSERVE CLEAN U? WEB Tlia Chamber of And The Women'. Club WiU Toko The Lead . _ • Stacey W. Wadr, Insurance Com mit-doner of North Caroline, baa ad drrsard the following letter to the Chamber of Commerce end the chr !ca department of the Wonw'i Chib of Dunn. At a meeting of reprmsa tativoe of thoie organisation; bald yesterday it was decided to ghre Dann a thorough cleaning nest week and plana art being made to make the rm Dispatch. The letter follows: We are calling your attention tr a subject seldom re'vrred to in but1 nose, but one of great importance to yoa and your household : Truth Our State, along with her othei troubles, last year had a tremendous fire lose- about eight million dollar' —and while we stood low In a umbel of Urea from moat causes, the flnx caused by trash ware mare than am' proportionals part, or about $900, 000. A little trip through the bum* nose district of our city,-including the back yards and alloys, wiU show yo why—that debris tnvuriubly ever flows from the inside. May we depend upon you for ser vice during tbs week of March *7-31 in doing away with the major portion of this great menace? This la the week generally adopted throughout the State aa claaa-up waek, and w» Irmly believe that a word from you to polar associates would do a grsal deal toward aero ring the removal of trash so as to avoid a possible con flagration. Wo are writing to all mu.-xidpa' authorities asking their eo-operation to the extent of furnishing free transportation for all trash put where the wagons, trucks and carta can get it. Wo are going te have a real damn-up week, and you can be of great eerviee If yea wiU. AJUUUTEO ON MURDER CHARGE A. H. Hall, r«MrH Chief af MU* Of Reeebere, Jailed Oa Re qeeet af SMI May* af AU. A. I. Hall, former chief ef polka •f Roe*boro, of oaa of tha man ea la the fie* for all fight in Koeabar* a week or tm If*, wa* •» »*»tad Saturday by Sheri* WilMaa Md placed m jail be await aa odMer from Dothan, Ala., where ho, accord ing to a telegram received hy Mayor Bark, af Roe^ara. la wanted an a charge af mardar. Shari* Maya, af Dathan, requested Information by \ wiro ■« to whotkor Hall woald rat ore I without rrqaUUlon, and waa anowar i od by Shari* Wllllaani that ha had . contented to do *«. Belaud to the true n*»o of Hall, according to Ik* i toiagnm. Akirt H. being aa alia* Mr. HaV baa lived In --n»m- wv , oral year* aad hai been generally re . ipected. Tha oetcant o', the fight I lamttiaid aha**, wkieh having hag* crowded out of laat waak’a pager, ap • pear* la «hi* N«* *f Ik* Democrat, i Hell had »• oorpkkn af hk leal r neat a neat whaa tha Shari* eyprn* i (had Mm aad *Mad Ma to mad the i iilagram H* raod aad Mmpty draw la Ma breath iftor doing a*. 8* mad* KEEP CHICKENS i FROM VISII1NG _ i Neighborly Ktuxiaue* Should Atoko Owoori Koop Fowl* On Thotr PrtmiM Spring Is nearly here and wit* it tha Lime far planting gardata and Mower*. The man who nurria* home from hi* work to get a few bean* under ground before nightfall and the woman who leave* bvr household dutie* to eet out flower* la the front yard, are truly patriotic citizen*. Tha on* ralaef something le eat, the och er aomething to make life more ehere fal There ought to be nothing an earth to deecroy their effort* aavt by element* of nature, which tome timci go contrarily. Uut tonaider the clocking old hea* of the next door neighbor whom gar den ia a garbage heap and whoa* 'ront yard !« full i*£ weed*, that cone My lag or meandering into the neigh bor’a newly planted garden and front yard and wretch all the seed out of the ground, la a faw minute* they undo all that the lnduetriow* m« and eon** have done. The time the couple have given to the work will all be lo*t—because a neighbor war too lazy or toe carelea* to keep hi* chicken* at home. Neighborly kindness Ought to b< sufficient reason for on* preventing vurh occurrence* as this, but ameag •eme people there seem* to be ae mknowa quantity. Ihty taka no pride ia their own place Bad they haven't enough sane* *f Justice t* keep their chickens off the premises ef their neighbor who takes pride in his. What dees it matter to them if the result of many afternoons’ week ■a toe garnen or in tat rront art loat to the men or woman next deer Their ch’ckcnt get fat off the teed They would not think for a moment of going Into their neighbor’* garden and atealiag a meet of tomateea, bet they don’t work when their chickenj fly the fence and destroy the whole crop. V, neighborly kiadneat doe* not etop each practice, then the town law rtiould he brought into play.—Caro Bmntr WUOWAlwTOlmr11'^ ACQUITTED BY JURY Held Far Trial On Charge Of Hating Whlehey ta HU Pee Xalamatoo, Mich. March tl—John Dural Dodge, ton of the late John P. Dodge, a eto mobile manufarterer, of Detroit, waa acquitted by a Jury In municipal court today on a charge of driving an automoblio whll* in toxicated. The charge wee the outgrowth of a midnight automobile ride March 11, which reaultod In the Injury of Mine Emmeline Kwakarnak, 19 year aid tudeut. Dodge waa alto charged with Hia tal poaaeaaian of liquor and at hi* rrelJminary hearing today waa bound •rvor to the April term of eiionit -oart. Mlaa Sue Stegenga and Mia* Ethel Clemen ta, companion* of MU* Kwtk ernak, who were in the party toattt td at Podge’* trial that be had re Tuied a drink tendered him by Rex Carl, o’ Kalamaaoo, another partief . nanL Miu Stegenga reiterated thU lt»H mr.it at Dedge’a hearing today which was halt while the Jury waa da lib erating on the charge of driving while intoxicated. Earl waa arrvaUd with Dodge and 4nad 150 and eoaU oa a charge of 'atna'raiion, ha waa alio homed over to eirealt court oa a charge of (Ho tel r-ouoaaion of liqWtr. . While the charge waa ponding hare **»<"*» Dodge he aorved live daya In the Houae of Correction In Detroit for apovdlng. NEW MAYO* ELECTED ST 3MITHFIELD COMMISSIONED Bati^Sold, March IS—.Without ear walked ceremony and with only the Iowa eeamlaaionen and the cNy cWrh prevent, L. Information of Ball’* whoraabaota by '.the Alabama anther*tea.—Sampaan i Democrat. I lo»lr ; n— WuMWtM, uilUor. Mltr ta t!)« mM Tha pt>n of In onkr two Important pwtlcikn loan this uiiaaar* differ trom tha on* puud by tha -Boo** two yawn ■to aad that te*hrod la tha 8ea*tc art July. Tb* original awk kom option waa aHaliblal aad tha baak 'oan provision af th* «d}a*t*d »er rie# ccrtiflcata t*W wkullalid. BAND MD6TREL COMING AGAIN Promiaa Good fttw At Tba With taew path taw daaon aad •aw jok»«, tha Dwaa Baad Xtaatrab will pUy a retara "Qimnnl km nant Thuraday night, premldny Doan Ilia baat aotartalamaat it baa had for many month*. Ife* *ow ha* baan wonderfully i**f**r*d daec it «u •hawa her* flntoadar tea dlroetia* of tha Bakar Ptadarlwy Company aad ha* wan araeh apphtoa. in athar town a. nwwb taam “e mU of mate will be devoted tc Be paymeat of the e«tm will fare lab matie daring the Bow, which win he preceded by aa "apeh air concert by the bead. Tliidhl afternoon the bend wUl parade Be atraete and give ceacarte la aocun.1 plwoes about town. tda»U»ion to Be *•» win be SI emi 1 cent*. Tbo latent Hollywood crime le the wny they gut out «•atedlee. Our Senate la Bklap rear rvati one, but it toil going WM.li _ — CHK1ST1AM CSMCH TO HAVE A OOSTBL MEBTIMC We begin a OcBal Meeting at thi Oriatlen church en April Mh. Job. *• Wataaa, a Idbw peater af th< local ebureh, utt Mdd Ba per tee We aelielt the ea —craHcn and pray •n af all af Oed’e people In am •wmd Dona. WB you Jcta aa la i •pdritual rwtvall Youn far the CMfat, JOHM'J. LANGSTON. LIVELY FIGHT TO I GET DUNN OFFICE Edward E. Irittw la Now* aid Ob Washington, March CL—A Kayak licau row of big proportion* la rim Marine W not boiling alroadp at Daan BOOT tbo fMfortmblp. It ia a raw within tbo “ranks" and th» outlook It that »o*« Mow* arc U he delhrored ia tbo scraatbl* for tha position of pootoaaMer. The eligible liet of thro# U bonded by taw Democrats, Eagan t T. Lot with a rating of »0 «* and E. L. Wad* with a rattag of MJt. Third oa tha Hat b Captain William D. Hal. load with a rattag af MJt. Aa in spection dwrw*. Captain Hotland ia a faptllioata. the aaly ana ona an tha •ligthia list H daw act regain tha gift of ir*p»i*p to aaao kla as tha man who will gat tha aoosiaatiaa. Tha soars that rancho* Waakiagtoa it that ha baa bows tadornd by tha Bapah Unarm aaoaty aad State mariiiaa. Bat he ia not padarwd hr the art tag p.taaaatrr E. C. Waot. who it also a BopaMlaan ta* in act aa the * Lgibls list. It b aadoratead hat* that aetiag paotaattai West prwpoaar to fOe charges against Captain Hol land. Ia fact, ha baa aetifiad ottciala sera (fret b» will fSto charge*, tbaM •aid to be of teriono aetata, against he conflnaetioa af Oaptaia Holland f the latter get* the neasiaatiaa. ha Porto Ska Department to mad a posu>ii ligirtrr to Dunn to leak late the matter relating to thy ap Them are rep sets aba .Worn Dunr. that the tdeaeotm of the ^petot men* ef Oepmia Hotlaad any on act ing Peetmastor Wear U after b that ha will tia ap tbs cdbe lane the defeat of the confirmation ef Og> tala HoBaad aad m acting pnotmm tor eeatlnae to hold ea U the Jah. U any rate a raw of UvaUast kind b in tha making far tha aad wUk tha crest ef the flood pern lag Cairo tonight, estimator of the height the flood water win attain horr by hub; night, who* tha -root Is expected, reap from the 41 foot stage, predicted by the United States weather harass, to «• feet er more, declared by eld river man aam to be la sight. Th* erect stage '■ expected to csnttaae here far tore or three days Practically a# lass or damage has as yet horn done by the flood at -ny point sooth ef It Lento, Seoul lag to reports received hare. Diver men repeat that tha high wa ter b apparently making a a ember a< changes In the channel of Dm fiv er from Cairo sooth. Iroi isfamdt are being completely washed away by tha ewift current whOe ethees are fnaiks AH danger ef toe* ad life la beilev ed erer, if the leeeee held, ea dweli en en unprotected laeda hare el bee* taken to plana of eafcty. CHEAT MEETING Mnp Jala Cheeehee ef H wa» a grant Mating it the XetbedWt Chviwh by Factor Davie aed Bar. Mr. Stanford, of Oae tonfo. Tha number of addition! to he Method!* church Uuo far It M ■ it M. while tha erhala ■■Andlp baa baaa greatly retired and heart' ’ an ad. Aha twenty coven a* eight bare beaa received into tha matobaiehlp of the B«ptl* ekwrrh aa a eeoee » (|«anca •< *be eon* meeting Tha other chart ha* ad the town, toe will -rebebty raaelva an eapnetatiau of • membenhip. Tha whole toera boa bean greatly radreehed by tha praoeh • tko collootiaa of tax** tkat am ia or Aa Mo Aon of tk* Moo, Collect*] of la tonal kovoaa* OiOiM Orima u '***, MM for '■aim taxaa and 1,0M far Uqooc OML Tko latter, thoagh tbe maUoat ia aumber. prcocat tka moot troablo ao Ik* penahie* kopomd nags fmai IUN to IJ.OCt .ad ia Mk of caoo* tk* p*m*aa again* whom Ik* tax i* l*vi*d daay liability fa tk* tax at knowledge of tko dtatUWr im apoa which u i. hand. Both Jade* Henry a Conner of tk* mourn dis trict aad Jadco famoo F. Boyd Of tbe wmurn dktriit hava ia all poiaiy restraining orders, prohibiting «*Qocti*m of tk* tax p*ading «oai Mttloment of tk* validity of tb* lax. Howtror, a* far ao Go Doctor GrUrosn ban boon *Ma to datemla*. re (train lac orders hav* ben laoaad fat oaly Tt to tk* 1AM cases. Penalties or* loos i*vcro ia nogint t* the otkar tarn* aad than la i*as ‘tkpat* ia regard to tko lavy. Bom* •f Ik* iacama taa warranto will be la ndaraa fOod. bat tb* vm* mojor ity of ihom an for okapi* dafaaK to paymoau. taxing back ta la* yaar •ad bayand. FoaaHy on iacom* tax* Ora par coot, plaa *aa koaa deferred. »0|W*0l X*__i_ _■ o a .a a Imtad by the rataOer bat net turned In to the government, to Mgarded M a more mrtoa* matter and a bear tor penalty to exacted, it amoowttag par cant, plao Ira poo cant, payment to dttayod. Lien* bare beaa taken apan the property of Mae ettiaaaa bat no pro perty baa yet been dtapaaad of by Mle and Collector Orteeem wbl give tax payer* erery thane* to aattl* ha fat* taking extrema meaeure*. Ber rtoa at each of too IJ4f war rant* to balag pleaded by a yeraenet lat ter from toe eallaator, explalabw the (tieatioa and MggneUng that pay meat ba xmda toaamtf lately or a etodm fee dbabameat fltod. If there to nay •• —i ant of tbo -O. WHAT LUCK" WAS SUH* WAS A LUCKY BOY Dearer. CoL. Mar. tl,—A amtto lem cheek fer till, drawn an the defanct Denver State Bank and toga ad “O, What Lack” M aenyml ta > Sonata CMy. Me., Mirrb 1, hi pay ment for an lwlimtoHl pawed tarwgb tba Sanaa* ORy tag fwn bank* and ww d ta be vertblae* only etoaa R ■* mer * KaMttlan., far lb* affair* *f tbe I „ i _ ^