PINCHOT VICTORY ! DAZES OLD GUARD (•y Edwaid K. Brittoai ia Mm u4 Otwnwl Waadaatoa. May 17.—Th· -OU Cwd" ·Γ 1·»·ΜΙμ· h» h Mm ·( At >im, dK α O. r. hmMm In hiMfbMl* b im< u It tri·· to l|M HI «lut ha· >·ηι·ι! to K. CJ»«d FladMt, iMtT|Mt t>4 «a til th· but two pan a >··»ιιμΜ •f At BoB Mmh tord. k> Betod Amour Cuirai G··. Κ. Altar, th· NsdlaU »f th· Old Gaard far traUoo. a* th· BapuMcaJi raadlrtati h» C«nntr of huqlrnit. Tka HanUa* adiaiaUtntloa ta hard hit by tft· Mew, tee it M bNi baatowlac lU Will M Attorney General Attar, *«aatlaaary, haidlac Wat to to out ·( th· laadwa at Republican* «ho ha· to l«i| to* M«Kki(«4 by t'.·· tau Senator Bala· Num. -It i« a pnpndr· victory of th· moA tcrlkiac kiad," ■ Um («aérai M*tia«nt aaeoc th· Bavoblieaaa of th· pMcrautr· typo la Cnwçia· aad *-> »och it ia alao hailed by Demaetmti in CoQfm·. It «11 the unrnl *ψ Ir.loa bi> during tha day that nn If Plaebot had ooly c*a clato U Alter h would ban been a |ΐιΐ|ΐι·Ιι> jit torjr, bat the «oaipUt· aihtnhi of lb· Bfabl«aa eachio· in Pauuyl ▼asia by Pfaehot ia regarded aa a p:agwah« raitaway, aad a dUutroaa r j«l of th· Old Gaard. Th· rtnh It aaMher lere*· jolt to th* admiaia t ation. a «am repadiatiea of it than th. rafodtaUon of th· Old Qaard by th· BiftbUeaii la th· (ritoilai ia Mail· and IaOlaaa. U ia aa Ian «ai ς>| candonmaUaa of th· >m»iit R· pablicaa National adaainiatratioa aad it hearteaa DnaoeraUr load·» aad DtBMtttlc privatea f / North Cvotu ku tTfrt lo the nen« of Gilford Pin 1 li he dwofWl htm· first tyitematle ta Jmmit, 1 for the MiMT \i: a#of the nttinl itwiinil of tk· UM Statoe Vm Tictory ta · Htki ta Iwituy of tk* Interior Fall that ftrtvatc exploitation of Aaaoritaa holding» |t wanted. Chatnaa CorddU Hall, of the Do taacrade Natioaal caanaittn It mb f hatic ia declaring that Pinchot'a no mination U a iitrta for the Repub lican organisation ia State aad na tiaa. He lamJ a itataKit tonight which read· in fart . The wtwa af the Poaaayhraaia ia rmlf again it the mdenhip of Unir party. fallowing the lead pi IwMaaa. lepab ' +* *, h a*cfeat for ul a retake for the party omnia»· *:oa la the aatioa. "ft# reported defeat of ffat ad mit) iet ration candlriatoo for Congreea eatphaaise» the retook* to the aatioaal r-i «ai η titration. The regalar Republican orgaaiaa t'en* ia PeanayHrairia and Indiana now detfroyed ware controlling fae ter» ta the Republican National eon \entlon of 1·Μ and hare boon func tioning ir. tlooeat political, personal and i^VUI cooperation with tho pro teat National adaiiaiatratloa. "The leader, of the corrupt Penn •yjvaaia narbta· have enjoyed the Mgh favor of the Harding adaaintatra tian. The appointment of President Ha-dtng'i Secretary of tho Traaaary '» ceaunoaly accredited ta the taU ieeator Penrose. who antU kit death waa the head tad front af the Pena -ylvaaia aachlae and oaa af tho inktiag φ rit» af the Harding ad ministration. J "The arOUonj of bankrupt farmers, Mle lakorera and badly iajarod M acaa sea with their iwf«l ami* «. nrrjit.!· Cwnly 9i tent, tf (to partem· «t mi Μι te «Μι «la* m tekl«t *· Λ* «U»ilw· tmttai (at Hi «mtrmrml fhBar· to ito pit—tin 1* i*«t i» -Vtet *nI4 MatiMMl loMhw l**4«rt kâ*· mU M Mr political a* an* hwmlwli bee> aomtnated Ift Um nmbI nt—iw> TWr mU «Ml ba ahoatlat trmm *· Imn toft Uot A* Ntd*Ml ad· taiaiatratioa U (W«f catira «hMm tie· u iIhk BtRtblkas primary ·Ιμ· tion rtntU cUtriy I an ΙιιΙΗ." Handsome Endorsement of ^ Lee County Man for Solicitor rs i, By His Home Town Paper £aYS WILUAMS WILL WIN L·— county present* u » can didat· for Solicitor of the Fourth Judicial District, Claw so· L William·. The editors of tfcfi paper have known Mr. WilKams all hie life. He was born in Johnston county, near Clayton. His father was a phy sician, who died before Wil liams was out of the hifb school. Notwithstanding the fact that he held a good posi tion with the late D. Ε. M elver, he had the foresight to see the value of a collate education, ?ave up this position and weat to the University of North Carolina, where lue worked his way through college. In col lege Mr. WniiamsWas a U. N. C. debater, aananr of the University North Carolina foot ball team of 1910, ène of the commencement orators, and a 'eader in college actflritiee. He fradaated in 1911, wis admit d to tfco bar the same year, and returned to Sanferd to practice law. He wasl imme diately taken into partnership with the late D. E. Mclver, one of the leading attorneys of this «action. \ After the death of Mr'Mc Iver, Mr. Williams formel! a partnership with his brother 'or the practice of law, and vs 1rm has enjoyed the unstinted confidence of the county, and Huilt ap a successful and lucra tive lac* practice, having been wcAoful in some of the most important litigations had . in this section during the past tea (From Sanford Bxprea ; years. H· bu served m County Attorney, and for ten year· m attorney for the town of San ford. As a trial lawyer he la vigorous, aggressive and suc cessful. Not only as an attorney of the highest character and .marked ability, bot as a man 'and cinaen Mr. Williams is ' oublie- spirited aad actively in terested in every movement ] looking toward the develop . ment of his town and county. {In p6Htica be haa been a tire less and active worker since he {«as 18 yean of age. being twice named on the Democrat ic ticket for the State Senate. ; He is a splendid campaigner and an able and eloquent 'speaker. As a candidate^ for t Solicitor he is splendidly quail fled to represent effectively on I the stump the policies and , principles of the Democratic party in the campaign, and will fill this Important position with high credit to the party and onr courts. Lee county has a democratic • majority three times as large as Chatham, has never had a state or district office, and our people feal like we are entitled to this nomination. We bava the man for the job. Our peo ple are solidly supporting hhn. It la good politica to name him In the primary, and give us re cognition. We feel confident that C. L. Williams will win this nomination by a large ma jority in the primary Jane 8rd. ι. Issued May 12, 1922.) FOR CLERIC 3UFEROX COURT 1 "Uk to announce nyitlf a can !'d*te *ar Clerk of the Superior "Hrt, «ubject te tke wiakaa of th« •Un in tM Democratic Primary. F. H. TAYLOR. Creek. April 14 If. Γ0 THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF HARNETT: ·**·■*· ar*etf a «an tidate for Recorder of th« Raconiar'a ourt of Ha matt cooaty, «object U ka activa af tka DaanocraUc Primary a Jane. If elected. I aledf < a fulfillment of •h· detiaa of the oOre without fear 'Γ farar, aa I Kara fceretvfora triad T,TTT"tîrlUCVINeON. II tfe. C0VM1T POLITICS of Harnett Report of tka C«edition of RANK or HARNETT At Dake and Coata, 4a the RteU of ^•tth Ceroliaa. at tka aloaa of fcori ■eia, May Μ lilt. '4M· aad Diecoanta ItSI.ltO.Tt 0»ardrafu, anaecared .. .«Tie 'Jutted Stataa Bondi y -_-«B(i Ukart* Band·— ·" NMI.M Far·κατ* aad FMaitty. Oaafc in ink aad fit j Jjt βρ. ' Tmt Cowman!ai J... »Lsii.4l| Calk Iteau hald fnt S4 f V. Λ. Reeenae M,OOOC« to,000.00 ι IW4I.H To the Democratic Voter· of H*ro«tt Cnntj: I hereby announce mj candidacy for Judo of the Recorder! Court of B*natt Coanty, «object U the peV αηττ. Will appreciate year votai, •nd if nominkted -*0l- pfrrt,τψψ ta Ue beet of aj.tWtto. April 11 tf·. FCR REGiriTi'K Cf D"IDS ft the irttri vf Rar i'ii uj : ... t- *a .u by m;· lH'it Îli.t ick "Jt Ht art. U'ls iu.« .-■»* f 4 u CtKriBC . % . «4 a l. «Γ i*.« «cat .4. L. ,j» ..i »«U . .fc w I. U l.l, t ·» elf » .·« «■· 1 i! ο1 . h-iil tppiocit'.e four u-.jr .appe.Î .ο the *nd :b.[ ui -at vflic· mi y i>e c · « ■ HjrSaraeé. Κ nouv'nctox''. I u >»*t to be elcrtcd ; IX not nom ,jv.« ! t thall remain the sane «tau» I)»· .v · ecrat Out I have been (or *31» ï"va 20 run. Re ipectfully . JAMK8 Λ. HOCK A DAY.' An*icr. April tS. IMf. ; FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS I To Uk Voter* of Rarsatt County: I Thia la to Inform jrou that I an a candidate for another term ai Reg late* of Deed:, and will appréciai· Jt»r rapport. If yoc tea At to elect me a«min I plt^gt te roi» county Ut mu faithfaineaa la tee serforatanec of the dattet of my once that hat been mj cuitom In the fut. I al with to take thu meant of expreufaf to you my tincere appreciation oT| your patt favor*. Sincerely, W. H KAUCBTTB. Lillington, March JO. 1HL Report of the Condition of At Dunn, in the State of North Carolina, at the cloee of boaioeia. May »th, im. THE COMMERCIAL BANK RESOURCES Loan* and Dlncouata I15J.764.27 Overdraft», unsecured ... United State* Bonda aixt Liberty Bond* >T.M».00 Fomtnro and rixtarea ' 5.201.86 Cnah in vaatt and net ri"> Bank*. Banker*, jSS^ X / Trutt Coeipante* SX -88,i>f.07 [ Check* for (SearineJ v ^664.97 Revenue Stamp* _.Z ToUl / l21B.468.8El UABRftm Capital Stock paid* in | 30,000.00 Undivided ProMtf le. 1 carrent expentat ai tajtet Wid -__J 8,842.04[ DepoaiU kobject te chock 111,661.60 Time CeAMScate# of De potit, Dae in 1MB Titan Ï0 Dayn S,403.00 CaiMer'a \Chtrk* out rtandineY- !.. 11411.72 Certified Ckteka 50.00 Time Certifia·** of I> poait, Dut Λ or Aftc SO Deea 7/668.01 Saving* Dcpoaita* Bond Depoait 3.T50.00 - Total I21S.458.85 State of North Carotin»—County of . Harne't. May 15th. 1022. 1.7? D. Da via, Cathier of the above named Bank, do toitranlj awnar that the nheve tintement la true to the; boat of my knowledge and belief. J. D. DAVIS. Cnahier Sebecrfbed and «mura Μ before | mc, thia o' May. 1»22. W. E. BALCrtPIN. Notary Public. My toeajflaien «xpi?*· Peb. l*h.| y . } r. m. McKay, *·* , gJ r J W. JOBÇJAN. ->*, '·· . -jSm B. P. DAT ■ BUAN. yg. ' Λ· typa. FO» SOLICITOR ο the Démocratie voter» of Har "t: Cuunly : i b,-g to announce (kit I «η · ean KJate fur toticltor; of ti.e Pounn l iJicLul DUirict, lubjcct to the ac· Un of tha Democratic Primary. to be --cW June 3rd. Profoundly grateful to Ikt Dcmo racy t>f the eo on tie* for th* loyal apport heretofore orordtd mt, 1 'hall moat alaeertly appreciate a cou tfnaarion of the came at the approa ching primary. Rnpaet'ully, WALTER D. SILER ΡΟΚ REGISTER OF DEEDS I with to announce that I am ι candidat· for the office of Re*iater of Deeda of Harnett Coanty. rob J «et to tha action of the Democratic primary. Toon Ter» truly. ALLEN If SUAW. April 7 t». To tha Democratic Voteri of Harnett County: Subject to your will)ta ai you win expraai thtm in th* Democratic Pri mary I offer myaelf ai a andidati for the office of Member of the Houac o' Representative*. If you return nie to thli office I dull appreciate the honor greatly and will terve you to tha beit of my ability. Should your choice fall upon tome other Candi date I (hall cheerfully accept your judgment and join with you In thi offert to alert Um nominee by a great ly lncreand majority. Very tinccrely, N. A. TOWNSEND. 7 tie. FOR 1HE LEGISLATURE To the Voter* of Harnett County. I have an ambition to represent Harnett in the next Legiaiature and aak your «ujpport, subject to the Democratic Primary. If nominated aad electnl I will diacharge my du ll ja to the beat of my ability. J·' you •ec fit to honor ma at the eolla II will be greatly appreciated, but ehoalii you nominate another to fill thi· office, then my aerrice* and beat ••fforta are with the party to eleel your choice. Thanking you for your lupport, 1 am, Rexpeetfully, 7tf. Γ ROBERT YOUNQ. Per Clerk' Saperier Cowrl To tha Democratic Volera of llarnott County : Halving been urged by a large num ber ot people form different aeetlons tha county to enter the race for Clerk of the Superior Court, I here by publicly announce mylclf a can didate for tha oAce of Clerk of thi Superior Court, subject to the De mocratic Primary In June. I am from a Mction of the county—Buekhorn Town ah tp—which hai had acaat re cognition at the handa of the patrty In tha affaira of the County foi Ψ ηia«y nm If I μ i J*·*·· I Mi te the mmU of «ht County an «Beiant iilmlldiTiwMiiii of the mi «f cUrk of the Biaeertor Court. This the 13rd day of March, 1988. K,,PLCtMnCHjLFÏ'i I March 24 tf. ΠΝ. for th* akmatk I will be a canifidate for th· Sen ate to rayr«atat tbli district In tj next Legislature, sab feet to the a tloa of th· Detnocratii voters la tt_. coming primary. If nominated, I win repnaent (he whole people ud icrve ! them to the beat of lay aMIlty. I.,,. J. B. RAGGETT. LiUington, April β, IMS. 'April 11 tie. FOR TH*. UNATK My KaOoiw Daaaocrata of Harnett : Our new Sanatoria! District Is aad Randolph, and win have two Μ ο ι tor*. It hai bean agreed that Uar aatt and Moore «lull each nominate one of the Democratic candidates this year. I have an ambition to be Kar 1 nett's candidate, and shall submit w 1 name to tha voter· at the June pit maty. Any qualifications that I may hava for the place ara known to yon, and Κ yoo see proper to honor me with Ihii expraaaian of yoar confidence, I shall gratefully accept the trnit and 4Ιμ)μτ«, It with 4m vtrnoet aMIlty of which Γ aa capable. If ta your opialoa the toWMk of «M Party darin* th· eaapalm, «T Ike MttkN of tb· dlitrtct durtn# thé mém of th· 0«n«ral AmmMt trUl bo botUr «—* by «ο— oMmt, 1 ahall aacept your Jadrau* withovt htlp elect tb· man of jrour «bai··. LIHiDgtoxv March It, 1M>. FOR RKOISTKR OF DUOS To the Democratic Veurt of lUniilt Couoty : I htrrby maaooaco my wb4Mmj for tb· otet of RtfiiUr of. Dm4i, ■mbl.ct te tb· Doecntic Frliun la J un·. I aolkit tout rapport, and if nominated and iWwd 1 wQI try to ■ak· 70a tb· >Mt Batfptor of Ooad» is th» Stat·. Slnctrcly, RALPH MITCHELL. April IS, 1»22- Apr «1 tfe. FOR RECORD FJl . To tbo Voters of Harnett Cwitvi I heraby announce By eaadMaey for Judx* of tbo (twerdw'i Court of Harnett County, subject to th· action of tha Democratic primary to be baM June M. Tour aupport «ID be appreciated. lUipactfuUy, CAVBfeSS H. BROWN. Lillingtoa. March II. lit! YOU ; \ r\/i b V A ι M ■ I Horàfords SELF-RAISINS BREAO PREPARATION Can Vtu Sarc a Thousand? No leal feller hold· Γ uv«a tiured of the] Mr. Rc wve hi· fit the other "uickly and thousand? sra^nage than John D. Rocke t belief that any man who can Ldollara in cash ia thereby aβ ίο gain many thousand·. Her found it a man'· job to After that, hé said were accumulated Can you aave the first THE FUST NATIONAL BANK Dunn, North Carolina ,£\ri