THE D' VOLUME IX. " DUNN, ROAD MATTERS BRING ORATORY Y«*t*rd*y'· Se··!on Of SUto Highway Comraiaaion Bruki Record· YffUnlty'· ««on of the Slate Highway Comminiuo, Um lint line· February, brought more people and more oratory to Balcigh than the Democratic Stale Convention, and into the ran of the nine Conralelo»· erm prrvnt was poured more pleading than they h»v« heard since the Coro mlasicxi *»i reorganized 14 month· ago. Peaceful, pleading oratory It was, with rarely a word abov· th· boiMng point, and never a word against any of th<4 Comntfivfone^i, i>*t) Juat * thousand or ao people who want road· and want them right away. Some lit tle difference# there were aa to wh«r» the roads woald be located, whether| thry would ran wuth or west byj south, aj tome of the downeaetera had il More of it U on «fee achcdule for UiU morning and thin afternoon, and little likelihood i· offered that the CommiMion will get down to brurin— before day after tomorrow. Bcaalom will be auspende<l tomorrow while CommiMrionrr Page openi bid· for building 171 milna of new road·. The Commission witl probably b« la l·* *ion for the remainder of the week. Attendance honors and ora&oHcal nooora tor pvUrdftjr'j melon «r»n tamed off by the Second and Third dlatricU, wltk most of the Mti^y re»-1 tered In the Wihnington-Ooldabero road and the Wilmiagton-CIVeton FnyettcrUle-Raleigh road, whether' thii* ehoold b« boilt and wbtn and bow. Wilmington ku developed a pro f ootid lntrreft la road* that «xtfrvd> ovar kilo ComaAaaionar Cameron'a dittrlcL Out ο' the prêtant fonda, Duplin ι county stand» to.sot realise the fall measure of the ambition· that Qalde-! bbro and Wilmington have (or H. Duplin ia half w»y bataaau all thf way àcroaa TET county, and the two ettiae ara concerned M to whether the available fonda ^all be between Goldiboro and Wareaw or between Wilmington and War law. Wilmington had a big deUgWtion, hnaded by Col. Walker Taylor; Qotda boro had a big delegation with young Kenneth Boyal a* it* mort eonipirions figure. Win** bad a delegation with ant lent than 300 people is it, aad the | outcome of all the apeeeh-maklng may be that Duplin will And ηπκ money to lend the State, aad even juitiee will be done between W-·' minRton and Ooldabero. Third dlatrict intereata overlapped district Urea again in the matter of t% Toads Serosa 6atnpeoa county, and again Duplin county appeared as an Interested bjretnder. Wilmington want· the road that lead* through Ra leigh, to Lillington, FayettrviTle and Clinton, and from LilUngtoa to Dunn to Clinton, continued from Clinton to Wilmington. Duplin wanta the road to run from Clinton to Wamaw. Delegation from Harnett, Holoe, Cumberland, Sampaon, Wilmington, Duplin wanta the read to ran iron» Clinton to Warn*. Delegation* from Harriett, Hoke, irumurneiid , aaasjpeon, Wilmington, Duplin and Pender coontioi were pre •cat to prwent the aigalarttle* of thb matter, and wfth tkt result that many thooaanda of wmd« war* iyo kHi, The outeome will remain for Anal adjudication whan the Oorarrdj κίοη ha· tier to rat ito ttaitaf after the oratorical barra** ha« anbaided. Thit moraine tha Irogtloui Eighth District will again aieend to the cen ter of the ataff· with delegation· freer Cleveland, Rutherford, McDowell aad Yanc«y countiei ta register farther complaint wrain«t tha * dm in iet ration of CmmWonr KcBaa. Tha raa guard af the·# delegation· reached tha city hat night M Mm flnt of Ik) Gaatern (Ialegation ware 1 earing for home. The entire day will profcaMy he token η ρ with talk.—Mi»— and Otatrrw S4th. A Feet They Forget ' Thoae ettlacn· «ho ara ao eager to tear down the entire atrueture of mi (vrtmnMt la order to aatiafy η iiwtolmai dottre to ani g fn dollar· In tag·· forget the fact, «ton they ara ao miKf.1tt I» their in—ad· on eaadldatoe, that, there It a large mimhir »f peopl· in Hm> eonwtry who are willlny to go forward, and hava so deatr* to Jump an honaet oWige· Man. Arthongh tfcla elM Ja «eying little HI·· panrer «hat the candidate· eaa well take Inta eonaideratien. Eight aril! rrratuaUy prevail, «van though H nay he forced to th* real for awMI·.—Fmaklhi Time·. . Ow« are erRichai li a· diatoato W ae orr«r-4eeerrad jilfn. MINOR CASES TRIED FIRST THREE DAYS Harnett Superior Court Dupe·· ed of Smaller Câw On Opening Day· I/illingtou. May St.—When Judge Τ bo ma» H. Calvert oonvenod Super ior Court Monday morn ta* there mrm quit· a number of juror· efeo wanted laava ol abeeace fer oa· uum or another, bul Hi· Honor m cuaad only four or five. The Grand Jury being made up, the Judge de livered hu charge, wtiteb dwelt main ly upon the enforcement of law and punUhmant for crime Tbo report of the Grand Jury i· given olio whole in thU paper. F rum opening court tfll 2 o'clock Wednesday «ko time waa taken ap in the trial of minor aaaee oa the docket. The case of Jim Taller Mclean, char god with entering the aleeping room nf white women at night, waa «et for 2 p. a. Wedneaday and waa prompt ly called .at that hour. A aperial ven ire at 75 mca waa summoned from which to draw a trial Joy. TMa mm U In progrm u thU |a written. It will probably net be concluded before tonight. following eaaes bare been die poaed of: Chart» B. Matlho·· waa eonvictod of aaaault aad battery ami g+vea tiro yoara, the place of lmpriaonmeat to km fttiBAiiaaai Wow *·« at the concloeien of *ie team. A •unrmary mi tUi cue waa g+»an lut *Mk In a report of proceeding· af Recorder1· Court, from whence tt *U The cut acalaat Lodkxw Lea (or aanaulUnx hii wtfa twtM Id omi victior. «kfc continued judemant apoo payment of coate. T^tt coupla art new wid to be lirtni ΐορ4κτ peacefully. Ilia cart agahut Boock Witaon tor rniming aa oAcer waa bo) pro·. Mr. WUma Ittbaaa whom (oraw Chief of piolic· Pag» of Du«i ■ of tiaoHm op. Mr. WOaan « •hip. Ί%* caw va·'··! laara. ' W. L. Feeble· of Dunn, was chair ed with forcible traspaaa, vtpoa aUch be waa found guilty asd waa flaad |M and coita. He appealed. Vance Ryala, charred «Mi «MaUne a Pord from a farmer near Kipling pleaded guilty to the etfma and waa (lm nine month* on the road*. Era eat Bania waa fcaod Dot jgilty of the larceny of an automobile. A white coup!·. Lola Arery and 8. Gutnn. were Charged wlft bigamy. Lola married at IS, eaparated fro« her husband, married Gaina, «ho mid he knew nottilrg of the former mar riage being still la eogna, bot whan he found it oat another operation took plaec. Lola Avery la ara Mrinjt «ritti her parant· In Ittfoid, to which place Jodf* CaHart remanded her, with the order that Gmlnn pay the coat* of the caee. Roy Powell, Carl Powell and AA by Morgan were foued guilty on the charge of «tealing maat from the amokahaam of a widow lady, Mm. HiTllard, who lrvw up gear Λ· Mar· natt-Waka Una. Her htufcand had been dead only a fortnight wbea her provtrfea· war· takan away from her and tba'cam liaiii to be an »wfl vn«. id· jvnnf man m II jail and the Jade· will pronacnea m tence up on thin Mm tk· tend a - men of Ox Utm. Aukery Regieter of Dbbs vu ι». eaeed- of ateading wearing apparal froa * in ial>) dak. The Jury de clared kha guilty wp*n fee nMn. Di* Hotter |lra Beglator IS aaoatha on the road*. 1 0,. Tr Got «M charged wHh tfca aa«e offerte· M that againat Rogiater. Ha waa f oend guilty.' Judgment art* rontinaad upon payment of aMt· in anotiker eaaa. Ha prered pod cfcarao ter and tM offeaaa. It W aapautud tkat today aad prat eWf a ai|kt aaaaloai will ha aoaaoaa ' ad la fba trial of fee Ma Full·» Mo Loam eaaa. Tka eaaa af Wataen Np aad W. A· Waat la «MlW fW on the doc Vat at «ta ooaeaailag ai cotet Friday moraine. TVia will eoa etoda the aaaainn at aatut. •portal ieal*ea af lf| man war* drawn for thaae tare latter (eayttal) caaaa. The previa· holdtag tkat no fa· ror ba drawn free LûllagWn, Aadar •era Creek or hiteeae tvonuMpa, Sheriff MeArtan waa «aa^aBed «ι greatly kaatfr hkaaatf tar aaaaaaaa at large a naaafcer I» aa Aart a tin·. Aa ia the laiife «aatam, harwai ha waa there wife Ma aaan. Ullingtee. Key IKt^U IS ·»■ a look today tho Jary la tho Mai rat lar MaLaaa aaaa iifcmil a raNW of a at gsiKy afUr Mag ont tea a keat aa laemr. haiaaodtatoty after tfch —a aw B^mi .f w*mmrnm ware aaada ta ta*a a* tho eaa HERE TO ASSIST Di MARKETING DRIVE A. H. V«N7 Will SjmmI 8mm Tom km Dm DUtrict 1 Whit finMn A. H. VuMjr arrived hi ten tkh norninf >xl will ba hare 1er «τ«η> «tela la the internet of A* co-oper *0»· marketing aaaociatioa. H* ni •cot to (Ut dietrlet by tk· N. 0. Cet too Grwwen Co-Operative Aaaoda tion, bat will alao work in the Ww nt of the tobacco ■■nrlatton. Mr. Vaaaey ta tbomtliljr familiar with the co-operati»· marketing ■traanl He baa dttoM a paat deal of bit tine to tba wort and to competent to ad viae tba·* wk art ■till undecided aa to the n<riu et tba «yetem. Ea will nHcit —lb—Mpa In tb« Dunn iHitriet, and wŒ ba glad to farntah any Information detirad by tboac w*k> bare not yet enterad the aaaociation. Hi* headquarter* win be in Dunn and ba will be loeatod bl tba «Oca· at tba Cfeambar of Oam meroc. Ha wfl ba trarelMnf rtnaagb tb* territory mach of bia UzM. baa c»er, bot H ba fail* to call oa jm Κ wfl] ba poaible to cat la teach with him through fctwbn Riddle. ' Mr. Veaaey ba* amagad to bava! a butina*· maoting of tba' citixcaa af tba Dan Dis trict in tba Open Houa* Mtt Wad-j ■ ■■■■# -»^ι·ν· ν·· β· »»t ΑΝ«νΠ| Mil C. C. Taylor. W. Η. AaaUn, ud Mr. I Brow· of the —— of lfariufek an J aifong Ikt ^irtiri who km baa· lnrtted to «peak at Ode aaetta»| There will «ta» ha dborl ialhe Bad* by local dtlaana. The parpoae of tMal ia**ttng la to briaf abort a cleeer ra an4 fa mm and ta hnM rattabU | Informatioa relative to co-oparaUn U Hkaly to ha ritert wliiiillii··, on •Stable aehool M1Ai|Om> toaak ls(, and tha Uka. Whara thaaa coédi tion* exiec *ve anewer la appropriate, hat < carafe) *tady of eondMiona and, cum aa tkey eaiet wtll reveal the] aehool U on if not the chief aasaa' of retardatlo· and ilaeouracameat. I From what aovrve comaa the hoik of thla Irregalaitty? A recent laaae of the State Nonaal Bulletin Mate* Ae following: "The »iaale«> defect of the rami •efcool ia eat In the banenaeaa of the •dbjcct taught, nor that the «object matter deaa Dot fit (ko *orroundiiig condition* or that toe laetKodj em ployed are ao aotlqnatod. Tfcaae are ddfecta uté ehojld be remedied. Bat the rmral (ehoola soffer on aacoant af the moving, *hkftin« population more than from asp other caitaa. Teaaat* oa an average every two year*. Is forty-*»© cc an tie* in Georgia, aeren' oat of tea ferme are eaMvaled by ' tenant*. Theae people oaaaDy more about toe middle of tha adbool tana, •ο that In *ome commua Hie* tha tea- ^ cher* teach almost a aew «ehool after the Chrtatma* holidays." { , ιμμ» K«vyiw wry uvir mataru frat oM community te another eo often that they UÛ to bttoix ρ» mantntly (DM with the tocUl for ce· of the ricimty Mid do not feel Out «njr nre a loyalty to taw ui order aa they wootd were tkqr per ownraUr looted. The edueatioeol HmIi of this dM of peeyle un/or luntU-ly do |Mt take eery lUft for*. The chareh, the aeheol, asd the eoaaiwrity orjanleation do net tad very rtreif rapport from tu·. I%etr fealia* toward the tup pert at the eomaunlty aefeaol la aot aa atraf aa if they wan per a· neatly located. Hence the Irregularity to the attaad aaee ef their children at nhiil It »·· tteeable. Thta lrragvlartty aa their part, ta «a«y Inamxee the larger part at the edhooi aanUawt, ae* only iajaraa Ih— aatau hat tajaree the adewa.awawt of Mia wheta arhooL UatU we taaA haea * Mora tûéU population aad a abreajar arm of the taer to eeeapol eeaierMKy ta tha aa» ; fakery atteadaaee ta», «ha aeboolt *11] aoMlnaa to ha h a an Mal with Mid—taw «ad Inégale Itoad aaea. The aehoola wtt iqattaaa to he , Mara or laaa ta^i>Mn, aad tmt tchoola wtll eeatlnaa to fafl La taa attatameat of highMt iita 0. O. Gedard, tat* ScWot taperetacr. Oa. I la M»d Mid Heaae. J aha D. BoefcerfeUer nerer tali · Idhrleaat equal to "a la it My." aealaat W. A. Wart aad Watoea P*a. iniil vHh rap·. A «win «* 1M aaaa «m èmn (M wfctah a )ary w« he alid«< DUNN BOYS MAKING I GOOD IN FLORIDA 11m iallowiiw ww» itm, t khd Ik· Sanford, (VW.) Dally Hmld, will ba of trtmt U many Du·· Mr. Jvml«ui and Mr. Β«Μ, tka tire youag men alladad ta ta Λ· ar> ttela, war» both iwaiwd to Danjaad wore cttiava* fcara until thay left lar Florida twe tad · half r«a ago to a>|ife la 4ka automobile tenia ai» TWr aypll111 It—utrii to dety «f aa their arrival m their aew hoaM ami here aocceedad. With Uarited capital to b^t* with tibey tan balk • —a—tel haalnaa» which (· now· In* rapMly a« the yean rail by. Beth theee jaiat mb war· popular la Daaa aad ka*e a ho·» mf tiieadi km latweat. They will load wMk th« following article: "11m B. A O. Gange «f tki* city J ban parchaaed Mm payartj ai *t Seatord 'ord weald aaoa he · city «f lwity-1 tn ttowaid pnyk hare barn look-Γ «V tor a good loaetim to MQd a| mm *· mon tel rrpert ta M Μη «gtU wW fe· B. * O. Omnw U todn] • M Tka fntmrl A au Uftaf m ι Nertk L*toy, M. T.,. gad ia «m af AmmUai*« I li·· tki trais te a Inc. Unfortunately te· trais ai u Ma m ha 4M, ud tfce Ma* la daaA aod Ν «r 41 badly hurt. Vfcfa •r*a, far Mat ah* fail te I· kUli»* Jut te tea « tar, tea traie wm eWarty vUbla Wbat iteK af tea drircrt aara «teta of b« «μ tea badly fright ka waa Mm «r he waa actaalty latinluam aa easy ■wtartrta ara. Mi by alaakai, bat by aa aatocaobtU glm. ΤΛύβ ia a aobjact teta eata of tea pay teal Bfy of bteartor ■right da wall to leak. Mo» a%nad by Barbara < , aat te drtra aatenoktiaa. The ι , r*a ^lad af arbidb tbaaa I Londxi Oabfe la Ν. Y. Tte me* wonderfal eolUott·· M MM (tfta U Um world will fca mot la Mi» «M· «Mrth whae «m torn d*pUtJ»( Wim· llor'l I Won fm tto Kink. t«wi tal I MM u flha *a ceUactli. «Weh tto n*trti My b worth Μ,βΟΟ,ΟΦΟ. 11m Mm UkM M mtaato· tonuif.OM ffy «? tka ptetar* wfll to «tond u tto royal II PwiT· J««at» m β«μγ—"i w tu j«4c* « M Γμ to MUt, Mk to yw al >. Haaa 4M liltoii aM Γμ f* Ito ' 1MU liiill· μ Γμ mm to ka ay HOLDS UP TELLER AND TAKES MONEY WHAT* THE NATO WITH IWTll CAMUUt

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