THE DUNN DESPATCH t ll I» ■* I « April I. 1*14 •UBt-PUCO TWICS . A - WKXJL TUBBDAY5 A ;,' u FRIDAYS LZUwilNPI Bma, —<— IWA C«niT.< ~ tUlgBCTUFTlOM KATCtt Oti Yapr .. -Ha<C |AXry»»:.1.04 A M Hvr.tht . .M CAMI IX ADVANCE d-ldrare »U eottaraairptlaae to Tha Pbgstth All ji^vtanU ot Tha Dispatch can ha .-cached ihw|l tela *t*5 m. rtaaiVaatUni «uc lira s:» i»»rU.‘. fcjt c ier ah c> 01 Mr »l «iA»__ hs'ta maf fpr-iih p* with Ua U a Hot nari—ry that tha MM Vt pJb’.'shad b-ji »* .mist that it ba g**s a* az erdratt of eaad faith. bcit astaonu of wrddlngt, aaler '»nmtn, c'ah asaatiags, ate., are In.lci Uos. W J. Cameron, editor of tha Trarhon bdt^cien:. Henry Void'd ACck'.y paper, arm deliver the com* resnrcmrac address at Bata's Crack At*demy Tnnrtday. May 18th. Hr. Cameron U ana of th* hading »<h tsrh of lire entire coantry and will t'~f the people of TTarnrU a message tAst will b* worth hearing. Whan S$8 Fcrd «stabUdud bis weekly aev r -VU jsnrs ife he Marched th* coaa : y for tha' beet available am a* • IKor. Ha decided on Hr. Cameron, v io has asadr it mi of tba most read »'•'.* a*J srat widely disc timed pub rr-.tiatte in the United SUtes. Mr. Campbell madr a Wee sc'.cetieB when I- *«* Mr. Carr.e-oo to deliver tba eomaaenremaat add ram far his grant r.-nw. t HUIUIU oi people will hear f om-n'*j'or*r of Revraoe Watts, ir « .taumeat issued yerterday. ad rirea a’.! incomt taxpayer* who haiec r*i already filed rctumi to do so by X?.? :*ti. -V-*trr this data the law Ms> e yaf.clty of the Amount al •"'« lax loai’h.T n-Ua Internet at oae It* rent _» month. Soon, after May . ib'k, tan (laid deputies will com r rT.ti to make invritiyatjon* to lo ts' d :lT.|S*nte. Ccmminaicnsr Watts ItTMif '■ ;.j»e* that all who have I hah yet issac recant* bfB comply with' too law w ll out further delay. Agricellwra) I aaa* Washington, May 4.-; Approval of M arl.ances for agricultural and bxx *l«k purposes aggregating $1,766. 8C0 wae announced today by the War finance carpo ration. nvtrCbuiloa of the loam included: Axauam*, *23.000; Oeorgto. *20,000; ho: to Cato Ha*. $1X4.000; South Car Mtoa. $63,ooo, and Tcauemaa, *66, WVv Ha Oo flnig A good deal of time Is being (pent by sues emincat bodies as the Law'xvmevl Onurawtte* of the Am erican Bar Araociatfon. by nawspa •»rt *ntl by aeeUi worker* la an of. to t ta *rd .jj; why men gv wrong c td" le-nac habitual rrimbiaU. Six prisoner* in Joliet penitentiary hav» Hoot arsed what led them as ■ Jty. Oar of thorn mid expense of *r.>rtaielrg “flappers." Aroiher put the blame eu failure is Vrwp first cffemieri away from h.vrlened criminals in county Jail*. 1'rohib‘fon enforcement officer* who dq not mak* it imposaible for Mm in got whiskey wore blamed by A eo*l»y* graduate, who aft#* the bad "a queer W»k“ to hi* mind, ta-ught tf eowld “beat the guma." Tils eouvice volunteered the obeerv c»'on “t'aay (each you things to wur I jsy won't let you practice later." tbsi v*«uv» are familiar. The fk.pp?r of today h Motbor Bve of • ’i'.ber Adam's day. Selection of a t-l-re la which to Snenverato a ffret offender present* a diffleolt problem PsttUq him among the vlrUona may corrupt thorn; to determine Just hew ‘.la-deoe-t ois anaetatiw may bv with out harm befog done to anybody rVuM aiaaert Solemen. A aaa* who i , ' *aw-. hr nofonmiml of prohfhV ' <•« l««i for hi* plight wouldn't far* * A andmr a *jr«t»Ti that allowed • ek. htr-fhar a rrilWgw gradnam «•» a aen-cefltgr graduate can **eat tho neat* " A* hanaet eeldier learn* netMng la the army that hand Imp. him la ckrfl ILV The fart U three eoirricU. like moat 1her pattern. avoid the central factor* la "..ra prof anion *f prpfea tloanl «r!a*!nala. Them faetare ara «m>4 and laa anr. Mea tarn crtml >*aan»« they araat to hen a* (atf BhUbalr ferny reiilkmatre* fra wkhant doing the herd war* ad I reatra* do ta gather aad keep thefr *»rt—*«• They are greedy fat what they ceaaetrr to he tha gaad thing* af life, but Hey H taa key ta trarfc tend Mrjnk ta cam theee gaad Hem to a tier! eat te earn sad gam f*t Hat they can (tribe aeraae let' "n4 *•* — ladntlriana . «H Wre Ha~ dip am tt^aeee after.— K. T. Hamid. *’Ty Hay pianttay ihHreMm!*' W r- I «av »»d Mr*. J. T. Bpeocer and Violm *p«nt Saturday with Mr. end M» t. H. Cub Mbs (Vert* Hight of Mfi Crook *** to tho (twuskr * few minutes heday afternoon. i Ml*« Umi Hut* returned hem* ari TkorwUy. (ho ni i traoker ia ‘Vr Oak Dal* school fer Ik* past tom. Mimes Loola Wood Mann in, Reel., md Walter Woo'd returned home last r**»toy night. They ware ia eekool At Coat* this year. Mtm Ethel Graham toft last rook for her homo near Godwin. She | »*» one of tho tsockors of tho SerreH reboot. Morsre. R. M. Pssdin aad A. C. .'mith of Buis'* Crack meat Sunday '.fteraooe ip the community with friend*. The many trtonds of Rev. Borneo , Wood win bo glad to learn that he Is "proving soma. Ha has keen tori -•usty El for many day*. Mc«r*. Lindsay and Z. A. Knni* vers visitors In Dunn Sunday aftar Mr. Willie Ennis and son UlytM*, aad* n business trip to Raleigh Mon <toy- “8HINE’* Ceawss Bo To* Careful When the time comas to select out legislators the people cannot bo too careful. There 1* much anrast among the people ever the system of taxa tion add the amount of taxas levied Revaluation lost much of its promis ed good results whua the slump ia Agricultural products end iu farming lands earn*. But Tor slump the iwaepdug wholesale reductions In the aaressmenta would not have been aad* la half of tho counties, and th* vide difference between assessments - wuuiu ran proauee so much dissatisfaction. Dull the eoun •» made • percentage reduction ia assessments, making them that was <ot aieeatrd at teo high a figure a 'ong with the reductions which ought .a havo baou made. Half the counties. *»ch, for exaajple, u Wake, and iuliford, considered each application jn iU merits, leaving tha higher ae <oaamaat whaa it waa justified. Our wheel system and road system aru both largely under Stata direc ien .Vhc Stata has taken no dlrec u*a of the assessments made last yaar. Same people believe tha Stata *ught to term over all school and road matters ta the eouatice. Soma belleeo It ought ta reassert its eight o equalise assessments. Nobody likes ’>»* piaeont unsatisfactory hybrid yslam. It ia of the highest importance that m neat General Assembly be made up af man pf ability and sound judg neot, who will give study particular .’y to the question of taxation and u^tv ximm t* strict equality and strict economy, rhe people canoe ha tea careful la making their nominations far legia athre positions—Nashville Graphic. Epwaetk Laagwa Fragrant Mondl* MMlihm Uuw ft rat O Vcleck.' Divine Street Methodist thorrh. If you have any difficulties, bs ears and attend. ' Hymn. Prayer. Scripture Lessen. Hymn. Discussion. (■) Everyday difficult! •« in mod ern life—Florence Cooper. (h) Difficulties which Jcsoa net sad everetmc—Carrie Alphln (<> How we may overcome. (1) Unseen help—Buddy John tan. (I) Armour of Ood—Mim Judd. (5) The world overcome—Mati -el Godwin. («) Those who overcome—Chris tine Thompson. (I) Hh word of God abiding la *•—IMildred Shell. (6) The coward of overcoming— ntily Newberry. Hymn. League benediction. Ml Brief. Duke. May 1.—Revival services be *«o at Mi* Baptist Church Sundry •vht. Tit* preaching Will be done bv the pastor. Rev. A. C. McCall, ll is anpactad that the sewicei will lest 'ten days. Owing t« tU huelth, caused by be ing sowed ia the late war, tbe Rev. •J. A. Uoyd, of nukent, wba bat Oiled tbe pulpit here fer the Episcopal church since Jaauary, has resigned .his cbeige. It l« regretted that th« 'Rev. Mr. Uoyd is unable to coat la us his services hers, for be was well jltaed and had ably Oiled the pulpit - fader the auspices of tbe Lay men’s Association of tbs Fayetteville Presbytery, Dr. Q. T. Curey of Park ton, spoke her* Sunday night at tbs Presbyterian Chareh. Dr. Carry’i talk was heard hy a large sad appro 'clatter congregation. I Kurus nicks, of WOmiagtoa, spool I the wee* ead here, the guest af Ml brother. C. B. Hicks. ' Or. W. P. Bolt ipeat part af Iasi ,woek in Winston-Salem to attend j dance upon tbe annual meeting 01 the N. C Medical Association. | C. S. Hicks sad C. J. Clatks, Jr., ■ of tbs Back of Harnett, were to Pine hurst last week for the annual con vention of the N. C Rankers' asso ciation. Mild Minnie Byals and mother ’pent the week cad at Benson with rrlnUvet. j Mr*. K. M. Buie and son, Roderick, I Jr., 'darned Friday from Woodland where they haet been visiting rein lives. H. it. Johnson has been appointed registrar for Dnke township. He li Hiring that every one register la or ler that they may vote to the June rrinuriei. A. F. Fowler has been appointed Ist-taker for Duka totnubip. l>r. c. T. Foquay, state dentist, has '-ecu conducting a free dental clink ici« in the Deks graded schools. This It Die was for those six to twelve /tart at ago. Masy of the littla tots taok advantage of this to have their nolarn fixed. Pascal Permanent end Ualvanal (Seadajr School Leasees far May 7.) Golden Text; Come ye, and 1st as walk In U» light of tha Laid, las 1:8. The fata of King Ussier is ths very strongest argument possible igalnat say nniom af church and stats. God is the creator and supreme ruler of the universe and all tha for es of nature. Too mas la gives the nower to reason. He la placed on a higher intellectual plane than the oth er creatures. To him also was given the privilege to choc** between good ind evil. As if to relieve the mono tony of hit Ufa of sacmity and peace be sold out to tha devil for a tosto af the forbidden fruit with such dis astrous results that tha direct heir t othc Throne af Heaven mnat nasda ■she the “Supreme Sacrifice" to tavr sun from the awfel cooaeqpes ms day', leases Xaiah da looking forward to the eoming of the Prince af Peace and to the Anal result at His rale at lovt in the hearts of man, tha time wen political am nations than be forgotten, when geographical '.Ines shall no longer divide nations; when God shall bs owned in ovary heart as Father and aU men shall be brothers. And If men need Bibli cal evidence that through love and kind treatment la the beat way to gain control over animals we have It in this lesson. Bare Is ink says “The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the falling together; and a little child Shall lead them." No earthly king, no political testi er, no mere human being working for a monetary consideration wfll ever be able to bring these things to pass. Now then, and When shall these lblogs be? When pride and arrog ance that) have fatten; when earthly ambition shall have met Its final de feat; whan lying and hypoerasy shall rtvt place to truth and righteousness, cruelty to kindness, hatred to love. t'iea the spirit of evil shall have ta ken Its flight and Christ's kingdom of ■eve in the hearts of Me people shall cau<« the moot deadly serpent to be a pleniant companion for the tano re-ii brbe, and the meat ferocious hua't of pity a suitable staU-feTlow for the most helpless domestic ani mals. At pre;*r.t, te*H«r, great' t« array*.) agoiart null other In the c •iCht ba.wcea right and wrong; and a swful drrtuctloo «,f life athl j» ■>.«•• i 3r I* dally taking place where *’.u •» •• t om tiuej. ThJsatal* of affair* will •jnt'na* until God in Him righteous wrath tball rood tach waves of ilc • nct on over the eauh at ha* nevc frn known and rid U of Ills «n« . *'«»• ChrUt earn* to »*v* U-, wo. ld j hut not against its will. i D. R LEE. ( -■-- | TeeModm A youth of It was convicted as a J rA*« to H«r Tark city last week i and was remanded for aaatcac* hy 1 too ooart- Ha.may bo aont to Sing i Sing for a tana sf SO yonra. .1 young man’s mother was a W*kly redacted resident of ono of i thoa* aattlamoata la this town where to »*lghb*Hln*m parsiats and friend- • toip* on* cultivated. She boro up I braeuly urban bar oldest too gave his Ufa for U* tana try ia Frame*; - tost me rifle* At could make, not without grief bat without deep sir. Whau bar taeand son’s dl^rme# cans* upon ha*, however, ah* could not boar ap under Her mind gave w«y. sad yuttriiy aha succeeded to taking her awn Hf*. WM* this tragedy waa ia program to the crowded «fty Kru Catharine S»oa. the youA wtf* of a hvla* new Kelson, Mo.. allowed her »elf to barn to tooth rather than an. <ton«or the Uvea W her two children. Bet decking wee Ignited fro* a etorc. She ran to n bedroom to get n blanket to eaoSa the flamea. Her ^lldioa lay aWtop on the bed. In. E»oa feared that if too wont to the bo dto take tbo^aaket from It her »tomtag drttoflUtkt endanger her children. She epefod them danger bar at the eeet of h^> Ufa. *** ™ JWb yoore bfo bought an incu botor. thle year Ne made money. Bata Wole my b«*y chicks. Didn’t ‘Wy.sw me a cake of BAT«fAP wit morning found {** *?*• ** hennery. Kept »ad they disappeared ’ **£■ *»t kill •F* ^ W^ridvlci. Him ****** dto, ItU. Sold and guar-; "•••J hy Bothif Bros.. Hood aad' O ran them and Wiln>a ,nd Lea . ' -1 A gnat deal of time U spent la the oa side ration and denunciation of the spor'lciai foil it, of women. In thlak •g of Women |«t u think of these sro mothers.—Now York Hr raid. Godwin Now, Misers Eloisc Connelly and Lackey f Gray’* Creek spent the w«ek end * Godwin with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. ipalL ■Mi** Ethel Graham who ha* keen caching near Duke for the past win tr ha* returned to her home. Th* many friend* of Mrs. J. y. one* will be glad to loam that he i rapidly recovering from hi* illnr**. Ir. Joe ft ha* bran a patient in Plti lan Hospital for several day* but dll return to hi* homo thli week. MU* Bohr Tomer spent Tocsday i Fayetteville shopping. Mias Sadie Markham and Mr.s amea C. W. Spell and K. T. Mark am spent Monday in Dunn shopping. Quite a nundber 0f the members of reunion for fulmar teacher* and gra duate! of thr High retool will take l>Uc». Tutndny night tha data vxer elaa Wedntoday morning at 11 o’ rlotk an addrcaa and awarding of di ploma* and priori and picnic dinner will hr held on tkn achool ground, following the dinner a ball garar will hr called. Thu final cxereitaa aril) >»<•• a play giraa by tha Senior Claaa. entitled. "Borrowed Money." Wed neaday, 8 P. M. Every one i* cor dially invited to attend ito eommen comrnt i’x«relate. W. H. Graham of Elia City xpant Sunday ia Godwin with Mr. and Mm. 11. A. Graham. Mira Ilia Moore made a buinou trip lo Kentucky ia*l work. Mr. and lira. Haywood Howard and mother and father of Salem burg sp.-nt Sunday with Mr. and Mia. E. T. Markham. Uw h»Moi< Lodge here attended th* I werptao. of the laying of the eor anraton* of the "Y" building in Kay-1 *tt*rilh: Monday afternoon. They re-1 port « greet tin*. Mr. A. Bright Page of Cooper wa«| a btuiaeu visitor in Godwin o;i* day laat week. Mr. and Mr*. K. H. Pope of Wil mington apent Sunday in Godwin with Mr. and Mr*. W. M. Pope. TUe faculty and pupil* of the God w;n High School are bury preparing for th* commencement exerclr**, which take* place In th* echool audi torium May 22, 23, and 24. Th* bac calaureate wiouir will be preached by R*r. J. H. Buffalo* in th* Fuel] Baptiti church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock M»y 21. Monday uight s' o'etoek the piimary and grammar grade axcrt-lsei will bw held Tuesday afternoon at five o'clock banquet and Bofherel Happy The cow and owner are both happy. The cow gets Happy Cow Sweet Feed and the owner gets more milk. It’s the best feed made—24 % protein. Mo* far E**ar-*tor*on Co. at MtmfJtlm—miui of Qmoi R. E. WADE DV«», N. C. Price, per bag-«2.7l Broad St Filling Station Gas, Oils, Grease, Accessories. Good *er ▼fee, polite attention. Free Air Free Water - # . ‘ • mrn 1 . ■■■ — Skt**.- ' I Batteries recharged and repaired. Ser vice Battery while yours being recharged. AH battery work done by a man that knows. Bread St Filling Station II '-‘-^wranaaeaaaaaoaaaaaanoaaasaasaaonMMMaaHnaJr fc FOR SOLICITOR Clair son L. Williams, of Lee County To the Democrat* of the Fourth Judicial District: J«i2*i“r22fiH*te V>r the uominutlon for Solicitor of the Fourth Md J*?""*1’ Chatham, Loe, Johneton n_”*»*•**» *» ** Pg»»«5*t»c primary on June 3rd. Ue SSl h htV"*3* *?* l4rF*.*t Democratic majority in the Db m ^ rfecf,^5°" l" “I S*»t« or Diatrict o*c«. wd^jpgmJ to jr.rfo’^iic’S1 J^X^Vrima^fo^thb g one la the enforcement I of tow, protection of human lift, security of property and safety 8 moX nLJI^eLt“r C0.U,t, wI‘7wi«Wi.p to the ff b*1°rp, to rou. It It et a means of perse ratioa^or^promion, but of faltpeat and Juatiee, in the extermina te iaI t!>** Wffc o*®" } *0*1 ■* all time* endeavor to tocuro rigid enforcement of the law. Investigate crime, proae eute vgmoyly and bring all offend era before the bar of Justice. I respectfully **k for and will greatly appreciate your vote and actio* support In tb* Primary on Juno 3rd. ! . ,e Raapertfully. USE ICE AND BE ECONOMICAL | A nickel's worth of ice will keep a dollars ' worth of food. No family is well* fed without ; ice. • Our tmcks will be on every street in town daily t6 serve you. Plant will be open Sun- 1 day to 10:30a. m. to accommodate those ; who failed to get enough ice Saturday to last ii until Monday. Please observe the hours and ; let the ice men have the balance of the day. TERMS CASH. DON'T ASK DELIVERY ii MAN FOR CREDIT_ ii ICE PRICES EFFECTIVE APRIL 15th ii 60 cents per 100 lbs., at plant or from truck*. Less Rian 50 lbs., 3-4 cent per lb. Coupon books 60 cents per 100 lbs., re deemsble at office if not used up. Deliveries ; made pf 10-lbs., and up. 300 lb. block at plant, r delivered in | town „___._91A0 ii 306 lb. block sacked and delivered at sta- ; Ron for shipment_$1.60 ! Ton lota at plant, per ton-$8.00 ; 'If shipped cost of sacks added , Car shipments, per ton_...$5.00 i TOMS ARE CASH TO ALL j Regular customers having ice shipped ! should give standing orders if possible to in sure the beet service. i ( | Dunn Ice & Fuel Co. —»— MOUTH CAROLINA *j ..*3 $500.00 REWARD! -To ANYONE in Dunn Who Can Prove that I hey Serve a Bet ter Ice Cream than our .... FRESH FRUI7. r^fre r(o'i4zafn • In FVt-mA Homc-nattr Conn • Eat more ire Cream it's a pure, wholenome food. Let us havevour picnic and par ty orders. Your patronage will be appreciated. Dunn Ice Cream Parlor & Candy Kitchen F. G. SHKAN, Proprietor Next to Poato/Rce Phone No. 26S .. ..m,„,.. PLATING AND POLISHING I am in position U> do all kinds of plating and poliah Ing. Any article plated except al main uni ware. Bring me your watch, any article of tableware or vour worn silverware, and have it made good as new Automobile Plating A Specialty , 1 suarantee my work and can make delivery pxompt ™»~ ' M -y-i^e -nun i .. •’Hf. 1L JACKSON. "** Telephone No. 90 —:— Dun*, North Carolina THE UNIVERSAL CAR NEW PRICES (F. O. B. DETROIT) EFFECTIVE JANUARY 16,1922 Chassis - __$285 Runabout _ __$319 Touring Car_$348 Truck Chassis __ $430 Coupe _ _ $580 Sedan._$645 Tractors.. $395 ■ These nre the lowest prices of For^Csis in the history of the Ford Motor Company. Orders are coming in fast, so place yours promptly to insure early delivery. i __^ J. W. Thornton DEALER Dunn, North Carolina ._

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