_ - '·0°! CÂÎM m'ÂDVÂMCC' ttoaa to thai of The THAN, STARVATION WAGES TW wwni tarn·» «f Ue |iwm lav ι yoM ef ate yean ha· Ua > IM.N ι tmmay. off ef thia r «tea taakaa ι I; and Uw gaiaraiaial taja • f«r en keep an Jly a* m teial étend ard af Uring. Ta Mr Um Miriaal la aatltlad te * ρ re fit. the bank·r la ertUM Μ • frwftt. «ha kntt ia Itdtltd a pn «I, tha wutkinHau I» ettMad to a fa*«U .the BuahetinT, tha dktri aad tha Mallw, they ara all ta a ynfit, hat aa la tha ' all «a try ta do ta Co· 1 la I» weifc aot a ud hi which than ia ' to raaQy (tn a profit all tha war 4a*r» tha Una, tnchiitinc ~ ' hay aa4 tha 1 title girl wha ! a*t 1· the laid to ptak off tha Tbe Ontrl optant that Ah)· ΕKm Page k« W*il |Mt ta t*a ImWi aatkacttiee far proper to — Willi. Johaao· «U foaad «aflty •f 4iM( a· aato atlhal yi|it Mam, tot a* aceooat af (W am M» lœaaeee af tka car aad the «kart that ktMMtt, Jodgamt «ai coatiaa ed «a pay anal af racla. Be «u ta *«y 911S far tka alieni car, aUtk vac a "ftklrear lay," tot ap W tka preaeat k« had paid oaly «SO toward* the pttiahaaa pi It. and allff kla ea eouater wttfc tka lav k> tarait tk« "■«Ma·»" kack to tkc an from whom ke had obligated to hay it. Tka eroee actioni af H. O. McNeil· aad Will Halt vara eat far trial a* tka ISth. Tka Coait will *lt naxt Tatchy far tka trial a< ciril acUoat SAPIAO SAT» coon keep norni ho·» In California «ra have AaaociaUens which started eat «Mi a few faithful ■MB. Now 9t per cast af the ratais·, 90 par coat af tka prnw, St par wit *f ail tka τβήοβι produce ia «antral California U marketed tkreogk aaa central olte la Praaso. Oar ftowcia taaar by Cooperative I wo aid Idn fer thoar mea who have km haidinr eat ctrroUn (a—imt •cooperative Marketing) to hand them oat ia aay California tow». It ia not tka grower*—it U the merekaate and the hank en who weald drtje tkem eat, because tki· aoTMMrat kaa made ererybody ia tka rant diatricta preaperoai and It kaa»» tka profit» at home, where they were rataed. wMk *m farmer· aad the local marikaate aad the local hanker*.—Aaraa Saplro. HJ. rAUL now MAKING LACTIC AC» MILK DAILY Mr·. PmI C. Hood in M rffort to he of Mnin to the tick Mm to tkia aectioo nfftriif with col Mia and btaOul dtendm b Nt iwAg lactic acid- »l& frcto mc* day. The ~ la prepared ta toe mm £ tm* niton of luetic Add Bacilli [«II obtained tram too 1Mb County Board af Health thraagh to* courte^ and kindaeaa of Prof. Pap, farm at instructor at Page·* Ruimcj aad M re. Hood laajilnja to* aaaae Method of pTeparattoa aa la carried oat by the Wake 6oaaty Board of Health. Un Milk «an bo aMalaif at Hood aad Qraafeaaa'· Drog atom what* Β la Mit la h lary« refrigerator on r .·*■ '■mm bora la FayetteviBe Fab*» l«f&, being «f year· old of ha* death She wa■ of Liaaie aad Jha Brooke, who aorod to Payetterili* from Bo beaaa comrty ft yeara ago. Fer the It yeara aha had Hred la Dun* «tth her daughter. Fraud* i trr to aona hrr departure. I aa ahe lived, a Ckriatian woaua, and well Ihaa^d «f hy aB wl A FBIBND. two wMitar stills FOUND. IN SAMPSON l· On Kay SI. In, Laaiow McCaU. ' of Coapar Int· 1, wUk laoklag fw tfce barri*· tttt.Mi· Sa·»'" Ihs ·«*, fooad a «kUwr «tfll aad «N· nta hu Baptist Oiapil. Dcrte* lk« aim yuk Mia. Kaaea Nanti and other» iiacerared and mitinad a adU «f M Kalian capacity with all appurtanancaa (a a braack near Sta ll Baptiat cfcarch. Tfca writer Seea aat roach foe Mm treth of tka feOenr ; in* tattle bot Ma aaM that when the I ΒΜβΜβ· Maeh«d Deak /atta orar the IT P«rtvUi tilniapb. Κ· t»n»< τ try rad ui put cour». W· W|M ktkitwtM nytkiac. •AMBON MtTD 8UNCKR MAPLE GROVE NEWS •br. 8. W. AlUlpt will tifttlM » W«o* fa* rceai pcafie at lit Mm pU Ore*» chntk SaiwUy tltanMB. Tfcoaa iatcratcd in mwiltd to b· pit jest. Mr. ud Mm Lonnx Jaekaoa ^<Dt Um «atk aad «IU Jin. D«tlta Lee. UfkUiag UIW a in· ha* last weak bdoacin· to Mr. B»rt Black au. Mr. J. O. laaataj and iudlj wan Till ton in the lion· of Ο «ear Tart Sanday. P. B. Tart waa a barinaaa la Doaa Saturday. J#aa HattU VaKkiMk waa tka |«it of Mta· Mlrtl# Laa Saturday Λ ad Sunday. AT CHUMTIAM CHUKCH W« wil. 1w*ianlag « irood ! ir 't Hi BiWc Idwd. 11 ι cS»l>i »»*alnjr wor at I ρ «ft W. will liiv· good η »·>. ipUodtl litcitK A cardial In vit»Hon to ell to xvor<h ,i wv li IU. .. JOHN J. LAN03T0N. Ft to/. NjbUj ktl Mid jrtoin^ }·< aboat I Jo.».! Gaorg· Wif d lia Cc no*-uj.—I'hiladelfchia Record. NOTICE or MUOF VALUABLE PMVF.RTY Uadef and by Tirtœ of autllorit? cantalned 1» 4 certain M| l)«r»i r»n d«r«4 la tha Baparlor Coart of Har actt Couati, North CtnUu an the la an action of Laurln tha Dona Oil arc de coauala aall at pub I bidder, for {«olclpal BalM b, North Caeo Jaly 19». at Sth Jay wharala -tha bury U MUfi Ciiaaaay feudanti, tha ι doner* of tha · lie auction to cash, la float ι lag la tha I Una, on the I t •'dock M., Ou following deeerib d property οf the Dam OU Mill* tract o' lend locsted in kf northern pan of 4ha town of Hian, in «h» county of Harnett and lata of North Carallaa, lying part t with La and parti* without the cor mM· Haiti of tac lowa, ud be •ngtng to Ike Dunn Oil Mille raa any. and bounded aud deaeribed a* ollows, to-wit: Beginning at a stake ι the oM J. C. Sorter liar at ita aterjection with the east line of the iftrt of way of the Atlantic Coast iM Rjr3road Company aad ru bene* M the Buries Lise South U Caet (M feet to a (take in es id line t its Intersection with the «rest line if Clinton aueet thence with Bid lae of Oilaten 9tveet North IT East 46 foot to a'(take; thrncc North 54 ffeet 300 feet te the But side of Vibon street; thence North t? East ISO feet to a dale ; thencf North 64 ïnt ΧΜ feet to the b·Vit man· ioncd lise af the ralhraad right of ray; thence a* that Hoc Soath 87 *«t MS feet to the beginning, con :alnlnr 12 8-4 acre· of land. Said «act Ming that whereon Is loeateil he main anaafacturlag plant of the Dunn Oil Milla Compaay, consisting jf the main factor* or mill building end ite contents, the principal oAce >r the corporation warehouses and storage rooms, storage tanks, cotton gin and various other buildings, equipment and fixtures. Second: All personal property bo longing to the aald Dunn OH Milla Company, consisting of machinery, coaroreeaea, engines, boilers, took, appliances, book· of akceoant; choses in action, material, raw wrmght and In Uea prooea of msnuMcture; to gether with every elk·/ species oi any kind or class of pj^perty. (real, partonal or mixad) in anywiar bc •oiuricc to the Dana Oil MiH* Com pany» of wkilrvfr dncrifklon and iocatloa. Together with oil *nd singula^ the Unaaent*. hereditament» and apper (•uwtl tharaantu bolonf lag or In aaywtaa appertaining ; an J the remer cions. remainder*, toH·, intrtwti, rente, iaoaaa and proMt thorrof and of cach and «vary (mit thereof, and tlio *11 ti>· e«taU, rtgfcU, title·, In tarcata, property, potacalon, claim and demand whltiOi««r It writ at law ii to eqslty at the Dunn O.l Milk Company of, la, and L,, the n.nt and rT«iy part tharvof. 'Wtii* the &th day of June 1022. II. L· GODWIN, W. H. WKATUKRBPOON, Coinmisiioncri June β IS 20 27. MissUt/nrA f Fh«>«rlj*U , M HoM Inin 1 « * « NOTICE—WE AU of ιΟ trade 9, but va for aaah trade: tla jaex, lathe laaan aivd porch fi an old (ι oa know put Un ■with the richt oiUtW, ta do rhaap. Thank' Hodgea, under Oui, N. C. on jraur Job, , and machine, quick, and yot>. /do. W. tank, FrMaya-tfc. LOST—M SOI band Aut. Β «et or Niai and c*t GOt-D DlipaUrh of ttaUe Butler It pd. Γ Sheathing and S; Torti le and Grc^e $15. Tongue am Tilghman L Dunn, »g Fay fj Toia can «20 traveling in a - curity that double· yoar ι Yoa sturdy car. ever kind of may encounter. Bnicli.it fa pot take y*u "thi or dilBcult dri» You know further Buick authorised case yoa should ha: Buick authorised *· -ifrr ·-**" -■ it in practically every country. Green's Buick DUJfN, NORTH WHEN BETTER BUICK Ν. C. Stat· Collage of Agriculture And Engineering S«M*r Iif tsik t· July Mtk " Court ei tor T«»ck*n ΙτοΜΙη* MtUi CcritttcaUl and fer Pro'p.'Cl (vr Trmrtttr» who irt Knjua*# of Standard Hifh School*. Coiirn·· fer ColUjf» Entrance and Mr ColUg· Credit. Courte* In Cotton (Jlawns. Ca«alof%c ομοί Ai>plic»t..>n Apply (οτΜίΗηιΙΐΜ at Oac· to W. A. WlTHEMfl. Dncetor RuMgh, North Curutlu* Have You Got" Y our ^ . TOWN LICENSE TAG ?^| For Your Atftomobifc . - / • / ι /, 1 ν {ο All c must h$ve display< town license numl Get yours \vithoi avoid embarre^menl In the town of Dunn on their automobile a The price is $ 1. further delay and awson . Town of Dunn

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