lHEDOHN MSPATCB rufsDAYS* 7h*d‘ AnuSn: L busses rort -z ** ~^~r~ ^ On ThorT^^T*?*!"tt-to S'* XMdu___1.00 Ttoao Months_ .10' CAW IN ADVANCE | UlrHi «B nwamalaatiioa to Do ObiMltk. AU eUpartmoata of Tk Dagntoh aaa ha rwM thfl—> Uh phoae 1M. ^ Coauaaniaatioas im> Dr* topic* are larked, hut aadtr all liri awatia c«* tha caste of aneh aiaaaisalia daw aasat faraite u with his bosk. U b aat nicnaao that tha auaa ha pshhtead. hat wa iaaiet that it ho dm aa as aetdcao at goad faith. Kite accounts of wililnga, aatar Uteaatl. dub mooting*, ate, »r,> KNOW NOTTH CAItOUNA: WHAT NOTTM CAItOUNA NEEDS (J*«i|haa Daniel*) 1. Pint ate forvmoat a itrinl of O’.i-foteioood railgtaa—tha old fate a.rad religion both of faith and of waits* Faith, of count, |a fundamen al. ho| the -religion of ante* hi aha a aceotety If the world la to ho irachod. Worts la tho only argument that has aay weight wkh tha world . z. Kevtval el MMHMW4 IMn-l omy. This b uc*auy on put of! tha individual, for‘we can never be I a prosperous state until wsarat col lection of thrifty individuals. Old fashioned economy on tha part of every sabdhriaion'- of (amaant <"Vm tha voting product to tha State itself is also aa urgent need. Unit* of government like Individ sals asset iv* within their income They asa avoid aa they wonW the plague the hoading of current indebtadama. I. A change la the banking lairs iy which dswstie Has Ratio no could ha placed on tha loaning by banka of the money in those beaks to aflkars of the me. Nearly all banks that fail, tail from within. AMkhtg from tha eoastitntiaa the provision declaring that salaries ml jmlgee chan net ho red scad during their Ur* of often or adding a pro vision that tha pcekibittoa as te re daction of salary dans net regard the cel lection of tax each as i» Imposed on aD eitisea* of Ufca ahiHty to pay aa a red actios of. salary. It is of the ntxsaat ktipoctgp% .to the main ten - aaas uf rasped-far law and ita ad ahhtrsliM that thorn ha no privileg ed ahtsa. -e? L A mesa Aftfcnmt -——muni of the law fiabldfiag usury. K h k broadly sharped that soma indtvid ~ uala aa/mme haaka are aharg^i by . turffaradioa if ad openly macs than »ix par chat interest an money. Strer.gthcjrtug tha primary Ian and making It proof against trickery " snd fraad: - 7. The- more ‘ vigorous krtfcrrr ■««t Of law 2b Xorth Carolina, th* V an mnadw lead ' •"hip la low enforcement, and the devotioa hjr th* Attorney Central •: all hie that to th, datlet of Ur rfllcv. Be -l^onld bo given power oat) ;..di»OrUy£jr;ih the necemry aariet ^.tre. tolflrett the concurrent n > ceoa.-.t of the preUUtimi law. j M. Adhering to, enlarging and e.'gtbeeiag, •« part of the farm ■n-% inirroata. of the policy ** eo-op > - it lee market In* and <o operative •> od at tie at Tbia la th* aaotC premia A mrfiaa of placing the faramr on n 'otter economic baeia. 9. 'The effecting of eocb change] >. the rwWUont between tenant, land- j lord, and *ugply-m»T«h**l. aa will make It paorihl* for dm tenant farm er aa wait a* the land owner to prac-1 tie* 'llroiyMeation of trope. Iff. The advocacy by a* pawn. < f Lr fluent* *f the poliay of 'living ■*- home hntl hoarding at the mm* Moa.’ both a* a wiao economic iya tem generally end aa th* wiaaat mo mao age!am th* threateamd iavneion '•( th* had omevlL All right, raiae the hanna bp a tax «n radio*.—Chicago Journal of Com I memo. { iiiiiiiii .. w——■———re — U« .. *-, Ha ha PhUMIm Iw reformed mu, do »•*»*• InMUot Booth, Cnmmoodor 0* «** BaUaBoa A day la America. la lUriMt^th. Voldiad Act drank tieoly dimoyimid and that tho money which formerly mat Into the bar room till it now goiac Into bank d* pasita. la Mr replies to a gaaatioa iMriro aaat to Am from Salvation Army HsoAgaartor*. the aoelal sooro tarfco mid caaoo of dranhkcaoom arc aow the exception amoag am who frogwoat tho Army hoot.hdm, *h*l taro and iadoacriai hoaaea According to tha atatoamat. aa it is gaotod la pram rap acta “Mora than two million bad* ware "MtoUod by tfm floWaUoa Army last, ysar, and it is oa thaas two million. rasa* Nmt oar eecratarioe haso their anawori. In on* hootohy It wa* re ported that ltd man who hovo oarer kraa known to keep a dollar mor* than IS boon maw tuM Ui.kiu .. counts of nsalil ii stili .i«. In na tefcer betel U men af too son who bafara prohibition could not keep a d»a>e now aav* igwlu tanging from • 100 to MM. Them an unacually bright InrUncoa, bat ev cry-whim the worker* of tha Salvation Army bin faaad a marked iaciaaaa in thrift aad prosperity and a decrease in drankcaaaaa. “la refutation of Da charge that drunkenness baa Increased duct pro MMtloo, Commander Booth cites the last that the Sanction Army's annu al ‘ Boonen' Day.’ when, drunk an men ■*d women were coUactod from the rtaaata, fed, clothed and prayed with, baa bean abandoned aad the day giv en over to entertaining tha newsboy • and poor yeoagaUn af the city. "Baeaase prohibition baa cleared anr park benches draakardc, we are able to entertain S.OOd boys un der 14 yean old la New York City on this day, these boys being bene fited because one af tha graateal eunaa af humanity had been placed bajrood the reach of men aad wom en."—Literary Digest. ' The second Sunday in May is Mo te*™* Day. Sad Is the lot ef that por *•* whose Hfe baa not been blessed \ with the lave of a good mother. Of] eeano all nether* ate beaus, bat tha virtues ef good mother* ao ter ebecure their faalu, that tha latter ted* from memory. Motherhood la to unaelfUh. ao devoted, aa foegiring, ao f*U of faith and hope and love f°r the child, that we can understand tha fading of that man who aald, “God eoaid net be everywhere; ao he made mothers.H Aa loag aa math •way lata tha blast land there i* tha [ •cal* of a loe* that nothing on earth1 ■aa rasters. W* eberiah through lift' the token* that a dying mother left ns, aad in hours af pain and grief wc' <t»r oinseise* soon a mother’* fslth t» » mother*! God. That it well; but It la better te auk* the nut of our 1 mother* while they are yet with aa. • To buy a coetly casket for a dead mother, to beak her grave* with flowsrt, to sat op a* expensive man-1 ument—all that la a poor offset for! th* neglect of a Hviag mother or for 1 Ibe grief and pmn that owr wayward-1 sam browght to her tender heart I Mothers' Day will prove a blessing just in proportion a* it makes us •top and aak: "What tort o* a son or daughter am IT Am I a* tender and considerate of my mother”as the was of me ie the hour* of childhood'* holplcamcac and need? Am I Justify ing a mother*! faith and lovoT” The subject hat another aspect Sow* mothers wiU reed these linos whoa* children’s ehnaaeton are stM in th* —Mag. In lids nuhlag age when many voice* are calling to the asothaa outride ef the borne K is ■read to "put ftret things flret." A acather can easily leave her children to otbeee whB. the atehs a -larger aphere." Bat the most tragic of all hwauw failure* la the mother who fails with her own ekfldrea. Mothers* Day Is a good ttnu for a mother to map and aak herself: "What kind of a mo*bar am It Am I giving the boat of myeelf to my children, sr are they netting only the dreg. o' my Hfot“ Sven • tidy homo cum com ikcnmto fog children nrgUctcd m kfl to run wiM. Notch*r narco, nor (••char, nor govern* m. nor gren.C mother can tnko th* place with ■ Alld that a mother waa meant to til Tfco boat tdoal of motherhood Ir that found la tha Kbte: “Her children rise up and call her blamed; her husband *ko, and he pndaefth her. aoyiag Many daughter* have dons worthily hot thou anrolUst thorn sM.“ (Prov uni 48, 48.) On th« Mcocd Sunday la May 1* <m by all meant wear a white or led rose for moAor; but tet as also re ■«*or th* commandment whkt »y«. “Honor thy fathar and they mo thor.*'—Tha Adult Student. To Mother Ac 5m of Sun Aa ones you ctrokod ray thin and dl ver hair. So I *roka yearn now at th* rot o: aua, I watch your tottering mind, it* day'i work done, Aa once you watched wlfh foreran looking cars My tottering ftot, I love you a* : should. Stay with me; lean on aa; I’ll raak< no sign. I was your AIM, and now time make1 you min*. Stay with m* yet a white at borne am do mo good. —L. J. Dickenson. •t U the f souoly d uajiul he olfie to go • bogging. It to a moiety of the I -tort lupMti.it* who make* ou sttt- Vsj and women of capacity *? ihaisrter. e.’ palrclim .h^ultl I a’le a * .<•..<> c>f f > li tape riant work. The Wilmington Btar jay: New Hanover county for the f|r* time la many (run has. t*>e p ivilogv •f tending to th*_aext Legulaturr two member* of the House and one Senator. Our standing in the State sad our influence «S the administra tion of ths State government and | the making of the laws wid depend opon the kind of men we eend. . . There baa never been a time within the last >4 years when it was so I important to the State and to New Hanover county that ws should tend I three mss to Raleigh who are the •blest, wisest sad most experienced in public affairs that live ifn our midst. That la true of New Hanover coun ty and it is true of every county. ; whether It will have one or tour rop ruventetivag. Thorn who want the heat results la legislation cannot af ford to sit Idly by and let events take their course without any effort to shape them to the securing of de sired ends In the form of wise lawn. —News and Observer. COOPER AMONG CANDIDATES FEDERAL FARM LOAN BOARD Washington, Msy 8.—JbMion to .10 tLt existing vacancy 0n the Ked -*ral Farm Loan board l>j In-tween T. C. Atkereoa, Washington, repre tentative of tfie National grange; L fUtenanO-Govemor w. B. Cooper,! of North Carolina, and Governor' Robert A. Cooper, of South Carolina, Senator Bursum, Republican, Now Me* ico, said today after a call at the' White House. The vacancy was caua-] sd hy the resignation of A. P. Lever.' - ■ ******* ,1 ‘ BUSINESS LOCAL *1 i * * * » » * * *: KODAK FINISHING— Kim Skalth'e studio anil finish Vo dak films within 24 hour*. Tu tfe. WANTED—SALESMAN: *100.0* and commission to sell guaranteed cord and fahrlc tiras direct rrvim, factory at lowest prices. Guodstock i Tin Co. )10« S. Michigan Avt-nue Chicago, 111. 11 pd. LET US WASH YOU* CAR LET u» clean off your motor. Broad St. Pilling Station. May 5 4ct. DO YOUR BATTERIES NEED RE charging? Bring them to oa. Broad Street Filling Station May 5 dte. SIX-HORSE POWER WOOD SAW and rig for sale. Cash or on time. A. C. Barnes, Dunn, N. C. 2 4te. LOST—A PAIR OF SPECTACLES with rim shall In black case, on D oka-Lilli ngton road, Tuesday. Kinder please notify Hugh Word, Daka l, Box 114, or Dispatch Of fice and get liberal reward. 1 tp ——■" aaa HEADACHE, neuralgia, rack. -'•h.-, pains of women, cold* and HOUSE FOR RENT. — S-ROOM dwelling with lights, water and hath, on paved strecL Apply to Dr. Jam. R. Boiler. 12 tfc. BYRD’S HEADACHE REMEDY docs not contain Acotaaflld and doec not depress the heart. It is guaranteed by your druggist. ISOfc. READY FOR SERVICE_I HAVE a two-year-old Jersey bull for ser vice. Price $2.0D for each service. See A. C. Barnes or Walter Barnes, at Dunn, N. C. 24te. FOR RENT—SIX ROOM HOUS1 all modern conveniences. Good neighborhood. Bee W. D. Holland, tfc. LET US PUT THE ALL EMITS OIL* lac tyaUm an your ear. Broad 8L KUUhc Station. May 5 4tc. HA VS YOUR CAR CREASED PRO parly. Broad 8troot Filling Station. May S 4te. NOTICE—I HAVE THREE OR four good uood ear* of different maker that I would trade for va cant lota or farm property. See E. V. Gainey, SI tf. FOUR POUNDS OF POUND CAKE and a loaf of MITT NICE BREAD Saturday only, for one dollar, caah and carry from PEARCE’S BAK ERY. 9 He. HEMSTITCHING AND FICOTINC don# by Mlai Mary B. Dalrymple, 416 Bata Stroet, Fayetteville, N. C. 19 ccnta per yard. AH work guaranteed. Mail orden promptly attended to. 9 4t pd. Put this Bank on Your I Regular Calling List Am acquaintance with the efflesrs and smployss of ”h hay my bo of value to you la solving your ftaan Baporlhlly If somothiar l* added to yoar savings ae rowt JJtovory call, poo Trill find It profitable to rfadt K^alqr savin* of oven tbo smallest amounts la Uhaly to duw a largsr balaaeo at tb* sad of a yoar than aeaaatoaal deposits of larger sums. It's the habit that counts as mock ss tbs sasonat saved. II dO or mors starts sa account st this bank. Four par asut flrtcrast paid sa aikps Kuir^‘ t&htsF^,.a4«- * ■ '' • * t t 0 sfidL/? , • * / 1' - 1 The Commercial Bank . ■n*. — •— sosm casousa 4 pmr emt hUormt Pmid on Tim* Dtp—lit THE “OLD RELIABLE” THEDFORD’S BLACK-DRAUGHT VIA* IM AU*** Uy S.j* SU Baa Sta* "Tfrfan Cm* MiC*fttfH.*'CjUK«UJ." TWJfcrf. BkcMkuck Cm* ami SteyW. - Horsfbrdy SELF-RAISING BREAD PREPARATION Wherever You Go You Will Find Buick Authorized Service Whan you buy a Buick you buy aomethin* more than a high grade thoroughly depend* able car. You buy a car that U backed by nation-wide «rrk», .o compfcu .nd w.n or^ni^d th.t you ,r, ouurod of the nrfrfpnruptod <* that ear no matter where you may oU% - - - Yo. will Snd B-«k Mrrio. m erary city, town and rulata m camtay. If thron«h |^ll*ttolp^wkiooUr <■ 00^ j Ik, work will bo doo. for roo by Buick tnlMd mchudco. Green's Buick Service Station ptmw, booth cabolwa -Wnw wtto avtomowlo AM WBLT i mnck will mnu> tmim r , -——— . .*a •. N. C. State ColUl* of Agriculture And Fngfneering Saramer JmUd Jim 13th !• July ItU Csureo (or Teachor* holding Slate Ceritficataa and for Proapect ire Teacher* who ate graduate! of Standard High Sehooli. Coerce■ for College Entrance and For OoHege Credit. Couract In Gotten Glairing. Catalogue upon applicatioa. Apply fer Remritln at Once ta W. A. WITHKR8. Director >: Raleigh, North Carolina ♦—...-.. -- 1 a ff aho holliday co. ?.! dertr.' e>_ u d L.mbalmers I .:! ) ir a of Coffins. Caskets and Burial Robta^—Service Anytime Anj ..Lore DAY PHONE 11-NIGHT PHONE 70 $500.00 REWARD! -To ANYONE in Dunn Who Can Prove that They Serve a Bet ter Ice Cream than our . . . .. FRESH FRUn. fy&bcSic iffce im • Im Fi-eah Hum* pad* Cent • Eat more lee Cream--It a a pure, wkoieeome food. Let us have vour picnic and par ty orders. Your patronage will be appreciated. > ir —wgfegaan ,, 11 ,> wateagwttiia— Dunn Ice Cream Parlor & Candy Kitchen F. G. SHKAN. Proprietor Next to PoetoUtee Phone No. 268 gg—————1———> Botligre Happy Tire cm,- or.d owner are both happy. The cow get* Happy Cow Sweet Feed and the owae.' geta more milk. It’s the beat feed made—24% protein. Mad* tv Edgar-Morgan Cm at Miwaft mmkon W Qao4 r ■. E, WADE Dun, N. C. " '"I ■ ■ I■!* II I Standard Tires and Tubes < / at Wholesale Cost For the next ten days only, we will offer Hood and Federal Tires ar|d Tubes at wholesale cost. This is your opportunity to supply your needs for the summer months. Each and everyone of these is strictly first and fully guaranteed Below you will note the prices at which tljy will sell for the next ten days. ^ FEDERAL Automobile Tire* end Tube* FABR fCCAfflNOS i 7 “ *“ S-i^TWSl S J6ST $ 7.7*7.77^8 10 ooT~T3? 30*31/41.-I* 0.00] 13.78 1.80 32*3 V4.. 18.80 1.78 31*4 -1_ 18.00 2.10 32*4 1. 10.00 320 33*4 f.1. 10.78 320 34*4 I-1_ 20.80 340 32*4 V4'._- 380 34*4 \41—.. 300 J**4V4(. 310 38*4 V4_... 320 33*8 I....I_ 340 38*8 (.. 318 37*8 I.... 370 PRICE LIST HOOD TIRES of CASINGS umI TUBES nwtiio ~ Arrow Rises Cord Bed Ribbed Tubes •rNoit ___I «Md_ 30*3 plJO 30-3%---I t,| 31*4 3.70 33*3%. 1J| »1*4 3.70 3»*4 .--IN3I 3J0 »»*4 I0JI 3.00 34*4 w. 31-00 3.00 »3*4%. 30.70 MO 33*4%- 37.80 3.70 34*4%. 33.40 Ml ***4%. 30.83 3JI 30*4%!. 40.30 4.10 *3*3 i. 43.70 CSS *4*« 44.78 UO *•*» 47.30 COO _«*» (—. IOII C78 E. V. GAINEY Dunn, N. G _ ._ » .P—...wmmmm—mmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmm—mmmmm * * • (

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