\ss * ' - • j 5 THE DUNN VOLUME DL _. DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA.' DUNN SQUARE CASE , TO HAVE RE-TRIAl Owner Valuable Piece of Pro perty Must Yet Bo De termined By Salt The Supreme Coart yesterday sent back to the lower court of Harnett for a new trial the case of tha Atlan tic Coast Line against the Town of Dunn brought to determini title to Lucknow Square claimed by the town . as a public square and by the railroad as a piece of property acquired by it through a auccenaion of daada. The Superior court gave a deviaion la fa vor of the railroad. —, « The property represents approxi mately the acreage of a large city block and is very valaable. In 1880, according to facts agreed upon by both parties to the aetion. It was conveyed by Henry Pope to Henry Watkins and J. B. Edgerton in a thirty-seven and a half acre trail. In 1192, according to the plaintiff, these owners sold the land contain ing Lucknow Square to tlb bit, Carolina Land and Improvement com pany and on May 28,1917, this com Dftny (oovevfH Uip nrfiMir!v. in wfoU*)i it is alleged the Lucknow Square was included, to the plaintiff who has oc cupied it since. 'Dir defense claimed that while Walters and Edgorton ware owners there was a subdivision ad tho 17 12 acres, streets were laid off and the contested property made into a pub lic square. In 1887 an auction tale was conducted at which time it was stated that the block under contro versy should remain a public square and should never be sold. Sines then, the town of Dunn has improved the property. Judge E. H. Cranmer, trial judge, Instructed the jury that seven yean adverse possession under known UBd vlalbjc lines and boundaries and un der color erf title will ripen title aad be s bar to oil poraojM. "Standing slona bod without too ' fJugptfptrfSicat aad tspImHss tf dined Justice Hoke in the oglafa* orf ; ™7 der gnowu and viaAU lines aad boundaries for teran consecutive years, it would bo a valid title." Then tbe court referred to an Act of 1891, now Section <U Consolida ted Statutes la which it is provided that no person or corporation shall scqulro an exclusive right to-say port of a public road, street, lane, alloy, square or public way by reason of any occupancy thereof or by encroa ching upon or obstructing' the same in any way.—Nears and Observer. MATTRESS UNSAFE AS VAULT FOR DEPOSIT * Erfvntoo Colored Mob Loses Eight Hundred Dollars U Fire , Edvnloo, May 4.—Will Jones, an industrious colored mas, who worki a farm just outside of town, and his wife, Maude, are poorer but wiser to day from tho loss of $810 that want up in smoke when their home was burned last night They had worked hard aad saved their money, gradually adding » dol lar 0r two to the pile, uptU quite a tidy sum bad bean stuffed in tho old mattress, which was the only bank they trusted At la*t they had enough for their ropreme punpote—that of budding another floor and remodelling their hnoac. Today Will intended taking Ibe money to M. G. Brown for the lumber, but providence acta in queer >nd myiterioue wuyu, eepectaliy for Will and Maude, for laet night a ulase took their entire earing and *hey now mdly regret they had not Mlt It In the hank where "money U ‘afw from fire," or aa teaet where •oo eone alee la reeponelble. HI AVY PENALTIES FOR DELINQUENTS MAT 18TH C«—Inlpw Watte laawoe Warning Oo Uopatd laeaam Tenon t*wo monthe of graee allowed cltl •cne whoae ineomca are IMIa for taxeo by the State expire at Mm ood of next Week, and Revenue Comab eieeer A. O. Watte yeeterday leaned warning that »fUr that date depetloe Witold begin InveeUgatloa and take Mepe to compel the payment of taxee due. Fire pre cent penalty, pbue later art on the taxee due ie Inepeeed on unpaid taxee far which na axtanMan of time haa been granted until May 1». After that tame the petlenee of the law ie exhapelad. CemmMenrr Watte aald that he hoped all who hare aet made (hair return) would Brail themeebrfi of the oyporuantty before ♦he exp Ire t toe a1 the time BmK. I HENRY FORD'S EDITOR TO BE IN NORTH CAROLINA W. t. Cuwm, Uhw PwAsw Im T. Addrao. Crad el Wi Cmk The commencement program of Baie’e Creek Academy It completed with the ennouacemwit that Boa. W. J. Cameron, editor of the Dearborn ladopendent. Dearborn, Mich., will deliver the Literary Address on Thursday, Kay 17. Other announ cements of special Interest are that Dr. Paul Bagbj-, of Wake Porest Col lege will preach the baccalaureate sermon on Sunday Kay 14, and Dr. John Al*on Ellis, of Balcigh, will deliver the Alumni Address Thursday afternoon Kay 18. This unusually attractive array of akrrs, together with tha special Alumni anaounesments, la expected to Araw great friends to the Institu tion from all eactions. Arrangements are being made to provide for 500 luani expected at tha Alumni Inn* hr on and ball game. Several changes in the program this year wfll be of interest to ths Alumni and frleads In nil ports of the state. Beginning with lha exercises by the primary rradoe on Saturday, Kay 18, followed by oonnoa on Sunday, the program for tho remainder of the amok la aa follows: 2:80 p. m.—Cantcet far daelalm «r*« medal. 4 OO ». m.—Senior Clan cxcrelm*. * :0° P- m.—Sappho and Aitra ao cictin contest. Thursday 10 40 a. m-—Contact for ormtor’i model Nooa. — Addrm to gTadsatiog elaa* by Mr. Cameron. 140 p. m.—Alnasal luncheon and Ad dram. 4:00 p. m.—Baseball game ha twaan nnlon and aloaoi. 8:00 p. n.—Alumni play.—Smith 8 aid Herald. wan, John McCormack, famous I rich tanar, caflad today an tha Aquitansa, to recuperate along the Klvaria. With him called Mr*. McCormack, their daughter and two cont. The party' Mr. McCormack mid, would be gone | an rammer, possibly longer. If he re 1 turn* in health, ha will give two can cart toarc far charity. •Thay will be In tha nature od con '.erta of thankigiving bacaoa* of my condition," he mid. "X ihall eo-eper ate with ArehhUhop Hay** of Now York, trying to Am my apprecia tion and belief In the strength of his prayers and those of his parishion er*." s "I plan to go first to London where I shall etay far a time artth Sir John Murrey Scott, at his home just out side the city. 8ir John gained far me' my first grand opera appearance in Convent Garden, and has asked me to be his guest as long as I an* in Eng land. * '•After my visit there, I plea to go to Carlabad and then to the Kivoria. I Amll not sing at all while In Eo rope. I plan to cave my votes and make my first appasrenca for chari ty only." Mr. McCormick's eabin was a mass of flow*re sent by member* of hi* pro{ration and other friends. Meat Baptist Chareh B. Y. P. U. Props. May %, IMS 8 o’clock p. m. Subject r Charity. Group aoag. Scripture Reading—Plrvt Cor. 18— Mrs. Clarence Jackson and J. W StcwardaoB. htrod [fttuei Loader. Two miauto Talk: Does the Bib la tench charity or lor*—Edward Hod goo. Vocal aolo: “Hold thou my hand" —'with violin obligate—B. L. Don ning, Robert A. Jordan. Two minute talk: Charity n* it Is unde mt red today—William 'Piano. Two anlnota talk: Charity nay eas ily marge Into love—Him Clara Bella Kdgertea. Violin solo: *«ht. A. Jordan. Plan* accompaniment—M (as Clara Johnson. Two min it, talk: The neeesMty aaopr of charityRebha TWo miaata talk: Whore moaay romata least—John Oates Harris. Baying by Ororga kUthaooo—Him Or all. Britt Trio: “Bauaadh the cross of Josnri* -Hm. R. L. Dn Bam Bringhtoa, Was JaaJe Ipoch. Everybody b wMcom^ The entire aorvie# wtll he eonda ■* *a me hoar's tlass and Urn elder wrmhsra of Mm *ar»h ee woB da the ycaagar am sofdlsBy urged to he preamt and hear this gmat aabjeet “charity" di treated. „ RENEWS HIS ATTACK ON ATTORNEY GENERAL ••«>» Caraway Declares Daugherty Fired AU The la specters" Washington, May J—Renewing his attack on Attorney General Daugher ty, Senator Caraway, Democrat, Ar kansas, charged today in the 8enate that Mr. Daugherty bad “fired aU lie honest inspectors in hit drpart ment who wanted to prosecute e Wind er* ef the government,-' and had “Put back into office the physician who helped to get the fraudulent pardon for Charles W. Morse.” Meferring to Mr. Dmegherty’s •tetrment thwt the attack of the Sena tor yesterday showed that cabinet of lerri should have tbr privilege of the -door in the Senate and House, Sen ator Caraway declared that he waiv 'd “mil Immunity, personal or other wise,” as te what be said yesterday and today and would meet Mr. Daugherty "anywhere at anytime.” ' Senater Caraway read from a let tar from a man whom he said had formerly held public oMce, but wham name waa net disclosed, in which it wee stated that Dr. Fowler bed been metered as physician at the Atlanta penitentiary and that "tho present ttorney general” was the leading ounsel for Meres at the time the star obtained hie pardon. iiK. I UN An 10 offcAX IN HARNETT COUNTY WiU B« At LUlimytom May 14 To Op« Campaifn For Nov East lULf " Dr. Isaac Yonan, a native Arroent so, will tpoak at UHinytoa on Boa Jay May 14th U open thu county campaign far New Coat .Belief this /aor It was aonouncad from Raleigh by OoL Gao. I. Bellamy, stats chair man. MMa Mam* F. Oaaap of UBingten, ounty chairman, endeavors to ss mra Josephus Denied*, honorary Koto chairman, for this occasion hot a provisos engagement prevented. Yoa an, however, la sold to be 0 « Armenia dorig the war. Dr. Yonan has just finished assk*. ng Us chairman at Charlotte In a uceewfal campaign ia which over <10,000 was rained for this, the most worthy of aU Christian charities Dr. Yonan will briny a first hand acecnnO d conditions as they actoaliy in over here and wiU answer nay questions my of his kaarera d csirs to propound. Barnett county is naked to raise this yoer $1,200 of the stale's $200, 100 for thle greet humanitarian work, tarty dollar! a year keeps a child tHvc. Harnett has had ST children aa dgned to it for feed and clothing. To late 1898.24 has been sent in to the tote office at Baletgh entirely unso licited. which show what a strong pull the Near East Belief baa on the ’•art strings aad purs* strings of those who know of it and its work. Miss Camp will pat on her cam paign for the remainder of her coun ty's quota during the week following Dr. Yonan's speech WHISKY SHIP OWNER TO SERVE HIS TIME C«l—H*wn«r, ElfMii To Cm H« Core* ef WliUtrlalar. lOO-Golloo SlHl Cep tu rod New Bern. May *.—Arthur Cole man, captain and owner of the Brit ieh whitkey ship Meisagc of Frees, practically baa abandoned ble plane to appeal from Judge H, G. Connor’* ■U month* Jail tcntcuca for soiling whiakey and win proceed to oerrr hit Urn, In Craven-Jail, one ef hi* lawyer*, John D. Bellamy, dated to day oa hie retam from Wilmington. ■ “Captain Coleman can furnish bail, *" eon Id have given it Saturday "Ight," Mr. Bellamy *aid, “but U i» aet probable that we ihall decide to appeal the ease." Aafcvd what aetion would be taken *» to the disposition of the Alp; Mr. Oellaaiy *a>d “the Jury decided that wbeu It fa and Captain Coleman not guilty of illegal pomaiden and trane portotioa pf wbiAey. Ultimately it ■••t be rvtamad to the owaer.” Hearing a thi* point wfll ha bald at Wilmington lator. ChorlC J. D. William* and Prehfci Ho" Agaat W. D. Allan la a raid ap Bryeaa creek, four mUce from New Bern, teday at in* raptured a 100 r*11 on an tapper whlaky dll], 00 gal lent ef fradtly run whiakey a ad 1, 000 fattens ef beer. Oa aecaoat of tke map la which the plant waa leeated, the Aern ware farced ta approach It ia a boat, eo the opera ton made their aaeapa. The *tfll. whtoh wae raofnng at fall Meet, la koBoved to have bran In amvtce for two years. Oflcem have made atvcral fruHlaai marches fat It daring the pad ftor months • chit*, Franklin, Nichland aad La Sane Pariahas, aad that the gnat In land aea, noar naan than 100 taltos long from north t» aoath, kaa reach ed tho aoctherm corporate lfaaiti of Monroo, lea than forty alia* aeath it the ArhaaaaO data line to»aad in then iSka already par Ually rnbaaigodjropuna fro® Cata houla, Teaaao. HMdfca aad g® j li i indicating that 4^ orator la rising at tha rat* of two. aad throe iachaa a day aad coatiaaifcy agreed! eg aver mora territory, dfktng don and more reddest* laftiu Rad Cro4 ro fugee caapo or 44* 'tha hilla when ca opra air a**il*ar* la a®4o almaat intolerable by 4m *~ra®aat raiaa oa general over tha flooded area. AD lowland* adjacent to tha Qaa cbita, Tensas, Badt Uttie aad Mack Rivera, which caw in tha Qnaaehl M valley, in the vNUity of Harrison barg, have beoa flooded for eevml daya. Watar pood® through tha Far ruUy eravaaaa tflka ConcordU per •A, which la entirely flooded with the exception ad Mo town of Vidalia, around whiaa a projection Icvoa waa bwitt, la preventing thaao rieora from emptying, aad ee d revolt backwater •* «preading rapid* la a®ay aartioaa believed prevlourff to ha iauaea* from flood*. Tha tier U v-rtL-nUrlv rapid along tfco Qftokfta Elver. AKhoogfc tfco win la MW lagging U tfco oatakirta of Monro*, tt it etat ad the flood wfllfcot on tar tfco city propor aaloaa thoao k » brook la the Miaalaatppi looao"-$otwoon Arfconeae ->tjr and Lake VBfcgo, Aitaneaa. The CtErfctto Bhar has mandated tba Wveoa at Laftfcwn, fa tha ewatk em part of OaaoMM Pari*, flooding a wide atrotofc of tonitory. Tfco tool donttel diatriot of felaatU, CakWatl Pari*, ia floodo4. fcat.tho baaiaoaa diatriot baa not bagp r**ak*d. ■•koota bay* dWt down la var| oao part* of Calfwall. Prantdla and oth*r pariah**, rUHmiliiai to BHt »U11 graator flan* aao procandiag throaghowt th* oatfra aactloo. Thoo randa of boadt of oattfa arc boinc ■ovad to tfco MB*. Baarr *• Tort**, * woU-krown laaAn loan of Urea*, baa tendered tko art 0< fcia gMM pa*, mmo of am* fat Mad a«raa la tha waatorn hllU af qtidwell pan* tm » livoetock gang* aafcfag aa tfco flood prevail*. . v?j No looo of HfoVt bpan reported afar, tfco two n#v* warn await Into tfco Tmm Wkf AM drownodta INCREASE SHOWN IN PUBLIC DEBT OF U. S. Tetal Dept Oe April'M Steel Al Caaeae Of Waihinptaa, May 1—Aa lrnw.li oT MI.H4AI la the public debt duriap April «M antiucil today by tfca hreawup. Oa April M the total dbbt *oed at XdMSfUH aa compered with on March *1. The lomm dr tap the neat', vai explained by Tr a«Cry eftclak na'u ly dt 0 to Uic •#> 04 nhoat $150,000. 000 in Traaaary certificates aa coat pared with ■atarltiaa dariny the aoatk epprapaUap aboat $50,000,000 nd other dfbt r*tln>morrt» te aboat $40,000,000 Ordinary uccipta of the pwr Beat dxrlap April appiepotad $1*7, •15.00* compared with $*•«.114,0*0 dorlop April liut year, while ordinary expeadttazea totaled $242,500,000 apaliKt *4$ (.0041,000 la April lari Prifk debt receipt# for the month ■CSnpatod $174307,000 apeiaet 204,140300 a year ape, while public d*t expemOtura. apprepaUd $l»lc *74,000 apriari liMMO.ooo iai April lari year. DISTRICT MEETING here this m : Daughter* af TIm Cwrfa<ga»i tfpM f*lteo»Hag Swioa ■ ■ —te a ntn i mn iBiy The Bibrict Meeting of tho United Daaghw.t of tha CaaMfnq m half la Dta Ttarrday. May 4th. Tha »«b>L to;k place ia tha local fra ternal hall aad tha An ad tha Dana Chamber ad fii—in i. and •eovaaad rt 11 o’clock a. aa. Dala gataafram mob of tha chapter* ware ia tha dibrtet. HaBldny aad Bon. John C. CMatdi *ad It, re—nse was by Kn J. H. And.rtoa.of FayetterlOa. Mra. T. W. WBaaa. af fleet ocia. State rr.dil.m. dallrcrod the principal addreoa of tha oceaaioa and told in oa lataraottag uancr ad tha ooih af tha , tlao Sa doing throughout (ha Mra. Wilaaa ii aa attractive «d quickly won har way into tha heart! Of thoaa pretest. She b deeply etererted ia tha work af tha carlo*, chapter* aad under bar dir.rtjte *noch gaaad te balag acaampHdbad. 13 H» OoWeteta for tha -~r * Commerce. Mra. Laade Btcphaac gar ‘ho Woman'. COib, Mr*. Farqahard SaUth for tha ». A. B. and Mite Comaila MeMalien, diatriat dlraetor. atea made «heb ta&a, a. did Mr*. J. |H. Aadetaoa of Fayetteville, who •paka on the Lae BssBt k®****®* *aa aeraod at * o'clock te abowt 100 gaaata. Tha adternaan —baa waa called t« order by Mra. Mcf>. Holliday who pretested Mtea MeMilUaa to the meet “*«• ■ ittx udma Mr Miii MeMINim bulin w mnj, Md •he prodded for the rewalalii ef *• »fUrooo«. Keperu rm hend ,r*" “*• md from the *aHeo* chapters la the dlatilst, aB ef which v«r« pleads* t# the Km. M. A. Tiaami~ district director cad M dtoWct secret*y. Na •ro elected at district Pottewta* ■■ e complete prorrma of l**—«"«* •ea*—“Ameriea”—Aadiaaee. Invocation—Rev. H. K Jehneea. Add rami of WeUean: X C. CKf fard, Mrs. M.O Holliday, Presides* of Chiaaaa Chapter, U. D. C. Bane ass: Mrs i. H. Aadereea, ef PapotteviDe. Vocal Bala—Mia. Herbert McKay. OreeUatda Wanes'! ChA — Mrs. Lewi. Btephm, Chamber ef Cenanrae—Mr. Kills GoldsUla. D- A. B.—Mrs. Faiyted Smith. Plus Past- Mndann Uoyd w»<*o amd Bobs it Godwin Intradaetlea e# Mm T. W. WO •on—Mrs. N. A. -eiia.pl Addran: Mrs. T. W. Wlleoe. State rtmUmH. V. ». C. Bell CaB Chapters Adjcsrn. UNFAVORABLE WUE FOR CROWtNC COTTON «w«k rating yesterday wort •4 as decidedly unfavorable WMttor bsraau today fa Me weather and crap mvfav. ■dpoct- "uauaarised by tto br.eeu fa ft. irvlew mid that generally It w “> cm: for Wit ctmfaatfaa and growth at cottoa sag this «u < oabined with tsMaafer rafas west I of tho Miasiasfapi River. “Cottoa made fairly good pragmas' who* frvjMtham Teams Manilas, raid tto rsvimr. "hat elsewhere "toe advance was poor and the aafarac »Wo conditions for gemination make much replanting both Tuna and Oklahoma, weather was somewhat am layer. «ble east sf the MlmMppi despite the rather low toaspsrgfarw, and pier ting made fairly good In most districts, aKhoagh •oam delay fa portions of t! also. “Beneficial rafas occurred fa son- ! thorn Georgia and mack early plnnt od cottoa is ap to a good stand fa sulhe~n Alabama, hat tho imiiliUa nd progress are poor fnsailj fa Plotida. Bast af tto Mlnliifapl River nlsntiag pragrouod aoortr ta tho •fat thorn KmHa of tho bsK." Rates fa Florida, Wla tnriow mid, mproved citens fruit fa sons locali ses, tot the fruit u dropping Wgi ■v fa tho central and southern por tions of the peafasafa. 1 i h mtiT, '"nt^dfa ctiawberrlee are teug in me Art. Tobacco shewed InpsoTsmsul fa South Carolina, but K waa am oool a the lower Ohio valley far may mao- , '*ed Imrrwsusacnt there. Truck crepe ware retarded by cam) weather fa Qm ■»r,ihasst Cm? Bragg. Nir t.—A copper rtill aad a large •*P*toa \ Captain 8. la company with aeverai gaard* the eAeer altered oat aa the Mat artillery raagt to a vamp about •ao wile aad a hail aorth of 1 rag rtraet efcerch. where the "igij (till wae eeid to be in irywalliw oa the eld lindaay place. Following • mall trail Lha aoidiera earn op the location of the “Merfc adbr” (till at 1:41 8 to. Captain ■wilh and Sergeant Feanhaera were fint to discover the aappllaa, which cootirtad ad da harraia of week, MO poand( of aagar. 100 peoad( com weal. SO peaadt wheat hraa, aad a boat mx package* of yeaat. Ihtpcinte apon the rarriiandli^ rconnd indicated n harried dopaytara frm that Vicinity by the all egad die till era aad 8ergoaata Cuani^hm and Dan can tack ap the ehaea. V-ri-e the trail io the rwaiapy grawad after a careful search. A boat 1*0 yard* from the waUr-run, where the «m pUaa ware located, the retaining art dlen diacovered the better, cap, aad worn, which had evidently keen bor rledly bidden to the andeebro* by the fleeing blockade™. Tbe capture waa conveyed tote caap by the party by aetat of aa antoactoile and won delivered to the ™ Mwm m raprttenue. G. HALL DIES AT HOME m SAMPSON COUNTY CUatwa, April SO.—J. 0. Hal diod “ Mb home in Himli’i Bwn, Karr. N C, Warfaiaiip alpkt. Tka dotbaaed wu in tha Ufk year of hH apa and waa wall known fat ■—r-caaMp and tha rlaioMp af Barren'. Man Ha had boon la daellaiac boat* far tha pa* da aaoatha aad tha aad wm nat unexpected. Tka funeral waa held at WaM’a Chapel Baptfct church, af which he waa « wanAar, Thai I tor •ftamoea, aad waa caadaetad bp Bar ' f. X Sterna, tha paalar. and Bar. It. H. Baa*, af Roddachaw. fbmor i paator af tba dacaaaad. Tka remain. wan laid ta nat la tha iharit man tarp. Ha b nrrirad bp Me wife, than daaahtan. Mn. r. U Baoae. Mr, O. X. baawa, bo* af WaBaea. m4 I So. X w. Jabaaaa, «f Karr, aad 'aaroa waa, Latkar C. Hal. Babarani Ladb X HXI, Wallaeai Raa, Inn | In f. Hall. Bibaba* Cltpi Bn. Ha. : ana t. Hal). Wtotar Pa*. Wfhala# 'was BUI!* U HaX Samoa Graham 'HaB. Preddle F Hall. aO af Karr. Ala# awa datrr, lira. «. T. ban, and ama banker, Oaataa A. Hall, ha* af Harr, aad Id i—YrT aw*-' dra. . SELECT LOCATION FOR NEW LIBRARY tatok Greek. May l _ Taaoday • great day far Mat Creek. A tar week* age Baa. Trad K Day, ad Wfart— fliUiM MBduacaMit &Uai if. kick, ad that City would I • library baOdin« at Mat Creak. YeaUrday Mr. and Mem. Web to Bmiae Creak to select a d^liiia la ration tar the library. Tholr arriTai me coon found eat be the little *0 jago^cd at S o’clock Am dfatttpWv by rtttdcatc, faculty adk antar.ad «*•«'• fro. M •*—' Attorney J. C COM4 ad Daaa, i achaal maU with Mr. Bfck ia Darla ailed aa tar a tear woedo. Mr. OUt rord M aha attataay far the traa learn ad Met Crack Aeadenfc, In "" •• fa< t« tkc library aHa. CrangoUct Day tyake and tten Mr Prod. 1. A. Ciapi* Ada a Caw aerda yreaenting ta Mr. Day a cheek & ■' *#U . 1 ktek k * ik htotorr ot tk -Mg niduNt oatloak at f-—R§S M it h UU. V MMk all «a*a« af . ST fej. „ __ SKS Mly k tk aaetfca rWM Tk trata **•a „t fall o' 1 n. it, aa4 tk trcwtfc Uraa4r U op ta tk racaaL Tk i jr,x»' c„^rVK5S*i ~ru-rr*<' '•llaat «aa4ittaa, wttk tk <nk7fall

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