'LOCAL· A. R. Wilaon, α drujwUi of Sebna, in her· today te vieit relativea ' Mr. and Mr*. R. T. Howard of Saa· furd, «pent the wp»X end with Mr. and Mr». Walter R. Howard. Will Ratlar and Gib Jacluon will »tage ar. other of thoae fiddling ίrol lick· al Joncuboio «ctooolhou»» Friday night. Major John A. Parker of Char lotte, cpml tt-.f week end at the home of h:A brocher. Β F. Parker near Dunn. Henderson Steel* of LiUlngton, editor of lb» Harnett County New», «rae a buiinew v'.»ltur In Dunn Sat urday. A ton, l%hnan Lamb, wa* bora Saturday a't*rnnon to Mr. and Mra. .Marvin Wn!·, at the hume on We*t Divine itrceL M Lu Lueilr Howard returned to day to Peace Iaatlkute, Kaloigto, after «pending tcveral day» here with het parent*, Mr. and Mra. K. L. Howard. N. R. r«e. Pulton Lee, H. S. Free man, and T. L. Riddle were in Ra leigh bunday to hear Oypay Smith, Jr., who is conducting a revival meet ing '.hot*. λ. η. Aui-mt, proi o.uon rnxorec IIU.L officii- lelamrd last ni(cht from Vvyta.».;:·, whore h« bad been ■» .n teveral raidi upon rauuu Hino tuiptcu. Chief of Pulv.* Dawson >· now a cop. He ht* a new uni· f.» m uni! ex heroic and hand :01.1e ai a-y of New York's celebrat ed Ε rnn.lv-a y rquad. Vhi* !« cltan up week in Donn. iiitrt Superintendent Bau axka that «1! I.oa jclioldcr» coopciatc with hUa aril hi» form in cleamitic every yard, lot and alley of all nfcbieb and liltb. Dan and Morri· Fleithman. of tho Flcufcman Brother* Company, Balti more, New York, Dunn, etc., wer» here ye«tcrcluy to attend the fanera) of Jaroo* Tbonuu l'hillips, and to Tta i Û.'Flciîhman, Jr. Β. F. I'arker who bai bran a p· tiuiit in a Charlotte bojpttal for th* past month ha» returned home much improved in health. Ho is able to be about hi· bus.nw* now and m faat rrffnining hi· strength. Wd. B. Sidcllj, in an ad. in this iuut ia offering to buy old U. 8. and Confederate stamps of all kind*. There who have nay in their ρα» okùon which they want to dispose of should aof him at ence.— Raymond Weatfcpook, who baa bean with the Wetter» Union with bead quarter* at "Calai Heart. Na,-«w , January, i> spending a few days in Dunn with relatives. After hi* Tact tion he will fo to Raleigh, where he will resume his work with the aatae company. The Dv'tnocraU of Sampson roan· ι>· will hold their convention at Clin ton en Keturday April lft, it II t. m. te «l«t delegates to the SUU Cftcxintion «ml take op each other luittn ·■ mur came before them. All Democrat· ol Sampson are ear ικ-iUjr relouent**! to attend. Sum· score or more of littla boys nri.l Vlr1· -rum the Masonic Orphan age at Oxford nr0 in town today and tonight will give a concert in Metro politan Theatre. They are Jolly litde fellow* and fire a moat enjoyable «a U rtaioment. Bo lure that you are a tnong those present tonight. Oscar T. Wilson, after eeveral wceka spent* in a Fay etteville hoppt lal, ha· returned honrc and il Main ι in good ihajx. Mr. WHaon waa opera te! npon while Id FayettevIUg. He aike the Ditpaieh to oxpraaa hi· fin """· ere thank· to hie many friend· here who visited him white he waa In the iioipital and who sent him cheerltf mroages. The Singing Claaa βt Oxford Or phunagi* will gira a concert la Me tropolitan Theatre Tueaday evening This Clat· ha· made an enviable repo tation for giving concerta of a high order—concerte that entartain and J edify. From «owe comnenU already > publlahod regarding thla year*· con cert It appears to be ip ta the uul high standard, and aD who attend can be aarored at an craning at real plea*arc aad profit TU* tupa&ueaa umiikt conYcsiioc il caSad ta MMl la tha court hNM ut Lllllagtta on Monday April ltth, at 11 o'elark, aeror4laf to an aa noaneemant la thla laane arf The Die pate*>. The parpo·· of the ■«edag I· to «l««t dohyt»» to Um State eon ν ration ta b· hold at Win «ton tal— an Ayrll 11, and to aleet delegate· to the Congretiional and MnatorUl eoHvaatlona, whfch will be callad la ter, aad ta tramart inch other bnd n«a aa th» convention may Mr. J. R. Baggatt of UUIngton, ««a a rlaitar la Dana Ratarday. Mr. Bag gaM b eon»M«rlng aiakiag hl* «* aoanorment far the State taaata frai· Ikli diatriet, aad aaf daolda wlthla tha aaat frm day· to auta pu· lata. Ba haa aanred Haraatt In thia capacity bafare and made an ahta MpiaaaotaUro and tbara m* aiany paapla la tha couaty Wko would , Ilk· to bava Mai aa lapfaawtotln again. Mr. Chartaa laat, *rt»o M aieo «perieneod la iegMatire wortu haw ing nywmitoj Haraatt ta tha Honaa a ft* y»an aga. baa afrMéy ■»<« ha* a Kroag faflawtog In the county aad toy· ha la la fee raee to aria. NEW GOODS At Th· FIFTH AVENUE SHOP I s Juit What you are looking for. RumdUt, we art receiv ing new good· daily. We are now displaying beautiful Hn« of Kastar Hat·, Cap·. Coat Sit Ha, Dresses, Waists, Silk and Jersey Under wear, Maderia Carriage Robe·, Pillow Cases, Children'· Urease·, and a good line of Hosiery. You will alway· find new novelty roods at our store. Come to see us, look over our line and bay wbat you need for Easter. THE FIFTH AVENUE SHOP Duna, N. C. C. L. Willlurn, of Saaford, **» hara lut week to Villi hie friand, T. U Kiddle. Xr. Willi·ma i* · lawyer and la expected u> bocoote a candi dal» for the office of eottcitor in thif dutrlcU lia la popular in Lec County and other part* of tfa· dUtrict wtiare ha la known. Vernon Dawton, who baa beea connected with the Tnraage-Jooee Lumbar Company for tavernl month·, baa purchased tb« interact In tha bo •lataa ownad by W. D. Turnace and J. Peul Jonaa and will continua to eperate it. Xr. Turnage bat bacon·· aaaoeiato<f wkb PYeeton WoodaJU 1» tha manufacture of laober in Bea ton/ Xr- Jonai will tnpc· in otkar bnaincia hare. Hugh Prince, of Geoqgc E. Privet aod Son, Mt Xanday for St. Louie where be will ptfrehaee aboea for the rainer dock of Ida firm'· ftara. Xr. Prince made tha trip by way of At lanta an<l Xampbi· m a· ta |ft a rood view of the old Xiaaiaaippi wW4c tha tf"at flood ataga. Ha will return ■orna lima next weak. Ha to a |aad of the Fteaman-eelby Shoe Company, •bow line he iclla bore, while In St Louie. Practically $200,000 kaa baau loaned by tha geeernamat'i farm loan ■pancy to fanavn of Harnett county and tha upper part of Bampaon In the lait y tar, according to CUrcaee J. Smith, aecretary af tba local aaao clatlen. Xora than $100,000 of (kit bap bean aocurad through tba loca' ataackaUon for farm art la tba laaate diatt neighborhood. Tba balance ara« diatribnted through the Coala and LUliugtoa aaaoctattoni. Five pay daya hath April. Ces» se OsH. Rev and Mrs. H. U. OeS of Fa) tcon, an ao unie lk< —|fM> of thsir daughter, Bliss. to Mr. ABlwrt Garland Cooper. Ths wedding will take place in the «arty Maimer. Mr». M XT >«tl· Neerle D«i ' Last Batu iday morning aboat t [ oVlock the spirit of Mr*. Harriett· ι Norrla took '.ta fligfct la raku eter 1 nal. She had passed her 78th birthday and until about a month ago was a* waU and active a* anal. At thia time eke had a severe attack at heart trouble which resulted in her death. Mrs. Norn» bad llvnd la and around Dunn moat of her Hie. 81m eu the widow of Andrew Norrie and preceded bor to the grave about > years. bhe had been aince oariy In Hfa a member of the Free Win Baptist \urch at Loag Branch and not a t:ner better Christian coald ha fourni. She wae Indeed a aofcle character and loved the service af God. 8irvee ΙβΟβ «h» made bar home with her daugh ter, Mr*. Blla Godwin. Her other children are Mra Ν. B. Baaa of this city and three tool la Alabama. She will be greatly mlteod by thli commu nity, for "Avint Harriett·," aa é· waa often called, waa loved by all who knew her. Her funeral waa preached oa Son day afternoon at the Free Will Bap tist church by Dev. J. L. Davis, as »i»ted by Rev. Ε. N. Jahnaoa, pastor o* First BajSist church, ami her body was laid to rest la the Taylor bary lag (round, near Uwa, bethle that I of her husband , "We ah all idevp. but not forever, There will be a glorious dawn; Wa shall meat to part, so never, On the resurrection morn." A FRIEND Foartaan m am bars of tit Oxford ! Orphanage Sinking Cl «a» caw to ' Chapel HIU and (i« a muait al eon i cart to an audianca that packed the I luditorhna of the High School baild rag to tli· doora. TV, vrorrmm rang I cd from <alo numbers, by the yooajt ■ artiata. all tho way throach rhoruaos I te a little moaical play,—Chapel Bill \ Corraepondaal A^flllBÏâifâlAn' M ' Ha vine naalffied a* admiaiatratar I of the ««ta!» of H. P. Johnaon, late I of Harnett County, North Garolina ' Ui* la to notify all paraoaa having claim* againat the ««tat· of aaid 4» reaaed to exhibit them to the under •ignad, on or before March It, IMS, or thia notice win «o plaaalad In bar of their PKOttry. AU poraooa iadabt ad to aaid eitate will pbaaa make la ' mediate payment. BRADY JOHNSON and J. Κ. BEA6I.EY, AdaiiMnUn of H. P. Johnaon. ThU March M IMC. Gay aad.fulur, Attorney· M*:«I η April 4 It 1· «I May 2 j Kapabiieaa Cavity Ceeroatioe Republican votera of Rarnatt coaa j ty will take notice that a count) ' convention la hereby ctiled to meat * Ik· wurtkoiM ta. LUkaftoa M UnJmy, AprO ltito. 1VM, at ii o'atock A. M., for to· m»· of •rirotlaf ctrWcaUu to too Stat* cm· vontioD 4bUti i* to ι·—Μι il Wta ■>— gal— April ltth, aaJ aiao to oloct dclagatai to tfca OwnhI«mI and auaatortal wmMwi «riiicfc mv y«t to k« callad, and to tmnsact wcl othor twin· a* too coaptation amy d*»ir». The tUlini of tho vatfeaa pre cinct coauotttros win toko aotico of tfci» Mil, aad Imuo a call for a pri va ry to to ImU ta ikalr roopactw· i Uwnabtpa at I o'clock Ψ. *·, oo Wt arday April ttk, IMS, aad vloct dele· pto' to toe county convention to bo ι hold the ioDowinr Monday. I The aiaktra of toa coast y axa rutW· comra'ttM aad «II Wtdc-rs cf the party thraufbowt Λ* caanty will plaMa ιWe bath the prlawriM an* t)<e conveaUon m much paMtclty ae pocttta to U« rml that ww nay k>n • fell delefetioa free aaeh precinct. TliSa March tTtk. tKt. W, P. BTU>. Càairean. H. T. ATX OU, 8*«i*tary. XtTtp St 31 AprO 4 7th. NOTICE I hereby natify all parte» ladaW H to tka tm a/ Par War Biethn· iai Johaaoa that 1 ktrt all the Mata·, Uo:tfl|tl and lliwiti h«r» tefora toUaftng to aaid fir*. aa<l tUt M· bava' bac» property trail», farrari to me, aad 1 hcrefcy rafMIt (tat «H p«r«aMi xulrbted ta aa!4 fir· ■Ukc «etdeaovnt vim a*. m4 Mt M Mr member 4o tta ta «I Be lter Brother· and IttWM. If I Mi iallto iM yon 1» penea piMM mU •t I. W. rtuvenlil'· tCn m4 *r riM· l Ulrnnl of yeur η ate or ac· count. T. L VAUaeX, Jr. Mardi Μ η. I "Tata It Fm· M·» "Take it Tree· Xe" tta rf*H· •uaical comedy wkick M. M. CaMaa «Η tofa>« t» the Lafayette Ttaatre, PapaOcetlJe, IT. C, Tharariay, Afrt M, ta proTt η to ta a*a if tta a·* popular nroUeal corncéta » recent year». The Spring Things You Want WE HAVE THEM ! 0 Shoes Suits Λ Everything -for men, women children, latest styles, best quality. i Ε. L Parker and Sons - L ΕIS Η Μ A Ν BROS Co DUNN.IS.C. Week - End Spec! Thurs., FrL, Sat, March 30th, 31st*. One Lot tion Effects—«11 Tim Thursday, rmiiMtlng of Crept- Knit, Canton Crepe» Taffetas* material· and new^t style»—assorted aixae. Value· to (SOjOO ere going to sell them at $13.95 . WÊmm fartâM - ■ STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! ' . % .4 'l>."ν , $1.50 Black Taffeta# and Mwialinw», Thur.f Fri., Sat, per yd. $1.00 One lot 15c Cretonnes, Special 9 l-2c One lot 324nck Dtmi Gingham», newMt pttimt·, 30c ralu·», Special for Tkundty, Fri clay and Saturday _- .18c One Lot ^21k P<mgee $1.00 $1 JO Ladle· Buster Brawn Silk Ho··. Black· and Cordovan· Me One Lot Ladie· Oxford», patent, blade and tan kid, Rus*ia calf, ate lace and strap. All •no·. Value· $5.00 to $6.50 Special .v -$338 Oneylot of boy'· overall·, spade! - 48a One lot of men'· overall·, full cot, apodal __ .... $1.00 One lot of man'· work pant·, relue· to $2^)0, «pedal $1.28 One lot of men· drew skirt·, highly mercerized, sOk stripe·, plain while· with and with out collar·, rata·· $2.50 to $3.00, special ......... $1JB Greatest Une of young men· 3rw softs in both plain EngHsk and the new sport mrtdils. blue and brawn pin stripe·, tweeds, eassimer·, etc. Vakna $9 to $30. KnÉra $ι*η

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