- — ........*—*-*--- -—- ■> -J-imgre You Will Save Your >elf Many Unpleasant Hours by Using Mity Nic 3 Bread, Cakes and Pastries. ---‘Baked in Dunn by — || Pearce’s - Bakery -: SAMPSON 5 OLDEST MAM DOS A’» THE AOB or HVMSUD I CCkw. ttctak it.—Bancor Crum /■*T yiobaby rbv «!4rit cftiata af S-mpto.i county i> tload. Mr. Cru*p fcf 41*4 not karin* on aatkaotia rac •:4 of kU »*• bat it haa been -**♦— te4 that ka aaa aMta tbaa 104 yaan «•*. Ho haa bona fairly ricoroua ua di kU laat iUaaai. a coop nuuipprr must bs * Th« Mltaari mad* k) km» laaA «ra tha* A* PraMifl win Mt lo*r*. “*• swains'* Car tha lastaVattr* kraaeh, U it MM aaythlaf at aB. «*Wt haaa that Mr. Hardia* ha* abroad to ahhdtaa what UttL, r*» *ar* ha haa hRharta haaa abb U" Vth| opaa fiiinna, Tha Frtaidiat _ - - * haa been bald up aa a greet roenpro mieer. Hi aoama to haui niiinwli * ad ia thia Ineteoce by erring Com graaa a tru rein. la tho attaatiaa getting altogether bayond Mr. Hardiag'i central Re gent evanle certainly indicate a* orach. Who can baaglae a eoipmit tcc of the home going to Ronerilt ar te Wdaen and fhuiy ordering the PrmMeat te heap Ma hand* o*t Such temerity weald have brought dews l thunderbolt that would have bloat 'd those foolhardy men in tha twtak >lng ef an eye. Furthermore, Me citi mna weald ham thrown op their hata •ajr eh rated at the ’nngnmma'i diaremfltaro. Bat the amlhhle gentlemen kaa a conception af the Preatdimy alto gether different from that peaaaamd by hie ilhutrioaa, hat eaceedtngiy herd-belled, piodeceaaar. Mr. Harding thtaha Mat ha la what the eenetitu tloa eaid that be ahoald ha — tha head of one ed three co-ordinate bmaehee af the government. Honan mlt and WDoon each know Mat ha wan baad af the government They admitted no egaala, they tolerated no rtnh “1 am the leader of my u o WUmnlan tior trine. “My (peer know* a* brother" Ml the doyen of the Democrat w moeh ee that at the Republican. Of courof they were so Ktrou who made the eaar of aU the Rvi*eion* Wok Uha a maa of putty. Bat they pot thinp* does. If either of them had a* violent a prejudice syainet this beau* Mil a* Mr. Hardtop exhibit*, be would have moaned the houa* of representatives into Una orith suporb indifference to the forn ou* “ebook* and balance*” of the constitution—and tha country would have applauded. But they realised that they were lion-tamers. They never for a moment turned their bocks upon the beast, sever for a moment laid down the whip. Mr. Hardin* is stuffed with pretty theur ioa (front ths rsopoet due to the Con proa* of the United States He nrfo* a* to much the whip, aad in conse quence Conpros* I* maulin* hi* la*W lativ* »rr*i an out a\ all recoysi tioa. Now It ha* amnmed to maul the Pveoldbnt htoeelf, aad instead at pi inaptly epplyin* red-hot Iron* to it* I hid*, the President iih to hero *c qolcnscsd. After this whet hope la there that ht will h« hoi* to bring tbo lauUasu* outfit Into Um! Mr. Raiding ia aa admirable man la many way*—courteous, reasonable, psreea ally rxtnaely likable. Bat (he sordid ltd is that Mat la precisely the aort cf aaa that ought never to be elected President ef the United State*. A good Prrddent must inevitably be a hard guy, a vicious, pig-headed, bra* tel sort of person, wh* poiKively re j Joins U taking a stick, aa Banry ; Adams pat it and hitting a esagrese ' mao ea the snout. It i* Inconceivable , that Mr. Hardbtg should ever do that; | but if he doaeot hi* administration I will band for tbs rocks ai auruly a* ! Tafts' did.—Greensboro Daily Newt. Resort of tho Condition of THE STATE BANK AND TRUST COMPANY At Dunn, N. C., in tha State ol North Carolina, at the clots ef busi ness, March 10th lttt. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts-S136412.M Ore-drafts, secured, $2.23) unsecured. 8.68. 3.09 Banking Hmhn, *14, 134.47 ; Furniture and flWtarec, 34,800.68... 18,73746 Cash in vault and net aasaaats doe from Banka, Bankers, and Tin* Companies .... 17,306.37 Cash heat bold over 84 hour.. 118.91 Chock* far clearing_ 439.29 Total.3171,717.93 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in...8 16,000.00 Undivided Profit*, loos current expenses and tans paid. 870.36 Bills Payable. 86,903.41 Deposits subject to chock. 11.076.87 Tine Certifies tai of De posit , Das in Leas Thun 30 Day*. 1,500.00 Cashier’s Cheek’s out standing . 566.06 Certified Chocks. 180.67 Tine Certificate* af De posit, Do* on or After 80 Dan. 38.U8.07 Savings Deposits. 13,49*38 Total . ..8171,717.03 BUdh of North Carolina—County of Harnett, March 23, 1983. 1, E. T. Draper, Cashier of the above natm-d Bank, do wtlemnly cw*» that the above «tatcm«Dt It t«t t« tlo be»t of my knowledge and belief. K. T. DRAPER, Cathl.r. Subscribed and sworn to bofoco me. UiU 20th doy of Match 1»22. E. L. COOK, Notary Public. My commiaaion expire* January 13, 1024. Correct—Attest: WILEY R. JACKSON, M. C. BUTLER. T. V. SMITH. Director*. Toledo Scales No Sjprlnge :: Hornet Weight For Grocery Stores, Markets. Factories Liberal Term Payments Wm. B. PARKER OoUtbov. N. C. mm w Courtesy is a First Prin ciple With Us _ Vht- uni thing in oar hu linsas to to know all thorax ii to be known about th« cam and repair of storage batteries. But we can't for a minute forget that it to not only .< hat we do but the way wa do it that eounta. Obi- wa}* is always the courteous way. You may bo ’.'.at wc will treat you just as ws would want you vo Lciu uir. if you were the battery service roan and we were the car owner. l-'ring your battery in. If i.’s a Willard Battery you're tv ru cuiurratulaled. But yr u will get the same atten tat* the sr.r.-e courtesy and the same service whether H is a Willard or not * Dunn Battery Company AT GREEN'S BUICK SERVICE STATION H. L JOHNSON, tiwpr Representing Willard Storage Batteries . t-;---1-■ THE UNIVERSAL CAR NEW PRICES (F. O. B. DETROIT) EFFECTIVE JANUARY 16,1922 Chum. *285 Runabout . $319 Touring Car ....$348 True!: Chassis.$430 Coups.$680 I Sedan . --—-$848 Tractors . __ $395 Tliese are the low set price* of Ford Cara in the history of. the Ford Motor Company. Orders are coming in fast* so place youre promptly to insure early delivery. ' -- . -- PROVEN . . Long Staple Seed PROVEN Plant Seed Only That can be Proven before * • . Your Eyes • • »* • 1* II * " *•" -r-Ja-r v • --*• I 11m people of North Caroline were robbed of three h undred million dollars in 1920 through worthless buying on misrepresentation without facts of proof. Isn’t it high t rroe we learn to demand proof of value from the salesman who would take our money, and stop advertising ourselves as wishing to be humbugged? 400 bales of cotton—samples of which you sre invit ed to inspect—ginned from the very seed I am offering for sale, is guaranteed to staple as follows: 26 bales 1 3-8 inch staple 79 bales 1 5-16 inch staple 231 bales 1 1-4 inch lapis 64 bales 1 3-16 inch staple 400 bales total- averaging better than I I -4 inch staple through.. This 400 bales of cotton represents whole crops, including first and last picking*, and was grown in 1921 • a year recognized by all cotton authorities as an off year in length of staple with all varieties. The above record of stapling on my cotton was not made by roe but by expert staplers employed by the larg est syndicate of staple cotton manufacturers in the South who are bidding to buy the cotton on this classification. I Now again, whom do you think should be the better authority on seed for you planting, the man who has studied the proposition, experimented and proved it, or the one who tells you something that he cannot prove with visible facts andisin the business with no interest but that which he can personally get out of it? Answer this ques tion each person for himself alone and in this way only will you be wise. It is nearly planting time and 1 have only a limited quantity of seed left. Every farmer should plant at least a part of his crop this year in long staple. MY SEED ARE PURE; Improved to a higher type than when I first be gan planting them; recleaned and acclimated to this section. They are the best you can get for your money: 1 say this with authority and without fear of successful contradiction. I A SEED THAT GUARANTEES SUCCESS • I $2.00 per bu. - 50 bu. or more $1.75 per bu. I B. 0. Townsend Dunn, N. C. j

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