THED *iL VOLUME IX. DUNN, CELEBRATION TO BE GREATEST IN DUNN'S HISTORY AU Branch·· Of Town'· Bu» mm Life Working For Succ*·· EVERYTHING FREE FOR FARMER JULY FOURTH „ Lennonada, "Tb·» Finger·," Amu» «mint And All Gvei By Beat Tow· Undar Tha Sun To 11» Friand· On Cotn ins Birthday Of Tha Na tion. With all branch*· of iU buiinov life combined Inln onp giant body tc furoi«Ji entertainment and diversion to il* thousand» of former frlcndl, Oann this week i.< planning to ti»f iU (reatcat celebration next Tue>dojr, July 4. The calibration i· to hr abtoloUl) free tn the thonnand» who come te Dunn for thl« occasion. Alt athletic even ta, raring, banjo and Addle ploy injt and concerte by the Dunn Bra» Baad will feeaitaged I" Luc know 9quarr and along Broad Street. Free lemonade «111 be aervod all day and OiouMutda of bottle· of 8am Fleiafc man'i new drink—"Three Flaxen" —will he «erred free. Sam, himaelf ta (ΐΐνΐηκ Uii· treat. Bazar and Ire for the leraondac i* give* by the wholeealr houaei and the Ice plant The band concerta will be given at Ο M * t «» - · · ·- -· pareil* vil) start at 9 JO. Centrtt» in athletic* and othar thin·· wiQ tUrt on the «|un at lOtlC. The «incir»* ro«U»< will be «tajred in the theatre -»d will «tart ilmil an»· H if η il flnlchcd · ball («me between thp two br4 Warn· in the Dunn Knee PanU Lfajfac will jtart on the south bloeV of Lncknow Sqiun. The people of Dan η arc to pay ev ery Itom of axpani* Incurred.In thia celebration. Already they ha*» rab aeribe«l aoyrr*| hundred dollar* in ea*h and have given teoret of valu able article* to be presmtrd at prixn*. In another column of thii ijfsue will be fotind a partial lilt of the** pnnei. & Kilts Gulditcln, prerident of the Chamber of tommfict, wa* elected chairman of the central committcc which 1* to «Lag* tho relebration. He I* being a*<iilcd hy twenty other com toitlvei w'no*e ilutie* will he to make amooth the path of participant* and apertator*. They will arrange every detail of the ctcat apeetacle and they promiie to give Dunn and lit friends the greatest and moat enjoyable célé bration over attempted by a North Carolina community. Mr. Goldstein and hi* aaaociatc* are now completing the pereonnfl of these committee». The mrmbrrs wili be givrn rompleU instruction* today and told to get tc work. Ono bldtd featur* of thia celebra tion will be the preienc* in th· pa rede anil on the ground* of hundred! o' boy* and irirla in coitunn de*)** ed naperially for the oecaaion. Th' Woman'* Club ha* thit featar· in charge. * Tho committee* already complaU and aetivelv at work are: Executive—-Rill· GoUMein, C. J Smith, H. M. Pitman, C, L. Wilson Dr. T. E. Darden, J. P. Johnnn. Soliciting—T. V, Smith, fl. I*· Can ntdy, M C. Buller, Sua PleUhaan L. P. Su Hoi, T. L. RIddW. Byror ford. finance—Et P. Itarta, P. 8. Coop •r, L. K. Denning. R. R. Ιοοη». Ζ. V Snip* ι AHwrliiilif and Publicity—Byroi Ford. Κ T. Lee, Bill· OoldMein. i W. 1>rlver, E. L. Cook, Alla· H. A U(. <1. P. ByftiM, lamas W. Wilton A. D. Wil»«n, H. P. Johnnn, R. V G»lm-y. K. J. Hwleon, -t. W. Tborn ton, M C. Butler, M. II. Spill·». Cr>pt William C. Lee, rlaei of Ι(Γ Kn« bean relieved from duty whl the Minth Infantry at Camp Beanini Oeorpirt. anil deUled at AaeieUa Proférer of Military Science am Tactics a) State Cofktyp. Captali Lee I· pkamntly remeanberrd bene a • member of the football eqaed ii 1010, and we are glad to weleoM «a baek to tie Colle*·. Daring Ov Dimmer monthi ha vill perform tern porary duty m connection with «em mer training rampa in the Ftrort Corpa area aad report hero lata I Aagiil—A 1am η I Newt. SANDHILL FRUIT FOR HOME FOLKS Crop Hereto/or* Skipped North; Son· To B· Sold In North Carolina BION H. BUTLER IN NEWS AND OBSERVER. The early fruit of th· Sandhill pc«h belt hs> been to market for several week* and bringing sal Ufaclory prie·· Th· SlberUit ud the Groncla-Bcllct will begin to move In 2 or 3 wceVs and the crop we* never in more iat!>ficu>rjr conditioh. Recent ra'n< haw «timulated growth, and goi>d «1χ» ia indicated now, while the enntinucd «unAlne can be de pended on to give a high color. The North Carolina «and/ country get* the but color on I ho peach·· of any place un earth, and with the fine fla vor and big lise this makee an envia ble peach. The Frail Grower·' aaeociatien has adopted the United Slate» standard for grading and will adhere to it rigorously the year. Forty inspec tor» hare hoon xngaged for the pack ing •eaion and these men will be an hand in the packing boose* with in fraction· to grade to th· limit and paw nothing except it comes op to the full nnmxTTnrnU of the govern ment iitan Λ/α. A label haa bee a a •looted, and il is printed on every cackage that (β» aQI a· No. 1 or Fancy No. 1 under the government grmil·· and the Sandhill Redskin lk brl will b* th· guarantee of the best and· of fruit Oat Is mad*. by L.W. Th· association *AI| e*ll iu pack by lb· pad·. A ear of U. S. Fan ey iinrt what I» forwarded to bim. AD pritti will b« ma»le 0n the irrsde, and no consignments witl be mad·. Th· buyer who gets a ear of ptailxi will boy them Jolt a· a bayer order· a ear of flour, lumber or any other «tandard product. The tneccsF of telling by label lut year lua stimulated the grower· this year In an effort to make a «till high rr quality Thafruit, and the appear ance of the crop il «tartine talk of a movement to raise the st*ndsrd next year wiLS a gilt edge fruit that «hall appeal to a market mom exacting than the U. 8. Fancy No. 1 will go te this year The proposed (rade will be of a type that will bring extra price*; for ipctlal trade, packed prob ably in unaller carriers, so that the package» can be used aj gifts, (or party dinner*, high elau restaurants, and thole other purposes that want the mort «elect offering, with price a secondary feature. Te Sell at Heme Tee. This year th· Fruit Growers Ae toetation Is planning for an experi ment in the way of placing hi the cities and town» of the state a sup ply of SaniHiille fruit. The argu ment is that while the best paaehes hi the world are made In thr North CaraVna Sandhills the crop is all shipper) to the north, and few of the people of the State have any ehance to sec or obtain the product of their own so'l. Arrangement· are new oa Toot to organise a distribution sys tem that eel η put the Sandhills peach es into every commnntty. The work w:ii m camce ni 07 «w «"■«" Aaanciation and the ronponiaa fro· fruit men and buyor» whe h·** beau approached with the proportion IwH calr that th» people of the State will welcome the opportunity to (at North Carolina fratt for North Carolina conAUmptlon. Bmfil· af Thr m or H πηιιτ «aticfartory ntaoMa hare eomo to tha irrwwria aine* Uia aaaociatlon waa or*mal*ad pre**** · {wrmaHrnt lift far th» aaaoelatkm, anil from that permanent lift of a 'u ηοτ·ι «yitamatie method al Mark et tngr tha fruit, bat what la probably bottar, · fa* mora yraAtatb method of prefacing Λ· fruit. When the aa •oeiation waa er*anl*#d It waa chiefly with tha rlaw of tadhif » bottar way In ealoct the peaekea. Bat It baa tamed oat Out tha ««Baloney that ha* cone froai the «mtied work of aO the ammVer· af tha aaei dation haa been one of the Toady Ws raauit». Proportion· haa boo· otandartiaod. : Baying t· don· now by the uinl»· ' tloo for all tha moaAotv. TWi 1 itiadardliei buying aa waO ma ρτ· d net to a. It haa a tramoadovi effect on prieaa af thlagi baaght. MANY PREMIUMS ARE OFFERED BY DUNN'S CITIZENS Hundrtd· Of Dollar· la Citli And Prtnti In Lon* Lfat BANKERS PAY FOR SINGING CONTESTS Wholaaal· Grocer» And lea Company Furniah S*f*r Aod lea Par Fro· I Sao· FloUhma· Ghraa "TWoo Fiagar·"·—Pris·· Ghran Par Many TUi|t. Hundred· ο f dollar· in tuk •mi other priât» are to ba rfwa thoM who com* to Dunn far the arret July 4 eelebiatloa next Tact day. All af thcar will ba fitn by tha people af Dunn—ill laerehaata, banfcnea, lawyer·, doctors, niufa tnrer» and Joat plain eitisans. Up ta tart Bight nearly 11,000 worth af prisai had baa· donated and today the •alieitiaf eaanaitta* i· continu ing it· effort· to «wall tha liât «till farther. The partial liât to u follow·: (Continued on page 2) PUTS IN WORD FOR COTTON FARMER c^reeien ef the attitode of the Brltiih cotton epinuen In regard to Ht* ptfxnt of a priée for cotton that will miblc It to be proJooed "on a baaia of coot, plu a reaaon tblc proftt," Sir Chart** W. Maeara, > prominent British cotton manufac turer, aaya in a recently published irticla: I abould b» «cry glad indeed to be kbit to do ao, but. unfortunately, I do not yet And Uut enlightened opinion abroad which will allow me to MX that the cotton trade haa bo ru» to view our supremely importent ■ruinât ry in a romprrbeneive way— that it haa bosun to take Into ac count not merely the <qveit*on and coat of the production of yarn and cloth, bat how H moat enaorc for the future a full and in every -way adequate «apply of the raw material H la aa extraordinary thing how in different the people engaged in the m an α fact are of cotton am to their welfare in thia matter. I hare never caaaed to pot bo I fore the rpinneia of the world the J abeeiute nceeetty of βο«Ιηκ that price ■ paid to the grower, of cot-1 ton that will remunerate htm for hi· | labor and enterprlae. It ù amaaing that the planter la to little regarded eeelng that ho la the baaia of everything. U cotton cos Id not be got, then Ml« of Μ would be wanted. What I have al way· contended in the numéro tu «r-l faciei and hooka I have pubUahed| out of an anrivaled experience the cotton trade all over the world, la that we moat regard cotton pro duction and manufacture, aa one whole Irvdoatry, and that we lheuld ahray* put in the forefront the naivugn οι uw tovwn pUnW. TKr planter, of coarac, Aoold be racomitd to avail hlm aelf af all aodera appUanee», »elen tiic method· and Hirentlont, and ta entttaiU Hi* Imd economically and ta the freataat advantage, M whan h» baa don· tM« hi· anterpiiae A·aid W felly a*k»owled»rd and appre ciated apeelnlly abauld eenaidcra Uon ba *l»o« at · tloa Ilka O* prveent, wh»n the wark af βta planter la eat only ooetly, bet lurroanded bp ««ttaordlnary dlOtlH}. Wy ICt*l Mara Β·»ο lh»i«i«»d « bar· been unaaey a boot the wM tan «HaaUeti for Ion* enough. H*d my advice bac* taken at tba #11®"·· of the war, cette» would bava* taken at tba outbreak of e«tten waald hava been Lv m mm a .I nvnwif· Wj Β f··® I···»· ,»nd again bad a reaerve it bean formed af C'aa 1er»» which exUted at that thee va 1 not have had tbe prie* ***« \ Cod wis * ' LEND5I ON AC Any la V Per plie* tie· fSSfOOOU We an ι Firet CmllaM Bank, vitk ver, UQttl nctatl/ Fa u· T. itto ·# the FM. 8. C., U te 4· be Thie fact 1 ■«•mod Uat I eooatr. FW«wl atltutien aa 1er the time beta* aeatativea ia the •i tor a itatmeM opération and Godwia of tU "The Fiat Toad Bank ie FodoraJ Farm crated ander the of k. l. tod la op· rrtjr. The proceed· of thaaa (mm < ■oat be applied ior fanerai tpM- , tural parpaaia. Th· laaaa are Bti· ( direct te the kwivmi, n4 the bor mnt it forbidden to tale «teefc fak 1 the Bank. Any peraoo ta ellgfe]· far > loan là rough this InaUtation If la •clditiOB t· Wi otheT work he b At 1 the uk tine actaaOy fanais*. "The Bank will aeeept application for lo«B· from <1.00· to (SS.00·. ' Loana tauwt be made Id cmm of 1 fifty par seat af the appmiaed ralae of Um laad and twenty par tent oi the appraiaad tnaauable valae af the build in*», aaeh appimlaala helag aide | by oKeiala of the foreiaaait TSa Interact rate ia ate par cent, payable •em I-annually. to «M·* ia added one per teat to uwrtka off the debt era* a peried of IT yean, la ether warda, for «even per eaat intareat and prin cipal are paid ta M years aad the debt la dUehaiged. Xefayaaat af principal may be made at aay tome under regvlatiooa baaaed by the Farm Loan Beard. The bon war through tola Bank ia reap an elk le alone fer hia owa debt. are n· coaaata aiona that may be charged under the lav, dot are than rencwale. "I have beeeaae/eanectad wMh thta Inetitatioe tana aft af the Inaaeial etrength of the mm back of rt, no tably among wkiah ara J. Papa Mat· PARADE LARGEST EVER STAGED BY TOWN THIS YEAR MAY NOT IB MILE LONG, BUT ALMOST cklt, hnili·», Bmakmn, Tek· Part la Craat Mardi |M< a*4 aaaw van·. Tfcfa year, kow r»·», it will aaa iwailhim really "*urr." If au Miffkt ka allaarat U lalva lata tka racatoWry af |Im flap* par ami the aafca eater atl Hrlpa m ι X|w ι —<τ· aJJaattva. TWa b*atac *a ha a panda "what war Alwaja pataiaa ara a4r«tM m **aifl« I—* affain. Bat afciat the aaly pmmtm af Oct laacth we've ■am lately a*· thoae ·( ate ciWIUn paertat ta Hrtw an tki Ant af 0m <Caatbme4 aa pagt f) ROAD WAS RESULT OF LENGTHY FIGHT if the Cap· fur aU Yadkin Valley UQroad «kw rmiiinc 0>e Corp mtlM CoMotiaaioB la eeekiag under he tpaaalldaltoa «1mm· *f the Each- j -ι.—!.. tnufOrtaM· ■ ml Capl.1 KeNeill, «ha m Ikon who Φραη4 before the Corporation , "la the uri; 6·'· after the Cape , Γμι lirtr bad beaa opened «ρ for iteaaaboat Mtlntki by the naw il af «feetructioai under the aaper rielon af any grandfather. George McNeill, who m general agent af he Cape Tear Navigation Coapaay, le is eonjanetlem with other np· nyrmnttUît cHinni, (trattd A napuf and aecared a charter far ha «Mtaia BaUroad, ta Mart Iran rayatteville aad go M «mm peint η the weatera part of the State, preeomably at that «tee to Baliv J a nr. They aba iadaced the City af rayettcvflle aad OanabcrWad county be tubecribc 1104.000 each ta bead* Μ aid in the construction af the read. Many thouaanda mero of aiecfc waa taken by individual eitianaa, and with thla money, the read waa balH aad equipped M far M Joneabero, N. C. "The first toeaaottve fer thla road, »n brought «p fteaa Wilariagtoa la aeettoaa υ pen a barge aad waa iMeaahled at the river beak in Caaaphelhea, where the raOa were I rat laid. I wall naiaitir the day It wm fliat aleaaiail ap and eaane up lew» with Mia. Garden Deariag at Ae throttle, Mowing the whMle at rrtry crowing aad ereatiag the eaa big eeoeaUoa of the thae. It waa aaaied after wf grandfather. HlithJfJ M «h rUinff m tkel tniar mmA tait Kka I vu the put »f On *ww. It mi tha e»lf| Mk«lM tha* Uê road M far M **TW CWH War nninf m, audi the CoafaUrat* Ofiimnat, haviael raaigrad a9 af tha auchinary ardnaoaa from the anaaal a* β «r'a r»irjr, Va-, la rairatfenrflU, wak-| tof thU place tha ehiaf Mppljr of] ansa mi anmaaitien af ■πμτ, tka Mal af aaol 1 MMtfiaaA to Um aaal aloe· af GWu| totm a*mty, a» «nrK (■·» Cm aaak) to aaippty aaal to the arm *-4 alaa to tha port af Wihala«tm, U *K|p|p tha bloefc«4e imm «ho >l|tog tim· thai put «rf Rum aad keopta* tha Ca«fi4amy k tooah with tha «ottMa ward. Γ "After tha war tha ra*4 «a· «p· ' taiily for a #aw yaata. dur ai Wr. A. A. of avr ptoaao* Mayor, «a toW to «M FILLS QUOTA FOR NOTARY CAMPS Notice kd baca tM^ by D. D SmH. Chap* Bin. Hortk CmHm But· RepKaaoUtH*. tbt yrwiit· aant for Citlacaa' Military Tntoiac Caop« W ftnkbad * thia iWt, m ml neticlM far theie rawpa km |hi . Kwlf At» ttwnud jmif In (Mi aarpa ara» froaa the atataa ·< Tomim, Nartk CaroUaa, «m* CaraHna. riarida, Canh, AUhh Mbaiaidppl and tan bum mM te be aaat ta taka at*uU(t af tfce pTMMMRt'a affar at at imnaaat iipnia, thia Fro· thU wilt nr. tba Aral tkauaaod arbaaa camp) tfama «ara iat»J»Bd ai Fourth Coiya Area, Pact Ga., ware aelaeled aa _ aeeaptad by atataa. latk aUU wM aBatted Ma prapartiaa af aff raceKcd after qaata vaa Mlaetad „ Inc «elected wba will ba iftat* da tf then.· principal· caaaat a "Firrt «». ·«· — adbvred to ia uuldmliM of ha feat U portion (f Die Doke, Jnt M.—The Girt. Priand r Cl«b of Doha are mr<—plating ha protection of an all ladiea ■!«· trrl at the aadttoriaia Manilam and ruraday Jely third aad fonrth. Tfca indaciiia will be radar Um direct apcrrWien of "D«f C " Gra— aad rill employ a caat of «boot Éftf la lie* A· all ladiaa miaatral fyii part rill maka up the feat divi«0b of tbc «Mm with eight talented |M lui Um "bda" TV· aeeond an will be aad· op of **1Ira. Pink T**" - η the conatrertioa of Ac Payette rtite and Florence Railroad, aa aa »lher feeder to aur nanairrrtal Ufa. "In the 80·. with the NM m* η view, wfcleh we row bare, a eam pnny wu famed by · munber ad the loading dUxen» of Wl 'ayettrrin·, ΟκμΑοτ*, Mt Airy Md >tken. known aa the North State ba uroecacnt Co., to take orer esttfaiff line* and rnMo^ant· aa the Cape fear and Kadkia Valley Wailrnad, aad » extend that rand aovth to Whala(· am and north to Moaat Aby, with he Intention at making a eilh the Nor'otk and W thereby arenria* η atroni weat trunk Un» fna the Atlaatte •man to the cltiea aad pMdneta of the Great Central Weet. TWa l*M aad the read baOt hw VA· ntegton to lit Airy, aukinc · |fcy ileal ronanrtien with the NarMk aad Wertem at Valait Greva, aa their Una from leanoke to Balm. H i*K, that tha «tir* NiMtqr, u4 th» TO·*, Hka j dhmt otkcN, ecwri to Mke «ml . mtnoy to protect ha Wm) ablicatiaM and H wmt lato tb* hand* ι( ι n· tehrrr. After Mth lttlaatla» M «M ■M br τά·τ of aoort, «rltb a qpaaial pmla, hewavtr, tW» it «ti to to aold M a «kolc <nd net be NMM4 «4, and «H >ιιι|Κ II it I prit* m toil cqial Mm aatoonl tf tkt >wiri lndebto<lnvaa, by Mr. Hmrrr Waltota af tho A. C. Lise, ai «a IniliUlll. UUr, H «a* mbiff to the «nrt a - - - - - a ^ ' ■WTff, MOfliVIMiy ΓΓΟΜ WlflUtlfwR to flaaferd, |tbt to tba A. C. U tmd Km pet (n· Îeaibara, haa baaa a»mM rrer «lace ai local Haa* ad Uioaa tara ajataaai vMa al at tb· poil moaay that waa orlglaaMy pal Into tha aqolpaant aad naHlw Uaa a» tba road, bai baaa iia^lildf laal aa «ba«b R ba 6m mini br firo. Bntnr, w» atfll km «ba boada ayaa wbitb, wa ha*a al read* paid «tara Ibaa (aba «a MMk to toraat as tbaj arVrtaally eaHad far." PROGRAM W01 BE MOST INTERESTING EVER PRESENTED coimm or au.xmm *,rU "TW rwt WiBimI Bmk. TV· Mal· lnl ant Treat (V, Mi Mm SmhmmW BMkk. ftl) *f Dm, «m

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