SERMON SUNDAY BY DR. W. W. PEELE H· Will Prmh to Graduating CUu Al The Methodist Church The cloaiag cxercUe* of tti· Dunn Politic MiooU h agin next San day evening with a urnn* to tlu> graduating claaa by Rev. Dr. W. W Ρ«ό1«, of Raleigh. Dr. Paala ii a iiplondl'l prwrter, and hi* mtchdi on Sunday evening ihould b· b«ard by α lftntc uudlcnca. All the congrega tion* of ϋι» city ■'· tavltad to attend tha aarricea whkti will be bold at the .MethodUt church. A* already announced, tha cbaa «lay exordia* will be held at th« opera hou*« Monday evening. Tha graduating exarciaoa win take place at tha Opera Uouaa Tuaaday evening June en On thi· oeeaaion Prof. M. C. Β Noble will raaka the annual ad Hra*a. Prof. Not)la haa for «any year* been a loading educator in the State Hi* addreau* art akway* both in structive and entertaining. The public U cordially invited to attend alt tha axarelaaa. $5.50 TON FOR COAL 19 THE TOP. SAYS HOOVE· Washington. June 1.—-Bstabtiah ment of a autrnrn prie· of M #0 ■ ton far coal at· the mlnoa In K) pti cent of the praaeot production Soldi for tbc duration of ti>· strike ni announced toniebt by Secretary Hoo ver. He ugrattad, ha added, that a tmall minority of tbe operate»—re presenting wrotern Kentucky—bad refuted to co-operate and ara de ■ending higher price*. Cooonaari can Insure thrnnaelvas a square deal under the established prices by cheek· inar freight rates with the maximum price, Mr. Hoover mid, détermine whether «hay are buying contract co·! ,aod make proper allowance· for cost of retail distribution. The maxi mum price, he axp^iaed, apphei solely to spot coal and eooeuram who are not troatad fairly may ap CnaÂtiaa la North CaroUma M Per Caat of a Nor—i; IU rli«<' 1SS1 Plg-rw Washington, June t.—Coadltion of cotton on May 2t waa β·.β par caat o' a normal, eoei pared with M.o last year, «2 4 in 1020, 79.6 in 1»1· and 74.·, the 10-year average, the De partment of Agrtcattore announced today In it» first condition report of the aeaaon. A furetait of production waa not liaued, but will ba announced with the e ft ι m at e of cotton acreage in Jul· Condition of cation on Kay 1* by Statu follow* : Virginia 91; North Carolina «4; South Carolina 67; Georlgia TJ ; Florid· M; Alabama 80; Miaaiarippi 75; Loulaiana 70; Texaa CI; Alban ia» 70; Tennauee 79; Bflaoori #0; Oklahoma 87; California S4; ArU ana 81. AH other atetee 79. Rtriitd figure· for 1981 wore an nounead aa follow·: Art· la cultivation at and of Jan· SI, 678,000 acraa; area picked 80. SOO.AOO acre*, and yield par acre, 184.5 pound* of lint. CHAIRMAN GODWIN MAKES AT PEAL TO DEMOCRATIC VOTEM Chairman H. L. Godwin, of Mm eoanty «xaeutlve committee, makaa Ui* 'ollowin* ape—1 to tba ^Dm» eratfe voter* of ttaraett county: A legalised coaaty-wide primary will b* held Id «vary rotin* preclacl in Harnett county from rrn riae U w eat on Saturday, June 8. IMt. In thia primary our Democratic eandldatea will be aoarfaaUd. It it «ha *i«h of our eieeutive committal that er*i> Democrat la Km eoanty both Stale and feme)·, attend a»< axereke their legal right te vafc Vhi«h U · *«rp prcdoue privilege «a joyed by onr AmaHcan jeeple, Wi ara cepeclafly aadw te bava the la mr nxkta I M· b-'f*k aod h· ww«d thart II .... »rt>l« he woald rrreal InteUlfaace to thL» chNd « it took hi* Ufa·* wotk. H ta heart netted ia ij ·|<ί| far tfca child. Il you have no*«r i»cn a deaf child yoo cannot lyapilMw «Mà Perler». He pre befort the Atad of Science at Boekella, Fine* a l draaaatle d»»i>natia*iea of Aa paw et o' the hua au intellect to ait· a ψτ*-1 blaa of «peeial training. Ha praa ad before tba attentera. tUa bay was born diaf and ^Ma ka UueM ia talk. erere ipafltinaaii a* too of tkia other nan frost that day to tMa, to help mat* happy tke one dark ^at tn Û» human race. For today, m I will «how haler, thia work haa been pcrfoctcd and no child wfeetivrr deaf or dumb or both may hare the toi joy* "f life ateajpdda of the au who ha■ A· full amenât of aaaaa terpen» and coimauxricatlTt facwltlaa. Prom that day of Jean Perlere the world cooM no longer refard *i InUaf of cMnMUUy deaf ckHd M aft inpoankillty and yet ateplt· tMa brtlHaat ileurerj la aciootiftc ♦<1 or»ton Af world ha· been ikm to rocogniie the valu· of Periera'e «Ml It *u not until 1M7 that the All· dr*n of Lîie Orrlted 8t»taa nora af fected by thli work. Duf children had been taoeht tat It avmMod little an til thta method rtrnf Into effect. The fimt school un der this lyateai waa founded by the Abba da LTSpee in JT71 In Fart· which waa twmty-avrrn yaara after Portera·» demonatrati·». The- world aa we »ee wm laapirod by Me aa eiriple. bat wa» and or a handicap bo· canue of the limited aeioaUfle kaaaH *df* of education at Mat tiaaa. It waa obviously acen that Periere waa a man far ahaad of kto time· to Im ■»rae« upon tbo world tbo Importance of «Dob aobievemeata. It waa dtfltoolt to |raa| Uia payebolofleal and lb* ptijMolofieal aleatenta of thla pub lam. At Mm tin» tbo world haa about adnnad to bla theory add pohUc education baa ahnaot entered Into the fall joy af the rawKa of hie W bora oombWed with hi· eoHaagueo and alao with the iwikntRf taAeV leet of the··, the benefitted one·. The attempt ta axptata the Mro d action of thia oral Iwrtrlay tat· America would tu oaea mtad (toq ranch ) -to gtra it to Mali, for the wonderful idea haa gone throagb a Ion* aad tcdlea· yroeeet to reaeh the grounded eituatlon la the m lad· of the adentifleal educator*. Km mm»· toned above the «raeaga aw eeeld η αχ comprenefia m two iBpfmR·· aad arendorfal value to the Ualatef of the deaf. The flnt jiiin···* •ehool w nia>ll*H la Bw glial ia 1M7 by Thomaj B*a*rood, wheea •on Jaha mode aeveaal allaa|ti to citabtMi the aaaaa woih ia Amartna. al ^riMlity, bet mTw«Xu*w· of W· deprived Ma of aaaeaoa la Um -work. The hiatory of kia tPMk eaa [be fcaad ι, fetoD ta ■ «Ma |ΐ·(> 'tot' rabllahed by Alaawdit M (a Ho be,,* flnt la «allhaiM , la lilt, bat Ida dlaalpatod We *ip t wreeked hto weth. Again aaathir ah trmpt waa aude la 111» whtah ad Om TW hlfcg Aa4 Ht· batlrllng «ad IWa mm clitlon baa uainU; ban là· bo·! effective »«tnt that thie city and county have know· la promoting fnigalKy ·>' teach ing tka desirability of mrtag Λ «Ule each nxmtk to gat aoau thing worth «ΑΠ· afterward. It ku teagfct aalf-oOBtrat and aail· ■■ilflM, Mi It bu had a tra cUImu aarafal of «bel •ad pawfatoat la their da. - for aooad fcricsatai IU af fect open all the body poKtfa· faaa baaa taaplitng. — Newark (N. J.) CaJL «Μι fattara «at! la till ba — hi· taaahtag la a private family la Virgtaia. Wa wark waa umal^l to *» Klifcpatatck of Virginia, wte at tempted to aany Η oat, but It w·» by ao ·*— - - Oetohor U,1U» bi Virginia. TUaa after time to etiaogtbea the latoUactaal abOtty •f the deaf aad w· eaa aaa a gradual Into tk· «roi*. It waa net oKJ lilt openad ap at Hartiard, Oaaa. Thla M not include Die Mall boyi aad «4*t* «— u · » * • Λάβt Np reaiMaf |wii· ui oraJ IT*·. H w found later tel they akoaU bo mined In aartr eh)UU»«i iqN Du aa tobtMrocnt by the Mt, of ro& aa imitation far the dmt Om Jaaaary It, 1M> · bill wm» puacd pmUlw for the eAutHn ami maintenance of Mm deal ul blind piwi hi North Carolina. «4* Mind and deaf ander tb« woe ntaMWaMnt and ■prorteien» antll 1*M when the eehool '*·· «end to *oi|i*«i ) FWa tboawKd da Bar· annually «u appro •printed tar thle work. Hw fini aahool WM opened oh May lot, 1*41 ia a beading oa HUla boro Street with W. D. C*A aa prin cipal, baguait with aaiee poptia. "Barantoea new pvpila eotmd daring the Mario·. The organisation «m ρ nwdw aad the doe* ware mo· I rfiihl aaadh bettor apport anltlM WpIM< at tMa tiaae thai Mm departaaoat far *a while ekU Mroa. la Maaab l*»l Mm Ooaaral Aaaa» h»y of North OaraUna aatahllAed ι "· adhaal for tha dearf. Thia aehao toaa latatod at MihiwImi Werth Car » *· fbMw «r Mil ! !■> »*· wUBi Ifc* ■iHrfiiiHi U M· ' I»· *·* Im «A· to iiHht I MMtoMkfffHlMi ' 4 fOeO PLANT TURNS OUT ΜΟΟςΟΟ» CAM Ford me*or Nakr β,000,·00 vu MM tnm Um aaaaarfcly Un· la tk« Hfklud FM Fo* Ptaat M »:!« a. |*l. M* Mtfc. *ut I 1-· HtHè W r^Êmbmr lOOOJfl wm fcléll Km mauaaally heavy daraaod far Vw4 m »nd Kick· M tfca panent tlM haa utetaltoM the belUiaf of 6.40P Mm dally. Tbm m ihipped ta earlaad lata ta tha Tarioaa Paod Mr planta Uuv^baot ÛM UaM Tka β rat Model "Τ" Fard waa eoaiplaUd a. Ortabaa l, 1M*,| aàthar 1,00·^>00 laft tha a, Itaa Dinrtir 1·, 1*1 fi ; and 6,000,000 can· thraagk May, M,| 1H1. ΑΜμΦ the Fard Hatat _ tarn ad aat a Makar af différant ι data prior ta 1*M, tha pnint ai yataia Waa «Ml tfca ftratj iiuuwnK, inHU KILLED Of ACCIDENT hU T· U.M Im U «ffl· W( wl T«. Oik··· hi Am·) M»m« Ua (Mm, ·, urf Jin i%ktliAT«|MW » —r Ml·· Ο*··»**· |"ear «ko «m kjarad wart Paul Lryna Η·^ιιι u4 Mia. J. ·. •othar W tk* Uttla kfllW. Tk· McUot aoraziwi at tka J cnik'kiUi·. Lifo· I1aU, Waabiagton. ta* Ι οί cxtandtnr W the diaU»uti*e ηλ • Mm «m mm fer tow for real abailar to tilOH adap ted by >ι·Οΐ| Hwnr ud toe ta *| frtdwlM M4. w deratood toaifht to to motor oration at the CwAurr» iwnteq Botm «u nlenlMd to plam · cMfmnti «I cm] daalara aloac .the lia erf the m a· line beld tbi» weak *Mk M>a gpaaUn la m ■Art to 1*4 a -way ta paa «a ta »Afc toi»«ftu obtained by tha af fair price torch aa t wa «Indicated at Mm that Mr. HoW» plana far \ t «eteatM a(aiMt rW«( petμ of coal ml«bt dwloy Won the ftm af next weak. MUS PAUUNI HOatTOM IS THE MDK or MAA fURT B. LTOD May *1.—A lof atora than g iatoreet ta North OareHolana took plaça km to at th· Mow* «m the bride af Ma). Tarry Β Lfoa, af FayattarfBa and VHUaf to. The tn—tay w poifwaMl b] ■·*. C. K. Bay, jaiUr of tha ι of «ι»* iha nmunsT rats or land bamki kkducki May llv—*a*wHei la tha rate at MarMt eharaad fη ara by Federal Ua4 haaka fn· 4 Hr t«U ta to» **d owe half po •<1 today by CaaaarfaMoaer lnhiai a >| The radwtta^i· «to, Mr. l«Wel «|UMi «aa the raaalt af tie aw eaaaf.l OaUtioa «f η·.Μ·,Μ· » banda, tha ywtoada af «%l«b aae mm RAILROADS POT ON I SAFETY CAMP A1& v«n w «« w mMmM MMUr ai|ln ι af *« Α·«Η(«· BiiKrar Α·ιΗ·Ηι t— ifmlMw ni '«Mm at pirii nil·»·. Hm CiiI|I wOl be «rtwwHi la to n»f ι and will vxtaad »»w · piitil ·( | from ;«m lat U ( plaça ta aU mm HÔm mâ \~ ν·Η m ta tfca Vicinitr «r gr*4« tacite av rarm «tatataa. Tfcaaa faaU •ta poiat oat tka kaaaxia taaktaa* ta ma*f ta te «TOP. UXMtl * L H h hapa· te «in «f tka it ImW* U» * ttf · «i ΗΛΒΚΕΤΤ COUKTT DKMO- . CKATIC HUMAIT TICKET For limit 14*