THE DUNN DISPATCH »0Λ %. KM ■^Ρϋ,ΙΙ—U TWICE - WW TVHOAYb A Κ D nODAT· ~ L. »UMfc"rof« ! !TU?JCIUPTIOX RAT»« "" • Os» Y«c UN .* χ'ϋοι-ώ» 3 00 XtnUb .«C CASH at ADTAXCS, ι > » ι. ii »«>ct ·" ii··—lnH—i to Tk« l> yauk ΑΛ émfttieinta of tk» tu k· nn>il ihrovgk teb yj ' ^fao·· Ιββ. CtumûvUiMi llv· (ooki ix» tanrttMl, trat oaUUr «Ο «tranMuâ «I du «t'.to »t iuh 11··—lu ' 1M ««fc furnjk u wkh M· hm it W »ot HCMI) Uat tko «HM fc uAlS*·* kat w· tmfct tet It k ."'*n M a» «T.deo«« of coot faitk. «but KCMitt ai ««Mises, rtt» rlab nmh»i. «vc.t atr ·*'***· ' Mfc FUr» Ci»hg Os Τ» ι Μ«τ. Ακη 4Λ tkm «Β '< ο yndutln ia the Opera How* ·; two of th* Carolina Mlt-HiJ» -τ MXfa Vf (to fjrilin· P1é|—hWi * th« Unircrkty mt N.rth ÇoioUna Vv> U.iraraty IztwMl DmiM « arranged to wb IkMt pOtyi .i.aflaMa to r«KLKBniti*i la tbc Bu*· : H to mM Mit · director to *M* Um Dun k the ffaot towa terr -îît» each «ttvxii Mb ·ηΜ L-.y, PWi A|Mt ef tho Rom o' c-rae*n*y Drama of th· Unhrmky • ■xmui·» lYtbèou. ha> ko· hi Dm :'■»· March lTih toga^ed ta tiu rack of «totealat Mira· >>o?o on Jjr to mplwi et tho ChaWr of in (« M c<iu pmeat for th« «choc1 1k* ploya «m eolected for pr» «ntatleo hero: "In DUon'i XKthea" «ritton kjr WUhor Moot of Barilet tne, U> coOahoiatluii with Bilan Lay αΓ Beaafort: «ad "tho Baton· o? r-xk Garînh» Thomae Wolfe of . toviCo. "In D'jcon'· Kiteben" k a .^:»fcvfal ecBKrir «f couaty M·, mm J read whh th* «Mkahïoa of country (j«ttaht9 «boa an tho airtiw of " a gir'.'t family "keep batttn' ta." « Va-ptey haa hooa perforated tvcaty ooo II ia n by tho Mayaoken ia Cha - Γ'1 Η3Π and OO Mr Stat, Toon aad a m m*t with «mkorml www», Tho aadkamo jurt cant My laoehla* «1 Î* nhbirtwl oaf alaaoa of the ho· ;?!*»' «f ·ι isfS^sSBsi !^·μ U y* «m «f *· ftm rr—t«d by Λ» CltrMkM «t Cfca-1 M wêl r«at imv Mtm t· ; I te m»—ι «m BMBflHMb * «B*ataa »"«r» ·»·« . -t» DUmI Kttahaa ■·*· inb La·, >ttoi HwAiviu; La, la lev* with | > ι·> Le·. Back JanUcMi M· Dta 91, Annie Le·'· rnoUier, Miu Inrin ; | '· ι Dim. Kayuoed Ciwrtln < th· Ml hrotbcr, Qraerrin· TU*k -, ■U. Jr; Oil Mua, «n«ther kratkar, | Cad VIm. ~T%$ Mm ot Bot* Garia:"| Ink Gawia, MI NrwWrry ; Mary, Ut a£«Ur, MIm Inrin; Tfe· lu. [ TW BetheHlat > ·η· #r «η latmeUa* bnhv artanvoeo when MIm Viol«i| Vaut* kMM th· krirf· «f Mr. <t> Um hi whi Mi •t «M t'ckk la *· d» I «m af «air Hf» hMih | >4 a tmw dm Mw4a *f s id giaiim, 'Bar. S. W. Vifeajn] Th· Md·, wk* la a «7 attract!*· | ΓΛΊ» 1|Ι·Ιί ï *i aa la tor wwMta* »na>··! «f aary | V' w. «ftk W, *w Md ι ia gray. Bar flawan «an a| • owwr kaaqaat «f Mi·'» ma aad :.!Vy IflKat The «MMB «M atUmWd kf Mr -faery Jamitaa. who •Va. lOHMt «u mh ta tie «*«« of · Imb· gatharlat *4 mt> cwîBf biM* u4 w. u· «m ««a ,-o4 au, Imd Wjr · hod «f Wil M (uwr. Ma «m a m· «f tha Ut· Martin Laa «f Mr. Ln «m bora Mtr Dam. t> Dm mv le Id IMS. H· ria* Mba Nm*i fou r»ft. a 4u *r et the Ma, Mr. ImIiIi Foya, ot CaMil Oimu. ta INi M April 1. 191#. H» U τίΙΜ by two mi aac 4m Ii^Hih. Tfca Mi ai» Mr Laa· lia r Laa aa4 Mr. Ova. Beau Lac. TV da agitata m Un. Baratta Botkr, wtta a# Mr. M. A. Botte ο : DM»; Mn CUm A. Caata, wtfc ·( Mr. & M. P. Caata. «I Oaaazia, Mm Toh»nr B. Butler, villa ot Mr. f. M. ■wter. Aba three brother» and two Gaa. Moore and Joseph Lae; Mn. Wlatfred Tart aid 31 n. Martha A. Caata Dear TJaaia: Tkao ait ton·. We troat, to aaat| Ta «ara» with Cfcrirt, And aB the Meat. . A REI-ATl VE. ΤΗ* SENATE ■f Harnett : 1 PiUrlct «. ΤΤΐίΙ H"™^î Hok«· "ΟΛ.Γ Ml tfaadolph, and win hare two un *·»■ J* *··* that He lett and Moon ehall each nominet, *ne o*.ti« Democratic candidat» thi, r»*J: I baje aa aabitioti to he Har ■*»»*» rand date, and shall raba'l mj M" *· lb· «n«n ai the J jnt prt Any qualifications that I may bav. far thr place ara tam to yea, aad it jom eee proper u honor ■< with ha iifnalw of year eoafM—co. 1 Aall prat«fnlly accept the trait and discharge it wftk «ha ataioet ability of which I Ma capable. Κ In you. opinion the intamto of the party iarinr tha emaaicn, or the walfarx. W*. tha district donn* tha mill· ·.' tha Gaaaral Awntfy wfll ha batte., served by aarna ether. I «kan aceep. 1 jadreeat withowt bitterntae aad! elect tha a»aa of poor choice. vr-v·? i· τ-, ' BUSINESS LtOCAL * TWO ' CABS *OT * HAT^4UT grade at f 1 Ji%. U P. BaHee. » te *A*TO^°U> U. A AMD CON , federate State* Mum of aB kteda. | leeala, «ad la plaça of la rarioaa"uionie^àeLÎ*tha CMÎ War days. Satire collections boaeh*. Stamps or origtaal earel vfeee paid far aay of tha Janrttad in bareTAT ι Bo* IBS, Daan. N. C Mar. M ttpd roc «AVE TMXD THE EEST.J now try the beat. B^od Tires. E. V. ! Oalaey. 17 He. , LOST· 8ΤΛΛΥ50 C» STC* Γ»! · On· trow* mai» SkarptrJ <fec *;U» wfciia ring at-oat »«el. *h t« H »** u4 tip of tail wh'ia. SrawaL tfatk wavy hair 0*3 back Hot" rtmtil fer k< irttrs ta W. C Xa icj, D«iiu Kou* ». It-K··*' LUT. A WALTHAM WATCK. Hut is riup·, a pen iaca, wUk ward "Lean" t&rrmrad oa teak. Vbter aattfjr Lea· A. Aillai, four Oak*. a»4 pt liberal reward Left fcatwaao Dai and Beaton on kifhMjr. tt-ile \ STRAYEB- -A BLACK HT' ^ wj^htar· tlli: tan >Λ-η.|·. C uu V> >·>· !uj* Silurdsy fcifthl V>': h«r..« j r·. 0«-»«r m (it i-et'. by t»llL;r at ay bom-; at TiHlnc Ui1! Cwi kei.ln K. A Tu-lii: U*. Dun. N. C. Hoult > It tic LOOK FOR TKK ΊΞΓ MAN Oi tb· coib. Ttut )i l*w lla*l Tir ImIw It to hi front of Ε. V GtlMf'i. 17 tf« FKAMKUN SYRUP 1·. PER CAN Are jroa (tiCw ygur iIwimr fne? If mot csad* with « and tr hew aakjr it la. Ft I—an'» Caab Gtoaery. SI nt f/UITED—MEN OK WOMEN TO tike onl··» far grnulo· (UluM MtWiy, for ai«u, warn»., auH cHU <lm. KKninat·· darning. *40.00 ft »r*k full tie·, 91.00 in hear •P·1"» tiM·. Biperienoc unntcH •fiy. UUnuUioiml Suwkin* MUU. Nomttown, Pa. MORE Ε CCS. — EXACTLY NOW U *?* *·»♦ k«*f Λ« yeeac chlcV ►a· iie«ltSy Booklet maiM ·η ro qo««L Eorr Cliemleal Co., EaieicS·, N. C. ' «4 ïtpd WMITEHOUSE AND QUEEN'S Biné Cuff·· 48c p»r pound Uni roeity Club 40 c»nlv 8lhr*rwarr coupon» in «Mitton. "ΓΓ PAYS TO 1Ά 7 CAM." Frruna'a -Cath Grocery. »1 tie. ΓβΟΛ·!·. 8ν m· at ο ncv. 1. Oard «wr, Dunn, Sf. C. 84 tfr. WE ARK RECEIVING AGAIN THIS *«K-k toe extirraely new a ad pmi ly thin*] in mU'.ioery ami ladlri' «•dy-lo^rtar. It yaw want Ht· CONCUΗTHERE WILL-BE A wiralaea eoec<.t at Rosin 1H11 Uifi 8<hool. Saturday nijht April trt. < Coat and hear a C3*c«rt that t> bel·* «"»·» at Detiolt, Michigan, of mm other tu off city. AdraU aion SI and SB ccnla. ltc. •••Mt and bent rheapvr, ookk to the Yellow Front B. G. Taylor Co. , eorao it Store, ltc. FOR RENT — EIGHT ROCM dwtULifc·. r.uJn -ily < «(u'.ppcd. on Nottli CJmtnn Ann··. See Β. L»»L>, Dunn, N. C. Î1 tic. IRISH COBBUJIS. MAIN?*Crow*. $5.50 (vr naok Dairy F«cd, Milk· rio, tltt; happy Cuw »ϊ >0. V. 1a«SM> F«d 8? 00. Ch!ek».i Fhu 92,56 per «ck. We ii*e Ro*ir.' 4''»ci-»*>r rouport* in atM'll·». Fierma..'» C.t«h Croeery. 21 ifr. KODAK NNJSHING— srë.tli'J 'taille will finiasi V» dak film» w'*.hlB Ï* hour». Tu **«* HAV I* RAPIDLY ADVANCING. Gel yourt now at $1.60 par buu ri td. k. P. S»rlQ4. t te. 1 I FIDDLERS CONVENTION At Jonesborc School House , Friday Night, March 31st, at 8t00 O'clock AD Fiddler*, Bsn jo Pickers, Quartette·, etc. are invited to participate LIBERAL CASH PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED TO THE WINNERS , The Practical Plumbers » .· ··. * j ./ Bell and Miller, the practical plumbers, are now located on- North Clinton Avenue, second door from W. J. Jones store. We are prepared to do your work-prompt ly, efficiently, and at a reasonable price. We will give you ia tie factory service on any kind of job. Phone No. ,44. Call usfcvhen you need a plumber. ^ · f£. BELL & MILLES*T Phone No. 44 Dunn, N. C. Butler=Bros. ANNOUNCE ATTRACTIVE PRICES IN THE CELEBRATED LINE OP AVERY IMPLEMENTS THE BEST FOR THE FARMER And all other tool· needed ο nthe farm V*rina, Dunn, Sm oar big diaplajr of ™ Spring Floor G>verings AND SEASONABLE HOUSE FURNISHINGS — ALWAYS IN THE LEAD » η -j Jiov) Firestone Has Reduced! the Cost of Tire Service J«n. 1921 30 x S Fabrlo $18.75 30 χ SM M 22.50 90 ζ SH Cord M.fl M x 4 - M45 M χ 4H · 8M0 >3X1 » *l*> Jan.lttf Prie*· 9 9.-85 11.65 17.50 sa.4o 43.83 53.15 Reduction 30% HOW the ooat of ban MlakfataywM of . is, in row L to-H»M^pqrw> nil 1 iltrH·· • to the atocMinlderi at tW aan—i nmin| on J. AU <h>wsfsi im mmd nmmUmimtM mt er Mew the 2. Imermstd manm/rnctartng (W nIiim prodnctUn rkmi Si%. i. SMhs wiA rmhtef U%. m Mr. Firestone stated. "This reduction In price» limade poeeibJe by ooruoaea •d vantai eout hayin» facilities, and the enthueiaera, loyalty and determinate of < 100% etnckholding organisation. "Due credit mutt be given to Fireatone dealers wbo are selling Firestone tire· • am&Usr margin of profit. This brings «very Firestone saving direct to the oem-.-r." llis saving through first cost plus the saving through high milewge dou FtretWXK ecoooiay and is daily adding nrw fame to the Pirestooe principle of serrii: Most Miles per Dollar ftresfone . TfceOTY GARAGE If you bave not seen John-ran Brother's fine display, you liave missed something du i you would enjoy. WE HAVE SHOEii, PUMPS AND SLIPPERS TO FIT AND GRACE * EVERY FOOT — Com· and tell us your shoe trouble·. We ran solve yoar probUm. ι ι Johnson Bros.

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