THE VOLUME IX. DUNN, NORTH MUST FARMER BE ALWAYS TKE GOAT? Not If H· Realises Hi» Power And Pull» Together With Hit Fellow» Dion H. Butler in New* A Ob'erver. 1* til· fxrmor everybody'* goat! Sometime' it look* tliat way. Τ .ant week I fell in with « fertiliser minu facturer and Wc Ji«il to iIiMUuIm fcrtiViicia md fertiliser prie;·*. H.» factory is on» of tfco interior '.owrt evuAli.liment», anil lie hn* ti oay frr'fjht from tin· etiaxt to hi* ptnnt. "Ami there," he «aid, "i« one o( the lliintr* that art* the farmei'· money. Wc une considerable Vainit in ουτ ■mixtun·*. When We· rould ta·· the kain:c in Wilmington At lh· >.hlp wi«le for η i'.ttlc 0ver «i< dollar··. it look neiirly as roueli mure lo gel t int siulT from the vhmc). pay the freight tu •ur plant ami have It rvmly to a»' Now IÎ you will think that ihu muU·» iai wan produced in Germany freight nd to thr occan thole, carried aeron» tli· mm. and delivered in Wilmington for bot litlk more thnn the co*t of freighting it to the· '.nlorlor to Lho factory you nee where tho farmer « against a frei/ht proposition. Kreiicht ι» ν*j· νιμ mcwi in an mveru)· inn ι enter into fertiliser whether the «tuff romu frivm Florida rn'ne«, South Amt-rica, O'ermnny. Nt« York or any place. I'he(|#.·* The Eeevlartlag Circle And there the thing goe· ο» In that everinting circle, het when it tm»«i to tho farmer he ret a the nhort end of 111· «tick. C«i| Htmi to «bow «If*· of «laying αρ. Iron and rte el preducti are beeomlrr firmer agala. Ballmad m to* cannot he r*docod with coal high, not with iteel high. nor wilt other thine* Mffc. and thine· havi no tender) «y to go down hi price wltl bailn*M Improving. With freight ratoa high frrtfliaer U hound U b« high, aa ta «rery other thing the far «Mr hat to bey, and Mgfc freight make lhe concerner pay mnr· «one where for what the man «η the fa m ha· to ten. I enafom thet I lee bo eae way eat for the farmer, awl tha la net to aak for eoneeadoa from ath ; HENRY FORD WILL RUN IF PEOPLE WANT HIM ! Detroit Miulultnr WnU K« Saanal Aay Maaay Te Cat OM··, Hmvar Detroit, Mich., June .—Henry Fori I hiiK itilliDHUtl privately Uuit hn would I run for I'rnhlent "if the proplf of , Ihr country deilra him to do ao," bat [ '"he would refaxc to *p*nd »ny bob oy to bring about hU nomination oi I >'1»rtion," according to WHilaa T. ' Krtnb«ry, editor #f a Oaartom ! new.tpapcr and one of tb· Mm ia t!i« Dearborn ''Henry Ford for Praa ! Went" clufc. ' Although ha ho* mtdc no pnblte announcement, 'Mr. Ford haa intima ted to member* of Ui· oLob that ha would bo in a reropthre mood ahouid the drmatd for hi· candidacy coma from tho peop'e of th« country, Mr. Κιotflx'ry told the Auoclaited Prm Hrmbôr· of the dub who taat weak plmined to ia« Mr. Ford and aflleially **k him la run for Présidant bava dorlded to wait until after the clob'a organization meeting at Dearborn to morrow aifht, Mr. Krowberg aaid to •aid, that a committee wlU be deli-gated tomorrow night to wait up on Mr. Ford toaar time during the wci-V and mak· tho official requaat. NO REASON FOR IMPORTING FOOD North Carolina Cm Pradace Everything It Ηιι<ι le Thia Line (By John Pad Uui) Then- ·τρ couat tea In North Caro lina which apcnt more thaa $1,000, 000 lut year for iaaported bay, «em, Mia and other feedMoJT·. Thon ia no logical rcaaon why any feed of any kind ahooid be Imported Into any Tar Heel county, except la tare ia f>ta#cei -where prepared food· nay bi ri-quired for abort period· for fa cial purpose*. Th« amount of' feed praAooeJ ta North Corolla· of legvmea and other trope that are adapted to thia aoction It la an eaay mutter to produce cheaply all oar feed retirements. Soy bean· and velvet beaaa for aeed an rhaapar than thoy have been at planting time doting the paot few yean and cir· pcaa an probably a tittle cheaper al io. Workateok aa well ai cattle and rtitrp can be maintained on legume hay» and without grain daring the wiiitcr when not at work. Other crop» • uileble for bay production are aor irhuw and Sudan $cr*m and millrla. Utile time remain· for the planting uf com and it ia not too early to be «in planning of fall grain. Aj rtrange aa It nay aeern the eoan tlct which Import the graaitaat amount* of feedatuffa into the State are a number of rieb aaatera coun (!<·« in which food may he produced more rully and at leaa coot than hi other vctiona of the etate iato which tittle or no feed il Imported. lite boll weevil promlana to force a rapid abandon mont of the old practice of railing cotton to buy food for liva rtoek to work mon cotton to hay more feed, etc., ate." And the oae rrop cotton and tobaeco farmer ia irolag to find that ha eaa produce feed in North Carolina aa cheaply or more cheaply than the farmer in the Wcet who hae grown food for hla heretofore—and he wW not bava to gay for baling, hauling, (torag·, ' freight and mon hauling chargea on K. In addition to two, three or foal I dealer** profita. AVERY HAS MAJORITY OF TM IN HARNETT I Ltllln*ton, Jane 6.—Ltt rteaivad TM nU> la Binwtt mU Anqr te IΚ14. riving tka Moriranton auui « : majority of 7M. William·, for aoll ! citor, wrtwi 1M and ΜΛη fW. ι The vet· for Um county «u >IW7 rr» but ta Uko op Mm b% «tick and rtoetii m tk< «Μ pwwb tkat Um U« help Ik soi (lut katp taMlta. Kvrryfcody «k· iMkk «M klglur prl γμ («r »hHr pcadttrt, and tk· prato ,rvn stand togalfcrr and ntw ta . rnakn Mm (μ4ι ualaw Mm pria· I· ! kigfcar. WkaUwr Mm famar will ira 1 do tkat U arwrrtaln. At Um preaaal ' time Um so ap*nHv« ai»»riaaU an ; haadlnir hi tkat direction. Raw toi , the farmer ta an ar—ilaai la pat M ko κ» Bat It I· plain aaaa^i tkai ka ia tka victim of oH»ndartlia if •vary other ladoatry tad that ha payi or»anit»d prieaa far »»ar|Mi>ag ht bay·, and tkat kia *wB pay· orgaala ι aa»f idltag f«m kaklaé Mm. NO CANDIDATE IS CHOSEN FOR TWO COUNTY OFFICES BAGCETT OVERWHELMS ROSS FOR STATE SEN ATI Tewnsend DdttU Yeenf h CIom Coetaet For Lniil* ture Chaftn Cats M»joritj Owmr Tar I <»"- Princ· W1» Bat Dr. Warren Lmm—SOm Gata Small Veto. With tha rw«i for coonly rworil »r and rtfUUr of indi tfco only anoi undecided, the Democratic primary, Xotty coatestad throughout the coun ty, waa bald Saturday, nominating candidatna Μ follow»: For Β Lata Senator, John Robert Barer», defeating Charte· >m, J, M· to 1,077. For ntomfcer of the left ata ture, Ν. A. Tuwnaaad. defratiac J· Robert Teonf, 1,412 to 1,11$. For clerk of the superior court, L M. Chaflln, defeating Floyd H. Tay lor, 1,916 to 6M. For aurvoyor, Hiitk M. Prince, de fratiac Denial VeConaiek, 1,»» to 1.1M For eoroaar, Dr. L. J. Arnold, de feating Dr. Bcfeert L. Warren. 1, «86 te I.Ml. For county eoeimietoner*. J. W. Jordan, 2,111; J. C. Sinter, 2.084; W. J. Μοβ tews rt, 2.011; ». A. Buck Man, 141·; M. J. MeNafli, l^Ofl— defeating W. R. Salmon, 811$ B. P. Harrington 411; D. W. Bai·, TM aad J. B. Barker, fU. Th* county far· OUwaon L. Wil liam*, appeal ng Walter D. Sdax, In cuaabent, far aolicitor, 1401 Totes to Siier'a 48»—with Black Βίτβ*· Unrn •hip atill not beard tna oa thia vote. Κ alaa cava Avaty'a majority af TU erer Lh for a«f*«i ·( the State corporation W—Ml». Par retarder Carinaaa Brown tw ecéred 1.Î04 eoteo M la· than a aaajority orar OU* fjaril· BheD four la tk rata far ng later of Ml «at fell abort of a Minority. The rot< for thia οβο* waa: Γsucette. •M; A M Shaw. athi NoAtT In η it 1 Min will of the Vm Ik) Mth, 1M1. Ford iflclil· itita that wiry at tempt la btlaf made to belld a aa«· etcat nuatber at can and track* U •Il th» Μ tail raqairacaeata af that] 8,000 Mm The tmrtmrr ta U» pnlrnr of tha haatr aacaeatties af thb eoaatry. «· It therafare the mm ma at » aaatial ta the eoMtry'a e* latent·. Ha la, tarai· ka klkt toala if» iimr, the «Ml hiyartaat iWmD mi piwiliit Mattel. Therefore 1m ta fee ta*l payar Μ all Mto, fa* ai aaata art toital m Mm* Ma atal rata to Mm. Ha ψ»$» «m tare M| Mm·· whtak ara fr»t*ht and eeel, ax ka eaaaet wall It. Bat If Im WMrt to, >a4 wIU, Im an Make Mm bayai •f kla staff pay thoae aaeta tatoii of Ma jaadaato. 1%a hiMr la tfc IMt, M ka Md aet to if h« «(I play tka ·μμ Ma way tka atlmi4a at Mil tofMkar tM raftui to aell aa Uaa to lata a yrfee 4hat atraa Ma M Mr *m. At laaat the* i« wtot ' eaeahtoa after talWn* with «to Mai I Maattaai. Hl«t> Point, neb of naerlr to* tfce JaU, |der left h»r# tunjfbt tor known nan> treptwJ to 'near TVcnurrtlU 'other ntfro ThosuLfrlUc Point Jail. Croctuboro, «lock hit ntgrg la OrMiufeor·. At ar, a car ftUad tfco home of ik* attack raasbad It li Polat for aaotW to auklag ut«y coaM kaJttty ! ■ yoaBf DtfTV o'clock tkie ye un« white Acddiek, our the 1 J P. Retliek. Hich Nlit, ι received kin (Ma. The ■« _ hat left the «M Λ·Ι roodaid·. He vltk a rock, bar. Th· jounf ef If·, «U f· , „ the iid« *t Dm rood/^Baabff Ρ«**7 of eot*iMa MiM b«r t· her talWo J^^B£%wrriod | on to H>fk *ota* 1 Shortly j tmst Ml ANEW Local B. sad L. Now P—ctt—l—. Still "A Now Bone Errry M oath" will be the ftlogmn «f the Homo BaiMin* and Loon Aaaociatata If the preseat iatercat and ontkuoUrrn U Indicative of futur* development». Th· atockholdaM bald » meeting iaat f-ridary night ta the Chat» «f Commerce iRoom* and ratified the election of the éboctort prevloaaly lapMUil. The etmttan of A. L. New berry Μ ΡιιιΙΙ·!. 1 V. 8nipw, ι Vice-Preaident, and Baton· Loo aa I Stcrctery-Treafmeer Mint ta ' mretlag of tho dlMCtoa. All the neceaaary aappllea ha τ» beea received, the «barter aocorvd and llceaae mated hy the Inaorance : Oeftitaeih Tito ilea of Ike Secro lary la located «τοr the Bute BaaV * Traat Co., ta tto oBeo of Um Dunn ΙηιαηηΜ A Mty Co. The book· were opened oa litirdai, I Juno M, ao the flat inlet of atoek ι I etartrd oa that date. Secretary Lee I waa kept boiy both Saturday and ι Monday receiving 4aae aad laoaing The aaenclatïon to making a drWe) to mcrieai dM W>if et «*ikh| ■torn to tkm tkmul by ant Ttiarader >l|kl "Πιla uiaktr of Aani woo W Ineure tto haftdtat of a olaa to·· for taaaou «vary «oatt. One can readlty aaa the benefit la «h» «a——My to · year*e time If I tkto foai la rMltW Aa · Howe boll I der, aa · profHaMa HiTaaCeaaat, and aa · aarlitfi paeptalttaa (Ma wan auat atoald ta HM way internet rrerj riUian at the aeaamanhy. Tha aaltoltta* emaalttoe an atilt at wotrtc la an alert to gtva a»»ir «a· an epyortaaity to w>ml>i far ateek and tto flaaiatMj an to faaai la (he ofltoa of (to Aaaaalartea bo total tha toari «I t&4 a. m. aad • Λ0 p. ». and aheorfaTly fhre any lefartaattea daalred. Na «wtaaaal to· am bora eetab Hatod in Dm that wM Man aaora far tto tow· to · material tray aad Κ to boyod (tot aoory atta w® toad ttotr β(f»rt« to aaafca tto ataa of tto Maaaa BaiMin* aad Lata Aaaoalatfon 'a laattoff raaifty. ,! Vy tto time itawta fate tote tto Γ*μ^*οτ· want to aa* left ta SAPIRO SPEAKS TO THOUSANDS m EAST OPPONENTS OF METHOD ■ COMPLETELY ROUTED Hold· OmL Nortk W*UOr«ulMd. GoWAoro, Jane 4.—C—yUtim · (jxaJtiatr tear heart if tut CtKUai'i territory «hick had offer* moat feraH.hh oppentlen to Um co-oparathre of tobacee mitetlii, Avm _ w oobbmI for Mm Tobaeeo Οι »—a* Ce-| operative Aieelettaa, Kiatlfleatioa ova* Mho during the week a ad at the rod of hU odfraao bora yoo-1 trnlajr «ftomoon, (hat the Method bad been roitoA. Saptro etarled hi· journey at the kt-| ginning of the wté the had hta able to (ai· a fiitlnç to! ealy mo ·{ the great Market ■ af Um [ •art. Lrt by Wtteon WarabaaaeaMn af ftoeky ! itofi, Kamville art Vancabare wtn| •olidly a#atort tke nnt Ε bg tke weak Jhe ÎMirirtlia UN ted Um nciw oflU rtferte ta juire wmrikcaaaa to eack af taw··, leaving WHaan aloa· aa a| ioU oat. Bapiro aaaonart at tk« n4 af f ether potot ι elation ii enable to aa^pair· homing lacilrttaa, Betpéro U < In hi* declaration that tka _ tion will get along witbost a ho nee at WiUon. "*· may," ho "plaça a reed via* akad there, bat| we will oak· no attempt to a warehooae among ixepia who kM I rttowB ao etrong a deaire ta da u tik him tk· fwlUia» ttay kM pat to tk· fa rem to tkatr t*atU to dlicixttt tfc· ka »* oat la tW apva amt àak Una. N· rtm 4M ka kava a qa*atl*n pat ta Mat kf a to fall yiapatk/ akk tk· Ik· a«ak kaa Waa « ■aaaeaaM mm. Thar faal that tk· [ Urtt itraat ttetotf ·* tka mmt Maa kaa aaata. Ttaf ara aaafUa* tk·* fM I aov rat tk* aaMatatfe* «01 kava (all —g·»1 I JOHN D. IS AGAINST MATHUOCS SWISS Barold P. hia IVytv+lA «mIMIi »nbate gal mIIm kjr Mm Mite —«hrftllw Mr. McOmt nUtk from girimg kit con*.at te tto of MuMlh te Mm Omr, Iaater, hao Wm in»· pad. m»<1 te artw ft Cottte», Mr» MoPaiMby· itlimr "IWn will ka m· mu court pn coodinru" Mr. CotOn* teM ro»ono«. Mr. Cvttte* admitted Mta. MeCor· nkk hoi tto Mpport of /ate D. Boetofailar. bar fatfcar, te tor an*· •itiac te tto ananli|i "Ha MiCaiihlL to· atomy· bar· aptaaatf to teia autafc." to aaM. "ito Mr. MeCarmkk to off· way. Ttoa UarMaMa. aa M. ttoa tora kaaa I forolca alMaa COTTON IN STATE ABOVE AVERAGE ■ TUUHG KXCHANGS KSACKKS highest men IN S YUM Ha· T«it, Jm » m Μ hfch raconl far It M 47 8-4, Mgh rf |44i M. Tkt Hm mi vh ι M fcy teak·*· to Dm iiram Uitom, fUek to mar*·* Ιμπ m the »νΜ· to μ totawial Um to Ike largrly mMlrr BrH |Ui an4 tattling torn to th· Mm *f Urytnc to tHnrt to thalr ktmm «M litnei that kai « bMM flltgll to WMto a? Λ· ml, · tarty af In Kantacky eantava. FIh m «at· Ml ar Mmw. toar waao iiwy bj tmi to km af w tartmii ii I* to mH that Mart) af to VhrwUla trtiara Ui uat Mm that at toaat TO »ai •f tha m hM baaa POOL MARKETING NEXT TO CO OVER Lit*· Put It Owot TIm T«p WMk 100 Trn aMl Hi· m I We tn Inrifl* *»i Μ Μ· *Λ ηφί4 ckanjtr« *nd fnfHM· V· are M·· tiaually going forward «Ml · qpM pace. Do wo «top te think of Ike mu· »«Uwu ckaneœ tkmt ka*e ukm place wftkl* tti· part tt yeara.· A «m to i^cnittllNl kmm and Ustan to roenrrto aâri ifwAn (ν· β àkétmt t 'Aj. λ mm ean ι*·μ4 otot Uh ni try i* an aatwakJ» drive· fcy Mm explooion of a.little ittoHu itin cm the floor bona aad Wanr or •mm «m Met ω Ml ft) threncfa tKo air. go frai· ο no oai of «ho coaMnvtt to tko olktr te oaly · *iiw fay·. Wbm «h rooar oat, 1*0 took lively «ad (ko oM CM Mrvor rmm a ho rm pailla* ». fmm CM"t 1 the air, Κ Jut vont vwk. Mi ail theory. H* not practical!" The aaem who we*» dvvotopÎair thoat ktoor that they were hue4 M faatfaaontal pttaelplat aad ■Μ «Λ» rarft (M· IN MfMltMi with the tptnttOM of the cooyra llw HrkHtot a*aoelatlea. k I nil te tell y cm «boat what Oqr «η I· Texm sad Okl»V»·· Tiui anil Oklahoma fol their amciattoa nf aniatd in time to nuukvt laat year· leaf. In both «tiir» thr aaaectatiea got (nn ftv«« to thirty dollar* am per hat* thaa 454 tit js*n on Dm wet*id*. The >TK(|t Increase «m outsider» wai little· morr than |1S.M per hale. Thr cart of thb «Mtloa trom Udm H Kt the fliwin kaail until It aearhrd the »Ht «ai 91 M-100 per bale. Thle lotliM neraf* handling, kiiaraarc and n rryrhiwf. The Tfiw amofiatina had a crodK. a' ♦<"..(>#·,OflC with th« War FIhw Corporation and did net «aa a ρ away of it. Til· local banha handled Ml· «hole Baactial tod of M. Tit· Ofcla hoana a^nrhtbn had a ftr*W et |la OOO.OItO and did net aer · penary of It. Thr loral hank* handled H far nutiH «ctm iWm tbaîr tokteto thraar* their MiyiMiw imill tlanf. Cooperative η affecting to a at • Ihreiy. it i» net an «Ι)ιΗ·»·Ι, R ta ■ ItiMMtnltJ »y«t*m. ttUt »pe turn bunl gpafi Ιβ fteaw of Clipii* tive mtrkptini n^MtCMe to C*U forml· «ai 41 gmn to . «· buve a»jr nwwM W ». tot U tbe feet» ami iM ttoavhaa af tMr aoperrtlen m In putttojr erar «ay meat at eeeparattoa •r»klp It rrqnlrrtl. luliltlp la ι ad to *ny pioneer adaaatara. Tbete *T* plenty af aan to TVann who eu raart ttiair to betptoy pat *i« j wftr. Cooperative aMikatla* to e<*a . ins. North Carolina baa new afcoat M par ««at af Um cotton dinai , If dia paopla af thle m4 i !eaa*»«nHtoa »H idly by. tbto atcat 4ΠΙ eacireto Mkaaa aad ι Icariof M bebtod breath oaitr tha aid 1 Yea m net gain* to 4a tMa, yaw a«a tea toyal to peat NamwHt fat Mit Dona la Icated to tba luart af tha cotton Mt. It Kai baa· kaWt ap by ' tha cat tan .ndaatry to bit AlrtrkL Dnaa eWaW ba «a «arra tba rettoa «rawer* ι t tor It. Whea » ·ιιιι··ΐ to aa toat