DUNN, VOLUME VU1. STILL IN DWELLING EXPLODES CAUSING DEATH GF OWNER The Homo of A. L Addeholt, la Ntih County Destroyed By Fir· WAS OPERATING STILL AT TIME OF EXPLOSION Addtholt'· Wife And NicCc Eacape ; Ho Probably Went Back To Fight Flame» And Wai Overcome. Rocky Mount, XmVn 26.—Α. Ε Addeholt, farmer «ml proprietor of u «mall «tore in the Cbitpell section several milt» from NmAviilr on tha Caktalla-Xashvllle highway, was burr.i-d to death early thi» morning :n a blase believed tu have originat ed from the explosion of an Illicit mill which ht ia thought to have been operating un.I which eomplctety de stroyed his heme, α iarçr two story frame and for a time Jeop ardised the live» of hi· wife and small niece who wcro the only other inmates of the struct arc at tbu time of lb* fire. Addeholt'» cri»ρ totvo wt» found ι In the min* immediately aller they1 had oooled lufflriently to bear Inspec tion, while the remain» of the itlll, an· affair of approximately ΙΚ^ιΙΙβη rapacity 'which b thought la have caesod tbo blaxe, were al o >nind In | the dehns near what had teen the | •ear of ihH boaie and in such poxi- ! tilon, those who inspected the ruin» ι Etat», a-; to indicate that tho appar atus ha.1 been In opera t.. η on the second floor. Near that pait of the «till which Had survived the ravage* of the flames ware fonn<l large quan tities of melted giaaa which may j have originally tn-νη containers. SO | odd barret hoops and concrete slabs | which •ervcl to indicate that the itjl had been erected αpu a a concrete be sis. Further examlhation, it ia atated. nnaaleil a number »( empty barrub in a noaAy oethoese. The a till had According to wpwti reaching thU city today thvt Tame* were fint dis covered about 2 o'eloek t'iii morning Only a few neighbor» a"**«rvd the alarm and when they reached the scene the roof waa already falling in and exacting its human toll. The house and all its contenta were com pletely destroyed. ' While the exact origin of trve blue U more or leak a myatery, citi zen « of Vathville who an# familiar with the situation ami made a careful in «portion of the ruin» almost before the fir* wai over, are positive that «he flame» originated iren the still They etate that lights were wen in the rear upstair* room where tV- | •till la »uppoae<l to have bejn I-wot- ' ed, aa late a« 1 o'clock Uli* moraine ' •r only an liour before the alarm wm* soanded. Snpporition J that Adda holt had arosaed hi* wife and little n-cee after the blaze bml broken ont in th( rear room and then rushed apateira In an effort to fiffht the blaM. With the cxeeexiva Heat, it 1* gappoaed, the large «till exploded, the force of the blast trapping him and 1 MAdinf the bluing roof down apoo I him. Thi* belief is further bom» out ! by the fact that the rain» of t>* still ■how that the apparatus wai Tent by the blast. It ia likewiM «tated that the house had bctn under aurvefl lance for iom· time, and tho past fJr piclena thoa add to the bard en of evi dence advanced la regard te the Sre'a ο rial it. N««i at th* diianlcr tprmJ i-apMly in Oit» city ud other met left* οt the county today, aad the imotildering rnlaa, from which Addeholi'· bon·· •M torio were removed and In wh!»h •he ]nk«d «till remain·· have been viaited by thousand· of pereene to day, many âatomuMle partie» going ortr from thia eity vo tiew them ami alt bring back thn Mm· report of the affair and t>ie theory of the Mill'» explorien at the eauae far it· orlgia. WILL OPKKATK CAJL9 TO CAMF BY JULY 1ST. r«yett«*!no, March *4.—<RjMOM motor car· of the advanced modem »TPe will ko reining on · regalar •chedele between Fayttu-yillo and Caaap Bragg by ί»Ι| 1 en the trac to· line now beirg belli to the big aitillery eantp, aeoordl·* to annoan· 'ment made bf N. A. Sinclair, pre·! «lent of the Capo f**t Railway·, to cerponrtnl, baildcra of tht railroad. Télégraphie ordera for l»«B*xllaU ■bipatoat of the rail· have been plaç ai wlUt the parchating ····» *4 a *tc»l company )a Hagiretown, Md., while Λ· dlrectmT! of the read bar· «•tiled o· Um porch»» of roDlag atoeV from e»e of tern τ eempaaie· whom i»pie*»nutr»ee appeared bo fere Ike board hero and rabmltUd M· and «aUf <W. 1,000 STUDENTS DEBATE IN THE STATE TONIGHT ' 110 Higk ScUeU r.nieiaet· U An· null CnWI Far Aye· «h MeaeriaJ Cap I Chapel Hill, March 2i.—One Ithouaand d«b*tcri in 260 North Ou· oline schools, will ^eak on th· subject of th· L«»gue of Nation' next Friday, March 24, Iha occasion being the annual triangular <lebate* of the nigh School Debating Union, conducted under th· antpiee· of tha Unhreraity oi North Carolina. Report· which hare reached E. R. Ranktn, «ecratary, Indicate that than 1» great latere·! in tfc« debate on Um part oi tbo whool· and tb« comiaant Uim. The yoang debater· hare don· vart rira! Y investigating on tb« rwhjecl of the Leafnse of Nation· Thi, U)ilv«r*.»y Usned a handbook on thr subject for their me, and th« North Carofxa Congressman and Senator· b·*» mt many q>eacbet and document· from the national cap ital. The final contest for the Aycock Memorial Cap will be held at the Uni versity on April · and 7. All high tcboola which win both of their tri angular debate· thie week will aeal their l«-»aai to compute In the final contrat. Th, Aycock Cap ha· been won In the paat by Pleaaant Garden. Win«ton-Ral«m, Wilson twice, Gra ham Darhan twice, and AihevilW. The annual triangular debating conteet· were began In the State tan yea» ago. They were taken up In ;be ftrsr instance by the Di and Phi moi raiant ha· bceoror very popolai In North Carolina and haa ipread into a number of other routhrrn jtM<«, amiably Kentucky. Sonth Carolina V:ryrinia, Alabama, and Mi»«.i«»ippi DO CROP YIELDS [N COUNTY PAY? By David L. Lone, Soil Special ist, Soil I m pro» amant Com· mittee, Atlanta, Cm. In thl» time af stre·· whan »Π | faiaitr ■ a#> ♦■·■■*· »» — * — in| ma ■ boaineet ahoald be looked upon fruaa a butt no is basis. It ia aeceaaary to diversify, for .liver »if:c»tion always haa been a pay rif proposition even before the boll weevil cam· and erpecially ao in re lation to tbc production of home ιαρ al Sep. Diversification, bMevtr, U aot the whole solution uiltM toe yield* of the crops are profitable. It eaanot te crpeetcd that a fana operator can just diversify an J cxpoct to work out of this serious situation. It reqatrai more than that. It rrqairej that the yial'l» (boll be tulbcieally hi«h to pay coats of production and leave a profit. Law yields are eery aftotvAhr cauae of complaint that priera do not pay co*ta of ρ rod action. Cost aorveys as conducted by the U. 8. Department of Apiculture sj *f0 a* the N. C. Collas· of Agricul ture ahow that with increased yield» Uc coat of prodactlon per buafcel, or puuud of a prodact decreaaaa and tiiat the profit* par acre tncreaae. It ia nocesaary therefore to leok wall ! to yonr yields to determine whether ; or aot they art profitable. Taking for a bail* the average coat of production per aera of the lead In* crop* af the its le for IMC, aa eati mr.'ed by Dean C. B. Williams of the Ν C. State Colla«« of Agricnaltors and the avarago yield» of the coanty ut elven by thr een»as of l»XO, a fair approximation ean he aaada a* to whothar ar not the yiatda are prof Uath. The average coat of prodactlon as determined by MU William· Intrude | rant of land, faitlllsan, mm n< bono labor far preparing tba p"ii, faltlvatinj, karrettlnf and e»rk«tir>e | or ttorlnx the crop*. Kertilliar allowance» wsra m M | low·: Corn and oat», 300 lb·, of 7-Λ-ΙΗ | Cotton, MO IW, of · »-8. Tobaeco, «00 >W. of *-8-3. r.anuU, 400 lb·, of laad plaatar. { Dodactlon· for by-prod acta wore . made from Ik· total coata. lart do 1 diUioTii Included ftddar from earn, j cotton Mod, oata itrwm, and pa a· at • hty. After tha«f deduction· war» madr the ·»·™„ not eoa« ·? prodaotloa for A* varloa· rrap· par acre ara aa follow·: , Cotton Ilt.li Com li t· Oat· UJ0 Pcaneti MT» Tobacco 71.0· TIm »*ani»» caat of |ll.ll fat aot ton prodmetlon roqalma for . a yield <* «»· lb·, of lint arlO, the •Ml, « oettoa Mil· for Ik · poW* land cotton Mad Μ |«0 · to·. Tfca . avarafa fWd af H «matt ranty for 'Hit waa IM Ik·, of Hat iMotdtaf <ContJaa»d ·« Pt^a Rfai) DUNN SPLITS EVEN IN DEBATE CONTEST The dvturt* liar· Lajt Friday ere· 'njt b«twe«n the Dunn High ackool rtd the SmlthAeld High School waa a meit rr«)iubli oca. The debater· fauwed that they had thoroogUy «*» *•4 the question which m, Ml· cd: "That Um United Btete· tfcoold our Um Lmo* ft Ν«lient." Β roe· Cnnftrtit UmOo A>mt| (ft Dana upheld the iHmillw vUi· Um m«M;v« vm defended by Erwto Pitt man and Donnell Wharton, of Baailh Held. T*c debate waa aplrltod u4 at Λ» and af the first rorat It auold have baas Terr hard to docid· whieh tea·· had th· advan tag*; bet In the rajoiadara Den· ahowed up eveeiaUy rtronc and waa the Jabata by · uaaaimoaa rota of the Jadgaa. After Uw <l-bel* war over tha mUmih «railed anaioealy for the daci»if of :ha judge·, *!»«· It was «vldoft to every oa, «bo had foOoarad tha ptwWi tûwtlj that tha twa »ere very «vol; mate had. At the aaa tha» that Daaa'a ι ua(iv« tun ««a defecting Saithfleld on local aafl, her tcaaa *u anraiair agalnat tfao ' ... it Nation· I· Ban ford. TV» rid· af Uy qaartion waa upheld by Baily y«whrrry and Baseoan Farter. Both it tScaa drfcaten «h·» ad that tha? i«d worfc*d hard and their apeeebea »ouM hav« been a credit te aajr *** «ιΗμΙ iMeBL In fact, after the lit round. It aeaaaad as theogfa team had tfao adtantap. They ad arivaoeerf (ever·! argvmeata Α'Λ the affirmative bed aft rxpect <1 to Kara ta deal with. In the re •oinicra, h owe» or, tha Sea ford ifmk ~ra -eamad a liUla atrongar la apite of ι he «act that οmr t»praaaatotl»aa -lid tat leave a single argvneat mr toacbed. It waa a wry •loo. ttgktj Mid v>h»n Um Jw y*- %naUva'—*1 'he audience aa to whether tha Aaeid- | 1v«- -yet wka It earn· "dii—Hn." tSe 8*»"ord people ail^Uiil that nui rcpratcntatirea had pw theirs ι rl<«c net. 8aiiord va· WH—H4 S, Ray Byerty and William Tills, volh of «ion rirowcd a thorough kn««Ma ot the gMftWn, and n rellent ability and trad■·tag ia pablic peaking. The high rrhoole of the State kava ak*a great interest in the Mata· thin rear, about one thousand boy» and girls arere debating at the ihm 'Hrc lait Friday erasing. It U wait '« the credit of the people at North Camlina that thry took mere inter ut la theee mental contaata than they lid la the athletic contact· bald a Iftm «reeks ago. AMERICAN SHIPS NOW CARRY MUCH COTTON ΓΙμη Operatfeg Oat af Calf Traa» part SO Par Caat af fi|«h Agaiaet II fa Ittt. WaihingtonTlUreh 24.—Ship· ttf· ng the American flag operating tramι ralf porta ara carrying to per caat jf tba cotton exported, toaspared with IS par caat a year ago, Vioe ?rc»ldent Small af the «hipping beard uineaaead today. Shipping beard operators la the ta* porta, ha «aid. are making *a qoeiU· for mora sMpa. and the shtp •ing beard baa adapted a potior at treating their mi^sela purldel they Increate their freight rates es that Λ «y will not leae meaey which woald accar, ia the *Ww of dMpplag hoard ««Ala, under tha —·t Ma, tn crmaaetiaa with Ikt eaal atrika which U hamlea-t for April l, Mr. 9bmI1 mM tUt. althaagh m miuM iratian had km ft*·· *· •n« ewl tr+m Enclaad. «or had any «ΙΗΛ W> mada, tha ritfppiag baard eopld irélbly Uk· tm ear yoM af (Ml froa Snfland at a >c*M nu of apyrastaatoly II.M H ton. It wvakl h* onljr a aùaar ckun aad anU ha daaa kMM· coal whM make a battar MM tkn ur atbar far tfcaaa ihlpt wMdi waaM have u rUi* I" Wlut Mr*, hirrfi Kmh. «aU Waahtoctan, Mardi M. — A fa*· la·» laakioc, dart gray aid hoax wm placed aa tha aariton Maak h ara r» tarda? tmt tha aaltl«a»ar thaaabt II waa worth aaara than tha hlddan Md. ttwa.Ua hama M Mn. Mary ftar rat, who waa axacatad aa oa« af tha Maeahn inipliatw aad H waa la itha liai· front pariar af *a aaaa paa VmtÎoM roddeaaa that Aa «oaaplr». tara a*t and ptannad tha d«a*fc af Mm a^rtyrad PraaidaaV 1%a haaaa, rtaadlat *aa la tha aaatar ai tha ratidaatial nrMiti. wm «ai a· a kMriht hooaa hy Mra. Barrai far ■aay yaara prior to 11 M. bo did HtbCipwtMi a mwMr «r Wtato util ta mm cewfaiir aad «ta* r> keek u> m4 |M U kit MOM| ffOf Bf Umo I te m* MM H tapir ttat inalat cotton iBéir Ml «imO «νΜιμ i· m Mar tHk. ft-fc m httb mnn hiwr HP vmats to ka·» Se* ta «ma gnm (Nw aador woovfl coadMoaa. Bo » vfiUag to put la · a Nor* Omtat ahaadr tan «m; lu ta wffila* to kco» « NT, μη chkkaau, ni to ta'orfflte* to r*>» kl» food aad M crapa, Im •n b aid aad tow. la tin lection, h. wmOk to know ta> to fie· oottoa to «tto of to. mm*. Wo·* H-.. H. Hj« 1 km ^aal <f«u « tot tt ttoM roar. I taw (ta koaa la aad tk« «tit— to tt« I kaoar boat • Mal lw|a tftar lui—fa I aad to 'ty. 1 Hwflr to"·4· mm Um to Um wont lafoatod d»a»ilau «f la eao eoartr rother caaaad to* D»naal oop at eoentr to drop *·» 17,000 ta tko mm tdfltary doetioa ta aoarir m tad a Ttm «oald Mr into tlkt» ίφ^ΓΜΑΝΥΑΤ· ■ BAWD MINSTRHÏ T. _ ___ or T. Lm, wka U for tka forthroaùac klf te bc ι Mt Tkm »iêf atfbt, la (Wwif< ta β BMt ιti—fil I I* f §aMi lar tkat « U ntln tka vtwla 4W>t of ik· baa4 «ttl ka r—Mm4, Un afcjact atf Ù« aijwttctf. ai (MM, pciaaarfly far tke antartata OMtat of tha tiniMity. But baUad tkb h · Mn ta nbi iHiy u pay far tka kaa4 nihil Kr. La· n aetfana* kaloag ta M* aat *· th» irtdi af tka taai Tknt (m. ha an. k »|ΐ·ιι ta k· tha la pty Itr Dm aaa uUml flrat tfeejr ware kaia. Oaoa ara «β tka (tata mm la tka IMar Kr. Laa*a direction tka te ter waftk—kattar, prakakfr. tbaa anjr tkat kaa arar kaa· ffraa kar* by pro ara tka caat aa4 prograa: Warran, L< F. VkrtMlag, Vafctu Bat. rm*a, »J—ni y»c, 3. C. C. C. W«m aaa, U. Caayar, Ooha Tait, Vtabarrr, il. Οι ikiitia—J. L Wa4a, Haairy O. SkaO, Bak Jatëan. U B. Paye, Haarjr Laa. J. C PMUpa. bm win to lilndmi - I Opening (htrton—CeafU). "W—H·' Dm to Cottom Tow*.' "Te Little Ftaiw AH To* link I «gg». "Lore Soadt ▲ Util· Gift of j c. miup·. Wa "Httutt County Iptyknqr Or •tottra"—Otb Jackwa, labUl by J. Mlipa. Homo Bhtei"—BID I — Dana Concert ] (Huit Mull. Htary I Joka PhflJ-p·, Kaqpr KoUMay) r. BULLA*D—Coadaetor. "Hatktrli Bvoabic Player"—C. C. j Warn Tjr-T·· <Mn "Spread To laity Btfc Wanaa «U Ba4Hy M»- I -Tto Mm"-Decree Specialty— la tto Mcfcf—Oretoo WmiM·» Our totU. — Hoary BtoJI, Cooper Jack-1 Aloao at Te«W— Bo» Woorll Qaar Jmmm Ann FMilfee. oae af Dvaui'e MMt pepeltt nm eee, 41*4 huidq at Ma kNM ton «ftar aa (Saeat at vrraral day·. FoimI >ailm war· kaN at tha ho»a pa tarday, M by Iw. Ma 1. LaagKon. Faatar ef tha CWMtaa ikmk. later «neat waa made U Mm PkflHpa Ma) r*m4 iiaar lam. Mr. FMBlpa wee m μΜψ· af Dann aid apeat »■ a# We yaaaa hare where ha «aa baa*» *a and Hkad by ararr bady af Dm». HI. waa a riagatortjr ■may dl*eeKle· mi ha «ada friand· easily Md haid friendship aV «aye. Ma wae a tan ef the lata M* ante af Daan, and a nyhaar af the Ma J ha PhUU»·, «ha wee Bayer af Dana far eaearal tarant Mr. PhOMye had been taaaaeted ytth tha Biather» «Un. fer eeraral yean aad wae ene af tha laaat eateed ia«iliy··. ef that ea taMMnaent. la la earvired by hie ■tepasather, twe breaker·, Maleala, at fti Bamaa and HalUday Ceawany. aad Jaha C, aad by three Mr*. Oaarge Oweaa, M lee Meade FWBpe ead Mia· Mary Phltt»·. Ohael aad peaWaai ara a ee·» btaartea la ι ««ratal ef taada. [society OF SHIFTERS ORGANIZED BV FLAPS th·» V«rk V«*u Uwumn ll tie *1 *«w Torit, '.'a.ch 24. -'lit "HaHi tir of Khlftc.i," a xj'iut'.tiii kaed ■but charter j talJ I» have Ofic'.L •d fa *ema crxil.' ïimjtHT ralcd. !:ww denounced ud»y by Mix Cer ■ teaii BobU*a»-itaiHb, yreiidt.it of J14· Vac3i*M AMOiktie^ xt Ike ,"πι·*4 wpral orgmrliuii un" ο» ku CTrr heard ο f. ' Vt.j K'4:n:or.-Ktn!t!i M'd rfr "•.fcî.'Vr*" :1-ι4 c«>e te "t*r n?lWi vTPur tn.ft ·»' Λ«Λ«- of ll* YfS tio.i A «ecutic η c»-.n!»y*r ji *4i.I kb'V't ·)ΙιΜι1|»ηά -ν·'·» :.b> fry Ikr «au.n w.·.kÎ7 * avenu «2>!rS thr KuorUt!en ctlkrU and |mu iiwat foe t2nm a> i» vaee t!o> n»>l ofc-' E«trU.iulr >cat vi Jte r-'l* «srlt-'ocd tfci· worXInja of a.» "«Miter*," tkj itve.'i fjpjo.· fad, nhWb h*«< r£tOUl Voe» Λβ h$>. tthoy. *'i io!wjt»< te bu'->«a n't'1 ' wfeou **.- :: ..u eus c*m* iro» elli •r «ια.ί*^ tkiîi "pop·." A u.l'Œlicr «f tki» cr>« <p> iimilt fcuruo tidy, Hofcùwo^-Smlih teamed, f irai ayyroecrio· a gfcrt friend -r.d u»u(i h or cvr'.otity nfviltai •J»e "ikftm " Hetrîrç at Wi fricr.d» laJfciaff aVeat 1:. the vietim rwmm êigti'fle» a âejite ta Ja+r·. "fut m* yew r:»;.· kind eu.- » .»a TV* will never 1*1! thi> t*cn-t," ej< the lri't'atcr, and ihc taarjdMt* on»· pliai. Then «ht i» ajkrd for ι» ini tiation frt» aiiyt'txp ïtor» ·. qjai-*e< to a dollar. "Xow," ra«i tli- "a".ialor. -y<H u( ■ mc-pUr of tVr Sba'too and sll you kuve te i'e 1» sake bm a pre emt of a ;>*1t of «Ilk Aerkiags thee sro oat eo;l .t'a* 'tee af year The *ί«»»»ηΓ b αϊ » Κ "CJmm*." A nom MSJKSlt pays smi ^ nxnr Ralvijb, Kf.-.cH U.—V>.e flrot pio vttzx^m întt'.tetKi Ljr ti:r SScalt Ho»r4 of EMi'.h a-ilar Ih* ihc.-jImI Md law auctM l y 4- Ociwt) ArnaMy <f lïîl oerarrcd at Lex .· »rter and rcarulirc t. V/.a af J. W. Kej>'.*>·. .··«* virer ef tit Hotrl Mareli at tiu- plcra. T.V pruiatjt'on τι·τΛ»·Ι frtfea Ur faflvto oi tko mwceeewu te cot* i»cl loaa-ilUiy r»j Jtion·. ifter :e *pr<t«z» âc4 po:n;vO tlw>i oat. Tbc raac n> ha-dlr-' L. α WtfJajr tklcf of tkr ftrUl ituwleni amj wax triad before Judjc Movar, rr-ard<-r TodfMent of t»ï CW<( a fine fi $10, tW peym.-jit a' Wt, And ttc furthor o-.ctar Cat <V hou-l lw f.- ·· w!t>i t touted n-j e.' 1 kroc*kt iatc rack conditio ι a» .0 fu;ly comply with thr etato hotrl law. TW ai.maprmcn* of thn Hotei March wu rkatged with T'oit tin* four aarticix of tho la*.-, aumrly fa;1aro Ut Ice*;· poiU-i a 'lit cf char je» for ror:a'; fflllarr to proviso pA ροτ bod lilion; fallu:* to kaop bM aad WU-tf ί-rt f-.ott vrrm'.rt; ia •snitary eortftia»» :ιι <-'» Voeha-. PrartleaRy- aU rk. : «A of *·. .late have rboara ■ drain U hr«nU> «o-oporate with '.he 8t*u Bosn> ot Health te oboerviap tb« prenri/oa* »t th!« law, which ara# J.lr.tly iUvm by committee* of the trtvrln* man aad hotr-J manager» :n conjunction wttk tko «taU kwMi olRctr. Many aa la· «portion Vi»p atom1 cpyrnxlmttely perfect, and nearly av have p/oept Ir remodiad defect* d'-teo*·-** «pen Inapirtlon. 4* GERMANS KILLED KVCtY HOU* OP WAR llftKh SO.—Puty-»'* ■« »·γ· kt)l#d and 109 «8Μ<ι< oi_th» Gwrnn r*da riarlitf arrty hour the world wi- wo4 rait^M· amrdiny t·. an artlntatlaa arrWui at by Qrr.arat vol Altitt k. a itatraUrian. tlù» *ati matioa wu mad» (Maa a »toJy at official retard# Oema.ir'· tot-,WO In 6+^4 liWJ!» »»4 la woa.vled Μ* 9.77 μ. In U th· namWr ·( IVOCa.OOf* •W indrt a-B-. «Ιλι.:^ '.It· MtilM of Ov»-w«r of »!>r»: aa* ;a aavaa araa kill* 4 hi bottle. 7>f tfcrri rorpt lo>t Μ,ΑΟΟ »" kflkd and ΜΛΜ wmindad. Genaon nM!« and civilian torn, through death, «aaaed droetlr or indlr.cu'y hy tho amr, m nMNtol hy Qnml «M Alt·** at L09M00. ®aHy to plant and ear'.? ta harveat la a »o*d matt· far Ow homo Harden —4a* hew ahoot pluifllne ta have m aU the year teaad jarden· •m! autaa tarn evt to be Haalth htat: h; tha «tft a ha*. SUES NEWSPAPER ft·? I ClABBWC UBEL ! h"crw.or ΓcyrtUrriil* M»yr Al imymAtWm· Vm F*yetrv;Uc, March *1—Tbe #l(Ks ;β« Kbcf »alt btoucht by Bwry & WJUubj, («aw Mayor il Fayette .*ajc, agateat «ka nut IMMtakkw CmpHft Mow yaklidM»· af Mm ' Fcrclicvillc Obaerrer, ani othot*. I ■*»» teiai «ρ in tho Saprrier eaart I ->rr» taii- «id had raaefced Cm atafe at tbo ^cetoetlmi or tMteMx b»- '» f :u « adjournment Mit afternoon. The »ait mmu m dfcicadaate, J. Λ. Parr. Urn Park Ηβ*1ΙΛ·«ητ Cm •Ajr. Carer B. Taylor, ftmr mi· odttor of The Obeorror, E. Γ- Hod'»t. fcrati beJr.nr./ gunmr, ι-*'· H. u>uUsy. pr*r*nt paU ->ie» cf lb* pi]Mr. Tbr 9Iatoiiff te '·'« cfa/sLil a'UeM tltmi te ttm «9· =3t> V oi (be OWonwf ko m cf ·ηώ«ι»;«.Λ·ηΐ ·» #hy · ' •juJ· . a.'!5*·if.(ι !*4eccnt and ImMQCiil ■•iitoi·* te (Ικη iUhmii >1 «Ή* 1'aifte, permitting open jpuu •Λ·* by bnys. a<-4 illegally collecting f- v*; »·**» (ι*· ))U*y driver*. Tk do l.ad'.nft'a niwr te the complain! r« eHrfattea u » nhfgfag ■Î.9 e.eyer with muappropr!» 'βτ. ef fund} ui declared that «ay of «railMM* ad«'.n'j*rt»tten KS» »Hn υ is Tig Olxtc T*r mm Mt ; --a*tco ky *£>t, bet être mid» 1 Λ Ihr c.i3«r:t» Pt p*b!V joaraalbu ; * r τ4;#» *r·; «iccmn* tke peblie gaol Ml··* reading tka defméaatV aa- "'l.. I «Â auric· 0. Kom mored that tlit «mut* Drrid B. Uadmy, *ho tsftkaerd The Obaanmr aifleo the opoaract': of tke arUctee te ew» icr I·» «Vaa'-aa'^d on tke greend Hr. no · su*q of activa had bar* . boira Mid tfcea made a motte* that ! '» sait ne to tiie other defendant» Vi On'tiai Judge Conner raeanrad !»*< ν·«ίλ«βι an both Mat In·» Vitt'M took the rter.d before r.son and pmaontcd the terthaati/ fta^^^^oundnti·» jter ***"■ 'Mm been made ugtegt him. ul 4o af tfc« rkuft ό» Tke Ohserrwt·» mt ;:κΛ« tencard Wn η U» m«· >■1 *rd tmlgmMm n· 1 <r clwipr* of City IWIelin W W. v.-fco. WJUw»» Uitified. wm» I c'y e Mesd if Οιιτ; B. Taylor, n»a.'.yit«f «dilor τ/ Dm popar, the fr.ct that a tw hirvb*d del taK llMKX tUM «Μ AxtfirC. TV Obaaivvr. T.Hîrh Sir. Park coaaidarcd nnu!n. la te· aftereocn tkrat wlteatac* far Ik. plaintiff t.rtif-ad thai tVy *d huerd Taylor dpclar·; Oiat bo *w of HfWhlt'a forced re»S*nat'on \a viu ftolr.g ts '"Wiiberd" VUHmm' «dailalitracJa· until "cvary nt of the bucch" waa ran oat. C. 6. Myrevar. editor ai lb 06 a-vt-r, t*«tjff.ed tint Tayk>r asd Hod vieV bvon*M V.m an article erltteto tejr 0<a city admlnUtraUon la coe -•rtoB wfcfc a eireu ilda*aw; that ha refused te Λσψ it to «ο om the •Ottortal pa*a aad teat It «m ptaeod »n thf front p«*c Ha deHared that Faik had n—m laitraetad him ta rrrtfcÎM WiiliaaM' adasintftiatiiiii. Wilson sen victory FOR THE DEMOCRATS Hapae Party Im WW |. f»iw. T. Im rmmm nr^lM Ik, W«M Duhiih. Muck *4.—fermer Preal dent Woodraw Witwn. I» · UWjren te tkr chain··· *1 the 0t Leal* -oortyt Dnaecratie eoajmkfcoo te •*y. αφτοΜ*4 "eenfidont wpwi t'-an that tW party wlO »ooa be n· tubllAod in power and to a foil t'aa la reader mnrH aarvlee te tka Hbnal foirw of mankind tkn»i< the «•rid.'* ■ Tka uW»a waa ta reply te a « trr m-tt Mr. Wilaen by lb* coanly roara*»— to vkldi the IHM Ptev ! .icnt *»· "m»»o)Ud rteofatttea ai : Λ· ita4*( of tka Daaiectetfc party.** IV tflnn· of tt·· feranr fwt <ieat fall aw»: "Ynr aaatia fcaa «few «a pott «hear and ιιημνιιμνκ I kepe voa win kava m «ptiamnWy M «a»· v«y my praMi·* t· tka Bwiwu of St. Louis roaftty, tagatkar wMk •a · «rrc~a'an «* aiy eon niant ax yaetatia·. In wkirk no éaakt tkay tkiire, tkat oar yraet party w® saw -o«b h*> τι u>Wk»>W< to pawai Nf to · pofHiai» w r»e<ar wwX aar Tice ta «ka Ukand fata·· af i*ankte4 Ifctougkaat tka werté." j A ou «toto* ka Milled feaite?· I y ftfttaa Han· kacaw· V wu alt ky · kaaikall ka» wfcea yna)i«. Baaa j ken la laartm Whan Η'» Λ* MaaW te «te dra* ' rte» .-daag iter ■**· wwlte. , ■ "KlUm te ΜμιΟΛ raymaat

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