IB MMi MSPATCHl 1. I»*4 . _ A-VUX a if o raiOAYs bathi aar J. |tN ... 1-Hl CASB « ÀDVÂKci" j to TM T of TV» ι cm b· reached tola 1M. ri—HlMHiM apoa It»"· topic* M tavkari, M «Mktt an tin·—Uif M the at4n of attk coMnica· Kmm wm* forai* aa with Ma η«·>. U«wt ».(.·Μ| that the mm te nHhilt. he» «« ImU tlut it W fivaa M M *vl4*aca of roo4 faith. Chart kmhIi «1 οιΜίμ. aaUr clah «te., ara 4c(lalUljr dettlopcd. NOTICE TO ne UTUIW m IMTOVNOPDUHN Ném la Dm Un ·? Dm, and H il yat, oaly tint 70 yn aant. Inaqr groeerywo ta tkto tonra *nU Vjr «S ·ιι· |*t ont pod efcaa Mf ta kia m»aw« «ni not «Ha» aaajtklag put oat an tko die walk. Keep |M itatf on tko Inaida «f ymr Marra, atttim jroor daora iad tMf «h· fltra ovt. No peraoo «asti to •at oaytking tkat «a a «yard U ftiaa, aad arrry wan wffl do thrir daty tuaajifc knfhif « aie* etaaa i«at, If tkay caa fat aar M» froaa Un Ma fifci, *»n go hemr after their m»«la, aai qp«t ta hara a faad bot «aal rmatf for Ma·, X not. Ha la raadjr to fly ap la tka air. Fal te Hm, a ad haip thaw ta aaaka a baaaa wkat il ahoaJd ka. 11 |N ara aa the aawer Haa .aad aaaaaaM witt tka aawar, wty laka tkat aid οΡ·» «rfrjr «et of your kaak jaai U #a« naad aoa far j«w aar raat, aad frt ta kara one, wky baOd aaa km (kat «01 cam ply with tka Ma aaattary law. I kata to briaf jraa «Ma la «««it «boot riolntln* tka tfaU aad>ar/ law, aad faal Ilka yon Ml wnld only ka la« «Ud ta M» ■tka year Mrs laau, aaa af tka ill·· ι at Uwna ka tka Mata of Martk Cknakai I mm aat rrport a (laan Iowa fat To· aaaa (at koajr aow. ». A. MaUDOD, Mala ftaaitary OAaar. *îi having been auwto a M>b«t 1 Λ U« board an May IT. 1*1·, by the < l»ll»twl »f PtmUmI WIIma. I Kr. MtLiu Mjri that to to gratilkrtij' ky the tu thowlag made by North' CuWlu h4 that while itpnaiun ■xtot·. It to ·βτ« toisaiy confined to ito eajtom eeetloii of tba Stat·, , *jhI to the eatUa rrewia* eeetioa, < bat that d**!te thto d«pce*ner> ««· dittos* la North Carolina arc tc.m-1 parativeiy batter than ia the other (taut—Newt and Otocrvcr. MAKING A CITY OK EAT Discontinue year public improve· a*nu ar.d clow your lehoot* tor two year* aad at· what «nil happen. Gme *<" (trow on yoar ttreet#. If you nut to incrcaw your national prosperity. If yow want to Incr·*·* your local pry «parity, make yuar i-ducottonal fa cilllic* better aad your r>T«rnmMt '« *βΜ»ηί that a lawluii man cannot live Hi yoar comraunHy. Then yoa will attract la yoar elty the to*t type of ctttecn. tiic* kind that will boott yoar city and baclc every project it undertake·. . It to not the- natural wealth of a '•tat· or »«ctien. nor it· #un>Jtin· nor if* nail that make* it great; il U thp chirnetrr of it* people and thoir i'leuli. It i* not what Ouy hav«· done aa much an what they want lo d». ( do not want to oeo Aagurta latpr »'.lr.o it is 'totter. 1 l ftclrt for · Ufa vork and ara nafctag an earnest Mod y of all pot» liar aoette of coualry folk and laying foundations for a broad program of uplift thnt include· every phase of country life. Time two men are sot •nrrefy preachers; they are miahrtel* la ïhr- fallen icon of the Una Their work Inelade* much that or dinarily falls te the lot of the coanty arrnt aad the coanty superintendent of scfcoula. But they are la a position to (to nacli that those two can set t.jujh. An·! with these services we be 1 ere lias the «owplete program of rural activity thai is goiag to make over our community Ufa. The man who coanes to your church IlIWi' u wwlt, or even once a month to Γ reach, can do something for bis poo |t?e. Hot the man who movsa la and live* with you, gives his time to or ganising social activities along wholnaomc linei, to setting up roer· ntienal, munirai literary, and other nman'ution»; who studies your ehtl d-ee. and helps you (t them Into a n-cful place in the community, this ruai' ran do wonders, and wWl. Where such a rural minister la found working la harmony with ths iminty agent and the school saperin tendent, there wc And a now con ception of life beginning to make it tvlf felt. Surb a community U to b« railed blessed. And aaeh a young man is lo be re «pce ted and reversal.—In dians Farmers Guide. The big bunch of Saiapaoa'i (Inert who went up to Raleigh Taaaday M Wi'ct «Uh Die Mate Riftm; Coca inioûoo cam· bach elated at the apUa dlti (Jro<-perU of «-coring · hard aur fare for the Cliirton-Wilmington h'gWny frocn Clinton to the Pendei lin». TViU road ia gar pat, aine· wi have (oaitaiilljr conceived It aa aac·» >ary to open op the triangle between Ute railroad and to gW· the people of the upper part of tha state the jhortrat rout* te tha aeajhora. W< contvder money tpcot on roada thai scree the threefold porpoee of d» velopiacat, local convenience, and ι neeeaeary roate for through trarW money «pent for the very heat par powe. Bolides the forty or fifty gen Clemen freak Saacpeen. teo numéro* te mention. there were r^rwipt· threa from LHUa^aa, Seaford, Dnaa, ea the Lrwia, «Mb ttta Clinton win ■ ' κ·η or mere «f ÛM mat iaTmcn tjl ciltMiu lC Dm tow.: ami connu ait?. It ni a deUghlicI tiip (or th> I (allow*. Dm twuiipuivrit .«·ί(- ι «iatUe U»a ffrviUy - i«»o; .. BJfnt. GEORGIA WOMAN IS SENTENCED TO HANG Ce«victe4 fty Jmry ef fciUlag H.r Hmhaadi No Mmy Receta· Atlanta, Jim ΐΛΧπ. Cora Loo Vioaoii waa caevicttd by a jury In aoperior court here tonight of U« murder of bar hatband. Dr. W. D. Vinson, and aeatencedl«t without a rccommao dation t« atny waa nor· than even toiletter General Boy den had a «kid, a* be had orged the jury to ceavkl the wobu and fixed her tentence at ltle unpriaanrntat, laying ha bad nrr ft aaked that a woman be hanged. Under verdict without recommenda tion carries the death penalty which the ρ raiding Judge formally uapoaaa. Kn. Viaaon abot bar hiufcand in a drug «tore beta in Hank while di vorce procerdingi were pending. He had filed a petition 1er divorce claim lag the had threatened te kill him bat the told the Jury aha thought be «a* about te ahoot bar whaa the Ared. She wh recently declared aant. Mr. Plncbot, expat foreiter, hat made the profeaaioraal politician a take to the tall timber.—Springfield Rrpablima. Jarvis Ice Cream Coimpaiiy Dm, N. C 100 per otat Pure Cremm (or 100 per cent Pure Ameri cana. All flavors, including fruit cream·. I Brick cr«un on ipecial ord Quality and Service our Motto . ; Γ · Dunn Granite and Marfajjt Corpo ration 1 I Grave Stones, Monuments, Iron Fencing Estimates given on all sizes of Art Memor ials in Granite and Marble, and on alll kinds of Building Stones. See Ut Before You Buy J.M.JONES — E. C. EDGERTON Dunn, North Carolina ; $500.00 REWARD! —To aniroae who will prove that there k a better cream told in Dene than oar ΓΜ8Η FMJl'f— ARCTIC ICE CREAM 100 por eont Pure Craa·, 100 par cant White and Clean Made la Wilmington, N. C., aadar condition* appro ved by the State Boerd of Health. Ono spoonful of ear «ream la worth a gallon of aay other. Don't look (or the aame qaeltty in cheaper cream, for jroa will not tnd it. Mm* Qmi« peihed mm* liMiwil «I paw hmmm WK MJtVI ONLY THE BUT « Dunn Ice Cream Parlor f. α ΜΚΛΜ, riepi liter THE LAWYER'S BOY (From the Youth'» Coorpanlon) A certain lawyer who had always *fi> · rellgkiut man denied all hii tarty belief· whan hi· beautiful (iri lift, whom It* dnvly lored. M io firing blrlh to a too "What right la·I Cod to take her from meî" ha >rled again and again. He became an athaiat. a ejrnle who Jelighted in aaaOing tho faith of oth· >». Oiten In armament with gueeO It hit home h« would pooh pooh th· ld«a of immortality. "Whan yoo"n lead," ha would tay, "you're dead dead at a doornail." Meanwhile hi· ton grew up in A« care of the houeekaopar. Theme* thi boy aaw liMla of hlj father, ha fro quently «verhaard M< roarenation aad argument*. On· day the boaae keener aaked to (peak to tha lawyer The boy hail learned to iwemr. "Yoi moat talk to him, air." «he «aid. "Send him to me," replied the Law y«. A few minute# later father aad toi looked at ear* other. "How like m; dead-end-cone Uiey the boy look·!' thought the father. He «poke «terni: to the boy of hie fault and then i««co Journal o£ Cwnmrrro. A few thiafi «ι fell every day: Tea·—Banquet, Gold Cam·) and Upton'· Orange Pekoe Glagmn'a all Pork Sanaagc. Balk Coco·..25c per pound. Bee Brand Insaat potrdera. all *i*e·. Country «ynip nnd u dug sono rood nolaaie·—Phone 27. Call car!y and avoid the rath a* wh cleat at 7 o'clock. I WALTER JONES t DUNN, —NORTH CAROLINA ■ «11 A Good Reputation plus a Better Price-♦ Κλ9θ HIE new low mark of $10.90 for the 30 * 3% ttoe "Upco" created something of a ten tation. Naturally, the first Impulsive remark wat on the "wonder fol price." Even more to the point are the com ments of today. People are getting more uted to the $10.90 price—but the "Utccf* value it ttill a caute for wonder. Wkh thousand· of $10.90 "Uw·" ran nine today, everr locality ha» had a chance β check up oa the aurprittaf the value. Ut alt the·· "Ucco" Tires now owner* to ' you of this— "Uko," te ha· «otto de liver tie value ' It hat ehwoyt |3θχ3¥· ■USCO no 921 IWar-Tax, ua United States Tires J. W. THORNTON DUNN, N. C. US.TT&1> E-S. THOMAS Dra« Comprar DUKE, N. C.