THE >UNN. VOLUME IX. DUNN, NORTH CARQUNA»1| KNEE PANTS LEAGUE READY FOR SUMMED Re-Organized Monday After noon; Regular Schedule To Begin The Second of May Monday afternoon Dunn’* famoul baseball longue of year* ago—“Tha Knoc Pant* Loogus" for boy* who wear knee pan e, was re-organised and the team* announced as follows White Sox, Red Sox, Tigcra and Giant*. These teams will begin or May 2nd a schedule of which will take them through the summer. A pennant with th(. teams name on II, will be awarded to the winner Sever*] years ago the first "Knee Pants league” was organised in Dunn and for the entire summer the boy# si ruggled to win and after an exciting race tbe “White Sox” won. On the Dunn team of 1921, that fin ished on# hal* game behind the Voder* In lb# "Central Carolina League" there wore about six or sev en of the regular* and substitutes who graduated from th# rank* of the "Knee Pant* Lsaguo" and if woa a pleasure for all Dunn fans to go out lost summer and *** Dunn's boyn give their best in the game. The fol lowing set of rule* ore to govern thi* soremet's rare: 1. That all di'pules that may come up in any way or shape during the game or through team difference* will be taken befnro the league presi dent and that hi* decision will be «c eopted by caeh and every member without further 'Vicking of any de scription and that the umpire* de cision# will be respected. And should fhis be violated any punishment through #u»pcnr.oa from the gum* by the league president will be ac cepted end carried out without fum ing on our part. 2. We haiehy agree that there shall be no profanity used by ue and that Wr will conduct ourselves as gentlemen on the baeHiall Arid and off thi Arid. 3. We hereby agree U(*t «nd after th# first day od Huy 1912 wy wta v#t ass tobacco fa any form 'Whatever. 1. We hereby agree that unlaw It 1 i te Tirgrtsrallv ■imww.sihU |W’n ' Sunday Bphool clta every 8un<tpy._ . • 8.' We hcrMSy agTee that each and every on • of a* realize that our 'Ethers and mother* are older than we, and that we will pay attcation to their advlr* without whirling and grvtnbling back at them. 4. Believing that the abovr rule* are for our good, that by carrying thorn out will enable us to become claan, we hereby attach our namea ei or.* pledge that we will do all that we can to o’jservc them; that should we And any mtmbe* of t'i« "Knee lavts League" violating the rolta we will inform the proper authority ec tunt proper pja!t£mcnt may be given the guilty, fueling that we are doing tha not only for the good of the •:amc but for the gooii of nonrivet Forty nine of 1)unn'» boys aigneu ; e abeve role*, »nil pledged thflf tub U-U give them r icouragcmcnt. r-iys will be boy*, to let'a lend our hel-t. enj g vr them c xuromcra cn Icrlaniptevt at whole .me, ouWon e ort. W'LL RERUJLD HOTEL AT SUMMER RESORT gpwwe 'W-““ Contract Let Fee Ce«»truetL>a Of Hsit*)ry at yflU Wilmington. April 7- — Contract for the (fiction »f a AO-roont hotel nt Wtightrir'lle Beach to replace the old Sn'.huie Hotel. 4«*roy«d by hr# four year' ago, h»» h»«n awarded the Ilicton lintel Company to 8>(M>titfr and Brown. Work will be begun Immediately and th* hotel art! >* ready for builr.em not later Ihe'. June Id, In ample time for the rom'ng beach toaaon. Tho hotel will bo known a« the New Scaehnto, and will contain a Ijdie*' parlor, (parlour lobby and 40 bed room* with individual bathe. The bed room* will ha flniehed com pletely in white Ttie vvntire !• underwritten by Wilmington buaineti man, and wtl I to under the peraonol direction of Coot. Edgar Hinton, manager if the old Beaehnro Hotel. dr. underwood or roar boro IS TO BE CHAIRMAN SAMPSON CONVENTION Dr. 0. *■ Underwood of Roaoborn will act u Chairman of live Bampaov County Dewier ra tie Convention v bleb will bo hold In ClHiton, Sator day, April ISth, IMS. Dr. Underwood U an able and p» polar phyriclan and builaoaa man anr hM been an urdanl rupporter of th. principle* of Democracy for a num bar «f yaaiu. father slays three CHILDREN AND HIMSELF 'joha Holms. With Aaa Snuffed Oat Lives 04 Gffspriaf Oa Sunday Charlotte. April -Ruby Lce llelm*. IS yiare old, today taw her | father, John Helm*. 40, alay three 'of Iter little broth*.* and sUtera in ; succession with a wood axe and then 1 isw him deliberately blow off the top of h'a own head with a shot gun, ae |cording to the rtory the, the only wit I >!•«*, told Coroner Frank Hovis. The quadruple tragedy occurred at I the home of Helms, who occupied a j tenant hooae an ike farm »' Robert I Rico, eleven milua east of Charlotte, | about G :S0 th,» morning, i Coroner Huvla aa!d th# evidence |lnt"rated that Helm* had become aod • rlcnly Insane, protably a* a result of ill health at lie hurl been suffering o rhrenic rtomoeh discs** and jS.d ap-irare I deep'y deprecat'd when aikln;: with a brother a day or two "go shout h'a ''hopeless condition.” Acco'di.lg ts Ruby L*r-Helms she nhat. her father approached with an "X0 with Ij« handle knocked the iotry f:em In r nr nr; then h# went r-- vealk .,g about in the yard with itl>e nine* old baby, Hazellsa *' "* hei mtsthe • prepared breakfast I its the house, and with the axe, V • >cd two children in hud while chi iookdd or through a window, the : Vo bai •it Oreocho, tged 0, and Bloc ks 1 .aged 4. He then grabbed a rhot gun, went sol ioto th* yard, placed the musaln tga net his check, the gun standing on the ground, reached down and ;/*<wrd the trigger, with his thumb, th* load blowing off the top of the head. Mrs Helms and a child in addition vo ltuby qcaped and gave the alarm f! o baby was taken to a hospital In Charlotte, where it died about two tour* later. KILLS WGMANANJ) SHOOTS HIMSELF V — ■■ Double Killing in Now Born Boarding House Early ^ a.--Sliniatl 111 ■! lltjB '_Arr , - New 'Bern; April ».—M. Cooper,. *ge 28, shot and killed Mrs. Oorriona H<M, age 35. wounded John Aleoke, age 26, by shooting him through the thigh, and then turned the pistol on irmscif and >ent a bullet through hi* heart, dymtj instantly, early thie norning. The ehooting occurred at Mrv dill’* hugt’ting iiooie, 108 Cravea treet, two blorka from the post-ottce .n th> . utiTi whc.e Mia* Sue Hill, sis :or-ii '.w of the dead woman, lay >k iz bod. Mrs. Hill and Aleoka were rating up with the lick woman Cooper come to New Bern from -hr two year* ago and ara* -fapin. d by Mr*. Hill, whoa# but* >and died several year* ago, to look after tom. ot her affaire. Last wank tc boat up Mr/-. Hii’ and left town, inrly Saturday morning ho waa (ec.1 a town aga n. At m dnight ho walked into Mr*. lillV boarding house and went to he room where the three people were i, d demanded that Mr*. Hill go with ■lid to a.ioliicr room. She refused and .< ►«*.! h m out as ho appeared to be •lu.k. He began then to abuse her -. d innlly it:tv. a gun, shooting Mra. 111! th ee timer through the breast Aieot.c «v.« taken to the hospital •rd it i r iot thaught this around Is so latia. *l'he eoronr r look charge of the wo Lodler, HAS. JONES TO SPEAK AT SAMPSON CONVENTION Mrs. W. J. Jones Pinsland' .'choot. Salembug, N. C., will be onol f the speakers to address the Samp •’1 County Democratic Convention, /Mth will be held In Clinton, April Bth, 1922 nt 11 a. m. Hr*. Jones is one of tho most ener getic. netlve nn l Intelligent women of today. Alt ladles arc especially .sked to attend this convention. tNOCH W. ALDERMAN DIES AT HOME IN CUNTON - I ’ Clink* i, April T—Enoch Alderman lied Wednesday He had been siek only a week. Hl» daughter, Mrs. W. J. Rom of Wadesbore, cams aevrral lay* ago to ho with him. Him NoRlo \’.derman, a graduate none, baa alae men with him. As Mrs. Bose Is A pre 'eaaionol narae too, It la eloor that he <fd not laek for tho boot of at tention M'. Alderman was one of the best known man la the coon by, having boon official eoblnn wnlghor hero for years. Hr married a daughter of the i lute William S. Johnten, who with several daughters and two teas sur viva him. BACK MOREHEAD AS 1 P DISTRIBUTOR | Harnett County Republican! Hava Uvaly Time Over Threatened Split Ulllngton, April 10.—Harnett county Republican convention meet ; ing hire today went on record a* | standing squarely behind its exceu 1 tlve committee In the matter of re commendation of applicants for Fed eral patronage. Tba convention met <for the primary purpose of electing delegate* to tho State and Congrtm i ional convention* It wat when the j large Awradboro town ah Ip dilatation iplit on the question apportionment uf representation from the two pre cincls In that townahip that the row was precipitated; which came Bear Winding up In a genuine family browl. j Franklin T. Dupree, of Angler, cklef I of pee r<--makers, kept hil dove coo ling, however, and finally won in hi* effort to have the tare Averasboro factions duly rwpreoentsd in tha coun ty convention to the apparent satis faction of all. This did not stay tho- program, I though, that was sot for endorsing tha action of the Harnett county Be lublienn executive committee In Its recommendation of Captain W. D. Holland for postmaster at Dnnn. The executive committee bad receenmand -d Captain Holland for appointment, but K. C. West und the ndheronta of hit faction, which ere new termed nsurgrnU. gat Patronage Commie tiener Morebeod's ear to Luton ing to -heir tide best. The coateqaence of vhich was that West roesrvod the .emporary appointment, and he it low holding the office Rut when the examination waa injured, it seems that West waa tU ninated. At any rata. Captain Bol and It tho ranking Republican on -h« eligible list, and the county or ranlsatlon ia standing squarely ba llad him in hm contention for the tpht of apportlooeBOgt. • This was the want that leaveaod the lump which 'SUM near rising over- the rim of the baking pan In today's convention - Soon after tho meeting convened tlonment of delegate* te the State :onv*ntion came up, thondsr began o roll. Possibly peace cam* the eoon ir by re too a of the *eet that the dele rate* became convinced that they 'ould not all apeak at once. When onftuion ear at ita height the peace taken rot in their tailing work. At er giving tbs Waat faction Ha doe epreeeirlation from Averaaboro ownahip, the convention took a ro ord V»te upon support of the county -aecutlve committee In ita rccommen latlon for Federal patronage. The ote stood bl to fi. Thy convention got by with it* *1 ction of delegatee to the State eon 'ent'ou, but lu the confusion over ha Federal patronage Issue ita Con Tevsional delegation was forgotten slick ai a whistle.” The county Re I b' ca-a w'l) hold a nun meeting n May J A to nominate a county elect and do such other things as iey reem to them right and proper i their efforts to oust the Demo rats in the coming election. They nve declared that they will make a Uipcr.doua effort. The following delegate* were nam d to represent Harnett County In | he State convention lo be held in fhvloi-Salcm, Wednesday, April 18 M A. Elmore, O. F. Suriet, J. B Holland, J. A. 8tnwart. W. D. Bol and, B H. Jernigan, R. V. Gainey, f. W Wilson, T. O. Brown. M. B Williams, T. E. Davis. M. D. McLeod ") 8. Young. F. T. Dupree, D. F. Col lins, L. C. SeaweD. J. F. Mai ami, I Is Johnson, G. I. Smith, R. M. Costs M. Bytd. E C. Oeddio, J. W. Look •rman, A. H Harper, F. M. McKay, W. P. Byrd, T. H. Gardner, D. H. ’enter. J. MeD Parker, W. F. Pat tenon, Peal McKay, ’ John Allan MeLaod, J. E. Crockett. •DRY" AGENT CHECES UF ON PREACHER AND FINDS MINISTER GOOD PROPHET Nor Bern, April 10.—*1 have baan -old that within tbe hcariny at mi •olee there are throe neewaMne »tin» n active operation" arao the remark U the Sunday mem I ay eerviee* jroe terday by a preacher at Old Ford, leaufort County. C i. Thom a*, a deputy riicrif' war » member of the conyroyation and •Her tbe aerricet proceeded to teat nn* •>«* aeeurucy of the preacher** riMMtlee. In lea than aa hoar r bo tame and two ether daputte* cep. tured one one-hundred yaJlon rtlll nad dlocorered trace* whore taro otb ’ or* hod boon In operation. i Mr*. W. H. StalUnc* and Mta* Vlr i (tela Munhbeurae returned yeater . day U Fayetteville, alter apendiay ■ •beet time bare with nletl rg MISS CAMP ; COUNTY I NEAR .Appointed by f Bellamy To Quota (a Ml/1 Maar r. hat been appointed' Harnett Connty of Aetief, according from Raleigh by amy, atata Mia* Cam? hag' ^ decided jpon the riataa campaign »hi«h will L* May, but •a at praaant ai etgonuiay .er farcaa for North Carolina to rajr 1200.00# thie year e care of .he 1.134 child ran the Tar icH otphai agat t to Vhla late. Harnett C mtr uj tins taou. baaed op M |gt. M®. which will tj othe and ertu at* 11 •* fortunate chib Iran. Juat to- ahow t etrony pull ha Near b# I on the heart trtnyj qffthhao familiar with ti aaik, Aeioa .## ha* been tent in hlreedy people of Jarnett, #“*lt«*y L jhla aOl take earn of of them efcil Iron, leaving 20 <e h* provided for between net jgjj xit. un ern they are te I out of the raphanagea at “Many of .imj ef the greet Bellamy, tilled in >.1 Aelde. Wive of . 'reriou “Thi-y were IdDjM sin of it Ih at* o{• 10,000 a day when the war tided, and it can be readily seen Ural tad it luted six ■•nth;, a month or ■v»n a week lorger, there are many forth Carolina kpy» bank bone Lo af who would otherwise be •leeping i »rneath a wooden erom in France. I "Then there are children in thaw >rphanagM whose parent gave 07 heir livoo to rtop the onward march ,f MohansmcdiinMy an t prevent the To.lems from stamping opt Christi ‘n Armenia. We give million* o thread the doctrine of Jeon* Christ T heathen land*, wad yet those pro dr gave their live* to prevont the Tread of the doctrine of Mohammed « Christian lands, la it not Chrlrti uiity’e duty to nse that thoir children >.j not die the horrible death of star ration ? LIGHTED TRUTH IN UNUSUAL WAY University Student And Clay Im Girl Married Ip Battle Perk Ciopcl Hill, April t,—A wedding took place in the woods of Battlo *ark, a fow hundred yards frvn the •aiapus; late thia afternoon. Hubert Heffner, known to many 'ties oC 'North OaroHaa, through tla acting in the pl»Js given by the CnroUna I’laymaken, and Roth Pen y. formerly a fellew-stodeut, used to go walking In the peril and they rot into the habit of rtudying togeth nr at a romantic n>o'- known aa ’Clone Boat.” They did not devote il thair talk to their lessen*, and pretty soon they war* engaged, ge ntly they aaade the plan to be mar ried oa the vary •>«, where they »ed spent so many happy hears with •*ch other. Parson W. D. Mem waa the only ne to whom they eeadlded the plan fUa Peany left the University last tune to retain to h«r home in Clay ton, but a day or M age she cam# back to Chapel Hill, aa aha bad pro mised. The eeremewy wae perfumed •>y Parana Mem jwrt before sunset today. TV only apectadors wars L 1. ktaphanaon, who la the cloeost friend > >f Heffner. Paul Green,, sad Mbs ’ ttiankith Ley. Mr. Oroeae and Mias ■ ay had haen asked to take a walk I 71th the eeaple and did net know hat a woddtng wna to proop act util hey earn, u'poa Parson Maas, sad ka took tha marriage Hoenee from Ms • packet. The couple start thair married Ufa i with the beat of omoat. far there is e tradition that lesum who have earns STRONGSERMON BY REV. E. N. JOHNSON (By A MwAtr) "A timely warning and aa untime ly interpretation,” an Christ was preachiag to Bis people, a covstoas man arote and a*ad that h« ba gtvaa mora of bis father'■ estate “Who mode me a divider ef estates," says Chr-st. “I did not come to divide m Utea and give yon aa abandonee af <iuuilea.” Beware af covetousness. Guard yourself. Deni lot Umo da awn* seise you. Taka the timely warp ing to yournelf. Wait oa tha Load. When a man aeguiraa money, will 3od win a fortune or laaaa a life (soul). What la aevetopmamT Taka God's means and tarn thorn for aadat ■Seek yo first the kingdom af Oad "id Hit righteousness end all thaaa h ogs shell ba added,** Lot all coma ram tha boavanly father. Ifaa amhas ‘things” f*r»t Is it sad ef Goad. Sataa -riad this piaa aa Jason. la tha third float temptation. Betas says, “Leak I the kingdom of the world, ail thaaa ‘things” will I glee you. If yea wiS •11 dawn sad wnr^dp me. "Taka aot h:.'«s" ia tha plese a* Gad, K la idol '-nr. It ia idolitress to pat anything v.'oic Gad. Mm’s WuU and HmIi It is nsdlaa hard to diaerlwia •ia Utasaa Man's waats and awn’s oad. It is assy to say that which »a want is what yoa and Bat act Thf youn* mas who jatarwgtld -nriet waatad fsasswlsas and ha bought that was what he aaadad, hat • Deeded Christ. There is a vast dif erence in whet yea Med and what on want Era did not want the a|*le (t) aa 1 the see tested the fsisahaod of sa> an. This was far tisa isd ad faith i Jehnrah. Whan wa eevet that vhieii does not heieag U aa, it dun nr lack ad faith da Gad's p iwlita Ve try ta aaaka eeraedvaa baitave Chat led wants as to ytaaa “thiaga** he i or* Bint. Baa eaaaat awn “snv bin"H» to I'rtfflhir with God •f which' God u the senior partner, led •«!», eua pouaaeoe* subjoet te led’* conliel Give Ged thq right way. for He never relinquishes HU eht to oontroL Values The silver dollar may got so osar 3 .h« heart sad aye that it Ants oat ha untight of love. Wo tea only tho igie aid forget ths value of God n ths coin. Shakespeare gives as a eaotiful Illustration of this la the icThant of Veaice, where Shyleek iuti Jewelry ahead of the character of .vn drughter. Are wo guilty of ha ng blinded from the values of God. >y anything Did ths povpla rajolee ver tho Saved Maniac at the fas* of a las? Nat aa. hut, grieved aver the ml urine that had guns headlong i.wn the hill onto dreth. They cried ut, “Be far from aa, giva ns oar wins instead of the eoal of ssum.“ Via before God. I Cheapens Our Caasspllsei of the TUegs ef Ufa What 1* your attitude of tho Sab •ath? What U you roncsptlosi of a Kristian? Do yon cheapeu year eva eptloa of the Bahbath by funding /anr money (for hurries) on that day? Dost It cheapen year canceptloa if a Christian whs wvnlf tall yoa a fait of clothes, an automobile, or aa co cream cone on Sunday? Would •ou dsn bay on Sunday what yoa sold do without until Mendny Ask led Wh eh Ho would do? Will yon mt God toft or HU creatures. Cn.IM.MM U le.ead.taen WHh Faith In Gad Work 'or th* Kingdom and the Kingdom will work far yea. Da yea Hr 1 lore It T Da yoo lie* It? Study th* parable of th* talaata, don’t iwhinli Gad’s meaey; bat part tt t* wash far Ood aad It wfll make a IMsr for oa, year thoughts aad dosha* dr* th* boat, not th* «h*a» things of Kf*. Don't one opt th* traoh aad trasapl* lb* peerii under foot. Fallow th* ■bought of tko poet who has ftran as the a* ward*. “I place ao rala* aa what 1 bar* or ssaho eaoqpt la IU -onaoethm with Ood." Make tka right •» of what Ood baa gtoaa yog, bo rr'.ag God sgiiaili for a> tbad ho has dan*. Think not that any nan rbould aoar hag for ssanay. Hr ho N 1 that any sorroot rikould oeor boa snonay for Ood, for Oad daaa net 1 need beggar*. Ohr* h****** af year • lore end tbot yog taeor Ms yew doty. I Remember what we hare sad an 1 be tong I* Ood aid that th* hart w* > can do la to giro R booh to hha, la *h« 1 right no*. > ml together oa "Mow* Mat" aorot i quarrel. Mr. Hstfasr wtO raasla al THE DUNN BAND MADE BIG HIT AT FUQUAY 1 fjgf'l#iw Train Tha Daaa Baad War trait cajeyad at Faqaaglprilv Friday night Tha tape played ta a fair mu-d aadleacv aad tha Aaw went »rtf ia graml •***•- Tha mam gxcieftks which wara PM a« at Fagoay far lha Cm fan. were greeted artth great ^plaaee aad added much to ‘ catar talnmoat. The trip wee made aa a meeirl train carrying mare than fif ty people from Daaa aad adghbering Woe together with a tot of apodal Thie wma the ftaat appoaraaca lha Daaa haad haa made eat of tawa dace bel.ig equipped with aaiforau. They attracted maah attaaUan aad " • greeted with apylaaja all aloag the 11* e. Tha maate updated ted tha ring af a real profemlaaal organ! - “t oe aad waa prafoaely aemyllwra tad. The teya made a hk wtth thair daw aad with their haad aad oicteotra, aad aa effort ia bah*! wad. to gat them to play a mtnrn engagement at Papay Eaater ffoa day eight aad ferabh maaic far the fatthritiaa to taka place theca aa that day. The rgpaaec at tha trip «a aa heavy that only a law dollar* were left te apply aa the aoifornt fend. The next ahaw wfll ha alagad la teat Friday eight ia the aehul auditorium aader the aaapiem ad the Weana'a CWb ad that tawa. Maay Daaa people will peeteMy go aver la add fa the luge crowd whiah ia premiaad tha haye far thair appear •ace “there Un. Haary O. Shall aarf daughter, Sraljra Maa. art apaadlog Mat tfcaa with Ha Shan't paiaata la Orcaa »ai«, 8. C. COUNTY F€imCS IS WAR3SWG Of Htnwtt'a GtftoA Um Eatar fa Nabm TWt Praaa«a UnlyCalat • Dear latter, will pM pi—« eiaw Tto Hawk** **• Uat of Jaa* brldatl lack aad eetrp — af them wiah ta aad ao— office. WiU pm grant past in■ nett Ok, wag, kaea it jromr wag U pM wawt ta cal it a “to**" an pick tto wiaacr. Haw a—*a appearing ia tto Hit are, t* togia with tto aagaal Senate: I. R. Bigprtl former acafamnlaw aad me a lawyer af mm, < Am t* wpruaaat Ihit diatriet la tto appai braack af tto Gaearal Aaaembly laggatt era* torn down ia Bimpaa* ■tor* caiagaigsen era ton. That to ia la tto me* will to at least tto eieid faapraaaiaa daring tto Beat ilx tp saaa. Watch kU make. Far tto office of Clark Lam ids* Ctoffin aa far ha* thiaga kia m meat wap. Far the affiee of Ragialar af Dead* Allan H. Stow, former sadKar, pat* a kia aanoaneaaoat. Ala* Jaaaaa A. Hocked* >, popular toataaaa man ot Hack Wear tandiip. coataa forward eitk a bid. ltd* win to a lively coirtaat with tto incumbent Register >f Dead* Faaeatt* wasting r»-elec tion. Far Racardor, Judge Lorineon if aaaaaaciag hi* wilkngacaa to again to toaarad with tto poaKtea. Cavi toowu ia campaigning far the >ob. nad ae ia C. R. Part's, from the wma town aa Jadga Lerianea. Intaraat center* ia tto sateettan of » ftolnaan aad aseratarp a* tto as acntlea —albn seat week, tto l Mi. wham tto caneantiM ia ta to told. Dr. J. W. Ilalfard toa bean aaantlaaad tdr tto chairman dkip in a—lark aa tto iacaatk i*d, Boa. Chat. Saaa. ia aa avowed candidate far the Senate, aad tto parttlM of ch a lama a will kaea ta to flSad. Tto chalmtea •toaid rated* kt UBbigtan, af aanm*. and Dr. Halford** friend* mg to la tto proper mam for tto r*— Bar natt Coaaty Mama DEMOCRATIC HUMANE MUD HERE SATURDAY TV* P—Mflle yrhairy far A**r UboaataaaMMpvasMttatVaMmsl far Ifci U du I# U ImM In r. A*ri) I MV. As U ail jaa> illan I «fll pra lo | TVs fatlavtaig sm naiil as an ii OUa F. NmD, O. U W. JafaH, M. .1 WflHaaaa. W. T. EayaL E. R Warn*, r Mm 4aaaa R Las, Mr*. U 4. last, I Mr 4. 4. Wafa aMl Mr* WHlUa mD BUI” IS IN 1 ' TEE TAJBNG CAGE !a default of fMN bNkl for Me at may taa a* coat, ■)• t. WUUmaea. aliaaly kneWa at ‘Wild Bib." is la Harnett eeenty jaU httged M Sight warrant, with sal). ‘ag whlkejr. Tha band wwnM bam <**an e»)y bat for tha fact hat WUttuame mad* a ryaetarslar da* far liberty a few mlaataa be Corn h'a Incarceration and wharf tha Tarfge laarued af it ha eederad that Jm band ha mnde ft.MK). or ftp# a each count. Attorneys for TTfltieiaann tooted -d the State'* right te foaa• a trial faerday morning whan the mm wna wHed ay at the first , Record or'a riarket. fa « tba Bute did not name d wit asm so This tha dele ►or* Helmed wee e her to { trial «a the grnond that defence had sot baea pare. Altar H® *• ® MM Ss-fe:. ^C'jV s* •r imn. to*; * "^^totoi* >**••. u j _ _^ Ml to to* effort to MCM« •[ AM^WiptoMMa iwWiI to toy -he a ana ftoyatki hoadmoa Bail op to locate anyone aW vmM take ha ri«k, tha ipal| h I ■ nght his prii •nor hash to tht Sheri IF* (Cm “rohaMy thinking that tha ipltjf >« all triad eat, Wflha—sc Phase (hat ha thaaght «u aa eppertnae •avast, threw ‘The papa” at tha >stiff tad his dspatiea sad haalad nst af tha dear and dawn fhe hill -in the water tank. Sat “Wild Sin" tadsr-esthaatod Jtas Aptoey’s Ibis honk proclivities. Befera the *WM“ ana had getua ap aaoagu read to ptoes him a-aagst tha toll •usher, 8pWey had a ■iwtgapi grip >n his eeat-taO. A pall, a wreath -nd a swing af hia other gripper las ted the weald he h«Mve la tha arm of tha dspaty. Tha toyact brought bath Ban to tha ground. “Tea get «a.~ said “Wild BUL" “Ton tall ’mm." replied tha aaadset rinner af the sprint. “Wild B1H“ was placed to tha ma ag cape.—Harnett County Mows. SEVENTEEN KJLLED DURING WINDSTORMS r«ndw la Thu taJ fMltn. Chm la jury Of Mur TW . M Ortw Dallas, Thu, April »—hrMin 4IMHI art reported dead and wart than M injured aa a result of temud daaa and raja Warn which car apt ’ro» Watt Tasaa «aat into OUckcwa toward Arkuaaea rally today. Bu tane from nw of tot stricken towna tN meagre, oflWMt said. Tba lh* af cac—Mac acpacted to Rawtna, Teaas, mine dead, M Injur ed; Opfia. Cattahaa county. (nr dead M Injured; Eoctra cm dead, aaeeral njurrd; Citoursi. Tasaa, oma dgad. ona injarad; Lasrtos. Mdakasa, two dead. IT injarad; DaHaa, H Injur ed; Ctero, Tasaa, tom injured; Ban par, Tasaa, ana Injured; Caddo, It*. •a. tot Injured; White aright. Taunt, ana Injured; Echo, Tasaa, Ac injur ed; Breckinridge. Tasaa, tone Injur- ££ ad. cawtalouts* orr bbpucbd ■ ATE* OM THE RAILROAD* Laaifatounr, AffO 1*—The Beat. gaiM*». fans product* ud'aMcd arc e» titled to a Id par rant rudee ttou la freight ratoa. - Mr. B. W. Barrie af Oriord, ic ’ toandtay nw time with her father. ‘ Trank Wade, to Me hoane aa Wact DMM (treat.

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