' St Oae af tho days of this beautiful ateath ha* ham tot apart ia honor of •or mothers—of tha Ueiag as wed as • these wham earthly toy* ate post, hot whose hallowed memory thro* aa aa hMptratioa and aa Influence far gaod. It has hem often. saW that a moth «r’t-daeotioa, with its aaretufaUag f^ mtomtmtolag to aympathy. i* tha highest type of aaselflah lew*. * The putat mm and warn» th... •he hare aecempBsbed meat fer tha 7 good of ■■alhiil—hare united hi gM*r «ndit to their mothers fox ■••St U1 Ueir success. It is the mo ther's leader earn that guards aad Wtodea us 9 oar helpless Ufaaey, aad -it fa her emutoat influence that hy ►-•mpt aad mample helps to mould ‘ • ■ »w character ia tha ylsstls stage af yaath. Mo matter how warped aad - .mpcMcet aa enta* seat asy became it would ha strange indeed if he did not cherish a sweat aad loefa« thought of the one who garo him • I irth.—Southern Teiephaaa Now*. Former Prealdsnt WIUoT^a the and it was torpely dm to kk deter ■Uud stand that tha tfkt In Con r- was won far them. Hr. Wilson '• ' >* Map tha carrian af tha first • *■ . satltleal mmsapi ha has saat aat with ‘ h boaiimp oa tha WMhi af IMS. Mn. Kssily Hawaii Hair to haad af ‘ tha Weraaa's Dlatotoa cf tha Dasao .r*.;ajj __ to toad tho way- ta «M _ ■ Bat ha addad, as If to reaHmatton af Mi faith im tha new istwt that woasao, •Mh as hs was oddrws atrip, "an sar* ta caavwy to thto parpoer tha Imh ahto attoMtotloa of thalr aathosiam aad devotion." Mr. Wilson manifestly places larpe reliance apes the womb is florae# to set th* country etralpht spsin—Charlotte Ohsatser. ; “Twowty Turf af Hardtop The Wildwood Bem-Trihwai. _ 1 It «»'»■« as thaaph I has* toaaa , Piwtodaat fee M year*.—Prssldowt | tlardiap la a speech at the National , Tram Cluh. , Hot only to yea. Mr. Piwlfist, ( hat to others dose your isrslse af | •as ytsr saam Bka two decade*. To I Uto foUowiap dttoens H mas all of J te years—or laaper. Tho 4400.00* mao who ara tramp- | '■* tho ftrests aadar yowr admlnUtra- « daa look lap for Jdbs. Tha farmer* who ore harniap their I oad who caaaot soil their pre d*rto at a proTt hcaaoso their far i Ms market* has# haas dastreyod hy J**r party’s pallttoe. a Th* bwdasaa men who has* bean h wMtiap to seta far a revival la hast- a MM, which y*w aad year party pro- tl ttsodily prawn worm. a ntc lipUhadf capitalists who e. wo*M tosses to todastrtal swterprto- h ’ Jr* tf iadostry had hoaa rovlsed as a " Promised by yea sod yan party. a Tha swasrs of foetocis* whoso ea ptoati ara elaeod or rewetop on re- ea •iseed How by raaeep af tho fallara •f yoa dad yodr party to rod saw ta atoetto* pie dps i «1 ' rtf aeeraps taxpayer to whesa ci ywa fnalni a redact!sa af teas*, m wttoh they are (HU loetonp far. th a# tors lea an who base wot- pa I mandlk TOUR truck saaeottoaa with irr.nl ratable niamiirfu Iwnw and is in petition to ehip pear track *1 amp tlm. He :«MUMtlcu with houses la Wash ’a***°* fc Hi am re aad New Talk. He k**P parted daily aa tka Bark 1 ** la the vnrioas cities and wfl] kaadle tka stag eatrasUd to Mb la the beet advantage possible. He wW fatal* crates far these who new* bap aad will skip pear aslant, coca, beans, kacktoherrics. ate., at tnp tiara. Memorial Dap Oks.re.d Here Memorial Dap will kc generally observed in Dima aad vicinity to morrow. Map IKK. Mia. McD. HoU dap, praeldcnt of Cbieora Chapter U. 1 C, to arranged aa inUrsstui* lapram for the ee-Ubratien at Chi on. aad a largo crowd la expected -o be present. The exercises will be tia at 141 In the afternoon. Mask *iU bo famished kp tka Dana Bead ad the addraaa will ho delivered bp apt. Boland Williams. The program follow*: Maker of Ceremonies, Mr. T. U Kddle. Decoration of graves. Selection bp the band. Invocation, bp Eev. E. N. Johnson. Prise Emap from Dana High Jchoel, road bp Bait Westbrook. -Selection bp tka band. la trod action of the meeker, bp Ho a. J. C differ'd. Address, bp Capt. Roland WllRmaa. Selection bv the band. JOrm HEU AGAIN It ft goto* on S yaan tine* General feffre achieved worldwide feme at the Hum. It it live yean ance ha caam ta the United 8talee aa the hand af the Preach High Cowrimion to confer with the Mmmdmm Govern «eat on the eaadact of the war. It wa» ta April that ha arrived here be 'hre—Jaat ftve reara ago Mir. Than ha aaw a people bury with prtpara tfac for war. Today ha will eee a aaimal New York which hai pat the war a goad way behind it and it en gaged an the haaiaaaa oi paaea. It aw ho a treat ta an old war rior like Me rebel Jo#r», who it three tente aad Jen to travel in paacefal Placet. Ha aaw nearly BO yean od war and lto rambliaga. He defended Barit it lift, tarred Prance in hit middle Ufa la bar Eoatern peaaemieaa aad waa U whan ha (tapped Von Klacfc. Soldier waft till Pame chooees to aae them. Gnat, wham Jodfrt it hero ta heaer, waa immortal at 4g. NawlM mSl Sh*Vad -U-mt tot raddy kind faced Manhal nonr aad ta ofUa at ha aatat ta vtrit aa—New fork Herald. Saleofeerg la a marvel. Think af bat tiny village, remote from the railroad, having two hlgh-elmm aad meeatafol achoolt. Pine] and School far Girit haa lit papib, rapraataling ’arty coactiee and Sea ttatea. Salem nug High School haa scar a hundred iigk tcheol (todecta. Bach tchool b Wailed In a iplendid brick bniid cg- The high cchool haa alao aa ag ieutonal department which it cop taatly broadening in taapa of aetbri 7. Vgrfly. the Balambtag folk are lamed with achoe! facilltlet. And «r» we may recall the fact (hat Haa. -W. Bailey la ta deliver the eeta wnmnt addrem at the claaa af be High School—Htmptte Dtmt AMI CHOP or CANDIDATES SUX HAXNKTT COUNTY SOU May 1.—With a tars* «P of mthaciaatlc read iS ton M«k « mry o«c« ia Barnett coarthiaa* “•S* the abarNPi jah. caaaty yoK “ l» beftaaiaf to taka aa Mach la «*^w»j^atoea« tba proletariat Jl» rrrTr *W» Sanaa la Baractt : ' _ • i *• *«• that they made, *nd W tMfntakti thaaa Xethedlet men a*d «nw. on tha laid wbe made ihB victory poasiMe far the great aar «**■ that attaaded thair iforn to pat **• thing over.—N. C. Chrtulnn Ad vocate. ; - i FflkT UAGG IS GIVEN WWIAWST STATUS BY T«B *** DEPARTMENT , Waahlagton. May 1—Under a gan- ! ordor mode pahhe today at tha ! war Department, Oaap Bragg, North OoooU-a. Camp Naemdy* True, BaUlng Field, Wertdngton, D, C., and Ar*«H. Maryland, am dealgaated u permanent umy poata. *Ba»t of tha aider ia to rtawTi thorn poata fmm the Vet of camp# md other otatlona concurred for poo »hla abandonment. Under tha War Department policy the nan of tha two campe win bo changed to Fort Bragg and Fort Nor Fort Bran It tht station m Hetod for the 11th artillery brigade end ia one of tha groat artillery training canton of Urn army. It wan recommended far thia oaa by a board of oflfccra boceaae of the extanaiea ‘errata it include a. permitting largo •Mtrrtti tad loiif rts|t Ittlt of irtilltrj. A ..a * MLSA SMITH’S * * H—1-gTSphls «-aT y * KODAK FINISHING * * MA Hm Imlii A niiiininiiiimiiiin* SCHOOLS FOR PASTORS AND and lay workers T"Wn «• he ctwwm la Em, rww Of Cbarcb W.rb Dr. John 8. Chadwick, acrttar, of publicity f*r tha Missionary Cantan ary movement In a recent interview concerning school* for pastors and lay worckra in the Methodist Epis copal Church. South said: “The missionary centenary has mads pomible advance* ia every add la which our church has miaeionary enterprise*. It 1* tree , that a large part of the centenary fund Is being <*aed In foreign land* and this Is as It should he, but the centenary has alsa given us resources tha win some measure, make possible an aggressive program of work ia tha home Acid. "Ta my opinion the home depart ment is doing no hotter piece of work than its mphaaia an tha rural church' and the rural Add. It la supportb«l a number of rural demonstration I charge and giving he* to many circuit pastors. Tha achoola for town Winner* Paatore. -“hghl’iwphf, Ha oa tbs rural work, reached last year, some three hundred of oor pastors sod lay workers. During the •umaaec of IASI taro each school* were held and the program far IMS calls for six o' these schools. "At these schools training will he riven ia every phaeo and department sf church ami community work. The faculties will be composed of thel rutstanding rural Wedem in America. >unS Pia^rat, may >. int TKomt will ho to rxvu^,.- in u<* UJPOO Clean Stfhou,. .xc.pt mil road taro and ho«id and iod.J. whMa on ihn ground." » ► - ., - i * UUSINES.; I.OCAl * * * • ■ - . . , LET L'S HAVV. Ye . FI I!* * C r* nhrmb'ng.Wi k --sr? t ’ pr.ea* Vight. Promp; wr .V knowhow. GUI ghooc k„ and Miller. Dwn, N. C. • :st; LET US WASH YOU* CAJL LET m «lann a* your motor. Broad St FTlMag Btatioa. M.y 5 4ct ItX-HOMI POWER WOOD SAW «ala. Caah or on Cm*. A. C. Bamaa, Dnan. N. C. 2 4te. DOYOUR BATTERIES NEED RE Bring them to ui Broad Btraot filling Station. Rag 6 4tc. BRADY for SERVICE_I HAVE a two.ysars>ld Jareey hull for eor jka "1®« W.00 tor each eery lee. Saa A. C. Banes or Walter Barnes, at Dunn, N. C. 24tCl LET US POt THE ALLEM1TE OIL |a« eytRam on your ear. Broad 8t rJlIng Station.Ray « 4to. FOR RENT—BIX ROOM HOUSE all madam convenicncei. Good neighborhood. 8oe W. D. Holland, tfe. CAR CREASED PRO perty. Broad 8tract Filling Station. May S 4te PLUMB1NC—LET US DO YOUR next Jab. Wa will do It right for a reaaooable prlca. Bell and Millar. Phono 44. Dunn. M. C. 25-tfc. FOR SALE —BYRD'S HEADACHE remedy Jar neuralgia. backache. £*>•* ache and palae of women. Said by aU drnggieu. Price 28c 8 4tc. NOTICE—I HAVE THREE OR four good used care of different malna that I woold trade for va £•"* 1°*1. or fn™1 property. See E V. Oaioey.21 tf W1 WANT YOU TO TRY BYRD’S headache remedy. Inetant relief of paina of all kind*. Sold by all drug Rirta or money back guarantee. Wk._ 8 4tc. SALE. — SINGLE COM* Rhode hhnd Rada. Owen farm •traia. Cockerell (5 each. Hatch lag m> $1.60 tor 18. W. C. Ka noy, Dunn, Route 8. 1 aw tf Jaa so. WANTED—SALESMAN. |100 AMD coenmleelaa to sell guaranteed cord and fabric tiroa direct from factory at lewe* price*. Goodrtoek Tire Co. 1106 S. Michigan Are, Chicago, Dlinoto. FOUR POUNDS OP POUND CAKE and a loaf of MITY NICK BREAD Setarriay only, for one dollar, eaah and^ carry front PKAROP8 BAK KE86STTTCH1MG AND PtCOTING by Min Mary B. Dalrrmple 816 Barn Street. Fayetteville, N. C. LI canta par yard. All work guaranteed. Kail order, promptly ■ttanded to. ' 8 4t pd. , THE YELLOW FRONT STORE carrtae as advcrtieomcat Uii week you can't afford to Ignore if yoa want to java money. Read It for P«**t booh’a take. R. G. Taylor Ca. It* mIONET being invested IN TREASURY CERTIFICATES •‘More money was invested in the rw offering of Tressuiy Saving! * tW.cSuej in the Fifth Federal Re stvc District In March than In either anuary or February, as a result of ho nation- wide campaign on the art o’ the postofflec and Treasury Department* to protect the savings of the American people from unsafe Investments,” says the postmaster of he Dunn office. A latter to the postmaster from Howard T. Cree, Government direct or of savings (u this district, state!, that the recent advance in tho prfeaa »f Liberty Bonds U making govern ment securities more popular and tho decline in interest rates generally Is making Treasury Saving, Certificates particularly attractive. The demand for government securities ha* result 'd "* larger sales of thcic certificate, ban at any time since they were .laced on the market. Treasury Sav •'E* Certificates to the amount of 16C6.91P, maturity value, wore pur baaed in thia diitr.ct in March, large ly through the effort, of the post masters. Ths local postmaster ,j. creased sales here since a number of letters bar, been distributed to the patrons of this office, making known to them the desirable features of rcasury Saving* Certificates. "While these certificates yield 4% ‘'tf cent interest, compounded rrnri mnually, or 86 per cent on purchase Price, if held to maturity, five years from date of issue, it is not generally understood that they arc guaranteed against depreciation, because they increase monthly in rash surrender value and are redeemable at owner's uption before maturity, in which vent they yield about 3 t-2 per cent interest, compounded semi-annually,” nays the postmaster. Lmiih Netae 3landing: of elubi: . Wvn Lott He Kr<1 Sox.....8 0 io« j White Box .. .........1 | (o I i «c Tiger* --0 8 00 The tret week *1 the league pla ■ Ha« keen featured by tho pltehlt and hitting of “1100" Dowd, the mi< I get twirlcr of the Red Sox. In th two tame, that he hea pitched I haa won both and featured wil twenty atrikeonti. Capt David Wileen of th. Tiger la need of a catcher, hea traded Toi • Joaea to the Red Sox for Tamar Both captalni claim the advantage c the trade. . One of the redeeming feature. < the rout of the Tlgere by the Red So in Friday’, gam. waa Ute pep dlaplaj cd by *'8enny” Tilghman. j The dub. all promt* to glvi a be 1 ter exhibition of beaeball They hav aignod up coecbea to aaeist them 1 thwr team-play. ’’BiU” Newberry with Um White 8ox; “Baa” Ferret the Tigerd; 'Shorty” Jackson th Red Sox; “Sid" Wtlaen with th Oianta. All four of theie experience ball player, are anthoaed over thal f team* and all four an churning their team wiH finixh to the front, t* laHokc Stewart'* pitching for the 0 White Sax bat been Beet airtight 0 and hie hitting alee timely. But far 0 * caatly wild threw in the opening 0 game ha weald be tied up with “Boa” y Dowd. ThU euamer’i race between g thU iter ling pair of kid phahen U «• going to be intonating. * Capt. Harry Newberry of ' the * Whit* Sox and "Fox” Beat, playing h ahortatop and third bare, make an excellent infield combination. The other team* of the league had batter " k**P «halr aye* aa thla pair. They wdll Jj *"* th*" Plenty *f trouble. 1 The opening game* reruf trd u follow*. ! ' R. H. E. Bed 8 ox.4 s 2 T1**n. s a 2 i. R. H. K. , Giant*.. 4 3 n Whit* Sox . 4 p 3 » R. H. E. , Rod Sox .13 u « s Tiger*. 1 s 7 c R. H. E. ij White 8ox _13*10 0 r Giant* — ..3 4 6 They are Good! Bay thh Cigarette and Save Money .. ___; ■ ^^i ■ tejgjP", *:T' v**’ n r '•.* > 7" ' • - • -Next Sunday Is Mothers Day Do not fail to send a Mothers Card. The largest and most distinc tive card stock we have aver carried awaits your dioice. the Gift Shop Dunn, —N. C. - 1 “ T- e bai:i fs / no : :olliday co. Ui dwita era u d L inbalmer* * ’ * t> Vr s C'iskets raid Burial Eo x«--Service Anytime An> «»•» re DAY PHONE 11-NIGHT PHONE 70 ^^—>——— $500.00 REWARD! ~Tb ANYONE in Dunn Who i PrSve ^ They Serve a Bet ter Ice Cream than our .... FRESH FRUn - -. • to rn* rnm, mod. Comm ♦ Emt more Ice Creem-tf, a pure, whole-me feed. Let us have your picnic and par ty orders. Your patronage will be appreciated. Dunn Ice Cream Parlor & Candy Kitchen F. O. SHKAN, Proprietor Atol./WW , ««».„ Ten Days Reduction Big Reductions in Ladies Ready- I to-Wear, Shoe*, Dry Goods, Mens I and Boys Clothing, Millinery, Etc. I for the next Ten Days. See our prices before buying and • I •ave money by trading at— 1 _ I Feldman’s Department Store I Dunn’ -> N. C I K y t • , -H ■ ————I

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