HOME BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF DUNN WAS ORGANIZED MONDAY NIGHT « The F i r . t Serie* Will Open With More Than 2,000 Share· Subscribed EUGENE T. LEE WILL BE THE SECRETARY A. L. Nawbarry, Who Has Dim Mmeh To Pwitd Ore-' Namad a» Pmi·1 ii··*. Mar· Tktn HmdrW j Prnw> At llMliai Last! Might. WiU Bagjn Baumasa m a m The H ont Baildir.g and Uu Ad ulation of Duan U the 01» of Dann'a building and loan aaaociatlon, the onpnlutiofl of which na eocn plrted at a meeting of the sharehold er! held ta- the fraternal hall laat night at β o'clock. About one hundred ropraaantativa cltiaans were pcaaeat and the BMtlic waa tlx moat anthu aiaaUc and moat harmonious of any hold In Dann for the past aaveral years , CMTft K. Grantham waa elected temporary chairaaa of tha organisa tion and T. L. Riddle and L. B. Pop· were asked to act aa secTetariea. The nuaabtrahip cocaoiHtee, composed of Kliis GoMatebi. J. L. Wade, Dr. Jaa. 1 Batk,. Witter Howard and A. U Kndnrrr, atatad that mora than I, T00 aharaa of atock had been aold dortag tka campaign tha peat meek and that aaany mora people would join th« argaalaal too before tha booka ara closed oc tha flnt series. J. U Wade aaggaated that thoaa who daattsd td lacraaaa their iharaa would ba permitted to do ao aad alao gave theee who war· praaent and «ko had not alraaAy tabaerib^J (or stack m opportunity M f«t In witboat further delay. WHh bat little «oUritatioc 0m total mW of ihu· rabacrfbad far >imi< tfc* tw0 <M—< auk. β·»· ■knr this morning that a total of MM ikim here been aold. At this point a report of the by law· committee «4* called for. J. C. Clifford, chairman of thti conltte·, road to the mating a copy of the by4a·» which bad boas drafted. Af ter acme diac nation, and after a few aiu> changea had been made, tbc by law* ware adopted a· amended A committer, competed of Marvin Wade, W. H. Nrwberrj, Β. M. Brew er, B- L. Godwin aad V. L. Stephen·, wu aamed by the chahr and aaked ta,ratire aad «agréât lb man to be aamad a- dir< rtor» of the build in* and loan '.teaoclation. After the re port and recommendation of tbe com mittee the following men were named a· director»: M. C. Butler, Dr. J. B Butler, P. S. Cooper, E. P. Dart», tea Ftelihman, Kill. Coldttaln. W. 4L Howard, Nep. Bolllday, J. W. Judaa, λ. L. Nrwberry, Ζ. V. Snipe·. Jaa. A. Taylor, I. Lord Wade, C. L. Wilaoe and I. R. Willlaaa. Tbe aa Uctloa of the ahorc men met with oaaidBoa* approval by the «harebol dera. τη* coara or π ι ratioπ were ukm ta retire imnaediaUly ud aeleet of-' tern for the organisation. The fol·' tavrtaf arer* named : A. L. Newberry,1 praideat; Ζ. V. Antpaa. Tlee-praal dant ; KofaM T. Lee. aaciwUry and traaaarer; L Roland W i Ilia ram, attor ney No on· wfeo waa praa*nt at thl« meet In* taat a%ht eau doubt Ha aac cm, Thai* waa atn rothoaiaa· aad gonulna eo-o pa ration manifested than wa kan «eee recently. Brary ona «M agraari that Dunn need· aoeh M ontanlaattoa and nary ana willing to aepporl H to ι financially and otherwise. Good aaoa von named to nana*· Κ aad the rank and fila pledged Uaeir A (kaitar will ba gotten bnaaad la tely «ad H U the dealm of tha orgaal aatfaa to ho reody to begin tmalaaaa tha ftrat Saturday in Jaae whan tha hooka wtll to opaa for tha ftrrt aerlea. la tha aaaantimn meatbeiehip will eoa tlnoa to ha aaltclwd açd it la probable that tha Hoaae B*Udh« and Lean Aa aa«tartea of Du· wtH litih baatoaa· with twenty-·»· hundred aharea of "Inland la yoar· far (ba taking," De Valara taSa Mm "yoang mm and Τ rata Wraaha IbaaM May If.—CrMhhf an amftaakment, a freight train oa tha OMaago, Mllwaakot and *. Paal ta day damilHhil two haaaa· on tha nMM· of the <Vty aad allgfctly In· Jaaad one man. Tha wreak waa «aua· ad by aa open aaitch aad a brako* REPUBLIC ANS ARE NOV IN THE RACE Mué M—ting At UUinetee N««ne Full Ticket Far Cuap«i|B Harnett county Bepubhrena In miu meeting her· Monday naari a (utl county tiekrt to plat· before Ue ««tar· UK· Ml. Ooonty CWfnun W. P. Byrd af UIKngton celled the convention to order and explained it· parpoae. la hi» preliminary remark· ha deplored the neceaeity of geiat Inta a campaign fo early In the yaar, but aald "it vu fort ad upon «a by tha Democrata." Ha related to tha Katherine that "food'* Democrat* had volaotartly relocated tha Rapobllcan party ia 'Harnett to pat food men on their ticket "ao they (the DeaoeimU) would hare «oaïawhara ta go" "Ttiera are Democrata who want to cose bite tha Republican fold to eaeape the nigh tax lyateea inaugurated by the Democra*» (a power." The ehainaan deprecated the great coat of the lone campaign; tha great beaded Indebt tdneaa of Ham*tt coanty; the form ing of a "thoa-atriaf" diatrtet for rrpreaentetion in tha State Senate. Mr. Byrd arged tha moating ta pet "true blue" Republican· oa the ticket declaring that by placing loyal and •o notable man before the piapl» "we can gaio rotaa and overthrow the Democrat»-' Ha then ctUlod B. C. Geddia e!t f>nk· In the finir " - per»ry chairman. F rmnkhn Dupree of Anfiir, de daring hi» prMe In Ma hot», kit Bt· W«, til· imnuMl—4Wu three— he gloried la the pMt pmiltp of participating la imtmiit aa free and «dkibimM u that la A mer le·. He «tiimii the frat burden mi taxation and called attention to "the laek ef nwdjr fn· the DmhiiUi 36S25i!J!^£2L2^!L2Sft EgetheWor the "coqbm «ml."' At Ibia J our tare J. M Byrd ei C««t· ajfced for the diapaoaiag with «peechiaakint. ud that "we get down to klldMK" Albert Surle· of Artrubore uked for the roll of townahip·. Hit chair man ordered the roH called. wHieh •bowed ail townahip· represented ex cept Johntonrille. Mr. Sarlc· mored that flr»t on the program a eoenty chairmao^be elected, thee an execo trre comoMtc, In order to perfect the orgaaluttfca. J. M Byrd ο1 CoaU placed in nom ination the incombent, W. P. Byrd of LMington. It waa about to boeoae unanimoee erbea David Henry Senter of Chalybeate itated that W. P. Byrd would probably m for «See and mggeated and noaalaated PeHa McKay of Doke for chairman, Katinc that Mr. McKay woald not ran for oflee. W. P. Byrd tfated «bat he dttat know «bather be would iu or not, woald lather not, bat agreed with Mr. Beater that Mr. McKay waa the proper nan, we mui ox um Roar Mr. HeKty ineiited apea Mr. Byrd beiag ehelrman. E. C. "W **t of Dam «aid LMttngton m the lo(ieal plan for chalnaan. r. T. Dap*·* agreod that W. P. Bjrrf end LUllnrton wore ttn combin ation to win. W. F. Byrd vu elected uMninwat· It· Albert Barteo wasted oqael rtpro •entation for each townohlp; bat th« regularly organised plan waa Ae ο «m fο)lowed — each votln* preeinet U bava m nom* on Ui, committee. Tawrufclp nomination for okoc» Uto coaunUteemen raaoltad no fol· law·: AveroAoro No. 1—J. A. MeUod AvorMboro No. ·—C. H. Pop·. Aiw)«roon Oreofc—P. A. ClMfcy Bockkorn—J. 0. Waotbera. lutHW-brix Darit Black Bhrar—J. B. Dap»*· Dakc—T. M. Ikbr. Οτοτ»—I. P. Parker Norton CmÎ P. H. Beeter. JohnoonvDU—L·. C. 1 Ulltncvm—W. J. Parker. > NeflU Croak—I. T. KWatL I Btewerto Crcek—9. J. Bethune Upper little «m-W L. Mat .dllM. Upper LKtl· «War No. f_W. M PnUeroon. The old ooatoot for n»reeo*Uti· from ÀHné»Tt Mo. 1 betted ip. C. C WMt u4 Hoary Tripp * etared Apt Β. Y. Oafoay wo· tbo ma No. 1 wanted, aad Joka AU·· M* Loot for oionttro cmMonai J. A. MiLood ma do · few remark I aboot *· aoatter potatinc eat «Im B. C. Wool er*e aot eroa ■ reWr I No. 1. Ilio ihlwn» pat tko aitta (Contimed en fife Two) VALUABLE ADDITIONS TO COLLEGE LIBJtAJO J. J. Wade T. Bût Ma··»·»·* Aj éWp·) Hua d«<<m i—— Chapel Hin. May M—The UnW.r •Ity library U is meipt ef three ««1 nM of ti« minnte* of the Vktelar BapUrt charth, Badbyferk Tewnahip Pnwa coutjr, orrataf 4m pari·* trmm the tkM JUterdey In Jeiy, Hll to tho aecoad fku^ir U 4)«aé(r IN·. The minait· cnwrin thr*< manaacript nloB« ef approximate)] 500 paeaa and vara >wM to tki Ubrujr by tha deacon· af the congre ration tfcroaffc W. A. Warm «4 Hurdle Mill*, N. C, who la modera tor of the Flat Hirer t mrlatlnn It kM Wen ^weancad fhmi ■ weakly nenrepaper, known aa Tlu 8—ar School Near*. will fca pub II«had at the UiiitnK; atunaaf •chool thU <nita| tara. J. J. Wada, prêtent editor of the Tar Ha·!, «{11 «dit tha Wat paper, and U J. Brady will Mtap tha taelneee «ML Th· paper will be aadar tha dbrart aapmUoa 0f the naatr ichaal mm· Iharttie·. "The Church and I ullaet Man" If UttHlaofa bulletin adltad by L. C. WiUoe, of Dana, which haa reeanUy eoea fro «Ue prraa. Um aether (hraa aa iatareatiag a< tenet of tka •octal, economic, and raUfftatta candi tloaa of the far· tenant· In tfcla .tain. ULLINCTON WANTS STORAGE HOUSES At ■ MMU| ,f feeotonal man of Thanday ·"»!*, ptaau war· forward U Icy befor· (fee Um Markotlag Bin·· thi ta*·· of LUUagtoa both aa a end gratia* petal for cMtMT Townaond'had tofltali'd Mt o^B that thi. w*j V Jorfy'p3>*t,l cotton (tone·, Wet tfit no contoaplatioa M ft· put ο4 the ■ •aonatKm to balld My ■ M·>·—·· thi· yur. Mr. ftwuM Kaled, Wt rr·r, that whD· thero wore M tnoa bU in Hcntaf a toon for WOdint to bo oracted Vy dtiaooa. A A. McDonald Hié that Chair -non Gentry appoint a rwltt·· to •«cur· tho deaignatiea of UUtagtoii u a etoraga peint for eottoa and alee to negotiate tor a Imi to halM an other vankotfc fer a t»bact« ro c erring «tatara Chairman Gentry a awed H. T. Spoors, A. A. McDonald, Delia* John Λ», J. 0. Sotton and J. C. Thornton. Tho ehaiman roh) η tooted to to oper ate «Hh the ma··!»!··. Director Sonthgato of (he Trtxei Marketing Auonation had in^atond of Mr Gentry If UMIagton and Vaai were prepared te taha care ef Ox tobacco rained ia thit «action. After the Meetiac adjraraed tin wmnitlM aet to fwhite »Ιι»ι X. P. Gentry wm »»■!< M eMnui ol th* commlu«« ud J. O. gotten hc rotary. It U planned te eeefer with both the Cotton end Tobacco Market· in* director· Id order to haro LU liactoa decimated ai a atome· ami rcceirisf peint. Ther» le alnWy or ected Here one of the heat atora«i warohoueea for cotton la thia aertVen The maaonry etlll «tend where thi other vtrdm* vu erortod and Mm b«Udlac can bo mmUnlei at coal· paratirdy little ooet—Harnett Coon ty Nov». COMMENCEMENT UUCUII FALCON HOLINESS SCHOOl Falcon, May 10.—Dm nuatiKe ■unt mulm began Bonde y wltl by Eot. A. H. Botta, «ko îolrtm an oloqaonl and iayroMtro anef to the aodleac· aad Meter daea. Hm rtchaVe· eeilwli for lb naatl boya and girl· wore held Man ■lay afternoon· nitty tUMm Nrtl cipatad gtotnf a vary latorooUe* pro era·. TWo Falcon Orphaaaee «todtal presented a varied mpa of eoafi ' dlalofuea, and hbI1»I1imi. Meate tnalnf. 11m pud—U— aMitla· ■ vera WeU Te today atmkf, at oik time the clan eaaay· were read. TVe aanaal doaleaaatio· eoratoi for Um rouf «an waa boM Toeeda - afternoon at which time «MM no* ι oratory were exhibited. Um IMc Depertaeea* five Um I. annual recital Tu·»éay eeeala». 13 ■ director. Mr. floOen feUmd wH tibia ekrtoot aataa. ■ ' The larfe aadltortoa aaatlm aw r thoa a tbooiaad people waa «re· «lb it all *e rrwta« tmMkm. PARTY MEKMEET TO COMPLETE TICKET Htnrtt Coanty baatoeratic cativ* OmoKIh J|l Wednaoday at Boon ia ctnrtkoa·· M^iUhu·, and plan· wir* adoptai; 1—fctag toward ttw Ailing ap at tW tkkat ia placet wfcara thaï» m a# arowod caadl d»laa Ttaia Wh>f ·*)? an· candidat» for county IWl)<Wr, probably the BOft laportaat if tfca «kola tic ket, Chalmaa Haajftil L. Godwia far Îiiâl^tlin far thaaa Th· foUov«4 wera *>* far ward : 1. Ç. InUt of Artora Crook. J. A. Bacfcanaa ofpper UtUa fe re r :» J. S. Baifcar of |bm Creak. W J. Mac Rm| «f Orova. J. W. Jardaa of Braratboro. D. W. Bai* af UjLr UttU JUrar. M J. McMaill af Apar LHUa Sir or. E. P. n«irinçlaa W Baitacna. W. H. taiaoa of JiUirrton tow*· •kip baa alraady l«J>i«d Ma caa dldacy far coiaUik For Coroaor, Dr. ftj. Arnold aad Dr. R. L. Warren »Γ far Sarrayar, ΜΗ MtCanalik and Hagfc Prince ifcT la preparation far Ba catain paifii remark· vtn B**· by CHair Godwtn, MaMaS. C. CU#ard.J C. L. Cay, A. A. * TV* committee pari· onaly far Ut u Hour «m a rm lotion of W. A. Graham^*., of Lia· CO hi ton, wfeo «eat ap Ma ill—miel M loam the eeveral distrvrU to nanae (Mr additional acdbtn. Ά· ab aeace of aay alhut— to mm pre cipitated a dabata la «kick J. W. Bailey jtx Iai%i J. C. Iri0t Nn Pahoer Janaaa. Seaator B. ft. Me· Coia. and u4patb( D. G. Bra Halt of Orufflle, drm aoum of the c ι alia· molatioa to U>e walL Senator Sol GalUrt lasted that BalJey·» arruneot «*■ an impeacb· ment of tbe wMW» mutiree end tow Cooper of Baleicfc thoosht ditto. Bailey dtottel—d b«t hidilil spaa meaalatfol T*riba|*- Mr. Graham ι» o· tbe point al lal mllllM to rack an ameadmeaW bet folka In the Bailey camp tkoifW they hoard a rruM οι etsepproeai rrom uotooei Watt». Dm roloo*l Mi bond by do Ut*. The Orahaai BH*orUl wa* gap poMd to hm «χμι—»ι1 th· W«tti rirw. A rain 8«»lor Cellvt nmtod ttn implied crttietan of the party. He M net wieh to tee e precedent Mt, he Mid. Th« tooth might wUh to «nnthr· toi—ilttoe mmbenhip ta tho elate orfanieatl·» Be deaired to ho (too and ho know m unal n·· her of «mm ««aid ba maid, Brna MH Mked Mm why He objected to •aylng oo la (ho roe»*ut*oe. Ho did Ioot aaewer. Agaia Mr- Oeapar raeent ed tho Bailor iilWUw. Bailor walk od oet aad aaid with feeling: |, MTM* fa tho laat "aw I want to i hoar that I aia diatraftlng tho DM» I eratlc eoaiaittoe. I a* not dtatrasUai ' ι it, I aia apt dietraetlng anybody, am ; Mr. Ceoper." That· «aa a io<loa U > tab!», ft ara· not pot. ■] Mra. Jem·» mm to aajr that ahi -, did ast dlotnut tho attal^i hat Om '««boh wvelé f|al MWh krttor If tfa I rreofatioa definitely IMH *0 alaal ■ women. Ohartaa 1. MiAi· thon pal t through an ibhI·»» f, the exact laegaaji «f the atote te·» » τοηΟαη. Bal ley aaotflad H aa · va* I Uon and Qfahaia jliMii) ta H. t, Wmr toaay waaka tkaro had beaa aa r Hier «aid aat aadariUad the airwtl I liagneee to act laweM lately en th * itate platform laaetaHo· toalght. 1 • developed that ' nofari thaUadiaf th fc h^uoWIiii to any definite exprwertf irory dfaUtet had ifceeea It* east· 4 the aaiiatln body frr the aUth dk fatal «ret GRANDMOTHER TORS SOME BAD Ajmuxmr New York, May 17—Α ι •r wfc. Mm a gmm mt«d M to Chlcca lest ai«)lt witb a ■aaay years her J«1m wtoe is 1 (bare m t chui· af *1 The rrmivi.oOur to Un. Mica CW m»nt Γantcl. She to tor tna pre·—t lac tbs coBvrr. Jo'ial pUtu:e of > p· Itoe «aman wben (be appeared in *o*rt to el.-τ k.f piHut—I mm Aatoial District AlUnwr Oood au loohad closely at "flmtoi." TSf high Ifc5.u of bar costome prind a po.pk taiiaa. a black « iat<s pwri. lance peer! eerriacs Hrtnd rings end bracelets. A· In foot lia and inclined to phi Mr. Coo.'ma η aba looked at the] T. She was poorly ι tall sad ra-ry. sha towetod above nwyatthn (urllan, satd Mr.| to Mrs. Vtatei: •Ami* ps Jait a Httto bit afraid| jwU ha»i lsatoMs toktog Alt w« all the way to CMaaf* «tttst as •a be.Τ" :t "Γ· a putosttor sad pioad tel be abU ta say aa. Bat Γβ alaa a Stat | ■rade del—Use af tbe · I pack "b WIDE ADVANCE IN PRKES-OF COTTORl Mmr Oriwn, May kat to j Uft WNk> Wt altar to· ■ £i 1» to » ur.^«W «Um «m m* gala* ef ta U lis point*. At m| My txxU4 ay to MH m4, l».T». la to· eft depatl iltmt PM lit rM to tW Mt| rrnhi m4 chad at M on xnad, wkkk w|wi «Μι ll.TCl » to· iUn «r tou wtk iMt ; AélUCM MM 4m to *IM fM-| portion of to· dii»7«to to)· repoi aafly, th· to· MOb. and •f to·! •t rnmf U wlirt To· ao«fc rain ni atJIl ■^Irtat In to· Mt a»4 it fer-| thar d«lajr*d >ΙιηιΙ·| uU ia important portloaj of 1 belt, capMially ia To** and Okfe hnaa, and to (actio·· af to· «entrai ■mI «aatarn Mt. Afin to· rf to· WHk rein. CimpUlnU of W»rrfl· to mm la fn· ι g«aOnni '■ aaat af 1 ipet tei|iili| «· |«»nltr LwaDr ■>« Ν Um *·( ι· to XIJM1 Wee, (KM 1·. M week and l,Mt «· hMt jrtar, «M» —I»· to antoa aa tad (« 4,111 kalaa, to ι *,011 laat week and « week laat year. la toe t yatote «Mi «Μ to Dm demand wae keen, to* * Hutted eapvMaa af < laft to seat H «M. la toe Italie! «ί af toe < lalriWt aad Mm Artokifa to β We (Mfir. Km totoaca we*e «14^ M· tola· a«atoat 1«1>M kalaa ton lato year aad 1·ΜΜ Uria «art Hr laat Td.711 kalaa aad «μ ι ad ta LMM4T tote· afalato Mid/ 7M kalaa a raw a«e aad M» D. mi to aa I the fcaaclal —Mart la vatr kH^rt I ny1—New Teak >! «ato—«ta. M A. Oarrte, ■ de«| Mr*. Dertd J. Leerte, r Μη. J l. «to, Oaaat CHAPEL HILL ON I ■GOVERHOR'SaDE ftlVlftft JOMMSOW «ITHMUWI &.ΜΛ*το, lhT 1·. — llrtn D. Mmm. * Wmtrnm. tmi^t whk drwr Imi to· ThM Dtotekt On· fw Ik· auu IimU Γγμ Un NMk IwitliW Diatrtto ««·· )int *f DupHa. New IumWi h» mm. I to»· to (m tot mm ter Oomgrmt to >mi to r«wiitou ·< «y |vtr far to· Into I* «m MM DWek 1 «β ϋ<ι·Ι It mWri to ay war fH«Mt >to«Mfr»to to· ThM Om»ri..«l Dlatrirt for tolr ftlMltofr u4 1»T»1 HHiit tWy to» muXiI Mt to to· ■ «Ml to Mmm «H éemi «Τ Κ. J , Mm, i. V. Bi«to. Β. r. i-h> I M W. Wtom. W. 1. MaHto, V > d. bmm, ». W. Wsl ι Mi—ill, ft. A. >!■<!■. A. f. Ctorn

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