THE CKLBUIATlOfi J Aftis Dma cornu to that time of the year vHq pun to «tnttia Its thouudi of country friends wflj^ bnttoa in commemoration of tho nation'· birth and elation of th« goodwill that the»e friends have for it a· ■malt/. And Dana 1> planning large for th· occasion. JB· celebration it ha· over hold gin promise of ao much thnfl food aa do«a thla. For two or three yaarm It haa boon* the custom to atas·^ July 4 celebration out at the Fairgrouads. On these the fair association haa footed all the bill·—and ha· admiwton. Through this idea the fellowship which came ftJ the old plan whereby each and every busineee ataa who |e«w his town paid the bills and offered the prises was lacking, j There was not Oat keen zest which comes from sctual partici pation in the events of the day. Toe, there was a aeeminglyj merciaary feature—the fair association might reap a profit, which it ssldom did, and our guests were obliged to pay for the thinge that we like te give them. There waa considerable criticism from buataeae men as well as from farmers about this thing of charging our guests for the entertainment to which ere had to invite them. The guests were paying the bill. That was not the proper thing at all, even if th· association did strive hard to give better than money's worth for the foes charged. So, now Duna is getting back to its old plan of opening Ita gates to all who care to come—of giving bounteously of its beat to those whom It loves. It wants all the men, women and chil dren of the surrounding farms to come to Dunn next Tueeday and enjoy to the fullest the good things Η has prepared for them. It wants to be a real host to the thousands who have nude it the town It is. It extend· a hearty and a warm invita tion and promise· that it· welcome will be equally hearty and warm. There will be no neceaaity for a pending a cent in town Tues day If you take the precautioa to bring a little lunch with you. The whole of the south block of Lucknow Square will be open to baskst luncheon parties until 1:30 o'clock. There ia s large shed there to shield the sun. Families from the country can eat there if they so desire. If they rsther would eat In the town restaurants, assurance Is given that prices will be kept to the normal level for thia occasion. Everything that the community can do to make your visit both comfortable and interesting will be done on this day. The celebration is going to be the best that Dunn can stage. The town will be glad to have you aa ita guest on this day. TMlfli mat 78 yard duk, frea far «11 fUU tret >00 yard daah, (tm far all. Ihtk mat 200 yard daah, fret far all. 100 jfu< net far la •vest. 100 yard k*n lata. r t» fourteen, mat Centerprde raoa, 10 taya. Eleventh U partld· area la plaaae notify their uraaa aad a. »»- ■ »i The UXkmtng pria»» vil be ghraat For the boot pair of aaalea in tha parada the Baraaa Hofllday Ceaapaaj «01 ffhra «aa «1S.M Chattanoora Far tha aoeoad but pair of male· la the parafe Mr. L. F. Ballay «<11 giro a Heary Dieton flaw. Far the haariaet pair of mala* ia tka parai· Dr. T. B. Darfea wtil For tie beat Milk Cow la the pa rade Oi^I. Harden will gtre ff.00. Far Mm biaat developed baby under S yiaara mf ara partieIpallat ia tke baby aenteet Mr. C J. SaUth «H five a M-M hand atada baby cap. The Perfection Specialty aiabota of tha Final lira· Finger that aaakea jraa aaal aad comfortable ia gMa( te ovary au, «οman aad eMld a «old botU· of that food drink aad «fli be aorrad eald at the J·· taad free. TWa la (ivea tha «oartaoj of Mr. Sam the rice prootdoat of thU attend lac aad call Brae, «tara «ill be at raine $T.50. Tha aldaat waaeaa attending aad talUac a* FleMooaa Broe. «tore «01 be |lwa a aBk «aiat Far the ftneet ball 1» tha parade gtt· three H For the lirftil family In the pa rade Geo. K. Print· and Co., will give |B.00 in trad·. Ooldatein'a Dunn Beat Gaah Store win give »».00 in trade far the hoot stalk of com Miwid at their «tor· between · and IS o'clock. Goldateia'a Dunn's Boat Caah Store will givo 95 00 la trod· to th· {armor brli|is( the bimi «talk of cotton with th· largest η amber of «puree delivered at their «ton btttMi 9 and It o'clock. Bomoa^HoUiday Company will (Wo to *o perooo Winging tba largest crowd oa any vehicle aad ««leading In front of their atoro one N·. 11 cot aralc fat tbo > ara ill ooo' bag of Ο-ΜΊομ. L P. leriot will ftr· for the aee ond beat cow la the parade two bas· of Cow-Chow. L. P. SurU* win (hit for tho hoat pics andar four month* old in tho parade two hags of PtfChow. Tho Stephena-Howard Company, Th« People· Supply Co., aad Dunn Package Hoaaa aad Purdie Brother· will giro Uio «agar used la making 30.000 gallon· of lemonade. Dana Ice aad Fool Company will (apply the three ton· of ice aaod ta nukiai the fr«« leaaonsd·. The Dana Dtapatch will gtro to cach of the fire oldest men from tho country in town Jaly 4 a year's Mboeriptlon to Ike Dunn ÎW«patch Ί%ο Dunn Diapateh will give «ο the leader of each of tho singing claaaia taking part in tho aingiag contesta a year's «ubecriptlon to The Dun Pi «patch. Tho Flftti Avenue Shop will glee a ft dreaa to the yeoageet aether raiting at their atom Jaly 4. Paarce'· Bakery wiU glee a largo pound cake to the girl having tho boat decorated Weyele la the parada. Batter Brother win give a HI M mandolin gaiter to tho leader of tbo largest ringing clear taking part la the contest. Charte· Loo Gap, lawyer, wiU gWo] M.O0 la ««uti ta tho ewnar of thej an the ftwi l^di of the *rlne netting in mW p*ra xnt weekf a#o. j Tit· band will regale tilt gathered thr»—■ wtth « tww oboice mnileal aoreele from Âo world'· freateot eompooera beforç rtarttnf the panda at β Λ0. flharpl? mi precleely ob the Urate of the thirtieth aalnsta after Bin·, Profeeor «hell will wave hie baton. Then aU the M( horn*, the tittle karaa, φ· big drom* and the tittle drame, til· ploeotoe· and the eauphonea, will hint* a malojeoa ■ιarch and the pared· will «tart. Fol lowing the band will ooaao the Ameri can Latfoa fellow· led br Cay's Be land WUUaaw. C*p"n BUI Holland and the real ef the ganff. They will he an eeeort for the «Marly fallow· who feflewed Lm aad Jackson through the late onpleaoaartnaea between the State· of the North and the South. Following the oejera. both yo«Mt will com the city pvini· < led by Mayor Wulr. c the Bi<li>Ighti»h-looVlrv({ who wield* tho thovel and along Uroad Slrcit. ■. Woman'· Clmb and Ita ofllecr»,] kb com* next, to ba followed by aj Utooo of pompoaa gentlemen who' Kl flic directorate and the «ecu- j brancha* ·( the Chamber of Jaaamercc. The preachen «rill be <n MSxaxt tea*Ion. and thek will come 1] Wr money la the perron» of the Be«n and employe» of the three •at bank· In North Carolina. Tboao «atera, by the way, ara giving thr 46 in priaa* to ba awarded the »in* ag elaaaaa. Then In order will come the dec ora, lawyer*, farmer», merchant», g* ■agr and automobile «ci. manolac ur*n, ftre department, fraternal or· term, etc., downs and tho hoi poloi— dutmi that may ba. There will he many drcoratcd au iomobilea, bicycle», float*, wwrone, juggle*. etc., la thl* parade, and if it i*nt a fall mil* long and yon arc 1 «appointed, yoa can cat acToia stock and watch it pea (town tho next I itreet. Dunn win *trtve to plaaae you | m thla oecutan ud will οβ«τ no h J ret Ion to your accinc that p«r»de twic·*—or «»en Un-ίο· U you ar· »o dlapond. worth to y oar LATHS Double 1 4. Exactly forty-eigl se in length. All cleai lots - - - Tilghman Dunn,! ATHS bcr Company Carolina LATHSF LATHS 7ÎIIIII11I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHHllll l II I S THE STANDARD OF W PERFECTION UT FRUIT THE PEACH U conceded to be Um finest lluni ewt mad· in the way of fruit, and the Sandhill peach has established its posi tion as th^'best peach made anywhere on earth. F»r twMtj*&Te years the Sandhill orchard ■ten haie been working lo produce a type of peach that should be the standard of the world, njid the government era dine teats show that the • anbition has been accomplished.. The highest government grade for pesches of the Sandhill type is that Elbertas, Georgia Ba|l« and Hales shall show not less than 2Λ per emit of red color. REDSKIN IIchiefof all Reaches So many $&ndhiU Peacheà grade above-25 per cent that the main grade is Strictly Fancy No. 1, U. S. Standard. Hi· Fruit Growers' Association this f«sr will A#· Fancy No. Om'i on wU in «II tk· towns in North Carolina. Yon urar saw uch poach as before as your fruit man will off or you ia your own town this sea so»». Big, lisnd»oeno, and the finest Notice the label. The Sandhill Redskin is made only in the Sandhills, and nothing like it is made anywhere else. Ask your dealer for a crate or a basket. THE SANDHILL FRUIT GROWERS' ASSOCIATION „ Ahead—iy N. C A Co-operative Association, One Week Specials χ •ι £ ·.·. BEDROOM SUITS 3-Piece Mahoguy Suit, 4-nwt Bed— chiffonier, < $99.00 curved end bed, dressing table, 29.00 5-Piece Oak Suit, ijpif heed and foot bed, chiffonier, druM or, dressing table, < $99.00 . " y m : · r, :,vîl m 4-Piece Oak Suit, '«fratter, drewing table, bad, chair, $89.50 ■>y, β-Pioce Ivory Sdkf« beauty—vanity dreiiwr, . finir, bench chafcr^purved foot; bad— 4ft «#■ $249.00 to sail for $850.00 Brothers N.G

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