m BUNN DISPATCH KrtaUhW AprU 1, 1*14 AILISHtO TWICS . A - WUE TUfiSinAYS AND FRIDAYS l tvSB^E ran - . ...— at ■ Dorn —I— North CaeeRaa WRIUSCRIPTIOX RATXS: Yam -.-.|1.<K) */- MmUto -- re-100 Thw» Koatlu . ........_ .M (ASM IN ADVAKCT Addtatt «fi cunuacakatlam to Th* T.pitoh. AH depart uaate *f The L.tpauh can be reached thrangh Ula p. o te ICS. t wmaaicatlona flpun lira taplaa are imxitad, tut under aR lirnimataa ♦j* th* aa.'der of mk anwmaka l mi meat farrlah ns with hi* aamt. It ii sat necwvxry that th* uaa he p ibiiahed. bat we Inust that it b« given aa an evidence of goad faith. Aart aueunta of wedding*, aater I rnwanla. club nutating*, etc., era . trite*. Independent Fraat Againat Sen*la Tariff BUI Watt are th* view* of Independent pa&ata o" the Senate Tariff Bill: Kanrat City Star: "The bill b t r-rioas r;u..-gmk. mistake, the Inne •i'ate effect of which will be to in < xcac the coat of living.’* CpriagSoM (Mats) Republican: "it ;< open to aeverc attach by thoa* riu» believe that the price of comae <*tie* ihould not be railed." Chicago Daly New*: "Sven before toe bill n panted the CMtUMI ia nau* to pro on* of the blaaaings of (be new ‘atrictly Aauiricaa’ tariff in t* v annoonccment by the head *f the Wvokrfl Tract that cloth will coat f *ow ten M forty flv* rents man* at • >olasalc.** Chtiti'an Scie nce Xunitor: Disco* jU-K the glove schedule of tbs bill ISU :.on*pnrtiaan paper aaya: "Th* pyopla of tii* United State* seed *n 1*1 ged foreign markets, bat cenaet o.jeet to aril fe coon trie* whose P?*M* they exclude by tuefa prohibi " dutie* a* that propoaad an »;’« ve». The* .American woman, new a vetur, vriil not willingly cubcnit to in'.ti tarns that compel her to pay i.mch higher pifre* for leu desirable article'. Worn aha li told that la* ucaaed priev* are due to high tarifl i nti**, aha will be lihelr to uac her bsllo: agalast (be numbers of Con rm respen. ibi* for the added coat of wbat she boys.” at- Heal (Minn.) Dispatch: “What rf the great unregarded masses of c uafotaerw" UyCima Chapel HU). April 20.—The en gagement of Miss Elizabeth Atkin •na^aiaagbter of Dr. aad Mrs. Georgs W >iw>WaM Gisgor, •/ LilHagtor, was aaaosaced tjtULafteroeon at a part; at Chapel t'HTi ,Tbi marriage will take piece . !a the'summer. tfisa lay ia at present field ageat rt the> Bureau of Community Drama of tte University Extension Division ri.d a leading play writer ia the C-rolire Flay makers. She obtains her A. this year at the University and is at St. Mary’s. Raleigh graduate. "■When Witches Ride.” by Miss Lay. •i in bo published ta the first volume •>* the Haymaker** by Henry Bolt ft Compary. Mr. ureene is the son of Mr. and Mia William Archibald Greene, of MVlngtee, a graduate of Bala's Clerk Aeudesny, ass overseas veteran i t the World War aad roeeatly a wtn zm; of the Keenan fellowship for :c:2'ta in philosophy. Be Ukowise is ■>. playwright of ability and has pro cured a number of exceptional oaea. 0.ss o* these, "The Last of Tha Lour irr." is ta be psfiJldstil ia tha maw '.same of the Playtnaktn with Miee ' iy*A Oa several plays, the two have roUaburat^ci. Mist Lay is wcU-kaowti ta KUetea, having vialsad hera ea several occas ie.m. She appeared here la the cast i f the Carol i oa Playawfcers a year • (go, when the troupe played at the Grand Theatre. Georg* 8. Lay ad this city la a brother of the bride-to ■ v. Dr. and Mr*. Lay have been her* r.Tgaeally aad are well-known all »v ie the (tsslo, and the engage sue at v/ilTeome as a surprise to tha many friends of the family here AT MINGO ACADEMY Following Em nule radial an "l-anday might, gg——MME< •* riiiaaa far too Ming* troop will ha W'l Friday at t p. m. On Friday nfrht too play. **A Family Affair" v I ho givan at 1:11 o’cteab. Th* Tuttl* D anrdlaUy Inritad to attend tl:**# inarttoia. Tha Mtogo atbaal haa had a aoo • fiful year. Norwood Tap a. a Dana ha?, a aa* ad Mr. and In. B. W. I ax. haa aavwad aa priarigal DELICATE ~OrEBATION FEBFOMMED OM CHILD 1 Chari otto. May 1. By laaariiag • »abbot tnho torowgh too tkiwat and Vanohlal utoo and toon throating .-nail fataopa torowgh tog toba, a . «d two aad thru ignaBar taahaa log oaa ramaoid from too laft long •f" 4 AM a* Chariatta —atariam by Dr. C. N Footer, af tola atop, M onajg annaaaaal taolgfct by bmpttol ‘"n*ig!iT*i higg Mi M igg' ta* faw, if oat too float, rpaaitlm af tMr bird «oar p.rgirmil to too C:Mh. lha pat tool, too Etooa pool. aid t\. A of Mao. B. L. Briar, af Waaw otoBto, «aa rapaatad toMgto a* do* CONSOLIDATION 1 ACT NOT INVALID T° ! Th «•« at reat Toar* of county tehoal autbontio* over the State, Dr. i E. c Brook*. - Superintendent of j ScheeU has leaned a statement dc t'term* that the recent decision of 1 the Sweat Court affecting the eoa olidatfoa of eehool district* doe* not , n validate the Act a found In Chap ter ITS, Section I of the Law* of ;ihl “County Boards of Education,” hr »y». “have tho authority to conaoli .'ato Doa-tecal tax district* with ■poclal tax aad local tax diatricte has. in* different rated” Dr. Breaks la now preparing a lat ter to he sent to all tho county school ruperlnteadeata in the State explain ing In detail tho effect of the recent Seprea* Court opinion aad pointing out the procedure to follow In con solidation* under that opinion. “The defect*’, he toys referring to tho point gn which the Supreme Court thif week Invalidated two elec tieni for rpecial tax under consolida tion. “la fo *nd la the machinery pro viding for the election. The dedalon at the Supreme Court limply tnvali ■ate* tho electioa In the two diatricte luaeed upon by the court. The vali dity o' each election must be deter sained by tbe ft^U greeting the -lection. District* consolidated by County Board* of Education under the law are valid eaaeolldationa. but the election for levying a tax may be ’UegaL. However, the General Arena *>ly may, at K* next aaaioa, validate uch elections, provided the rate* arc nlform over the dietrict, and provi d'd they are mad* to harmonise with 'xirting election tawa.” FORD WOULD CUT _ COST HU Engineer Promise. By “5c erot Process” T* Sell At Hnlf Present Price Washington, May 1.—Manufacture >f commercial fertilisers by a secret TTOccaa and their delivery U oonae mere at one half the exletlng market prices was bald oat to the senate ag riculture coWnittee today by W. D, Mayo, chief engineer for Henry Ford, aa a possible factor In the develop ment of tha government'* properties at Miracle ghoala, Alabama, under tha edfae fee their panties. enl loane by the Defcoit manufactorer. Chairman Monts of the committee, by direct questioning caused Mr. Mayo to reveal Mr. Verd'e plana to am a “secret process" in thu making of fertilisers at Muscle Skoals. The chairman and witness had been dis cussing the ability of tha bidder to compete in the open market with commercial producers of fertilisers when Mr. Mayo declared bis belief that Mr. Ford would be Ale to man -i/actare that commodity at one-half the presist coat pries. Mr. Mayo said there waa a “secret proeass” but declined to give the com mittee any additional information. Tha witness advised the eoaamittae that It waa Mr. Ford's intention to devote every effort to fertiliser pro duction at Muscle Shoals and to « task! tha power production beyond MmAaIa Cknata naaiaatM swell Isite llta upper Tennaaeoe river. None of the power, Mr. Mope declared, would he •old to private laureate, bat would be comeamed bp ihe taduitrtol enter pHaee to be eitebtlabed cm the Tea ueaaeo. About 1*0,000,000 would be •xpandad in the creation of new ln daatriee aad power facUitloe la the vicinity ef Maaele flkeala, Mr. Moya •aid. Beeeued of the larye inveotmrnt Mr. Ford would aaalce, the wHaeat ' captained, ha had declined to modify ■ the propeml for puzekaae and lean ef the project# ao ae U rod ace the | 100 your term to M rearm. '. : MSTRICT MEETING OF THE U. D. C CONVENES IN DUNN NEXTTHUESDA: u ““““~~ I Mu.h -ntateut 'a being maoideurd ,n the district m-etinj a? he li. n V l rWh *;:i take pUee Ji Dam. next Thjrfday. Mis. McD tid.r p * i lent of Chic ore Chapter, U speeding a Urge Atter.uAm r *.• I > ,).aa n» « L ******Rl* to Kdtorla’n the via!torn ip * most pl*3<a..t mane:,- Mf c T \V Vleop, State President of the D. D. C.. will It present and J-liver a, ad trail. MU* Corlrr.ia MrMillian, d strict director, is also ct. the «tt sc • or a speech. * . 1 The meeting will bo held in Ihv fraternal hall and will meet at 10 o’clock I "i?™** ”or,lin5- A mMk*‘ P-«»ni» ha, been arranged ,nd many abort l AUg Will DC glide. A complete program follows: *ong—‘•America’* . .... _ .. ------ A ad. e act invoeitiosi___ ... * a, . . Address of Welcome: Mr. J. Wade, Mayor of Dunn. Mrs. McD. Holliday, PraMdeat of Chicora Chaptur, V. D. C. Reiponsc: Mr*- I* T. Townsend, Lumberton, N. C. Vocal Solo—Ure. Herbert McKay. Qreelinga-. Woman’* Club—Mrs. Lewis Stephen*, Chamber of Commerce—Mr. Ellis Goldstein, D. A. R—Mr*. Farquhard 8 mith. I’iano Duet—Mctdamai Uoyd Wade and Robert Codwin Introduction 0f Mr*. T. W Wilson: Mrs. N. A. Townsend. Add re m: Mrs. T. W. Wilton, State President U. D. C. Roll Call of Chapters: Adjourn. Luncheon. Quartette hfrtdamce Heibret McKay. Joe Swain, W. S. Snipe,, Jno. Hodgea Introduction of MUa CornalU McMilllan, (District Director, U. D- C.): By Mr*. McD. Holliday. Directors Report. Chapters Report. Election ef Officers U* Memorial—Mrs. J. H. Anderson, Fayetteville, N. C. New Berineea. Adjourn. Meetlaa PmIp«m4 Th« mimic department ot the We aan’* dab wiTIuot meet next Frida; Way 5, which ii the regular time The meeting has been postponed, the :imr aad place to be announced later MARY MEDBARIS SWPS8, —■ ' T Secretary of maaie department. Death el Ha*. M. F. Jesfaea On April the t, the death angel eiaited the base of Mr. M. F. Jack* aon and bora the spirit of hla wlfs, Lula, to a brighter homa, where peace and pleasure reign supreme, and »her» pain aad earner never coma She had been confined to the bod •r the last aix months. 8ha atayad in ha hospital eleven week* and after Inding eat there was ao cure for her he was brought borne whart aha He rd one month. 8he was bora April M, lift. It rai aad to think that the cord ad Ufa am* clipped from ona that was laved o dearly. However, she was called loau ai her earthly work was com itate. All waa dona for her that :culd be done by Fhyatolana, relative* lad friend*, bat God knew beat Mid narnlanted her from earth to bloom n Heaven. She was a faithful member of Rob rrt'e Grove Free Will Baptist church ■ number 0f yasn aad with tha peso iof of thl* oar dear mother the rhurth, the family, her neighbor* aad faianda can aay they have loet i friend indeed. She leaves to mourn bar death I hueband and seven children: lira Warren Jackses, Mm. Alphonse Me Lamb. Grovar, Leona, Milan, Alter and little M F. Jaekaoa. The buna ervlcei ware conducted at tha eharct by Elder Davis of Dunn, and thi remains ware laid to peat in the Bob ..»■ ■■ ■ «Jti Grove Cemetery The Floral of feriao were beautiful. Her God help at to live the life r ii, 1- » that mother lived that ..■>, nir." her In heaven. i .son a. , i saa iaareas < lOMIMOT 19 ftAVIWO TOUR DOLLAR ; 4 I _ — • Why Bot MTV It youraolf? Yob «bb, by trading with— WALTZ* JONES lktMfllNgMIf Bury MM jr«Uaw CUi( >wii>w Mr, Dun for...*1.00 Lar*. m mt ft» |iiBn.to. tWflWlli RRMhflR .x.. -Mr OrWwU M 4f4 P444, RMrt.lOa rtaR MU. mm odiRR.-00. . JmI mmI a Bin) a# *U Um rouBtrrMB—mnuoat*two I pmobem They are Gpod! Bay thi$ Cigarette and Save Money Do You Drink Milk? 1 < > Our milk is as good as the best, if not better. Try it once—then you will become a permanent customer. '! Our cows are registered Jerseys and Guernseys and have been tubercular tested. New sanitarty dairy barn, with modern conveniences. 1 • CALL PHONE SI WHEN YOU WANT MILK OR -CREAM Milk ISc per quart delivered The White Dairy Co. i I WORTH M. POPE, Manager ;; j $500.00 REWARD! * # -To ANYONE in Dunn Who Can Prove that They Serve a Bet ter Ice Cream than our .... FRESH FRUtl. , *?Ibcfic &ce ^heatn OHM# # hum Ice Creun Parlor ft Candy Kitchen f 0. BHKAN. rtwrt*w .... LATHS LATHSe ---! Double trimmed. Exactly. forty-eight inches in length. All clear—no knots - | Tilghman Lumber Company I Dunn, North Carolina [1 Laths Laths! iiMuuiiiiBHwwmwBuniiHiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiimwaamaatrrKti^xar:.".!. -.. —.-..M • . * i r KIRSCHBAUM •And Other Good Makes - SUITS - - .j! For Men and Yo« ng Men in the Best Qyality i : Serges, Palm Beach and Summertime Fabrics j j. $12.50 to $25.00 | Don’t Fail to Look at this Line Before You Buy Your New Suit. ‘ { t i “ We are Alwapt a Step Ahead In Quality and a Step Behind in Price” j 1 , j l E. L. PARKER & SONS I .. . . i B. ..:.. .. —j] .*.*.*...«—-•....I i ■ ■■ 1 ■ -- ■ ■—i.-i r1 ■ i —>_*_ ...^ :: |lj| I BEAUTIFUL 11 I WEARING APPAREL 1 i ♦ It T <r We are showing this week many beautiful designs in f £ i 2 ladies wearing apparels. Our line is standard and our :« f X ; ; ; ; { <• styles the newest. We will be glad to show you what we :: ♦ ♦ ♦ : Have. :: }f ..... ' , in Gents furnishings we have a select line. Our stand- : * Ji . . :: l ard brands of suits, hats, shoes, etc. is complete. See us be- > ' ji fore you purchase elsewhere. ’ * 1 1 1 ► i, * • ► «» 4, «* «i Customers are Pleased With Their , ’ 1 ' Purchases When They Buy from Us !: * • - * ~ :: :: ;; ::: :: , , ■ ■ . - ] • i; Johnson Brothers If _ . ' |j i: Dunn N. C. ji.- ■ v . ii :i

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